Rob with Kristen and Anna on the set of New Moon

Tiny lil snip of Rob in this vid.

But the captions are a nice touch.


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TwiHartRK said...

Thank God for the captions, he doesn't stand out at all. Tee Hee - a FLASH of Robward. I wonder how long she had to stand around for this sighting...YAWNS...Well, I might not stand around all day but I'd still go nuts at the slightest glimpse.
Thanks Dani!

Jewels64 said...

Thanks Dani! Still wish they were in Portland where all of us could descend on you like mad!!!!

A small glimpse of Rob is better than nothing....

dechick2009 said...

so i just heard rob is dating nikki

RPnKSaddict said...

Royal woman- so how many times is that now?....
They keep saying that over and over and over.
Rob and the cast keep saying he's not dating anyone.
People are bored and out of beer.
No offense ment to you.

Diane said...

You mean Rob broke up with the lawn chair?

RPnKSaddict said...

My original post now that I'm not sidetracked....
Cool love all of the snipits we're getting of the filming, it's all very exciting.
Getting to see Rob even for a second is the best. I'll take anything with in reason I can get.

RPnKSaddict said...

LOL Diane, exactly my point.

Maryann said...

Please no more stupid rumor talks pfffff

Sorry but it just ticks me off that ppl are still on about these.

Anyways yep I agree nice touch with the captions. I guess they are gonna do some effects to make Edward "appear" to Bella there?

Avery said...

@RPaddict,we don't know the truth(about Nikki/Rob/Kristen/whoever else),but I really wouldn't trust that much what the cast members are saying. They're all actors,protecting each other and their private lives,none of them would flat out say what's going on behind the scenes if it's meant to be a secret. Not implying anything but I've learned not to believe celebrities. They're no strangers to lying and denying stuff,far from it actually. I don't blame them though,I would be the same.

Lynnes said...

LMAO @ Diane.

Not another one in this thread too!!! GAH!

Maryann said...

*slams head on desk* seriously...

OK back on topic, I forgot to say thanks Dani for putting the link up!

tinababy1 said...

Was this taken along with psycho-mom and daughter who spent over 19 hours waiting to torment Rob and the cast?


This statement goes to all you "Who's Rob dating" speculators, too. WE.DON'T.CARE.

Hi Lynnes. Missed you the last few days bb.

kchambers77 said...

amen girls. people with nothing to do your house is being invaded by dust bunnies with lasers. please go take care of your home!

Suz said...

RoyalWoman.. you've been warned!

OFF with your gossip lovin head!

tinababy1 said...

kchambers - LOL@ dustbunnies

Robsessing causes neglected households.

Guilty as charged

Hi Suz - thanks for the email babe.

Divinesally said...

Waz up ladies?

lol Suz.

tinababy1 said...

Hey DS.

Same stupidity as usual.

Bootstrap Intern said...'s so nice to see Rob even if it's only for a couple seconds.

Hello ladies!!!

Divinesally said...

I read Rob is an alien from planet X and he's asexual.

tinababy1 said...

DS - LOL. Rob couldn't be asexual if they cut off his....

Divinesally said...


Alien fingers will do just fine. Bloody stumps don't get my mojo running.

Not anymore atleast.

ROBoholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ROBoholic said...


Ellie said...

Hi, ladies! (you're all so funny on this thread... love it!)

Yes, enough with the friggin' gossip!

Anonymous said...

From the pictures, it was Michael Welch, is that really Robert Pattinson?

~KY~ said...

i swore myself off of here today, yet here i sit lurking!!!!!!!
damn you rob!!! no, really, not damn you. its because i love you, i cant get enough of you. ugh. the things you do to me. i dont get it.....

its me, kristen, for those of you who were too drunk last night to remember that i changed my name. LOL

Divinesally said...

Roboholic~I think the eye pic they chose for Rob doesn't do him justice. I don't think he'll be one of the top 4. But hey, ya never know.

