Summit launched a new website: The World of Twilight.
AND there is a Breaking Dawn section in it!!! (Thanks Coral for the tip :)).
First final confirmation, can I get a "Hell yeah!"? :)
Oh Robward in the mist...
AND there is a Breaking Dawn section in it!!! (Thanks Coral for the tip :)).
First final confirmation, can I get a "Hell yeah!"? :)
Oh Robward in the mist...
My poor little heart...
Okay this picture is so amazing. Look at the UHQ!
Jasper looks mad (not constipated like Twilight, woohoo!)
Emmett and Alice look amazing. Kellan's face shows the effort it's taking to hold him.
Robward looks like his world just came down but umm...shouldn't he be holding Jazz?
Just asking :))
Big hell ya from here!!!!! The quality of those stills is amazing!!
oh wow!! i'm going to be really late for work now! hahaha
I can't wait to see this movie. November can't get here soon enough.
cant wait to see this movie pity rob is not in enough
I love the art work and layout this time around...
Veeeery nice!
That's a BIG HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!
This is perfect ....Only nikki reed looks like a man in a dress behind guys know what i'm talking about.
Nikki Reed should just really stop talking.
Summit should recast her.
Can't wait to see New Moon it is going to be good.....even though I wish that Edward was going to be in it more. In the end they are together and the book was good so hopefully the movie can keep up and make the scenes that they are actually together make up for the time that they are not.
Oh yea, Hell Yea!!!
Can not wait for NM, can not wait for Eclipse, and sweet Jesus Isle Esme!!!!
Good article about the break up scene in NM from Rob:
I DO NOT HAVE TIME TO ROBSESS :( but I still love you Rob!!!
I absolutely LOVE the look of New Moon!
Crushing a bit on CW right now, too!
Actually in the book its just Emmett holding Jasper back.
That last picture has to be stills of everyone from different scenes copied and pasted in one picture because the room is different than in the trailer~In the trailor there are tons of flowers/candles everywhere. In the scene Esme is wearing a light purple dress and Alice a black dress, And the birthday cake is on a table near the wall. The still I seen before of Emmett holding Jasper back does not have Alice in it but has Carlisle in it.
I love the whole look if this movie~~ thank you Jesus for Chris Wietz ~totally diggin him!!! (behind RP of course)
I think Jazz is just annoyed because of the shiteous wig they made him wear! Emmett's holding him back from the hair/make-up peeps.
Crushing "a bit" Suz.... me too...
Already sooo much better than Twilight! Love Chris W. :p.
Kat, I'm with you 100% on that. Hair and makeup for the others look so much better this time round, but they still dropped the ball when it comes to Jasper. Poor Jackson looks just shiteous, maybe that's why he's been avoiding promo events!
But the color palette and look of the film are amazing. I've officially joined the CW crush line. Another humble, funny and talented man for us to love on.
Just realize Edward is wearing the blue shirt and pants he has on in Italy. Does he refuse to ever change his clothes again after leaving Bella?
I was wondering about Edwards clothes as well, it's all the same after the party, which would be different than the book.
In the book it's several days before he finally leaves her, seems like in the movie it all happens the same day, night or very next morning.
One observation I also had was his contacts-in the book when she finds him in Italy, he has not hunted and his eyes are black. In the photos I've seen, he has the gold contacts....
@Loisada ~ I too noticed that he's wearing the same clothes as the break up scene and then in Volterra. Interesting!
So looking forward to this movie. Chris W. said that he prefers to shoot in the style of the old movies. Even looking more forward to Eclipse. That is my fav book in the saga. At least after NM comes out we only have to wait 2 1/2 months until RM comes out for our Rob fix!! Ooh, then all those DVDs are coming out in the US. I'll be in Rob heaven in a couple of months . . . heavy sigh . . . :)~~
Yeah I agree rpattzgirl, it seems like the break up will be the next morning because Bella has changed her clothes. Well, we all know that they have to change things from book to screen. I can't wait until they start showing some scenes from the Volturi. I saw a few interviews with Jamie Bower and I'm liking him more and more. Nothing like Rob though!! LOL!!
No matter when he leaves her, it's gonna kill, just saying...
I will be sobbing...
Yeah I know. First time I saw the trailer I was heartbroken at that scene!
Me too, cried throuh the book-I was so devasted, I almost didn't finish reading it..
So glad I stuck with it for the happy ending!
oh HELL yeah!
I'm not one to wish away time, but November seems soooo far away....*bepatientbepatient*
Edward's eyes look unbelievably good in these pics, and I love Bella's makeup, better than Twilight. She looks more mature....
That last picture is from here:
Click on the Cullen crest to enter the house, and you can see the room better.
The one thing that really stands out is the gold "glow" that the pictures have. Twilight seemed to have this blue cast through the whole movie....I hope NM is not this "yellow" through the whole thing....
@ Yyvonne; Chris W. actually talked about that during an interview I saw with him. He said it would all be very natural looking, unlike Twilight.
I have so many things to do until november... I will be happy when november finally comes...
Robward in NM is GORGEOUS!!! YUMMIE!! We will all die in november, girls...
I only crush "a bit" on other men..
LOADS on The Pretty©
That is just how I roll!
; )
Finally they confirm Breaking Dawn! I am so happy but I wonder how they're going to keep Rob from looking a tad older than 17.
I've been wondering that myself. All of them are young and will begin to look older & more mature..
If they wait too long, they will all change a lot. rob already looks more mature than he did for Twilight. Although, honestly, it won't matter as long as they do the movie the right way.
Rob does look older as Edward in NM. I think it has do with the shorter hair, make-up and clothes. I'm sure with the proper make-up and clothes he'll look the right age. I'm just equating his "older" Edward look to the fact that Edward is trying to look older in Forks because he is supposed to get older so that no one will notice that he doesn't age. Does that make sense?
Rob on the other hand, the more he matures the hotter he's going to get! If that's even possible!!
@Kat: I think you're onto something (re: Jasper wanting to bite the hairdresser)!
That hairdo reminds me of a boy in a quite old (1975, I can say it's old because I was born in 1971) Italian horror movie, Deep Red by Dario Argento.
Here's a picture:
That film still scares the s*it out of me to this day.
Oh, and "Hell, yeah!" :D
If I were a billionaire, I would pay Summit to recast Nikki Reed!
Sweet Jesus! Loving NM stills and can' wait for November!
(FYI, Edward is crouching in front of Bella in the book and it was Emmett holding Jasper back. :))
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