The Daily 10 (5-6-09)

Oh sweet God at one point they joke about how Rob mentioned having a "penile implant" for certain Little Ashes scenes...CRACKING ME UP!

Again why we love Rob so much.

The Daily 10 (5-6-09)
by officialspunkransom


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crazy said...

Lynnes ~ SHIT.

spunkyshoefucker said...

50% of the people in Mississippi are borderline insane. I swear. LOL

Emmes said...

lol kk...maybe the closer and jesus video made us

Gemgirl65 said...

IA, don't read the reviews Crazy! Like it'd matter anyway. If everyone said Rob sucked (impossible,) would you believe it anyway? Hell to the no. Enjoy and take good notes 'cause I want details baby!

Anonymous said...

Leann- I have the cottage open in another tab too. I will if you will!


crazy said...

Momma and all~ You guys would make NJ worth living in....just sayin... ;)'

meg said...

spunk -lol

at least you don't live in Indiana...... nothings lamer than that.

Little Momma said...

no crazy you do...

TwiHartRK said...

Hell, I was going to bed and look what turned up in my email from Jewels from earlier today. I figured I should post for you all since it's video night!

Passes the popcorn...

Night again.

spunkyshoefucker said...


Emmes said...

gonna get some grub...will check back for ya girls latta...robhuggies and robkissys

Lynnes said...

C~"SHIT" I'm scarrrrred or "SHIT" the soiree's at your crib?

Gemgirl65 said...

A/LA, there's Chicago Girl Now in LA...she posts during the day but I don't see her much at night here. Maybe her panties aren't as combustible as ours, or she doesn't want to take the chance.

meg said...

right Momma, crazy your the queen bee baby!!!!

crazy said...

Emmes - what does that effin thing say? LOL!! you are so cute ;

I better warn the dh!!! Honey, take the dd and RUN!!!

WinWin said...

crazy, you're right. f**k the review. i'm sure i'll love it. i'm dragging 2 gfs and my sis in law. that's my contribution for the box office sales. they are a little nervous about the man on man. i think i'll carry my gq tomorrow and make everyhting all better.

Little Momma said...

ok just in case...let me have the cottage link...i will decide whether or not to read it....

Gemgirl65 said...

Oh yes it is Meg...I'm in IOWA.

Lynnes said...

Back at cha Emmmemmmemmemememme or whateveer Crazy does...

Little Momma said...

bye emmes

spunkyshoefucker said...

Bye Emmes!!!

Little Momma said...

yes crazy...the dd does NOT need to be around when we all show up...

Lynnes said...

LM~ok, you big girl now. But be strong, bb, be strong.

Anonymous said...

Leann- you are totally right! Perhaps she has better self control (or a super hot DH).

spunky- girl, I am going to do it. cottage. I am brave, I am brave!!

Emmes said...

ohh...rob is just asking me if I wanna put more "..mmmmm" in Emmes :))

no srsly gotta go...that twilight widower blog talking about having to have dinner alone got to me...lmao

elaine said...

Goodnight sweet ladies! Midnight is here! Too many names too mention, but hugs to all!

See you tomorrow night, same time, same station! Drunk bloggin' Friday night! {fingers crossed}

You girls that are seeing LA better give details! {smiles}

crazy said...

(getting out the pencil and pad again....writing....bring pencil and pad) :)

Lynnes said...

xoxo Elaine!

crazy said...

I heart lil 'Momma. seriously.

meg said...

Oh that was an awesome video.......... I can't wait to go to bed!!!!!

Gemgirl65 said...

I'm goin' in, A/LA! Cottage, here I "come." ahem

crazy said...

thanks TWI~ watching out for the girls...

Little Momma said...

thanks lynnes...i think i can handle one page...i will resist the doubt

Gemgirl65 said...

g'night Elaiiiinnne!

crazy said...

oh bye Emmes. Talk later ;)

Anonymous said...

LilleMomma, join me and Leann:

I'm goin' in ladies, if I don't come back, you will know why!


crazy said...

LOL @ Spunk. She's got spunk.

meg said...

