Twilight pre-orders break Wal-Mart record

Twilight is the most pre-ordered DVD in Wal-Mart history, according to the chain, as it releases further details about its Friday launch parties for the teen vampire flick.

(Gozde: Let me tell you why the DVD is the most pre-ordered in history:

Yep, that's why... :) Bank on Robert Pattinson! He sells... )

The film’s cast has taped a fan greeting that will be broadcast exclusively through Wal-Mart’s in-store TV network during its midnight parties. This message, from unspecified film talent, was filmed on the set of Twilight’s sequel, New Moon.

More than 2,400 of Wal-Mart’s 24-hour stores will host bashes for Twilight, which streets from Summit Home Entertainment on March 21. Wal-Mart is exclusively selling the film’s single-disc version. Twilight’s two-disc special edition will be available widely at retail.

Also, Wal-Mart joins Hastings, Blockbuster and other retailers in rolling out blood drives at select outlets starting today. Donors will receive exclusive Twilight-themed gifts while supplies last.

The first 50 people in line for Wal-Mart parties will score an exclusive gift package filled with such goodies as a custom folder featuring star characters Bella and Edward, Twilight tattoos and materials for hosting at-home viewing parties.

“We know this is unlike any other DVD release in our history, and we want to deliver a memorable event and store experience for teens and adult fans everywhere,” said Greg Hall, VP of merchandising Wal-Mart Entertainment.

by way of Spunk Ransom :)


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Anonymous said...




Gozde said...

u r welcome :) It is the happiest happy trail on the world.

I'm drunk :)

Going to bed

Hope rob is as shit faced as I am right now :))

Kids: don't drink. It's BAD for you

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Holy God...these pics are making it very difficult to get work done. Must close Robsessed window...must close Robsessed window...oh f*ck it. I'm taking the happy trail instead.

Tenneil said...

PLEASE Rob show is your happy trail some more!!

Goz...thanks for giving us this gift to happiness... was the gift given before or after or even during the process!!LOL Hope all ends well for you!!!Sweet happy trail dreams to ya baby...

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Gozde.

Putz, my boyfriend is here tonight, studying/reading in the other room (believe me). What if I just lick the computer really quickly? He might not catch me...

After those shots from yesterday night, those feel just like heaven. What a difference a few years can make on a man...

What a man...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this much needed picspam after the travesty of the attack of zygote Rob the other day LMAO

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

My good friend is excited to watch "Twilight" with me (he went with me to the movie theater as well). To illustrate Rob's universal appeal, I offer the following quote from this friend (who is a guy) articulated the night we saw the film:

"I'm straight as hell, but DAMN this guy is hot!"

All my friends have good taste...

Anonymous said...

Good night, you all.

I just love the happiest happy trail. They really did not shave his belly hair. How could he forget it? And the kiss photo... he is opening his mouth, oh, my...

Hi, Sophia, where in Rio de Janeiro are you from?

Jewels64 said...

Goz! Love you for blogging even though you are pie eyed!!!

Thanks BB for all your hard work...

Speaking of work...I am now the go to girl for all things Twilight...

People are amazed by my knowledge! People can't believe I have over 200 pictures of Rob stored on my phone!!!

People can't believe I haven't been institutionalized.....!!!

crazy said...

Gozde - you got that right!!! It's all about Rob! uhhh, the happy trail makes me nuts! more, more!!!

and Goz - hope you enjoyed it. You deserve it!

Hi girls (again)! aren't these pics delish??!!

crazy said...

Sophia - were you talking to me (the first comment)?

I know...just want to follow that happy trail to bliss.

Anonymous said...

KK, they sure do!

Hi, Elena. I am from Ipanema beach, but I don´t live in Rio. Off to Graduate school. Have you been in Rio?

Anonymous said...

Do you think they (as in main stream ) are finally starting to figuring out what a huge Cash Cow twilight is.

Yes, I think so.

Thanks for the pics too. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, Gozde, for the delicious pics! You're a gem! I'm on my way to my happy place with Rob thanks to you ;)

Happy trails, Gozde ...

