Robert Pattinson Drives a Porsche in LA 08/06/2009



Thanks to for the pictures and making sense by questioning WHERE Rob is coming from :))


Oh and the text accompanying the pictures on POPsugar says he is allegedly leaving Kristen's house. Isn't it funny there isn't even a house in the picture? :)) Like they don't have 50 paps around the clock watching Kristen's house. *eye roll* FAIL once again...

Photo Credit: INF Daily


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elikarae said...


apparently I have nothing to say...just making noises.

Barb said...

Doesn't Kristen live in the city? The pictures of her smoking outside her appartment looks like the city. These pics of Rob don't look like the city BUT "whatever".

He is HOTTTT in the Porsche! Maybe he did decide to spend some of his money!!!!

Mars said...
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MBMOM said...

I was trying to "send" you this. Computer illiterate!
Agree...where's the $$ pic like him walking out the door, pulling out of the driveway, etc.
Maybe he is staying at her house but it could be as friends, a way to be "normal" for a few days, sick of hotels, home cooked meal, whatever.
Still have my doubts but even if it's proven true ~ they're young, single, hot and available. I'd do it to if I were~

Anonymous said...

Very, very, very nice!!!!!

phosphorus said...

He certainly has a penchant for German cars. First a BMW, then a rented Audi, now a Porsche. Nice colour.

Maryann said...

Hot car, HOT GUY and thanks to popsugar for the entertaining FAIL lmao!!!

MBMOM said...

Nice upgrage btw. Love the color. I think KS still lives at home and the pics of her smoking outside may be at a friend's place.

Dreaming of RPrattz said...

Yes Goz the paps have a permanent capping in front of KS house. Pop sugar have left us in the border of the chair.

heather said...

Wow, it's just so Edward Cullen like, you think he's getting into character? It's a little strange to see him driving around..and it's not a clown car. It has to be so surreal to him. He is damn hot!!

Ana73 said...

he looks gorgeous in that car. no kidding about camped out in front of her house. i just posted a comment on another thread...

isn't it weird that both kristen & rob are not in vancouver, when the rest of the cast is. i am NOT saying it's a robsten thing, to me it's just weird that neither one of them are there with the rest of the cast.

AW said...
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Mars said...

He abandoned his old car, I see. Guess he didn't find it after all! ;) hahaha!

elikarae said...

@ Barb Kristen lives in the San Fernando Valley between her apartment and her parents home. It looks like Rob is driving on the 405...and if I am not mistaken the only side of the 405 that looks like that is going TOWARDS the valley...not leaving it.

riddleinside said...

lol sorry but it looks all wrong to me...I kinda figure him driving old cars...a porsh? really Rob? nahhh

Ana73 said...

i am surprised that he picked a porsche to drive, i guess he doesn't want to draw too much attention to himself :)

Haystackhair said...


Barb said...

@MBMom Thanks..I didn't know where she lived and I don't know anything about LA.

Now I want the guy and the car! Great pics!!

MBMOM said...

Ana - I think the Eclipse crew is in Vancouver to practice the fight scenes, etc. and since Edward & Bella aren't in them, not necessary. Also, teen choice awards this Sunday in LA. Sure Taylor will be flying home soon and if I'm not mistaken, 100 Monkeys are at the Viper Room tonight so Jackson may be coming into town as well. I'd be at the Viper Room tonight and maybe RP will be as well (support his pal, etc.) but no sitter! ;-(

Anonymous said...

First of all *THUD*

Second of all--Godze your common sense is a breath of fresh air! mwah!

*puts on RayBan and vintage tee and walks out to go buy a porsche...suddenly remembers she's a broke college student. CRAP!*

Ana73 said...

hawiianluv - where do you see it's the 405? is it posted somewhere else?

FDF said...

In the words of Lightning McQueen in the movie Cars, "Holy Porsche!"

Unknown said...

they're not in vancouver with the rest of the cast because edward and bella don't participate at the battle. they're training for this battle in vancouver now, peter said in his twitter.

heather said...

I know what you mean riddle inside..he doesn't fall into the "porsche" kinda crowd..maybe he's just borrowing it from someone? I can't see him buying a car right before he has to leave the state again..

phosphorus said...

@ Ana73: It's not so weird, considering the fact they are supposed to show up at this Teen Award show this weekend. Twilight was nominated in 12 categories, that includes Kristen and Rob as best actress/actor.

Ana73 said...

alicea - i didn't know that peter twittered that, interesting. thank you.

AW said...

@Anya: He has to get some driving time in a cool car. Can't be Edward otherwise. ;)

elikarae said...

@ Ana73 just going by what I see almost all the time since I take the 405 to school every semester.

Emily said...

Well, so much for being inconspicuous. I think even in LA a car like that is going to stand out. He looks good in a Porsche. He looks good in anything.