Awwwwww Momma it;s short........ give yourself some FUN

Anonymous said...

bssht, I can't type.


meg said...

Good luck girls

Little Momma said...

i copied the link...but thats all for now...

spunkyshoefucker said...

I went A/LA...I came back alright...hehehe

meg said...

bye ems

crazy said...

i LIVE for the idea of all of you coming here to see NM together!! seriously.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - Well damn, I missed the drive-by barkeep. The call I had to take was from my friend who is writing the novel with me. We are wrestling with the plot right now. I'm going down to Chicago in a couple of weeks. We're going to lock ourselves in and bust ass on our plot framework (main characters already in place) so that we can write like crazy over the next few months and have something ready to go by the end of the summer/beginning of all. I think it's awesome that Mrs. R. is writing, too. And you sketch??? Is that right? We've got some awfully talented folks here on Robsessed.

Little Momma said...

i heart you too crazy...hthththththththththth

aw man my keyboard got stuck lol!

meg said...

Momma - 2 cute!!!

crazy said...

Meg ~ i am NO queen bee, not at all.

however i do buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

(good set up though;)

meg said...

I mean queen bee in a good way........ I look up to you:)

crazy said...

Winwin - maybe they'll feel weirded out or even aroused by the man -on -man. Just tell them that Rob is the most gorgeous and sexiest man on the planet, and it doesn't matter what he does on screen, they still get aroused. i am assuming they will get aroused, obviously LOL

crazy said...

I like the word "aroused" i wonder why?? hee hee

WinWin said...

twiheart, i loved the video.

what is the cottage is that another fanfic? there's so many i can't keep up. can someone post a link?

spunkyshoefucker said...

3 "aroused" in one post...damn

crazy said...

bye Esmemememememe!

meg said...

i did win win, just scroll up.....

Little Momma said...

well goodnight ladies...i am outta here...the ds has an appointment in the morning...ttyl girls!!

meg said...

A/AL has it

WinWin said...

crazy, i've got them all robsessed already. first twilight books, then movie, then gq mag followed by interviews and photos. they just really love robward. not sure if robvador will scare them off. we'll see. in any case they'll recover by the time nm comes out.

crazy said...

BY Elaineieie~ Details of what, exactly? Our reactions? you sure you want that?? a play by play? ;)

meg said...

Bye Momma!!!

crazy said...

lol ;)

crazy said...

Meg - IDK why on earth... but you are so very sweet. hearts..

Lynnes said...

Sweetest Robbie dreams Momma! muah

meg said...

Bye ladies....... talk later.

crazy said...

good night Momma~ talk to you tomorrow~ go for the FF, it's ok to get all HoT and bothered with reading once in awhile... ;)

WinWin said...

thanks meg, got it. there now. be back later.

Lynnes said...

Nighty megeepooper. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

crazy said...

good night Meg. tomorrow!

i better check out so i can go to the cottage. But i know it's gonna be hot in there..
Thanks girls~ good night!

Lynnes said...

Guess that's all folk!

Thug life, peace out

WinWin said...

emmes, that personal jesus video was the death of me. i just it out when i first got home and couldn't concentrate on reading to my kids, could wait for them to go to bed so i could robsess. dh is watching basketball, i think its the playoffs.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Oh, Christ. I just read the cottage ff everyone here has been talking about. Between it and the RomeRob video (yes Leann...I'm still talking about it!!!), I don't think I have anything left. I'm exhausted!!!

spunkyshoefucker said...

Night ladies! I will see (talk) to you all tomorrow!

Gemgirl65 said...

I just read The Cottage too, and I think I need to take up smoking now. That was actually surprisingly good and in character. And oh yeah, extremely hot!

I think everyone has gone to bed, and now that I'm spent, I probably will too!

KK, I don't know what it is about the PJ RomeRob video. The song has taken on a whole new meaning for me. It's just...raw animal magnetism, I guess!