*pant, pant, pant*

elaine said...

Gozde-thanks for all the info. U are so right! Rob is the reason! Do u think Summit realizes that?

Gozde said...

I reallyt do want tp reply and tell you that you are all wondefrul but too much alcohol prohibits me :))))

Happy trails everyone! I'm goint to pass out somewhete :) 3:15 AM here :))

...wowie! said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the new banner!

HE is definitely the reason why!

And thanks for these pics...I went into severe shock last night with the zygote pics. I was scared to want him after that. lol

Anonymous said...


I lived in Rio for a while, but my portuguese is worst than my english.

I love Ipanema beach. It is the most beautiful beach in the world! I miss its people, the saturday´s fair, the bookstores, the restaurants at the beach, the wonderful sights, etc. All of it! I love Rio.

crazy said...

GOZ - hilarious. u can't even type correctly right now! go to bed girl!!! Happy Rob dreams!

Anonymous said...

Yes, crazy, I was talking to you. You mentioned the happy trail, remember? And, then, here it is. For all of us! I always thought that scene was too fast in the movie...

Elena, you described Ipanema beach and Rio so perfectly, that now I feel a little more homesick. Like Rob said about London, I MISS THE SMELL OF RIO. Badly! I can totally understand him. And Ipanema is wonderful, you are right again. My parents still live there.

Where did you live in Rio?

Anonymous said...

I just keep staring at the pics! He is mesmerizing over and over again! His face, his eyes, his happy trail, his hair, etc. I wish I could say his smell!

Ellie said...

Goz, you are one happy little girl!
Sleep well, love!

Emmes said...

I hope Summit realizes this is ALL Rob and gives him a summer house in an exotic location....oh, like Costa Rica...! (cause of the beaches and rainforests and sh!t not cause I live there, nope that wouldn´t be the reason at ALL)

Lovin that Goz got her drink deserve it girl...with all u do for us!!

Anonymous said...

Emmes! Exotic location? Rio de Janeiro is just perfect!!! Close to "Esme Island" (I could take him there...).

And Anon., I CAN EVEN FEEL THE SMELL -- believe me! It is absolutely delicious and makes me feel even dirtier. I am really a bad girl, you know. I deserve to go to hell with Robward. Maybe Fred Mercury and John Lennon will be there to play and sing with us.

Suz said...

Sex Sells



Oh I am soooooo happy with this pics tonight Goz.. Glad you got your drink on, you deserve it girlfriend.


Honey said...

Midnight release cannot come soon enough.

(Still at work ladies & it's ~9:30 pm. Been here since 7:30 am after yesterday's st pattys festivities. Sure ya'll can appreciate my need for release coming, release coming soon.)

Goz, hope ya drank one for me. I did for you, per your request, on sunday at the parade. Sleep well hon!

Everyone, please Robsess for me! *Hugs*

Divinesally said...

Gozde, I'm drunk as a skunk myself =) lol Thank you for all the beautiful Greek god-like photos of our lovely RP. That jaw **sigh**

Sophia, you are hilarious. I have to hide RP from my beau everyday. I think he's catching on tho. **fingers crossed** that he doesn't. He knows I'm all about the books and movie, but he thinks it's only because I love vampire folklore and romance. If he only knew what else...

They just had a Twilight DVD commercial on FOX as I was typing this.

Anonymous said...


I lived in Copacabana. Walking distance from Ipanema. That is why I miss the beaches of Rio so much.

I can imagine his smell too. Away down the happiest happy trail. See? You will not be alone with him in hell.

You said you are in grad-school. What is your field?

crazy said...

SERIOUSLY, Summit needs to give Rob his own island, complete with harem. Line up girls! me first.

Note to Rob's management: work it people! work it!!! he's the King of the World right now.

crazy said...

Honey~ "release coming soon" LOL!

Anonymous said...

Dude, zygote Rob is KILLING ME. My eyes...the goggles, they do NOTHING!

crazy said...

Hi McVampy~ reading Housemating Season right now! Lovin it! ;)
How. do. you. do. it.?!