I agree with you, heather. It's probably just a rental so why not have a little fun?

Sidd-o said...

If the driver is included I would even buy a show off car like this...

Ana73 said...

MBMOM - i would be there too if i wasn't two states away. i told my niece to go to the viper room, first of all to see jackson and i told her that she might get a glimpse of rob. she said that she would go, to be young again :)

Mechevpao said...

Goz, have I said I love you? because I do!! you just said the same thing I thought about Popsugar comment, so funny!!

Now, Rob driving the porche is hot!! I´m scare for him though, that car runs fast and I don´t know about his driver ability hahaha

Claudia said...

It does look like the valley but I cannot help but wonder if its NOT maybe a rental.. seems dumb for him to buy a porshe for a few days driving then leave for Vacouver

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Hope he's learned to drive better for his sake!

Marna said...

I have to ask the question, if Rob is driving down the highway, how the hell did someone take these pictures? Where they just standing along the edge of the road hoping someone famous would drive by?

Lisa said...

So now we know why he has to mend his old clothes...went and spent all his money on a fancy sports car ;)

...anyone else a little worried that Rob's actually out driving in a fast car on a highway in California?

*hands keys to the SUV over to the bartender*

wintermistake said...

Didn't Rob mention few times during interviews that he doesn’t even know how to drive and that he only took a 10 days crash course :)
Now he’s in a Porsche! LOL
Nice ride-HOT driver!
Thanks ROBsessed for always having up to minute Rob info!

Stupid69Lamb said...

He certainly looks H.O.T! But what I find quiet disturbing is who took this picture? Must be paps on a motorcylce. And this totally pisses me off, coz it's soo dangerous, if they chase him like that! Remember Lady Di?

phosphorus said...

Mechevpao: There are speed limits in the USA, it's not like in Germany where you can drive really fast on the motorway (unless there's heavy traffic).

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Yes worried...He took a 10 hr course...and even said on ellen he can't drive very well...

Yikes...but he sure looks HOT!!

elikarae said...

@ Marna paps seriously drive along with a star in a HUGE suv and shoot pictures. The paps would have been following him or got a tip as to where he was.

Mechevpao said...

Thanks phosphorus, I know there speed limits, like in every country.

Unknown said...

God damn, I like this.

Emily said...

Please let there also be a picture of Rob flipping them off.

Mommamary said...

Absolutely cool, Rob and HOT! (oxymoron? I don't think so) Now new pants could be the next step? You think?

phosphorus said...

I'm sure he knows how to step on the brake. Don't worry. What's the speed limit on that highway? Something between 55 bis 80 mph? That's not fast.

Hannah said...

Woah. Hello and welcome to the floodgate of new fantasies.

Laura said...

i don't know why, but i'm laughing my ass off here. i can totally see him smashing that thing up... lol jokes, jokes.
i don't know why i find this funny..

MBMOM said...

Ana73 ~ nicely said. To be young & free! lol
Still can't convince my DH to take me to the Viper Room.
GF's out of town & since I live in the South Bay ~ I hate driving at night alone.
Guess I'll just have to obsess from afar!

Moychy said...

Wawawiwa... HOT!!!!

Rocio said...

well she's in santa monica and this pic looks like its from that area (i grew up by there so know). so he MIGHT of been leaving from there. either way Rob driving is hot :)

Barb said...

It doesn't look like he's going too fast if moving at all..We don't see what's in front of him. If he were moving at any real rate of speed (like 35 mph..not fast LOL) wouldn't the back ground be more blurrier?? IMO

Yvonne said...

First of all, this is a little scary....he only learned to drive for Twilight, and has admitted to not being the best driver....

And he doesn't seem the Porsche type. It's a beautiful car, and he deserves a nice ride, after all of his hard work, but he looks like he would drive something a little less Hollywood.

Georgie said...

Thanks for posting this so promptly Gozde! If driving with the window down gets his photo snapped and beamed through cyberspace, I doubt if Rob will ever let the roof down.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Damn I am turned on by this????

He rev's my engine!

bella17 said...

ohhhhhh OMG!OMG!

I thought this was a scene from new moon! awww!! finally Rob spent his money on something very very very expensive!

Ana73 said...

MBMOM - my niece is really going, i told her to call me and tell if she sees anybody besides jackson.

somebody must have tipped them off as to where he was. but now they are going to know what to look out for. if its a rental he going to have to turn it in for a ford taurus so that he can be incognito :)

tnan said...

Kristen who? Key issue here is what's he doing in one of THOSE cars? Rob in a Porche = assault with a deadly weapon.

Whoever he borrowed from, let's hope he remembers where he parks it this time. :-P

Emily said...

Lol @ rpattzgirl. The one car commercial that says "when you turn your car on, does it return the favor?" is totally what went through my mind when I saw these pictures.

meryma said...

