GQ Cover

Thanks and smootches to "g na" for emailing me the pic link.
I heard this doesn't hit the stands until next week. But I will be on the lookout for a larger pic.
For now take in all that is Rob and his sexalicious GQ cover.


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Lisa Serrano said...

Soooo hot. I kinda wish his hair had been short

Anonymous said...

GOD I want to moan wih him all nite long!! hahaa sorry if i sounded too skanky but can u resist the hotness? :D

Daneh said...

That looks like a new pic... his hair looks short there...

he looks absolutely gorgeous ! AHHH i had to stuff my knuckles into my mouth to stop me from screaming because of the hotness.

Yes ladies I screamed.

kristen said...

Well SUCK ME SIDEWAYS, that is one gorgeous photo of the lovely Robert Pattinson. I've been looking forward to seeing his GQ cover for a long time, and it definitely lives up to expectations :) Hot Hot Hot

Dani said...

Im off to bed tired and a lil tipsy and I hope u enjoyed all of the tasty Rob goodness of this evening. I am tryin my best but working 11 hours today and posting all night is exhausting.


Anonymous said...

SWWEETT Lord he is sexy!! ahhhh I cant wait for my magazine!!!
Im soo proud of him!!! This is a real magazine not those tweenie bobbers ones!

Melissa said...

Wow. Dayum. Oh Hot Damn...panties melted...totally gone. Oh how I love this week cannot come fast enough. Me likey.

Thanks for posting, Dani! :-)

Anonymous said...

he is soo hot!!.. can't wait to get my copy next week!!

Unknown said...

so... i never leave comments .. but i have to with this one.. i just randomly popped on with bordom.. and then fell out of my chair.. i have never seen him look soo good unless he is smoking.. oh my god is all i can say.. is it next week yet?

Anonymous said...

holy crap! i just commented on this on and am still hyperventilating!

this is about to be just as bad as the dvd release! i will SO, SO be on RED-ALERT with all of my bookstores, etc. bookstores beware...i'm blowing up the phone lines!

so, so excited! if the cover is "bite my bottom lip" hot...then what are the inside scans?!?!

marina mia said...

oh wow!!! he looks amazing here! damm. Alert now on for that GQ..

OH MY...too hot to be true and yet he is :)

Anonymous said...

I was not prepared for the GQ cover yet and just got a Heart Attack!!! omg how can a Human look so hot????

La Stella said...

I knew it.. I knew this would become my favorite picture of this man..


eternaltwilight said...

dayam, he's hot! i never knew i could have a thing for overgrown brows and dark undereye circles. yumm. just had to nab this pic as my icon.

he must've taken this pic before he whacked off his hair last november.

Tess said...

Oh MY..... I'm staring again, and it's so impolite..

Dani !!! Thank you for posting this.

Hey Twinkle... I miss you..

Anonymous said...

he is so hootttt...adorable and what...someking hotttttt...

well, rob with tux what else we can ask more ???? his eyes makes me nutz...i am definitely will buy this one...

OMG..OMG... yes, i am so not ready for this hot magazine....damn...faint..

La Stella said...

Tess I miss you too.

We should find a way to talk again, right now I'm going to bed. I'm tired. Olive Juice honey.

eternaltwilight said...

i am definitely getting this mag! i haven't gotten any other mags with robert in it but GQ knows how to portray this man as sex on legs.

g'nite dani and thank you for posting this. i am now in a roblust induced coma!

MiCh said...

Gah! How am I supposed to like "real men"?

He looks absolutely gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

ok ladies we have got to make this issue the best selling for GQ magazine!!!.. who can refuse that look?? it is just dripping with sexiness!!

Anonymous said...

I wanna do kinky things to him.
Like, real bad.

Anonymous said...

Gosh... this photo is beyond words... like the man in it...

Why do I have to live here where we only get the UK versions of this mag???????? Arghhhhh! *smashes computer*

Anonymous said...

oooooo....YUM YUM! I've been dying to see this cover. Obviously this was taken before the haircut. I'm thinking GQ is where he got the cut. I think they took pics before and after. What do you think?? Damn..he looks SOOOO good.

Anonymous said...

Well that is just hot, I mean wow.
I am confused..does anybody know when it was shoo?
It looks to me it was before December when he cut his hair.
The pic is just the essence of sexyness.
Oh man...I can't buy this, but I hope there will be big scans of that pic.

Anonymous said...

Hmm I've just checked on GQ site and on Aprils cover will be Clive Owen. I thougt Rob will be then.

Anonymous said...

Ignore that...blonde moment. It is the UK edition...I really need some sleep.xD

Nicky said...

