Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart - 08/07/2009

OK! Magazine Claims:

One day after Robert Pattinson was photographed speeding away from Kristen Stewart’s L.A. home in his car, it’s Bella that’s the one attempting to make a stealthy exit.

On Friday morning, the Twilight star was photographed leaving the side exit of the Chateau Marmont Hotel in Hollywood, where R-Pattz has been staying since returning to L.A. earlier this week.

Five minutes after she left, Rob himself was spotted chowing down on the hotel’s patio.

Facts? I just don't know anymore :)

Based on the information I received since last night I can't call it CRAP neither can I confirm it.

I said I wouldn't speculate and I won't.


Feds said...

well....this is happen all together uh?...i don't know what to say

Unknown said...

this picture of her could be in anywhere!!

Elena said...

Why can't you call it crap??
I'll believe they're together when they have a picture of them kissing- outside of the Twilight Saga. Or they personally release a statement stating it true.

Dazzle said...

Hmmmm.....idk either...but I still believe in RobStu!! I'm gonna say its all publicity. The truth will be known when Breaking Dawn is all done, and they all go their seperate ways for good. Then we'll see if they are still "hanging out" together.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

well GOZDE,


but heres the deal, if they are exploring this 'attraction' they have together, more power to them.
nothing like 'chemistry' to turn a couple out, thats all we want for ROB anyway isnt it?

they may be friends with benefits.
either way, glad they have each other...

kp said...

Nah, that's clearly the vine siding of the Chateau. That's my ONLY speculation. If they're together, good for them. I'm not gonna sit here and tell him who to date.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Rachelle staying at the same hotel? Maybe Rob is just staying there too? And there's supposed to be some celeb event at that hotel as well. Maybe he's there for that? It's all just speculation at the end of the day. Even if they were eating lunch together it wouldn't mean anything.

[sarcasm] Hmmm... I wonder who Rob is eating with? ooooohhhh! [/sarcasm] Lol. It's all in good fun!

hot4pattz said...

those are the clothes she wore to the concert without a doubt. Yall need to stop hatin on Kris and Rob and let them have their time. They are obviously an item!!

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


hot4pattz said...

uggg all you nonstens just want to ignore the facts they are all over yet you still want to say no. He is not waiting for you so why all the negativity in their relationship.

Dazzle said...

Besides, WHY are they trying to keep it secret anyway? If they are dating, then why are they trying to hide it?? She's obviously through with MA.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

you know there is an old saying.....if it quacks like a duck and sounds like a duck and smells like a duck and walks like a duck then.....ITS A FUCKING DUCK

iam not saying this is proof of any relatiobship but they are definitely FUCKING

Unknown said...

Rachelle was there too.
from twitter;

RT @marcmalkin: TWILIGHT rachelle lefevre spotted last night @ chateau marmont where a gaggle of celebs were @ dinner 4 K-Swiss Classic

newtotwidom said...

This is so exciting! I hope it's true! There sure seems to be alot of evidence piling up to make a good case! I know Rob's true fans want him to be happy whoever he chooses to date. It's not like he's going to be calling us for our opinion anyway!!

Anonymous said...

Ugh whatever. I almost do wish they'd come out and say it either way. But you know what, people probably wouldn't even beleive that. I just want to enjoy their movies but I find myself getting emotional from all this insane speculation. Poor Rob can't do anything, without being photographed and it only feeds the want for more. God bless both of them and please, don't let Eclipse become another gossip fest. I know it will but I can hope. I want these movies but I also want them over with.

kchambers77 said...

i think she's banging rachelle. there i said it. or rob wants to become a stoner and kris is showing him how to make bongs out of things in his room.

Pd said...

so they ARE together?

I dont know anymore either......

Hannah said...

What a day!

Gozde you must be mentally drained! I know I am!

Unknown said...

Alright, as long as Robert doesnt say "i am shagging Kristen stewart i dont believe any of that CRAP. If i Learned something then it is: Never believe this, even a pic where they kiss could be PR.

monika said...

Anonymous said...

Well alright ROB and KRISTEN. Getting it on at the famous Chateau Marmont. ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!! You all need to accept reality. It's cool! I'm all for it and if they are happy, so be it.