Date of death: 08.06.2009

Time of death: 22:45h

Cause of death: heart failure supposedly caused by unexpected pictures of (handsome) actor driving a Porsche.

Ana73 said...

just thought of something...

imagine driving on the freeway and you see this really nice porsche next to you and you look at the person inside and its Robert Pattinson, i would literally freak out :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

LMAO Emily-so true!

Stacy said...

Goz - Exactly. Total Fail. If that photographer thought for one minute that he was at her house, he'd have THAT pic (HUGE MONEY SHOT) instead of a pic of him driving on what looks like the freeway. Doesn't even look like a neighborhood.

Just another way to get hits.

But DAMN does he look good!

AW said...
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Robluver631 said...

Just when you did not think he could be any hot, he has to go a drive a beautiful porsche.

Robluver631 said...

Just when you did not think he could be any hot, he has to go a drive a beautiful porsche.

Anonymous said...

Omg helooks so dazzling in that car !!! i think he loves expensive and fast cars...

Stacy said...

All I'm going to say is if the nosy paps can get a pic of him DRIVING IN LA, on what most people agree is the freeway, they sure as hell can get a pic of him at her house.

Emily said...

Ana - I would yell, "Take your top off, Rob!"

No, actually I wouldn't. I would probably just stare like a complete idiot while my heart rate doubled and when my husband asked what I was looking at I would point and he would say, "yeah, that's a pretty sweet car."

Robluver631 said...

Just when you did not think he could be any hot, he has to go a drive a beautiful porsche.

anna F said...

I think it's a rental car, like the previous one (especially since he is staying in LA only a couple of days).
That would not make any sense to buy a car right now...

He had not picked the Audi, Nick had I think. So I'm not sure he did this time either.
But I hope that he enjoys himself~

No idea where he came from and where he was going either... We'll see if ultimate proffs surface, untill then, I am sceptical.

cutecandy said...

OMG why did I take a nap???? But I must admit that these pics are nice waking up present droolllllllssssss!!!!!

But I must agree, BB may look nice in a porsche but it looks odd to me lol! Now his old BMW that was Rob to a T

Anonymous said...

This makes me nervous as well. He did only take that 10 hour course and got an international permit which someone must have really pulled strings to get him. Rob in Porsche is scary, Rob driving Porsche in California is tremendously scary! I've driven there, along Highway 1 from San Francisco to L.A., those people are crazy! (don't mean to offend anyone, but we were passed by Porsches and other sports cars along winding roads with no guard rails in downpours and they just zoomed by us when we could hardly see out the windshield..absolutely terrifying!) I am not going to sleep tonight..all I can think of is James Dean and Mongomery Cliff..arrrgh!!!!!

phosphorus said...

No, Mechevpao, not in every country. In Germany, on the Isle of Man and some other places in the world there's no general speed limit on highways and motorways. Guess that's why Porsches, BMWs and the likes are such fast cars.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

He's like Art in How To Be in his camero!!!

phosphorus said...

@ Ana73: Yep, other people are more likely to crash, once they spot him in that Porsche because they'll turn their heads, oggling him instead of keeping their eyes on the street.

ladyvlue said...

Is he for real? someone, please....!!!

I'm loosoing something...
I'm at work... Just cant handle it!!!!

Stacy said...

I'm kind of amazed Rob even got a license, lol. Doesn't he have an Oregon license? Didn't he say that once?

Ana73 said...

everyone needs to relax about his driving, its LA everyone drives crazy there, he will fit right in :)

whenever i go back home for vacations, its like you never left and you just fit right in with all of the other million of cars on the freeways.

phosphorus said...

@ Anna F: Wasn't the Audi just a rental? According to GQ it was. I think it was the BMW that he left at her place.

phosphorus said...

Yes, Stacy, he said he's got his license in Oregon.

anna F said...

phosphorus said...
@ Anna F: Wasn't the Audi just a rental? According to GQ it was. I think it was the BMW that he left at her place.

that's what I meant: that the audi (which he had not chosen, it was his agent or something) was rented. That's why I don't see why he would buy a porshe for a couple of days in LA. He has probably rented it.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

He needs to have a window sticker that says "precious cargo on board"

phosphorus said...

I think so, too, yes. I don't think he has the time and energy to do the paperwork one has to do when buying a new car (insurance etc.). Doesn't make sense to buy a car now. Besides, renting a car for a couple of days is a good way to test if you like driving it.

cutecandy said...

damn but look at the sideburns!

Emily said...

He must be a terrible driver. He hasn't managed to run over one photographer yet.

Anonymous said...