People vote!

Divinesally said...

Hey Kristen! yea, girl, I know how you feel. It's hard to stay away.

Anna said...

Royalwoman - I notice this is not the first time you've been advertising the Nikki/Lainey thing. You've been asked to stop doing so several times before, on this blog and others.
So, if you have anything else to contribute, please do. Otherwise, just go back to Lamey.

~KY~ said...

hey DS...=) i went and voted too. i agree, not the greatest pic, but we all know how gorgeous they are.

ok ive had my fix for a little while. i better get back to it.
be back later!

Lynnes said...

Hey Tina~Missed chatting w/ everyone this week. Sorry, my social life was on overtime this week. I've just been popping in and out today here. I'll email you.

Hey Div and Kristen!

Divinesally said...

Hiya Lynnes, what's shaken toots? I haven't been on here as often either. I miss you all.

Diane said...

I resent the implication that I have dust bunnies under my furniture due to excessive Robsessing. I prefer to think of them as dust Robbies and therefore an adorable addition to the ambiance of my household.

Divinesally said...

LMAO Diane! dustrobbies! I'm so gonna use that.

Diane said...

Hey Lynnes
I have yet to find a Bay-area theater willing to post a schedule for LA. Six days away and we still don't have showtime. I'd also like to get some idea of how long it will be running, since I know people - yourself included - who probably won't make it the first day.

Lynnes said...

Div~My friends are taking precious Robsessing time away from me. WTF? I try to sneak in through my crackberry during dinner, but they give me the evil eye.

Diane~I know! The lady (I'm being nice by calling her that) that I spoke w/ yesterday says she doesn't even see it on the schedule. DOOD! It opens FRIDAY! I was tempted to ask "Are you sure?" but I had another question. She said tix for the SF theater (which ever it may be) will be avail. May 3rd. I am praying to RobGod that they show it over the weekend too.

Divinesally said...

Lynnes~I know, my DH gives me the stink eye when I don't pay any attention to him when I'm busy Robsessing with you all. Jeez! What an inconsiderate prick! It's like, dude, I'm busy. Hello, take a hint.

annycullen said...

robwarddd in action! (=

Shani said...

Hey ladies!!

I'm glad for the internet and You Tube because it is a little bit exciting to see our bb at work. So thank you Vice Pres. Gore for inventing the internet(remember when he said that shit)LMAO.

Diane said...

Yes, it seems very weird that none of the theaters are indicating how long the film will be there, what time it will be there and in fact, if the 8th of May will exist at all. (None of them even shows the day on their schedules.)Does it only occur in a time warp induced by extreme robsessing? Whatever, I'm showing up and I will not leave until they show me that movie.

~KY~ said...

hey shani!

its kristen...changed my name =)

I'm back again...slacking from my cleaning. GAH! I CAN NOT stay away!

~KY~ said...

ROB, "you are my life now"

Yvonne said...

KY!!!! You changed your name! ahhhh hahahaha! So cool! I feel like I named a baby... awww! Smooches!

Mechevpao said...

DS.. about the asexual topic.. he said it himself in the Twilight London premier... hahaa best answer ever!! so there is a confirmation from his own mouth ;)

Good to see Robward for 2 secs, even though I´m afraid to know the video came from mum/daughter stalkers

Ellie said...

Hi, KY (love that nickname! LOL), DS, Shani, Diane, annycullen!
(did I miss anyone?)

How is everyone this evening?

Can't really see much of Rob in that video, but any little bit helps... :)

Yvonne said...

we've been reduced to little itty bitty snippets of Rob....this is how desperate I actually makes me happy just to catch a tiny glimpse...

Mechevpao said...

Hi Ellie..
Yvonne: I understand the feeling

Ellie said...

Yvonne, I know...we're pathetic.
but I wouldn't have it any other way! LOL
Oh, and hi to you and Mechevpao!