Well, that is one fine picture, I mist say! What did they do with his eyes - FABULOUS!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow is all I can say.

vertigo said...

Hey MiCh, know what you mean. For me it's like the Men in RL are starting to fade as background noise, then this pic comes along and all else goes kapoot.

We still have inside the cover to come yet. IZDED!

kitty said...

OMFG!!!! This is to die for!!!

Anonymous said...

I just came.. LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi, guys!

My daily pray:

I wish he were bald, I wish he had strabism, I wish he had a larger nose, I wish the had bad teeth and bad breath, I wish he had a huge bear belly, I wish he were short, I WISH HE WERE UGGLY!!! AND GAY!

A girl can dream... And, well, the list above is not exactly my personal dream, but a daily pray to get over some of that damm Robsession.

By the way, he looks gooooood in that pic -- and on the "videos". below. Always so damm delicious.

* Elena from Rio de Janeiro.

Anonymous said...

Cheers Elena. We're all in this together. I wonder will this addict go away if he has Gf. I'm a Robaholic. Every freakin day he's just gettin better and better

Kate said...

Ooh what a lovely sight to wake up to, thanks Dani! {{HUGS}}
Gosh wonder will I be able to get the mag here ??
Just laughing at the headline at the side "Robert Pattinson is Here. Lock up your Daughters".
Aah I think they should have said just lock up every female on the planet!!!! LOL

Tess said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tess said...

:) Kate, The cover should actually Read:

" Rob! You better lock YOURSELF up, because every woman with a pulse is going to be after you when this hits the stands "

Anonymous said...

"Lock up your daughters????"

I should lock MYSELF, in a room without a computer!!!

Realy, I have two teenagers nieces and they love him too, but not as bad as I DO. And I can´t tell them that I like him too; because, you know, I am a 22 (almost 23) y.o. woman, working on my PHD in Art History and a very "focussed" person (focussed on Rob, I should say...). You see? My family would lock me up in an institution... Maybe I SHOULD GO AND DO THAT MYSELF.

Sorry, girls, always complaining about the damm Robsession...

*Elena from Rio de Janeiro.

Anonymous said...

OH, AND I´M MARRIED!! Forgot him? Why is that???

Honey said...

Thank You GQ! And Dani for posting this.

Yesterday was hellacious but this post and magazine reaffirmed my belief in people. :)

This man is beyond words. Not only do I lose myself but I simply cannot wrap my head around the brilliance that is Robert Pattinson.

Have a wonderful day ladies.

Ellie said...

Oh, wow. Rob is just so gorgeous in this cover photo. His eyes are telling me to meet him in the naughty room...RIGHT NOW! (yes, sir!)

(oops, I tripped over my own panties as they melted away...)

Hi, Kate! Did you get much sleep last night? lol

Ellie said...

Good morning, Honey! Wonderful pic, huh?!? :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Dani!!!!
I have been waiting to for this issue.
Thank thank thanky
can not wait to get the april issue

He is so gorgeous!!!

Honey said...

Morning Ellie!

Love the pic. Love isn't strong enough.

I remember why I work now. It's so I can buy thousands of copies of this mag & use it as wallpaper in my bedroom lol.

(I jest. But...hmm...)

Anonymous said...

LOL Elena, if it makes you feel better I'm 25 and finishing a PhD in History... well, finishing - not getting much done since this damn Robsession started!
I blame Rob for our problem. He needs to stop being so unbearably adorable.

Ellie said...

LOL, Honey!
(actually, it's not a bad idea! hmmmm...)

Have a great day!
Off to the eye doctor's and then work... Talk to you tonight.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dani! I've been on the lookout for that cover for ages! I am not disappointed!!! He looks so effin hot!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Lock up our daughters"?!! GQ magazine should tell the men to lock up their wives and girlfriends!!!!! Damn!!!!! I gotta get me some NOW! :0

Honey said...

Thanks Ellie. Today is already a better day.

I can't wait to buy this mag & fake everyone out at my 2 offices.

Ha, everyone will be thinking I'm reading Engineering reports or working on an economic stimulus project or doing employee evals. Nope.

Hope your eyes clear up. I've been waking up after less than 5hrs of sleep all week & looking like I just ate Charlie's friend Waylan. (My eyes are blood red every morning.)

With that, I'm off to work. The red has subsided but my blood is still pumping (yes!) rapidly.

Anonymous said...

I'm noticing my breathing is still not back to normal after staring at that pic! What am i supposed to do with myself NOW?! aahh!

