Ice Cream, Ice Cream, We all Want Ice Cream

See the whole set at Adoring Robert Pattinson :)

See the whole set at Adoring Robert Pattinson :) Thanks to Nikki for the tip!


annycullen said...

look at those lipsss, i wanna be his water bottle (=

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Wow, you can really see the caramel contacts here...much prefer the blue-gray Rob eyes!

annycullen said...

oh and vamps can't eat =P

Tenneil said...

wow...just wow..

Dahlia said...

It's weird.. he looks like a vampire, but he's eating icecream! In any other context this would be very confusing.

He is just amazing... looks sexy doing anything! I'm jealous of his icecream :(

TO Twicat said...

He's got chocolate on his will he ever get it off all by himself? I really think I need to be there to help him!


"Melts in your mouth not in your hands" just took on a whole new meaning!

Anonymous said...

I love they pics...
Robward looks so hot.

I need some help. I'm graduate in Sep last year and now I want to make an Intern in the US. Could anyone help me. I'm came from Germany..
Many thanks

MagicSprinkles said...

Looks more like a protein bar! If it is ice cream, I wish I could eat ice cream and have no body fat like him!

Mrs. Robinsane said...


I'll take vanilla...with chocolate sprinkles.


Sophia Z.86 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sophia Z.86 said...

'Ice-cream' is not EXACTLY what comes to my mind when I think of Rob and licking...



Martina said...

chicago girl, no contacts can be compared to natural color of his eyes.

Kathy#1 said...

Somehow I knew these shots were going to elicit licking and something in his reminds me of some fanfic.

Sophia Z.86 said...

OMG, the poor gorgeous! The contacts are irritating his eyes...

'Rob, lover, hot brazilian kisses, by a carioca girl named Sophia (me,me,me!), would help your eyes so much... and the rest too, I am sure! Come, babe, come..."

Sophia Z.86 said...

Hey, Chicago girl! How are U? Long time, no see...

Shani said...

Shit!!! Those contacts look freaky as hell. They are scary looking.No wonder Kristen couldn't look at his fine ass. I would have been like shit don't look at with those contacts on. It would have given me nightmares. Okay, so maybe she wasn't as turned on as I was thinking yesterday. Because him looking like that would have turned me completely the fuck off.Damn!!!LMAO

margot said...

he seems to be friendly and at ease with women at age as in the last 2 photos ... if he assumes they are safer option because of age ... he apparently has never heard of ROBsessed ... we are older and can hide licking our lips better ... exept for yeaterday

monika said...

wow freaky eyes. me like it.

Shani said...

I forgot to add "me". Don't look at "me" with those contacts on.

Shani said...

Monika- That shit is creepy!!

Stacy said...

WOW. Still hot even when he's chowing down! Is that an ice cream bar?

I definitely prefer Rob's eyes,lol, but damn, those eyes are creeptastic. They actually stand out the way the should.

I wonder how crazy they look in person?

Kathy#1 said...

I sure hope the CG sparkle doesn't cover up his body too much. I'm afraid they might overdo the special effects and we won't see what we want to on the big screen!

margot said...

monika ? your site ?

tracyvanhorne said...

ooohhh those are neat! I can't wait for November! This movie is going to be so kick ass!!

monika said...

shani, yeah now imagine what the Volturi's red eyes will look like,uh oh they'll creep me out big time,I like creepy:)

Sophia Z.86 said...

SHANI, I wouldn´t mind the weird contacts if he decided to show up here... as long as "he comes"... (wow, "he comes"... imagine...)

It is a cereal bar, not an ice-cream.

Sophia Z.86 said...

Actually, I wouldn´t mind ANYTHING from him... creepy, yes, so what?

Melissa said...



this is just too much for one week. I can't take it.

*epic heartfail*

I am so done.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHA!!! THAT IS NOT ICE CREAM..that's an Itlaian cereal bar... ;)

Jaime said...

oh what i wouldnt give to be that ice cream, cereal bar whatever it is.

Sophia Z.86 said...

"Rob, gorgeous lover, now that you are done with the movie, you must come to Brasil and try some... well, real food! I could cook! do you like greek food? And a greek/brazilian "food"?"


showme said...

in love that close up one with the eyes. he actually looks like a real vamp

lostinphilly said...

Me wants me some ice cream too!!!No, me wants me some Rob with ice cream!!!! Yes, there's gonna be some creepy looking eyes in this movie. Can't wait.