Wow, so cool you're collaborating on a novel! The last time I did that was in 5th grade, when my best friend wrote a "Little House on the Praire" type story and I illustrated it. We used to pass it around for the other kids to read. My friends and I used to write fiction stories too and share them. I have fallen sadly out of the creative mode, but you all are inspiring me!

ah, if Rob only knew the uncanny influence he has. And he's not even 23 yet! A few more days baby!

WinWin said...

hi kk, yes rome rob is yummy. up there with sex drive rob. i just read 1/2 of the cottage and had to comee up for air. must put bb down now. my arms are asleep.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - No "Little House" plot for us. Lots of snarkiness, sex, mystery, deadpan humor and fun! We're having so much fun outlining it, it's crazy!!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Oh and I had a smoke for both of us after the cottage ff. :)

WinWin said...

leann, rob does has amzing influence. can't believ he was part of time mags 100 most influential people. didn't someone write an article about how when rob mentioned that ticket to ride book, everyone was searching ebay for it. i bet after he mention the new movie bel ami, everyone flocked to read up on it.

Anonymous said...

I'm here. The glass of wine helped me recover from my visit to the cottage. ;)

but I am off, ladies. I promised myself to checkout the newest A&O tonight and that's what I'm a gonna do.

Love to all! xo

WinWin said...

kk, a smoke is exactly what i need after finishing the cottage. hope you guys are still here when i get back.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Night A/L.A.!

Gemgirl65 said...

Good luck WinWin...hope you come back in one piece!

g'night A/LA!

And I did say it was 5th grade ya know, KK. LOL We didn't know much about snark back then. I just haven't collaborated with anyone in...can't even remember! So that must be an interesting process.

WTH, I just watched Personal Jesus again. I need some therapy or something.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

See? My fellow "real life" Robsessor, best friend and co-writer IS a therapist which comes in handy when I have Robsessing meltdowns like tonight!!

Gemgirl65 said...

Oh lordy..a therapist! LOL I think it's pretty easy for me to figure's easier to Robsess than actually get a Real Life!

My Real Life Robsessor friend is actually in Miami, so we rarely see each other. We talk on the phone almost every day though, and lately it's half work, half Rob/Twilight. It's...bizarre!

Gemgirl65 said...

And by the way, I was speaking only of myself when talking of Getting a Real Life. I have a long history of living in my head instead of the real world. Maybe you should hook me up with your friend for some good kick-in-the-pants advice!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

It's the same for my friend and I. She's the one who introduced me to the madness of Twilight. I, in turn, introduced her to the magic of Rob, but I've taken it to a whole new level from her. She really is the best...knows me inside and out, calls me on my shit, and loves me despite all my flaws.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

You want to talk about a long history of living inside your own head? For years, my parents (love them both - miss my departed dad like CRAZY every day) tried to pound it (not literally!) out of me. They worried that I had too intense of an imagination (I did) and tried to get me to think on a more practical level. I started to think that side of me should stay hidden away, and I hid it away for many, many years. It is only now when I've realized that the intense, imaginative kid was a really cool kid. It sucks to try to integrate what is inside of you with the person you've made yourself into. Does that make any sense? Needless to say, these past months have been a time of re-discovering the "me" I hid away growing up. One of the effects of this is the novel.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Too much info???? It is so much easier to reveal stuff on this blog than in real life. I hardly ever reveal anything about the real me to people I encounter every day.

Gemgirl65 said...

Are you on FB or anything? We should IM sometime. This blog post will become the Leann and KK conversation LOL.

It's weird, I have a few "best friends," and it's almost like they're best friends for different sides of me. I think it's a schizophrenic Gemini thing! My Twi/Rob obsessed friend is probably my best "bestie" and has been for a long while. She's pretty good at calling me on my shiz too. And I have a lot of shiz. LOL

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

The Leann and KK blog? It's not our faults that everyone left to read ff, write ff or sleep. Thirtysomething is trying to get me to set up a FB. I'm thinkin' about it.

We all have lots of shiz! I wouldn't change my shiz, but I have a hard time letting go of it (hence the tattoo on my lower back: "Be not a slave of your own past (Emerson)"

I suppose we should sign off, too.

Gemgirl65 said...

