It's like where is Waldo? I think a cloned version of Rob is out there! He is EVERYWHERE at once :))According to several sources Rob was at the Coachella Festival in Indio California last night, April 17th.
Here is one report:
The first day of the festival also featured Morrissey, Leonard Cohen, the Hold Steady, Franz Ferdinand and the Ting Tings. It drew a number of young Hollywood stars to this desert city southeast of Palm Springs.
Anne Hathaway was spotted in the VIP area wearing patterned harem pants and a cardigan, while Morrissey's set drew the attention of "Twilight" actor Robert Pattinson, wearing skinny cut-off jeans(Gozde: skinny cut-off jeans? Really? Dude!), and Kirsten Dunst in a short-sleeve mini-dress. Kate Bosworth, "Weird Al" Yankovic, Chloe Sevigny and Zoe Kravitz were also spotted in the VIP area.
Thanks to Sara and Kate for the tip :)
*picture is from a night Rob was out in LA months ago.
look at that finger. guh.
Rob's getting good at this incognito stuff. Good for him , not so good for stalkerazzi.
Ummm was he not filming in Vancouver last night? And spotted in Vancouver at 3:30 yesterday aftenoon.
Maybe he has a secret twin, heheh.
OK, I have to see what "skinny cut-off jeans" look like...
Yeah, what the hell are skinny cut-off jeans? Were they cut off? Or were they skinny! Details, people. We need details! :D
For whatever reason I can't imagine it was him spotted if he was wearing shorts. I dunno why.... I'll believe it when I see pics.
(The music snob in me wants to really blurt out that Coachella was cool until celebs started going. Now it's all about celebs being spotted and paparazzi being there, instead of the music. Man I'm a snob. Boo me. )
Since we all know Rob has 3 outfits, I bet he was wearing his jeans with the hole in the knee and this astute observer of fashion interpreted them as "cut off jeans." Hopefully pics turn up! I wonder who he went with?
Uh I heard he was on set in Vancouver last night....He must have a twin or something...come on, Rob in cut off jeans? I seriously doubt it. Hell, I can't even picture in shorts...
Hey, could you write me your email address. Because I have such a cool article about Robert.
Although i have like a billion pix of rob- well umm over 4000 heehee.. and know most of when and where they were... i wanted to say thanks for telling us if the pic you post of him is an old one...now that his hair is grown out its getting harder to know what is 2008 or 2009! So thanks!
i'm going to ask my homegirl lisa. she was there and backstage. the perks of being homies with music journalists.
too bad there isn't an 'i like' button like on Facebook cause i LIKE kchambers77's comment! :)
I seriously doubt Rob would wear cut off jeans. Just doesn't seem like him. He does have nice legs though!
I was actually at Coachella last night (its only about 5 hours away from L.A.) and I will vouch for Kirsten Dunst being there, but I did NOT see Rob.
Maybe his twin is that Justin Bobby dude from the Hills...he practically wears the same "black hood under black jacket and jeans" that Rob does.
this site has pictures of rob at the set for the cullen house last night so i'm guessing he wasn't in LA lol since he left the set at like 6AM this morning
Anonymous - THANK YOU!!! yah!!!! i got a recent rob fix!!
Anon @ 1:23. Thank you for posting that link!!! Awesome!!!
Robsessed email is on the main page if you want to send stuff to Goz and Dani to post.
Skinny cut off jeans sounds weird - can't imagine it. Rob's legs I imagine frequently. Off to watch Little Ashes trailers...
Thanks Anon - the Van City Allie posts pics are GREAT! Makeup looks soooooo much better than TWI!!! SQUEEEEE!
I don't think Rob was there lol
he was in vancouver filming the birthday scene at the Cullen house. Kellan said he, elizabeth, peter, and rob would leave vancouver this weekend.
I highly doubt that Rob was there since he was shooting in Vancouver...and Rob in cut-off jeans...BWAHHHAAAA!
DH and I have been to Coachella and unless the set-up has changed, I thought it was all about greed. It is EXTREMELY DUSTY & HOT, well, it IS the desert. Anyway, ticket prices are insane and there is virtually no seating anywhere. So, if you enjoy standing for 12 hours in 100 degree dusty heat, be my guest!
