Megan Fox Disses Robert Pattinson (and we all die from laughing)

Gozde: Excuse me while I laugh my ass off. (I thought LMAO was not enough, I had to spell it out :)) Megan Fox talking about holding a conversation....Hahahaha :))) Sweetie, Megan, you are so pretty. Just hush....and stand around....

From OMG!:

Megan Fox might be remaining mum on the state of her relationship to Brian, but she's quick to shoot down rumors that she rebounded with "Twilight" star Robert Pattinson.

"I just randomly asked someone for a light and it was him. That was the extent of our 'relationship,'" she said of the brooding vampire star. "But I'm sure there's going to be a different guy every week now."

And Megan would like the world to know that Pattison is not her type anyway - the same goes for Zac Efron.

"He and Zac-- they're just too pretty with the big hair and the suits. And Rob is, what, 22? Zac is 21? That's a joke," Megan said. "Boys in their twenties are a waste of time. They have nothing to offer conversationally; they're immature. I feel like I have a better shot with someone in his thirties."

Thanks to sxedawl for the link :)


Kathie said...

She's looking for osmeone in their 30's? Someone in their 30's wouldn't want such a twit.

Now some rich old dude in his 80's would dig her type ....... pretty and stupid.

kchambers77 said...

they're just as retarded in their 30s so just rkelly it girl.

Mrs. Robinsane said...

If she is so dismissive of Rob, why does she pinpoint his EXACT age?

And we all know how vapid he is. :)

Nicky said...

LOL!!!!!!! I am in my thirties and dare I say, it seems as hopeless a search as when I was in my 20s......sorry chick.

Nicky said...

And another thing....she is SO stuck up, my GOD!!!! By her dismissing anyone in their 20s, she is missing out on the chance to meet someone like Rob, who transcends his its her loss, really. She seems pretty fake.

Anonymous said...

Well aint she smart !!

*rolls eyes*

LovetheLips said...

Nothing to offer conversationally?? She's obviously never read/seen any of RP's interviews...intelligent, charming, funny, humble are just a few words that come to mind thinking of Rob. Now as for Megan Fox: *crickets*...could that be the sound she hears between her ears??

Melanie said...

You tell her Gozde--she just needs to zip the lips and just stand there and look pretty.

Not Beehive said...

Megan Fox? Say, isn't she teh one with fake lips, fake boobs, and a waxed unibrow? All of that PLUS the superfine personality she's revealing? I'll bet the old geezers are lining up around the block for a chance to take her on a walk. Woof.

DJ_ said...


u guys are too funny.

Nice description btw..

...wowie! said...

I like all the pretty people. lol I'm superficial. So what? I care nothing about age. Age really doesn't matter...just offers a better understanding of where a person's opinion comes from.

Mama "B" said...

This stupid tart and her inconsequential spewing really annoy me.

I can't speak about Zac Efron because I've never heard and/or any of interviews, acting jobs ,etc. However, I can say, with certainty, that this bitch has never once seen or heard Rob in his interviews and knows nothing about him. Who does she think she is? Pfft.... *rolls eyes*

Suz said...

wow.. way to shoot yourself in the foo.... wait, no


Anna said...

Grr, how does she DARE put Zefron and Rob in the same sentence?!!

At least she does say that the stupid rumours are just that (stupid). Has to be a good thing.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

"have nothing to offer conversationally" Well, I guess she didn't have a convo with RP or she wouldn't have come up with that clever quote.

Perhaps the one with nothing to offer conversationally was the one on her side of the cigarette lighter.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sara said...

I don't even need to say anything. Goz, you said it all.

Unknown said...

She's so beautiful with her mouth shut, but when she open it she become an ogress

dechick2009 said...

megan fox is stupid she doesnt know rob

Avery said...

she's a bitch,an empty doll,nothing more,no need to waste time on her

OT:Park!!!!!! United 1-0 Arsenal!!!

Suz said...

hey Danni, don't disrespect the ogress.

Fiona Rawks! (giggling)

Mechevpao said...

Who is Megan Fox?? I´m really asking that, I´ve never heard or seen anything about her .. well actually I´ve heard about her because she got mentioned in some gossip mags, but I have no idea, what does this girl do?
Reading this comments reminds me of that thing Rob said in a Seventeen mag interview; something like, “advice 17 years old girl to look guys her age, because they are always dismissing the guys her age and looking for a guy that is 25 years old”.. not his exact quote, but that was sort of what he said, and I think this is the exact case, I don´t know how old she is, but her mentality is very teenage like.. looking for older guys.. later she will learn with time, that biological age doesn´t matter that much, what matter is maturity, intelligence and sense of humor to act both grown up or child like enjoying life and that doesn´t depend on age.