Well looks like "he's coming from" the pre-history era extinct species or from the outer universe new life forms.
(take these robsessed theories:)

Jaime said...

riddleinside, I agree, I didn't imagine him to be the porsche type. But fuck, he looks hot as hell. Guess he decided to spend some of the money he saves by mending his clothes himself. And Porsche's drive like a fucking dream. The boy needs to indulge every once a while. And he looks soooo hot doing it.

Unknown said...

I think they are in LA because they just finished filming...they deserv a break..i think i saw an interview a while back and rob said he would have a few days off after remember me and before eclipse...if he is in her house it could be as friends...imagine living away from family and friends and staying at hotels a long time...she said they went trough a lot together and understood each other and were good would be completely normal if he was there...and about the car i think its a rental...and theres no way to say the exact place that picture was will get more attention if it says he is leaving her house...but thats my oppinion...

heavenisaplacewhererobstenlivesinpeace said...

Am I the only one who think thatthe picture looks photoshopped? It looks feik!

wideyes said...

Oh Nooo! I have a bad feeling about this. I miss the VW Beetle and the old BMW :(
Please don't get all materialistic on us Rob. Next thing we know, he will be binning his home mended Trouser and Stoli T shirt for unoriginal designer get up.

RPLover said...

@Emily-lmao at all your comments! especially the finger pic, that would be priceless ;)

I don't care if he bought or rented, where he was or where he's going...this is HOT!!!

hot4pattz said...

I wathed KS on a talk show late last year and she said that she lives at home still and has no intention of moving out. There was a pic on the internet of her home and it is like a fortress. her family has a lot of money both her oarents and her brother are the business. Who is to say they dont have some pull with the paps or know how to get around them.JMHO

Haystackhair said...

He's probably just happy to be alone! LOL

Athena said...

Wow... he DID lose his old BMW (or whatever it was), then! ;)

Nice replacement... and I think Rob's lip biting must have just overtaken heart attack as primary cause of death...

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

i dont know why people are saying he doesnt fit the porshe image..

this man is a luxury model all the way! he's from one of the worlds greatest cities, he's traveled to some of the worlds greatest places, and he's worn some of the worlds greatest designer suits. this man is more cosmopolitan than your average hick....


Sara said...


Rhonda said...

He just happened to be biting his lip as they snapped the shot while driving a porsche? God help me, I have lost all coherent thought!

Diane said...

No reason for Rob to buy a car right now when he's not going to be in one place long enough to use it. It's Summit's job to keep him happy while they shuttle him from NM to awards show to RM to ComicCon to RM to awards show to E. Every step in that dance benefits Summit, so they better supply him with cars or whatever else he needs to survive it. Or it would be far easier to Photoshop that picture than to shoot it.

Anonymous said...

so hot! He prob rented it, but not the best car to stay out of the spotlight. I also don't think he and Kristen are "together" as in boyfriend girlfriend, but I do think they are fucking like crazy. I mean come on. I also went to the special twilight screening and was one of the first people in like so i got into the first room where the whole cast was together before they split up to go to the other theaters and lets just say robert and kristen were literally draped all over eachother. Kristen kind of acted like her poo didn't smell, but robert was super cute and sweet. However, equally draped on kristen.

tnan said...

He doesn't seem the Porche type because he's said repeatedly how terrified he is of driving. He's not exactly a speed demon and not mechanically inclined. He needs one of those cars with a harness.. and a Baby-on-Board sticker :-O

Did someone say he used to have a VW? Any pics??

Joy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
noisefaidaus said...

There are a few of things bother me about this picture.

1. There are no houses shown in this photo, it looks like brush/browned grass behind the car.

2.Why would Rob drive with the window down to attract a photo, those cars do have AC and he likes his privacy?

3. The windows do not appear to be tinted, and I would expect he would want that.

4. Rob is a tall guy and seems to be a little low in the seat.

5. The car doesn't appear to be in motion and no other cars are near it.

Crazystraw said...

hey... those comments could be true...

Loisada said...

IMO that car is not going very fast and is not on a highway. (Photog is probably in passing car in adjacent lane.) Rob's most likely coming down or up a canyon off a residential area. Not every inch of LA is developed, despite what many seem to believe.

Anyway the man inside is far more interesting. Sideburns are getting crazy long and the scruff is going full force. Nice!

fluffgirl said...

It is hard to take a clear picture of a moving vehicle. a person would have to move alongside the porche at the same speed..and even than it would not be without blur this picture it looks like the car is not moving..this is photoshoped ..a picture taken at the airport ..maybe and put in the dark part of the porche could have been done..very easyly as I have been learning the programe myself. the car should be in traffic..than we could believe it was taken when the car was stopped
good try ..but not good enough..

Crazystraw said...

the car was on the canyon... and the not fast thing makes sense, the only point that doesn't make sens is why, if they're doing everithig to keep their lives private would he leave with the windows down??
and summer must be hot...isn't is nicer the AC?

Anonymous said...