"To Do" List:
1. check magazine stand for GQ
2. check another " " for GQ.
3. keep looking.
4. try again tomorrow

Suz said...

ahhhhhhhh Fuck! Smokin ass hot!

I've fallen and I can't get up!

(psst Rob, while I'm down here....)

Anonymous said...


Laura said...

HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!! I wake up and this picture almost gives me a fucking heart attack!!!!! Seriously, I'm sitting here squealing like a 14 year old over this picture!! Hot damn, hot damn!! I don't think I'll have time to recover from this before work.....

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I hope they have a decent interview inside. The pic is great (wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating......anything). Some celebrities have one persona that stays the same in photo shoots and out on the street. Rob has these two totally different sides...the posed, smoldering, made-up side and the Oliver Twist, awkward, candid side. Kind of nice to be able to pull off both, huh? We could show him off in any company (or just keep him to ourselves...wink wink).

Anonymous said...

That's NOT the cover - he had SHORT HAIR when he shot for GQ, his buzz cut. That GQ is a manip. A SEXY HOT SEX ON FIRE MANIP.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Anon - I was wondering about that! Why would they shoot an April cover that many months ahead??? Smart, smart anonymous...

Anonymous said...

i don't know. i wouldn't be surprised if they shot that cover in December. It all takes time. And i have never seen that pic before. I guess we'll see.

Anonymous said...

He probably had the haircut during or after the photoshoot. Maybe they will have before and after photo shoot. Or like a scoop of him having his hair cut during the photoshoot.

elaine said...

How can anyone want him to do anything different? He is the hottest man on earth! Hair, eyes, face, perfection! This picture is sheer genius!! OMG is an understatement!! Thanks for making my day!!!

Anonymous said...

Ugh. i can't move...still!

Anonymous said...

It´s obv. the photo is old, that´s for sure. But I check on everyt. ab. him and never saw that one before.

The eyes, girls, the eyes...

The nose, girls, the nose...

The mouth (could be ON ME!!!), girls, the mouth (that could realy be on me!!! Everywhere).

Anonymous said...

I literally gasped when I saw this. He. Is. Glorious.

Anonymous said...

One more crap thing that people probably made up about Robert!!!

Anonymous said...

Could someone tell him that I reeeealy wouldn't mind to have one night stand wt him???

But, think ab. that, why only one night? It wouldn't be enough, sure of that.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I agree, Danni; that article sounds like a bunch of crap. Though, even if he did snap at the man entitled to be human???? Sheesh!

vertigo said...

Seriously, I'm unable to find the exit key cause he seems to have a hold one me. That stare!
How the frig am I going to get any sleep now? What 8am meeting...why can't I quit this beautiful Man, why?

Anonymous said...

It's so great to wake up and see that. I thought I was still dreaming during a moment...


I can't stop looking at this ! He's sooooo gorgeous, handsome, great, awesome, beautiful. Well actually, he's MORE than that ^^

*Hyperventilates again*

What do I live in a country (aka France) which only has a GQ cover with a f*****g anchorman ???
Do you think I can make the US version come here ?? ^^

*Still hyperventilates*

Okay, I need some minutes to breathe normally again now :p

Anonymous said...

I check. on that Danni. It's sooo ridiculous.

Well, but, let's face it. He must be well-fed wt so many women around and on him...

Anonymous said...

Sweet baby Jesus! I made an audible gasp when the page loaded and this beautiful face was looking at me like that.

Those eyes...I need another shower. Cold this time.

Anonymous said...

I had to do some yoga breathing b/c I almost hyperventilated at the office.

Do you ever feel sorry for your co-workers? They must think I'm nuts.

Suz said...

I doubt this is a manip.

Working in the media, you are typically months and months into the future.

It is a glorious cover, and if you look at past covers this one is almost standard GQ (with a very ABOVE standard subject!)


Anonymous said...

I agree with you girl. I don't believe in histories who don't have pictures or videos. Like the brunette in London on Lilly allen party and in the train station, like he and Kristen cozing up in Tokio, like he and Megan Fox (who never break up with Brian austen green).
Until i see the picture of those i don't belive.

Anonymous said...

I am going to get fired because of this cover (and quite possibly divorced as my hub cannot live up to my Rob expectations).

I can't stop staring and my breathing has not recovered. I cannot shake my love for this I mean guy.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Danni, photos could be fake. I want to see videos.

I saw some pictures of him in London (from end of last year, I think), comm. out of a bar wt some friends (Tom was wt him) and some very, aham, strange women. What kind of women would dress like that? Professionals... Rob kept his hands in his pockets, and was looking down, but the women were desesperate to be in the shots wt him. They were sooo ridiculous...