Yvonne said...

hi mech, ellie :)
It's so frustrating, the wait for NM is going to kill me. Thank God we have LA to look forward to.

Divinesally said...

Hey, Shani, Kristen, Yvonne, Ellie, Mechevpao, Diane, Anny. what's good in the neightborhood?

Mech~ Really?lol

what's up with me?
Well, I'm bored as hell and I ate too much. Now I'm laying here like a beached whale =/ waiting for some action tonight.

Mechevpao said...

I´m more desperate to get to watch LA than NM, is because I want to see him as Dali, but I´ll have to wait for any news for a DVD here, so I´ll probably get first NM first which I´m not complaining either (scary and dark Edward.. sighs)

Divinesally said...

Thinking about Darkward gets me hot and bothered.

Yvonne said...

ds, hot and bothered already? it's mighty early!

Yvonne said...

I guess it's never too early for Rob :)

Mechevpao said...

DS, I found the video at youtube
he sais it at 0:53

~KY~ said...

hi to all!

yes yvonne! you inspired me babe! ; )

and i'll be on and off tonite mostly. I've sworn myself to cleaning today...which I've been doing good at! but my willpower is wearing thin as the day goes on.

oh and I'm on my phone(clutching it), so i'll be slow for now =(

Yvonne said...

mech, thanks for the link....yeah, asexual,uh huh, right. Sometimes the shit he says is just so weird.

Yvonne said...

Well, I'll be on and off tonight, hope i see you all later :)

Mechevpao said...

Yeah.. completly asexual.. he said
that push out of the windows all speculation =P

Divinesally said...

Yvonne~Never too early, boo! lol I'm always hot and bothered.

Mech~HOLY CRAP thanks! It's funny I totally forgot he actually said it. But there you go!

"I'm completely Asexual." yeah, I bet you are Rob. Pffft!

Divinesally said...

Yvonne your avatar is seducing me o_O

Divinesally said...

I like this one.

Where the hell is everyone???

Bored and lonely over here =(

~KY~ said...

umm, Rob, can I check??? please...

Gemgirl65 said...

Hello ladies! Nothing schmexier than a hot man hard at work. On the movie set, that is. *snort*

Yvonne, your avis are doing me in!

Kristen, I see you gave up and just went with the inevitable...KY it is!

Diane, I am very thankful to have another excuse not to clean my home. I'm still waiting for the Robdishes piled up in the sink to wash themselves. They're self-cleaning, right?

I just saw Wolverine this afternoon and Hugh Jackman's body has stunned me beyond all sense. I mean I still love me some Rob, but dayum...I'm still in a daze of massive tanned brute strength and sneering, smoldering mutant glares. Sorry for getting OT there, but if I had been a witness to the Hugh/Rob karaoke moment, they would have had to carry me out on a stretcher, either to the ER or the looney bin, I'm not sure which.

Diane said...

Yes, Leann, dishes clean themselves eventually just like hair.

Gemgirl65 said...

Thank you, Diane, I thought so.

Love that interview, DS. Some of my faves are the radio ones...what's that one with the two women who interview Rob, and the one who refuses to throw her panties at him is the one he wants? Love that. Guys always want a challenge.

Divinesally said...

I love that one too Leann. The radio interviews are more personal, usually.

Anonymous said...

It's so strange that you posted that video, DS...I don't even want to say why, it's creeping me out.

LOL Tantra...

Rob needs smushaction.


Mechevpao said...

Ups, sorry i left, I had an emergency here

~KY~ said...

-sorry rob, I can't throw non-existent panties at you-

rob gets a bone *score for KY*

Mechevpao said...

Lean is wolverine a good movie? I want to wtch it but I´m not sure to go now or wait to rent DVD

Gemgirl65 said...

Why is the vid creeping you out, Bolide?