Why shouldn't he be driving a Porsche?

People he is in the BIG TIME now!

he's been working FUK Hard..

He deserves a whole fleet!

You go Boy! (just drive safely)

Love that you are still wearing your NYC cap..(winks -- I am getting your message LOUD and Clear.. are you Kelly?)

Anonymous said...

Ok, DH and studied the photo and we both agree that it's a fake..and we're sticking with it.

Precision Grace said...

to be honest, my first thought when I saw this photo was - Isn't it strange that he looks Exactly the same as on some earlier photo I've seen somewhere (I don't download and catalogue them so can't pull it up for comparison)

But lovely colour, even if I do hate Porches.

Precision Grace said...

Or Porsches even (I probably hate them because I can't spell them properly)

Crazystraw said...

Suz- He should have all the Porsches he wants! and everything else! I'm just commenting on the low windshields... you know, mainly the paps, but isn't it also very hot in LA right now? and he's from England, if I understood right, there even in summer isn't that hot... with the windshields down the air may be hot, the noise and the paparazzi, maybe even a fan!

Unknown said...

Rob looks so handsome behind the wheel of this Porsche and he looks beautiful in green. However, I'd rather see him in his new Audi or the old '86 BMW. He certainly deserves to drive any car he likes, he has worked darn hard. However, because he is so unpretentious and does not like attention, I expected to see him in a less flashy car. My guess is that it is a rental or that it belongs to Kristen's dad or a friend. Perhaps he is just taking it for a test drive or just sitting in it as it does not appear to be moving! Love Kristen's head popping up!!
His reason for spending time in LA? I believe it is to spend time with Kristen & her family and to see his pals Bobby Long and Marcus Foster play at the Hotel Cafe in LA. Bobby played last night and tonight and Marcus plays Aug.7&8.
Rob - I love you and your 2004 pants!

hemiola said...


I was thinking it was the 405 also, but I can think of part of it on the westbound looks like that... about a few miles before it turns into PCH. But I don't know why I'm intrigued about this.

Anyway if you're from Hawaii I'm so jealous. I am IN LOVE with Hawaiian music!

MBMOM said...

Ana73 - Yes, please let us know if RP does show up at the Viper Room. Last time I checked, tickets still being sold...and yes, I think I would be the one who would get into an accident if I happened to be driving next to a greenish porsche and he was in it...hope he turns it in for a minivan or something so he can cruise around a bit more incognito. be young!

AW said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hemiola said...

I'd understand if the BMW was falling apart, but I would have thought he'd get something less standard-Hollywood, assuming this isn't a rental. One thing I like about driving an oldie is that the older imports don't necessarily carry the same stigma as the newer ones do.

Btw I also LOVED one interview where Rob was talking about opting for an older car & jokingly saying "I like being one of the people!" Probably one of my favorite lines :)

Temptation said...

WHO CARE"S if it's rental or not, the guy looks ultra sexy in a sports car. This photo nearly made me choke on my vegemite toast. Now I don't know if you girls are into Vegemite but it is leathal when it goes up your nose.

It is so refreshing to see a young guy in a Porsche instead of some old sleeze going through a mid life crisis. I imagine Rob wanted to hit the road, play some CD's and enjoy quiet time. Damn photoshop it keeps us guessing all the time...either way this photo is a keeper....

AW said...

Ok, don't know if this will help or not. ;)

Photo Credit listed says it is a legtimate exclusive photo. It was not photoshopped.

Let the debate continue! :D

Crazystraw said...

I'm with you Temptation (hi!) DARN photoshop!

AW said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...


Yes, that was a very cute interview with Ellen Degeneres - his mom and dad were in the audience.

mya bluesky said...

Nice Ride and HOt Driver,great combination...(please drive safety Rob,am a little bit worried here)

is he ever told us that he can't drive??? and now he show us that he drive Porsche (Oh Rob start to has edward's taste of ride)

people doubt he could ride a bike, then he show us when he ride a bike..

maybe we have to start doubt him drive a plane so he can show us that to LOL

Crazystraw said...

Ok... looking the HQ... trying not to drool over all my keyboard (didn't succeded...) I zoomed (OH LORD) and I have to admit, they look real...
I mean in the LQ and smaller ones there was definetly a chance, but up close and all... well if it's photoshop I's a good one!

Lucerne said...

Don't know if the car is rented or his, all I know is the man look FINE driving it. LOL.
As to having the window down in the summer rather than the AC on, can't say I am surprised. He either loves the heat, or is anemic and thus always cold, what else can explain wearing hoodies and long sleeve shirts when it is frigging boiling outside.

Temptation said...

He is biting his top lip, perhaps concentrating too hard and look at those side burns DELISH...... there is also white spots on the car, what is that Bird Shit ????

