Robert Pattinson's Buttoning Problems are Not New

2005, Breakthrough of the Year Awards w/ Jennifer Carpenter, mismatched buttons:

Thanks to Pattinson Online for the picture and Patricia for having a keen eye :))

P.S.: Check out Rob's black wristband (shoe string, whatever) on the first photo from 2005 and get a clue :))


Kate said...

Maybe he's trying to start a new fashion trend!! LOL

Rhonda said...

I swear he gets dressed in the dark. His apathy about his clothing is so sexy!

Athena said...

There must also be some pictures of a mis-buttoned white shirt he was wearing in Italy during New Moon, somewhere, but I wouldn't know where to find them :(.

I wonder if he does it on purpose or he's just distracted? In any case, can I be his official button-upper, pretty please? :D

Agnes said...

I think I'll give up my "doctor" title and apply to be his dresser and buttoning manager. He might need a helping hand with his pants, too. I'll be like a second mother to him, bless his heart... :)

orion said...

I love it! I think he knows, but he doesn't care. Good for him.

Kate said...

Goz sorry I can't get past his long fingers wrapped around that lady's waist.:-}

keely said...

All the time, I´m just starring on his hand. How could a man have such beautiful hands :-)
Agnes, don´t bring me on such ideas, I´m working at my dissertation right now and its awful ;-)

orion said...

Agnes, I'm with you, I would like to be like a second mother for him, too.

Haystackhair said...

I'd be happy to give him buttoning and unbuttoning lessons. ...He can practice on me.....just sayin.....

dayzdnconfuzd said...

OMG - the black wrist band! he and kristen were dating even back in 2005!!!! just kidding, seriously.

I think it's just his style. It happens too often to be accidental, LOL.

Unknown said...

Can anyone please tell me the girl's name on the first pic? I suppose she was Rob's girlfriend; he looks very happy with her.

Maryann said...

LOL so much for wristband proof of Robsten...LOL

Rob and his mismatched buttons, oh never change Rob, wonder if his mom cringes when she sees these pics? "I tought you how to dress Rob, that is NOT how you button up! Told ya to stop gettind dressed in hurry too!" hehe

dayzdnconfuzd said...


I don't know the name of the girl, but she looks familiar to me. I'm not sure if she was ever his girlfriend though - or just someone at the event he had his picture taken with.

Jewels64 said...

I LOVE IT! THE DREADED BLACK WRIST BAND! 2005...before he even knew KStew...bwahahahahahhaa!

Yeah...yeah...yeah...he could have given one to her...blah...blah...blah....

Sha Lew Lew said...

the girl is no his gf. she is an actress from the exorcism of emily rose movie. her name is jennifer carpenter by the way :) so, you guys can chillax now! huhu.

dayzdnconfuzd said...

I think the girl in the first picture is this girl:

But not sure.

Gozde said...

Thanks for identifying Jennifer :)) I added it to the post :))

Hello, I Love You! said...

Sorry - Rob cut your nails... thanks

Hello, I Love You! said...
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Virginie said...

Barbara and Gozde:
Jennifer Carpenter also plays Dexter's sister in the serie "Dexter".;)

dayzdnconfuzd said...

SLL, I don't think anyone was getting excited or freaking out about the girl possibly being an old girlfriend, so there's no need to be condescending.

Unknown said...

thanks a lot for replying

Kate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate said...

@dayzdnconfuzd Thanks for that, I didn't know who she was! ;-) Although for some reason she looked familiar to me :-/
And I wasn't making any ref to her being an old g/for anything just that I have a thing about his hands :-} LOL

kchambers77 said...

i think what he's trying to tell us is that he's a nudist and they make him put on clothes but he refuses until he the very minute he gets out of the car.

if only!

albaville said...


Babs said...

How you girls notice so many details in Rob's pics is beyond me. I look at his face and I'm done LOL

heav85 said...

Yea I seen and interview that was before twilight came out, and they asked him what he liked in a girl or something to that effect, and he said something like someone who doesn't care to be who they are. Like the way they dress and stuff like that. So he just goes to the beat of his own drum. He dresses the way he wants to and its cool.

Hannah said...

God.. the hands, THE HANDS!!

On a side note..Jennifer Carpenter is married to Michael C Hall which kinda weirds me out considering they play brother and sister in Dexter :/ Just me?

Anonymous said...

It's just so damn adorable on him!! You just want to go up to him and fix it . . . visual . . . sigh . . .

But for some reason I think the MTV black shirt was intentional. Because why wouldn't his "people" have fixed it for him, they were there with him right?

Yvonne said...

Ahahahaha, seriously, does he do this shit on purpose, or is he that much of a hot mess?! I just adore him :)

And the black shoestring, I thought that was his and Nina's thing?

lostinphilly57 said...

IF by any miracle I ever get the good fortune to actually meet Rob in person, I definitely have to ask him about his buttoning thing. I just have to know his answer!!!!He just looks so cute and adorkable when he does that.

helgeke said...

Jennifer Carpenter plays in "Dexter". One of that shows writers/producers is Melissa Rosenberg, who I guess must have finished Eclipse's screenplay by now. :)

I find it amusing that one of the writers of my fav dark series is adapting Stephenie Meyer's world.

Hannah said...

Nan I noticed that a while ago too. I love Dexter!
Have you noticed that the dvd menu music for Dexter is strangly similar to the Twilight dvd menu music??
Funny that.

RPnKSaddict said...

The hands and the buttons,the sexy and the adorkable....god I love this man.

Anonymous said...

If I ever meet him in person with misbuttoned shirt, sigh how will I be able to resist unbuttoning his shirt and setting it aright? He'll probably freak but oh damn I just wouldn't be able to resist

Anonymous said...

Or I can point it out to him so he will have to unbutton the shirt and re-button it in front of me! SQUEEEEEEEE

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I love that he doesn't know how to dress himself proper..another one of his lovable quirks..

the wristband, shoelace thing, yea, he also wore it in How To Be, long before KS.

Anonymous said...

I guess people do read the threads on his IMDb board.

Gemgirl65 said...

Yvonne, I wonder if it's on purpose happens so often, it makes me wonder! Like he WANTS us to believe he can't be arsed to button his shirt properly. Or maybe he really CAN'T be arsed. Me? I'm anal, it'd drive me nuts if my shirt were buttoned up wrong LOL.

Both Rob and Kristen have been photographed wearing black wrist ribbons before ever meeting each other. Now they've been photographed wearing matching ones the day after possibly spending the weekend together. Does it mean anything? Maybe, maybe not. I'm not sweating it either way! LOL

Kathy#1 said...

I'm stuck on his long effing fingers around that waist....damn...

Kathy#1 said...

Hey Yvonne and Leann...I agree that I think he does button like that on purpose..

helgeke said...

No, I hadn't :D Thank you for the tip.

Nora said...

Yeah, what Leann just said ^^^

Suz said...

Goz, I think in the photo with Jennifer (who I LOVE in Dexter) he is wearing the same ZIPPER PANTS!


AW said...

@Yvonne: there were/are more in the 'laces' band, but yes, Nina certainly wore one! Important to verify, I know. :DD

RobaliciousLover said...

In the last picture, his shirt is buttoned incorrectly..... Kristen, have anything to say about that? HEHEHE

wideyes said...

You missed this one

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