Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart - About Last Night: The Facts So Far UPDATED

Did you just get on the site? Well Hello! Here is what you missed:
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were spotted at the Bobby Long concert in Los Angeles last night.
Our bitchin' blogger friend "The Moon is Down" from Letters to Twilight/Rob snapped a picture of them getting in a cab after the concert:

So here are the facts until now:

  • Last night Marcus Foster, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart went to the Bobby Long concert to have fun/support their friend.
  • While inside the 3 of them stood behind a curtain by the stage in a small space.
  • Kristen,Rob and Marcus left before the last song , got in a cab.
  • No PDA, no cuddling, nothing to celebrate or mourn over since he is not shagging me or you :))
  • Radar Online's story about Rob and Kristen spending the whole night at Chateau Marmont is a BIG LOAD OF CRAP. They claim they went into the room at 8:45 and never left :)) Pictures? We have the picture AND witnesses. Serious FAIL...
  • UPDATE: Moon's Story can now be found on Radar Online. I don't know what to say. I stand behind the load of crap about Chateau, I'm sorry about the story being on Radar Online and I am chagrined by the last sentence in the story : So a little after 10:30 pm Rob and Kristen headed back to the Chateau as scooped.
Thanks to @LilKel4 and @Hearts_Kaos for filling in the blanks ;)


Anonymous said...

*sigh* more stoking the flames of a NON story...BUT, you have to wonder....where is Michael A and why doesn't he hang w/Kristen and Rob?

Maryann said...

I love it when gossip sites are so CLEARLY busted on their "stories" does all of them share Ted C's sources now? (aka their asses?)

monika said...

oicu Angarano,long time no see,who's that brunette with him?

'is seen outside Laurel Tavern bar in Studio City with a brunette. The couple were seen drinking together, they left in his car and were seen entering a apartment block in Sherman Oaks at about 1a.m'

cutecandy said...

seems like MA has been out of the picture for quite sometime now

AW said...

Ah, fuckit! He's just staying there! So according to this pap crap some small weasel-like animal was crouched in the hallway, or broom closet, beady eyes on the doorway all night? Some people do seriously need a life!

monika said...

more Oregano pics with some chick

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

kstew bf is a nice guy to allow her to hang out with rob at any time
michael is a cool guy

Haystackhair said...

So maybe she is a friend, like Rob and Kristen are friends. maybe not. Who knows. Who cares, Rob's not shagging me. Damn it. LOL

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

M is clearly not threatened by rob and kstew close friendship

lostinphilly said...

A- you are cracking me up, "some small weasel-like animal was crouched in the hallway, or broom closet,beady eyes on the doorway all night"; Yes, some people DO need to get a life!! Now that image of a weasel is gonna be in my head all day making me laugh. LOL

AW said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
monika said...


monika said...

MA has not been seen anywhere near KStew since april,think it's safe to say he's out of the picture.

AW said...

Philly, didn't intend for you to see 'em too! :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Thanks for getting the facts as always..


rpattz-turn-me-on said...

if mike dont care if kstew and rob hang out together why should other people care

he is her boyfriend

Shani said...

RADORONLINE...fuckers..serious fail.

Gozde said...

welcome back Monika :)) Where have you been?

I posted the Camilla story a couple of days ago :)

SeamusDuncan said...

If MA hasn't been seen around Kristen since April (and just because we haven't seen them doesn't mean they haven't been together)it is entirely possible their relationship has run its course. Her fame now eclipses his (pun intended), and sometimes a change in the balance of power causes changes to a relationship. Three years at that age is a loooong time! Her mom says they are still together (or at least still friends) and maybe he hates the nasty speculation that occurs every time there is a picture of them anywhere. Could be he is just laying low for a while. This girl could be a friend, a coworker, his cousin, whatever. Doesn't mean anything.

Goz, if he's isn't shagging me, I would rather he wasn't shaggin anyone! But your are right, I care a lot less about who he does shag. I just hope he is taking care of his future and not turning into a babymaker like Jude Law. He can afford the child support, but I just don't want him to get any diseases that would interfere with his career and our fantasies.

Seamus & Duncan's Momma

Marna said...

I couldn't identify anyone in this picture, but if everyone says it's them, fine by me. This is a little off the wall, but have you noticed that Kristen never carries a purse? I can barely go into another room in my house without my purse, never mind going out or driving places. Where does she keep her cigs & car keys?

cutecandy said...