Every time I hear "tantra" I think Sting. Rob actually reminds me of Sting for some odd reason. And Jude Law. The three of them all remind me of each other and I have no idea why, other than the accent. And the fact that I would be happy to try tantric sex techniques out on any of them.

X-Men 2 is on TV right now...not helping me dislodge Hugh from my frontal lobes here.

Divinesally said...

ballsy~hey! why is it creeping you out bb??

That video helps me imagine Robward playing his own "trumpet."

Mechevpao said...

DS, the video you posted is so funny!! it contains a lot of his funniest quotes

Gemgirl65 said...

Mechevpao, Wolverine was good, but it was all action, all revenge, all the time. Not as much fun as the other movies, for some reason, but interesting to see how the Wolverine character began. The guys in the theater seemed to love it. The girls were too busy trying to keep from drooling in their popcorn.

Anonymous said...

AHAHA okay.

Well, not too long ago I realized that I left my TV on...and I didn't care, I just started putzing around blahblahblah. And I realized that it was American Pie 2. You of the characters finds the book on Tantra.

And I was left to wonder, since Rob claims he never dates, if he practices Tantra.

It was all random. Like, I immediately thought of Rob ahaha.

I'm not even kidding you.

Anonymous said...

And then I saw that you posted that video and I started cracking up.

Anonymous said...


I love Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, too! I went through a phase. I love when he's cage fighting in the first one. That's when I fell in love with Hugh Jackman. Yeah...that was his first scene in that movie. I'm so difficult to please.

Rob reminds me of Hugh Grant because he leaves his shirt unbuttoned. ???

Gemgirl65 said...

Well, the American Pie director is Chris Weitz, right? So there's your connection right there. Not so random. And Rob and the's all linked in a cosmic karmic synchronistic chain.

Dude, I have barely begun to drink and I'll already an idiot.

Divinesally said...

Sexual rites of Vama Marga may have emerged from early Hindu Tantra as a practical means of generating transformative bodily fluids.

The word Tantra comes from Sanskrit and is derived from the root tan which means “to extend, expand, spread”. And, just like the universe we live in, Tantra is continually expanding, being made up of different energies. Our thoughts and actions are all parts of this, expressing like powerful energies. They make the universe what it is.

Tantra is that Asian body of beliefs and practices which, working from the principle that the universe we experience is nothing other than the concrete manifestation of the divine energy of the Godhead that creates and maintains that universe, seeks to ritually appropriate and channel that energy, within the human microcosm, in creative and emancipatory ways.

Gemgirl65 said...

I'M already an idiot, I meant to say. Which is, you know, most of the time.

Rob reminds me of Hugh Grant only in the hair department. The floppy hair, and the constant self-fondling of the hair. And the self-deprecating, bumbling shy-guy routine. And the accent.

It's the British thing. I'm a sucker for the British thing. Rob, bring your British thing over here please, I've got a use for it.

Anonymous said...

DS~ Is that a Wikipedia definition??

=) I just had a flashback to my first night here.

Gemgirl65 said...

DS, all I got out of that was that Rob's sexual tension tantra is extending, expanding and spreading.

Is that right?

Anonymous said...

He's waiting for his ultimate release, man.

What a lucky, lucky girl.

Suz said...

thinking of Rob playing his own trumpet kinda makes me wanna beat my own drum....

(was that wrong?)

I once knew a man who practiced tantra. It was the best 756 days of my life! '

(was that wrong?)

Mechevpao said...

WOW DS, that was profound!! I just can´t associate tantra with a 22 years old guy, is practically impossible.
Thanks for your comment about Wolverine Leann, the main reason I´ve wanted to watch this movie is to droll over Hugh as that character.. grrrrr

Divinesally said...

Leann~ LOLL!Girl, I'm sober as hell right now. DH just brought home a case of Heineken. I just started to drink...Give me half an hour or so...I'll be feeling it.

Gemgirl65 said...

"Wrong" is a very subjective term, Suz.