I would love to see that hotel and tour all of it. The stories of that hotel are LEGENDARY. I MEAN LEGENDARY. Now RPatz has added himself to the legend. :) It's SO COOL! He must be having the time of his life. GOOD FOR THEM!

Marcus Foster must have enjoyed seeing his friend Rob too. Glad they got to see Bobby Long play too.

So exciting. Whatever makes Rob happy, makes ME happy.
GET IT ON're young and free and have busted your ass. HAVE SOME FUN!

monika said...

@alicea,spotted...playing with her dog lol

Unknown said...

And btw: they are fooling us. If they are together, fine. But this stuff is obviously used for staying in the public. Done by summit Entertainment. But some of us just arent idiots

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

a woman leaving a guy hotel wearing the same cloths as the night before

you dont have to be a rocket scientist or brain surgeon to see through this shit

stevie wonder could see through this shit

newtotwidom said...

Why do most people on this site not want Rob and Kristen to be together? As my name states, I'm new but I would think if you love Rob, you would love who he is with. Am I missing something?

monika said...
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marya said...

Its just so cliché for them to be a thing! Lol its like oh look its edward and bella! Oh wait no... haha idk if kris is the girl rob likes then whatever i just feel bad for MA i mean isnt it weird that they seemed to be great together and suddenly theyre not? A three year relationship doesnt just end like that...

monika said...

AW said...
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keti said...

I think, if they did come out and say they were dating NOW, it would be quite embarrassing, after constantly staying they were "Just friends" .. this is getting quite annoying actually…. Just come out with the truth already. I know its none of our business, but come on, I do hate speculating – but I do believe they are together. We don’t need to see them actually kissing to know they are a couple. THE PUZZLE IS COMING TOGETHER QUICKLY.........

anonymous said...

I'll only believe Rob and Kris are together when I see real photos of them kissing, holding hands and what couples do.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

oh and if kristen is still seeing M then good for her

she is 19 she should get all the dick in the world

if i was in her position(i wish) i would be fucking rob's brains out

when iam finish with him he wont be able to walk lol

i envy her iam woman enough to admit it

keti said...

its not them being cliché, oh look Edward & Bella are together in real life, Its the constant denail about them being together - us seeing all these pic's of them hanging out, Oh I dont know (hands in the air) If they are in love - THATS GREAT...dont know about the drugs thing (I hope bloody not) but Rob needs a bit of lovin'

Unknown said...

danyaski.....I totally agree with you....

Cuccicella said...

Hey... Rob having a burger and fries... Was it a Garden Burger (aka Burger in a Garden)? :))

Ok ok.. just trying to cheer you guys up for all the tension here.

For me it doesn't matter.. pic from Socialize life can be 2 separated event & time, he might had that burger a day before but put pictures together in the same group, I didn't see any time/date stamp on each pictures.

Pictures doesn't prove me Robsten, non-Robsten, etc

I still like both of them the same way I feel to them. :))

monika said...

@the dead scene

that's not what those two do,don't you know them at all? they are not Paris/Doug, not PDA type people,they're too private for that,judging by many robsessed fans here and on other sites,I'm not surprised they want/wanted to keep this on the DL.

Lynn said...

Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck! I was like a block from the Marmont yesterday....I should have put my stalker skills to work and walked around. ((WINKS))

I call bullshit! I believe nothing unless it comes from Kristen and Robert directly!

Rosie E. said...

Until either they appear somewhere with someone else in tow or they show some affection the hype is going to keep moving further. Its almost come to a point that they are going to have to do something just to get everyone off thier tail. After something has been confirmed most likely everyone will get bored with it and move on but until then they will always be followed as millions want to know. I truly hope that this is not a plot by Summit to keep everyone enthralled in the Twilight mayhem only to leave everyone dissapointed in the end. They are human and should be respected. I could just imagine the stress it must cause them just trying to move along in life. I truly wish them much happiness with whoever they choose to be with or whatever they choose to do.

keti said...

Thats right Monika, we dont need pic's of them kissing in public to know they are a couple. Some people dont like public affection.

hot4pattz said...

YES they are together and have been since APRIL!!!! What all this isnt proof?

monika said...

I guess some people need to see their sextape before they believe,or maybe that won't be enough?

anonymous said...


True. I take back what I said. If you think about it, no one really knows who they are. I don't exactly believe they are together, but then I don't believe they aren't together.

