Rob will be at Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards

We reported this about a month ago and now it's confirmed. Rob will be a presenter at the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards which will air on March 28th.


Slate of Stars also Set for Live Telecast Includes Hugh Jackman, Amy Adams, George Lopez, Keke Palmer, Robert Pattinson, Queen Latifah, Amy Poehler, Ben Stiller, Reese Witherspoon, Miranda Cosgrove, Zac Efron and Nat and Alex Wolff

I know a lot of people think it's a bad move for him but I disagree. A lot of A-list celebrities, Oscar winners take part in this every year. It's all for the kids :)


Nicole Wilson Conley said...

yep... alllll for the kids.


Sarally said...

Hey girls! This is my first comment ever on this site, but I had to share! I got on the tube this morn and saw a teenage boy in his school uniform that looked EXACTLY like Rob. Same eyes, gorgeous jaw, nose but with dark hair. I couldn't stop staring at him, he then pulled out a folder with his name on it - 'B. Pattinson'!!!

Had to share xxxx

Gozde said...

Wow Sarally, maybe it's a relative?

This Robsession is making us stare at teenage boys just because they resemble Rob :)) Bad! Very Bad!

Sarally said...

Hey Gozde!

He was def a relative, I'm sure of it!!

So I will be taking the same carriage every morning from now on and hopefully not get arrested for molestation!!!

Gozde said...

Hahaha, yeah you be careful with that :) LMAO!

Anonymous said...

Sarally - that is so cool! Behave yourself though. Hey, maybe ask the kid if he knows where Rob is - we've been looking for him.

Anonymous said...

I thought Rob didn't like kids.

Gozde said...

It's not like he is going to adopt one of them anon :) It's just an award show :))

Unknown said...

This award don't pass live here in Brazil!!!!
Good morning ladies!!!!

crazy said...

I don't think it's a bad move at all!! Lots of a-listers have done this. I WANT TO SEE HIM GET SLIMED, PLEASE!!! It's only fair, after all the times I've been "slimed" myself (wink).

Melissa said...

Sure, sure...its all for the kids...and their drooling mothers. What? I'm not ashamed to admit it. LOL

Good Morning to all! :-)

Goz, hows the headache?? xoxo

crazy said...

Hi Danni, Goz, girls~ :)

Divinesally said...

Don't get arrested Sarally. lol. but lucky you.eye candy on the tube. fresh, jail bait BPatz. mornin' ladies!

Anonymous said...

I agree! There's nothing wrong with Rob attending. Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz do it every year.
Do you think he will take part in the burping contest? *I watch because I have a son. * :X

lovindashow said...

Oh. God. Am I really going to be watching the frickin' Nickelodeon Kids' Choice awards?? Really? Is this what my life has come to?

I am an attractive, successful, sophisticated woman, living single and independently and childless in a major metropolitan city.

And I'm really going to watch it. I'm already looking forward to seeing what he's going to wear to this thing.

This is getting ridiculous. LOL

Divinesally said...

Lmao! Lovingshadow, you said it best.

It's seriously absurd. ah well.

Tenneil said...

Morning Ladies....

Goz... have you recovered???

Crazy~ how life in your part of the world!!!

I will soooo be watching KCA...front row seat...waiting to drool when I see the MAN!!

Anonymous said...

Good morning, ya'll ~
Hi Crazy, Melissa, Sally, Goz, Nicole, Anon ... and WELCOME Sarally! So cool to get to know someone new! Hope you're all having the very BEST day ever.

I'm just like you Lovindashow except I get really, REALLY EXCITED whenever there's a fresh opportunity to watch Rob do anything new. Oh, hell, I don't care what it is ~ I just love to watch him ;)

Geez, I love that man *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Hi Tenneil,
Hope your day's cooking too ;)

Suz said...

@lovindashow.. you are RULING the EARTH right now


I think it will make it better if we watch whilst drinking dirty martinis... your place or mine (wink)

(did I say durttty?)

Anonymous said...

Morning ladies...

Kid's Choice Awards set on the dvr - check.

Also can't wait to see what he is going to wear since this is a casual show.

Who am kidding, I would watch the man sleep...

