I tried not to post this but it is popping up everywhere so there you go...
I always wonder how people are "overheard" at bars. I can't even hear the person next to me without them screaming in my ear! And yeah with those new GQ outtakes I am sure it's very hard for Rob to get laid. Uhuh...

From the not so reliable
NY Daily News.
Seen and heard
Carnal relations are hard when you’re a worldwide heartthrob. “Twilight” hunk
Robert Pattinson was overheard telling a fellow Brit, “I can’t get laid [in N.Y.C.]” while at
Nur Khan’s Rosebar Saturday night. “A blind person with a British accent could get tail,” the pal retorted, cracking Pattinson up. Moments later, a cute brunette approached the star. The lass began fawning over him. “I’ll be back,” he promised, stuffing his beer into his jacket pocket before walking out.
I heard that crap today, and i can't imagine Rob saying this out loud in a crowded place.
And that mean he is in NYC?
I heard it a little different. So there are different versions of this going around and really, who cares? He's a man...but hopefully he isn't all about ass, you know?
i've seen this posted once where he "goes home" with the girl and once where he "leaves the girl."
dirty gossip... wonder why rob's in NYC if he is... maybe he's looking for me? he just needs to come 2 hours south to philly..
here robbie robbie...
OMFG, let me find out he's in my neighborhood!!!! so close yet so far...I wish I knew where he was right now, so I can treat him to a couple of drinks for doing such a fantastic job of driving me completely mad. OMG does this mean he'll be a surprise guest at one of NYC's midnight release parties??? I'm guessing Borders. I wasn't gonna go. But I think now for sure I will! I really hope it's not just tweens and teens. I'll really feel out of place. lol
Cant trust anything these days.. esp when its about the man in general... SAD...
I don't think Rob is ALL about ass/sex. But his sexy ass self should be getting some loving, I just hope he doesn't become a man slut. Considering he has a shiz load of women of all ages swooning profusely over him.
yeah not a fan of this piece of gossip b/c it makes me think, what if he really said that? and he just doesn't seems like the type to say a thing like that and mean it. perhaps jokingly he might of said it, anwho sad gossip...
I can't imagine he couldn't get laid.
And as Danni said I can't imagine Rob saying this out loud. But we never know...
ok i read the same story earlier but i agree when can you ever hear anything at a bar unless you are screaming into the other's ear and i dont see him doing that, come on now. and i really dont see him going with any woman that he does not even now or maybe he did know her or maybe this whole story is made up like all the rest, who knows.
oh, and divinesally, i feel the same way about feeling out of place with all the teens, my husband makes fun of me all the time. he says that i am regressing to my teenage years. he's actually afraid that i am going to be a stalker like the one with paula abdul, LOL.
I sure hope he's getting laid. I don't care who with either.
lol I refuse to believe he has any trouble getting laid...anywhere...anytime! Hello, have you seen him?
Just goes to so at want length some papers or magazines will go to sell copy.
If I was Rob, I would sue their A$$ for slander.
Don't feel bab Anon, my husband says I'm regressing back to my teenage years too lol He says he wants his 23 year old wife back, not this newly 13 Robsessed version...too bad I say!
As if. Why on earth would HE have a hard time getting laid if he wanted to? Pffft. Garbage.
ahhh.... he probably said " I can't find a maid in New York" Hah... thats right.. thats what he said!!!!
So Rob was in Arkansas Saturday morning then in New York on Saturday night~wow he sure travels alot
Ok, you know someone's going to read this and say he walked away from the girl because he's actually gay. I've heard this one, too. Either way, he's incredibly talented, I don't care who/if he gets laid.
Though I wouldn't mind helping him out with that ;P
Kristen says he can't lie but, ha, he can lie just fine. He's an actor, for one (his job is to lie convincingly,) and all this stuff he says, like "I couldn't find a date for the Oscars," and "I can't get laid," (IF he said that) and "I never wash my hair" are just big jokey lies. I think what Kristen means is Rob can't filter what he says very well. He tells everything. And we love him for that.
I get the too hot to get ass and no one actually believing that. I had a friend who always complained about not getting any...or any opportunity to get any. I simply said that her standards were way too high and that there were always guys coming up to her but her dismissing them. That could possibly be that way for him. At least, I'd like to think that.