To be honest, I'll only believe they are truly together if they admit it. But isn't Kris still with M? Or did they break up? :/

keti said...

I dont think this iS Summits plot, My theroy is summit have told them to keep there releationship quite JUST in case they break up in real life and they are half way through fliming BreakingDawn - WHAT THEN!!

hot4pattz said...

Debbo I couldnt have said it any better. lets stick with reality people.

Julie Alencar said...

i hope that this relationship don't messy it up the others movie if they broke up!

showme said...

rose, i agree w you. something has to come to a head. it WILL die down once it's confirmed. right now it's just a big freakin' game for all the papz/gossip sites to play.

i think summit is behind it, asking them to not make it blatant so they can keep up the hype. i used to not, bc i'm not a conspiracy type. I'm totally an occam's razor type, but i'm beginning to think that has to be why they don't come out. why all the cloak and daggers?

i really hate it for them.

btw, i freaking loved your new oregano video. those crack me up to no end!

keti said...

THEY ARE Fucking eachothers brains out and probably reading our comments & having a ciggie lol lol

showme said...

yes, if this were any other hollywood couple seen together this much, people would simply believe they were together. no questions asked.

like i told CG (i love you girl!) on the other thread, wake up and smell the cum. LOL

pat said...

There's nothing wrong if they fell in love while filming but, Paula, I think you're right. It's great publicity for them. I have nothing against them together but I don't think there are more than 'friends with benefits' IF they're even that. Didn't Stephanie/Bella said "there is nothing like a good mistery to keep you awake at night" or something like that?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I am NOT tired of the photos-the more Rob I see, the happier I am...but...if they are together, they will have so much pressure on them, and all this speculation and innuendos just makes it that much harder.

Relationships are HARD even when you're not in the public eye...this is 1000 times harder for them...

Honestly, I hope they are together because I think they're adorable...and since he's not with me, I want him to be with Kristen...

BUT, I want him to be with whom ever he fucking wants to be with..

OR-they are just such good friends that they enjoy being together as much as they can...

I remember back in May right after the MTV awards-didn't they stay together then? There was a video of them saying goodbye before he left for NY, and Kristen's mom was there, and she reached up and brushed Robs hair off his face..very tender, made me think he's shagging her daughter and a part of their family...

Rob, I love you..and if you & Kristen are together I am so happy for you...and if you're not, well, I'm happy too..

Wanna have a good time, call me.

monika said...
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bimbambom said...
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monika said...

@showme,if it was any other girl on those photos etc,everyone,I mean everyone would be all 'they're totally together,f*cking each other bla bla bla',no one would question it,but since it's KStew,fangirls need to question it cause they feel threatened,it's sure as hell Rob is crazy about her,it shows in his eyes, the way he looks at her, and it's definitely not what many of his fans want,him being totally taken.

boleyn said...

With all the tabs and stories swirling around, if they weren't a couple, why in the hell would they be seen together? If all these "false" stories and rumors were being spread about me, I would go out of my way to make sure that I did nothing incriminating. The last thing I would do is sneak off to a concert and then spend all night together in a hotel.

At first, I didn't believe they were together. But, there has been a tremendous amount of circumstantial evidence and it keeps building. I kind-of believe they are together now.

With all the rumors and pics coming out, if NOTHING was going on, why haven't their reps addressed any of this? That is what reps do.

Personally, I would prefer to see Rob with someone else.

Sam said...

ok- i haven't read anyone's comment so forgive me if this is being discussed BUT i have some doubt about the porche pix....rob eating the burger has much thinner and a wee bit shorter sideburns than the one of him in the car. Now he COULD have had a haircut between the pics, BUT being a hairstylist i can tell you that his burns while eating a burger aren't fresh enough or even to be a fresh haircut. ?? any thoughts? I think that photo in the car has been photoshopped.

Cuccicella said...

Maybe they are reading the script and practicing the scene together just like they did on Twilight movie to get the chemistry going, you know..

Lots of love and caring, seduction in Eclipse ..

Beside Rob need to rubbing that Joan Jett's habit out of Kristen and get Bella's personality back.. you know ;)

Oh... cheer up guys, we obsessed about them (ok more on Rob) because of Edward & Bella...

And we all gonna go see Eclipse movie regardless, right??

Anonymous said...

