How To Be
Sometimes We All Need A Little Help
By: Barbara Morden
Director Oliver Irving’s How To Be is truly an indie film, along the lines of Napoleon Dynamite and Little Miss Sunshine. This film has similar wince-inducing scenes, often making it painful to watch because of the way the characters act.
Ultimately, it’s the study of a non-functional family and the story of the awkward lead character, played so convincingly by Robert Pattinson; it takes a bit to realize what a brilliant performance it truly is. There were times you had to laugh because, if you didn’t, you’d have to look away.Filmed before Twilight, Pattinson’s new-found star power found fans rallying to his cause, launching a viral campaign to aid in obtaining a distribution deal for the film by flooding Facebook and MySpace pages devoted to the movie, as well as Pattinson’s own IMDB message board to discuss the film.
A screening during the recent Burbank International Film Festival was unsurprisingly filled with a Twilight female fan-throng of various ages.
Satirical yet human, How To Be opens a psycho/social dialogue through comedy about fitting in, as 20-something Art takes off on a journey of self-examination.
Gozde: Spoiler alert for the italic part of this interview. I don't know how anyone can write a review without a bit of spoilers so I say read on but don't get mad at me later :)
Art is having a quarter-life crisis — the result of being broken as a child by cold, distant parents (Michael Irving and Rebecca Pidgeon). Years later, as an aimless young adult, Art’s life is nowhere and falling apart. His girlfriend Jessica (Alisa Arnah) dumps him, saying she believed him to be brooding and enigmatic; she thought he was deep but has come to realize he is just sad and unhappy. He moves home with his parents who don’t have time for him, and his emotional detached mother all but blurts out he is a failure and disappointment, and calls his existence an “oxymoron.” In American hands, the film wouldn’t be a dark comedy but some making-of-a-psycho-killer story. But the Brits know how to walk that tension line of black humor. An inheritance from a deceased uncle sets changes in motion. Art stumbles on a self-help book by Canadian therapist Dr. Levi Ellington (Powell Jones) and flies him to the UK to help him become “more normal.” Art quits a dead-end job and gets fired from a volunteer position at a special needs center which he was ultimately using to feel better about himself. Meanwhile, his motley group of friends are just as screwed up as he is. There’s Ronny (Johnny White) the agoraphobic, and Nikki (Mike Pearce), a guy who is just plain odd. Ronny suggests they all form a band, which sets up the film’s conclusion.
Really, this little film (only just past 80 minutes), which has already won a number of different film festival honors, is all about Art searching for a way to fit in and realizing his parents will never accept him for what he is or wants to be — something more like us than one might guess.
How many of us yearn to find life’s important quest: Where are we going? How To Be is a lesson about how to be and how to live…or at least one way to do it. By accepting ourselves, we can achieve happiness because we have to make it on our own…although help is there, if you see beyond the pain.
Thanks to Barbara for sharing her review with us.

This movie is so adorable! There's a scene where Rob kind of throws a tantrum outside and starts kicking a tree, and it's even more hilarious b/c his pants are so highwater! haha
That was one of my fav parts!
I wonder if I'll be able to see it before it comes out on DVD?
Laura~I am still jealous that you watched said movie with the man himself! GAH!
But I still love you.
I really want to see this movie, not sure if I can wait until April without imploding. lol Though I have to admit I'm also a little wary about watching it because it might "hit a little too close to home" at the moment, which might make me really sad. *because I am a pathetic loser like that*
It seems to be a wonderful film,
Does anyone knows if it will come to Brazil? :)
This movie sounds brilliant :)
Cannot wait to see it, filmed in Shepherds Bush, I recognise the W12 shopping centre escalators.
Cadiwyn, I feel the same way, lol :)
Just watching the trailer breaks my heart. He is so convincing...and I think it will hit home for many of us. CAN NOT wait to see this film.
I think that this reviews just proves Rob's abilities as a true method actor....I love indie films for this reason because you can get so wrapped up in the character.
I am so bummed that I will probably have to wait and see HTB on DVD. But, I am determined to see Little Ashes in June (San Diego will finally get some love!).
Are you there Girl!!
I'm thrilled Rob was found to be "convincing" and "brilliant". This movie is my cup of tea. Can't wait to see it.