Anonymous said...

Hey, Happy St. Marcus Day everyone!
Barring disaster, New Moon's DVD will probably come out a year from today. In the meantime, rock that red! We've got to keep the Volturi happy.

Anonymous said...

Hi Suz, hi 30, hi Diane!
'morning to you :)

Anonymous said...

I've been saying "good morning" to everyone and it may not be morning where you are at all. Sorry.

WHERE is everyone anyway? Gozde, your blog info says Atlanta but it sounds like you live somewhere else. Where are you? I love that this is such an international group!

lovindashow said...

I like 'em dirty. But no olives! They take up too much space!

Anonymous said...

Morning smitten!

Thanks for the happy NM thoughts this morning Diane :)

crazy said...

Hi Tenneil, TS, Suz, Smitten,everybody~

I just now declined an invitation to a party on 3/28. I'm not leaving the house 'cause i want my own, private party. ahem. pathetic.

How do i hide my inappropriate anticipation for this kids show?! i certainly can't conceal it for the DVD release... i'm a loser.

Tenneil said...

Hey Smitten...its morning here!! but ready for a nap!!!

TS!! hey girl!

crazy said...

look at this pic of Rob. (sighs)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I said good morning is morning here, 9am actually.

I will be traveling with my daughter's soccer team during the KCA...I may have to have a viewing party in my hotel room. Think that will blow my cover?

howyoudoin' T?

crazy said...

hopefully will end up at Walmart today. Maybe get a PE, finally. but where will i hide him when i don't have any pockets? girls?

this is way too early for this. I sound like i never even went to bed last night. :/

TwiHartRK said...

This calls for a squee!
Anon - *I watch because I have a son. *
Now you have another reason. Will your son think it's weird when you jump up and down and lick the screen?
Hey ladies! I'm drafting my excuse to watch now. At least I have a DVR so I can record and not get harassed!

Tenneil said...

TS~~ morning that what were calling it these days??? I am in seriously need of 3 days of all sleep... think I'll get it??

Thanks for the Joey reference...made me smile...

Sorry to hear about the KCA...not unless you squeallll like the 14 yr old we know you are!!!lol

Tenneil said...

Alie girl of the morn to ya..
Need to DVR it if I had one... I feel like I am missing the really cool toy out there...I need it..

Crazy...if you find PE at Walmart let me know... I cant find him... thinking of ordering him in the net... I NEED PE...did you go to sleep???

Anonymous said...

crazy: Did you go to bed? I slept only a few hours and I know I saw you ;)

PE...still haven't taken mine out of his cage yet...I think I need mood music and the "right" moment.

WTF is wrong with me...?

Anonymous said...

Crazy, you are too funny. But seriously, I have to get some work done today!!! LOL.

I'm just happy I get to watch him on TV. I've never watched one before, do they slime their presenters. Can't wait.

It seems that Nickelodeon and pulling a Oscars's rating move, but in reverse. Trying to get the moms to watch, while the Oscars tried to get the kids to watch.

Somebody up there surely loves us. I'm sure he'll be attending many awards. Hmm, how's he supposed to get any filming done???

Tenneil said...

TS~ mood music!!! let me sign...
open the damn cage will you... I need to live through yours

Ellie said...

Hey, girls!

Yep, I will be watching... my daughter will be rolling her eyes, I'm sure. lol (as I tell her, "STOP TALKING! HE'S ON!!!)

Anonymous said...

T: I MUST have all seventeen of the 14-15 year old girls in my room so they will disguise my gasps and squeals...excellent idea!

I knew you would appreciate a little Joey greeting :)

Tenneil said...

Ellie... as I tell her, "STOP TALKING! HE'S ON!!!) funny... was that before or after you licked the screen....LOL

WinWin said...

Twiheart: you crack me up.

My sons are 6 and 8 and I was going to watch this with them (also DVRing it for later viewing). I was just thinking of how I'm going to keep a straight face and not let my family know that I've gone psycho.

DirtyD said...

I'll be tuning in to this.

Anonymous said...

T: Okay, okay browbeater! I will release him today...after my candlelit bath and mood music.

crazy said...