Like Peter Facinelli said on the Chelsea Lately show, with all the tabloid speculation even he's starting to believe the rumors. Now I'm just sayin that he's a 23 year old hot-blooded male and I doubt he's been celibate all these months. If it's with Kristen, You Go Girlfriend!! Either way she get's to spend time with him. Be it as a friend or as a lover, she is one lucky ass girl and I envy her!!

monika said...

@jacque,keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.

showme said...

are u joking jacque?

Yes monika and boleyn...yes

Smoke...Fire. They've been hooking up since May. Since the New Moon 'shift'

i knew the moment i saw those pics at sam bradley in vanc he was hittin' that. but still, people couldn't believe

i get it. i really do. if u hate kstew or u prefer thinking of rob as some celibate or hate gossip or whatever, i get it

but they're doin' it. and have been for awhile. and the ONLY reason i care at this point is so we can all stop talking about it. And fighting. i have so many nonsten friends, and it creates so much tension. it fucking sucks.

Cuccicella said...

ok New Moon before Eclipse ... Dang my brain warp year and a half ahead..


rpattz-turn-me-on said...

when i first heard rob was back in LA i said to myself WTF is he doing back in LA??

he from england have no house there so why??

and i could only think of one reason HER

Cuccicella said...

monika & Showme...

Yeah I was just joking :)

LOts of people here is so tense so, seem like my joke doesn't get people giggle :(

I cannot do joke as good as "Full Moon" joke :(

RPnKSaddict said...

Wow, this is...crazy...I really don't know what to think at this point. I'll just stick to the fence and hope for the best for the both of them.
If they're happy, I'm happy. I'm looking forward to seeing them on the Teen choice awards and all the movies etc. that come after.

Peace,Love, and Happiness, Rob and Kristen.

monika said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
monika said...

yeah they were going over the lines at 3am in Vancity,also in LA after MTVMA(Charlie hotel pics),sure,or maybe they get together and play scrabble or twister,cause that's what 'friends' of the opposite sex do in a hotel room at about 3 am in the morning(when the girl has her own place to stay a few blocks away). sure thing and not even gonna mention Sam's concert...
KStew gets to hang out with his bffs,his management,his parents,makes you go hmmm

monika said...

@jacque,oh ok,sorry I didn't get it;p

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

rather they are dating or not or just friends with benefits

one thing is for sure


i remember one of rob's ex girlfriends said he is AMAZING in bed


bimbambom said...

Someone is fooling us. Summit, Rob, Kristen, whatever.

I don't like it.

One minute I'm Robsten, then Nobsten. Oh, I'm tired.
It's not easy to be a fan.

boleyn said...


"It's not easy to be a fan."


rpattz-turn-me-on said...

talking about rob and sex have me horny damnnn need a cold shower

and sure kstew was in rob's room all night reading and playing scrabble LMAO

Cuccicella said...


Have you read FanFic "Wide Awake"?

Your comment made me thinking about that story :))


Cuccicella said...

@monika :)

It's ok

mya bluesky said...

well, if this really happen as we think about, then let it be...
im happy if Rob happy, if Rob happy hang out with kristen, then just be happy Rob...

i love you Rob, no matter what...

showme said...

ya'll this is my trainer ROFLMAO omg. he totally outted me. i don't know whether to be pissed or laugh. i'm going w laugh bc i'm in a good mood.

showme said...

JacQue...i'm glad u were joking. i was worried LOL


and now i'm reading "Boy in the Red Sweater" and i want to have so much hot, sweaty sex with Quietward, i can't stand it!

CullenGal09 said...

Ok-this really is my last post on this nonsense! I have to respond to ShoBB-I respect you and your opinion dear....and I do smell the...uh...roses?!? LOL! ;) I just dont give s shite! Bahahahahahaha....

CullenGal09 said...

Sho-one more thing-you are the connesuier of FF!!! You rock, BB! Hopefully talk to you later.

London2LA said...

I guess I'm just jealous - right - I'll never even meet him but for some stupid reason I'm really upset and feel like crying! but logically speaking if you were her and could be with him wouldn't you? I know I would but then again I wouldn't put anything past Summit to get more advertising mileage out of them! It's all so tiring!! I don't know what to think anymore!

Steph is Legit said...