Confucius say: "Feel dirty about it, feel dirty, feel like it's WRONG."

Cheesball song warning: "If lovin' you is wrong, I don't wanna be right." "I don't wanna work, I wanna bang on the drum all day." EVERYTHING reminds me of songs.

Anonymous said...

OH NOOOooooooooooo.


Suz said...

Luther Ingram AND Todd Rundgren (Philly boy!)

You Go Leann

Gemgirl65 said...

Mechevpao, if you really just wanna drool on WolverHugh, then go the theater immediately! There were times I had no idea what the plot was and didn't care one bit. That man can fill out a wife-beater like nobody's business.

Divinesally said...

ballsy~Wiki and several other Tantra sites.

Leann~I got that too, along with the ahem, generating bodily fluids.

Sus! hey! lol Very wrong and dirty. You're naughty. teehee.

Mech~Remember, Rob is not just ANY 22 year old guy.

I take a grain of salt with everything he says in interviews.

"Tantra or the cult of ecstasy is a spiritual path based on the mystical experience of the game rather than on rigid dogmas. In Tantra, the act of love becomes sacred, a cult and an act of worship and devotion. It is a gift of life."

Mechevpao said...

OMG Leann, with that recommendation, I´m going to theater tomorrow!!

Divinesally said...

I meant *Suz, my bad.

Mechevpao said...

Oh yes Ds, thanks for reminding.. Rob is not any 22 years old guy.. mmmm lets me wondering

Anonymous said...

hey girls... what's cooking?

leann: EVERYTHING reminds me of song lyrics it

Gemgirl65 said...

"Robfucius" heehee! Oh, I can see Robfucius becoming a regular around here. "Robfucius say, a clean house is the sign of a sadly Rob-deprived mind."

"Robfucius say, grab another Heinie, DS, especially if it's mine!"

I loooooove Todd Rundgren, even if he did sell out one of his best songs EVAH to be made into a commercial.

Divinesally said...

Jackman is hot. And I can definitely see why he's sexiest man alive this year. But he just doesn't get my mojo going. But he is awesome! Funny, talented and a sweetheart. He seems like a really great dad.

Suz said...


Nawwwty... ??

Who meeeeeeeeeeeeee?

Suz <----batting lashes demurely

P.S. I love Robvador, but I soooo {heart} Art that I had to switch avi.. my heart ached for him.

Suz said...

TS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxox

Divinesally said...

Leann~LMAO! Don't mind if I do, bb! {{feels up on Leann}}

Hi TS!! {{waves}}

Suz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suz said...

wow.. girl on girl action????

Hang on a tic, let me pull up a chair and grab a Guinness.



Gemgirl65 said...

DS, you said "rigid"...huh-huh! You said "ecstasy." uh, huh-huh! You said "bodily fluids." huh-huh-uhhuh.

Please keep reminding me (often) that Rob is not your average almost-23-year-old guy so that I don't feel so nasty and pervy about wanting and lusting over him like some tantric-sex-starved bitter old single harpy.

Hi TS! Yay, another one plagued by songs for every occasion. When I think of how many brain cells in my head are being used to house song lyrics, it just makes me want to drink more and kill them. cheers!

Anonymous said...

Whoooooa! It's getting wild, up in this joint.

I'll be right back. I want a cookie. Hope the hands turn you on.

margot said...

my sweeeet nite nite (3:25am here) to you ladies

never too many times - thank you Mrs and Mr Pattinson !!!

see ya tomorrow ...

Gemgirl65 said...

Woa, wait a minute, I meant that quote as ROBFUCIUS saying "grab mh heinie"...not ME saying it.

But I could use a nice back massage, it was wrecked earlier this week! ;)

~KY~ said...

I LOVE the robfucious on cleaning. i'll use that one around my house in the near future. but for now my house is CLEAN! yay!