Tenneil said...

Honey ~ I have plenty of robsessing to go want to tap into... my reservoir ....

*knock* *knock*

*come in*

*Insert here*

Suz said...

McV I think an F.F. about zygote rob is in order!

Loving Frenemies! Thank you

Evening RobKatz and Kittens

crazy said...

Tenneil - you said "insert here" hee hee

Anonymous said...

Divine, hello!

I am pathetic, you know? My boyfriend thinks I am working on a paper right now (I keep Robsessed window open). And, yeah, me too. I have to hide everything about Rob around here. My little dirty secret. Well, my BF knows I like to watch "True Blood"; so, that was a perfect excuse to read all the Twilight saga (which I did, of course). He went to see Twilight with me (I was in my forth time there, pretending it was my first), and he thought it was too stupid. Those intellectuals... I´ll bet there are Robsessers in the close at the University -- just like me, by the way.

Elena, I study in the History Department. And you, what do you do?

Tenneil said...

C~ yup I did.... run with it!!

crazy said...

OMG my DH is pissed at me because I've been here all aftenoon/evening (with short breaks). My Robsessing is on overdrive as i await my release..i mean the release of twilight. ;)

Suz said...

Crazy give him a lil somethin' somethin' he will go to sleep (they always do) and come back..

see you what in 10 mins?

Tenneil said...

Do you and the DH need to sort out some things.. the release thing??

Anonymous said...

Me? Sophia, I Robsess, all day long. From one site to another. Basically!

I am an art teacher. I teach in an elementary school in RO-Br. Yeah, pretty close to the real jungle.

crazy said...

Suz and Tenneil - the DH hasn't been feeling well. He's F******* useless! Really Bad Timing!!! Good thing for b (oh i can't say it!)

Suz said...


crazy said...

does that mean what i think it means, wink, wink, say no more, say no more..??

Tenneil said...

C~ what is b....does it have 7 letters and taste like skittles??

Suz said...

heee hee


crazy said...

Suz- ding ding ding! (points to her nose)!!!

crazy said...

Riddle: what has 7 letters and tastes like Skittles?

um, not sure, B------b?

Suz said...

ohhh ohh what do I win?

I trip down happy trail to happy meal?

Tenneil said...

C you cant spell I think that you have 9 letters there???LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm a closet robsessor in grad school too...studying rob and biology. I can't believe what I'm turning into! laughing and squealing on this site and reading ff all day omg

I love the positive vibe of this site and seriously, you all are hilarious.Glad to know i'm not alone!

Suz said...


crazy said...

maybe. or curtain #2 - Skittles along the road to Candy Land. ;)

crazy said...

T ~ crap. but it's not important if i can't spell it, as long as..........i hope hell has a jacuzzi.

crazy said...

Suz - LOL on the B---R-B (1234567, ok) Didn't know i was going to be tested!!

Tenneil said...


suz b234r6b...nice !! thanks for that!!

Suz said...

I'm here all week ladies.

: )

Suz said...

Suz <------ already has her townhouse with jacuzzi reserved in hell.

crazy said...

Suz-great, but are you here all damn day like me? i have no life (on disability right now actually, so happy for this site and you guys!)

Anonymous said...

Gozde~no YOU are the wonderful one! Thinking of you in Istanbul right now...

Crazy~I pray your DH gets on it and very soon!!!

Tenneil said...

reading PW sorry little disracted!!

You guys are funny..thanks for the smiles!!

Suz said...

I hate to admit that I am here more than I should be... I am hardly the demographic... but here I am...

FanFicking and Robsessing.

Sad but HAPPY all at once.


crazy said...

Chicago~ thanks! Somebody better get on something!!! soon!

crazy said...

never heard "fanficking" before LOL

I'm also trying to read Housemating Season right now, but i'm conflicted because i also like to talk dirty ;)

Suz said...

I'm reading Frenemies and Wide Awake.

Wide Awake is intense. (I absolutely LOVE IT).

crazy said...