Moon took the pics so those are definitely K&R....the radar report is a fail because their time line does not coincide with Rob being sited at Bobby's gig. They are apparently also reporting that Rob was never at Bobby's gig which is another fail given these pics taken by credible RADAR is full of crap

cutecandy said...

If Moon didn't take this pic herself I would mistake the guys for MA, but those are definitely Rob's shoe now that I know it's him

Treasure_7 said...

To bad it is a load of crap because I think Rob and Kristen would make a great couple!!

AW said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah said...

All I have to say is... I think this is a snoozefest. They're at a show together. BIG BIGGIE. ESPECIALLY for shows. I mean, I get fucking anybody I know to go with me, if I REALLY want someone to go with me. Usually I don't even mind going alone. But yeah. Not "shootin the messenger" like you say, but just stating my opinion that I could care less about this piece of "news."

Also quite upset that Rob got photographed while DRIVING, for God's sake...

Unknown said...

Scuse me.... You said Michael was a nice guy to ALLOW Kristen to hang out with Rob????? The guy who is her co-star and friend and is making numerous public apperances with her for Summit... and she is to be ALLOWED to hang with him...

What century are we in again?

Sophia Z.86 said...

WTF do I care? Do you? Srsly?


cutecandy said...

I hope not so many fans are turned off by all these rumors floating around about his love does get old after a while

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I wouldn't think ANYTHING of them being at the concert together...but them getting into the same cab? I understand when they're filming and they leave together, usually going to a hotel, yada yada yada...but they're in L.A., and no one else was with them...they left toegther? It's a bit fishy.

I DO think, however, there may be a plausible reason for it too. Who knows...because every litte thing is scrutinized when you're them...people are waiting to interpret something the way they want to see it (and people are LOOKING for Bella and Edward...hard)

As for Michael, I don't think they're together...I really don't. BUT I can't shake those last pics of them when he visited her during NM and she was like on his back...they looked so happy and cute, ya know?

Sophia Z.86 said...

well, no, he is not shagging me...
BF is...

Yes, this shit got old...
I wish they did it in front of a camera... and shut everyone's mouth... or maybe not... Jezz! that could be hot!!! My mouth would not shut for months ~ and I would drool a lot too.

Crazystraw said...

(just a quicky, cuz I got 2 go) but, first thing on my mind, poor guys they couldn't see the final song and greet Bobby at the end! and that was probabbly just to avoid the crazy!
I dunno if they're together but, it was just a concert and if they were with Marcus, what? dose that make them into a love triangle that usually do trios? (note, I'm being ironic....)

Sara said...

Fantasy-I know right! Irked me abit...

hot4pattz said...

HELLO!!!! Ma & KS Have not been together since April. Get it right people. Just because it wasnt heard officially by any mags or interviws doesnt mean its not true just like Robsten!!!!! If they want to public they will and then i can say i told you so. Anyways what more proof does anybody need. Thihs pic, interviews together and lastly the very telling Comicon. Just because you cant have him doesnt mean she cant, because she obviously CAN!!!

Emily said...

I haven't read through all the comments on the other post yet so I apologize if I'm repeating what's already been said.

I don't like commenting on Rob's personal life and who he may or may not be with so I'll just say this. I think we're all aware that Rob is smart and he seems to be smart about all aspects of his life. He's not going to be with someone unless he wants to be and he's not going to not be with someone because some people may not like it. I'm not a Robsten fan so if they are together that's my problem, not his. Happy Rob makes me happy and that's all I want for him. Also if they are together I feel bad that they have to hide it all the time and sneak around. That would seriously suck.

How many times have they denied it? All the speculation and rumors have got to be getting pretty old by now. Not that they would owe any of us an announcement if there is any truth to the rumors, until I hear it from their own mouths or they go public, I'm going to go ahead and believe what they've been saying all along.

Emily said...

P.S. - Sara, your avatar is awesome! I imagine that's exactly how Rob feels sometimes.

Mechevpao said...

Goz, thank you so much for trying to report things a they are and not as one of the gossip mag crap.
I must admit that I think no matter your effort to put things into perspective by stating the fact, people will still take it into imagination and speculate about it.

WinWin said...

I love everyone her. Ihave one thing to say.