Crazystraw said...

humm... don't look like bird shit...
maybe sparkles, you know, reflections?
hahahaha birdshit... Rob's car with birdshit would be a down-to-earth kick in the ass...
Rob I'll clean it for you...

lostinphilly said...

Well, whether its a real pic or photoshopped, or wherever he's going or not going; I DON'T CARE- IT'S SEXY HAWTTTTT! Rob looks SO FINE driving that Porsche, and the lip-biting is (well there are no words). Yes, Hannah:"floodgate of new fantasies" begins!!!!

rpgirl27 said...

hmmm...if there wasn't photographic evidence I just couldn't believe Rob driving something that wasn't duck-taped together...I bet the "wipey things" work on that car!
I'm sure it's rented...can you imagine Rob slapping down a check for that much money? (while wearing his sewn together pants of course)
it would be dangerous to be driving down the freeway, look over and see Rob driving a Porsche...I'm sure I'd be so busy eye fucking him that I'd crash or drive into the median

Ana73 said...

just saw pics of kristen w/mom around LA doing errands. maybe they were looking for the green porsche, oh no i forgot he had just came from their house :)

Temptation said...

Good Pick Up Ana and a Porsche only seats 2 Right, Rumors you've gotta love them although I am getting a brain strain and need to take a break. Perhaps do some work or something boring like that...

Crazystraw said...

Anna could you tell where are the pics of K?

Anonymous said...

yeah we don't see a house. he could be leaving her's..or could not be. let them be. this is why they won't come out and say that they are together. cuz all the speculations out there. if everyone would just chill and leave them alone then our dreams of then getting together would be true =]

JandR said...

instant reaction - HOT car HOT guy - go Rob! I have noted accordingly the surge of lust this pic has produced among the ladies well we all needed a Rob fix on what he is currently up to. He is staying in LA for the TeenChoice awards before heading up to join the rest of the cast.

Kelly said...

He can drive whatever he wants as long as it's straight over to my house... He looks good in the porche.. he's look good laying back on the hood of it with... wait whoops.. typing outloud.. never mind...

Hop ehe enjoys driving it :)

JandR said...

His driving and type of car have certainly improved since he appeared on Ellen talking about his inexperience in driving and his clown car! lol

kchambers77 said...

even though he looks hot i feel doubt because he couldn't drive out of a one way. sayin.

orion said...

who cares about the car? thousands of Porsche out there. there is only one Rob, I'll take him no the bloody car.

Crazystraw said...

hehehehe just thought... about the clown car... you know how they joke they're soo small but then they have alll this space??? and he's got big feet...
ah, maybe the crotch stitches and the difference in the space he has on his car has a connection? the hand brake and stick shift...

ok too much Robcrotch got me rambling

Crazystraw said...

oh... attack of guilt... am I being to mean with Rob?

JandR said...

with you Orion but you'll have to share!! :-))
I'm feeling that if the meet-up in Sydney for the NM premiere works out who's to say a little visit to NZ for Unbound Captives isn't out of the question? I've been known to do it before ;-) Liv Tyler is just the most beautiful creature up close and don't get me started on Orlando Tempt - that face with the Pirate sideburn along his jawline...awww that smile, special memories but time to make some new ones with Rob!!!

Tess said...

Hmmm.. Yes. I agree with all the Rob looks good in this Porsche, and I love the colour.

Rob would look good riding in anything, even inside a grocery cart.. Wow! there's a new fantasy!!

Unknown said...

O.M.C. HOTT!!!! I'm swooning...actually i'm always swooning over rob....

he looks so hot in a porsche

Gemgirl65 said...

Rob is lookin' fly, but damn, be careful baby! His driving skills seriously scare me.

Someone was asking about KStew pics with her mom's video of the paps following her. Awful. Leave the poor girl and her mom alone! Her mom is driving the blue truck Kristen poached from the Twilight set. Kristen and her truck are like Rob and his worn-out clothes.

Crazystraw said...

It was me.. thanks Leann! I went mumb after a joke-theory about the sewed crotch and the tiny space in sports cars... kind of guilt =/

Crazystraw said...

wow, just saw the video... really, poor girl, 1 pic, ok, but that kind of stalking?

Temptation said...

Hello again ladies JandR I have a message for your husband and his age theory....You are only as young as the guy you are feeling...on saying that I have no guilt about my lustful ways. I may not be as flexible as I used to be but I have travelled to Nepal a number of times where I obtained a great deal of knowledge on the Karma Sutra....For research purposes of course HAHAHAHAH

Anonymous said...

Those sideburns... yumm....
That Porsche car... double yum...
Robert Pattinson driving that porsche... gaahhhhh i am died!

Is it just me or are those sideburns just so..."mouth-watering" to use Laurent's words?

Alleykittty said...

My first thought : Poor Car! *lol*

Ms. Bonderson said...

