The description of Rob falling down cracked me up. "Star Vampire dropped like a zapped Bat", LMAO :))
On a more serious note, I hope it's not true(it's from National Enquirer). Poor Rob. I can kiss and make it better :)
Thanks to xoxoBaBiiKyKi
for the scan and Kate for sending it to me :)
Poor boy ! I hope he's okay now…
It's a dangerous thing to be an actor ! ;-)
ha,ha,ha a morning laugh what else is left?
Winner for the amount of Vampire related phrases used in one article..!!
This better not be true!
Poor Rob if this is true, but my mind is perpetually in the gutter. The last four words sent it there immediately. "Still sporting a lump". LOL!
It's Karma. He makes me drop like a bat so...
But seriously, i hope that didn't really happen. :(
what a dick. head injuries are NO laughing matter.
Hey Rob, if ya need your head kissed or rubbed better... call me.
What a shock, and how PAINFUL - poor Rob! Sending him kisses, xxx :)
Natasha Richardson thought she was ok but her brain was slowly hemorrhaging...!! Maybe that's why Chris cancelled for the whole day - Rob was put on major watch. Good!
Head injuries are very serious stuff. Look what just happened to Natasha Richardson. I hope this wasn't true. Poor Rob. :(
Poor little Rob :) Even if it made me laugh, I hope he's not hurt too bad ^^
Poor Baby!
Why those things happens with him. I wouldn't mind if happend with Nikki for example!!!
I hope there is no complication just like the one that happened with Natasha Richardson, when she thought she was okay.
Well, you know you've made it big when there is an article about you in the inquirer. lol
Poor sweetie... I hope he's fine now... If this s*** is true...
Rob, lover, need me as a nurse? I could stay in your hotel room all night, and "check on you" (more like "jump on you") every hour... Give you a nice warm bath, with some good "scrubs", read some bedtime dirties, ops, stories, kiss your head injury (and everything else, for sure), etc., etc. WHAT ABOUT THAT?
Hope you are fine, lover. And, remember, my "birthday present" gotta be here by next friday, ok??
Hello, Danni,
como foi de fim de semana? Todo mundo só fala do DVD, mas ainda não tive coragem de encomendar o meu on-line. Eu soube que tem um com 2 discos e outro com 3, vc sabe sobre isso?
De qq forma, tenho que terminar um paper para 5a feira, e ainda vou ter que fazer uma apresentação de uma hora. Já estou com as mãos tremendo...
poor rob! Someone up there definitely doesn't like him! he always has really crap luck!
Oi Sophia!
Não tinha mais te visto por aqui!!!
Eu ainda não encomendei tbm, to morrendo de vontade!!!!
Quanto ao teu paper vai dar tudo certo, to torcendo por ti!!!!
Can't stand the thought of anyone hurt in a freak accident; but gotta agree with Valerie. I never trust anything the Inquirer says.
He can come to my house. I'll take care of him. Of course I do not have much experience taking care of zapped bats, but we can learn together. LOL
Don't believe anything that the Enquirer says. They make up crap all the time, and I mean things like Oprah married an alien,lol. If this had happened, it would have been all over the place. After what happened to Natasha Richardson, CW would have made Rob get checked out at a hospital. Head injuries are serious, and you don't know how bad they are until it's too late.
This so isn't true!!
I don't know if I should feel pissed that the rag-mag would use Rob's health to sell stories or pity cause people need to know where this man is!!
Me..I think Rob is in Vancouver "preparing" to be Edward all over again. He's hiding for a reason LOL
He's going all "being alone time" to get into Edwards mind.
...I just don't like it when stories are written about our mans health!! I rather read he's having a dame affair!! At least then I'd pretend to believe he's having a good time...not in a hospital...hurt! :( Grrr!
Frankly, I think there is a possibility that this item is true. That particular reporter is pretty credible and has been in the business for a long time. He has many, many sources developed over several decades...