Now, mind you...he is a guy and his is 22. That's prime time for a dude. Yay if he's not getting that much ass bc he's waiting for me. lol But also yay if he does get some. It's human nature. At least, a guy's nature. =)
Honestly, can´t get laid???!...Rob Honey, you need help with that? Call me, K?
Rob has said himself that he is paranoid. Given that, I think he's careful of who he's keeping company with. I can't see him sleeping with random girls who may call the tabloids the next morning. I think (and choose to believe) that he's pretty respectful of women.
I noticed it also, it's posted a lot recently, but that is ok. It is a gossip and people are always interested in that.
The thing that annoys me is when you read the comments on other sites people are posting about it, everyone is literally believing it. Like it's a fact.
Everything that shows up they believe, then they bash that someone and then when another "news" comes up that is more positive then they praise...
It is just disgusting.
It's mu fault for reading it all, I'll just avoid that sort of stuff from now on. What ever happens people are not going to change.
After a while I found it funny...first I like the fact as soon as he said he can't get laid a girl appears haha
It's all one of those that start with I heard from a friend, that heard from his friend who heard from an acquaintance who overheard someone...hahah...that part is also funny.
And yeah there are two versions, the one when he goes with a girl, and other when he leaves her hahah.
And you are all right about overhearing someone at bars..hell I have trouble understanding persons I'm speaking to sometimes from all the noise.
I wonder...if he said that it would be better for me. It would be easier to leave off Robsession.
Sometimes (esp when I'm looking at GQ pict) I feel so sad that I will NEVER meet him, ever.
So I try to make me belive he's not perfect. But I always fail.
unlike other 22 year old dudes who are are ready to bolt out the door with whatever is in front of them...he might be nervous... cause after getting busy, its likely the chick would kick him out the door with the words...you gotta go, I need to post these pics on the internet RIGHT NOW! :)
I agree with you Lilly. He is a man after all, and an actor, or whatever the hell he wants to call himself. There is definitely some degree of lying involved. Or perhaps he likes to make shiz up. or exaggerate. He's definitely a jokster.
Am I in the minority of Rob fans? I'm 25, neither a tween/teen, puma or Cougar. so what the hell category do I fit in??? Oh well.
oh and one more thing...i really hope that he does not have to do these promos for twilight anymore. i know everyone wants to see him on friday night but they can have someone else go from the movie. i really feel that he is such a good actor to be doing these screaming fans promos. he really needs to get a better publicist. twilight is so freaking big he does not need to promote it any more same with the rest of the movies they are going to sell themselves.
by the way the ones who said the they dont want him to become a male slut...he can have any girl literally...if that was you and you can literally have any guy wouldn't you. i sure would and the first would be robert pattinson :))
Ok, I'm going out on a limb here, but do English people actually use this expression (getting laid)? I thought it was an Americanism...
and as to overhearing people in bars...ya just don't know. My friend met this guy in a bar and she told me "he's a banker and he makes 10,000 loans a day". Turns out...he was really "a BAKER, who made 10,000 LOAVES a day". subway anyone? HAHAHA!
girls - I am sure our boy Rob gets whatever he needs.
LETTERS!! You are in Philly?
No Way.. me too!
Lets catch the train to NYC! Meet me at 30th street station in 40 mins!
LMAO Fantasia!
oh and P.S.
"I" can get laid if I really try..
I am sure all Rob has to do is drop trou(sers) and the line forms...
oh and P.S.
"I" can get laid if I really try..
I am sure all Rob has to do is drop trou(sers) and the line forms...
Grrr, why oh why couldn't I have known that he was here in NYC? I wonder what he's in town for.
I of course don't really put much faith in this gossip at all--agree with everyone else who says you can barely hear your own private conversations in a bar, much less those of the people around you. For another, this just doesn't mesh with what he said in the GQ article about all of the tabloid stuff portraying him as after *ss all the time as b*llsh*t.
As much as I love that we're seeing more of him lately, a big part of me really feels for his virtual complete lack of privacy or a normal life. I don't think he had a clue what he was in for when he signed on for this role, and I really don't want all of this craziness to change him.
