Rob At LAX 05/31/2009

Thanks to for the pictures. Check them out for the whole set :)


showme said...


i think these are the hottest hoobiewoobie pics i'v seen in a LONG time...

would you agree A/LA?
I think KK is out of look in these dying down any robfervor...

yummy yummy man

showme said...

oh man...jaw porn galore...

and the bottom ones of his smiling...yikes o rama

i don't know why this one is killing me too

Anonymous said...

OME *.* he looks so amazing .. I souw can't await ²n8 .. +squint on clock+ .. there are still 9 hours to go +uff+ .. I really dunno what to do until the va's .. coz here in germany it is 6.24 pm && I thought I head to bed on around 9 pm but I'am pretty sure I can't get sleep .. coz I'am so excited .. +squeak+ *.* ..

&& thank u goz for keeping us always updated .. you're real fab =)

Anonymous said...

Now that I know what's under all those layers, his hobo attire is so much hotter.

Marilyn said...

Woo hoo ! Let the Rob/Ashley rumours begin!! Robley all the way!!!!

annycullen said...

hotttest man that ever lived? yesss<3

maha said...

he looks hot

I love this man


Kelly said...

Is that the shirt from the "reveal"? Rob are you taking your wardrobe again??

RPnKSaddict said...

The hoodiewobbie is alive!
When I was little I had one and used it for the same reason. It's like if your head and eyes are covered you aren't seen as well.
strange reasonings of a shy person.

If it makes him feel more secure or helps him cope then...long live the hoodiewoobie!

showme said...

i posted this on the other rob lax pic thread, but wanted y'all to read it bc my dream is funny...

'And I suspect that if he met any one of us in an ordinary situation, he would recognize this and probably say, "Why on earth are you worshipping me? I'm just a 23 yr old kid. Look at all that you have done."'

LOL Liza...i think you have that right on...i think that's EXACTLY how he would feel.

i actually had a dream last nite that all of us were in a room alone with Rob, like we'd paid to do it like the Amfar event or something, and he was just looking at us and one could get out any words, we were all so close to hyperventilating. he laughed shyly and was like trying to get us to talk, but we all just had these ecstatic, barely holding ourselves together expressions.

then i finally said (of course it was me, my ego in my dreams knows no boundaries LOL) and i said, 'we're sorry Rob. We're really usually not this tongue-tied. in fact, most of us are novelists, copwriters and sociologists, not ones to usually be at a loss for words....'

some dream huh? but it's my subconscious worrying he would think i and we are mad for our obsessions...

showme said...

by the by A/LA, i ended up reading fanfic til 5:30 in the morning...pitiful. i'm reading that one that DB suggested, Stay. It's the first AU one i'v read. it's pretty good.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Showme - Your dream account cracked me up...funny but true!!!

"most of us are novelists, copwriters and sociologists, not ones to usually be at a loss for words...."

Wouldn't that be funny...we go on and on about Rob on this blog and then in front of him we'd be like..."Ummmmm....uhhhhhh....(deep breaths)...gah...ahhhh...hi?"

showme said...

LOL KK....exactly....that would be a very real possibility.

Cougar71 said...

Rob looks fabulous as always, but I must admit, the black-clad unibomber looking is getting old. He'd probably be less conspicuous if he didn't wear the hoodie and glasses. Everyone knows this is his "airport look" now.
I guess Kristen must have had someone (boyfriend or parents) waiting to pick her up.

Anonymous said...

showme- i met friends for a drink nearby, came home, crashed, and woke up at 5:30. ughhh. horrid.

BTW, in your dream, I would be staring at the floor with a fierce blush on my face, and my hands would be shaking.:\

I'm off to scare up breakfast.

Anonymous said...

(BTW... I'm not a fan of the hoodie. Sorry KK! I like his hair. Don't like it when he hides it.)

showme said...


i'm off to scare up some lunch too...

margot said...

have to say one more time...

why Rober Pattinson ?
apart from "the personality first" and "the whole package", which are obvious and have been widely discussed here, there and everywhere, this is about the looks :

1. it's a man, a real man - neither a boy (Z F E) nor any of those

the whole ZOO of so-called-Hottest-Guys (def not in those photos!)