Twiheart - will my daughter and DH roll their eyes WHEN i tell them to go back and play it again on the DVR? such kill joys, really!

Tenneil and TS~ my kid caught my eyes closing while i was blogging last night. "you really shouldn't be on the computer so much Mom". who is she to tell me what to do? the nerve! But i am pooped.

and my theme song right now is "superfreak" by Rick James. "you're a very kinky girl..."

anybody seen Little Miss Sunshine, the scene at the pageant? LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Ellie: Gotta get her on board with the Robsession... I have already begun my daughter's training...she has a pic of him on her phone. Of course, her's doesn't hold 175 pics of him like mine...but it's a start!

WinWin said...

FYI. Just opened a Google/Blogger account.

crazy said...

Solution: check into a friggin hotel room and watch it in peace, with margaritas and accessories. ;)

Anonymous said...

Good day, Robsessers!

I am still licking that happiest happy trail.

Gotta go there again. Back in a sex, ops, sec.

Tenneil said...

TS ...good idea with the bath thing... I hear he has a plastic smell at first... you need mood music...come on its EDWARD CULLEN!!

have him do a ming reading on you!!! LOL

crazy said...

Sophia's in the house. and in the gutter! luv it!

Anonymous said...

crazy: kids....always getting in the way of a good time, eh?

That reminds me of when Rob said "These mothers, these mothers always getting in the way"...

Tenneil said...

Congrads Winwin...welcome!! are you really ready for all of this??LOL

crazy said...

if she catches me with a PE, she's kicking me out of the house.

Oh no! just wondered if i'd walk funny with a PE! did i actually say that? Tenneil - help!

crazy said...

Hi winwin! you better be ready. here it comes. (she refrains)

Tenneil said...

C~ walk funny... not going to go there...but lol right now!!

Anonymous said...

crazy: Walk funny with a PE? Get two...

T: I really don't need mood music... I just feel like a kid too excited to touch him.

Okay, now I'm going to call a therapist. Sick.

Hello winwin!

crazy said...

i think you guys would confirm that i am the one in need of a therapist! i'm just icky sometimes!

crazy said...

i'm reading Housemating Season - it doesn't help!

Anonymous said...

crazy: icky? lmao

you just say what we're all thinking sweetie.

WinWin said...

Thanks for the warm welcome. "Might as well, I'm going to hell anyway" LOL.

Seriously, I'm so glad I found you ladies. You guys make my day. I was starting to think there was something seriously wrong with my and my obsession.

I have to get some docs done. Will visit later.

Tenneil said...

C~ no your not... just filling the robless void... Housemating season...that one is soo next for me...if it doing this to you.. I need me some of that!!

TS how the MING reading going???

crazy said...

TS~ phew. i feel better. The voice of the Hornies.
On another note, Rob also makes me feel better. Touchy feely, actually. Thanks Robbie!

Tenneil said...

WINWIN...which doc you doing???

crazy said...

looking forward to seeing u later, winwin.

Tenneil said...

Divinyls...are we on that now???
love that song!!

crazy said...

Tenn~ LMAO!!! carlisle?

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to quit my job or stop sleeping all together to keep up with you girls and your ff! I haven't even read the two new chaps of the Office that were posted this a.m.

T: Ming reading going well...I think I made him blush though.

Anonymous said...

I have to go, unfortunately. Back to my own Rob/gutter... Funny, crazy...

See you later, girls. Rock, girls, rock! See you later, Rob, lover.

Tenneil said...
money ...CAT...Lmao!!!

I dont think i have the strength to stay away from you anymore...THEN DONT!!

Suz said...

Ok,now I have a VERY legitimate reason for owning a PE.. (besides the fact that I am off my nut!)

I restore a vintage doll (from the 70's) who is 6 1/2 inches... PE is the perfect MALE MODEL and I use him...yes you heard me I USE HIM!


To see PE in glorious action

(Now what reason can I give for having the Tonner Doll???)

crazy said...