Wide Awake is my favorite! Tenneil introduced me to it. I was a FF virgin and it was my first, so now I'm spoiled. I'm also reading Frenemies and about 3 others. When will the WA update come?
T~ i said "come".

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Suz - What demographic? I'm a consultant and college professor in my 30s who spends too much time reading hilarious comments on Robsessed. If there is a demographic here, it is made up of smart, successful, fabulous, and hilarious women who rock!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Coming to the party a little late here, I've been gone this evening. This post reminded me of a question I had asked a bit ago. Does anyone have a feel, at how much the DVD sales will add to the total profit for Twilight? I know this is a guesstimation, but I'm thinking from other popular movie DVD sales, maybe someone can estimate?

Now- what I really want to say is...GUUUUHHHHHH!!! OMG. How I would love to lick down that happy trail. Excuse me as I wipe off the drool from the computer.

"Happy trails to you, until we meet again.
Happy trails to you, keep smilin' until then.
Who cares about the clouds when we're together?
Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather.
Happy trails to you, 'till we meet again."

crazy said...

KK! (blushes) unless of course you don't include me in that...

crazy said...

if i ever meet his happy trail, there will be no return. Now i'm stuck to my seat - thanks! :/

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Crazy - Oh you are right in the middle of this fabulous group.

I just saw the commercial for the DVD on TV while I was typing this. Why do they have to show the prom scene kiss? WHY????????? Out of all the scenes, that is the one that makes me feel all giggly-googly inside and all brain function ceases. GAWD!

Anonymous said...

im a male and i like rob he is special

Anonymous said...

I'm new here, but I have to say this.
I have worked my way through more wet panties than a porn star/dominatrix convention in Las Vegas since I started reading Twilight and fan fiction. I have never been so happy to do laundry.

Anonymous said...

I am seriously jealous here. There should be a site dedicated to me and me only. I want it called Taylor-sessed.

Do it.

Do it Now.

Anonymous said...

Goz: thank you for the beautiful picspam.

Hello to all this fine evening!

Suz said...

KK you are right.. The demographic HERE is just right

Funny, sexy, clever, smart, humble women!

How intoxicating are we?

Rob? I think an older woman is what you need.

Since I am probably the oldest here, I'd be a good place to start!

(KK I work in the music industry in Philadelphia)

Anonymous said...

New Moon is all about me and me alone. I don't even care about anyone else on set. I am the hottest and its about time you all realized this. I worked hard for my six pack.

Suz said...

Taylor, I promise I will do one once your balls drop

Tenneil said...

TS~ hey girl!!

C~ yes u did....

Anonymous said...

Suz, I know Rob personally and he would never go for someone like you.

Anonymous said...

Oh Taylor, Kristen and I are so obsessed with you. We want to have a threesome w/ you in our trailer. And even if Kristen can't go though with it, I'll stick fuck you because I'm skanky like dat. Fo real.

Anonymous said...

rob made this shit happen wake up fools

Suz said...

Wow the kiddies are loose!

Anonymous said...

suz: LMFAO no you di-int...

T: what's up homeslice?

crazy: good to see you're still here ;)

Anonymous said...

Whoopsie! I meant STILL fuck you, but I could STICK fuck you, too, if that's what you're into...

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Older woman? Amen to that. We know what we're doing in and out of the bedroom.

Anonymous said...

Nikki~Don't deny it anymore. Please. You're the one who wanted to fuck me with both of our shiteous wigs on. I tapped that ass all night. Don't front girl. Kristen is next on my "tap dat" list. Fo' Sho'.

Suz said...

Hi 30! xx

Anonymous said...

the correct term is Cougar!

Suz said...

Shit, I wanted to watch you fuck him with a stick!

Anonymous said...

women went to see rob more than once

Anonymous said...

Oh PUH-LEASE Taylor, like my sister has ever said no to anyone!

Anonymous said...

he chance my life he made me want to be a better man

Anonymous said...

kk: excellent observation

Anonymous said...

Rosalie's Twin~You're sister is the puppet master when it comes to my cock. She almost made me jizzzz in my pants.

crazy said...

