I apologize in advance for posting this 'cause it is really really mundane but some people might be interested. So there ya go :
Filming his latest big screen project "The Twilight Saga's New Moon" in Vancouver, Canada, Robert Pattinson likes to eat spaghetti with meatballs and drink Global cocktail at a local eatery called Glowball and Satay Bar. According to the restaurant's manager Jan Wichmann, the British heartthrob usually eats there alongside the other cast of the film.
"They have visited us about four times and Robert really loves our Global cocktail," Jan says, explaining that "it is a mixture of Martini, Vodka, Alize and fruit juices." (Gozde: Yummmm! That sounds awesome! Although I'm a straight up vodka martini girl myself) Jan continues revealing, "He had several of them the last time he was here and he left in a very good mood."
"Robert also enjoyed our special spaghetti dish which we make with Kobe beef meat-balls - he has ordered it each time he dined with us," adds Jan. "All the cast members who visited us were very friendly but we are used to having actors pop in because there is a lot of film production in Vancouver now. Robert seemed like a very chilled-out guy and despite the fact he is well on his way to becoming a huge star he was very polite and well-behaved."
Thanks to Rocio for the tip :)
Not mundane at all! Thanks for sharing. I would love to make him spaghetti and meatballs.
lol Gozde, don't feel bad! There is no such thing as 'mundane' when it comes to Rob. In fact, I'm pretty sure I really want to know what his favourite brand of toothpaste is.
LOL I like these mundane things hehe
And the owner of that restaurant probably yet again lost a patron. I like spaghetti and meatballs myself tho! Never tried that drink but it sounds strong lol.
hey thanks for posting
I LOVE the details, NOT mundane at all.
Wonder where he goes out in London........
Aaargh the new banner is... beyond words! The jaw... the lips... the hands... the glorious chest hair... all in close-up... too much...
I'm off to hide in a corner and let the sexual frustration finally kill me. Bye ladies.
Not mundane at all Goz but three guesses where they "won't" be eating anymore LOL
Morning all {waves}
is it just me or what... i always see his left middle fingernail a little dirty.
but i still like him though...
kobe beef meatballs....I bet he likes it! Thas some good beef. ANd I'm a fruity beverage girl myself...we would so get along. =)
He sure loves Kobe beef. He mentioned that in one of the Japanese interview as well...
Looks like the owner will lose an important customer...poor Rob
Ya, I didn't think that was mundane at all, I actually found it really interesting...
That sounds like a good cocktail, but probably a little too fruity for my liking. I'll just take a dirty martini, please. ^_^
That spaghetti sounds good. I can't believe I became a vegetarian before I had Kobe beef... that's a huge letdown.
Good morning ladies!
Goz babe, don't feel bad about this. Rob is human (off course), but not mundane at all.
hmmm .. Rob in a "very happy" mood.. could be fun!! Yummy.. Thanks for the new banner Goz! There goes my day!
Gozde~ 1st let me say I love the new banner!!! wow!!!
and as for the spaghetti and fancy meatballs...Guuuhhhh.....
the thought of all those slippery noodles running past that mouth...good lord.
Yeah Sleepy re" the thought of all those slippery noodles running past that mouth..."
If that visual makes me hungry for him, imagine what a pic of that would do to me. I'm famished!
"He had several of them the last time he was here and he left in a very good mood." Well, uh, yeah! Who wouldn't??
That cocktail definitely sounds good.
I also like how the woman said he is "well on his way to becoming a huge star"....I'm pretty sure he reached that destination about 6 months or so ago!
What´s alize (mentioned as one of the cocktail ingredient)? I can´t believe that the restaurant uses Kobe beef to make meatballs, it´s such an expensive and specially reared cattle that it makes no sense to use it in meatballs, IMHO. Anyway, it´s good to know that Robert eats more than fast food.
Good morning, girls!!