I keep noticing that people who consider themselves "pathetic losers" are usually far from it. :)
went and checked out the pics, thnx for sharing. I think Kristen and her bf are cute together, I dunno, kind of nice she has someone she can trust, that she's known for so long. Shame Rob doesn't have someone like that...oh yeah, that would be ME! lol
WOW... great review!!, really nice to read such good review, good to see the movie is getting high praise by viewers as critics, those kind of films deserve wider public to be able to watch it is so sad that such projects don’t get massive distribution.
I would love to watch this film, can’t wait for it, even though as someone mentioned before it may “hit a little too close home” in some aspects (“twenty something life crisis”).
Thanks for posting it.!!
First time at this site and I’m loving it, it shows how much effort it is invested on it. ;)
Thanks Danni, nothing new there. She just put her spin on what Adaline's story.
And says Nikki went to Rob's place? Where are the pics? Lainey is a lame ass bitch who keeps calling Rob/Twilight fans losers.
Um yeah, kettle --> black
They really are cute together!!
If is true Rob and Nikki are f-cking, she is so lucky!!!!
He is one hot piece of A**
Yeah that's true!! If she was seen going to her place. How came anybody took pictures!!
If he is f.... hot with his clothes on, you can imagine how he must be naked!!!
Yes, I can imagine...I have imagined....I AM imagining....okay, that's enough,or I'll need another shower :)
Honey, i imagine a lot, and when i'am at work, i have to imagine with a very focus face. Like that my boss think that i'am focus in something related to work!!!
I'm getting really good at this
I adore censorship (wink, wink). I think that we all adult here and can type fucking and ass without doing any harm.
For the record, I agree with Gozde, Lainey is a belittling bitch.
The more I read about How to be the more I am annoyed that there is NO film festvial around me that will show it, it pisses me off! I wanna see this movie!!!
As for the Lainey gossip, she is being utterly nasty to the twilight fans and I wonder does this gossip chick got a thing for Rob? Cos she constantly mentions him trying to be oh so sarcastic etc..and her comment about Nikky..so she went to his place, and automatically they're f**k buddies? Seriously?? Can't a girl visit a guy's place just as a friend? It has to be something sexual behind that visit? If there was then hey not our business but still it is not that uncommon for girls to visit guys as friends either lol. Ah gotta love the gossip rags...or not. Atleast it is nice to see something else than these ridiculous "stink" rumors!
Good to Now Lynn. I did say FUCKING. Since nobady cares....i don't care either.... I was trying to be respectful
@ Danni and Yvonne: Mind you, he is rather shy even with his clothes on.
Shyness is a state of mind!!
Anybody can't garantee besides Nina, what happens with shy Rob inside of closed doors.
Cheers to Rob! So happy to hear a great review for him!
I love hearing positive reviews about his movies. Thanks for sharing. Can't wait for more reviews to show up.
About the laineygossip link. she's so ridiculous. Anyway, is it me or is mike a looking dressing alot like rob. did he just start a fashion trend?
Here's another laugh.
I thought that was a fanmade poster. The media as a whole has gone braindead retarded.
I hope Charlie Rose would interview Rob regarding Little Ashes. He gives such great interviews, very professional and sticks pretty much to ?s about the movie and the experience of filming it.
Winwin I already made a post about that! I am SO onto Rob news, lol :)
Here's Charlie Rose's website in case anyone is unfamiliar.
His interviews are also avail online to view.
I wonder what it would take to get him to interview Rob?
Sorry Godze, I missed that. I haven't had much time to rob
sess this weekend. Trying to catch up mow. I miss him, but I'm trying to be good and not click on garbage news.
Godze, I also want to say thanks for all your hard work providing us with daily Robness. OXOXOX.
I saw this movie last month and I really enjoyed it. The entire cast and story is great. I'm looking forward to seeing again.
Is there a release date for the UK yet please?
@ Danni: Yeah, but now he knows he is a sex object for trillions. That can make one feel very self-concious rather than self-confident, especially if you don't consider yourself to be the perfect Adonis.
And though men are very eager at the age of 22, most of them still have those moments of insecurity, wondering if everything is OK with their bodies in the eyes of their lovers, if their sperm tastes nice and if they're doing everything alright and to their lovers' liking.
Yeah I agree you. And been 22 and been that Shy i don't believe that he and Nikki are sex buddies!!