Anonymous said...

Larger pic!
Larger pic!
Larger pic!


Well, going back to work. Paper due soon.

Have a good day, girls!

Anonymous said...

She wasn't a girl with shorts, in that Cold? I saw the picture.
I saw a picture with 2 girls in Lá last year. And one of them actally fell. He claimed that oll those girls are friends. And i believe because i don't think he's stupid at all to be with i girl who do those thing in front of the paparazzis. He was so shamed that he didn't helped the girl.

Anonymous said...

I am hysterical over here with all your exclamations! "Sweet baby Jesus", "Holy shit", "Aaaah Fuck". You guys are great!

Anonymous said...

Oh, God, I need to work...

Yes, Danni, one wt shorts. Professional?

I saw those wt the girl on the floor. And he was realy ashamed and did not help the girl. I loved that he did not help.

Anonymous said...

God..he looks gorgeous...

Anonymous said...

Went to check on the cover again, and I wonder...

What you think? I keep imagining how he looks like when he comes... Does he moan? A lot? Is he a screamer? I would be, with him... We would have to go to Esme Island, so that NO ONE would hear me...

I am always afraid to call my boyfriend "Rob" when we are... well, you know...

Anonymous said...

Sophia Honey!
Sorry my english, my first language is portuguese, i'm from Brazil.

The girl looked like a pro! I hope that she was hired for one of his friend. Rob doesn't need this. He can have any girl!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Danny, eu tb sou brasileira!!! Aonde vc mora?

Anonymous said...

Sophia! LMFAO is he a screamer?! Mmmmm I sure hope so. Can't wait to find out in my dreams tonight :)

Anonymous said...

During sex, I sometimes imagine making love to Rob! Can't believe i said that! OMG.

Anonymous said...

Anon... who doesn't!?

Anonymous said...

Girls - let's make this the best selling GQ issue ever! Wouldn't that nice for Rob? Spread the word, but only after I get my copy! ;)

Anonymous said...

makes me feel a little better. I'm married though.... :(

Anonymous said...

Umm yeah I am too... What's your point ;) Haha

Anonymous said...

Sophia, I hear ya! I pray my boyfriend never finds out about my Robsession... because if he made me choose, I can't promise I'd pick the bf, lol

Anonymous said...

Damn that man... Yes, anon. above, me too. And, believe me, I have a wonderful boyfriend.

I just close my eyes, tell the boyfr. to shut up and imagine Rob...


Hey, Danny, não tenha medo, não vou te pedir o endereço. Mas podemos trocar impressões anônimas sobre a nossa Robsession...

Anonymous said...

LOL! You guys are hilarious!!!
I need to get on with my day! But. Can't. Stop. Thinking. About. Him. Cold shower in order now.

hornycorn hag said...

Dani Babe, once again you prove what a Goddess you are! Working all day them supplying our Robsession all evening. I know how busy you have been, we have missed your gorgeous self around here lately.

Thank you for Everything!!!

Anonymous said...

Gotta go ladies. Talk later. Thanks for the Rob therapy session!

Anonymous said...

jumping in shower now, finally. have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Desculpa a demora, eu estou no trabalho e eu tive uma pequena reuniĂŁozinha.
Eu moro no Rio Grande do Sul e vc?

Anonymous said...

Just logged in to have my Rob fix first thing in the morning (at work) and almost fell out of my chair. Yum! I cannot stop staring.

Anonymous said...

Haha Sophia - tell the bf to shut up and imagine Rob... unless he has a f*ckin' sexy british accent, right?

Anonymous said...

Lets be honest.
I doubt it that actually has a girl who wouldn't like to have sex with Rob.
And after that cover.....

Tenneil said...

I want this man!!!! and his little dog too!!

Honey~ I so love the wallpaper idea

Elena~ I would so lock myself up if Rob were there!!!

Crazy~ Good Lord girl you said spread!! a girl after my own heart!

Anonymous said...

Danni, olá.

Eu estava aguardando a sua resposta para voltar ao trabalho. Sou uma carioca morando no interior de SĂŁo Paulo.

Legal, podemos nos comunicar por esse site; passei a entrar faz poucos dias para ter a minha dose diária de Rob... É o melhor site, acredite, chequei todos.

vertigo said...

You're right Danni, all the non believers are going down after he hits the stands. Those who don't are just blind or wired wrong.

Now where's that exit key?

Gawd, he's still staring...

Anonymous said...