Avery said...


annycullen said...

rob is never a waste of time. maybe zac efron is. but definitely not rob.<3

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Are you kidding me Ms. Fox? Really? Didn't know you were part of MENSA. And suits? Don't be so quick to put Rob in a suit. Something tells me the only way he gets into one is if someone PUTS him into one unlike Mr. Zefron. Yeah, the conversation between you and Rob would be poor...from your side. MWAHHAHAHA!

tinababy1 said...

Have we all noticed how whenever someone is not getting any attention they seem to mention Rob.

Suddenly they are in the news.

Yvonne said...

ha ha ha ha
Megan who?
Yeah, she's THAT relevant....

Krupa T said...

She doesnt have a chance wid either one of them cuz both go for the classy ladies!

Tch tch.... She just sounds plain spiteful...

Marj said...

is she a joke or what acting like shes some intelligent person how old is she? 12. i got news for her being way older then she is,it doesnot change in the 30s or 40s it depends on your taste in men megan. and yeah a brain always helps

DirtyD said...

Ditto to what AJ said.

Has she ever tried to talk to him?

Maryann said...

SO she thinks guys at Rob's age are immature and has nothing to offer conversationally? Sour grapes much maybe?

But by all means, I seriously doubt Rob or Zac for that matter cries themself to sleep by this "dissing" of this chick...thanks for the laughs Megan move along, go "fight" some CGI created monsters..oh wait it is Shiea Le Beauf that does all the fighting..and you just stand there looking "pretty" I think?

Sorry I just do not see why she is such a media darling. She is pretty yes but how real is that "beauty"? Is it all plastic? LOL

Yvonne said...

Tina! I've been looking for you! Do you speak French? I know that sounds very random, but I have a question for you....

Gemgirl65 said...

I just snorted a salad crouton out my nose. Because Megan Fox is so known for her intellectualism.

NC said...

Who the hell cares about her? I am glad, at least Rob got spared from this bimbo.

tinababy1 said...

Yvonne -yes I do

Gemgirl65 said...

Yvonne, I speak a little French (tres peau!) but I have a French/English dictionary right next to me if that helps...?

tinababy1 said...

Leann - OUCH!!!!!ROTFL

tinababy1 said...

Allo? Yvonne? Ou est tu?

Melanie said...

Man, we become like pit bulls to defend our boy, Rob, don't we? LOL

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - Your comment about snorting a crouton out of your nose caused me to snort coffee out of MY nose :D

Yvonne said...

Tina, sorry, I went to check out that new Dali clip and I had to compose myself. Oh my.

Anyway, trying to focus, do you mind if I send you an e-mail (to translate something for me) ?

Yvonne said...


tinababy1 said...

Y - Sure - go ahead

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Wow, another pack of lies revealed. I'm referring to the whole bit about Rob and Megan entwined on a couch in a bar two nights in a row...

So, Rob politely lit Megan's cigarette--that's it.

I won't comment on her quotes since they demonstrate exactly who she is.

This is further proof never to trust any rumor without photos and actual words from those involved. I trust you, Rob!

P.S. I'm so glad that until the age of nine (when I had corrective eye surgery), I was a cross-eyed kid with thick glasses. It was rough at the time, but I learned to understand people, became a bookworm and grew a personality. Poor Megan wasn't so fortunate.

Melanie said...

Oohhh--I just noticed the banner--nice one. Mesmerized.

tinababy1 said...

Chicago - You have lived my exact life.
I "heart" you.

Personality trumps pretty face.

Unknown said...

Maybe he turned her down... :DDD

spunkyshoefucker said...

And this is coming from the chick that is dating "David Silver"...lmao. What a dumb bitch, sorry!

Unknown said...

I agree, Fiona is an exception.

tinababy1 said...

P - Maybe he didn't want a plastic vapid bimbo with another guys name tattooed on her.

Rob deserves MUCH BETTER.

Melissa said...

Megan, honey, I used to think you were somewhat smart, but now I feel totally different. Here is a couple websites I think you should visit:



Gemgirl65 said...

So glad I could inspire more snorting, KK!

Sorry, had to leave there and go watch Robvador and Lorca in a compromising position, so to speak...still stunned here...and now I have to go back to work. Having a hard time turning off the 'puter and leaving the house though.....