2. This man looks best if not goomed, not even touched by any stlist ... and I'm happy I'm not going to meet him because I'm afraid I would forget breathing

MandyW said...

Okay, it looks like I missed all of you, but Showme, I really liked your dream. I know for a fact that I would be tongue tied as tried to take in all the glory that is Rob.

margot said...

hmmm ... showme's dream is much more interesting and meaningful that it seems to be at the first glance ... I mean to us all ...

bravo, showme ! envy you - I have no dreams ever (or they say I never remember)

Anonymous said...

Looking good:) I like the hoodie and his ray bans! I wonder what he's wearing tonight?! probably something comfy because mtv awards shows isn't that dressed up. He can gladly wear something like this:

RPnKSaddict said...

KK- welcome to at least a portion of the dark side. It takes a strong woman to concede at such times.
sho- Love the dream account. I've met a few famous people that I really admired and your right about all coherent thought leaving your brain. It's like the oxygen just gets sucked right out.
I'd be afraid to just pass out from the inability to breathe.

MandyW said...

That would suck to have no dreams. You've never dreamt at all?

MandyW said...

MTV Awards are all about like hip and cool, right? So I'm sure he should come looking slightly disheveled, just the way we like him.

Carlie said...

where is Kris?
i hope nobody starts ash and rob stories so not true
he looks good of course let him sleep so that he can be well rested for 2nite

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Yes, I've met one huge celebrity and when he came up to talk to me I was like...

margot said...

MandyW... scientists say it's impossible but, honestly, I have never noticed a dream :(
and it sucks I think :(

MandyW said...

You learn something new everday, because I didn't know that scientists said it was impossible. HUH

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Margot - I wish we could switch places dreaming...I dream constantly. I can go down for a 15-minute catnap and dream. Sometimes I feel like I've been up watching TV all night. And much of the time I realize I'm dreaming within the dream. That can be weird. My parents used to worry because of my intense dreaming, but a psychologist told them them (when I was young) that it is probably a sign of a vivid imagination and high creativity. Imagination yes...high creativity???? Still working on that one. :)))))

MandyW said...

Gotta go- be back in a little while.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Everybody goes into REM sleep and dreams...not everyone remembers their dreams. This is the basis of some kinds of sleep torture...prevent a prisoner from ever going into REM sleep for a long period of time and the effects are bad. I believe experiments have also been done on cats (there is another GREAT use for taxes...gah).

showme said...

a lot of people don't remember their dreams...mine or so vivid that i can usually recite them word for word when i wake up, but these are obv the dream i'm having the moment i wake up...when i'm coming out of sleep

i wish i could remember my deep REM sleep those would prob be incredibly interesting.

i can't wait to see rob tonight...

showme said...

KK, my mom worried about the same thing...

mine will be so vivid, i'll wake up thinking they are actually happening.

mom and i were spending the nite in a hotel room together one time, and i dreamed there was a man in the room hiding behind the window curtain and i jumped up, yelled to my mom, "there's a man, mom, come on!" and she was so out of it she followed me into the bathroom where i slammed the door. i was like, "he's behind the curtain!"

then after a second mom said, "allison, the curtains only reach halfway to the ground. we would seen his legs!" and then we both burst out laughing and she said i needed to see a pyschologist.

Victoria said...

His lips look really chapped. Too much kissing in Italy....Never! :).

showme said...


from twilight lexicon--

Video Reactions: Trailer across the generations
By Twilight_News | May 31, 2009
OK, we know this is really late notice, but sometimes ideas don’t happen on time tables.

We’ve been noticing in our comments lots of things that say “I haven’t watched the MTV Movie Awards in years”. Now we could be wrong, but it would seem to us that that means the teens of the 1990’s 1980’s and maybe even the 1970’s and 1960’s are going to be tuning into MTV tonight (or the Internet shortly thereafter).

So here’s the deal, tape your reaction to the trailer, upload it to YouTube, send us the link, and we will cover the best reactions from people who were teens in the 2000’s, 1990’s, 1980’s, 1970’s…heck if we get reactions from what has been called “the Greatest Generation”,which we think would put people in their teens in the 1930’s, we’ll run that. You have until midnight (eastern Monday) to get us your clip, you have enough time to upload and edit. We’ll run it on Tuesday.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Showme - Wow...I don't meet too many people who dream like me. That's pretty cool! I would have the same experience of waking up still in a "dream" state. Drove my parents nuts. Plus I had a few recurring nightmares for years until I figured out how to get rid of them when I was older.

