Life & Style says Rob and Nikki are "back" together(they reference LaineyHO as the source). I wish they would make up their mind. He is with Megan Fox, he is with Kristen, he is with Camilla, he is texting Natalie Portman.
Why do people buy these rags? If you have money to spare donate it or buy yourself some booze, you'll have more satisfaction :P
Is it true? I don't know and refer you to HERE :)
Thanks to Danni for the link ;)
were they ever a couple?
Whatever... together, not together, back together...
And Lainey's the "source"? O-kaaay.
And while it's none of my business I think I'd rather Rob be "with" Nikki than with a different random girl every night.
That's the only thing I'm going to say...my first and last comment on his personal life.
I'm going back to enjoy the HQ pics. :)
Thank for posting Goz!
I don't freak out when i heard about Rob and some girl. And besides a lot of people are saying a don't care who he's fucking, you may not care, but if you are a fan you wanna know who he's fucking, and you will have a opinion like it or not!!
Two days after Rob and Kristen were photographed together in a cab, he is "back" with Nikki. Again. What a coincidence...Right. *annoyed sigh*
amen danni! hhaa I don't care- hell i hope he is getting some! It's not like i'm ever gonna be with him..even though mama would soooooooo like... heehee
Just a outflow.
Love you all
Alright, if you have the stomach for it you should see all the craziness going down on Ted C's post from yesterday involving the now "infamous" photoshopped pics of Kristen and Rob in the cab. Mountain out of Molehill? You bet! Sortive interesting? Unfortunately,
Hey, I wanna know when Rob hooks up with the octumom, then, I will buy the rag.
*yawn* Life&Fail is late on the gossip as usual. Everyone else has already dismissed and moved on from Lainey's little fantasy...
Poor Rob...He can't even ride in the back of a car without being hooked up to someone. Oh yeah...read the comments at Casablanca's website about "The Great Cab Conspiracy of 2009." Rob and Kristen in the back of a cab, papparazzi being forbidden to release photos on threat of death (that's my little add in), staged photos of the cast out in public, the photoshopping, fake significant others, Oregano unhappy in pics, complete manipulation of Kristen and Rob, Summit controlling Kristen and Rob's personal lives not to mention THE WORLD...MWAHAHAHA!! Does anyone else think this sounds like a big, ginormous bunch of PR bullsh*t? Sorry, everybody, I don't buy the Nikki story or any of the Kristen stories. Ya'll are welcome to have your own opinions. That's what's so great about this particular blog. If Kristen and Rob are together, they'll let us all know. They seem like no BS kind of people. That's what I like about 'em. Whether they are together or not, Summit gets PR and lots more interest in the franchise which is, I believe, the point.
This is ridiculous :)
Who’s next?
Probably Vanessa Hudgens or something..
Zefron may be next...
A threesome with Rob, Zefron and Vanessa...
Well, I never buy those mags. But I have my GQ, of course. And I read stuff about him on the internet. Ok.
And I WANT TO KNOW WHO HE IS SLEEPING WITH, of course. I am a Robsessed fan. And that is one of the things that we Robsessed fans do!!
Seriously if they were hooking up they would be doing a lot more than "arm around shoulder" and "walking into the night together" . Like KK said, if there was anything going on they wouldn't hide it, what's the point in hiding it? they have nothing to hide.
It is obvious they would keep it hush.
somehow people seem to know
hah, nikki, how trashy. not gonna happen. prob did wayyy back than, but prob not again. well, not if he wants to get into KS's pants.
I was cheking this TED C thing 5 minutes ago, coz anon mention it.
Is creepy. Back on earth people.
I definitely rather spend my money on booze, GOZ. Me likes the way you think.
KK, interesting views. I don't know what to think anymore. so confused. Until there is proof I'm not believing a damn thing. Riding in the back of a cab with a costar does not signify a relationship. No matter how much I want them two love doves together. i need some concrete proof! Why the hell are the paps not allowed to release photos of them that day? Hmmm, perhaps incriminating evidence?
I thought Patz was seeing a Kobe cow...now we're back to Nikki. OY!
Remember L&S is reporting last weeks gossip since they are a print paper. This is not a retraction to the R/K gossip thanks to cabgate, this is the repetition of Lainey's Juno story from last week in which they alledgedly re-kindled their (non-existant) romance/hook-up from last year.