To be honest, i don't know what to believe!!
I was there Saturday in Burbank but my review was buried a few threads below.
First, this showing of "How to Be" was not just a screening, but rather the Los Angeles premiere. The Burbank International FIlm Festival sold tickets on the premise that Director Oliver Irving was to be there and would hold a talk/q & a afterwards. So, we paid the $50 for DH and myself. We arrived a few hours early and watched a few student films in order to stake out good seats for ourselves.
As time passed, more and more fangirls arrived until DH was one of maybe 10 males in the entire audience. The print of the film was a "screener" copy which announced itself on the middle of the screen several times during the film for about 10 seconds each time. Since Rob is in nearly every scene, blocking his face should've been against the law!
As the film was about to start, it was announced that Oliver had "other commitments" and would not be there. :(((((
Most importantly about the film: Rob is excellent. "How to Be" rests on his shoulders and he is fascinating to watch. I truly believe part of Art's character is somewhere inside of Rob. He has quite a gift for comedy.
There are no glamour shots of Rob. But since so many of us love Rob for who he is, it doesn't matter. The reviewer also says one of Art's friends in "How to Be" is just odd. Actually, this girl-obsessed/cool-obsessed guy is fantastic and unforgettable. Art's parents needed to be fleshed out more as characters. So many of Art's problems are because his parents are socially-retarded intellectuals. There is no Disney ending. This is an indie-quality film (low budget).
Anyway, that's my take. While we were waiting, DH kept leaving to check out the lobby and kept saying there was a tall guy in a black hoodie with a British accent lurking in the back row. I refused to look although I was hoping, hoping, hoping....
Cadiwyn: I have read your posts and you are not a pathetic loser! Chin up!!
@ Chicago Girl: Not only is your DH a very loving one but also a courageous one. Not many men would like to sit in a cinema full with fangirls.
And I also envy you a bit for having seen the film - I will have to wait light-years until I'll get the chance. And most likely the film will be dubbed.
edit: full of fangirls.
CG now in LA:
Thanks for your review, it sounds good, I cannot wait. thanks for re-posting too.
Mr SG came with me to "Little Ashes", they are wonderful aren't they?
But he would prefer me obsessing over Rob than the next door neighbour or a work colleague........
Also: how annoyiong for you that Oliver Irving did not show, I am sorry you did not get the chance for a Q&A.
phosphorus~Where are you? Maybe you can buy an English version from Amazon dot com...
Yes, I know DH is great about coming with me. I had to agree to go to an expensive Indian restaurant of his choice beforehand, lol! He does like Rob, though, and thinks he is talented...
Yeah, SummerGirl, my DH says exactly the same thing! He much prefers me liking Rob rather than the mailman, etc.
That was bad that Oliver didn't show...am still peeved about that!!!
@ Chicago Girl: Far away, I live in Europe. Perhaps I will have to buy a DVD but I'd rather see the film in a cinema on a big screen than on my computer.
Perhaps Oliver Irving couldn't come because the festival couldn't afford to invite him and he couldn't afford to pay for the trip either.
The story hurts my heart - I remember having the feelings and going through what "Art" is going through. They are still there from time to time. I'm looking forward to seeing the film - 11 days and counting... :)
Phosphrus- I agree that they are not FB's but just have a love for music. He answered in one interview about who's IPOD he would listen to and it was Nikki's. They share music with each. Rob even got Kristen hooked on Van Morrison. Plus Rob stated before that those people (Nikki)are just his "LA friends". She went with him to the KOL concert, Whiskey a GO GO, bars, clubs,and now to the Juno festival. THE END...
I was also lucky enough to see the screening of How To Be at the Burbank International Film Festival Saturday night. In fact I had tickets not only to the first showing at 6:45pm but also to the second additional showing at 11:00pm. I was actually able to view this amazing film twice in one night! And it was well worth the wait through a dismal film starring Bruce Dern that ran in between. (I did enjoy some little student film gems prior to the first showing.)
Barbara Morden's review of How To Be on the post, and Chicago Girl Now in LA's comments below echo my feelings precicely, so I won't repeat too many of their astute observations. This little gem of a film is a brilliant showcase for displaying the vast range of Rob's theatrical talent. From the limitless variety of facial expressions he is capable of, to the crazy physical comedic actions of the character of Art, he (as well as the rest of the cast) had me laughing and chuckling throughout the film. And I do think that there is a little bit of Art in Rob (or a little bit or Rob in Art), and in me as well.