MandyW said...

The eyes are way creepy, but I actually kinda like 'em. It doesn't matter to me if it is ice cream, cereal bar or what, it sure is sexy to see.

Been trying to write this for ten minutes and keep getting bothered by the phone, so it may seem a little off by now.

SarahBella said...

Praise the LORD...a post that doesn't feature NudeWard!!! I can't handle any more of those pics and I'm STILL recovering from a long day of dirty fantasizing/pininig/staring/drooling/hating my life, etc ;)

these pics of him eating ice cream are so hilarious. it's a play by play of him about obsessing over his every movement (not that i'm above doing that. don't get it twisted;).

so i have a theory on the Rob/KS dynamic. i think i'm the money with this one!

izzy said...

Hello there,

I just got info on twitter, that Rob is done filming, but of course u probably already know that. I do have a question though:If u have seen the seating arrangement for the MTV movie music awards, why is Taylor seating so far behind,shouldn't he be with Rob and Kristen?

izzy said...

This movie is gonna Rock!

Sara said...

Wow, make-up team are fantastic.
Rob actually looks like a scary vampire now, not just a pretty boy with sculpted eyebrows.
And is it wrong that all I could think when he was eating that ice-cream was 'zoom in on his frikkin mouth!' ???

Jala said...

Geez, I'm conflicted with these photos.

Love to watch them, but I feel bad that the man can't even eat an ice cream/cereal bar/whatever without a blow by blow photo shoot.

Ok. I know we've just seen more of him than we usually ever see so, so what if we see him eating, but, I don't know...

As I said, I'm conflicted.

Gemgirl65 said...

He eats! Such a relief. I was beginning to wonder.

Those contact lenses are flipping me out. They are crazy-looking. His poor little peepers look red, too, from wearing them.

Oh Rob...I heart you so.

Yvonne said...

Contacts look awesome, makeup too....

I love seeing all the pictures, don't get me wrong, but I'm a little disappointed that the security isn't a little better. I mean we saw A LOT of pictures yesterday. And a couple weeks ago we thought we would NEVER see shirtless Robward pictures, figured they would be kept tightly under wraps. I meaan, are they allowing these pictures to be leaked...? Is it a closed set? I dunno....

Yvonne said...

Leann, I went back and read the last of the comments from after I left last night....seems you and I are on the same page about the commentary about Kristen's contacts....I thought I was the only one to catch that...

SarahBella said...

I have a feeling Summit WANTED these pics to leak. Look at all the hype that it's creating. We haven't seen extensive pics like these throughout the entire New Moon the marketing machine most DEFINITELY knew what it was doing. and it's certainly working. good thing I wasn't an extra that day. I would need to cover my mouth with my hands to prevent myself from spontaneously licking him in passing....oops ;)

SarahBella said...

Nudeward = Irresistable. Color me dazzled!

Lizalou said...

These pics made me really, really uncomfortable for some reason. The poor guy can't even enjoy ice cream without being photographed. It just feels so wrong...


Lizalou said...


I posted without reading the comments first, but I see that you feel the same way. These pix just do not sit well with me.

Lizalou said...

and btw, I think the vampire contacts are HOT! Smoking hot. I think i'd make him wear them occasionally ;p

Shani said...

I forgot to say something about the ice cream. Oral fiaxtion anyone????? He can't help to have his mouth open in pics, he's a chain smoker, loves bottle neck beer, and now loving the ice cream. Lickety Split...Ummm. What else does Rob like to... Yay bb!!! LOL

MizzezPattinson said...

Am I the only one who notices the size of his feet *wink*

Noura said...

In this scene in New Moon, his eyes were black because he was not feeding. Also he did not get to sparkle otherwise they would have just killed him!!!

Gemgirl65 said...

Yvonne, you still here? OMG...I thought I (and Rob) must be the only one with my mind that deep in the gutter! LOL Kristen couldn't understand what made Rob laugh ("What, is that not something I should have disclosed?")...neither could Catherine. I could only surmise the the words "outer rim" made Rob think of something very, very smutty indeed, the way he giggled like a perverted 12-year-old school boy. Makes me wonder what reeeeeally goes on in that devious little mind of his! tsk, tsk.....

kespax said...

He has the sweetest little smile in some of these pics, he looks like a kid when he smiles like that.

The extras tweeting are fascinating.

Gemgirl65 said...