Eu entro nesse site faz alguns meses. Realmente Ă© o mais atualizado!
Que bom que eu nĂŁo sou a Ăşnica brasileira por aqui!!!
E meu inglĂŞs nĂŁo Ă© muto bom tbm!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thirtysomething, hello,

no, bf does not have an english accent. He is from Rio de Janeiro; nice accent too, but nothing like Rob's.

Yes, I tell him to shup up. He likes to talk dirty and I like to think of Rob!!!

...wowie! said...

The cover looks like a pic taken pre-haircut. hm...I kinda like the "refined with scruff look". Those eyes...those bedroom sex me up against the wall eyes of his. I've truly died and gone to heaven. hahaha well, hell bc it's 2D. 4D or even 3D would be some great...
damn mind in the gutter!


Anonymous said...

Sometimes i feel sad that i don't have a boyfriend, but at least i don't have to worry. I can be Super robsessed!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Danni, acho que a gente vai passar a se cruzar por aqui. Legal!!!

Tenha um bom dia.


Anonymous said...

Vc tbm!
Um bom dia e Ăłtimo trabalho!

Manda Melle said... Yeah!

Manda Melle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
2Shots2Beers82 said...

i think i've died and gone to heaven...yikes this is a really good picture of him...i cant wait to read the interview and see the pictures inside

luckygyrl said...

WOW WOW WOW. Waking up to this news is fantastic. I cant wait to have this in my hands. GQ is going to see a huge surge in profit when this hits stands.

And good morning to all!!! Have a Rob-tastic day :)

Anonymous said...

I bet Rob is a dirty talker... hmmm...

Come on, you all know you loved it when he went 'nah, think it's wroong, it makes it better...'! I know I did!!!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

All of you and your "moaning" comments...This is not conducive to me trying to prepare for class! I best just get back into my car and head home where I can contemplate the "moaning" in private. YIKES!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Little Bear - I just loved that he said it after he was asked if he would ever consider a relationship with an older woman, and he said "definitely." He sounded pretty sure of himself. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

LittleBear...ummmm yeah I loved it. To hear him say "feel dirrty about it, feel like it's wrong" I'm such a perv though. I want to make that my ringtone - thinks it's possible?

Anonymous said...

KK Rob knows where it's at with the older women. One word: experience.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tenneil!! Did I say "spread!" out loud! and what the hell am i doing back here again!!

Anonymous said...

KK - I'm three years older than him... which technically makes me an 'older woman' too, yay for us!

thirtysomething - I already felt like a perv for having that interview saved on my hard drive... but the ringtone idea, wow!! How did I not come up with that myself?!!

Rose said...

Why does this man continue to torture me? Why?
Am I not human?
Do I not bleed?
It fucking HURTS to look at him.
Hurts so GOOD.
Robert? I think I love you.
(but I wanna know for sure)

Anonymous said...

OMG you guys are cracking me up!! I've got tears in my eyes! Thank God no one is here with me (takes a deep breath and blows air out of her mouth...)
Did i just say "blows" out loud?

DirtyD said...

So sexy. Must buy. Must buy. Now.

Anonymous said...

LittleBear glad to have a fellow perv on here. I'm 11 years older than Rob...and the things I think of doing to him would make some people cry.

If I work out that ringtone thing, I'll let you know. Of course, as soon as I do it, my phone will ring in church.

Anonymous said...

Oh, boy, that man is still staring at me!!!

Can't go away from that look/site.

Sophia: Yes, in my dreams he moans a lot (with his eyes fixed into mine, got the picture?), he screams & talk dirty during it...

I dream about it everynight and then... after WE COME (me and Rob) I fall asleep in his arms.

And I'm all smiles the next morning...

luckygyrl said...

Totally agree with ya KK. Should have just called in sick to work and had a "Rob" day. Everyday should be Rob day. Dammit!!!! What the hell is he doing to us?

Anonymous said...

HOLY FECK. The lips, bb's. LOOK AT THE LIPS. Forget my daughters. Hide ME!! Gaaaah. There's nothing like Tie Guy in the morning. Jebus, he's hot. See, I'm just babbling now.

Good morning, btw. :D

Anonymous said...

I look at this pic and just think... I AM PERFECT FOR HIM!!

Can you tell him that? I would make him beg for me to stop...

luckygyrl said...

Hi McVampy.

He is gonna have to hide himself for quite some time. I know its just not gonna be possible with everything he has coming out soon.

Anonymous said...

thirtysomething - he he, we're on...
mine would probably ring when I'm teaching (bet my students would love it, though!)

Anonymous said...