I don't think I would feel comfortable just fucking a random person at a bar. Especially if I had millions of crazed fans swooning over me. I'd probably be horny all the time if people wanted me the way they do him. lol. if he lays the wrong person she could totally post personal details about him on the net. I think he's way too private and paranoid to give in to the female flesh, especially some random. I'm sure he's smart enough to think about consequences... but then again, he's a man. who knows.
Not all men are ass hungry though. I know for a fact. It's a stereotype.
what I mean by male slut is constantly trying to get laid by many different girls. ALL THE TIME. because you have the power to. I find that horribly disgusting. If he turns out to be that kind of person, than it will really turn me off to him...a little. hehehehe
There must be lots of girls/women throwing themselves at him, but if you were him, would you go for it?
How would he know he could trust that girl? He would be petrified it would be ALL OVER the press the day day or the next week.
Poor guy. He CAN get laid, but does no know who to trust I reckon.
We do say "Get Laid" in the UK :)
Ms McSparkle :) x
fantasia22 you're sure Rob gets whatever he needs?
I don't think so. It's too dangerous for him. You know, kiss and tell. And he can't know if girl is with him because of him or because of his fame.
how did it all go??
Agree: LMAO Fantasia!
Since the Oscars, Rob's increased popularity means these rags want to use his name more...don't believe this at all!
Also fascinated by what he is contractually obligated to do at this stage, poor guy.......
Would love to see him on a mini break from all the promo -- or maybe he is due back at NM shoot soon.
Hey, divinesally, we posted at the same time, saying similar things :)
Ms McSparkle x
Suz...I'm in line...#45
I see ANON great minds do think alike,no?
I wonder where the heck he is. Shall we all meet up at the Port Authority downtown and go in search for him tonight? lmao. He's probably like a half an hour away from me. I'm so sad. I just want to meet him so bad, but I know damn well I would make a total ass out of myself. there are so many things I'd want to tell/ask, that it would all come out in an incoherent jumble accompanied by drool. =/
See...if he was a BAKER...he would have no problem getting women.
I think he probably is pretty cautious - because no matter who it is, it will be scrutinized world wide. And I still contend, he can get what he needs/whats, if he asks. He hid out pretty well in the UK Jan/Feb.
Funny...now EOnline's sharing the gossip. http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/b104580_link_party_robert_pattinson_has_no.html
I just re-stared at the pic associated with this...it's like he's saying "SERIOUSLY?" bwahaha!!!
really hot pik of rob and kristen
I don't believe it..Maybe I'm naive or something, but after all the interviews I have read and seen of him, he just doesn't seem like the type to have sex with a total stranger. He said in the GQ mag about how there are so much gossip coloumns. And what is doing in NY? I understand that he is a man, but I really don't want to know him sleeping around.
Between us we should be able to find him!! I live near his folks in SW London, so when he is back here, I promise to go look for him.
Meanwhile, why are you NYers inside and online -- get out there and find him :)
Ms McSparkle x
Hey SUZ and LETTERS: I'm also in Philly, anyone from South Philly? I'll meet both of you in line at 30th Street station and we can go on a Rob-Hunt in NYC and take turns with him!!!!
Ladies, important to consider:
aside from his acting, stellar twilight promotion work (?) and bar hanging out time..don't you think the rest of his time is spent reading the constant stream of witty posts about him!
we are all addicted to it...bet he is as well! later chicas!
Anon, very nice photoshopped pict ;)
Lost and Letters
YO! Philly is in da house...
: )
My best friend lives on Jackson St. Lost... Letters.. I think we should get together and go RobHunting!
I need to feed.
Couldn't care less if he said it or not. I just wish I was the girl he was hooking up with.
Tenneil: Good. Her ankle is not broken, just a really good sprain. Thanks for asking!
I almost spilled my coffee reading the NYDaily News this morning. I know he was in Arkansas for the Walmart meeting saturday morning, but did he really fly to NYC Saturday night??? I'm a NYC gal. So close yet so far! LOL
I am not really sure what to think. If it was in the NYPost- I'd think it's instant bullshit, but does the NYDaily News have any credibility whatsoever? I dunno about that one. Heh.
ok, other ANON, just saw the pic. that is some really bad photo shop , its actually pretty funny.