Hi everyone. I finally came out of lurkdom.. been stalking around here since oct. i came here mostly cuz rob was getting too famous around last summer and all the sites i used to go to started posted all BS. I want to thank you Goz for taking everything with a grain of salt and remaining neutral and posting facts and not speculating anything.

I however cannot help but speculate. For the Past year and a half ever since the rumors started I always felt KStew had a thing for him (who doesn't) but was smart enough not to end a serious relationship because of a crush. I have no idea if her and MA are still together, but I do not think they are. It is obvious Rob feels very strongly for Kristen. I am nonsten only because her personality turns me off. Looks wise, I think she is very girl next door pretty (minus the recent mullet), but Rob likes strong confident girls and kstew seems to be one.

I would constantly defend both of them even up until a week ago that there was nothing going on. My other friends Steph and I (as pathetic as it seems) had a very serious conversation about this (mostly cuz we are bored with our own lives) and argued reasons why they are or arent together. We both decided that there have been too many coincidences, but I was still on the fence.

I started speculating with the whole Yankee hat and how it was Kristens and all. I'm a psych major so I analyze everything and I honestly think it was a sign of solidarity. You don't all have to agree and can call BS on my theory, but the little walk of shame pictures of her leaving CM pretty much just dealed the deal for me.

Just because they aren't snogging and holding hands in public does not mean they aren't together ( doesn't mean they are either) They can be as private as they want to be and these pictures may not prove anything to some, but if you know there history , which we all do, it proves a lot. As someone else pointed out, you do not hang out with a guy who everyone thinks your with when you are trying to tell the world you are not with by staying at his hotel wearing the same outfit you were in last night. she lives in LA, she has a home.

They were def not playing twister (or maybe they were lol?) I have no idea, but I cannot say that they arent together. I completely changed my mind over these pics. There is no reason for him to be in LA besides her. If they are together, fine so be it. I hope both of them are happy. I do not know either of them. For all we know KStew can be a sweetheart and Rob can be a D***. We don;t know them, but I think it is time to give up and call there bluff

Kimmie said...

Well we got to wait and see what the weekend holds for these two. Hopefully IF they are together well let them be if not well... we'll see whats up. But i wonder what Rob likes about Kristen so much, seriously what is it about her? After he saw Into the wild, he just suddenly liked her? hmm idk i was thinking about this today, but oh well...its not like i can ask rob and get my questions answered.
hey what time does the teen choice awards start anyways??

Lucerne said...

Wow. Don’t know what to say. A lot of circumstantial evidence piling up on the Robsten side. If they are together good for them. Hope they are happy. All I am going to say on that subject.

Poor Rob he can’t even eat in peace. Good for us fans (we get pictures), but bad for Rob that he is a paparazzi magnet.

tudo said...

People believe, because I know where is hotel and really look like there...we want believe be a just coincidence,but Ain't it look like this...
I think there is something between them...:(

Steph is Legit said...

Believe me, I hate admitting defeat too. A lot of my friends became fans of his recently. I have been a fan awhile so for me to have people to share my obsession with is like therapy for me. I refused to believe they were together, but people are looking for subtle hints. They know they arent obvious. Little things like the hat, the book bag, STAYIN OVER AT HOTELS, close personal relationships with each others fams, missing bfs. It's too coincidental for there not to be anything. I just changed my mind over seeing these pics. It was like it suddenly just clicked for me. Personally I don't like her. I don;t want there to be anything going on. I rather see him anyone but her, but it is what it is.

I cant tell you what he sees in her besides her physical. The same can be said for him. We don;t know them. We get a glimpse into their world every so often when an interview comes around, but that is it. Like I said before, for all we know KStew can just come off a certain way because thats her public image. We have no idea who she really is. I am not waiting for them to come out and make a declaration. I hate being told "I told ya so" and I hate being wrong. The day will come mark my words.... if anything it's a good thing. It will translate into eclipse. I jsut hope they can survive rob filming nonstop all next yr

boleyn said...


I know. These pics did it for me, too.

Seeing Rob carrying the backpack through LAX, a backpack that looked EXACTLY like one Kristen had been photographed with, on his way back to NYC after Comic Con was the first thing that made me think, "OK, maybe."

Then there was the matching black string bracelets-gate. ha!

All the little circumstantial things could be explained away, but these photos are enough for me to believe that something is going on between them. There is enough smoke for me to (sadly) believe in the fire.

wideyes said...