I Miss Remeber Me Filming days when we were flooded with delicious Robler eye candy!!!

Gozde love you for keeping us Robsessed!

Mechevpao said...

I miss the RM days of filming too, WinWin.. all the eyecandy to watch every day; now we only get blurry pics :(

Sara said...

Emily- I whipped it out for this special occasion ;)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Hi WinWin,
I miss Robler too....


heather said...

So kind of off subject but does anyone know if there is a live streaming of the teen awards tonight, or will we have to wait until tommorrow to see it? Thx!

Emily said...

I'm sure Rob appreciates the gesture, Sara.

Ah yes, Robler. The plaid shirt wearing, old 10-speed bike riding, cigarette smoking, bloodied face sexy man. I miss him too!

vdengg said...

Nice to see he was able to get out without the entourage!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I thought the teen awards were Monday? Are they live, or are they taping on Sunday? I've heard it both ways...

heather said...

All I know is they are having the actual awrd show tonight, but not airing it on TV until tomm. night. Why I do not know. It's crap they are making us wait a whole another 24hrs to see him. How dare they? ;) I was just wondering if anyone will be streaming it (if they can)? So we could hopefully see something tonight. Please!!

Emily said...

I believe the prepubescent scream fest happens on Sunday, airs on TV on Monday. I'm planning on setting my DVR so I can watch it later and fast forward to the good stuff (Rob).

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Darn, no dvr, will have to suffer through the teens..what we do for Rob!

It's worth it, not complaining!

heather said...

I'm sorry my head is in the clouds thinking of Rob..I didn't mean tonight I meant to say Sunday, sorry. Oh gawd that means another 2.5 days, that is just way too long!

Emily said...

I can not wait to see what clothing ensemble Rob will put together. Whatever it is, I can guarantee that he will look hot and sexy.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Me neither! Miss matched buttons, sex boots?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

reminds me, need to vote again...

heather said...

I can't wait either. Nike shoes or sex boots? Sexspenders or button flys? Without a doubt he will be gorgeous! I am partial to him in the black shirt he wore from LA to NY this last time. HAWT!

Sara said...

RPG- On JAG's site right? hahaha. I hope he turns up with the sexboots <3 mmmmmmm.

Crazystraw said...


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Black shirt, button fly, sex boots...

It's all good....

Emily said...

Mis-matched buttons and sex boots? Yes please.

Or the ripped jeans and a snug fitting t-shirt. Really, I'm not picky. He could show up in the blue sewn up crotch pants and he'd still look hotter than any other person there.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

LMAO! Me too, any Rob is hot Rob-hobo and all...

Crazystraw said...

please, because Gozde didn't say Twilight soundtrack is up for best soundtrack and Rob's song is in it! you have to vote for it if you're voting!!! how can you tell gozde in time????

heather said...

Yes it is all good! I don't even watch tv or know anything about this show, but for godsakes I need to see him and hear him talk.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I voted for all things Twilight..including soundtrack..

Pet73 said...

Monika- It's good to have you (and your investigations :p) back!

Btw, as I said previously, I'm pretty sure, Kristen and Michael are going different ways for some time already.

boleyn said...

Moon's "exclusive" posted on RadarOnline

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Fom E Online:
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart will be sitting next to each other. Also in their row: Jackson Rathbone, Justin Chon, Ashley Greene, Taylor Lautner, Kellan Lutz and Nikki Reed. Director Catherine Hardwicke is directly behind them, as are Megan Fox, Miley Cyrus, Cameron Diaz and Hugh Jackman. Sadly, it looks like Rachelle Lefevre will be skipping the festivities.

According to the seating plan I saw today, the Black Eyed Peas are the only celebs in front of the Twilight cast.

However, I gotta feeling that will change.

"Let me put it this way," Bain says, "the Twilight cast can sit any place they want—and you can quote me on that!"

With our fave young-vampire-love movie up for so many awards, expect to see plenty of Pattz & Co. "There's also a big presentation at the end of the show for the entire cast," Bain says.

Aneska said...

Oh God, the Robsten thing really moves the masses. I'm stunned!

Anonymous said...