Cabgate will be featured in next weeks issue, so brace yourselves. ;-)
Round, round, round we go...*LMAO*
P.S. Maybe Rob is with all these women at the same time. I mean, wasn`t he the one who said that you can love 10 ppl at the same time? ;p
Anon - "cabgate"...brilliant!!:)
A romantic photo of Kristen and Rob would bring a papparazo huge $$$ and acclaim. You bet they're looking for one, and no one will be able to control that. What is anyone going to do, sue them for getting and releasing a photograph? Incriminating pics of celebrities are released all the time. Seriously, people on the Casablanca website are working themselves into a frenzy. I much prefer the comments here because people here tend to be much more open-minded. Even if we don't agree, I think people here are willing to listen at least (or rather read....:)
I am so not buying this CRAP magazine. I learned my lesson from last week. ;}
I don't care who Rob is with, but I wish he really was "texting" Natalie Portman. They'd make a lovely pair. Do I sound nosey or what? Oops. :X
And coz of this:
they are saying that Nikki and Angarano are a couple and they are helping hide Rob/Kristen relationship.
Amazing how people's minds work!!
whaaat?! i thought rob was with joe jonas? damn
Danni - I think you and I are on the same page :)
30 - Damn, you're right! The only person Rob has actually admitted to being with is Joe! Then why all the frenzied rumors people? Let Rob and Joe enjoy each other privately, and let Nikki and Kristen nurse their broken hearts.
30! Yes, I did too. He said he fucked Joe Jonas... We cannot trust what that man says anymore...
News Flash - Rob is dad of Octomoms kids!!!!
All 14 of them!!!
I wonder,Am I a naive person or these people are crazy!!
Re: Tina
That's funny! Poor Rob, I thought he did not like children now he has a whole litter!
Tina - Now I'll buy THAT issue. And it appeared in the comment section of a blog (nod to Ted C.) so it must be true!!!! Heh heh heh... Be sure to tune in to Ted C. tonight because I'm sure this will air as one of the newest pieces of "news."
TS~ lmfao...thats what I thought!11
Danni - You are not naive. You are simply using your thinking cap to look at this frenzy. Do we think Rob is honest? Do we think he has integrity? Do we think he resists being told what to do and say? Then why would he lie, hide and let others manipulate him? Do we think Kristen is fierce and independent (Rob said she's fierce)? Do we think Kristen is smart? Then why wouldn't she be with the guy she wanted to be with in the open?
You know....I don't know one way or another, and it really doesn't affect my life either way. I just feel like trusting Rob and his honesty on this one. Maybe that makes me naive. If I'm wrong, I'll be the first to admit it, believe me.
Melanie - If he really doesn't like kids he can just feed them to Jasper.
Tina - Jasper could use a few little kiddies...sweet, sweet, tasty kiddies...
Now, I'm just disturbed with myself. Too much time on my hands right now between teaching jobs. Sigh.
Listen girls, if Rob was with one of these girls I don't think he or she would hide it because they probably don't give a shit.
I think he WOULD hide something if the girl he was seeing wasn't in the public eye and he didn't want her to put up with all this craziness
Believe me.. If I were making a film and my two lovers in the film were lovers in real life.. I'd kinda sorta leak that..
Cha Ching....Box Office Goldmine...
However, the entire film could be implicated if this thing ended... badly!
just sayin'
As a mom, I can't believe that I would even mention something like that....this site makes me nuts.
Thanks KK!
If that is the case i will admit too.
KK - mind you THOSE babies don't look so tasty. Kind of scrawny.
Suz - You are so right! Summit couldn't BUY that kind of PR. Lovers on and offscreen. Shazam!!
Tina - Good exception...I think Rob WOULD try hard to protect a girlfriend who was out of the public eye.
suz, rob would totally become the meal.
DS! You saucy naughty wench
That was GREAT! haa haa haa
They do look scrawny, but all it would take is one tiny paper cut, and Jasper would be after them.
KK - Of course he would, that's we love him!! He wouldn't be parading her in front of a bazillion paps just to get his face in the news.
Tina - Yeah, but I think those babies would be better off with Jasper than their octo + six mom. Scary...
