First Look @ New Moon in EW

We'll be on the lookout for the scans so we can read the article but for now...
Hummina Hummina Kiss Kiss.


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Yvonne said...

KK, you have not heard the commentary? WTH are you waiting for woman?!!! Go now! You will fall in love all over again!

LovetheLips said...

Leann - again with your amazing talent of expression...I heart you...ditto what you said

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Love - I also told him his nose was too big for his face, his eyes are spaced too far apart and he dresses like a street urchin.

Hey, he may be Rob Pattinson, but I don't blow sunshine up anyone's ass. Thought he might enjoy the "keepin it real" deal. I also told him that if he ever believes the hype about himself, I'll officially label him a total douchebag.

Boy I had fun writing that letter...

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Oh here we go with the commentary thing again...:)

Yvonne said...

Leann, you nailed it. I think he's such a real person, that he couldn't use someone if he tried. And deep down, he definately has a thing for Kristen. No doubt at all. Probably nothing will ever come of it, but, yeah, I think that he doesn't give away his feelings easily. He seems very loyal.

LovetheLips said...

OMG the commentary! I laughed so hard at Rob - you can tell how much he hates watching himself...One of my favourite comments was him driving the car..supposed to be going like a bat outta hell and the scenery is pissing by ever so slowly - Rob saying (with his lovely accent) "I can't go any slower!!!!)

Yvonne said...

I had to watch the commentary over and over....I kept hearing new things each time...

but it was classic Rob..."cheeseburgers!"

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I don't know about Kristen...I think that ship sailed for him a long time ago. I truly don't think he's interested in anyone right now and who could blame him? Women who wouldn't talk to him before now come up to him and want to take him home? That's gotta be weird. I think he just wants to work and prove himself.

LovetheLips said...

KK - I guess I'm a little slow on the uptake with sarcasm...always have been....*blush*

Still wanna know where "littlehoodiewoobie" came from...

Yvonne said...

If he even tried to hook up with someone, how could he trust that the girl really liked him for him?

Plus, he has got to be exhausted.
I hope he's a DIY-er. OOos, did I say that out loud?

Mechevpao said...

I´m lost in the conversation again haha

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Love - Do you think I was being sarcastic when I told you what I wrote in the letter??

I coined "littlehoodiewoobie" with woobie help from Yvonne...:)

Yvonne said...

That's Rob's cute little black hoodie that he carries around like a woobie... :) AAWWW

LovetheLips said...

Yvonne - maybe that's what his "hanlders" are for...

Mechevpao said...

yvonne what do yo mean with that? ( hope he's a DIY-er. OOos?

Yvonne said...

Love....eeewww. Not the big BG! NO!
I think he better stick to DIY!

Yvonne said...

Oh, please don't make me say it Mech...

somebody are all so much mare eloquent than I am...

LovetheLips said...

KK - OK, I'm confused...are you toying with my naivete...maybe I need sleep...did you really write a letter like that?

Yvonne - know the hoodie was woobie I wasn't familiar with...thanks for sharing :)

Yvonne said...


I- it


Mechevpao said...

Ooops, sorry

Yvonne said...

see KK, I think you and I are the only ones who have ever heard that word.

LovetheLips said...

Mech - y'know...a little self-pleasure...DIY - do it yourself

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Love - I am not toying with you. I seriously wrote those things in a letter to Rob!!:D I really have no inhibitions...

Gemgirl65 said...

You did NOT tell him his eyes are too far apart. He can change the way he dresses, but God, mum and dad gave him is face! My eyes are too close together and one is too high up on my face...if anyone ever called me on it, I'd die. You're a Mean Girl, like Rachel McAdams. ;) Or a Heather!

Yes, we will blissfully talk about the commentary while you dig your heels in...this AFTER I started reading the FF too! *taps foot sternly*

OMG Lips, the "can't go any slower" line is one of my favorites too! And for some reason I love when he's saying, "now that was a great look, if I hadn't been wearing those contact lenses. ... I actually had a miiiiilllion thoughts, like Hamlet!"

Mechevpao said...

oohhh I understand now, thanks hahah

Yvonne said...

Mech....LOL! Did I say explain it ok? Without being rude?

Yvonne said...

Mech, are you blushing? Cuz I think I see you blushing!

Mechevpao said...

hahahaa.. no, not blushing at all, why? should I blush?

LovetheLips said...

Leann - i know, the man is a comedian on top of everything talented can one person be?? When he says he looks like an anime character...when he looks so effing sexy in the scene...

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - A Heather!!! I haven't heard that one in a while!!!

In order to understand my comments, you would have to understand the context I made them in. My letter was extremely satirical (which I know Rob will get), and a huge point of it was to satirize the over-the-top worship he is experiencing. I did show the letter to 2 people who also adore him and both agreed it was hilarious and that it should make him laugh his ASS off when he reads it. Don't worry ladies...I have no doubt he'll get the point of it.

Yvonne said...

wow, it's 1:00 and I have to chaperone a field trip tomorrow...