Yum - he looks great in that car.

I've loved Porsches ever since Dylan McKay drove up in his speedster... LOL! :)

orion said...

About the age thing, I like Temptation's theory...

keti said...


i am awesome-o said...

i love the color of the Porsche. ;D
I agree with u luffscruff those sideburns r very mouth- watering. lol

Temptation said...

"AH, merciless Love, is there any length to which you cannot force the human heart to go?" watching Rob cruising in his porsche, sexy sideburns and all is pure poetry, my heart aches I feel like Dido felt watching her lover sail out to sea.........I just wanted to bring some class to our Friday afternoon lustful conversations.......

Dazzle said...

THAT is totally photoshopped! Wow...these gossip sites will do ANYTHING...I am so sick of this..they are capitalizing off our unbelievable! Rob dosen't deserve all this. And I don not think he and KS are together..its all a big publicity thing..anything for money!

Temptation said...

How can you tell ???? I can think of better places to stick Robs head than in a Porsche.

Crazystraw said...

Such a poet Temptation!
both classical and modern!

Crazystraw said...

"Robert and his vessils" and "Where thou, Rob, can stick your head"
I really think they've got potencial!

Temptation said...

I do try Veronica when I know it is not wasted on numb nuts who can appreciate my pain.

Temptation said...

See there I was trying to keep the conversation out of the gutter and Veronica you just pulled me back in there. "My heart, already kindled, ablaze with a new access of love" .... you are leading me into the dark side Veronica SO SO SO SO hard not to imagine where Rob's Vessils could go.......

Crazystraw said...

sorry Temptation I just couldn't resist to the mermaid's singing... they were saying some stuff about Rob... and sewing and blue strings and I just lost it!

Anonymous said...

This stretch of road appears to be along hwy 1 in Malibu. They have open fields to the left as you head southbound.
Betcha it's Malibu.

Crazystraw said...

Besides, if we're on a Rob-oddyssey... I waana face the one eye cyclops! hahahahahaha

Temptation said...

Veronica what time is it in Uruguay?? It's 3.28pm here in Australia. My eyes were so sore last night, I spent all of yesterday staring at Rob's crotch, I couldn't sleep either.....DAMN YOU ROB...

Temptation said...

HA HA .. ...'The Cyclops is a giant, towering high enough to hit the sky; oh, Gods, fend such a horror far from the world of men!....Does this sound like the cyclops you were thinking of????

Georgie said...

Hellooo ladies...Veronica, Temptation! I've just been on another thread - the one with the pop-up KS head, LOL! I see there's some conjecture now as to whether this is a photoshopped picture.
I also looked at that Youtube of KS being ambushed in the shopping centre carpark - the depths that those paps stoop to!! Why now? With Rob in town, are they trying to see if she has that "just fucked" look about her or what?!

Crazystraw said...

Ah..time... well it's like 2:35 am here... but I kinda don't wake up early... and I'm out all afternoon so I do all my computer stuff at night... besides, there's quite the catch to me, you see, I'm actually pretty much a kid..didn't wanted to tell you guys because I though you woudln't like it..
(as for the cyclops it was about the joke for the one eye... and Rob's big feet...)

Temptation said...

Georgia we are trying to keep our conversation tasteful......well, did she have the look ????

Temptation said...

TRUE CONFESSIONS how much of a kid are we talking??? mentally I am a kid also so it doesn't matter to me at all......

Temptation said...

I GOT THE JOKE Veronica......

Georgie said...

Talking about age, I had a look back at the comments last night I think from JandR about the acceptable age to pursue a younger guy is "half your age + 7"; unfortunately ME + ROB = FAIL!

Crazystraw said...

Thank you, well... MUCH of a kid... but I don't hang out much with them, and I'm never given my age (and everybody tells me I don`t act like one) I'm 20...going on 21... but I alredy drink :P (here it's 18) actually I do grat Mojitos and Caipirinhas :P

Georgie said...

Veronica - "one eye cyclops" and Tempt with your karma sutra - and you're accusing me of not keeping it tasteful LOL!!!

Temptation said...

I know I got that one too, I left a note for JandR to tell her hubby "you are only as young as the guy you are feeling" ...... NEVER LOOSE HOPE

Temptation said...

Veronica you don't need to justify yourself to us, we also don't need to know if you are drinking or not, pleaseeeee if you do that I will feel like your mother.

Regarding the Karma Sutra, there is nothing sinful about that it is an ancient tradition going back thousands of years........

Crazystraw said...

hahaha thanks! just a reflect to separate myself from the "other" kid fans, the ones that makes him nervous and doesn't allow shootings to go on (ahhh because I study acting ok, not relevant)... The drinking is actually that I'm proud of my barman skils...

Where is Georgie?

Temptation said...