I had to laugh at the scenes where Art performs his music - knowing how fantastic a musician and singer Rob is in real life made watching these scenes even more enjoyable, wondering how difficult it must be for someone that accomplished to deliberately sing badly and be convincing.
In one memorable scene Art purchases an old Camaro with some of his inheritance money, then takes it for a wild spin in a deserted area of town. Wearing 70's aviator shades Art lets loose speeding down the asphalt giddy with the thrill of it all until the buzz starts wearing off and he begins to wonder what the hell he is doing. It was an absolute joy to watch, and I was hysterically in stitches, practically falling in the aisle. I could go on and on because every scene in the film was incredible, but I don't want to spoil it for all the rest of you who have not seent it yet. Be patient, you surely will get your chance soon.
This film alone should convince people that he is a top notch, highly talented actor capable of undertaking any role convincingly and with a depth of emotion rarely seen today in so many young, pretty faces that try to pass themselves off as serious actors. Rob has a natural knack for comedy, and I for one would like to see him continue to explore this genre - not in silly, over the top comedy schtick, but in more thoughtful intellectual portrayals like his character of Art. And I do think he would be wonderful on Saturday Night Live (even if that would be silly & over the top) - I would love to see what he is capable of.
Here's to Rob - congratulations - a job excellently done, and hopfully just the start of a very long and brilliant career of creativity on the silver screen. And now I wait with excruciating anticipation for the release of Little Ashes. Let's see the critics try to deny that this man is a megatalented and serious actor.
Hello LAJan~*waving*~~
Thanks so much for your review! Where were you sitting? We were third row center.
Love this movie, saw it at the DCIFF in the beginning of the month, and I can't wait to see it on IFC, as well as buy the DVD. I'm sure it'll become a cult classic. Rob is hilarious and endearing and perfect. The rest of the casting was flawless. The direction, the editing, the sound...every beat was perfectly on. I hope that Rob watched this film, even though he says he doesn't watch his own work, because this is something that I think he should be truly and honestly proud of. He owned this role. He made me really love Art, and relate to the process of figuring out how to live your adult life.
Love, love, love. Go see it if you get the chance.
Oh, and LMAO at the pic of him laying down in the bookstore.
@ Shani: Whether they are or are not, I'm not bothered. But you're right, they share music. On this famous list what music is on their ipods, both named Johnny Flynn's Brown Trout Blues. He said Flynn's his friend and she said: "Flynn is the friend of a friend".
I just had a feeling when I was watching Twilight that he had all this acting potential that just wasn't being realized in the role (mainly due to bad script and direction)...haven't seen this movie yet but from watching Little Ashes, I would definitely say with the right role, script and director, the guy could have an Oscar in his hands before he is 30! :)
Chicago Girl: I was on the left side of the aisle that was on the right side of the auditorium, about 10 rows up from the front. I didn't want to be TOO close, but not too far away. Good ROB distance from the screen! It was so great to see it twice. The sound was better for the second screening, but they kept messing up the sizing of the film for the second screening so that the bottom of the film was not showing. So when he was shoveling the cereal into his mouth in that one breakfast scene, you couldn't see the overflowing bowl of cereal. I wouldn't have known that was there if I hadn't seen the earlier showing.
Didn't you just laugh so hard when Art was shoveling that piece of cake into his mouth (the cake his personal coach baked)? I swear Rob is a latent comedic genius just waiting to be given the perfect scripts to showcase his amazing talent. That's why I would love to see him host Saturday Night Live - can you imagine him doing that kind of comedy? You can see that potential in some of the interviews he's given - he's very bright and quick-witted, and genuinely funny.
I think back to Rob's portrayal of Daniel Gale in Bad Mother's Handbook - a geeky character who is so endearing that you come to love by the end of the film. I felt that way about his portrayal of Art. You just can't help but have a big smile on your face by the end of the film, and love in your heart for Art.
All I can say is I strongly recommend this film to everyone who loves Rob, and to everyone who truly appreciates artistic genius. I completely agree that this is his best, most complex performance yet. And I am confident that Rob's portrayal of Salvador Dali will live up to, if not surpass, his performance as Art.
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