Just looked on Rachelle's twitter to see if she was there. I thought she was out of the country filming her new movie. Talking of Rachelle, has anyone else noticed she's still on the cast list for twilight saga eclipse on IMDb and she right next to Bryce Dallas Howard. Both there names are on there as Victoria, go check it out.
Made me think maybe there would be some scenes with Rachelle in. I do know they filmed some scenes for eclipse while filming new moon. Rob mentioned it in a interview.
Be nice if she was still in it, even in part. Not sure how that would work without it looking crappy though. Might just be a couple of long shots or back of the head shots.

Vickie said...

Two things I don't understand. 1. Why does anyone think Kristen and Michael A could still be together? They have not been seen together since April. They both live in L.A.,obviously they are broken up.
2. People say what could Rob see in her? To me if they are together it makes perfect sense. Rob wouldn't have to worry about someone just liking him for his celebrity. Kristen knows the real Rob. Not Rob the celebrity. They have been through extreme highs and lows together over the past year. They both can understand what the other is going through. Ask anyone who has had instant fame. It is very, very difficult to deal with. They are both young and extremely involved in their careers. If they can find comfort with each other emotionally and or physically I say good for them. If they are together it ain't nobody's business but their own. Many celebs refuse to talk about their private lives. Beyonce and Jayz never acknowledged they were together until after they married.

Just A Girl said...

For some reason, I can not see ANY Of the pics in the past 2 posts. It says they have been deleted or moved. And I wanna see them!!! lol

xoRobxo said...

@showme~ How cute is he. That was totally hilarious

Dilia said...

As i said before im still of the fence about all this, im starting to believe that maybe they are together but im still not quite sold on that and still have my opinion that they are just really good friends.
I've been in the same situation they are going through with my best guy friend, people always said we were inlove and whatnot cause we spent a lot of time together and were really close, we even slept over at each others house in each others bed and nothing ever happened so what im trying to say is that there still is a possibility that they are just really really good friends.
I think what Kristen said in her Nylon interview can pretty much describe why they are close, they are put in this stressful situations with thousands of people screaming and paparazzi now following their every move and analizing every little detail so it makes sense that they would lean on each other for support cause they are both goin through the same situation.
They could be a couple but they could also just be really good friends, the media should just let them be and stop with all of this crazyness.

Unknown said...

Reality bites doesn't it? Love Robsten. Don't worry about Mike. He's moved on.

Steph is Legit said...


I was on the fence until those pics came in today. I would totally believe they were friends, but the fact that he has zero reason to be in LA besides kristen made my mind up for me. I wasn't even on the fence up until he arrived in LAX i thought he would go straight to vancouver. i was the no way no how type of person. after lax i was on the fence. so im completely sold. i understand how you can be close to a friend and have there be nothing there, but the fact that they are trying not to rouse suspicion makes me wonder why they would do such things that would point in an obvious direction. She lives in LA he lives in his suitcase. If they were such good friends wouldn't they be at her house instead of a hotel? Oh right,she lives with her parents...SOLD!

Everyone here is entitled to there opinion. I'm just saying that I ran out of excuses and reasons why things were the way they were. She lives a few minutes awayt here was no reason for her to take the walk of shame this morning...I wish them all happiness. I just hope it last through the filming and promotion of breaking dawn. otherwise there will be a lime green elephant in the room

Anonymous said...

My gut feeling is that they are together, but I've felt that since Vancouver, every so often I get a little doubt then I see their body language and other signs which I would sense with any other couple that they were closer then they'll admit to. (Talk about run-on sentences..whew! Too much sugar tonight..) Anyhow, from all the Rob watching I've been doing (which I'm starting to think isn't as healthy as I once thought)..I've picked up a few things.

1. He does not give any indication that he's a womanizer, far from it. He seems rather shy.
No matter what the papz say, this Erika thing, Emalie, etc. those stories were all made up in my opinion.

2. He's made it perfectly clear for a very long time that he feels something for Kristen and I don't think it's just friendship.

3. All the interviews stating they were just good friends were all done while she was still openly with Michael. Probably out of respect for Michael. However, I think both had feelings for eachother before Michael exited the scene and I personally think Rob is why he exited. (You can start throwing the tomatoes now, I'll duck.) I think the Michael relationship ran it's course, she was very young when they got together and he was her first boyfriend. How many people do you know stuck with a guy they were with from 14-15 years old?

