From NOW magazine:
Jodie Kidd has a crush on actor Robert Pattinson.
The model's followed the Twilight star’s career since he appeared in the Harry Potter movies.
‘I really fancy Robert Pattinson and have done since his days as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter!’ she says.
Jodie, 30, admits her perfect day would involve her becoming invisible so that she could keep tabs on Rob, 23.
‘I’d probably go and spy on Robert Pattinson and follow him around all day,’ she says.
I'd say "get in line", but she's a ridiculously gorgeous model, so she's probably on the VIP list...
Good to see you posting Gozde :)
(I'm 1m58 and have been waiting on my leg extensions for a good ten years now :p)
:) I'm still at the hospital. They have a pretty good wifi system here.
I'm as little as you are LittleBear. I need those leg extensions so badly :P
*Hugs* to Gozde... (little people have to support each other!)
we sure do :)) Vertically challenged is the term I prefer :P I hate when they put stuff on the upper shelves in grocery store. It's just plain rude :)))
lol, I hear you! My awful boyfriend always puts my books on the very top shelf of our bookshelves. Just because it makes him laugh to see me struggle to get them...
(now Rob would NEVER do that.)
LOL Little B and Goz!
To hell with the leg extensions, I just wish I looked that good in jeans! She's hot, but she's still going to have to stand in line.
Kisses and Hugs to you Goz..
If she becomes invisible to Rob, it works just fine with me LOL
Although Rob would probably like to be 'stalked' by a girl like her LOL
Your in my prayers Goz.
Kindest regards from Oz.
I thought Jodie was now concentrating on equestrian stuff and rehab.
Eurovision on, it's friday evening here, wine and robobsess time - with Eurotrash laughs in the background
Gozde, she does look like you from what I have seen of your tiny profile pic. I think you both have a shot! Are you a shortie, too? I am hopelessly 5'3".
I was shopping at flea market a few days ago and I saw some funny t-shirt with Teddy Bear picture and the following was written below: "Everybody wants to sleep with me"...
And I catch myself thinking about Rob. LOL
YAY Goz!
Thanks for the post. Lately, I've been feeling "too old" for him. lol
Does every "hot" girl have to be blonde?
Wow, she certainly is not affraid to say what she thinks (I doubt anybody would say something stalkerish just to namedrop and get free advertizement). And why would she be affraid to sound stalkerish when you know that Edward got away with stalking Bella (and some even found this part romantic LOL)?
Actually she sounds like a fun person with a wicked sens of humour.
The problem when you have a too tall boyfriend is the neck-ache... I had a boy friend who was about 15 to 20 cm taller than me, and it was quite difficult to kiss standing for a longi-ish time. well, there are always road-sidewalks for outside, or stuff like that, you always find a solution if the guy is to your taste. That or you don't remain standing...
Little Bear,"VIP List"...for stalking? LOL! Rob's stalkers are moving up in the world!
Goz, I need leg extensions too! If I evern had the immense pleasure of standing next to Rob, I'm sure I'd have a great view of his mipples. Hmmmm...maybe being short isn't such a bad thing. (5' 4 1/2" here...and all you shorties know, that half-inch is very important! lol)
Sorry to hear you're still in the hospital...hugs and prayers to you!
I'm another vertically challenged being, 5'2" and forever wearing high heels. Age-challenged too as far as Rob is concerned LOL.
Leann - I'm right with you with
5'4 1/2" and that damn 1/2" IS incredibly crucial. Nothing wrong with a mipple view....
Now I've gotta teach class with mipples on my mind...
Reading the comments of all you"vertically challenged" people makes me laugh.
Being 5'8" I've spent my whole life longing to be shorter because I always stick out over the heads of friends when I'm dying to just blend in or hide altogether.
Still I guess 5'8" is an advantage with 6'1" Rob but I'm age-challenged so no chance.
KK - love all your eye avis.
Good for her! She came right out and said it :) She is quite beautiful, and sounds funny. Go for it honey, and then come and tell us ALL about it! They would actually be cute together.
Yeah and she's really athletic and Rob's....not...so they could shoot some awesome games of pool together!!! Nothin' wrong with that!! :)
hmmm...bent over a pool table with Rob there to help you make the shot....ok....too early, WAY too early. I love pool.
Goz- Me too, I'm 5'5". I'm still praying for you. Keep the faith.
JK is a beautiful girl,older, and does seem to have a wicked sense of humor.She might be a good fit, but hold up....wait a minute.
Kespax just said "rehab"...OH HELL TO THE NO. Our boy isn't hooking up with no crackhead/alcholic crazy ass female with an addictive personalty. It's was bad enough with the "famewhore" and now she is about to stalk him in Italy. JK sweetie, keep stepping you are not even welcome to join the back of the line. Yes, be invisible...LOL
@ Yvonne. Thanks for the visual. Now my imagination is running wild. *sigh* makes a girl want to play pool A LOT.
Hi Gozde!!!
You are not alone, I'm in the 30 and I'm also Robsessed.
Greetings from MĂ©xico!!!
Just another 30something Robsessed woman here. Who wouldn't want to meet him.
I'm 5'8 and my DH is the same height as Rob,the neck ache is still an issue but the enveloping hugs are good....hugged by Rob.....whoops sorry my imagination got away with me.
Hang in there Gozde. I'm dealing with some medical family issues to and I have to say that this blog is a great escape and stress reliever for me.Thanks.
I ment who wouldn't want to meet him? Not that I wouldn't want to meet him.(Rolls eyes at self.)
Yikkes all of these pics and vids have me distracted and not makeing sense.
Have a great Rob day everyone!
I totally agree with her!!
I'd follow him everywhere too :)) I'm probably 1Ocm shorter than her but I dont know why I immagine Rob liking not such tall girls but little ones like Kris or Ashley or me :))
well, now I can stop and hope to meet him here in Italy in a couple of weeks...I cant waittttt
Goz...Hope you are getting well by the second. You are always a DELIGHT...no matter if your legs are not as long as that Model> WHO?...You seem to be WONDERFUL...it seeps through the web lines and pages and your adorable words. Thanks...XOX Iam 5'7" but AGE challenged...much worse!!!!
At 5'8" I don't think I'd have any trouble following him. It's just that he'd probably find the constant whimpering annoying.
Great, I'm 30 and I'm only 5'5". Why can't I be at least younger or taller. I'd settle for one or the other. Love knowing I'm not the only one in my 30's who loves Rob. Until I found this blog I thought I was.
Thanks Godze.
LeeAnn & KK...I'm 5'4 1/2" too. How about the eyes? Mine are green.
I had two tall boyfriends, both 6'3" and had to wear tall shoes to hear what they were saying, lol. I think Rob's height is perfect.
Not sure about Jodie Kidd...that is a strange pose for a professional model. Tyra would totally kick her butt on ANTM for such a poor pose.
I want to stalk Rob too!!!
'Hey, Rob, Lover, I am 5'7", brown light hair with green eyes. And a brazilian with a hot greek blood... Wanna check me out?'
Well, I worked my way down to this post after feeling sorry for him and loosing some anonymity after the McNulty interview. Poor Rob indeed. I had never heard of her before today so I Googled her. She seems like a cool chic not to mention gorgeous. I'm sure Rob is devastated to hear that a supermodel race car drive wants to stalk him in her invisible state. Hmmmm, that would be a good use for invisibility as opposed to say, crime fighting...
Australia's most famous radio DJ, Jackie O, is also madly in love with Rob. She's 34, so I love hearing her speak of him all the time - then I don't feel like such a cougar ;)
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