Anonymous said...

holy shizzz girl on girl...? we talking ff? or is this shit for real?

leann: i'm already drinking.. you want me to pour you one?

Divinesally said...

night night margot! bye xoxo

Suz said...

not sure TS..

I saw DS was feeling up Leann.

I was just getting ready.. lol

Gemgirl65 said...

woo Margot, that video is hot! Thanks for the link. Sweet dreams!

Divinesally said...

Suz hey now. let's get this partay started right. Bringing out the Guiness!
You gals crack me up.

Anonymous said...

suz: nice suz! i'm sipping on some vanilla vodka and strawberry soda at the moment...loverly

my kid is giving me evil eye... what?!

Mechevpao said...

This conversation about Tantra and Rob is getting quite interesting..

Good video you posted margot

Gemgirl65 said...

TS, I'm way ahead of you, the wine is poured. DS is just warming up my heinie before she sends Rob over to polish it off.

WTH? It's that video! I would totally LOL at the cheesy song, but with the pics of Rob, it's totally working for me.

Suz said...

mmmm TS, that sounds RobALicious!

I've got to see what flavoured V's I have in the freezer...


Anonymous said...

I'll never get over that picture in which he's grabbing his belt in that oh-so-sexy way...

Divinesally said...

ROTFL =D that video has me in fu**ing hysterics! My DH thinks I'm nuts.

Suz said...

awww snap.. behind the frozen peas..

Two Jenn Cocktails (personal Cosmopolitans)

Unscrew, insert pretty pink straw..


(burp.. charming)

Anonymous said...

what did you find suz? i had to get some more stock today... i was told vanilla and root beer is the shit. i tried it and it is gooood...

Anonymous said...

leann: does that make ds your fluffer? damn is it too early for this?

Divinesally said...

Ok! WTF is bogarting the effing bottle?

Suz said...

cosmos... ready made in purty teeny tiny bottles with purty pink straws,,


Husband was very happy to hear me unscrew that cap....

unscrewing usually leads to ....

Oh what that wrong??

Shopping list:
eggs, Van Vodka, Rootbeer, hot pockets, carrots, snapple.

Divinesally said...

TS~it's not even 10 yet, here. lol. F**k it.

Anonymous said...

what'cha want ds... i'll share. i got plenty. you like vanilla stoli?

Suz said...


Suz <------------never bogarts..


'ear -------> hands it over to DS

Anonymous said...

ds: it's only 8.43 here... but i started drinking about 3 hours ago. trying to make the most of my night...haha

suz: unscrewing leads to... hmmm i need to remember that. i had to unscrew the cap on mine... and dh is at a bach party. hmmm

Anonymous said...

suz: what'cha gonna do with those eggs? or is that just for show? lol

crazy said...

Hi girls~

Anonymous said...

Don't even tell me that I'll have to be the voice of reason when this crowd gets to rowdy. You guys are so f*cked.

crazy said...

oh man we're partying/?!!!
crap. the dd is right here tonight. i guess i'll be the designated driver. ;(

Anonymous said...

*Rob* "Heyyyyy."

Suz said...

I love my party for One!

My V stash was pathetic..

Reg Absolute - will work in a pinch!
Pepper Absolute - don't wanna blood Mary!
Ruby Red Absolute (not grapefruit juice to go with)

I need to hit the statie next week! I wanna Vanilla Rootbeer thingie... I want is now..

(channeling Veruca Salt!)

TS Eggs ALWAYS soak up the shizzz in the morning.

Gemgirl65 said...

TS, we are in the same time zone!

OMG, DS, you are my fluffer...good Lord...LMAO

I'm a wino, though not above a nice shot or two, so send over the Stoli! I drank soooo much last night, for no good reason at all.

I've messin' in my pics, think I'll change my avi here....

Anonymous said...

isn't that the point b? i can't spell out your name....sorry

crazy! long time, no see babes :) howyoudoin'?

Divinesally said...