No, never TMI! I'm sooo much like you, and I miss my dad like crazy too! Over 3 years now but it was so sudden...he was the best man ever.

The only difference was, my parents encouraged my creativity, though they also encouraged the common sense too. I was always writing, drawing, singing, playing the piano. They both sang and danced, so we were all very musical. I was sooo much more creative as a kid than I am now. Even through college I wrote stories on the side for fun. Now I just work and, what, Robsess? Before that it was always some other place I'd channel my pipe dreams into, instead of actually working on my career.

Okay, now that IS TMI! lol But in the morning Goz will have 10 new things posted and no one will read this anyway. :P

Gemgirl65 said...

WHY am I wide awake? I have been so sleep-deprived from all the Robsessing that I have felt like death until 10 a.m. every morning, after a gallon of java. This kid will be the death of me.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

My dad was a dancer! He taught ballroom dance for a long time. I believe my musical talent comes from him...I sing...a lot. I've done all kinds of it.

What do you do for a career?

Gemgirl65 said...

Wow, that's so cool! My parents weren't dancers per se, but they were/are singers (my mom directs the church choir and has this soaring soprano voice even now at 71.) They were in a civic music group that put on musicals and I remember them rehearsing all kinds of dance numbers and songs.

I sell advertising for a small town newspaper. Yes, scary, the newspaper business; but small papers haven't as yet been hit by the troubles the larger conglomerates are seeing, at least not to the same extent. It's a small paper so I sell and somewhat write and design the ads, but I don't do the actual computer work. I enjoy the creativity of that, and the schmoozing with clients; but I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up. ;) I don't think that will ever happen! Maybe that's why I like Rob...old soul. I definitely do NOT have that. I'm much more Peter Pan. :)

Gemgirl65 said...

Hey, did you get that will written on a napkin yet? Too bad, I claim any Rob-related stuff you have!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Sorry, just reading (for fun) a site where at at least 10 people are claiming they were at Sam B.'s concert watching K/R making out and smoking weed together last weekend. Wow. There is so much comic relief on the internet. Why would they make out and smoke weed in public when they could do it in their hotel rooms if they were so inclined? Besides, Rob suffers from paranoia and anxiety attacks. I doubt he smokes pot because it would just intensity these things. Then again, he is 22, and I was WAY rowdy at 22 (23, 24,

What video madness are you throwing my way now?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Ummm...only cigarettes now though.

Gemgirl65 said...

Well, Rob and Kristen do look stoned a fair amount of the time, according to my afore-mentioned bestie. I never smoked it so I wouldn't really know...I'm strictly about the alcohol, lol. *having some wine now*

No speculatin' is allowed here...I have my own theories. I'll email 'em to ya. At the bar, however, I'm guessing they were drunk, possibly stoned, who knows, and were face to face talking and laughing and everyone saw what they wanted to. No way would they make out at Sam's show when, as you say, they could be banging away all night in hotel if that's what they were really after.

Hey, can I speculate about Kristen here, is that allowed? She has a major girlcrush on Nikki, she's about to play Joan Jett in a biopic, so I wouldn't be surprised if she pulled a Lohan sometime soon. Just sayin'.

I'm not telling you what the video is. You will come back here crying like a baby with the Rob Love in your heart.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Okay...watched the video. He sure does have a strong voice, doesn't he? When I wrote him a letter, I suggested he go for the soul with his voice, but rein it in a bit, too. Sometimes I really love his voice; sometimes I cringe a bit. Haven't seen that video but like it a lot. Can't get past watching his fingers on the guitar...Gah.

Girlcrush on Nikki?? Possible, possible. Interesting theory. Wonder if Rob would like to get in the middle of that??? :)

Gemgirl65 said...