KK~ lost my train of thught...Edward and Bella are doing it doggie style in Charliue's kitchen. woopie!

Hi TS!!!!

Suz and T~ yes we are absolutely intoxicated!

Anonymous said...


We are all playing on the Robert 'drop your panties" Pattinson team. Go find a badger den to play nice with instead of bothering these hot ladies.

Anonymous said...

That's it! Everyone close your laptops! I've been calling you to the set for 15 fucking minutes.

I don't care how much blooming money the shiteous previous film made since pricks are on my payroll now....

Get your arses to makeup and quit messing with the fans!!!!

Anonymous said...

I did all of you, that's how you got your roles... don't deny it...

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Cougars purposefully chase younger men. What about those of us who are purposely chased BY younger men??? I think it's a case of smart women AND smart boys...

Suz said...

Like Bill Mahr there should be NEW RULES

1.) if you are going to come here and TRY to stir the shizz.. YOU MUST BE CLEVER AND IN THE VERY LEAST...

Sheesh...where is the sport sparring with those sooo ill-equipped?

Anonymous said...

he is the man right now cus hes a good guy

Anonymous said...

Hello babies! I'm here but also trying to write the next chap of Frenemies. Those guys have some schmexin to catch up on. Oh and there's plot too. Yeah yeah, I know. I always bum bitches out when I mention that this fic should have an actual storyline.

I've been talking to a friend who I'm going to a Twi release event with and we're joking around about how we're gonna have to deliver a fangirl beatdown if they get all grabby and obnoxious. Really I'm just looking for an excuse to punch a 15 year old.

Anonymous said...

Aww come here Taylor baby, we can share the love with ya

Anonymous said...

Ah, my loves, how are you all tonight?

Like my Happy Trail in HQ?

crazy said...

TS~ still here, yup, stuck to my chair, literally.

Ignore, gals.

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify, I did NOT fuck Rob. Believe me, I tried, but he said I was too skanky for him.

True that.

Anonymous said...

Back again, just to say good night to all Robsessers!

Anon.! Rob and biology? So, you must have enjoyed the biology scene in Twilight. Seriously, isn't it bad to have to dress "intellectual" and have THAT ROB SECRET? I make serious faces at the university, while I am thinking of his jaws & everything else... Do you think we need a shrink, or is that Rob-therapy here in this site enough?

Elena, so you live in RO! Really in the jungle, girl! In a reservation? Well, you are probably out already. But, anyway, see you around here tomorrow.

Off now! BF's requests!! He is so bossy tonight! Good night, to you too, Rob, lover.

Anonymous said...

wow. someone has a lot of time on their hands tonight.

Anonymous said...

Rob.... wanna light up the bong, it's been too long? Shit I'm a poet and I don't even know it...

Anonymous said...

EXCUSE ME????????????????


Anonymous said...

i went to the movie and i said he is spesial

Anonymous said...

Wow, male anon.! Welcome!

You must be dying to watch Little Ashes, aren't you?

I am too!

Suz said...

You know its bad when CRAZY is the voice of REASON! (wink)

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

McV - Please, PLEASE punch a screaming 15-year old for me.

And seriously, our competitive pervs in Frenemies have some serious sexin' to do now that they're reunited. Pretty please??

Jewels64 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Catherine~do you think I could hit the bong too? I know I'm kinda young, but Nikki has taught me well.

Ellie said...

Well, yeah, Nikki, you said so yourself!

Suz said...

KK you are 100% right

The smart boys pursue the smart ladies


Anonymous said...

Ellie, I told you that in confidence!

crazy said...

I heard that!

Anonymous said...

Hi hi McV!

suz: ill-equipped...well put

Anonymous said...

Ellie~I vote you change your avatar to a pic of me. STAT. Just sayin'...

Anonymous said...

McV, write something juicy for KStu and me to act out...maybe in my hotel room.

Now that I think of it, perhaps YOU would like to act it out with me??

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Ellie can't change it Taylor, she is the Mistress of the naughty room, it just wouldn't look right

crazy said...