It's completely awesome that Moon was there, but I think it was a little shady for her to sell the info to Radar Online. It's one thing to let other fans of her blog know, something else entirely to go to that level. Just sayin. A little disappointed in my LTR gals!

megan88 said...

ishudder - thank you for saying that, she sold her freaking story to radaronline it's one thing to blog but to go to the rags come on now. so at the end is she confirming radar's post that they were at the hotel together.

did you notice in her story that she did not even now that kristen was there until they left. she never even saw them together inside the show. she only saw rob because he is so tall. how does she know what was going on behind the curtain.

Gozde said...

sigh... I don't know what to say. I stand behind the load of crap about Chateau, I'm sorry about the story being on Radar Online and I am chagrined by the last sentence in the story : So a little after 10:30 pm Rob and Kristen headed back to the Chateau as scooped.

boleyn said...

The last sentence seems like something Radar Online added doesn't it?

Sara said...

Goz, I love that you used the word 'chagrined'. ;p
Oh, how I love that word.

Anonymous said...

ah crap. Now it's on the Perez Hilton's site. And I so enjoyed my daily LTT/LTR too cause until now I really thought they were very cool gals with a great witty and humorous blog. *sigh

It just feels all kind of wrong to me. Like fame whoring wrong. Ah, my first online fight with not really friends friends. lol!

boleyn said...

My friend just emailed me the same story posted on It is really out there now. I wonder if either of their reps will comment?

There is also speculation the the Teen Choice Awards will be Robsten's official coming out with some public display of affection.

I honestly don't know what to think any more.

Sara said...

ishuddertothink- I know what you mean.
Makes me feel kinda dirty to read their blog now.
Also, the way it was reported that there were no papz and then to report on the story and take a picture yourself. Idk, I feel like it's just as bad. *headesk

Sara said...

Gah typos

Mochachino said...

RE LTR/LTT's post on Radar;

I would have expected this from X17. Not from fans who get so much from Rob.

Rob obviously wouldn't be happy about the 'scoop' given his obvious attempt to have an incognito night out, which he may have actually done for once were it not for LTR/LTT's story via Radar (and even worse; their 'confirmation' of the taxi's destination based on...what exactly?).

I loved the LTR post this past Wed and it turns out it was completely disingenuous. They totally sold Rob out. I'm so disappointed and disgusted.

Mechevpao said...

Erin, you expressed exactly my exact feelings toward LTT/LTR right now, I liked those places, they were fun, but after reading their story in radaronline, and letting it be manipulated to back up the crap radaronline was reporting at the beginning, disappoints me too much, I´m will no longer go to their site.

anna F said...

I would have felt differently if it had been a fan sighting, a picture taken with Rob (and his agreement).

I guess that I am disapointed that they sold their story to Radaronline (how they would know for sure where they were going is beyond me, but that's not even the point here).
Even taking a picture like that was a bit shady, it was obvious Kristen and Rob wanted to be left alone. Are we fans or are we paps?

Anonymous said...

I went from being delighted to hear that Rob was out and supporting his friend's music to being very disappointed that LTT made the decision to sell their story to a gossip website.

It's sad to find out that even Rob's fans are happy to sell him out for a little cash.

CullenGal09 said...

Are we actually atill talking about this? They went to a concert of a good friend together, they're now sitting by each other at the Teeny ass bopper Awards. Jackson R. is sitting by her too-is Kristin sleeping with him too?!? GAH! Will this ever end? Gozde-load of crap indeed-im chagrined this is even a topic for conversation, seeing as i have an IQ way above 60.

CullenGal09 said...

Sara-you're a woman after my own heart. LOL

Mechie! Hey girl! talk to you later. Muuuuaahhhs!

Mochachino said...

Mech, I know me neither. Ishuddertothink has it right;

today was definitely fame whoring wrong.
Regardless of whether Radar changed the last sentence or not. That's what happens when you sell out to the wrong people.

Sara said...


Unknown said...

I feel just... sad... about the whole thing. Real SAD...

anna F said...

@ Cullengal

I don't know when this story came out, but it can't be that old. I have discovered it maybe 2 hours ago because I had no time to check the internet today... I'm sure other people will be discovering it even later.

But I'll agree with you on this, I now think: let's move on to more joyous topic!

Anonymous said...