Gemgirl65 said...

How can anyone look this hot after 14 hours on a plane? WTH? As I've said before, I would look like a monkey's ass. But this guy...I swear he's not human.

This morning, I had a dream that I was with Hugh Jackman rapelling down from a helicopter to a the site of bus crash in the dead of winter. The bus had been taken over by aliens and was taking humans hostage, so Hugh was there to save them all. I was afraid to stick with him so I ran up ahead to where a bunch of humans were milling around, not know what had happened. I met up with some random girl and we were trying to escape, running through empty warehouses and tunnels and crap to get away from the aliens...meanwhile small alien ships were starting to whiz by us and we were running to get away from them. Then all of a sudden the girl I was with ran into a friend of hers, a "human" who it turns out had been a alien masquerading for years as a human. I was urging her to run and then I woke up.

I'm not even making that up. I mean WTH. So I guess I'm with you all on the vivid dreams! (I let Hugh Jackman get away?...I'm insane even when unconscious!)

margot said...

yep, that's it - you sleep you get into REM sleep otherwise you are disturbed, and it can't be long it's like torture, as I sleep well I must go into REM but never remember anything

Gemgirl65 said...

I made so many typos in that last comment that I'm appalled with myself. I think I'll go outside and get some more fresh air...step awaaaaay from the Rob pics....breathe....

Shani said...

Leann- Girl, you better get an agent and a lawyer. Because I'm sure there could be a lurker that will turn your dream into a screenplay. Shop the script around and get one of the big studios to do the movie. Then the movie ends up making 100's of millions of dollars. LMAO

Then you become one of those crazy people saying "that was my idea". LOL

Latebloomer said...

Back in the US... and the insanity begins! Poor Rob. How I wish it was possible to actually communicate with this man in a civilized manner! I'd actually write him a letter if I srsly thought there was a chance in hell of him reading it. Y'know they never see any of that stuff... i guess all we really can do is offer up our prayers for getting thru TL HELL... and prayers that he will continue to make sound project choices.... AND that he gets some sound financial advice so he make the most of his new found wealth.

Save your money Rob... make it grow and wait for only THE BEST. I can always tell when an performer takes a roll simply because they needed a paycheck! ARRRGGHH!

Gemgirl65 said... now Googling "how to shop your script around and get an agent." LOL! I couldn't even make that shiz up if I tried. I'm amazed that my subconscience DID make it up. Dreaming often astounds the hell out of me. I've written songs in my dreams too and can never remember them when I wake up.

Latebloomer, IA! I don't think Rob cares about the money too much, as long as he's comfortable and can be choosy about the work he does. He needs a good accountant who won't take advantage him!

Gemgirl65 said...

subconsious, that is. English has officially gone to hell. I blame the past two weeks of Rob overload...I can no longer think clearly.

Yvonne said...

Hi everyone!
Love those photos...what else is new? He does look like he has chapped lips though, damn airplane air is always so dry. Hope he's got some Blistex. Bet it sucks to be back in LA, all the mahem and chaos. Not a moments piece for our boy.

Leann, DAMN girl, that was some freaky dream!

Set those DVR's!!! Can't wait till tonight!!!

Yvonne said...

peace NOT piece....

See where my mind is??!! Good grief.

Suz said...

Sadly, more beautiful than ever.
All wrapped in his American Security Blankie.

Comforts, we all need them.

Hugs. see you tonight on the red carpet, kitten.

Kathy#1 said...

I love him in the hoobiewoobie (and I love that name for it too)!! Cute, cute..he is EVER not gorgeous???

Kathy#1 said...

KK, funny!

Krupa T said...

Is it just me or he lloks like Kevin Bacon as Hollow Man in some of these pictures??

anyway, he's as cute as ever!!:):)

albaville said...


Anonymous said...

He does look like hollow man, he also looks like fred the mannequin from i am legend.

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