Kate, I totally agree with you...Rob will have to have his global drink elsewhere.
crazy~~so glad you decided to stay, bb! xo
I took a day off to regroup and go back to reading "Little Women". It put me in a WAY different state of mind. Well, for about 10 minutes... until Rob showed up again, being all hot and all. ;)
i love little bits of info like this, although publishing the name of the restaurant is sort of inviting trouble, though (not on YOU, on the writer of the article itself).
rob always seems so good natured, awww.
mmmmmmm Kobe beef.
I only had it once.. in Vegas at the Wynn Hotel... but OMG... it is absolutely one of the best things I've ever put in my mouth....
it was so good I even remember what I was wearing when I ate it!
(heee hee)
Hi Crazy and everyone else. Missed you last night baby cakes.
I want to try the Global cocktail so bad, sounds really good. My personal drink of choice is whiskey sour w/a cherry and a lemon wedge. Kobe beef meatballs sound so good. That kind of cut is so expensive, I bet they are quite tasty if he ate it on multiple occassions. Damn now I want spaghetti.
Here's my cocktail:
Sex on legs-
1 part whiskey
1 part rum
2 parts sour mix
shake with ice, pour into sugar brimmed highball glass, with a Robbie on top, side and underneath.
@joy--Alize is an alcoholic mixer. There are several different flavors, but the original is blue and fruity. I agree that the concept of using Kobe beef to make meatballs is ridiculous to me. LOL, it's funny, I can't give Rob my seal of approval on ordering either the drink or the spaghetti and meatballs, because I would never order a drink with alize, nor would I condone ordering meatballs made with kobe beef. LOL.
That's okay, Rob just needs some schooling on how to spend his money and become a real foodie. I could teach him a thing or two... ;) And I can make the shit out of some spaghetti and meatballs. :P
I would of never guessed that he likes fruity drinks. Hmmmmmmm cute.
The kobe beef thing? Hey if you got the money, why not.
@ Lovindashow: thanks! Let´s ditch the meatballs and concentrate on the sauce, The Submissive style, that´s what I mean :)))
Hi Divine! I thought i was the only one that ever said "baby cakes"! LOL!
I just wanna be NEAR Rob after he's has several of those Globals. Oh I bet he's a naughty boy for sure.
Word up, sweet cheeks. Crazy, you know what they say, great minds think alike. how are you.
Suz, what's up chica? You are so lucky you've eaten Kobe beef, is it tender? what part of the cow is that?
Loving shadow, I agree Alize is a bit too fruity for my taste, however I remember going to a Alize focus group and we got to try all the flavors available. After like 6 taste test I gotta say that shit sneaked up on me. I was tipsy beyond belief. let's just say I was feeling good when I left.
So far I'm really enjoying Wide Awake, the plot is amazing, thus far. now I see why everyone recommends it so.
Funny you are raggin (smiles) about using Kobe for meatballs.. when I had it .. it was (get ready) in a (gasp!) burger form! It was heavenly.
DS, it's not a particular cut.. its a particular cow (from Japan).
Kobe cows are fed chocolate and massaged daily.. In my next life I am either coming back as Rob's guitar or a KOBE cow!!!
morning girlies!
nothing of rob's interests are mundane to me
...and i wouldn't mind sharing spaghetti and meatballs with rob lady and the tramp style...followed up by several of those cocktails
crazy: good to see you
There is nothing mundane about Rob
I think I'm going to start feeding my husband Kobe meatball spaghetti and Global martinis though.
Let's see if there is a transformation...couldn't hurt to try right?
Suz - my life is already eerily like a Kobe cow's
Hey, did you guys know that Jacksper is going to be on Criminal Minds tonight?
Apparently he plays a student being stalked by a serial killer on spring break.
I bet he turns out to be the killer...we all know how Jasper has a hard time with the new diet!
Sadly.. mine too..
I forgot, they get a beer everyday too...
(make mine a guinness!)
What sadly ??? I loves my chocolate..
Suz :) I can forgive the burger. IF it was done simply. Meatballs in sauce, though? Uh-uh. Tsk, tsk.