KK - couldn't agree more. He would love them and take good care of them till the plumped up just right
KK - mind you Edward might also like them, I hear he finds those nose tube thingies FETCHING
blah blah blah blah blah....
The paparazzi did not photoshop the pics. The girls who run the Rob website, the ones that bought the pics from the agency were the ones that photoshopped them cause they don't like Kristen.
All of this speculation about Nikki is just getting her the publicity she enjoys. I don't believe anything other than they are friends.
Ok other Anon...Not to be all CSI but if that is in fact the case then why haven't the un-photoshopped pics of the two been splashed from here to the end of the world at this point...? Good publicity right? Two co-stars that everyone want to hook up finally pictured together for the first time since Tokyo? Hmmm....
Danni - Did your last comment on this topic say something like "Girls look at this". I refuse to believe any bullshit from this "source". I guess you ARE A bigger fan than me since you care who he's sleeping with. Or should I use your term "Fucking". Well guess what, I won't know who he's fucking, and neither will you, until he chooses to disclose that information. Like that's gonna happen anytime soon - or Life & Syle is gonna have that gem...
Ok, we all know the truth is, he is the father of Nayda Suleman's 8 children. -.-
"Ok other Anon...Not to be all CSI but if that is in fact the case then why haven't the un-photoshopped pics of the two been splashed from here to the end of the world at this point...? Good publicity right? Two co-stars that everyone want to hook up finally pictured together for the first time since Tokyo? Hmmm...."
Maybe the pictures are not available for sale in the US yet. That Rob website is ran from Spain. I don't know if you know how photo agencies work but sometimes they only allow people from certain countries to buy them and then they sell them to the world. People have noticed that they are photoshopped and the girl who runs the site has refused to tell people what agency she got them from. It's not a big consispiracy, they will come out soon.
anon @ 5:50 could be right.The pics have only been posted at that Robert Pattinson source site and that site is from Spain. If the pics are exclusive to the Spanish market that's why no one else has the picture.
He should be out there sharing his love around. He's young hot and intelligent.
He'd be crazy to tie himself down to one woman.
Want to see Robert in Australia & New Zealand? Sign our online petition at
Anything new from your post. You alreay told me this.
Let's not talk about this anymore, ok?
you seems to be a very nice fan yourself.
This is exactly why I don't buy these types of magazines. In one you see a story and on another you see a completly different story. I agree, spend the money on something more useful!!
I admit it...I bought that retched L&S mag today. But, I only did so because I haven't seen the GQ anywhere! Where is it? Anyway L&S sucked...at least there are some photos....
I posted this earlier and thought it was worth posting here again:
***What you guys have to remember is that these people are paid to bring out the most incriminating stories... most of the time they never speak to the actors themselves just *sources* and these sources can be anyone... it can be you... a garbage man... a waitress... a bell boy who didn’t get a tip... so you have to take what you read with a grain of salt... sometimes stories have some truth to it - other times they are complete fabrications ( like that one that rob smells... HE DOESN’T by the way, he smells fantastical). So...that being said, I wouldn’t believe what I read until it is confirmed by the actors themselves.
I do not know their private lives, nor do I know them personally... so I cannot comment on that... nor would I if I did. We have to respect their privacy guys. I know it’s juicy sometimes... but try to resist...lol What I can say is that they hang out often... I have seen no home wrecking going on... I actually saw Ks’s Bf around as well... if there is any truth to this stuff... it is their lives and their business... let’s not be that crazy annoying nosy neighbor... I’m not saying we should sit around a camp fire singing kumbaya but... let try to be decent.
Try to think about it like a normal co-workers and friends situation... I know it works like that for me... when I go out of town the only people u have to hang out with are work buddies...so naturally we hang out all the time... we just don't have the paps photographing our every toilette or smoke break.
OMG...Did you read this?!!
Life & Style is reporting that Rob is “back” with New Moon costar Nikki Reed. Apparently, the two shacked up together after a party in Vancouver, causing N.R. to catch a later-than-anticipated flight to L.A.
We’re calling total bull on this one, folks.
Another Twilight know-it-all sniffed: “Well, let’s just say Nikki likes this stuff out there more than Rob does, who really just f–ks whoever he wants—and he does.”
Any thoughts?
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