New 'OLD' EW Outtake

Now in color.
Previously released in black and white.


Anonymous said...

i loved this when it first came out in balck and white but now i LOVE it in colour!!
And ROB!!!! he looks soooo effing sexy in this!! *drools*
Sophie x

Anonymous said...

Rob looks so tough in this one. just the stance with his arms makes it seem like he is going to hurt someone if they come close to Kristen. SO HOT!

Anonymous said...

Peter just also posted a tweet that Jennie did not say is the link..

phosphorus said...

@ keriw08: What a surprise! ;-)

Haystackhair said...

Smokin hot as usual. sigh.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

jennie let the cat out the bag now peter trying to put it back in.....i knew this would happen lol

Sharperoni said...

Hmm, Rob looked pretty hunky here...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

rob always look good in black

keely said...

@keriw08: Thanks, love, that is what I waited for and ment when I commented that Peter has twitter earlier today :-)

keely said...

Oh, and I love the picture in coloure, thanks for posting, Dani :-)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


This man kills me...

WinWin said...

God, I've always loved this picture. Thank you!!!
I love him in black shirts.

keely said...

And I just realize, that I really miss KStews long hair LOL

Anonymous said...

the look on Rob's face makes my clothes wanna fall off.......


Dani said...

PattinsonForever I am surprised we aren't all blogging naked with the yummers pictures of this man coming out.

Well I am not naked but Im not wearing pants, I blame this on Rob...and being pregnant and too tired, lazy and hot to put on pants but mainly Rob.

Robaholic said...

Thank you Keriw08! Knew is was a bunch of BS that Jennie said that

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


I would be if I wasn't at freaking work!!!!

keely said...

@Dani: Congrats for the baby, Dani :-)

phosphorus said...

@ Dani: I've heard that pregnant women are into oranges, strawberries, mixed pickles or some other food. Looks like you go for pics of Rob instead. This is going to be one happy child with all the dopamine floating in your body. ;-)

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

this is what jennie rep is confirming she said when asked who patterson was seeing,jenny said ...(i promise my husband i wont say but i do know)
the rep said she made no mention of kstew or nikki ,only time will tell who is telling the truth

Ana73 said...

Dany - i am confused her rep said she did say that but without any names but peter is saying she did not say it all, just that she does not discuss twilight?? who is telling the truth??

Johanna Hookah said...

I am looking for the post where Rob is wearing that t-shirt, I think it's the "Strolli"-t-shirt (the one that have like a thousand stitches and theres a pic of Sam wearing it)

I looked at July, June, and May, but I must have missed it (I don't think I have been here longer). Can someone help me?

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

the rep is confirming she said(i promise my husband i wont say but i do know) this what the rep told access and E! news so who is telling the truth i dont know?? go to acces holly and E! thing is for sure she did confirm rob is dating someone,WHO?? we probly would never know

Loisada said...

So on the bright/dark side, if she really said she does know who he's seeing, this was a confirmation that our man is at least getting some lovin somewhere. Good for him! I'll still find him just as sexy, taken or not. Let it all out Robbie!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

There are so beautiful B&W photos of Rob in Little Ashes on:

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

so access holly wood ,E news and people magazine are confirming this quote from jenny (i promise my husband i wont say but i do know) and peter is saying she said nothing at all??who to believe?? i wonder who the mystery lady is? lol

heather said...

Oh my I love Rob in black!!!! He is simply too good to be true...:)

I also can't wait to see Kristen's hair long again. I would of gone to get my hair did the last day of shooting The Runaways.

enjoykim said...

@ Johanna

Were you looking for this one?!

Johanna Hookah said...

Enjoykim: Thank you so much! That was what I was looking for! I thought Sam was wearing it because he is the person that I notes the first in that picture:)

ebbyface said...

THIS is how I picture Darkward from Wide Awake. Delicious!

Sophia Z.86 said...

I always loved this photo. He is like stalking her. He looks horny... I got horny watching the way he is looking at her...


Unknown said...


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