Divine...oh, yeah, I have gotten drunk off alize. I think I was underage (lol) and at some ridiculous hip-hop club with overpriced drinks. Not really my scene, and alize had just come out and was all the rage. Got properly sloshed. And had the sugar-alcohol hangover in the morning to boot. :)
I can thank you ladies for turning me on to Wide Awake. I'm also spreading the love. That shit is amazing.
I spent a good part of my day yesterday reading Wide Awake. It's great.
Has anyone ever counted how many times Edward says "fuck" in it?
That should be someones next project. Ha ha
Wide Awake is absolutely brills..
Change the character names and she has a bestseller, I mean it. Totally fantastic!
Enjoy. I am all caught up and jonesing.
P.S. Burger was simply done (actually mini burgers - it was a "starter")
@Tina... I nominate YOU.
My husband and I did that once during a Sopranos episode...
We gave up after 127!
tina: lol...counting fuck
wide awake was my ff cherry popper and i love it
Divine-aka "Puddin Pop". LOL!
Hey TS~ right back at ya, bb!
Anyone know what else Rob likes to eat? I mean, besides hot pox and cheeseburgers? Just curious 'cause I wanna imagine my man eating all his favorite foods.
Wait - Divine - Don't answer this!!! Please! ughhh.
@Crazy.. I think Rob is a bit of a foodie...
Whatever city he is in, during interviews he always mentions the local fare (either trying it or wanting to try it)... I dig that about him.. I love to be adventurous with food.
When in Philly he had a cheesteak, which he claimed was "Really Amazing".
It was so cute, he thought he didn't have a real one because he said it was a sandwich... (he thought he had the sandwich "version") - he was corrected saying It's is a sandwich. He was happy about that and said he wanted another one before he left the city.
When in Chi-Town, he said he wasn't leaving without having their famous deep dish pizza!
Suz <------happy to deliver cheesesteaks to set! (knows where the BEST one is!)
Hey Suz- i like that about him too. I saw the cheesesteak interview. It's one of my favorites!!
Wow, Suz I had no idea they are fed chocolate. I thought animals couldn't consume chocolate. I guess Japanese cows can handle it. Our wimpy ass cows would drop dead. Jk, I don't want to offend any cow lovers. I love cows myself they are spiritual creatures in India, and quite tasty. LOL I am an animal lover and wish I could be a vegetarian, but I love meat too much. I'm definitely a carnivore.
Crazy, thanks for the nick name baby cakes! me likey. Oh and you know what else he enjoys eating, wink wink..well at least I hope he does. Cause a dude that doesn't go south of the border, is wack in my book.
Oh and my DH luckily loves Hot Pockets, especially the sausage and pepperoni ones. it's funny I have been buying a lot of them lately. Hmmm wonder why...he has no clue. but he's quite happy, he loves them. I get a kick out of watching him heat them up and waiting like an hour for the damn thing to cool down.
for DS!
Divine, now.......
I have never had a Rob Pocket. It's too hot you say? No kidding!
oh, Hot Pocket. scusa!
SUZ! LMAO at the Hot Pox video!
Rob may have varied taste in food, buy not discerning it seems.
suz: do tell... where is the best cheesesteak? i've been to philly a few times and have had jim's... i was told that was the best...
mine was witout
Imagine Rob's got bigger bucks now, so maybe Hot Pox are like, so, yesterday. But he's a loyal guy that likes to keep his old habits(and old clothes, cars...). What say you, Puddin' Pop?
ROTFLMAO! THANKS SUZ< HE"S FRIGGIN HILARIOUS. FUNNY I've seen this before yet I was laughing at it as if it was my first time seeing it. HP do send us straight to the toilet though. I had the only tummy ache after eating one a couple nights ago. But it's a sacrifice I'm willing to take. it's like white castle. Good going down, but not cool coming out.
Crazy, I want a Rob Pocket too. What's in them? LOL hahahaha what kind of, ummm, sauce is in them? Be careful answering that, don't want to offend anyone.