Gemma - exactly! Rob et al was prob so happy to have had a night out incognito with no paps, not having to stop for fan pics for hours etc.
Then, from a blog site that professes huge fan love, this pops up. No wonder why he is so freakin paranoid!
And can I just say poor Bobby! He is getting lost in all of this and he deserves some props for being such an incredible musician!

hot4pattz said...

why oh why is everyone so scared of Robsten. ROBSTEN ROBSTEN ROBSTEN!!!!!! Get over it people it is happening weather you like it or not. Would it be so bad if our boy was finally happy! They were at the concert together at the hotel together and are a real live couple TOGETHER!! I remember an article that Brad Pitt told Rob if he wanted some privacy to go to the Chateau Marmont. Looks like hes taking some good advice cause all we have is one very blurry pic and no paps. AHHHHHH the wonder and amazement of true love. Way to go guys I am glad for you both!

marixa424 said...

I am so sick of people and espicially the freakin press for making stories. I mean maybe they are dating and maybe they are not. Is it our biz' to know? NO!!! its not. and im sick of hearing about. I love Rob, and I know the chances of him ever wanting him and very very very slim but i can dream and its does not matter if he is with her or anyone else right? cuz if he is ment to be with any of his fans, then it will be ya know? I think the press is crap to put out stupid stories to sell stories. i think its going to buy no matter the story. if there are fans that obbsessed as we all are for rob then we will but that mag or read what ever just to know more about him. not the lies. i cant believe anything no more and it makes me sad. dont they all know that the world knowing and putting lies in their lives can destroy them, their realtionships and friendsships. i mean the lies and hurtful things that are being said to their fans. im sure it hurts all of them too. am i right? i think all we would and do ever want to know is what Rob is up too, wat movie is he doing now, what he wore lastnight while having dinner, his face in all the picture, favorite color. His favorite food, song, drink, soda, and brand of smokes. So we can be as close to what he likes so we can feel more near him, as all crazy fans are. lol right?

Anonymous said...

If you want to talk shady and pair it with LTT/LTR, then you should have seen the likes of UC and the 100 Monkeys concert she attended in May. Her attitude and behavior was downright unfreakinbelievable.

kp said...

megan88 said...

I am LOST, who is UC???

anna F said...

UC = "Unintended Choice", blogger from the website "Letters to Rob" and "Letters to Twilight".

(I guess it's not "Unbound captive" in this thread...)

Athena said...

I just find it's very sad that Rob, Kristen and Marcus felt they had to duck and run and crouch inside the cab. That's not life :(.

@A: LOL... and *pop* goes the weasel!

newtotwidom said...


anna F said...

well, goodnight everyone, and I hope that you will feel better about this all ordeal soon, Gozde.
While I am unclear about what the LTR girls were thinking, I'm pretty sure that you are just as surprised as the rest of us about it~

Anonymous said...

@punkmom101 Yeah - UC sounded pretty disrespectful, but I just chalked it up to the fact that some people are pretty serious about music and that maybe 100 Monkeys just wasn't her scene. It has been bothering me for a while that LTT/LTR doesn't pimp out other blogs (like Robsessed, RAoR etc) either on Twitter or in the blogs. Everyone else spreads the love for LTT/LTR, but no return love to be found. ?? Whatever. This has gotten too high school drama for me. Do feel better for the bitch session, though! Sorry if I offended anyone! Just had to get it all off my chest :)

newtotwidom said...

How does the writer of the article know there wasn't any PDA, etc at the concert? According to Moons comments, Rob and Kristen were behind a curtain backstage and no one knew they were there. Just trying to keep it real

megan88 said...

Newtotwidom: That is what I said too. She did not even know that Kristen was there until they left the venue...what did she actually see them leaving???

ALSO...just saw the pictures of Kristen leaving the hotel so that part of the story is true.

monika said...

oicu lovebirds,sneaky sneaky

megan88 said...

There was another story about someone else seeing them together last night but I can not find it. I thought it was on this blog site but I can not find it anywhere. I think that someone actually SAW them together, just not them sneaking away. Maybe it was on another website.

heather said...

Wow. She's leaving in the same clothes from the night before and sneaking away...why? Hmmm...

showme said...

oh i'm sure they played scrabble all night at the chateau fucking marmont, in one of those cozy beautiful bungalows by the pool, all hidden. maybe some parcheezee

OR maybe they played movie charades. let me guess the scenes they acted out:
1) The "I want what she's having" scene from When Harry Met Sally
2) the elevator scene from Fatal Attraction
3) the private piano scene from Pretty Woman

yeah, they prob played charades

showme said...