I agree with those of you who said that Rob CAN get laid anytime, but does he choose to? That's the thing. The guy is the hottest thing around(and I don't mean just looks wise) and he knows damn well if he screws some random girl he meets at a bar or party, his pic with her and intimate details could very well be all over the net the next day. I think he is too paranoid and private of a person to do this. His GQ article really opened my eyes to how alone he seems to be and how the image of a prowling stud is not who he is, and he said that nothing wrtitten about him in the gossip rags are true. I think he pounds back beers instead of girls, but who knows? Maybe he relieved a little sexual pressure while back home, he is not as big of a deal over there. Yet.
The NY Daily News has printed some dumb ass gossip about Rob before. They need to stop cockblocking the RPatz. God I hope that man gets his needs met. I know just the girl to do it. I won't tell a soul. Except the Rkats, Hums Spice Girls...
Rosebar is an upscale loungy type place. The music isn't that loud and you can hear people's comments if you're standing anywhere near them. I'd be very worried about sleeping with a random girl in NY, who knows where they've been. And I agree with the paranoia theory. The guy can't do anything without being photographed. He's in paparazzi hell right now. Not the best idea to sleep with some random girl who could just be looking for her 15 minutes of fame. Maybe that's why he rushed out so quickly with beer in hand....didn't want to be tempted. You have to admit, the guy has self control. I have guy friends who are quasi-celebrities...you have to be VERY careful. I mean girls can be very psychotic, no joke. Last thing he needs right now is some psycho girl getting pregnant and ruining his life. He seems like a good guy, hope he doesn't let all of this affect him and remains that way. I'll let you guys know if I see him out and about in NY.
Um...wasn't Ashley Greene in NYC too this past weekend? Maybe there was a Twilight thing there?
Just so it's clear...um...yeah...peeps, seriously, the man has sex. Be done with it. 'Nuff said.
Nuh uh!!!!!
Noooooooooooooo wayyyy!!!!!!
Hell no!!!!
It's gay rumors!
Rob wud NEVER do that!!!!!!
I agree with "xoROBxo":
"Rob has said himself that he is paranoid. Given that, I think he's careful of who he's keeping company with. I can't see him sleeping with random girls who may call the tabloids the next morning. I think (and choose to believe) that he's pretty respectful of women."
- and even if he wanted to,it would be hard for him to pick up a girl and keep it private. Sucks to be Rob sometimes i bet.
-But who in hell knows about any of this talk, really?
I agree w/ many girls & ladies's comments above that Rob can get anyone he wants even a serious girlfriend unlike last year. lol..
But, his life has changed now since Twilight, he knows he cannot just screw some random girl & not fearing the consequences or the chick's alterior motivation.
I think it better that he stay paranoid for awhile, tho I do feel bad for him, afterall, he's freaking 22, in his prime!
I know I can't never have him, I wish he will meet someone wonderful that he can trust and love!
I agree with Danni in the first comment: I can not imagine Rob saying that out loud in a bar.
And, also, he is not the kind of man that would find it difficult to get laid, on the contrary; or the kind of man that would "pick up a brunette in a bar". We HOPE not, of course.
But, he is a man, a damn hot man, and single. Who knows what is really going on?
Oh, I doubt that he flew over to NYC so fast after Walmart promo, was it for business again or for fun? I don't believe any of the trashy gossip about him, he said all of them are false, right?
I really think he's a 'relationship guy' like he said of himself. He'd be more respectful of women. Wonder if he's obssessive & possessive type of boyfriend? hmm..lol
First, never believe the Gatekeeper - it's all the same source peeps. Trashtastic.
Second, if it is true, it doesn't say he left with said girl.
Third, if he left with said girl, she saw God that night.
Fourth, he needs to brush up on his Twi lines, "Well, no one is going to believe you."
I hope he is getting some but he doesn't seem like a player.
My advice is to not loose sleep over this garbage - why waste a perfectly good Rob dream?
TwiHeart, I agree with you. I never waste a perfect Rob dream. Well, ok, it is more like a Rob/jaws/porn/dream; so, how would I waste it? No away!...