LOL! girls are seriously cracking me up. :-)

About the hair issue, I am wondering if maybe they took the cover shot a bit earlier and maybe the pics that will be in the article will feature the shorter hair? how delicious would that be???

OH...and I'd love to meet the Rob fan who HASN'T fantasized about him while with her SO. that girl must have some serious restraint! LOL! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Ok, i'm seriously gonna do errands now, so i can come back and stare again. Did I just say "so I can come" out loud? :o

Rose said...

Hey McVampy~ Love your stories!

How long is TOO long to stare at one picture...before people start to get worried about you?

Anonymous said...

when you start sticking to your chair, it's been too long... ;))

Melissa said...

It's hilarious to me that the cover says "Hide your Daughters". Pfft. More like "hide yourself"....preferrably in a locked room with your laptop. LOL He is so damn hot, it effing hurts....but in a good way. Me likey.

Anonymous said...

now I'm cracking myself up!

Anonymous said...

Hello McVampy! You are my hero with Frenemies :) LOVE that story and all it's sexy goodness. Thanks for feeding me.

Oh and yes... the lips, the eyes, the hair, the tie, the SCRUFF. I literally canNOT make myself look away. Gaaahhhh!

Melissa said...

Good morning, Rose!!!

Hello McV!!

Anonymous said...

"sticking to your chair"....brilliant! ;-)

Rose said...

LMAO crazy! Wait...I feel crazy too!

Hey Melissa:)

Anonymous said...

thank you, thank you...i'll be here all week (and all night and all day, no doubt)

NOW i'm just gonna step out for 1 friggin hour!! I'll be back.

Anonymous said...


Look at him! Don't you think he is a freak? I've been working on that idea -- to help me get over him...

Think of that: His head is big (especially when he is too thin), he is tall, not a sporty guy, and a little bit feminin (in a good english way).

So, he is a freak, right?


Anonymous said...

Anon~ I hope he's a freak... in my bed. Yummmmmm

Anonymous said...

Just stopping by to see if there are any new updates at ROBsessed...oh looky..the GQ picture is still here. Why I guess I'll gaze at it again...

I am ashamed. I am 44. Yes..that is TWICE Rob's age. I feel like a pervert.

I'm going to hell
I'm going to hell
I'm going to hell
I'm going to hell
I'm going to hell
I'm going to hell

...and it's all Rob's fault. Hope he's HAPPY!! Just STOP it dude. STOP being so damned sexy.

Rose said...

Give it up.
The man has no flaws.
He's perfection.
You know it. I know it.
We just need to learn how to deal with it...somehow.

Anonymous said...

Well, GQ is certainly going to be thanking their lucky stars they were able to capture this "Adonis" on their cover. He looks fab on the cover, can't wait to see the spread.

FYI: I asked my local Barnes & Noble and the lady at the register said they expect to be getting this issue the week of March 23rd.

Anonymous said...

Anon: A perv too? You'll be in good company in Hell. Meet you by the brimstone to drool over Rob.

Rose said...

I don't have to be in hell to burn for Rob.
I'm already there.
So hot.
Such torture.
I'm melting...

luckygyrl said...

Oh no. I shouldnt be thinking about Rob and freak in the same sentence at work.

Anonymous said...

Lucky: yes, do it and feel dirrrty about it, feel like it's wrong.

luckygyrl said...

Ok. So we've come to the conclusion that Rob has been sent here to tempt us all into damnation. Im there and suffering greatly. I have no idea how the hell this happened. One minute, just minding my own business. The next, BAM!!! Im in love with Rob fucking Pattinson.

luckygyrl said...

I know!!! I feel so bad and dirty. *giggles*

Anonymous said...

Haha Tina Fey said he was a sexy devil right? She wasn't lying!

luckygyrl said...

My thoughts exactly thirtysomething!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of RPattz, I just posted a one-shot about him. It's my first time writing fic about him and not Edward, so I hope you guys like it.

Not sure how to make the link clickable, sorry, bb's.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

So I'm heading down to Chicago tonight to hang with my robsessed bud. Her therapist opinion (and she really is one) is that she and I get locked up, plain and simple... with Rob...just work it out of our systems so we can go on. She figures it might take a while to really WORK IT OUT (snort). What happened to my life? Hmmm...I used to have one before I became surgically connected to my laptop. I think Rob has a lot of flaws...unfortunately, that makes him exponentially hotter. Damn.

luckygyrl said...

Dammit McVampy! How am I ever going to get my work done?? I love your writings sooo much, and its really hard not to become completely consumed by the story. No, I will not read it now and you cant make me.....Fine, I will read it later :(

Anonymous said...