What really irked me is that there are very few humane facilities around...that is bathrooms and what you need most to live (especially in the desert): WATER. We had to stand in line before getting in and the screeners were throwing out all liquids and even empty water bottles!!!!! INSANE. I had a special empty water bottle that I wasn't willing to give up in addition to the hundreds of dollars we had already paid, so that meant a trip back to the dusty car... Once we got inside, we discovered the ripoff...if you wanted/needed any liquids, you had to shell out another $3-$4 for water they were selling?!?!
I thought Coachella was a great idea gone greedy. We saw a few bands but by the time The Cure came up, I was so heat-stroked and exhausted, I sat on the lawn for most of the concert, praying not to be trampled by the huge crowd. Others were fainting and puking and some were trampled. DH and I took turns standing for a few moments to get a glimpse of Robert Smith (whom I adore).
Leaving Coachella was a chaotic, dangerous, dusty mess. So, if you are a very robust, wealthy 14-year-old with a camel's constitution, by all means, make the trek.
I think Rob would hate it for all of the reasons I listed. The crowds make you very claustrophobic, too. So NOT Rob's thing.
QUESTION. How is Gozde posting this article (which is by now clear that it's NOT true Rob was at Coachella) different than Ted C. posting that Rob was in LA earlier this week?
Both people got the wrong info from their sources. I don't see people attacking Gozde left, right, and center.
I'm in no way attacking Gozde. She works hard to make this a great blog. But I just don't see how her mistake here isn't the same as Ted's and people got so offended at HIS mistake.
Gozde is just posting up articles that is floating around..not making up ones like the way Ted is doing. With his so-call inside sources.
At the same time, Gozde is not poking fun of Rob either. In Ted articles he is alway make little snide comments about Rob.
We all know that Gozde love Rob as much as the rest of us. So why would we attack her when all she is doing is giving us stuff we wanna see?
A link where you can see the cullin leaving the set in different cars after filming the party scene, you can see them in half costume, since they are covered with big coats, but you can see Rob outfit for that seen, he was in the car with Ashley they rolled down the window to salute the fans that could snap those pics
True. And I didn't mean people should attack Gozde. I just want to get at why there is so much hate. The thing is fans take everything WAY. TOO. SERIOUSLY. I don't mind when people make snide comments about Rob. I actually LIKE that he's a person not everyone can appreciate. People on this site and other sites get offended so easily and make a big stink about every negative thing that is said about Rob.
Anon - Gozde is just posting info. She's not saying it's true. In fact, Gozde often comments that this type of stuff is not to be taken as the truth necessarily. Ted makes everything seem like God's truth on his site.
My Bobby Long review: Thursday night, Los Angeles, 8 pm, HotelCafe.
DH and I took public transport to Hollywood since finding parking is miserable and expensive. You will see parts of the "Hollywood Walk of Fame" in the neighborhood, that is, the stars embedded into the sidewalks with a name on them and a symbol for film, music, etc.
We got there two hours early since I expected Twilighters to crowd the scene. There are lots of seedy parts to this area: empty storefronts, funky people talking to themselves, going through garbage cans... Weather was brisk, even a bit windy for LA so you needed a sweater. The Hotelcafe is in an old brick building painted black, bordering an alley which you must walk down to enter through the back. We decided to see if they were open at 6:30 pm and a line had just started forming. They checked IDs against our credit card receipt, stamped our hands and we zoomed right in, getting the last two seats at the six or seven tables they had set-up in front of the stage. I was worried about making it to a table since I didn't want to stand for hours and try to peer through a crowd. We were off to the side when good fortune smiled on us. A man from the table at second-row center said there was five in their group but four chairs at their table (no moving allowed) and we were four people at our table with five chairs. So, we switched and now we were directly facing BOBBY. I tried my best to make small talk with the other two women at our table who apparently were more interesting in chowing down and drinking.