I'm sorry, but I'm not naive like of a lot of you are. Rob is going out to too many bars and there are pictures of him on here in a later post video with two hot "red heads". They were all over him. And remember how he said how a lot of girls were all over him in LA last year. So just because we haven't seen all the pics and vids doesn't mean it's not happening. Oh and doesn't anyone remember the old TMZ video with him coming out "APPLE" night club and there were four girls walking in front and one skank blond walking in back of him the whole way. Then the girl in front turns and asked him do you want us to get the car? He said, what??? Then you saw a couple of the girls disappear and a few seconds later the pap told him goodnight and left him alone. And I did read in Eonline Ted's "Awful Truth" in the 1,2,3, Teqila site were a girl did comment about her knowing him a "imitate way" back October. And in the their recent post about the GQ interview another girl commented saying they did things that were 4 pages long. The way they said there comments felt real and I remember how guys are at that age. It is all about getting some. Rob said it himself in GQ he doesn't want a girlfriend in this environment. I mean look at how were all talking about how we want to do him. He even said he hated Cedric Digory for being "goody goody".
So wake up everybody!!! I just hope that he is really careful sleeping around with those freaky skanks in LA or where ever. That crowd he is running around with is wild and could start him doing drugs. I will pray for him.
Twi Heart: "Third, if he left with said girl, she saw God that night."
hahaha So true!
TwiHeart, I read your comment again... Now I am jealous: I want Rob to make ME see God too!!!
But who the fuk cares if he got laid or not? Well I guess some people do... but wtv how does this change anything for us right now... UNLESS it was one of us... then HIGH FIVE to that chick!SCORES... otherwise...we all have to face the fact that some lucky chick was seeing *God* ( i like that one) that night... Anyhow, Most probably another rumor...unless this snitch was CSI-ing some McGuiver shit to hear him talking so clearly in a bar...
I can picture it now... some quasi media reporter hanging from the bar ceiling...lol
Lillie (5:14) - I totally agree with you that it's not that he can't lie, he just doesn't filter what he says very well. I think half a what he says is just crap that comes out of his mouth. When he did the Sirius radio interview on 11/24, he said he'd never done a radio interview before - I know he did at least one - the z100 interview on 11/6. When he was in Dallas in early Nov., he told an interviewer he'd never been to Texas when he'd just been to Austin in October for the film festival for How To Be (surely he knew that was Texas). In one interview, he admits he asked Kristen to marry him (along with lots of other girls), saying that's his thing, in another interview he denies it. When he did that GQ interview he was spent from doing so much press!
I love him though - I think MOST of what he says is very sincere - I think he's just sick of the bullshit questions.
Why they removed "Out and about" vid from youtube?
(Wowie 5:20 wrote I had a friend who always complained about not getting any...or any opportunity to get any. I simply said that her standards were way too high and that there were always guys coming up to her but her dismissing them. That could possibly be that way for him.)
That's exactly what I think. He's even said he goes after girls who aren't interested in him. I think he'd take Kristen or Camilla in a second if they didn't have boyfriends. Also, I always wonder if he's thinking of Katy Perry when he says he likes "nuts girls."
I agree with a lot of other posters that I don't think he's in to random sex, but who knows? I hope he is getting some though - maybe not though if he's reading "hard core" FF. :)
yeah, he is in new york right now.
i think i read in some website that cliam he and ashley greene still new york.
ashley have charity duty in sacks avenue, i don't know what rob doing but i think he will be tail with his manager..laughs..
i hate stupid gossip and if he want to laid little bit, what's wrong ?? he is so normal good looking guy...i hate the media always makes it worst...
Anon "And in the their recent post about the GQ interview another girl commented saying they did things that were 4 pages long." REALLY? I'd like to shake her hand! I pray for Rob all the time - "Please God send Rob to me."
I have several very successful, attractive guy friends who laughed when I told them about the arguments here that because Rob is so hot, is 22, has women hanging on him and is at the bars a lot, it means he is getting laid left and right. None of these make sex a sure thing for a guy. You can be a smokin' hot person surrounded by smokin' hot people and feel completely alone.I have been introduced to very attractive men for whom I felt no attraction. No one believes that Rob couldn't get a girl before Twilight. Maybe he is as boring and transparent as he claims to be (doubtful, but possible). Maybe women are drawn by his looks, and then he opens his mouth and what comes out sends them running.