New chaps of The Office!!! why were you holding out? what in Ming, if you don't mind me asking. personal? hey, what is personal here? No boundaires or filters whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

ok alot of the "High Profile" actors that go on have kids that is why they go on the show. sorry but i think that it is a bad idea. also, my son watches nick and they keep on showing the awards commercials and his name is not listed as presenters, not unless they consider him "and others". that's funny my son watches sponge bob and i am watching to hear rob's name announced.
i just think that it is freaky that little girls scream to him "bite me", that would traumatize anyone. i really feel for rob.
i just dont understand why he is going, my opinion.

crazy said...

Suz- does he have a bald head? just wonderin....

Anonymous said...

Oh T: You never cease to amaze me!

crazy: embrace the horniness, be one with it.

Tenneil said...

C~ there was a miss print on TS PE package... I guess... ming instead of mind... mind reading...ming reading skills LMAO

Suz said...

Crazy said.... head


must be productive today
must be productive today
must be robductive today...

Tenneil said...

SUZ....lmfao...just keep swimming...just keep swimming..LOL

Anonymous said...

crazy: you need to setup your alerts on so you'll get emails when new chaps of your stories post...I had to create a separate "Rob" email account just for that reason

Suz said...

lol 30something...

we have to "compartMENTALilize" out ROB Addiction.

love it

Anonymous said...

T: Can you guess which one I was thinking when PE read my ming...?

Anonymous said...

Suz: can't give away ALL my secrets to my family...the will have me committed.

Laura said...

Oh yes, it will be a happy birthday for me this year! (March 28 is my birthday) And who better to spend it with than Mr. Robert Pattinson? LOL

Any other Twilight castmembers also appearing?

Morning everyone! :)

Suz said...

Ok I am going to go ... THERE

My husband is from England (which comes in VERY handy when playing ROBGAMES, but I digress)

"Minge" is a british slang word for..

I bet you can guess

So Minge Reading works!

must be productive today
must be productive today
must be robductive today...

Tenneil said...

TS~ there are so many... I need to set up for FF alerts how did i miss that???

Suz said...

I hear ya 30somethin.

I spent about 40 mins yesterday "organzing" my bookmarks.

I counted 4 separate RobRelated files...


This issss bad!

must be productive today
must be productive today
must be robductive today...

crazy said...

Suz - bald, you know. lifelike, if you're "using" it, that is. nuff said.

You guys are making me pee my pants this morning!!!!

TS~ you do realize your'e going to have to explain in great detail how the f*** i'm supposed to do that. Just ask tenneil.

Tenneil said...

SUZ...really thing they did that on purpose??

Tenneil said...

okay think not thing

WinWin said...

Ok. I tried to stay away and couldn't. I need to get new account forms out urgently and I can't concentrate. Keep getting a visual of Rob being "gunged" in hot t and ripped jeans.

Must get work done
Must get work done

I've already given up sleep, do I need to give up my job as well.

Anonymous said...

Morning Laura...that is quite the birthday present...Hmmm mine is Nov what can I wish for?

crazy: you need to send me your email address and I'll send you you have a ff account setup yet? I'm guessing not...

Anonymous said...

Welcome back win... just can't stay away, eh? Find yourself creeping back for a peek?

We must be on the same page with work and sleep...

T! No alerts set up? What must I do with you?

Suz said...

HA HA @ Crazy

No, not bald..NEVER bald..His hair to far too important to me. But dang it is sooooooo hard to run my fingers through that bleedin plastic!

crazy said...

MING - similar to a "bad" word i've heard in Sicilian too.

TS~ not sure if I should feed into my fantasies further, but i'll send u the email anyway. No will power.

oh please slime/gunge Rob!!! I'll definitely be licking the TV screen after that, in my hotel room with my margaritas and accessoreis.

Suz said...

Lol @ Ten.. I don't know..

Every time I see Ming..
I get a minge twitch!

Tenneil said...

TS like you need to ask???

Laura...Happy early bday to you... twilight dvd out this weekend...Rob on KCA..lucky girl!!
what would be you third wish??LOL

crazy said...

Hi Laura!!

Suz - is there a way, ya think, to enlarge a PE? Oh, i just (refrained)!

Anonymous said...

T: Don't make me break out the vaccuum so early in the day...