Anonymous said...

Had she an ounce of maturity herself, she would have refrained from making a slight such as that.

Chicago girl now in LA said...


Wow, thanks! What did you endure?

I think it is really rough for those who are stunning and then fade.

Rob clearly grew into his face. I congratulate his parents for making him do the work to become a complete person inside.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Chicago Girl - YOU ROCK and I heart you big time.

Did you see the answer to your question to me last night on the thread?

cathysue said...

eh..rob should take that as a compliment coming from someone like her.

Martina said...

And how old is she? :/
Well, too young for old those plastic surgeries.

cathysue said...

oh and "a different guy every week"?? way to advertise that you're stupid AND a whore.

meg said...

I'm ashamed to even share the same name with her. I'm tempted to change it.

She's a bimbo that likes to toot her own horn. Nothing else!!!!

Rob........ don't listen to her. You a treasure that should be kept for true love..... like me:)

Suz said...


Marry Me?

spunkyshoefucker said...

I’m horrible to live with. I don’t clean. My clothes end up wherever I take them off. I forget to flush the toilet. Friends will tell me, “Megan, you totally pinched a loaf in my toilet and didn’t flush.”
~ Megan Fox


meg said...

Spunk - OMG

spunkyshoefucker said...

and she is only 22

spunkyshoefucker said...

Yeah..that was some of her famous quotes..that is just crude.

Suz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Divinesally said...

He's too good for her, actually.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

spunkyinms - Yeah, I'm sure after reading that Rob would be burning up the phone lines to get to her :p

Anonymous said...

Generalize, much, Megan? Girl, just because you have a quote from Shakespeare tattooed on you doesn't automatically make you intelligent.

Suz said...

Meg, (the non-plastic one)

Don't knock tooting your own horn...

Rob like to play his own trumpet now and again.....

Chi-Town Gurl... Marry ME

spunkyshoefucker said...

KK..I know, right? and she said that she had her boyfriends name tattooed by her "pie"

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

McVampy - Great. Now she's insulted Rob AND Shakespeare.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

KK~Hi! DITTO!!!!

I did read your answer...what are you teaching for your day job? I think students really like it when they see human attributes in their teacher (like the Rob screensaver). It makes you more like a regular person. I'm sure they talked about it later.

Don't you love seeing these stories which disprove the rumors?

Divinesally said...

She's an ass for making those comments. She's killing a lot of fan base by saying that about 2 of the most well like/wanted guys in Hollywood right now. Smart move, Einstein.

Meltem said...

Do you think we should waste our time talking about a nobody?

margot said...

che ?

I've pissed my pants LMAO

She is impolite and scornful towards 20something as if they were one pulp whereas they are individuals as ppl of any age, different, of all types - it makes her comments also silly

and apparently she didn't have any opportunity to listen to any Rob's interviews not mentioning she didn't have an actuall conversation on meeting him (who is to blame ? don't know, it takes 2 to the tango or an intelligent, witty, interesting conversation)
I don't know her so I don't know if she is able to judge on the topic

*calm down, baby,sip your lager...*

ok, on the other hand, it's easily visible that Rob is well educated, reads a lot of interesting stuff, has wide range of vocab, is witty and HAS really interesting things to say (and looks great no matter what he says ... ok, stop here)

tinababy1 said...

Chitown - Same as you at age 6. More confidence than "perfect" sibling though. Learn to be strong.

Megeemoo - You are the Best and Original Megan


Melissa said...

Sorry, Suz-I'm holding out for Rob.


Honestly, when she is in her thirties, she's going to be BEGGING for a man in his twenties to pay attention to her...then she will be eating her words.

Chicago girl now in LA said...


Thanks for all of the laughs/insight! You have no idea how often I'm here at my computer cracking up because of something you said!

tinababy1 said...

Mel - when she is in her thirties, no one will remember her and Rob will have an OSCAR

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Chicago - I teach in what is called Adult Basic Education (ABE) during the day. This includes students ages 16 to death basically (we had an 82 year old get a GED with us a few years ago and go on to college!!!). I am a reading/writing specialist who prepares students for the GED test, offers credits for a diploma and/or prepares students for college reading/writing expectations. Been doing this for 10 years. I've been a college English adjunct at night and in the summer for 1 1/2 years so far.

BTW - My screensaver didn't come up for students but colleagues!!! They all know I'm a little nuts though, so I don't think any were surprised :)

Yes, I freakin' LOVE debunked rumors. I actually lost it a little bit about this topic on the HQ and Untagged (sorta) thread.