I'm NOT bashing Rob. I like Rob. I also don't know him. However, despite the fact that he lets things blurt out of his mouth and contradicts himself sometimes (nerves, probably, as he has mentioned his problem with nerves), there are consistent character themes that have been implied by his words and other's words about him. He is honest, sensitive, likes to be alone (which doesn't mean he's lonely), funny, intelligent, shy, a bit neurotic and caught in the middle of a shitstorm of celebrity bullshit. I don't know if it makes sense that he's all of a sudden become a male slut just because he's surrounded by women. Could you imagine how difficult it would be to go from not having females interested in you to having millions of them want you for superficial reasons or because they think they know you? That would suck. We think he's incredibly handsome and cool, but I bet he still sees the same old Rob he's always seen when he looks in the mirror.
He's a big boy and can take care of himself. If he can't, then he'll have to learn fast. It's going to take him a while to integrate these huge changes into his lifestyle if he is able to integrate them at all. I have a feeling he knows what he's looking for in a woman and will find her or not find her depending on what he thinks is best for him right now.
He's also lucky that he's got such great supporters on Robsessed who want the best for him and who look out for him :) I know this post got way too long but so be it. I do so enjoy reading all of your posts.
Hey KK - I got behind on the blog and read a bunch of posts at once... are you the one who a few days ago that said your kids and husband were coming home from work/school and you'd been on Robsessed all day? BTW - I agree with your post above.
Greenie - Nope. I don't have any kids.
KK - I must have just remembered your name b/c I agree with your posts :)
Greenie - Now I'm properly logged in. Of course I've bypassed all the hot pics of Rob to create an avatar of one of his dorkiest pics. I love it though because that's the side of him I prefer.
I get a bit long-winded on my posts, but I appreciate that I can post them here and engage in conversation.
KK - I agree with you. I have an impression of Rob based on what I have seen and heard and how I believe him to be, i.e., talented, intelligent, soulful and heartbreakingly beautiful to behold. What bothers me is when people come on here, a site I love and frequent, and pretend to KNOW him. How does anyone know his wants, needs and desires or what's in his head? I do hope he makes good decisions and I give him credit for being capable of it. He doesn't seem like the type to fall prey to the "Hollywood nonsense." So at the end of the day he can look himself in the mirror he appreciates what we appreciate about him, and likes what he sees. The only thing his fans can count on is that he will make his own choices and his own mistakes. You won't hear me bitchin about it, judging him, or saying I told you so. Haters be gone.
Well, I'm heading out for Spring Break vacation and not taking my computer - I'm hoping 7 days of no Robsession and spring weather will help break my Robsession. I swear, I feel like a jealous ex-girlfriend half the time. Crazy! I'm gonna focus on comments about his smelly clothes that have come up in several interviews(which would surely turn me off) and not let my mind think about how damned sexy, funny and talented he is :). Wish me luck!
Greenie- Have a nice break! Good luck finding the cure. I have my doubts.
TwiHeart - I hope that if Rob does stumble onto Robsessed, he reads your last post because you just said it all. :)
Greenie, hi! It was me, I'm Athena, I live in Greece.
I have kids and a husband. And I Robsess too much, maybe. That day, I didn't do anything... only Robsessing. I'm trying to be a little more responsible now...
I have a 12 y.o. that loves Zac Efron and thinks Pattinson is uggly, scary and old.
I love him, and it is good that I don't have the same crush as my 12 y.o. daughter does, I think.
Good night to you all. It's really late now... Maybe I SHOULD GET LAID...
Greenie - If you find the cure, let us know...but I don't think there is one unless it's more cowbell.
Have fun! Robsessed will miss you.
Thanks KK - that means a lot coming from you! A sane, grown-up. You know this site brings me so much pleasure, and I hate to see it tainted. I've made a lot of friends who share my appreciation for Rob and we have fun with it. Rob's assets need not be wasted on feeble-minded know-it-alls.