At 7 pm a girl named Chloe played a keyboard and sang in a bluesy style sounding almost exactly like a famous English singer who performed on SNL recently (maybe someone will remember her name). She dutifully finished up at 7:45 pm and Bobby's friend (a blond, pudgy, friendly guy) did the set-up and sound. Can't remember his name now, sorry. He asked everyone to turn off cell phones because they would interfere and hold off on photos. But people still took too many photos. Bobby's partner took a few himself.
There were a few screams and Bobby took the stage. He said he had only arrived an hour before and was very tired. He promptly launched into "Sad Woman Blues." He wore a brown wool sportcoat with 3/4 length sleeves (that "shrunken" look) open over a brown plaid cotton shirt, dark blue jeans with both knees ripped open and simple brown boots.
Chicago, I was lurking in here waiting for your Bobby Long review since yesterday. Since Maome cannot go to the mountain... Thanks. I love to read your posts.
Yes, Rob must have a secret twin. or he's been "cloned" (is this a word?). Hey, Mr. Smart/scientist!! Could you make one for me???
How is the "honeymoon" going??
Part TWO Bobby Long review: Thursday night, HotelCafe, Los Angeles.
By the beginning of Bobby's performance the place was packed with people standing behind the lucky seven tables and filling the length of the building...you could feel a tension building. DH checked around for other males and was satisfied when he saw about 10 other guys. The HotelCafe holds about 150-200 people.
Bobby has quite a few similarities to Rob: long, long, slim fingers, smaller wrists and arresting blue-grey eyes. He also has a nice jawline, but a bit softer than Rob's. Very lanky, too, though not as tall. And like Rob, he talks about not getting fat. He mentioned that since he has been in the US, all he has eaten is sandwiches and that his clothes were getting tight; he didn't want to get fat.
He mentioned that he liked New York City and that LA seemed "HOT" (interject British accent: "hawt").
After "Sad Woman Blues," he played "Being a Mockingbird" which someone filmed and you can see it on Youtube. Thirtysomething said Mockingbird is her favorite.
By this point some girl was yelling out that she liked Bobby's boots. He paused, looked down at them incredulously and acted embarrassed. He has a shy demeanor just like Rob. She yelled this out a couple more times. Then another girl yelled out that she liked his jacket. Finally, someone from the opposite side yelled, "get over it!" The original girl called the responder "...a bitch." I was saddened and was psyching myself for some Jerry Springer action. Bobby looked disappointed at these exchanges and launched into another song, "This Strange Love," where he really got into his performance, eventually breaking a guitar string and swapping guitars.
I just noticed that SnuggleBubble05 recorded several songs from this performance on youtube: "Sad Woman Blues," "Being a Mockingbird," "Bounty of Mary Jane," "Left to Lie," and "Penance Fire Blues" (DH's favorite).
The youtubes don't really capture what an excellent guitarist Bobby is. The interesting thing about him is that while he has a calm, soothing way about him, when he starts playing, the music flows through his face and body. His face, in particular responds with a lot of Tourette's-like contortions. I found it pretty sexy. He has that swoopy, long-in-the-front hair which hangs down over his face when he plays...by the time he was done with the set, it was wet. After he completes a song, he flips his hair back, revealing his face and looks out over the audience with those beautiful eyes. We made eye contact once, very lovely. I think he's quite good-looking and I'm not surprised at all about his talent. He's just the kind of guy you'd see as friends with Rob: shy, talented and determined.
Yea, Bobby! I'm wishing you the best! And I hope it brings you some well-deserved $$$$; I know you are operating on a shoe-string right now and need some money! *Crosses fingers that some impressed record execs were in the audience*
Awwww, thanks Elena, where are you?
I couldn't post yesterday because I have a life (sometimes, haha) outside of here and I had to wait for a newer post so the review would be near the top!
Chicago ~ loved the play-by-play =D i live in TX, so unless bobby decides to grace the lone star state with his presence, i won't be able to see him play =( but i have heard from many people that he is extremely talented, and your commentary seems to corroborate this! Thx so much for sharing!!!
Those VanCityAllie pics-- Rob looks like a total twenties-era silent film star a la Buster Keaton. The dangers of vampire makeup.. ;)
So I am glad the Coachella reports were falso only because I really was wigged out abouthim wearing shorts for some reason. Hahaha!