Gotta run ladies. See ya later, after I get a good dose of "Little Women" before I blog again.
Puddin'Pop - Got the 10 foot pole in my hand, but it's really not long enough.
watch you find something dirty about that too!! LOL!
Puddin'Pop - Got the 10 foot pole in my hand, but it's really not long enough.
watch you find something dirty about that too!! LOL!
here i go again.........
I'm an idiot.
So nice to read a simple, cool detail about Rob that won't inspire gossip...unless someone decides that Rob is secretly dating a Kobe cow :)
TS - Jim's definitely makes the top 5 list (for me its #2)
I am a Tony Luke's kinda gal..
Stay away from Pats and Genos..
tourist traps and overpriced!
I'm a "with" gal!
Spaghetti & meatballs: I am ya girl Robert!
Italians do it BEST!!!
Baby Cakes, not even gonna touch that one! lol
KK, ROTFLMAO! Do you think they're dating or just boning?I'm so jealous of that effing cow. his Rob death-trap mobile better not be parked by it.
Divine: Too funny! Oh yeah, Summit is trying everything to keep this romance secret because they know the public will eat Rob's new interest alive (or rather dead in burgers and such). Wait until Lainey and Ted get a load of this love affair!
If Perez hears that Rob is dating a Kobe cow he might start being nice again, thinking now he has a chance...
Not mundane at all. Now I know what to cook for him when he comes over tonight. Thanks for the heads up, Goz.
Damn do I wish!!!
I actually was in Vancouver last weekend (for nonrob related reasons)with my husband who really is sick of my robsession. We ended up eating at Glowball...my husband chose the resteraunt, and he had the spaghetti and meatballs...no Rob though apparently he was at an Indian restaurant, so close yet so far.
If anyone goes there, don't get the Butternut squash ravioli's, they're tiny and you only get 5...i was starving after we ate.
Tina - You are so funny!!!! :)
Tina, KK, HAHAHHAHAHHH....*tears of laughter* u guys are the shiz.
Anon, that sounds quite tasty. *drool*
Yet another person/establishment trying to milk money off of Rob. Can this guy (the manager) just give it a rest? Is it not enough that he told the Vancouver Sun already that Rob ate there frequently? Now he has to share Rob's dinner with the whole world?? This guy has some nerve. Yes, I'm glad to know what Rob eats but considering I'm from Vancouver and live mere blocks away from Global, i can tell you that I do NOT have any desire to eat or drink there again.
Way to respect and protect the privacy of your celebrity customers Jan Wichmann!
She's sure to see an increase in customers, but on the other hand will Robert be able to enjoy his kobe beef meatball now?
Martini, Vodka, Alize and fruit juices....holy schnikes, that sounds strong and delicious...just like Rob (wink, wink). Alize reminds me of high school....we used to drink it with orange juice...a little goes a long way!
Wowie- Me too...love fruity drinks. I got to have something sweet mixed in.
Crazy- Good to see you here again bb.
D- Yes indeed...and a Alize focus group.WTF!! Damn... how can I get hooked up with the focus group. I've been missing out...
Loveindashow- Talk that talk....I ain't mad at you.
I just bought the pasta and sauce to make spaghettit the other day - come on over Rob! I'll share!
Great longer wait times to get into glowbal now, such good news for those of us who actually just like to eat there, and yeah, he will likely never go back, people are gonna force him to live off room service... booo
Yes, I would say that the place has lost a patron. Come on Vancouver! Be the polite people/city that we have been known for. The Movie is dumping a lot of cash in this area. Much needed cash by the way.
I love Vancouver and let me say Glowball is just a 5 min walk away from my friends apt. in the trendy downtown core of Vancouver in Yaletown. The spaghettie and Kobi beef meatballs are to die for and it really isnt that expansive. I think only like $10 for the lunch special. Ya I'm just that cool. It's a pretty trendy place.
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