Melissa said...

Trufax, Tina! :-)

She is "one of those" actresses that honestly doesn't have much to offer besides her body and good looks. I have yet to be STUNNED by any of her performances...

phosphorus said...

Dear Ms Fox, I want to congratulate you. It definitely is a wise decision to dismiss Robert Pattinson as not your type. The two of you wouldn't get along anyway, you just don't seem to have much in common. Don't ask me to go into detail, please, that would only hurt you. Surely there is some sugar daddy, who's keen on plastic tits, somewhere out there waiting for you. As for Rob, don't worry - anyone of us would love to have a conversation with him anytime. The world is full with beautiful, intelligent women (with university degrees and real breasts) willing to talk to him, you know?

Anonymous said...

What is that last video clip from?

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Tina~Did you have wear a patch over one eye afterwards? Some idiots still don't know that strabismus is weak eye muscles and nothing to do with your IQ. I STILL heart the stranger who came up to me when I was very young, looked me in the eyes and told me they were beautiful. That came true after surgery.

margot said...

is it just me ...? I've always been feeling as if Rob were older than 22-23 judging from what he says and how he acts

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Phosphorus - I would like to add my name to the signatures on your letter.

crazy said...

GOZDE~ You are hilarious!

Poor Meggie-moo is doing some damage control with the bf. She shouldn't worry that pretty little brain of hers. Rob wouldn't want her anyway. He'd want a smart girl.

crazy said...

coincidence that i called MG meggie -moo.

margot said...

and definetely - if Megan Fox just wanted buzz in media and over the net - it worked :)))) we are buzzing like mad bees

phosphorus said...

phosphorus hands over letter and pen to KK to sign it.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

phosphorus - Now let's send one to Ms. Fox and put the other under glass for future generations.

margot said...


me ! me too !

Yvonne said...

phos, that letter is simply brilliant. Bravo :)

Chicago girl now in LA said...

KK~That's right, I remember now you mentioning this early on. My MS.Ed. focused on Human Resource Development/Organizational Tech. and for the core classes, I knew several students who were in your emphasis(at NIU). You are helping to change lives in a big way! How's the weather in MN? How close are you to Lake Minnetonka?

Phos~Can I add my signature, too?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Yvonne - I never found out whether or not the tattoo you're getting is your first.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Crazy~Glad to see are sooo right BF damage control! HAHA.

crazy said...

just read all the comments and LMAO!

"stupid tart" LOL

Chicago and Tina~ i'm relating. thick eyeglasses, buck teeth etc...yikes, not pretty. I learned alot from that...

Yvonne said...

KK, I keep jumping between threads and I actuaully just saw your question...

Yes, it's my very first tattoo (I think this Robsession has messed with my brain).

Yvonne said...

crazy!! how r u? What did you think of that new LA clip?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Chicago - Right now at work, I am about 15 minutes from Lake Minnetonka. The weather is in the low 70s...beautiful. We're supposed to get some rain/thunderstorms on and off this week, but the temps should stay warm.

Hey, if you ever get totally bored, shoot me an email sometime. My email is on my profile. Bored as in I could send an email to KK or stick this pencil in my eye. I don't hurt as much as the pencil. Okay, I know people who would disagree with that!!!! :)

crazy said...

Hi Yvonne! long time no see

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Yvonne - What are you getting?

crazy said...

Y~ well let's just say i had to stay put in my chair for awhile... ;)


crazy said...

Hi KK, everybody!
i'm so out of the loop here...

Yvonne said...

crazy...I have no words. Can't wait to see it.

KK, I am getting the phrase "more than my own life " in French. Tina helped me by confirming I had it translated correctly... :)

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Yvonne - Very cool. I have three that I absolutely adore every day of my life.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Crazy - Hey, Baby! What's shakin'?

Yvonne said...

KK, that is really good to hear, cuz I'm freaking out a little bit.

I am def. glad I waited until I was a little more mature, or I may have gotten something like Marilyn Monroe a la Megan Fox (dumbass).

What are yours of? (that doesn't look grammatically correct...)

phosphorus said...

@ Margot, Chicago Girl (and Yvonne?): Go ahead. I used an extra large piece of paper. Call it foresight. ;-)

Yvonne said...

crazy, aren't you going to see LA this weekend?!!