I'd rather he waste his ass...ets on us...:)
Hey Athena, I could soooo relate to your post - I too often spend too much time on Robsessed - I've had days where I'll look up and it's time for my kids to come home and I haven't even done the breakfast dishes yet. I'm sure my husband is like 'what have you done all day???" I was glad to see your post and know I'm not alone :). My daughter thinks Rob is cute, but not like I do. I showed her the GQ pics and she rolled her eyes and told me I have a problem. Boy, is she right. :) I was pouring my son a bowl of Cinnamin Toast Crunch one morning and told him that Robert Pattinson also like CTC and he looked at me like I was crazy and said - 'how in the worldl would you know that?' If he only knew. HA
KK - what does "more cowbell" mean? :) And, you're probably right - it'll be hard to stop the obsession when there are 3 more twilights to come in the next couple of years. They'll be no way to get around it. A girl can try. :)
But that wouldn't be a waste, hun! We have established that we know how to really show our appreciation and we could give him great advice. And I'm sure he WOULD appreciate it. Rob would be in good hands with the Robkats! NN - Sweet Rob dreams to you!
Greenie - "More cowbell" is from a hilarious skit with Will Ferrel and Christopher Walken on Saturday Night Live. Christopher Walken says, "I have a fever and the only cure is more cowbell."
Rob does not even forget his beer...like Heineken finds the guy for spokesperson indeed.
ROBSESSION is the ONLY thing More Cowbell will NOT cure!!!!
Cowbell Rules!
I think he had problems with girls before Twilight because he have some problems ith expressing feelings. I mean this story in GQ about cheating girlfriend and how he was faking his feelings. It was really weird - how can you live with someone who does smth like that?
He's so perfect, it could be only one reason for his girls problem. What do you think?
Or maybe it wasn't THIS girl. When he finds her he will feel everything 'in right way'. I think.
KK~I'm totally with you. I don't think Rob has had a personality transplant and become a male slut overnight.
I've written before that I used to be a TV-Film critic who did a lot of personality profiles. Being famous does not equate to being happy and having loads of fabulous bed time. Quite the opposite. I've had celebs ask me to do something normal (like shopping or running an errand) with them because it is a treat not to have to be "on." Imagine running to the bank being a treat.
Anon~Just where is this so-called four-page Rob confession located? ummmm.
Chicago girl--the person is referring to this particular comment:
"giraffe Thu, Mar 12, 2009, 10:52 AM
if rob had more time for the interview he could of dedicated a whole 4 pages to talking about what we did behind closed doors butt i dont think he wanted to point fingers. hes a nice and respecktful guy which is why he keeps things like that private. hes really good in bed thou just so you know"
And here is the other comment Anon is refering to:
"honeybee Thu, Nov 13, 2008, 11:58 AM
He smells wonderful by the way * I found out the intimate way. He's just a normal guy * no hype no drama"
So even if this did happen, he was "nice and respecktful" and you pay him back by blabbing online?
Now this person's comments are just FUNNY...and sad...funny and sad. Give me a break. I could post a similar comment on any gossip blog:
Rob really is a nice guy, but he's also terrific in bed. I should know because I was lucky enough to spend some time with him when he was in LA before the Oscars. He was very respectful of my feelings. BTW, his lips are so soft, and he knows just what to do with his hands...
And sadly, this "fake" comment on a gossip blog could turn into the same kind of rumor. Anyone remember Orson Welles "War of the Worlds?" At least I spelled everything correctly.
Well, Anon~
Thanks so much for citing the specific details! That "giraffe" person is quite the speller. One sad thing about the internet is that disturbed narcissistic persons have a public forum without a filter.
I personally don't believe these posts. I think if these "encounters" really happened, the temptation to sneak a photo as proof would be too great.
I don't belive these comments also.
I wonder why people waste their time and energy writing this kind of stuff.
People won't belive it until you don't give them evidence.
Evidence? Only video I think.
We had Annelyse's Facebook account and it was fake (poor girl by the way). And it was really laborious task while you can write comment in 60 sec.
Kind of sad.
KK- your comments are awesome. I agree with your every word.
Well Rob has mentioned in interviews before that he's had trouble finding a girlfriend, so maybe the tabloids just exagerated this and made it about sex.
I'm sure Rob can get laid any time he wants, he probably can't trust anyone.
I'm sure he and Nikki have "sleepovers" all the time haha.
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