Georgie comes and goes I believe she is probably at happy hour at the moment which usually happens around 4 to 5pm in Australia, a number of workplaces have drinks on a Friday night. Only assuming, God knows where Georgie went people tend to duck in and out of meetings also.

We also have a drinking age of 18 but I would have to say most teenagers here start at 15, that's why we have such a great sense of humor, we are always drunk.......

Crazystraw said...

hahahaha gotta love happy hour!
here they start drinking young... but they're not so funny in that way... there's other influences... and most of them DON'T EVEN KNOW ROB! GASP!!!

Crazystraw said...

better.... they wouldn't appreciate him fully... and more for us!

Temptation said...

SHOCK HORROR...really.. will you ever get to see the movie or do you need to wait for the DVD, Do you have DVD's there yet???? HA HA HA HA

Temptation said...

YES I must admit it is very frustrating talking to a person who cannot appreciate Rob's fine talent. My son's comments the other day were and I quote "what is it with this guy his face looks like it has been hit by a shovel" I had no choice but to sell him to someone for child labour, what else could I do????

Georgie said...

I'm back, had a long phone call - no happy hour - this is my "happy" hour chatting to fellow Robsessors in Aussie & Uruguay!! But I'll have to go soon and buy my darling 22 year-old a birthday cake to take out to dinner with us tonight. I'm the designated driver tonight coz both my 19 y/o and 22 y/o want to have a drink or 3 (18 is the drinking age here).

Crazystraw said...

ANGUISH I do have to wait until Juanuary 1rst (AHHHH horror) and the Twilight 2DVD vesrion never came in! (double AHHHHH) worst, they have this absurd tax so I can't buy it from Amazon... yet
There's this whole lot that knows Edward (but not Rob) and the stupid shallow high class teens that don't read the books and the one that think Twilight stupid Rob pretty Face.. SOOO FRUSTRATING!

Temptation said...

I will confess to the whole world my son is 18 next week, we are having 'a surprise gathering' next saturday, 18 year old boys are just awful, drunk 18yo boys are even worst.

Georgie said...

I haven't seen LA or HTB yet to see Rob's non-Twilight talents, but I did watch Harry Potter GOF and watched Cedric in an entirely different light...

Temptation said...

YES I confess now when I look at Cedric I also think of him in a "different light". PEACHES and CREAM skin YUMMY

Georgie said...

Tempt: maybe your 18 y/o son and my 19 y/o daughter can together lament the "stupidity" of their mothers for being so Robsessed! She nearly fell over backwards when I asked if she wanted to come to Sydney with me for the NM premiere, and agreed as long as I take her to Wicked!

Crazystraw said...

YEY! How great Georgie! hope your daughter has a great Bday!
Oh to round up There are a few decent Fans, I've met one...

Ahhh yes... I read the book, didn't give that much for Cedric, I was impartial.. but with Rob...
Oh and I saw Ring of the Nibelungs on the Cable in Br, before twilight and loved him, well also his character

Temptation said...

My son thinks it is totally wrong and was disgusted to know that I even looked at this website...We don't even discuss Rob in front of the Boy...

Temptation said...

Georgie do you like my new photo, Rob with short hair YUUUMMMBBOOO and check out his bag, it's the same one he was carrying the other day...

Georgie said...

Ring of the Nibelungs! He was really young but looked gorgeous even then just from the pics I've seen.

My family is only vaguely aware that I go on this blog and I fluff over it and say it's about movies and celebrity gossip!

Anyway must go, good night/morning to you both!

Crazystraw said...

really nice pic temptation

Georgie said...

He's still cute but short hair isn't my favourite look!

Crazystraw said...

Aww thank you guys! you even remember to mention the place & time difference!
have fun Georgie!

Temptation said...

LUV Rob with short hair and unshaven, very nice indeed...I think he looks a little like Justin Timerlake, don't you think...

Oh Georgie, just to let you know I had my son when I was 12 I was an early developer, so now you know my age.......HAHAHAHA

Loren said...

i just want to say i dont like them together and cant understand why so many people going crazy if they spot so. i htink summit could find much more bella than kris. but rob is rob and so great as always

Crazystraw said...

hey Temp, about your kid and Rob, he just doesn't get it, but actually, you rock!
Wonder what those white spots on the Porsche were after all....

Temptation said...

BIRD SHIT he must have parked it under a tree...

Crazystraw said...

HELL OF A BUNCH OF BIRDS! it's all over the car!

Temptation said...

SO Have we decided if the picture is photo shopped yet??? and will we ever know ??? God I wish I could use photoshop, my daughter has it on her laptop she is studying Graphics Design. Can you imagine the request "hello darling, can you just put Robs head on this naked body for me, there's a good girl, oh and don't mention it to daddy will you"......

As for the Birds don't they come in Flocks, I don't know what type of birds do they have in LA??

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