Yvonne said...

phos, yup, we are all on the same page here...pun intended :)

spunkyshoefucker said... crack me up!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
margot said...

ok, as there seems to be a crowd of us I'm going to repeat my BIG PleasePleasePlease :

If anybody saved FF Black and White (it has been withdrawn before I finished reading) please let me/Anne/Leann/TwiHeart know ... Santa Baby are there ? Hear me ? I've got some FF in Word doc to swap...

On my profile there is e-mail ...

I'm going to repeat this question from time to time, just in case

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Yvonne - I have a kind of ying/yang celtic dragon design on my upper right shoulder. On my upper back is a large illustration of the white tree from Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings." My most recent (and likely last) one is across my lower back. It is an Ralph Waldo Emerson quote that says "Be not the slave of your own past."

I'm a total baby when it comes to pain, but I endured. The back (especially across the spine) is kind of rough. The pain is totally survivable. On what part of your body is it going?

crazy said...

KK! miss talking to you!

Y~ I yam, I yam!!!!! woo hoo. gonna bring, let's see, extra panties or just wear depends.....
my PE to "hold down the fort" ;)... Twizzlers to bite down on to control the to get a better look......any other ideas??

crazy said...

Hey Margot - B&W was not finished . it's going to be published by the author. Doesn't that suck? i love it, second to WA.

Hi Spunkynms!

crazy said...

KK~ i love the RW Emerson quote. Gotta remember that one. thanks~

Yvonne said...

kk, accross the top of my foot is my first choice. I live in S. Fla. and I don't even own closed toe shoes :), so I thought it would be a cool place. The artist I talked to said she's not crazy about doing feet, but she will...I thought about having it done just beneath the elbow crease inside my arm, but the phrase is too long. So, I'll just have to see when I get there. Yours sound are braver than I am. However, I am already thinking about #2...

Yvonne said...

crazy, I think you have all of your bases covered.

PE - check
twizzlers - check
panties (or depends) - check
Binoculars - check

I am so jealous!

marya said...

geez hollywood people should already know the number one rule right now:
Talking shit of Robert Pattinson or Twilight will get you in trouble/will not bring any good to you career
of course megan fox couldnt know this because she is so preocuppied looking at herself in the mirror she barely has time to know whats going on around her...let alone know who the HOTTEST guy is right now
bad bad move meg!

crazy said...

Yvonne~ your avatar is telling me to take my clothes off.
just so you know, i'm nekked over here. FYI~

margot said...

crazy thx for the reminder
I'm on my DH laptop now it's the 3rd week cuz my own PC's motherboard couldn't stand my Robsession I guess (and the builders who shut the electricity down), and I have no access to my goodies ... as far as I remember I've got Black and White saved there but have no idea how much, in a week time I'll see...
If not for the warranty conditions, I would have my computer repaired so far :((((

meg said...

Tina - Awwwwww shucks:)


KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Yvonne - I went in for my first with a sound warning to everyone: This will be my only tattoo. As soon as I saw the finished product I started thinking about my next one. They are addictive and if are like me, you will endure the discomfort and feel like you ROCK for going through with it.

Let me know if you have any specific questions cuz I been there done that with the healing process.

Yvonne said...

crazy, yeah, it talks to me, too.
sshhh, don't tell anyone.
And put some clothes on, damnit!

meg said...

Crazy - say what chicken butt.......... he wouldn't want me:(

Well poo on you


Anonymous said...

Nothing to offer Conversationally??
He´s intelligent,Funny and relly charming...
I don´t know but this girl is extremely stupid!!

Yvonne said...

kk, thank you!!! Yeah, I have a feeling that's how it will be for me too. I can't wait! I'll def. keep you posted :)

crazy said...

margot - go buy a new laptop, and tell the salesman you need one that can tolerate heat from a volcanic eruption. ;)

"eruption" hmmm.

crazy said...

meg has crazy all confused over here LOL! huh? LOL!

Yvonne said...

says to self.....
{{{too early, stop having dirty thoughts....}}}}

crazy said...

Y~ apparently it's never too early for us. Anyway, ever heard of morning ----?

Yvonne said...

well, dd wants to use the computer....hmph. I guess I should go do something domestic - dinner, laundry, whatever...

Talk to you later girls?

crazy said...

sorry about that :/

crazy said...

see ya after 10 Y~

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Crazy - "Eruption"??? Too early! ABORT! ABORT! Just kidding. You are so funny always :))))))))

Yvonne said...

yup, morning ---. Whenever theres a Robdream bb.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Yvonne - Yeah, I'll probably be on later! Bye!

meg said...