McVampy! You evil temptress. I cannot access FF at work! Guess who's going home for lunch today?!

luckygyrl said...

KK-please tell your friend that I like the way they think lol. I think I may need a minute, or several, alone with Rob. Um, just to, um, have a few words.

Anonymous said...

OK..I have a problem. You see..I want, no- I NEED this GQ magazine. The only problem is I'm a little embarassed to go to my local Borders to buy it. I KNOW the salesperson is going to look at me..look at Rob on the cover...look at me and think 'Holy this woman for real?? What is she?? A perv? She must be at least 30 something' (why 'thank you, I'm actually 40 something). I know..I KNOW they won't be thinking it's for my hubby. The Rob lust will be written all over my face. Does anyone else feel like that? Embarassed. I don't know how I"m going to get this magazine now. I was thinking of waiting in the parking lot and flagging down some teenage girl to go in and buy it for me. I know my husband won't do it for me. Maybe..maybe if I promise he can buy one of those other nasty magazines that it will be stocked by he'll do it. That's another thing...Rob's pretty face is going to be surrounded by all those dirty mags (Men's INTERESTS). Whatever...This issue should really be stocked under "Woman's Interests".

Damn...gotta go to work. Must get a pic of this GQ cover on my phone.

Anonymous said...

come on Anon, why the guilt?! Just embrace your inner perviness! (is that even a word? not my language, sorry...)
The man's obviously kinda sexually twisted himself. He's so obviously making bedroom eyes at me in this picture, even though he KNOWS full well I'm in a happy relationship...

Anonymous said...

Hello fellow Robkats...

I'm a journalist and I can tell you that monthly magazines are always three months ahead and sometimes four months. I'm sure this photo was before Rob rebelled and went short. I bet he was so sick and tired of all of the focus on his locks...poor guy.

I'm looking forward to seeing the inside photos and an actual interview (unlike some of the recent scans which were full of quotes stolen from other journalists/interviews).

Business aside, honestly, for me this is the best shot since the "Sex Drive" premiere. The cutline on the cover about "locking up your daughters" cracks me up...really makes Rob sound like a player.

I feel so sorry for the guy--how will he ever have a normal relationship where he is loved for himself and not his fame/money?

This obsession has even affected my DH...I haven't cut his hair in two months, nor do I make him comb it any more. Like Rob, he could care less about his hair! DH looks pretty wild right now and he has no idea!!!

SHOUTOUT to 2SHOTS: loved your "tell-off" to the blog trolls two nights ago: funny and FANTASTIC!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon: Have no guilt about buying this magazine for yourself. I will have no shame buying it for myself, in LARGE quantities.

Copy for the car... check!
Copy for work... check!
Copy for the kitchen... check!
Copy for the bedroom... check! and check! (Might need two)

You get my drift.

luckygyrl said...

Anon, I can hook you up. But, I dont think you wanna wait for it to come in the mail. Oh, I will not be embarrased to buy that baby. That is gonna be the last thing on my mind lol.

Anonymous said...

I'm back and catching up on the blog, and now I'm choking on my friggin bagel!! Stop it. No, don't stop. Don't stop. Don't stop. oh crap, there I go again.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Anon - Just walk in to the store, grab the mag and plop it down on the counter proudly. I know I will, or I'll have my husband pick it up for me when he's at the bookstore just to torture him.

Suz said...

ahhhhhhh FUCK!

I looked again!

T H U D !

Who's a lucky girl who has a husband with an English Accent??
Who is also tall, lean lanky and younger! Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Hope he never tires of the Let's Pretend You Are ROB Game... (as if!)

Anonymous said...

and Anon - I'd walk in naked to get my copy of GQ-Rob if need be. Did I just use "naked" and "Rob" in the same sentence? Overkill?

Anonymous said...

Yeah KK, you've hit on it...the flaws...that's what I love most about Rob, that's what makes him so unique and so darn LOVEABLE!

Where will you be in Chicagoland?

luckygyrl said...

Welcome back Crazy

Suz, I am a jealous girl right now. If he knows whats best, he will not get tired of that game til you do lol.

Anonymous said...

Poor Rob. If he's reading all this, i sure hope he's getting a good laugh, or a hard on. Did I...

Anonymous said...

Hi luckygyrl!

luckygyrl said...

Hello Hello....


Forgive me Father for having soooo many impure thoughts about this young man.

Anonymous said...

I'm going straight to hell.

Do you think his ears are ringing? When so many women in the world are lusting after you, do you sense it, Rob? Somehow? Seriously?

I can picture the New Moon cast printing some of this stuff and showing it to him! to watch him turn red!