SarahBella, I am positive those pics were "leaked" on purpose. They were clearly taken with a professional camera. There were TONS of them, in freeze-frame motion, very high def. I completely believe that Summit was in on the deal and just wanted to hype the movie and Rob even more.

I seriously wonder what it's going to be like at the MTV Movie Awards. I feel like things are at such a fever pitch for Rob right now that it'll be complete pandemonium. I actually can't wait. I think it will be very cathartic for me to hear thousands of girls screaming at the top of their lungs over his gorgeousness. If I did it every time I wanted to, the neighbors would call the cops.

MandynRob (wishful thinking? ;)-- yes. Rob's feet are HUGE. So are his hands. One can only surmise...he has to buy big shoes and gloves. ;)

Noura, I know, there was no sparkling in the book...and no kiss either. But since this is a big cinematic extravaganza, I think they decided to pull out all the stops. How can you have the climactic moment of the movie be so...anti-climactic? What's a sparkly vampire with no cool sparkles? What's a romantic reunion scene with no kiss? I knew they'd change it for the movie, and I have no problem with that. It needs to be bigger than life...much like Rob's feet. ;D

LovetheLips said...

Leann & Yvonne - I heart you so!!:))))))....are you inside my head?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if he realizes that he's being photographed. He seems so cool and casual and isn't touching his hair. Usually he's running his fingers through his hair if he's nervous or "in the limelight". I read somewhere that a fan noticed that his contacts were the honey colored lenses but should in all reality be black. He's not fed while in Volterra so his eyes should be black......

Rob is gorgeous and breathtakingly handsome!

Gemgirl65 said...

*High-fives Lovethelips* --- are we perverts for knowing what he's laughing about? Not saying I'm into it...I just know what he's giggling at. Dirty little boy.

Anonymous said...

Here we go ladies....sing along....

Jesus loves me yes I know because Rob Pattinson proves it so!!


Jesus loves me yes I know because Rob Pattinson proves it so!!

SarahBella said...

Leann, I agree that the pics "leaked" were entirely too professional, high quality, all at a perfect vantage point, and there were waaay too many of them. Summit is definitely behind this. You're not slick Summit!! But complaints here ;)

Get this...I orginally didn't WANT to see Rob take his shirt off in the big reveal. Can you believe it?!? I thought he would either be too skinny or too undefined and that it would be better to leave things to our imagination. But my imagination isn't half as good as Rob in these pics. To quote Campbell's....he looks "Mmmm mmmm goood". ;)

Lizalou....these play by play pics of him eating ice cream made me really uncomfortable as well. It's completely invasive. Can the man have a bite to eat without his every move being documented? This all must be absolutely insane for him. If it was me, I'd be self concious every time I walked out of my house.....worrying about how I looked, what I said, how it would be perceived, etc. Rob is handling it with absolute grace. Earlier, someone was discussng Kristen flipping off the camera. No matter what was said, I think agree that it was not a classy move and send the wrong message to fans. Rob deals with 5 times as much frenzy as she does, and he has photographers openly accusing him of sleeping with a girl in a committed relationship...but he still handles himself with poise. I feet that if he can do it, she can as well. It's an unfortunate downside to the money, fame, and adoration that comes with their profession....but be careful not to bite the hand that feeds you. Just my opinion. That no one will read. Since no one is in this thread. Damn. ;)

SarahBella said...

and sorry for the typos. Not my fault.....I plead Rob overload.

Gemgirl65 said...

I read it, SarahBella! And ITA. I laughed at the pics of Kristen, but I couldn't help but think, bad idea. Just learn to handle it with more grace, sweetie. "What would Rob do?" LOL Take the high road, that's what. Just ignore what doesn't matter and get on with the good stuff. But it would be diffcult at times, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

I read it too SarahBella! Kristen almost "seems" to need to be knocked down a peg or two. It's not like her portrayal of Bella was Oscar worthy. The stuttering made me insane. I like the girl, she is very pretty when her stylist gets her hands on her but her reactions to fans is at times, insulting and disrespectful.

I completely applaud Rob for his continued grace under pressure, it says allot about him as a human being.

Lucky will be the gal who lands Rob!!!

albaville said...

@Pattinson forever

I totally agree with u about everything, I was in Montepulciano as a walker in New Moon, he was always very nice amd sweet to everyone, always a smile on his wonderful face..girls were crazy, screaming and yelling all the time but he was just perfect..i love him more everyday..forever like u!:)

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