It's funny this Megan Fox girl just ruined her oh so short career.

All the Robgirls will be after her, and there are A BILLION ROBGIRLS. You just can't diss our Rob and get away with it....... their are consequences:(

Yvonne said...

After 10.... see you then :)

crazy said...

KK~ LOL @ abort!! hee hee!

margot said...

1. I haven't got a DD, though I've got 2 DSs, only one with us here now
2. Everyone has his own computer + DH's laptop *kissing the keyboadrd connecting to DSs*
3. NOBODY dares drive me off you , yipppieee :)))

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Okay everyone. I'm heading home. Will be on the computer working on stuff all evening, so I will be lurking and posting. Hope to see you all later!

My final message to Megan Fox:


margot said...

lookin' around I guess that stupid ppl have moooore children ...

crazy said...

see ya later KK~

crazy said...

now it's my turn to make dinner - later girls!

RPnKSaddict said...

Gozde your awesome! Love your sarcasm! LAUGHING MY ASS OFF!

That's a classic comment Ms.Fox comeing from a girl who carries on a coversation using her tits.

They're always out there front and center, and most deffinatly bigger than her brain.

Lynn said...

Loser say what? Megan Fox is clueless....she disses 20something and she herself is her 20's and she has stuck Alpo boy, Brian Austin Greene for how long?

TwiHartRK said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
elaine said...

Miss Fox just showed her immaturity. First of all, to put all 20 year olds in the same category is ignorant. Age is irrelevant! To put Rob or Zac down shows that she is trying to make herself feel better.

I agree that Rob would surely want a smart girl and not a brainless Barbie doll.

TwiHartRK said...

Hi Lynn! You are all cracking me up with your comments in here!! Megan is gorgeous but obviously confused. I think she'd have a better shot with someone who can overlook her plastic surgery.

I don't see Rob with someone who is trying so hard. And why is she flattering herself anyway? Check out her web site:


Thought for the day:
Brooke Shields - yeah
Megan Fox - boo

Shani said...

I'm late on this shit, but let me say OH. NO. YOUR. BITCH. ASS, DIDN'T. Megan Fox calling out the pretty,immature, twenty something adjectives...BS...Kettle meet POT. So she didn't have a convo with RP and she's judging him. The nerve of that skank bitch. How in the hell do Brian put up with such a empty headed hoe. Men and there trophies... because Megan is diluting herself if she thinks Brian sees her as anything else. Brian should have gotten rid of that stupid heifer when he had a chance. She knows nothing about RP and it's called GOGGLE BITCH... Let me calm my nerves now.

Wait, thank GOD that she is such a clueless cunt. RP really missed a bullet on that one.*wipes brow*
See she is a cliche, pretty face and empty ass head. To quote RP "ridiculous"...and that's what that silly bitch is.

TwiHartRK said...

OMG Shani!! GURL tell us how you really feel? LOL!!

Emmes said...

Megan Fox...what can I say?...she would rather marry Brian Green than bonk Robert Pattinson....hahaha....nuff said!

Hannah said...

Shani, you need to lay down for a bit babe?! ;) LOL!

I agree though, she didnt even have a conversation with Rob yet she brands him as 'immature'.

Pfftt.. Megan, go give yourself an uppercut.

kespax said...

Good laugh for breakfast, - I'm in the future/ie Oz.

Anyway, who the hell is this bitch? I had never heard of her before she was mentioned with our adonis.

Boohoo sounds like rob didn't notice her, same as I never have.

Ellie said...

Megan Fox is a friggin' twit.

Diane said...

So Megan Fox has a Shakespearian quote for a tattoo? Can she read it? Bet it says something about protesting too much.

DD said...

Who gives a damn what she thinks? Dumb girl...Rob needs a real woman who is intelligent and clearly that leave Ms. Fox out.

kespax said...

OMG I looked her up, she's dating a has been dweebie from 90210, freakin laughing so much I may vomit.

Could older be megan's code for more money dude,and some old fart is more likely to date this kind of package.

Tee hee, can really see her type hanging with the hot-Twilighters at all of those fun looking places in Vancouver, damn they look like they are having fun being young and carefree.

Kathy#1 said...

I'm frankly relieved that Rob isn't her type. Although she is gorgeous, I doubt she has any "real" talent and wouldn't keep his attention for more than a night. I also think he'd be too smart to fall for her anyway. He has so much more going for him already.

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