Anon. & Sarah~The Enquirer and The Star are the original gossip rags and know what they are doing. While they may put a questionable angle on stories, they don't write stuff like Oprah marrying aliens. The Enquirer actually regularly "scoops" traditional media (they wrote about the John Edwards affair eight months before anyone else).
GOZ: thanks, your tidbit here pushed me to google a couple of those reporters I knew when I was a TV-film critic and gave me some laughs!
Now about Rob...this indeed is a serious story. I dreamed that he was injured last night...*shivers* (said a few prayers for him). I'm sure he is fine and I hope they made sure he had a CAT scan of his head. If Summit were wise, they'd hire someone to watch out for Rob as they have untold profits riding on him.
roftl ... poor lad is in pain (I'm also queueing as a nurse) and we still only think of you-know-what with you-know-who no matter what happened to him ... isn't it pathetic ? But seriously: remembering Natasha Richardson's accident is really painful and I wish our favourit object of endless desire fell better (whoever is kissing/rubbing the lump, I'm not selfish)
Chicago- I agree with you. Rob also had injuries from the last film. This is most definitely NOT a laughing matter hence, the death of 'Natasha Richardson'. Freak accidents happen all the time on movie sets. Sometimes people get seriously injured or die from a stunt going wrong. I hope they have someone watching him at all times during the next few days. Because he could go into a comma from a blood clot or hematoma. I will definitely pray for him. :(
This is my first post here. I've been lurking for awhile (and find y'all just fall down on the floor hilarious), but considering what just happened to Natasha Richardson (she and Liam are two of my favorite actors ever and her death just broke my heart), well...I just felt like I finally had to say something here.
Don't dismiss Mike Walker and the Enquirer. Yeah, it's a rag and they print alot of shit, but they've got sources everywhere and they've broken many stories before the legitimate press has. And this was in Mike's own column and he is the big enchilada so to speak.
As for Rob...if true, there is nothing funny in this story. If it indeed hit him hard enough to knock him out and leave a lump on his head, he should have had a CAT scan and they should be watching him like a fucking hawk. I tend to be an over reactive worrier and even though I find him to be one of the sexiest men I have ever seen, he does tend to bring out my protective instincts too. I don't know. Maybe it's the age difference. With his clutsiness, I've actually envisioned him falling out of those trees as wire work can be quite dangerous. Anyway. Nothing funny here. I just hope they're keeping an eye on him.
Sorry I wrote alot. I tend to do that as I struggle with getting to the point. Sorry again.
Dear luvsavampire, I didn't think it was funny what happened (or not) to Rob, I found the description funny. I am sure they are taking good care of him on the set. It says they shut down production. I would be more worried if he was not shooting a movie when something like this happened. The actors are very important to the movie and are highly insured. I doubt they would just put an ice on it and say "go sleep it off".
We all feel very protective of him :)
I'm sorry honey. I didn't mean to come off like I was shaking my finger at some. I know that we all love him and if we'd been there and could have knocked him out the way and taken the blow ourselves, alot of us would have. I guess that sometimes I just have a knee jerk reaction to things. I don't know what it is about this kid, but he just tugs at my heartstrings. Maybe it started that day at Comic Con. I was sitting down front and I watched him. I saw the incomprehension (and yeah, fear) on his face and I thought..."Jesus, he hasn't got a clue as to what's coming for him." And he didn't. And I also know that they're taking good care of him. In that industry, Natasha Richardson's senseless death is on everyone's mind.
But again, I apologize if my words came off as offensive in anyway. It's not what I meant to do and certainly was not the note on which I wanted to join in on this community.
I'm really loads of fun (when I'm not being a clucky mother hen).
No offense taken :)) Welcome to the blog! And how lucky that you were there to experience Comic con first hand :)
it's a nice place - here :))))) the first (on the topic) that makes me feel like writing a post ...
Good night (it's 23:43 in here)
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