Japan Fox - Outtake

Thanks to the lovely Rocio for the tip ;))


SarahBella said...

Lol! Ok....I wasn't even focused on Rob in this one (which is a very rare occurence;). Poor Kristen just looked so uncomfortabe! And in her discomfort, I noticed that her mannerisms in real life are *identical* to the ones she has while playing Bella. I had also noticed that last week watching my Twilight DVD....in the "extended scene" in Edwards room where she was rambling about that wooden shaker...and again in the deleted scene where he bit her finger. I kept thinking that she's acting like KS having a convo with RP! Not Bella having a convo with Edward. Sorry guys, but I'm not that sold on her acting ability. I want to think it's there because of the reverent way Rob looks up to her....but I'm still very skeptical :/

Anna said...

um, no offence to Kristen and Taylor, but who decided that the camera should focus on THEM for most of the time?!

It's just a bit of a waste, because Rob was at his glorious best in Japan. So pretty and sweet. And that goofy smile towards the end...
*swoons, while choking on her coffee because Rob is making her laugh*

Anyway... made my morning yet again Gozde, thank you :))

Silmarienn said...


anna F said...

I agree LB, Rob really looked great in this video... Why not more than 40 sec ;__; I love his accent... and his voice... and I sound like a future stalker, it's really bad this morning!

Mochachino said...

thanks for this!

Rob is just too too cute.

LOL compare his entrance to Taylor's; they are like 2 peas from very different pods.

anna F said...

well, it's really some weird setting for a meeting with fan... the fans are eating and the 3 actors suddenly arrive? I can understand how everyone must feel awkward.

Yvonne said...

Just awkward...I think these fan meetings are strange, with cameras rolling, of course everyone feels weird. That said, Rob is as charming as usual...LOL @ Erin "2 peas from very different pods..." that's funny :))) I'll say! I definately like Rob's pod better!!

SarahLila....interesting points about Kristen. I wonder if other actors' mannerisms sneak into their performances...I'm going to have to pay more attention to that. I think she's a good actress, but she's still very young. She has also said that playing Bella wasn't a big departure for her.

AnnaD said...

@SarahLila..I agree. I've seen KStew in some other stuff, and she's fine in those, but as Bella, I just don't like her all that much. Maybe it's because we all KNOW how Bella SHOULD be acting and she's making it more KS??? I can't decide.

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