Chicago in L.A. -
you are dead on right about Coachella. I went to the first 3 or 4. The very first one was held in August. If you think April in the desert is hot, think again. August... I was literally dripping and dying. The year I stopped going was the year they first had corporate sponsored booths everywhere. The next year's reports of Paris Hilton and Kelly Osbourne spottings made me stay away ever since. Like I said in a post before, it's not really about the music anymore.
- Anon (in L.A.)
He's getting hard to keep track of. Hee hee, good for you Rob!
music festivals are always hot. stop being babies and go with the whole deadhead vibe.
why can't celebs enjoy live music? why is that a neg? weird.
when traveling to see friends of rob perform, isn't that second hand stalking?
(@ Anon 3:59)
@Chicago in LA .... thank you really very much for sharing, I'd love to be there :)
Just wanted to say the Anon @2.28 is totally right about what they said about Goz.
Goz only puts up reports that are already out there and this one is around everywhere today.
Obviously now it has been proven wrong and the set pics prove that Rob was in Vancober and not in LA and I am sure when Goz gets online she will put up that report too and say that this one was wrong.
I was one of the people who tipped her off about this article, sorry that is wasn't right but hey I'm not a reporter and I wasn't there so I'd have no way of knowing if they are true or not.
Anyway love the set pics, the make-up, hair etc looks WAY better than last time!
Hey Gozde. Here are some photos of Rob before or after filming at the Cullen house, along with other cast mates.
OMFG - Comparing Goz to Ted C. is ridiculous. A better comparison would be comparing my thoughts about Rob in my shower this morning to the crap Ted makes up - they are BOTH fantasies.
Goz brings us information about Rob because we like to know if he's alive and well and hope he's enjoying himself. She's not pretending to know something or making shit up.
This is anon 2:28
LOL. I love Gozde for all her hard work and I don't like the comparison btw Ted c. and her.
We all love this site! Thank you very much you ladies!!!
Chicago- Thanks so much for letting us know what happened. I can't believe those girls were almost fighting over what looked better his clothes or shoes.LOL
like Jamie I'm in Texas so unless Bobby wanted to detour south I can't see him play live. But I definitely will wish him all the success in the world.
Now about the Rob sighting it probably was someone who just looked similar. Like they say, "everyone has a twin in the world".
That is not cool to compare Goz to Ted C., that is mind-boggling.
Well Rob was not there, i wonder who they thought was Rob, too funny!!! Rob sightings everywhere, yikes.
I went to Coachella the very first year and never went back. Too dirt dirty and too long, i guess i am getting too old LOL. All day concerts are not for me anymore. I dont remember any movie stars there, let alone a VIP section.
Hey Chicago Girl: that really sucked that some stupid girls interupted bobby's set. That would have pissed me off too.
All twilight cast seems really nice to stop and take pics with
the fans.
This is wrong. He was filming last night at the Cullen house set.
thanks for the Bobby info... i'm going Wed night to see him and Sam Bradley... tomorrow i will see How To Be! woohoo exciting week heehee
spotted him at 1am this morning...in vancouver. sooo nope he's not in vancouver. he was also not in skinny cut offs lol he was in full edward gear. <3
So Im just saying everyone should go to mtv.com and vote for the 2009 movie awards because im almost positive twilight was up for almost every award....and Rob should def get breakthrough performance! Just Saying
oops i mean nope he wasn't in LA lol, he's in vancouver still. kellan is still filming here, jackson has a record signing thing going on for record something appreciation day today plus a show tmr in vancouver...i hear rob is here through this weekend?
Hey, ladies! Bobby Long is going to be in Texas (and all over this continent) this summer! Check out his MySpace for the dates.
And, come join us at Land of Dreamers, where we work to support the guys (Bobby, Marcus Foster, & Sam Bradley). Lots of fun!
Alright. So my college class ends at 8:00p.m. on Monday and I can boot my students out of the door fast. Then I can head over to the "How to Be" afterparty at Brits Pub in Minneapolis (about 15 minutes from my college), not go in, but just hang out by the smokers. Rob is bound to come out there at some point if he is there because he can't go long without a smoke. Oh well...still not going to go because I can't stand crowds.
