More release dates and locations will be posted as they come in...lucky California peeps getting some serious LA love.

05/08/09 CA Pasadena, Laemmle’s Playhouse 7, 673 East Colorado Blvd.
05/08/09 CA San Francisco, Lumiere Theater, 1572 California Street
05/08/09 CA Santa Monica, Monica 4-Plex, 1332 2nd Street
05/08/09 CA West Hollywood, Laemmle Sunset 5, 8000 Sunset Blvd.
06/05/09 CA San Diego, Landmark Ken Cinema, 4061 Adams Avenue
05/08/09 NY New York, Landmark Sunshine Cinema, 143 East Houston Street
Oh, YEAH!!!! A theatre 20 minutes from my house....
Can't wait...don't live in Cali but its coming to my town!! Woo Hoo!!!
OMFG. It will take forever to come to Oklahoma. If it ever does. : < I just hope (and I know it's awful to say) that someone will upload a bootleg of it from one of the CA showings. ;__;
What!!! No Canadian dates!! Ahh come on for peat sakes.
Going to sulk in the corner
Damn...No Texas love yet?
The RobKat weekend is planned for the weekend of May 15...just two days after our man's birthday...
Do I hear belated birthday party anyone? Like we need an excuse to party? Like we are already going to be so excited to go see this damn movie?....
Lucky bitches - WTH? I wonder if my DH would mind me being gone for a few days in May - my Birthday present to myself.
I want some Mexico or Texas love! Please God, please..
Show the East Coast some love, please! lol
Alie... if you could swing it...we'd love to have you with us! You know it's gonna be wild!
I know where and what I will be doing on May 8th. San Francisco is only an hour away... YAY!! that cousin thing still available???
T - I emailed my cousin and she hasn't got back to me.. hmpf! BUT I'm only an hour away from San Fran.
Aww - Jules thanks! I was just looking at the West Coast dates. Is the rendezvous in May - that would be amazing! Seriously, that many Robkats in one City, getting their grove on. I think Rob just jizzed in his pants!!
On and T - if she does get back to me, I think I would go to LA that weekend.
I know this list is not complete, but is this to be a limited release only? not a wide release like other movies? :( guys are jumping all around...way to keep me on my toes.
Crazy - I was just about to ask the same question. I don't mind driving to San Fran, but if it's going to play closer to my home, I would rather do that. Although, a could really use a night in the city.
Alie~everyone needs to give a bday present to go girl!
Tenneil - someone has got to keep you on your toes :-}
Okay, I think I'm heading back to "The Yum" thread.
BI....sure tease then leave...
Thanks for the info on the release dates.
I'm kind of disappointed that the date for San Diego is June 5. That's nearly one month later than the release dates in LA. Plus the theatre that they chose was the Ken, which is a Landmark theatre, but an older and kind of crappier one. I was hoping it would be in the nicer and newer Landmark Theatres in Hillcrest. The Ken Cinema smells old and gross. But hell, I'll be going there, smell or not, on June 5th for Little Ashes!
Pasadena!! Yay 20 minutes from my home.
Wow, I cannot believe it, FINALLY something of Rob's is premiering in Philadelphia! I'm SO excited, every time I look for Rob events they are usually not near me, except for New York city. Cannot wait to see it! Yay!!!!!
Well, unlucklly I live in the end of the world; so, I´ll probably have to wait until the DVD comes out.
Can´t wait to watch Rob and Javier "together"... Hum...
Elena from Rio de Janeiro.
Did you guys watch the Little Ashes fan trailer posted here (one page up)? It´s better than the original one. The music is wonderful, the choice of scenes, the mix of character with the art works. Rob and Beltran kiss a lot, take their clothes of, make it out... At the end, you can find other links and watch Rob getting it in the ass!!! Believe me! It´s is goint to be HOT and is going to shock a lot of Twilight fans. It is going to be nice to read the comments coming out. The perfect virginal "Edward" making it out with some really hot guy...
Can´t wait for that. Everytime I watch it my pants get wet... And I am a girl...
* A Robsessed wet fan
So am I. And, as you, I can´t wait for that. The trailer you mentioned and the links are amazing. Rob and Javier are super hot!
Elena from Rio de Janeiro.
Philly represents! Yeah...but late June?? Boooooo!
Philly suburbs here to say "YES!"
Waiting until June sux but it's on the calendar! Lucky town! Happpy Me!
In one of the Little Ashes scenes Rob/Dali says to Javier/Lorca: "we should't be friends". It is the same line he (as Edward) says to Bella! But, for Lorca he meant that they should't be ONLY friends, as I could see...
I SHOUDN'T BE HIS FRIEND EITHER... but a lot something else... Over and over.
OK, I am very excited to say that I am going to the Little Ashes showing in London on..................March 28th (or 29th can't remember) LADIES - if you want tickets and live in the great English capital - it is EASY PEESY I just waltzed in to reception and purchased a tickets, no worries...and all for the low low price of 9 pounds ! (go to Robert Pattinson Online for more details on location etc)
Luckie devils!!
I live in Rio de Janeiro and there is no sign of Little Ashes around here.
Bootstrap, which LA theater will you go to?
Hey Lisa, see ya' at the Laemmle--lucky for us. My DH loves art/Dali so I know he'll go with me and we'll do a matinee to save $$. Should be about $9.00.
Cadiwyn~I doubt there will be a bootleg from the Laemmle theaters because they are super vigilant, no sneaking into other screens (which is one reason we rarely go there--you feel like you are being policed).
Leanne~9 pounds, wow, pricey!
BTW, I read the summary on the "Little Ashes" website and it says Dali has an affair with a married woman...that's going to be MY FOCUS!
Lots of Philly Fillies in the house!
Decisions, decisions....I am debating West Hollywood or San Diego. I don't think that I can hold out an entire month....GAH!
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