Would Rob like to get in the middle of that? I'm thinking, as a 22-23-year-old male, hell yes. For all we know there are nightly mass NM orgies going on...everyone friends with benefits. Or maybe they're just playing poker. Strip poker. No, no, no, surely not. Why would a bunch of pretty Hollywood people wanna get with each other in such a tawdry manner? *snort*

So you've checked out some of Rob's music already, obviously! I was just about to send you a bunch of links on Youtube. I feel exactly the same way about his singing...he pushes too much and goes off-key sometimes, but I love that he's so passionate about it that he doesn't care, he just goes for it. I wish he'd enunciate though. He's such a big Van Fan that he apes the mush-mouthed delivery, only ten times worse. I can understand Van sometimes, but Rob? almost never. How does a Brit sing like an Appalachian hillbilly anyway? Boggles the mind.

Gemgirl65 said...

Wait, SNAP, you wrote Rob a letter? Oh wait, yeah, the class project! I forgot. Oh, you are so going to get a reply. I await on pins and needles!

Oh, that was my other claim to fame...Anthony Kiedis' dad printed a portrait I drew of Dave Navarro in the RHCP fan mag in '94, and I had written Dave a letter along with the drawing I sent in. Dave actually called me on the phone to talk to me. I nearly hyperventilated. We talked for about 15 minutes. I nearly died. This was 1994. "memories.." lol Anthony's dad Blackie used to write me notes and send me snapshots he took of the band, and Dave autographs. Cool guy.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Okay, Leann. Now I really heart you because you are the first person who has agreed with me on giving a little vocal criticism to our dear boy. What the hell IS he singing anyway? An Appalachian hillbilly? HAHAHAHA...yet strangely true...

I do agree that he is passionate and puts it all out there when he performs. There is something so powerful in such a genuine delivery.

NM orgies??? Maybe. Personally, I think they sit around, get rip-roaring drunk and laugh their asses off at all the rumors as they look through piles of gossip mags. You'd have to be able to laugh at some of this stuff. You'd lose your mind otherwise. If it were me, I'd be strangling fans, paparazzi, magazine publishers, etc. which is why I would make a poor celebrity and, therefore, have no hope of every being one.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Oh. My. God. What an awesome story! You talked to Dave for 15 minutes and nearly hyperventilated? I would have been laid out on the floor!!!

We'll see if I get a reply. Many people who wrote letters from Nov - Jan are reporting online that they've been receiving responses. Who knows? I have to tell you, Leann, I was still pretty new to Rob, so I didn't really go on about him at all in the letter. In fact, I wrote that he could be an asshole for all I knew. I told him no autograph, but I would appreciate a very brief not acknowledging that he got it. I told him I know he's busy but hell, we're all busy. It will probably never happen though because he'll probably assume I'd plaster it online and then everyone would expect a short, handwritten response from him. I just hope he reads it, and I think he probably will. He seems fairly devoted to his fan base.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

By the way, someone trolling the net is going to see your speculation on Nikki and Kristen, and I predict you will end up as a source for Ted Casablunkhead within 24 hours. MWAHHAHAHAHA!!!

Gemgirl65 said...

I tend to think there's nothing sexual going on either. Maybe some innuendo, but realistically, these people WORK together. Dipping your pen in the office ink is NEVER a good idea (I know from experience,) and even if the "office" is a movie set, the axiom still applies.

I sooo can see them sitting around reading the latest and laughing. Or googling around and shaking their heads, or possibly getting angry and then saying "fuck it!" and going back to ignoring the whole machine and concentrating on the movie.

Rob is such a workaholic, and he gets into such a mindset of a character, that it's amazing he can just go out for a drink and enjoy some music after filming. Good on him for that! All work and no play makes Rob a sad boy.

Well, we both agree that Rob isn't perfect, and I'm like you in sometimes thinking, "Rob's not even good-looking, he's such a dork!" He has so many different looks, but then again, that's why he has so many female fans. Everyone likes their own version of Rob, or a combo of them. Makes the whole package more appealing.

PACKAGE, yeah I said it! B&B laughter here

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

As long as we're speculating (looks around to be sure we're alone - yeah until 500 people read this tomorrow. And Rob, if you're checking in, you know some of this is true!!!)here is what I think of dear Rob and "love."