CG honey, u know i love u too, but wake up and smell the cum LOL

monika said... changed their tune

hot4pattz said...

you are sooooo right monika!!!

hot4pattz said...

I believe the story about him having his arm around her and her leaning into him. That is so Robsten.

AW said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AW said...

@Athena: Thankful not to be cab-crouching, too! :)

megan88 said...

Hot4Pattz: You said about having his arm around her. Where did you read that because I read that too, and I can't find the story anywhere. I went through all of these different website and reading comments and I can't find it anywhere.

showme said...

megan, it was on robsessed. the girl deleted it bc she got it from her niece but wanted to make sure it was for real what her niece saw.

Anonymous said...

ok that is deff kristen but at first i had my doubts if that was rob.. then i saw it.. hes wairing the black nike shoes. it has to be rob. plus i think that if rob is dating kristen (dont no if true) it will save them alot of hassal if they just come out with hit. then the rumors will stop. like no one makes rediculous rumors about any other known celeb couple. itll just be easier if they date

hot4pattz said...

meagan it was posted here and then someone retracted it because she was being bullied. thats my take on it. she said her niece was there and saw them both. she was standing right next to them and was so close she could have touched rob. She said that Rob had his arem around her and she was leaning into him doesnt that just sound like them. All this i know they are fucking crap really stinks howcome people cant believe they may have a true romantic loving relationship and be more civil about your words. I do not believe they are fucking in the least. They are finally able to be together after a LONG summer apart. Remember how sad Rob looked. Now they can be together and enjoy each others company in the privacy of a hotel room in a romantic fashion. Where does every body get that Rob is a "fucking sort of guy" I dont see him that way at all. He waited for over a year for Kristen and it paid off for him. Good for the both of them and i hope they get some peace!

megan88 said...

Hot4pattz and Showme: Thank you, I could not find it and I guess it was deleted here.

CullenGal09 said...

OK-last post on this mess! I am accepting of the new pics-perhaps they were staying at hotel together, possibly even in same room-but again,m even so-WHO THE HELL CARES?!? Robsten is played out, and its their business, whatev. I refuse to lower myself to Ted C. Laimey Ho status. That being said, ShoBB....I loves you rightback as always, and value your opinion as always....but wake up and smell the WHAT?!? LMAO!!!! Talk to you later hon!

Gemgirl65 said...

SHO you are so disgusting. Wake up and smell the WHAT? Isn't this a family blog here? ;D

I have read LTR exactly 3 times in my life. I don't even know the three women who write it, or know much about them. But do we KNOW they sold their story for cash? Or did Moon just want the REAL story to be told instead of watching it get lifted from her blog and turned into who knows what kinds of rumors? I could easily see deciding that it's better to tell the TRUTH about what you saw, than to watch whatever tidbits you did decide to reveal turned upside down in a gossip site version of "telephone." Just playing devil's advocate here. I always give people benefit of the doubt until I know both sides of the story.

As for "Robsten," I am utterly amazed that anyone would be surprised at anything they have seen or read in the past few days/ months. Whether or not they are a romantic couple, it seems clear that they have been strongly bonded emotionally for a very long time, enjoy each other's company and intend to spend as much time together as they can. Personally I've been convinced they are an item after the one-two punch in May: the pics of them at Sam Bradley's show, and the pic of Kristen sandwiched between Rob's parents in an SUV leaving Rob's 23rd birthday party. The infamous "morning after" pics at the Charlie in June just confirmed, for me, what I already suspected. As my dear friend elizalou posted at the time on this very blog: "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a fucking duck." And she's not even a shipper! LOL

So that's it, I believe it's happening, and if Rob's happy so am I. Other than that it has no bearing on my personal life, and certainly no bearing on my adoration for Rob.

Diane said...

@Leann. So glad to see you're holding the fort here (and stepping between CG and Sho when necessary.) I left my two-cents worth under the other taxi picture thread. I must correct one error in your post, however. I believe the Liza in question is in fact president and CEO of the Chicago branch of Shippers 'R Us. It's a fact. I read it on the internet.

Gemgirl65 said...

LOL Diane! Liza would kick your arse to the moon for that one! I love Sho and CG, I will just knock their silly heads together if they get too riled up. ;)

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