This was so much fun :)

C u all later!


LovetheLips said...

KK - LOL!! His protectors probably read it first and labeled you a hater (even though we here know you're not)

Did you say anything complimentary?

Mechevpao said...

cough cough.. excuse me... is this real?

Gemgirl65 said...

Well, if Rob's only other choice is BG, I'd say DIY is the way to go. I'm sure Rob DIH all the time. Unless there are other people he's doing that I don't know about.

He could date his agent...she's a cutie!

If Kristen broke up with Oregano tomorrow and said, "Rob, I give up, like the rest of the free world, I want you. I must have you. I want to fondle you withOUT cameras rolling (unless you're really into that kind of thing;" Rob, having some pride, would say..."I don't know, I think you missed your chance. I can have anyone now. You snooze you lose, missy." And then 30 seconds later, Geekboy would say, "I was just kidding" and attack her.

LovetheLips said...

Sorry KK - you cleared things up in a post before i posted... That's too funny. You're right, he is quite the clever fellow, and does like to have fun with the things he says in interviews himself, so no doubt he would be a little quicker on the uptake than someone like me :))))

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Love - If his protectors labeled me a hater after reading that letter, they are truly stupid, dense people who don't understand humor.

I kind of complimented him in one part...let me think...

Mechevpao said...

If his is not with anybody, the only option is DIH(notice my use of new terminology just learned here)
Or he gets help by random girls, every now and then, but then there would be a lot of stories about his performance in bed out there

LovetheLips said...

Goodnight Yvonne!

Leann - I wish for him that he is gettin some somehow...what a waste of raw sexual power otherwise...

Gemgirl65 said...

Heathers...what a great black comedy. Remember when Christian Slater was the Next Big Thing?
I never worry that his fate will befall Rob...but maybe I should? Nah....

G'night Yvonne sweetie, talk to you soon!

I must go myself, I think. Time for some drugs and hopefully sleep, though I think that may be a challenge. *sigh*

Talk to you soon! Have a safe flight KK! (Why aren't you driving? How far is it?)

LovetheLips said...

Mech - I've learned a lot of new terminology here! Yeah, and I think random girls would be spilling the beans to whoever would listen, so probably not happening.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Love - I know I complimented him. This was actually my second letter, and I'm forgetting what I wrote in both of them...I really don't care if he ever responds...I just get a kick out of writing funny letters to him. I am a writer, after all.

And no, I'm not a stalker. HAHA

And don't cut yourself down. You seem very intelligent to me!! :)

As for Kristen...if she hasn't given in to Rob yet, it ain't never gonna happen. Let's face it...the girl is FIERCE (so everybody including Rob says). If she wanted Rob, she would take him.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - My friend and I split the cost of the ticket. That way, it's actually cheaper to fly. I usually drive, and I can get there in 6 1/2 hours. Night night!

Gemgirl65 said...

Lovethelips, I agree that it's a total waste if Rob's not having some spectacular sex since he can have anyone he wants...but I agree with Mech that we'd hear gobs of stories and rumors if he were a manwhore. He's just not. He's nowhere smooth enough to be, and way too paranoid that the stories would get out. He won't sleep with a girl unless he trusts her. At least that's how he strikes me. He's a rarity in the modern world...a man who's particular about who his sexual partners are. (But I still think his main motivator there is fear and mistrust.)

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - I totally agree.

LovetheLips said...

Leann - Good luck with getting some real sleep! Dream some more rhymes pleeze and thank you.

KK & Mech - I'm off too - gotta be up in 5 hours. I've had a great time this evening ladies - thank you for the cyber company.

Mechevpao said...

Night girls!!
I´m going to sleep too!!
pleasure talking to you and learning new things ;)

Gemgirl65 said...

KK - "As for Kristen...if she hasn't given in to Rob yet, it ain't never gonna happen. Let's face it...the girl is FIERCE (so everybody including Rob says). If she wanted Rob, she would take him."

What makes you think she hasn't?

*devil's advocate*

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I've shared this theory with Leann, but I'll share it with the rest of you. I think Rob's an odd duck, and there is something about him that keeps the women who know him well from dating him. Maybe it's his quirks. Maybe it's something else. I think he's one of those guys women want as a really good friend. I know it's difficult for any of us to imagine not wanting Rob "in that way," but we don't know him the way say Kristen, Nikki, Ashley and others know him. Just a theory that my friend and I have...Neuroses can be endearing unless you have to live with them every day.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - I don't know if she has. But I don't think so. Too many of the cast have said she is not the type to ever cheat. I don't see why any of them would have a reason to lie (Summit conspiracy theories aside - HAHA). Plus, I think that Rob respects the fact that she has a boyfriend. He doesn't seem the type to breach that...

It's all just conjecture in the end isn't it????

KK (she who maintains decorum) said... I said's difficult for many of us to imagine not wanting a chance to be with Rob. Kristen obviously knows him very well. What she sees that we don't see, I have no idea.