People think it's crazy that Rob hasn't dated much or had many girlfriends. Here is what my bud and I think. Rob is shy, true. He's also neurotic, cerebral, a total geek and we believe, an odd duck. This is not strange for super intelligent, highly-creative people. With all the women he has encountered, there must be something about his personality that doesn't sit right with some of them in a romantic way. Rob, himself, has alluded to this many times. Very few believe this because he is looked upon as a perfect man - physically and personality-wise. I sure as hell don't know him, but I do listen to him very closely. He's also alluded to the fact that he finds very few people actually interesting. I feel him on that one completely. I get bored of people in like 5 minutes. He's totally okay with being single. It's everyone else that seems to have a problem with it. I thnk he has a very good idea of what he's looking for, and he is in no particular rush to find it. I also think he is fearful of bringing any romantic interest into the shitstorm that is his life right now.

Yeah, I'm an armchair psychologist alright...

Gemgirl65 said...

Well hey, I'm at least as good a "source" as Ted's ass! And a sight more attractive, I'd hope.

I really, seriously nearly hyperventilated for real talking to Dave. I kept breathing in and then I had to let all the air out in a big shuddering "whoosh" so I didn't pass out. I'm sure he heard the shakiness. It was wild. I still have a little answering machine tape of him talking, since I had let the machine get it....when I heard his voice, just IMAGINE what I did. He said, "This is David from Los Angeles...David Navarro." LMAO I think he was just as nervous as I was!

I've read that Rob answers mail and sends autographed photos, which amazes me...when does he have time? I'd be afraid that by now he'd have some publicist faking his autographs and stuff by now. But I hope I'm wrong and I hope you get your note. Yeah-huh it'd be all over the internet...but so what? Look at all the Twi-stalkers' stories. The actors all know that it only takes a few minutes of their time, but the repercussions on the 'net are more than worth the good 'press.'

Why am I still awake? My thumb is going to have to go into traction tomorrow.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I think he has time when he holes up in his hotel room. Notice he's gone "underground" again since the weekend?

People post their autographed pics, and I'm not graphologist, but the handwriting hasn't changed since he was sending stuff out last spring and summer. Fans get their photos back plus another autographed pic. He even addresses the envelopes sometimes! I think he still reads it because he has expressed some frustration at not being able to do much for the fans when they reach out to him at promos, etc.

I would let a few people know privately if I received a reply, but I would never post it on the net. Ever. I would think, though, that with all the teenie "I love you Rob. You're my soulmate, Rob. You're the best actor and musician that's ever lived, Rob" letters, mine might be a breath of fresh air.

Gemgirl65 said...

Oh girlfriend, bring on the armchair psychology! One of my favorite pasttimes!

ITA with all of that about Rob. He's very eccentric. Kellan sounded slightly baffled as to the type of girl Rob would he'd be interested to see that himself. I read some stuff about Rob's last girlfriend, and she's pretty interesting (and 3 years older than him, huzzah!) Rob is definitely an odd duck and frankly he's probably hard to put up with over the long haul. Right now, his career is such a huge focus that there's truly no time for him to put into a relationship. And why would he want to, when the world is so big? He once said that he doesn't think people have just one soulmate; that they can have several over the course of a lifetime, and that it's unrealistic to think there's just one person for you your whole life. This coming from someone who has only been attracted to 2 girs his whole life. I absolutely love the boy's dichotomy!

I think all of that is one of the reasons I relate to Rob. I'm too particular for my own good and would frankly rather be alone than waste my time with the wrong person. I have had very few deep relationships with men, and no long-term lasting ones. I don't think that will happen to Rob, but I fully understand the lack of need for a girlfriend at his age.

I don't know where I was going with any of that. Brain is joining thumb. Sprained!

Gemgirl65 said...

Oh, I think your letter would be a breath of fresh air too. A lot of his older (not old, just older than him! lol) fans probably don't take the time to write him; I know I haven't. They, too probably feel like it's a "teen" thing. But Rob probably loves getting letters from mature adults who can appreciate his work, not just his looks or the character of Edward. He's pretty intelligent, and I think he enjoys the fact that most of the Twilight fans are smart cookies. He's said as much.

