Life & Style Cover and scoop on what's inside

The oh so reputable(!) Life and Style has a flashy cover with "Who is Robert Pattinson dating?".

As usual it's just a bunch of crap to make you buy the magazine :) I wouldn't believe Life & Style if they told me Earth was round.

Here is what's inside the cover according to CoverAwards:

Don’t worry ladies! He’s still single.

Despite the inset on Life & Style, declaring “Who Twilight’s Robert [Pattinson] is Dating], the inside story simply states that there is a “special somebody.” This is not the most definitive evidence that he’s off the market.

When Paris Hilton was asked if she was dating Pattinson, Ms. Hilton went on the record knowing what good publicity that would be for herself and said, “I keep gettting asked if I’m dating Rob, and the answer is no.”

And, it’s clear Pattinson should be careful about who he shares his escapades with because one of them has a big mouth. A ‘pal’ tells Life & Style that “He goes home with lots of different girls.”

Thanks to Dani for reminding me :)


Anonymous said...

What they want to say with “special somebody” ?

Gozde said...

It means they have no idea if there is anyone or not. it's a bunch of lies. Life & Style is a really bad gossip rag :)

Anonymous said...

He once dated Nina who ? on off from his modelling days. And I saw a pic of him and a big girl the year was 2006. Who dat girl? is it nina?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Gozde!!!!
We don't have life and style in brasil.
Anon, The girl is a blonde, tall one?
If it is, is nina schubert without much makeup on.

canan said...

yeah and maniston's preggers for 12th time ...

canan said...

I read too much perezhilton-huh maniston=)

Kathie said...

Well geez, the "pal" makes him sound like a man whore. I know I don't know Rob, but the impression given from all of his interviews, unless he has had a personality transplant, he does not seem the type to go home with a bunch of different women.

Life & Style, what a rag.

Tess said...


Can't wait to read about him breaking up Lindsey and Sam next...

Suz said...

C'mon he is 22 and "kitten" is being flung at him 7 by 24! I hope he is getting his rox off! Shoot...! I would think him a little weird if he wasn't. Remember ladies, underneath it all.. he is only a man...

I hope when he is not posing for photogs, working out for NM, accepting awards, being rated SEXIEST anything, etc... he is getting shagged rotten!

My only hope is the very lucky shagees show some class and discretion and NO NO NO Baby Mamas!

Remember: A Hard C*cK has no morales!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kathie, he does not seem to be the type to go home with lots of different girls. And, yes, when would he have the time? Also, ladies, every move he makes is photographed and recorded, why is there never any evidence of him with tons of different girls? You would see at least a few? He is always out with "friends", meaning guys, because believe me if they were females it would be all over these gossip magazines....they are all desperate to be the ones to break every "love" story on him!

P.S. A "pal" is really no one, but they want to make a statement that cannot be substantiated.

Gozde said...

LMAO @ Suz, a girl after my own heart :))

Anonymous said...

I do not think he is the kind of guy who goes home with different girls. First, he said in an interview that his worst fear is to get HIV / AIDS. Second, is very dangerous for him, one of this girls that he takes home could say that she is pregnant of him. he probably gets laid, but i don't think that is like people are saying.

Anonymous said...

Dis i already mention that i hate Kristen? .... I guess i did

...wowie! said...

Suz...I have to agree with you. He's 22 and a guy. Love the no baby mama comment too. lmao

vertigo said...

Oh Man, now I'm gonna have to prepare for a discussion with my teen neices who will claim they know such and such and he has 3 heads because the trashy mag said so. Then I will have to face their Parents as to why I know so much about a man that's almost half my age. Thanks for the heads up, I'll be prepared.
Can someone please tell me what Perez has said because I can't go to his site out of loyalty to an old friend.

Anonymous said...

This is what Perez Hilton mention in his site:

"The Twilight star has contemplated the effect of her departure from the movie series, bragging, "It would be so easy for me to send so many hundreds of girls into such a frenzy by saying I want no part of any future [Twilight] movies."


Anonymous said...

what if he's bisexual?

Tess said...

WOW Dani. With all the alleged comments being published lately, it seems like Kstew is really unhappy being part of the Twilight Franchise. Why is she staying?

Gozde said...

Oh please... If you are going to claim things like "What if he's bisexual?" please login and post so we can have a proper discussion with you, not an anonymous...

Gozde said...

I don't believe the published crap about Kristen. She looked so perfectly happy in Tokyo and then there were pictures of her yesterday where she was relaxed and smiling and she even waved to the paparazzi.

Once Perez hates someone there is nothing they can do to make it better.

Anonymous said...

don't get mad. just wondering :)

Tess said...

PH probably prints negative things about Kstew because he considers her a threat ;)

Ellie said...

Hi, ladies!!!

I agree, Goz, Kristen looked perfectly fine in Tokyo. Granted, she is uncomfortable in many interviews, but she looked genuinely okay standing there between Rob and Taylor. Nice smiles.

Tess said...

Hello Ellie! it's been so long.. I agree. she was playful, smiling, and seem relaxed.

Ellie said...

Sorry, that was me who just commented. I was under the wrong username...

And LMAO, Tess!

Gozde said...

LOL @ Perez thinking Kristen was a threat. Even if Rob was bi and was hitting guys he would NEVER hit Perez. He is so gross.

Gozde said...

He babes! I am reading Teenage Angst Brigade for the second time and it is so fucking great! I love it!

Ellie said...

Hey, Skittle Lips! :)
I'm reading Frenemies, now, and totally get the skittle reference...
Yum. And McVampy was on here last night. She seems very nice.I forget which thread we were on.