G'night Sophia! like you won't! ;)

Ellie said...

Bay-bay, dream on!

Anonymous said...

Suz~I think your SHITEOUS head band is very ill-equipped. I think you need to burn that shit in a pile of wolf pack dung. STAT.

Ellie said...

True that, RT!

crazy said...

McV - you're my hero. just sayin.

Anonymous said...

Sorry - had trouble getting the bong going... Taylor, sure, join me... can I touch your abs?

Anonymous said...

Nikki baby!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow, just saw myself in a TV advert. I guess I really DO resemble James Dean when I go in for that gazebo kiss. So cool!

Damn, I'm suave.

Anonymous said...

I so want to play...Please?

Anonymous said...

Rob... I miss you. Do you think they'd take me on as a Production Assistant?

Sirensong said...

Ya know, I was just thinking......

Doesn't Walmart have some weird moral code thing about not selling any adult type products? Do they now understand what we will ALL be doing after we get the DVD in our hot, sexy hands?

Not that I mind at all that they managed to overlook this little pheomenon.... millions of happy women staying home for days at a time.... :-)

Anonymous said...

Rob, I have told you all along you looked good doing that scene ya goof. If you would just listen to me more often.

Anonymous said...

rob is the only reason why im on it

Anonymous said...

Does anyone listen to me....???? wonder Catherine hits the bong so fucking hard....



crazy said...

HEY GIRLS - wanna go to a "DVD release party"? ;/ ahem

Anonymous said...

Whats a g-spot? And why are there crickets chirping whenever I comment?

Anonymous said...

Catherine~you can touch anything you want to, ma'am. The thought of you touching my abs makes my cock twitch. I like it!

Anonymous said...

Hold the phone...someone is flirting with me. Well, more than flirting...propositioning. Oh my

Frenemies will be very very hot and sweet and funny and all that. You know I'm a slave to you bitches and fear the crop should I disappoint.

Anonymous said...

Kristen! I missed you! It's only been 10 minutes since I've last seen you, but still. Wanna go make out again or keep trying to double-team Taylor?

Or should we try Rob again?

Suz said...

Crazy where are you? (state)

Anonymous said...

yeah yeah, and Nikki can fucking swing that crop shit.. dayammmmmm

Anonymous said...

Sweet.... I'm a hippy. Up for anything Taylor. You're legal in some states you know.

Rob... pass the dutchie please, stop hogging it.

Chris... Fuck Off dude...

Anonymous said...

Nikki R~PLEASE DOUBLE TEAM ME! Come on, "Team Taylor" all the way.

Anonymous said...

You liked that, Kristen? I knew you would, you dirty girl. Wanna try the whipping bench tonight? Billy Burke fucking LOVED it when I used it on him last night.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chris, I tried to get him to go back home but the fucker follows me like a puppy. I think my dad hired him to keep my oonie away from Rob.. lol

Like he could actually do THAT.

Anonymous said...

McV, are you ready for our tryst in the naughty room, love?

Oh, and Chris, back the fuck off!

crazy said...

tired of the bs so i went to the "dvd release party"!!! =) nobody joined me tho...

I'm in NJ. You?

Anonymous said...

Nikki.... Billy is mine, all mine... the moustache does it for me. Plus, he SHARES THE BONG better than the rest of you fuckers.

Anonymous said...

Rob, dude, I live in the naughty room. How else do I come up with this filth?

Jewels64 said...


As much as I admired your lack of budget circumstances...your laid back hippy vibe did nothing to truly promote the angst of this story...

Your deleted scenes show nothing but hopped up teenage hormones that wish they could ride a skateboard and smoke out everyday a la "Lords of Dogtown".

Rob called...he says he wants his dignity back....

Tenneil said...

hello ladies

McV new chap... I am all excited now...well I was before but for a dif..reason!!! yeah

Anonymous said...

he makes me want to be a better man

Laura said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Divinesally said...

dude this blog is on fire tonight I'm in tears, and Chris is staring at me like he's planning on having me committed. Nothing can bring me down tonight, I just bought 2 tickets for HTB april 24th! So fucking happy. This VSOP and pepsi is making it all the better.