Oh, that's another thing to love about Rob...the way he's truly distressed that he only gets to sp9end a few seconds with each fan at the meet-n-greets. He feels bad that he can't talk to them more or give them something worth the long wait to see him. (He doesn't comprehend that just inhaling the stale smoke off his stanky hair would be worth daaaays of sacrifice.) Me? I'd be scared of all those crazies waiting in line. I wouldn't want to spend MORE time with them...I'd be thinking more like Brave Sir Robin, "Run away, run away!"

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Okay, Leann...I've got to get some sleep because I'm teaching a class at 8 tomorrow. I have completely enjoyed the KK/Leann blog tonight. You SO have to contact me offline via my profile email. We seem to have some commonalities in the way we think. Too cool. Go rest your thumb. I know you're going to be busy this weekend, but start "Cullenary Coupling" next week. After conversing with you tonight, I am certain you will love that ff for the same reasons I do. It's not for everyone...and you'll see why when you read it.

Sweet dreams, and I look forward to connecting with you again soon!!! :))))

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Oh...before I go to sleep, I've gotta say something I've stated before on this blog. An older woman is totally going to sweep Rob off his feet one independent, strong-willed, stable, confident, crazily- intelligent and experienced in (and out) of the bedroom older woman. She's going to hook him hard and then step back and let him breathe. Lucky, lucky woman.

Gemgirl65 said...

Ditto etc., my friend! I changed my blog info so my email is available...still haven't filled out all the "about me" stuff though. You will soon learn that I am horribly lazy about certain things, and compulsively anal about others.

The KK/Leann blog is officially signing off. Thank God no one will bother to read all that, right? Right? lol I will definitely read the CC, 'cause you know I love me some neurotic Edward! And we will definitely have to discuss all the pertinent shiz about Rob and other topics. Clearly we're on the same page about a lot of stuff.

Sweet dreams m'dear, "talk" atcha soon!

Gemgirl65 said...

Ah, if I were only 10 years younger, I could be that older woman. ;) I have the feeling we might be sitting back like grannies going, "awww, we knew it was gonna go down like that!" lol

Hey, Jen Anniston seems to be free and easy these days. OK maybe that's a little TOO "older woman"...heck, I could just go after him myself then. *snort*

cya soon! :))))

Mechevpao said...

KK and Leann, I loved reading some of your analyisis on Rob.

I´m posting here an article I translated from, it is in spanish I tried to translated it as best as I could, still hard to do ahahaha
It is very interesting read...

Mechevpao said...
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Gemgirl65 said...

Thanks for the translation, Mechevpao! That's great. I especially love this:

"His real life was a continuous 'performance': he loved to contradict himself and to confuse people. I began to construct the personage from that angle: someone so introverted who consecrated all of his life manipulating the perception that the public had of him".

I kinda feel like Rob is starting to do that as well, to some extent!

Mechevpao said...
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Mechevpao said...

Leann, what you pointed is exactly what I think he is trying to do, not all the time, some things are consistent, but other things just sound so "dramatic" or over the top, that is impossible to avoid thinking.. "he is kidding? right?" haahaa

Mechevpao said...

Sorry!! I erased the post with the article, and I´m reposting it now, I realized late that some phrases were turned around, beginning by the ending and ending at the middle, hahahaa It doesn´t has aby sence.. so…
The translation of the el interview

´It is uncomfortable for me to undress before the camera'

The milk teeth vampire sharpens moustaches now. Famous by his role of Edward Cullen in ' Twilight' , the inexperienced Robert Pattinson releases this Friday ' Little Ashes' , where he incarnates young Salvador Dali. He filmed under the direction of Paul Morrison, approaching the tremulous youth of Lorca, Buñuel and the Catalan painter in their years during Students Residence.

In conversation with, Pattinson speaks of the film, reflects on his fame and confesses small secrets to us. With his exquisite 22 years old, the actor chooses scrupulously his words. But he is surprised by a question with his low guard: which is its favorite Dali paint? " Ah… Ehm… It has, has… many".