And visual of Rob covered in goo...too much. I can't even picture him wet without my heart racing & breathing completely stopping.

crazy said...

Tenn~ re "need to ask?" was that in refence to yours truly?? (ha ha)

Tenneil said...

I think that we all need to pitch in for the tonner doll...then he can go on holiday across the world!! we can send pic to each other... detailing our time spent with him.. LMFAO

crazy said...

OMG is someone using a vacuum! holy mother of God!

Tenneil said...

TS... i heart you!!

Anonymous said...

has anyone saw the pics of the "wolfpack" they are on twilight lexicon, they are going to be better looking than the vampires. i saw that they all had to have native american in their ancestry and actually prove it. i am looking forward to new moon.

crazy said...

Tenn~ LMAO! Pics of us doing stuff with PE! seriouslky!

Tenneil said...

C...are you paranoid???LOL

Suz said...

I actually am going to be raffling off a TONNER doll. I am trying to sort out how to do it, and which chartity to benefit...


(Getting OFF on my Tonner Doll is another matter, entirely!)

Tenneil said...

C~ not like that... we should save some stuff for private...ya know...

crazy said...

(embarrassed) believe it or not!

No, really, Tenn. LOVE the brilliant idea about sending pics around of us doing stuff with PE. I'm going to get one!! Will do!!

Tenneil said... much was have more than one... you go girl!!

pick me!!!

crazy said...

SUZ- are u planning to raffle off the one you are "using" right now?! LMAO!

Anonymous said...

crazy and T: is that like "Robsessors and PE make a porno?"

Emmes said...

Hello ALL!!
I hate not living in the U.S. now I have to figure out when/how/where they'll be showing it through my cable carrier...and I can't go to a release party....and I can't get on the tube and stare at teenage boys possibly related to RPattz...and I can't run out and get my own copy og GQ to laminate......ummm......SORRY,I just had a Bella *complaining about the getting presents* moment!

kristen said...

Well, I can safely say that I have NEVER watched (nor wanted to watch) the Kids' Choice Awards before, but dammit, if Rob's going to be on it, I KNOW my eyes will be glued to the TV, waiting with bated breath for a glimpse of him!! I seriously have no shame when it comes to Rob. It's pretty ridiculous :)

Suz said...

I do have more than one.. There was soo much worry over not getting one that I somehow ended up with 2.

I paid $125 I think.

I thought I could sell raffle tix off my website and Video tape the drawing on You Tube

I was thinking Breast Cancer as I've had so many people around me affected lately... or maybe something "Blood Related"


Suz said...


I USE PE not TE!

TE is just a show pony!


Tenneil said...

Hey have been lurking havent you...nawty girl!! LOL
Iyla~ welcome back!!

crazy said...

TS~ yes. Porno PE.
T~ well maybe no pics, but PE with his "diary" of sorts, how about? Like The Sisters of the Traveling PE" Yes?

crazy said...


Suz said...




Suz said...

Hey chickas... (especially those out of the states)

I bought extra GQ Mags..

If you want one, Holla!


Tenneil said...

Suz... great idea...lost my mom to that s.o.b....not even TE could fill that void..

crazy said...

EMMES been paying close attention to the bloG!! Go girl. Don't feel bad. I live pretty close to NYC and will never have a Rob sighting, i'm sure.

Suz said...

Ten, I am sooo very sorry.


Then BC it is!

crazy said...

SUZ - haven't got mine yet. save me one and i'll let u know if i can't get one. are u serius?

crazy said...

LYLa - i hope we get t hear of the ratings....with the Rob factor and all...

Suz said...

course I'm serious....

Just because I am RobMental, doesn't mean I can't be serious!



crazy said...

Suz - 'splain TE. i'm not very bright. ;)

Tenneil said...

Gotta go guys GQ in at bookstore...
brb..well sort of..

Thanks Suz...hugs back to you girl!

Tenneil said...

Tonner Edward doll

kristen said...

Good morning, ladies! Thanks for the Welcome, Tenneil!

Crazy - No kidding! I'm sure now that they've officially announced that Rob will be there, the viewership will increase tenfold!