LovetheLips said...

Had to post one more - it is true, some of the actresses have commented that he's socially awkward, tortured artist type and that he's not necessarily their cup of tea romantically. However, all seem so loyal to him, including his ex ?Nina - she could have been dishing alot about Rob and has really said nothing. That says something...

Gemgirl65 said...

Yup, I could totally see that too, KK. Except then I start thinking, that's like half a step away from saying he's gay. I mean that's the next logical conclusion, at least in most people's minds.

I actually think Rob is afraid to get too close to anyone, so he subconsciously puts up barriers and sends out "signals" that only let women in so far. When they realize the can never be as close to him as they'd like, they move on. He's not emotionally available. And now, he's (conveniently) not available in any way, as he's too busy. Men who can't commit often use work and career as a way to "put off" what they actually don't want...a monogamous relationship.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Love - No doubt he has the type of personality that make women feel loyal and protective of. We've seen that with the gals from "Twilight." And Nina has said nothing but nice things about him. That says sooooooo much about her and about Rob. I still wonder why they split up?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - I don't think it puts him anywhere close to being gay. I've known quite a few guys like the way I described Rob. They did find love...wonderful love...but they had to find the very special women who appreciated everything about them. In some ways, they were luckier than those guys who had women climbing all over them. When they found love, it was strong and true and lasting.

Mechevpao said...

Really people stop talking interesting things.. I have to go.. hahaha

Ok, last comment!!... many of hi costars, mention him as "complex", I wonder what they mean when they say that

Gemgirl65 said...

I have to stop with this train of thought because my brain keeps going, "because Rob's a Big Girl and he's gay." He's very sensitive and is drawn to strong women who are protective of him.

and as you say, kk, the rest is conjecture!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - I do agree with your "emotionally unavailable" comments though as well.

LovetheLips said...

We don't even know the real Rob and we're loyal and protective :)
I wonder if he knows how fortunate he is to be surrounded in his real life by such good friends. I guess that speaks to what a good person/friend he likely is as well.

Gemgirl65 said...

I don't know, Mechev..."complex" can mean so many things. But he is that, for sure! Such a chameleon.

OK, I give up, time for bed. Chat with you all soon!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Mechevpao - His costars call him comples, and Rob himself says he is not complex. Sometimes when people are fairly transparent, people can think it's not possible to be that "out there" so they decide someone is complex. I, personally, think that Rob IS complex in many ways and has a multi-faceted personality. You just can't be any kind of an artist and not have a deep, introspective personality.

Gemgirl65 said...

Lovethelips, I agree. The fact that all his friends and past girlfriends have only good things to say reveals a lot about Rob's character.

All this philosphy, when geezo peezo, the guy came right out and admitted he repels women on purpose..."Don't like me, I'm a DICK!" Men just aren't that deep. He TOLD us the truth right there. We just don't wanna hear it. LOL

why am I still here???

Mechevpao said...

True KK and Leann.. thanks for your insights
I´m gone, rest well

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - You're still here because you have interesting thoughts to contribute!!! :)

LovetheLips said...

I'm still here too - "I can't leave any faster!!!"

I think we would all love to be in Rob's head...(or on it...oooh, did I really say that...) but alas, we will never have the privilege of really knowing him and that actually saddens me a little :(

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Love - But it's worth it just to know someone like Rob is alive in this world, right?? :)

LovetheLips said...

It's sad when I know exactly which interview you're quoting from Leann...

LovetheLips said...

KK - So true - Rob brings happiness to so many just by crazy!! Maybe that's part of his life's purpose?

Gemgirl65 said...

Thank you KK...back atcha bb!

"I can't leave any faster!" LMAO LTL! It has been a blast this evening, per usual...even if we will only admire from afar.

We're counting on you to meet Rob with this "write a great novel" plan that you, your buddy and Mrs. R have. I have a wide ass, so these coattails had better be big. Get to writing, missy!

Have fun! byeeeee :)

Gemgirl65 said...

But if that's Rob's purpose, exactly what purpose am I fulfilling sitting here talking about HIS purpose? Hence the existential crisis Mrs. R was having the other night....

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - "But if that's Rob's purpose, exactly what purpose am I fulfilling sitting here talking about HIS purpose?" Oh God...that is soooo funny and true.

I think we'd all better get some sleep! Goodnight, everyone!

LovetheLips said...

Too bad Mrs.R couldn't be here this evening - would have loved to read her thoughts about all that is Rob. She was having an existential crisis the other nite?

LovetheLips said...

OK OK KK - we should all go to bed 'kay? I'm still here cuz your all still here....someone be the first to hang up...hello? hello?

Gemgirl65 said...

Yeah, LTL...I think she had a bit of a "WTH am I doing?" moment...of course, she put it much more eloquently than that!

I think KK is right, time to call it a night! Love to you all! SWAK :)

LovetheLips said...

Goodnight and, as I learned here on robsessed...MWAH!

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