Picture Montage- Dani picks her favorite pics...

Lil montage love for you wonderful followers, been so long since I posted one of these. Please take this generous heaping dose of Rob hotness as a BIG THANK YOU for being such awesome Rob fans and loyal followers of our little slice of Rob Heaven we've got here.

Special hello and MWAHS to Lynn & Tess...I miss you girls like crazy!


Anonymous said...

how can a person be so damn gorgeous!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dani~FANTASTIC SELECTION!!!! You have great taste! Thanks!

M.Rod said...

AAwwww Thank you for the slice of Rob Heaven! Some of those pics are my favorite too. Hot! Hot! Hot BAby!

Jewels64 said...

Dani! LMAO! I have all those photos tucked away in my Rob Universe on my computer! Hell...I get half of them from you!

What? No zygote Rob? WAHHHH!!!!

Melissa said...

#6 from the top is beautiful. Makes me think of "lucious sugar licks"...me likey. Some of these pics are my favoUrites as well...

Thanks for posting, Dani! :-)

Unknown said...

Funny thing here... those are all my fave pics as well... you seriously put up all my fave pics. :) Looks like we like Rob for the same reasons. XD


Anonymous said...

That first pic is my absolute favorite... Others would be any from the Sex Drive premier... Holy Sweet Mother of all things RPattz!

Nicky said...

My favs are in there too - well done!

The Chris Show said...

Incredible job, Dani. I am speechless. I will sleep well tonight. Thank you!

Ms. Bonderson said...

Dani - we have very much the same taste in favorite photos! :) The fourth one down is in my top 5 - it's the wallpaper on my phone. :)

Laura said...

Oh sweet Lord, thank you for the LARGE GQ ciggie pic! Underwear GONE.

Ellie said...

Exceleent picks , Dani...and I agree with Jules: No Zygote??? :)

Anonymous said...

Dani~ ~gorgeous montage!!!!! Can't go wrong with that subject matter, though ;)

caninecologne said...

wow, haven't seen the one of him smoking before. where's that from?

oh wait, never mind. just read someone's comment that is was from the GQ shoot. i gotta look at those pictures now!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pics!! Beautiful man. Breathtaking. Panty melting. I think I had...a Robgasm. damn!

Anonymous said...

i donnot you but i love your posts,pics what a great job you do
and yeah some of them are on my list too. just was over at PEREZ.H
some of those people are really nasty with there comments about ROB.
well we love him here.

Anonymous said...

Is that a booger in his hair on the down angle, eyelashes photograph?! gross! nose picking hussy!!

Anonymous said...

Brick - I think it's a dandruff plume. On most people that would be repulsive, but on Rob it's unicorn inducing.

Fountain of unconditional love bb.

The man could have rabies and we'd just think he had animal magnetism.

Anonymous said...

Mhmm I see some of my favs made your spam. Any pic of his beautiful, sexy eye & eyelashes make me implode. BOOM! Gone.

cherifire said...

Love the Summer House shot.

Tess said...

Dani Girl!! A big Muuuwaah to You to. I let out a little squeeee every time I see you post.

No one does a Montage like you do.. and I thank you from my the bottom of my Rob luvin heart for including the new one from the GQ shoot.

Tess said...

Where is everyone?

AJ- Just read your comment and giggle snorted...

Cheri~ *waves until her wrist snaps* HELLO.. It's been ages!

rpattzdude said...

damn man i got lots of unicorns just watch him like forever

cherifire said...

Hey Tess-This is the hottest Rob spot on the internet-so proud of Dani & Gozde! They've put their heart & soul into this. LOOK AT ALL THE PEOPLE!!

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