I was just reading over some of your comments, and was wondering what PE stands for?

crazy said...

Tenn~ very sorry. so much loss with that here too.

Anonymous said...

Emmes: Nice brief on the last few are good!

Lyla: Have you read what the rest of us have been saying...? No shame.

crazy: Sisterhood of the Traveling PE made me snort.

And T: I heart you too...forgot to mention that. You are the cheese to my macaroni.

Emmes said...

TOO MUCH ATTENTION my dear Tenneil!
I like the "Must Be Productive Mantra". I'll adopt that one for work and go for the "Must Be REproductive" one with Rob-related topics!

CRAZY...I'm glad I don't live in NY, if I'm robsessed halfaway down the continent I can only imagine the stalking that would ensue if I were thatclose.

Suz said...

Ok, working from home and being Robsessed NOT A GOOD COMBO.. I am going to go be PRODUCTIVE..

Be back latter RobKatz!



P.S. Crazy, TE in Tonner Edward.


Anonymous said...

Lyla: Pocket Edward... it's a little Edward doll they sell at Borders.

kristen said...

Thirtysomething - I just read some of the most recent comments... I can go back and read more to figure it out :) Why do I get the feeling that it's something naughty? LOL!

Having Rob on the brain makes everything naughty!

crazy said...

Off to Borders (for PE and GQ, PDQ)and to see what Walmart has re: Twilight.
This was so much fun girls!!!! Later?

crazy said...

LYla - usually nawtee, very, very nawtee.


Anonymous said...

Lyla: I feel you girl. White bread could be naughty when it comes to Rob.

kristen said...

Ohhh, me too, I'm off to get a GQ!

I'm sure I'll be back later - can't stay away from this place for long!

Anonymous said...

Aaaaahhh you girls and the damn GQ! Guess I know where I'm going at lunch.

Good day ladies!

Anonymous said...

hey -- does anyone know when this is recorded please?

and does anyone know if Rob is back in London? (19 March )

thanks :)

Anonymous said...

okay, let me clear up this whole
" Rob hates Kids" I saw that video and what he was trying to say was he would not "MARRY" a kid. Because he was answering questions from MTV "Twilight Tuesdays" and this little girl asked to marry him. So he responded and then went on to say well you would have to clap at every scene or thing I do and some more funny stuff Rob was making up trying to make the interview light. Then there was a question after that about does the girl need to be beautiful and so on...

Just look it up on or YOU TUBE. And yes it will be good exposure to do KID'S CHOICE. Dang it, I think I need to be Rob's Publicist to clear up all the crazy shit that he has said in the last year. Because his people aren't doing their jobs. But that would be just more money taken out of his paycheck...

Anonymous said...

I hope to get the GQ by today as well. And slime on him would be to hot to handle...

Oh and I wonder what will he be wearing and who he will bring? Hopefully some of the cast will be there so he want have to talk to Zack out of shear loneliness and boredom. I'm sick of Zack and Rob needs to get some friendships going on with some celebrities his age. Shia would be good in a way but he has been through some shit. Well nevermind Rob can make his on choices. LOL Damn...

Anonymous said...

No I'm wrong I'm being a bad fake publicist. He did talk about not wanting children in another interview. He said something like "girls come up to me and tell me that they want to marry me and have all my babies, but I don't want my babies"... Lord Jesus help him he is to much of a fool. That boy cracks me up!!!!

OH! and here's another good quote I'm trying to remember him saying. Umm "The screaming doesn't make "it" grow it makes it shrink."
He is truly a 22 year guy with sex on the brain at all times... LOL

Anonymous said...

Shani~Sounds like you have his interviews memorized...have to admit, I'm pretty close myself...

What is a tonner? I'm almost afraid to hear the answer, lol!

Anonymous said...

Chicago- Well I am on the Robsessed site. Plus I'm his fake publicist and that's my job to remember stuff like that... HaHa!!

No Really, I have a pretty good memory. I wish now that I would have became an actress. If not only to bump into Rob somewhere or work with him. Damn those stupid life choices we all make...

Anonymous said...

Wait are you talking to me about a tonner because I didn't say anything about a tonner? I don't know what that is...

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