TS~ Hell to the yes! that shizz sounds delish. Anything vanilla. Never been one to be picky. {grabs drink from TS} YUM.

Suz~THanks! I didn't mean to speculate or imply anything. hehe

Wow, should I be mixing this early in the game??

{{BURP}} 'Scuzi

Suz said...

That's the plan Boli.. that's the plan!

We are soooo F8Cked..

Works for Susan

Anonymous said...

suz: always with her head on...eggs to soak up the shizzz. daddy.. i want a vv&rb and i want it noooow.... lmao

leann: where you are you? midwest?

Suz said...

DS.. I was sooo stoked to hear the word "bogarting" or "bogying"

Made me smile... BROADLY!

Divinesally said...

CRAZY!!! Hey BB CAkes =D Me miss ju long time.

Leann~LMAO fluffer? Me?
What's the commission on that?

Suz said...

TS I fucking LOVE YOU!

crazy said...

brb ladies....

Anonymous said...

suz: i fucking LOVE YOU 2!!!

Divinesally said...

Guys, I was @ mom's last night with the moms. I was so fudging wasted. She doesn't have internet. I was suffering through withdrawal symptoms. The Brandy and Cranberry&Orange S'napps made it a lot better.

Anonymous said...

ts & Suz~ LOL go for it chickadees.

Anonymous said...

ds: lmao @ fluffer commission. you think they'll need your services for breaking dawn? holy shiiiit.

Gemgirl65 said...

Crazeeee! Isn't that what dd stands for---designated driver? I'd like to be Rob's designated driver. Think I can push him from zero to 60 in 1.6 seconds?

Robfucius say, woman with firm grip on gear shaft (oops, I mean shift) can push me into overdrive any day!

What's sad is I am actually stone cold sober here.

Divinesally said...

I meant with the dh. i feel like a dick now.

Suz said...

Leann, he likes to play his own gear shift.. I mean trumpet.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

leann! where are you?! oh... unless that's a

Anonymous said...

wait ds... you feel like a dick...why?

Gemgirl65 said...

TS, I am in SE Iowa zzzzzzzzzz...I just fell asleep thinking about it.

There will be no fluffer needed for BD, the movie because there will be nekkid water necking in the dark and then it will FADE TO EFFING BLACK. Next thing we know it's morning and Bella's a black and blue piece of duck fluff. Which Robward can do to me any time he pleases.

Divinesally said...

TS~already sent my resume ;) I have plenty 'o references.

Lean~You? sober?! BB Cakes is sober too?! could've fooled me.You guys are high on life, man! lol

Suz said...

Suz <---slighly buzzed


apoligises for the things she will probably say

Forgive me father, I am about to sin.

Divinesally said...

TS~I really hope not. They gotta give us something. At least some rough nekkid necking.

Anonymous said...

lmao leann: i'm in indiana... we love corn 'round these parts don't we? oooh yeah... fucking pg13 bd. damn.

niiiice ds. i'm sure rob will want to audition you properly... you up for that?

Anonymous said...

Wow, Leann, for some reason I never would've thought that you might be so kinky.

Gemgirl65 said...

Well, Suz, it's our job to turn Rob's solo into a symphony.

Suz said...

How damn Leann...


Suz said...


Anonymous said...

suz: i too shall need forgiveness... i try to be good... but rob makes me do it.

oh don't i wish.

Gemgirl65 said...

I actually am pretty glass of wine so far. It's all the raging hormones that Hugh Jacked-up-man got stirred up I'm all confused and wanting to be HughRob sandwich filling.

Suz said...

TS.. do we really wanna be good??


Anonymous said...

I was thinking about that earlier, too...

Anonymous said...

leann: how was xmen? i actually wanna see it... shoulda skipped out on damn cleaning and watched it today.

Suz said...

psssst everyone (apart from Leann)

she's cheating on Rob. I'm tellin

Divinesally said...