4. She motioned to Rob at the MTV awards to follow her off the stage and I heard her say, "Come on Sweetie" and he automatically followed her. I think she's the dominate one, not saying she's bossy or Rob is a pussy, I just think she's more of a leader and you don't do that with people you aren't in pretty strong relationship with.

I'm not a Robsten fan persay, I don't wish them to be together just because of Edward and Bella, but their relationship makes sense to me. Total sense. They've been through so much together and I don't think either of them are flighty types who hop from one person to another. It's not in her history, nor his. I think it took her a lot of thinking to end her relationship with Michael.

Anyhow..that's my two I will shut up. Count me amoungst the ones who just say.."If Rob is am I"

Steph is Legit said...

i'm in total agreeance with you, but can you show me said video where she says "come on sweetie".. i had to go back a few posts to notice the shoe lace wristband thing when someone mentioned it

Anonymous said...

I actually heard her say it and was a little shocked at the time and was a little unsure..then I saw it on You Tube a few days later, someone else had heard it as well and put up a video. Thing is her video was taped from her TV, and you can hear it, but it's muffled. I'll try and find it again, I have no idea if it's still there. I remember turning to my DH and asking him if he'd heard it while we were watching and he said.."I thought that's what she said..not 100% sure though"

Steph is Legit said...
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Steph is Legit said...

found it!!!

still not hearing it though =/.. ill keep watching though

Steph is Legit said...
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Steph is Legit said...

your right she says "come on sweetie, come on"

ughhh FML

Anonymous said... this before reading..

mya bluesky said...

ROb n kristen hang out they come to watch Marcus. u can read the whole thing here

but there's no photo :((

anyway, Good for them to have some relax time before heading to Vancouver

Maryann said...

No I do not take pics taken at the same place as proof, I have a right to say so without being accused of being in denial (which I am not but whatever floats your fancy) or hating on Kristen or Rob. I hate neither of them, why would I be here if I hate Rob? I find Kristen adorable too. What I do not buy into is all these speculations or rumors. Either way we will not have any form of proof until THEY want to be open about whatever goes on. THAT is the only proof we go.

Simple as that and hey if they end up being a couple after all, best of luck to them. Maybe it would be best for them if they came clean if that was the case cos NOW the hunt is on for the paps to get that ONE pic that will set them apart from the others, that will make them BIG money. So until it is proven ONE way or another..yep this is what it will be like for the poor kids. I feel for them really. I would NEVER want to be in their shoes ever...

Anonymous said...

If R and K are gonna come out, please don't pull a Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling.

Anonymous said...

Just let me ask one question? If Rob and Kristen were involved in a relationship, would that affect your feelings for seeing "New Moon" or "Ecilpse"? Or your feelings for Rob?

Why I ask is that I've been on a number of sites and have heard a few fans state that if he's with Kristen that'll ruin the whole experience for them...Why? I don't understand this, fans don't a have right to dictate who these people go out with, date, sleep with..their lives aren't a riality show where the fans get to vote.

My view? Rob doesn't have to justify anything to me. He's not stalking me and asking me to justify my actions.

I'm sorry peps, I don't know what all the fuss is about. None of this has changed my opinion of him, he doesn't owe me anything but just being Rob and doing his best in the next movie I see him in.

Anonymous said...

OOps..."REALITY SHOW"'s late and feeling frustrated.

Spidermonkey said...

If all of this is true, I would be so happy. I'm a fan of both of them, and the chemistry I see is undeniable. He looks happy, truly happy when he is with her and I don't see that in his face when he is with anyone else. It's silly as I don't like the idea of him with anyone else but her, and I know I really shouldn't care about it at all, but I do. As for those who don't understand what he sees in Kristen, I just don't understand those comments. She is a very beautiful young woman- I'm not digging the Joan Jett hair right now, but it will grow out. But I can see how she would appeal to him. I only hope that it will last throughout the filming of the Twilight saga, otherwise the chemistry will no longer be there on the screen and that would suck!

Nora said...

@Lynda Bluecanoe

I agree with everything you said... it's exactly what I would have written. Thanks. Now I don't have to do it. ;)

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