Anonymous said...

There are more GQ photos here :D

Lynn said...

AHHHH, Rob is perfection there....swoon!

I will have to definitely buy this issue and hide it with my stash.

Dani---I haven't talked to you in so long....I miss you! You are doing an outstanding job....MUAHHHH!

luckygyrl said...

Crazy, his ears must be ringing harder than a church bell on X-mas morning. I mean, how will he ever get any work done with all the ruckus lol.

Anonymous said...

If you go to you can get your mag NOW Guarenteed!! go now and order, also a very very HOT slideshow of him!!!

luckygyrl said...

FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!! Amazing. I need to go home. NOW!!!

Thanks Tea. I really cant wait now.

Lynn said...

Holy shnickes! My eyes just orgasmed!

Thank you, day is made.

The ciggie pic is my new favorite.

Only Rob Pattinson can make such a disgusting habit so lovely!

Anonymous said...

omg... i was in the middle of a conversation when i stumbled upon this and i had to stop to regain my train of thought

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Okay EVERYONE...Go to Tea's link at GQ and READ!!!!

“I just say the first thing that comes into my head,” he said, “out of nervousness. During interviews I’m literally shitting my pants. I don’t want there to be a silence, because I’ll start crying.”

Thanks for the link, Tea. Rob just cracks me up like Humpty Dumpty.

And he admits to reading it (websites), which is the really weird part. He reads the gossip blogs and the Twilight fan fiction (“It’s surprisingly hard-core. And very well written”).

Okay, breathe....breathe...he is so onto all of us. AHHHHH!!

Anonymous said...

Honestly You are all going to have a heart attack when you see the black and white photos from the inside.....

Anonymous said...

Oh Lord!
Did you all see that photo of him on the floor!!!!
I can't even type right!!!

Anonymous said...

Award for you two from me!

luckygyrl said...

Yes Lynn. The cig is my fav too. Two of my favorite things, up close: His lips and fingers!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Okay, the cigarette pic just made me decide it's time for an early lunch. Like now.

Lynn said...

Lucky and KK....the ciggie pic reminds me of the Hackett Campaign shoot. I may not make it at work...head shaking....!


KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

GQ is hell-bent on all of our destruction. I am going to need at least one cigarette before said destruction...and then probably a hug from Rob. How could a guy so dorky at times look like this???? Knowing he's a bit of a dork at heart + seeing the way he looks in these photos = OVERLOAD

luckygyrl said...

I give up. I cant work. Im gonna get fired and its all their fault. DAMMIT!!!! Too much Rob, too sexy, too good and too dorky. I love it all.

I think Im feeling a lil sick *cough*cough*

Anonymous said...

OMG I'm completely breathless! Those GQ pics, lying down, standing up...I've never been so turned on by a friggin picture. It's nuts! He's an Adonis for sure. Thank You God! Gotta go Girls; be back in, let's say, 20 minutes? Or however long it takes! ;) (sorry)

Anonymous said...

I read earlier that he said he reads fanfic. If he's read even one paragraph of my lemony smut, I will die. Srsly. Of embarrassment. Craaaap. I need to go pretend I never heard that.

luckygyrl said...

See ya Crazy. Best of luck, with, um, that lol.

Anonymous said...

ok, i just have to add: it almost looks like he's jerking off in that horizontal pic. OMG! Now i've really got to go take care of things..

luckygyrl said...

McVampy!! I think you should be proud. Im sure he loves it, if he read it. Wouldnt that be crazy if he has a FF account and has like favorites and everything.

Samantha Neal said...

Here is the GQ link that has the article and more pics!

luckygyrl said...

Oh Crazy. Whyd you have to go say that??? I must go home now. I can feel my legs starting to shake.

Anonymous said...

This man kills me. I just can't stand myself right now... What I wouldn't GIVE for one night...

Anonymous said...

Lucky, I'm LMAO at that thought. I'm imagining him in boxers and bunny slippers, logging into his FF account.

Username: LemonLuvr513

"Oooh, the Office just updated. There's a sequel to the Submissive? Holy Shite!"

Anonymous said...


Not really. FUCK! I read the entire article before looking at the damn pictures. "I fucked Joe Jonas" hahahahahah wow.

Had to snag one of those sexy pics for myself already. I'm totally getting fired today!

Anonymous said...

Sweet jesus!
I read the interview!!!
He is just.... i don't know what word use.
And he reads about himself.
He set the things straight about Camilla belle gossip, the brazilian model gossip, the proposing Kristen gossip.
I just would like that he set the things straight with nikki reed gossips.

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