TS~LOL!I'm always up for a task?! A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

Lean~LMAO You're giving me the munchies.

Anonymous said...

suz: not so much... i'm a bad fucking liar. i like to be baaaad.

Gemgirl65 said...

Yes, we do love our corn, TS!

Bolide, I am not normally kinky, but your avi is making me change my mind about that.

And yes, it's definitely Rob's fault if we all sin here tonight. He's not here so the blame goes to him by default.

Suz said...


What the F8ck are YOU bogarting, DS?

that's just NOT RIGHT!


Diane said...

I feel like a dick, too, but the one I want isn't available.

Anonymous said...

ds: what's in those brownies you're eating...? wanna share?

Divinesally said...

Suz~be good? me?!! Pffft!

Suz said...

TS --- Suz <--- raises glass. (well leetle bottle with purty pink straw)

Clinky, Clinky

Here's to good girls gone BAD!

Anonymous said...

I've stated before that, in a scenario based on my avatar...

Robfucius say, "C'meeeeeere." *tugs on belt*

Divinesally said...

Suz~{{{wink wink}}}

Suz said...


If you can't be with the one you love


Love the one your with

(and pretend)

Diane said...

Sometimes you feel like a dick, sometimes you don't. Da-da-da-da's got nuts. Da-da don't. Took me over an hour to fix this dinner, drinking wine all the while. Now I've got to go serve it. I just gotta try not to sing - out loud.

Gemgirl65 said...

Suz, by all means, tell Rob that I am cheating on him with Hugh Jackedupman! Rob always wants what he can't have.
Reverse psychology rules!

I would definitely recommend Wolverine. It's a pretty dark movie, all revenge and constant action and Hugh Jackman extremely nekkid, and when not nekkid, in extremely form-fitting wifebeaters, black jeans and leather jackets.

Sorry Rob, I know this forum is about, put on this wifebeater and tight jeans, will you? What, you already wear them? Snap! Let's go.

Divinesally said...

Ballsy~you're killing me, dead.

Anonymous said...

suz: mine doesn't's but i'll certainly toast to that!

crazy said...

ugh, my night is not working out as planned girls.

Pupida~ call me if you need me for FrankenRob or something. i'll be nearby.

good night~

Anonymous said... who is ballsy? feel a girl in please.

Divinesally said...

Diane, TS, SUz ROTFL!!! hahahahahah you guys are too much, man.


Gemgirl65 said...

Diane, you are slaying me here! lmao

Anonymous said...

crazy... :(

Anonymous said...

lol i said feel... i meant fill

also good ;)

Anonymous said...

:( Bye crazy

Ballsy, here.

*clears throat*

Suz said...

Leann, it's all good..

I totally cheated on Rob the other night and watched the SHITEOUS Penelope so I could watch James McAvoy.

Then when it was over I went to Youtube and watched the Kiss Scene 10 more times...

Rob, I so need to be spanked.

Anonymous said...

That was for you, DS.

Divinesally said...

Oh BB Cakes, what's wrong?? i'm sad, plz don't go, please don't, plz don't go, DON'T GOOOOOOOOOO, Don't go away, hey hey hey.

Gemgirl65 said...

Aw, come back, Crazy! You can see your family any ol' time. (j/k)

Please don't get me started on South Park, mmmmkay?

Anonymous said...

suz: kiss scene = hail marys? like your repentence? in that case, my ass is going to HEAVEN

Suz said...

James can kiss..


But I repent, yet again

Divinesally said...


Tenneil said...


Anonymous said...

I'm happy Rob's not so insecure that he can't put on a pair of fitted jeans and show off his Willy.

Gemgirl65 said...

Everybody's singing tonight! Fab. I haven't seen HTB yet, are we as good as Art?

Suz, having a brain fart, can't even think of what James McAvoy looks like or what movie you're talking about. Must be thoughter than I drunk.

Which kiss scene did you watch 10 times?

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