False alarm. After the initial hesitation, Pattinson bites an intelligent critic: “I like his work during 70´ , when he was denigrated because he only made portraits of rich people that filled his pockets. But it fascinates me that he hardly spent two days doing paintings that looked as real as a photography".

The character was conscientiously prepared; although he confesses that he knew very little about the artist and committed himself to read several biographies. Conclusions?

"His real life was a continuous 'performance': he loved to contradict himself and to confuse people. I began to construct the personage from that angle: someone so introverted who consecrated all of his life manipulating the perception that the public had of him".

‘The sex scene between Lorca and DalĂ­ is traumatic'

´Little Ashes´ does not try to seat absolute truths around the protagonist’s biographies. The film is omen to the controversy of the relation between Lorca and DalĂ­.

Pattinson thinks that the reality in this case is very fragile: "No one was explicit on the matter. DalĂ­ took years to recognize how much Lorca had meant for him, but the letters they exchanged demonstrated a bond. .. In short, who are we to judge? There was no common romance among them. It was something different, I think".

The London actor defends that ' Little Ashes' is based on a possible interpretation of the reality. And that version includes a sodomit scene between the painter and the poet. "In this film, the sex scenes are sordid" , Pattinson explains. " Although Dali believes he is in love with Lorca, he undergoes a nervous breakdown because Dali has phobia to sex. He is frightened as much to penetrate as to be penetrated; it is a panic that he carried all his life. The film suggests the episode with Lorca happened on time".

Analyzed all this, we ask ourselves if Pattinson has something in common with DalĂ­. "Yes, I share his hyper sensibility. I was very shy as a child ". And as adult. "During filming, the Spanish people did not have any problem being naked. The English, however… (A nervous laughter cuts his phrase). Javier Beltrán (Lorca) was in naked and so relaxed".

Perhaps Pattinson does not enjoy showing his skin? An outburst of laughter precedes the answer: "Absolutely! It is very uncomfortable for me to undress in front of a camera. At that time I was kind of embarrassed of my body. It was awkward".

'A lot of people want to dismiss for being famous'

It is hard to believe it. Robert Pattinson, the star of 'Twilight' has inspired rages of million adolescents. Certainly getting a date is easier now. "Actually, no".

Be ware, here comes a cascade of aphorisms: "I believe that girls like someone when he is not concern of the 'look'. While filming 'Little Ashes' I felt so free… But now I am paranoid because everybody judges. Much people want to dismiss for being famous. It is odd".

Don´t feel pity for Pattinson, he complains for nothing. "While we were filming in Barcelona, there was a girl who always waited for me. I had one week free because I didn´t know anybody in the city I spoke with her. She was very likeable and quite pretty. She seemed normal. I asked her why she was always there, and she answered that she wanted to invite me to dinner at her parents’ restaurant".

Masterful play or stake into the heart? "She invited me, but she made me pay! It was her parents’ restaurant, but she wanted a tip or what? (Laughter). As if, she was so bored with me that she never returned. Perhaps she only wanted me because of the money".

Or because of your wild hair, Robert.

Pattinson recognizes he never combs it: "Never. When I was a child, my father used to comb it to go to the school, and I hated it so much… As I grew up to comb it by my self, I never did".

'I have great objectives in the industry'

The obsession by the appearance of Robert is congenital in the Pattinson family. Until he turned 12 years old, his sisters dressed him as a girl and they called him Claudia. "Yes, well, that sounds a little extreme that what it was in fact ".

We arch eyebrows and we speak of his films references. Although he admires actors like Ryan Gosling or Romain Duris, Pattinson indicates Jack Nicholson as mirror in which reflects, because "he changes at will his registry and without effort".

Any director you would like to work with? “ It would be incredible to work with Milos Forman or Jacques Audiard. I believe that I am going to continue saying names in the interview, to see if someone calls me (laughter). Tony Gilroy! ".

No strategy is despicable trying to reach the top. "I believe that movies are the best form of education in mass. And I have great objectives, although I am not sure yet which they are. I am going to sound like an idiot speaking of my desires, but I am a very ambitious person. Very ambitious".

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