Hmmm...despite the rumors, I would be surprised if Rob was here for the screening on Monday though he could get a straight flight to London from our huge international airport...
Hi, this is Anon in L.A. and I want to clarify for the other Anon @ 3:59 PM and for some who may have misunderstood me:
- I wasn't complaining about the heat in the desert, just stating a fact.
- I never said celebs can't enjoy a music fest. My issue is with Coachella specifically.
Did you know that:
- some celebs are comped *free* tickets for being...celebs
- they get access to a VIP area that is one of the only shaded areas there
- they get a few free drinks
- they get easy access to the backstage area because of the VIP thing
- they have their own bathrooms
- Paris Hilton annoys me.
I guess some celebs need that separation from the regular folks... I guess, but I have been to other festivals have seen plenty of celebs in the crowd, and no one really bothered them. Coachella is the only one I've been to where they are given special treatment for having a job that makes them recognizable. Then the paparazzi are there shooting them lookin' cool... to me, it takes away the focus of the music and becomes more about a see and be seen thing.
- Maybe Chicago girl now in L.A. went to see Bobby Long *because she likes his music* and wasn't there to be some kind of stalker, other Anon. It could be entirely possible.
Anon @C 3:59 Ummm....I don't know Chicago Girl personally, but she doesn't seem the stalker type by her posts here. If we can't see Rob's friends perform (because we like the music)...does that mean we shouldn't see TomStu's new movie because that would be second-hand stalking too?
Lady Jane- I just looked at the site and loved it. Great play by play and pictures... I wish you ladies at LOD much success in supporting the boys. I will come by often to visit. And I hope that the others here at Robsessed will as well. Rob's friends are our friends.
LJ ask Gozde if she doesn't mind having you as an affiliate. Although I know she wants only those that are about Rob. But it doesn't hurt to ask.
Dude, it's 3AM here, it's friday niht, i'm wSATED!All updates 2morrinbw! Muag!
oooops they twll me it's saturday night:))
Hola Chica - thanks for the descriptive play by play of Bobby long. It sounds like a really great experience.
LOL @ Anon. WTF is "second hand stalking"? I went to see this great musician's performance after I learned about him through my admiration for his actor friend. How AWFUL! I don't know how Bobby Long feels about attention being drawn to him this way, but a lot of people are going to enjoy his music who otherwise might never have heard it. What kind of "performance" would it be if no one showed up?
And the anon who thinks Robsessers get too worked up over accounts of his whereabouts is a bit off base. Most of us here don't take any of this gossip seriously or over analyze it. We are just interested in what people are saying. I'd rather give Robsessed the hits than anyone else or buy the stupid gossip mags because it's presented tongue in cheek.
He was spotted in Vancouver an hour ago so he is still there. No LA.
Are they are really done filming in Vancouver? Last week Rob said that they were only about half done THEN they were going to Italy. Could they have finished half a weeks worth of filming in the last week??? Does anyone know when they are done?
Wow! Just read the comments and I can't believe them. I never ONCE said I knew what Rob was up to. I don't have an IN :( I just beging you the "news"....
I'm sorry....
no drunk blogging for me. People are hating me :(( I'll set everything up 2morrow :(((((((
i'm totally second stalking!!
but have you heard bobby? he is realllllly good. I think he is better than Sam- although sam is good- he has a whole different sound...but yeah- i'm all about second hand stalking!
No one hates you Goz. :)
Chicago girl now in LA - thank you so much for the review of Bobby's performance. I am hoping to see him when he comes to San Francisco in August.
Goz, we love u! I have had 2 Robgaritas and shouldn't be on here. Someone on another thread said that Rob looked ridiculous and I want to whip her ass!
Hi BI! long time so see!
EElainiyie~ drunk bloggin i see? hee hee.
Hi Crazy! I haven't been here for a while, other then to get my Rob fix.
How are you?