Oh, and no earthquakes lately, that I am aware of, at least! lol

Ellie said...

Tess, how's the househunting going??

Tess said...

I agree Goz... I want nothing but the best for RTP... NO Perez...

Anonymous said...

Isn't only Perez Hilton who is saying this.

Ellie said...

LOL, Goz! Perez is something he most DEFINITELY would not hit...

Tess said...

Oh.. Ellie.. it's been a bit hairy.. thanks for asking.. I'll send you an email later..

Suz said...

Well if he is "Bi" that only doubles our already !NO! chance of getting him into our sacks!

That is unless he thinks my Husband is hot!

hee heee!

(^5's Gozde!)

Tess said...

suz! hilarious... try praying really really hard.. that's what I do... so far, it's not working.

vertigo said...

Thanks Dani!
Yeah, looks like Pigez is going to be a dog with lack of a bone with her for a while.

Maybe KStew seems a little down cause she's already gotten into character.

Gozde said...

LMAO, Ellie called you skittle lips and you said it was a bit hairy! LMAO!

Gozde said...

Oh man! I don't have a husband to trap Rob under false pretenses :)) I can act butch though if that's what he wants :P

Anonymous said...

Rob is not bissuxual. If he is, midia will be all over this.

And about Kristen, I do beleive she is a beach. She is playing nice propably because she said a lot of crap before and she is trying change her image.

Ellie said...

LMAO, Goz...skittles and hairy. Only you would connect the two.

Wait, what the hell was I thinking...we ALL would, on the g-spot! lol

Gozde said...

Yeah he is definitely not bisexual. He dresses too bad to be remotely gay :))

Anonymous said...

i couldn't agree more.
Gay people shower very often!!!!

Gozde said...

Ellie as I said I am reading FF right now so everything I see connects :))

Ellie said...

You're on fire today! :)

Anonymous said...

The jig is up... it's me. Busted. Sorry ladies.

*Snaps back to reality*

Anonymous said...

At first I thought: "What?! Is Rob Jennifer Aniston's baby daddy!?"

Anonymous said...

What suz says sure makes the most sense (suz, very well said btw :)), however he always gives the impression of what anon 8:18 said. I think this is part of what makes him so facinating. He gives the impression of being so honest. That's why we all melt when he talks and spend so much time being Robsessed!

Tenneil said...

Hey Goz... could you give me the link for the story your reading...
could always use a new story to read that someone recommends...

Ellie...where are you in Frenemies?? skittles and hairy LMAO!! Just finished TWWS..deaf Edward..was sweet..

Gozde said...

Sure here you go :)

Ellie said...

I'm up to where they were at the movies. Now they declared their love for one another! :)

Back to work...see you all later.

babbles said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
babbles said...

Mornin All!

Goz ~ Teenage Angst = Delight!

"maybe he is bi" = Bwahahahahaha

Kristen did look pleasently happy in Tokyo, she is just a little bit of a skittish girl, I just take all the rumors with a grain of salt...

and anyone thinking Rob isnt stacking up the tail is nuts... probably not on every corner (he no pun intended) but plenty all the same...

Anonymous said...

seriously this magazine is the worst piece of crap i've ever seen

Tenneil said...

Thanks Goz...I have so many to choose from but love when others like the story too!!

OOOOO The love part...LOL can you call it that???LOL

Sara Tavares said...

this magazine isnt serious but the truth is kristen said recently that he was dating somebody
maybe she said that just to escape from questions about their relationship..

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone,

can I have your email Gozde? I would like to send you something


Gozde said...

Sure, it's :))

Anonymous said...

"NĂŁo Ă© da sua conta"
Do you know in what interview she said that? I would like to know

Anonymous said...

Kristen might have said this just to remind Summit that the audience wants to see her as Bella - perhaps she was just negotiating her fees at that time.

I guess she got more than Robert but both of them didn't get that much compared to how much money the film and the merchandising made so far.

Anonymous said...

As to the girls Rob may or may not take home: He is 22 - and surely knows how to use a condome.

RandomChica said...

I’ve seen rumors starting again about him and some Brazilian model. Also rumors of her being pregnant. Guess its par for the course - the current “it” guy dating some model.

It seems lately that celebrities (athletes, rock stars etc) are always dating a beautiful model from some other country. I suppose it wouldn’t make such great news if he was dating some chick from Wisconsin or some random town in England. lol

Tenneil said...

RC... you are right.. But I wish for him to meet that girl from his home town... and fall in love... dont want it to be a hollywood flake... IDK.. I see him better than that.

Anonymous said...

I'm from Brazil, and in last october had a site or two saying that brazilian model were dating Rob, but anyone said anything about been pregnant. And after that was Nikki who said that Rob wasn't datinh the brazilian model.

I also would like to know more about Kristen said that Rob is datinh someone else. I'm curious.

Anonymous said...

Read this!

Is that true?

Anonymous said...

i'm nervous and curious here. I want so bad to se he dating a normal girl. I Know that i am not perfect to judge anybody, but Nikki has a very bad past.

Hansom Ransom said...

Hasn't this same magazine run about 50,000 stories about Jennifer Aniston being pregnant? lol very convincing

rpattzdude said...

hahahaha lol like i gonna buy that crap NEXT!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Goz, but I'm with Dani on the Kristen thing. Spoiled, ungrateful Hollywood brat. I worry that she won't be able to carry the franchise through "New Moon." I think Rob would've been cast no matter who he auditioned with. I wonder if he realizes this now. ~Chicago girl now in LA.

Nicky said...

Love Suz's comments....CLASSIC!!!! :)

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