I'm already drunk, mine as well hit that bong with ya.

Anonymous said...

Kristen~I thought we had something together? I swear, I only did Nikki that once...or twice...who's counting??? I heart YOU!

Suz said...

Crazy, I didn't "get" it

I am in Philly

Tenneil said...


Jewels64 said...

Cheez Whiz! WTF is going on here? Damn...I was looking for some fun and it's smackdown time on the blog again!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wait... this wasn't Lords of Dogtown with Vampires? Whoah, I'm so fucking gone, I didn't even realize... but it all looked pretty though, right? It looked good. Yeah... dude....

Anonymous said...

BS? What BS?

Anonymous said...

Whatever, Catherine. Billy may have shared the BONG with you, but he shared the DONG with me :)

crazy said...

Jewels - so right on!

Hi Ladies!

McV - Housemating Season has got me all H & B at the moment whew!!!

Anonymous said...

Rob, Jewels said you called? I didn't get a call... did you call?

Anonymous said...

he makes me better cus i understand life more

Ellie said...

Hi, Jules, McV, and Tenneil!

crazy said...

Suz - no biggie. just tried to find another "room" because of the crowd.
Philly is about 2 1/2 hrs away.

Jewels64 said...

OOOOKAY!!! There is all kinda crazy going on here! WTF?

I'm just checking in before bedtime and I'm finding everything on freaking fire....

I'm rolling up my sleeves...GAME FUCKING ON!.....

Anonymous said...

Yes, Catherine, I called. Can I still audition for you on yur bed?
forget Kristen, I want me a mountain screamer...

Jewels64 said...

Hi Ellie...have you seen what's been going down....DAYAM!!!!

Divinesally said...

you guys are plum crazy! and i love you for tit! I wouldn't mind watching Kristen getting double teamed by Rob and Taylor. Sorry Mike.

Is that fucked up?

Anonymous said...

Rob, come on over, you and your big one are always welcome. Just bring the pot...

Ellie said...

Hey, Jules! Yep.

Oh, and what crowd?

crazy said...

Hi Ellie
Hey - where's TS?~

crazy said...

Hi Ellie
Hey - where's TS?~

kimberlesk said...

WOW, everybody from the movie is here, so glad I found this place!! It's just like everyone said over on Perez!!

Too cool, won't you let my in the party?

Kat said...

Hi ladies...

WTF is going on?

Tenneil said...

hey was school??

Melissa said...

What kind of FUCKERY is going on in here? Team Twilight in da house!

Hello to all my lovely RobKats!!


Anonymous said...

crazy: i'm here!

hi jewels and ellie.

Anonymous said...

Anyone have any brownies? I have the munchies all of a sudden...

Anonymous said...

Sally, you love me for TIT?

Feel like it's dirty. Yeah, feel like it's wrong!

Anonymous said...


Kat said...

Mel, Jules, Ellie, McV... and anyone I'm missing... good day to you.

Anonymous said...

Ah, my Kim, do you have a couch to bend over, for me?

kimberlesk said...

Uh Oh, time for a Robkat role-call?

Laura said...

Hey Mel, Kat, Jules, Ellie, Tenneil!

What the hell is going on here tonight?????? WTF? LOL!

Kat said...

Kim.... hello..... after Rob's finished with you over the couch, I'd like a turn? You owe me remember....

Jewels64 said...

Geez...we all take a break from all that is Holy and Pattinson and the damn blog explodes! What the hell is up with that?

I'm frightened of the fakers....

I just come here to have fun....

Laura said...

Oh, hey Kim!

Anonymous said...

ooooooooooh, crackers.... nice...............

Ellie said...

Hi, Kat, Mel, Kim, McV,TS, and everyone else...

Oh, and especially you, Rob! MUAH!

Tenneil said...

Hey laura!!!nice to "see" you

Anonymous said...


Kat said...

Hi Laura my sweet doll... taking a bath tonight?

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