I can't jump from thread to thread, not in this state. lol
My buzz is wearing off. Wish my Robsession would. Not
OMG, I'm blushing! Thanks for all of the support Elena, Jaime, Anon. in LA at 3:55 & 6.23,KK, Margot, Shani, Ana, lesamara, Twiheart, Lady Jane, Bootstrap Intern.
First Anon at 3:59 is what we call a "Troll." Trolls function just to stir everyone up. Secondly, before I moved to LA, I had a weekend business which took me to festivals all over the Midwest where there was plenty of humid, stifling heat. The people who ran the festivals always made sure there was plenty of water and shelter for the attendees. Coachella sucks.
Thirdly, Troll, look up stalker in the dictionary. DH & I didn't bother to wait for a pic with Bobby afterwards...too many aggressive women. I didn't want to spoil the good vibe his music had left with me.
I really am glad to know about Bobby Long's music because he fits me to a tee. I nearly choked while watching an interview he did on youtube. He thought Joni Mitchell's "Blue" album was the best--a masterpiece, something I've felt forever.
Also, so glad to hear he'll be in Texas! If you like great lyrics, fine music and excellent guitar, Bobby Long is worth supporting.
GOZDE~You are a good reporter who occasionally adds in editorial comments. You know I'm a journalist and I've been thinking for a while now that you would do great on an English language publication in Turkey. Just an idea...
When is Rob leaving Vancouver?
Bootstrap - i missed you again. I've been hangin on the Vancitythread,. yep, the nightly Rob Fix, well and daily and morningly too. eek.
Chicago~ you go girl!!!!
wow. i thought that rob being there was a possibility since he expressed a liking to the black keys (they also played friday night.) but now with the release of last night's set photos, maybe that person shouldn't have smoked that joint being passed around the crowd. maybe she mistakened rob for emile hirsch or scott speedman both sporting scruffy 5 o'clock shadows though neither of them were wearing cut-off shorts. or maybe she knew exactly what she was doing when she namedropped rpattz. who knows.
Yowsa...... some of these anon comments in here are way out there, to compare a fan posting ARTICLES she finds or being sent to GOSSIP mongrels like Ted C or "she who shall not be named" to quote a comment a while back lol. That is way out there. This site isn't for creating gossip but to spread whatever info they get on Rob, and if it turns out to be wrong info I have also seen Gozde post THAT as well. So no this site cannot be compared to the gossip sites. They make up stories and post their snide so called funny remarks in attempt to stir things up.
Also to whoever calls it second hand stalking to see Rob's friends live in concert..er..sorry but it IS thanks to Rob we know about these artists! So if we go there cos of him, and ending up enjoying THEIR talent for who THEY are and want to see them more, how on earth is that second hand stalking?? Some stars today have been noticed just cos they have some sort of connection to a celeb and thus managed to build their OWN fanbase, It is not that uncommon to notice someone new thru someone you know from before, either via friends, celebs, co-workers, news, movies or whatever your input is.
So no Gozde is not a gossip mongrel, nor is going to see Rob's friends live second hand stalking.
And I am sure Gozde will happily post that Rob was indeed in Vancouver and not in LA when she recovers from "drunk tweeting" as she tweeted lol. Hope you do not have a hangover, Gozde, I hate hangovers LOL!
Crazy, Maryann~Thanks for the support!
I'm reminded of something my father once told me:
"Believe nothing that you hear and only half of what you see!"
chicago: i'm just reading your comments today. so glad to hear your review - thanks for sharing! i knew bobby would be awesome in person :) hope you blew him that kiss for me during mockingbird...lol
and thanks for the tip on the youtube vids... i'll def check those out!
Can I just say that Indio is only an hour and a half from la my parents live in the country club across the street and I live and work in la.. I go to the festival every year.. And it is possible for him to be on Vancouver, la and in Indio on the same week.. Trust me!
we were at coachella and i met someone who said he saw him in the vip area. its easy to get around quickly if you have the means, but who knows? i didnt take the time to do the math. i do think it's strange that NO photos surfaced. fans were allowed to bring point and shoot cameras so you would think SOMEONE would have snapped him, given the rabid nature of the fans :)
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