Rob is in Hell-A ;)

Going out a side door away from throngs of photographers waiting for the Twilight arrival, Robert Pattinson and Ashley Greene are kept waiting outside behind a fence while their car is summoned. Before being whisked away, the two are discovered and the crowd grows. Pattinson wears black pants, white shirt, and a black hoodie over his head with dark sunglasses. Greene wears grey but covers herself with sunglasses nonetheless.


Thanks to Rocio for the links :)


kitty said...

Only Rob and Ashley in these pics!? How long til the 'romance' stories appear!?!?!

SummerGirl said...

Thanks for the pics :)

Rob looks lovely. Nothing new there!

Anonymous said...

lol kitty, i was just about to say the same thing. i hope people dont start those rumours.. i dont really like ashley, kristens much better!!

Tess said...

Hell-A is right! Get in and get out Rob. The Paps are feral in that town.

Anonymous said...

Dear GOD,
Please keep Rob safe from the paps, STD, Erika Dutra look alike skanks, Herpes Hilton, The HILLS cast and Demons, Satans and their friends.

monika said...

lmao Ashley has some big ass glasses,I like:)

Jala said...

And Hoodiewoobie makes its reappearance.

No more of the white shirt hoodiewoobie.

Anonymous said...

Aww a little bonding time between Rob and Ashley. :)

I hate airport paparazzi pics the most. Ugh. But that would be impossible considering, yeah you're right, this is Hell-A.

albaville said...

Rob looks sexy and cool as usual:GOD KNOWS HOW MUCH I LOVE HIM WHEN HE SMILES :))

Anonymous said...

Ooh nice that he's back in LA:) but the paparazzi is pretty intense there so I hope they don't upset him to much... I wonder where Kristen is?! I though they took the same flight...

monika said...

@Stefani, Kristen was there too of course:);4908837;4908820;4908788;4908762;4908535;4908534;4908533;4907950;4907949;4907948;4907947;4907945;4907944;4907930;4883958;4883957;4858608;4858483;4854152;4854137;4854123;4854111;4854100;4852669;4852657;4852655;4852642;4852639;4852630;4852627;4852618;4852615;4852606;4852604;4852596;4852593;4852585;4852583;4852575;4851377;4851357;4851333;4851313;4846731;4846667;4845937;4845921;4845882;4845845

monika said...

lmao that's one helluva long link I just posted

Anonymous said...

monica: oh thanks for the link! yeah, that was pretty long:P
She always has the same clothes hehe...

MADEinPARIS said...

Old funny picture:.

Kelly said...

OK.. so here are my thoughts on these.. Love him.. any picture of him is great... but it's kind of sad that for the last two weeks he was sans hoodie pretty much and he touches down in the good old US and BOOM.. hoodie up.. tension up... he seemed so relaxed lately.. even in Cannes and he was there for the publicity I'm aware of that.. but still these pics evoke from me one of those heart breaking moments.

I hearby swear that I will never stalk you... I will not hunt you down and I will only seek to see you at authorized publicity events, film opening, Q&A's, radio and television interviews. Beyond that... your time is yours as far as I am concerned... of course I can only speak for myself.. the millions of others who adore you as I do, well I can only hope they will follow along.

I know I sound so dramatic... but I just feel bad for him.. them.. poor Ashley.. whom I personally think is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my life.. these poor people are trapped like animals.

And on a last note.. Gozde and Dani.. I love your site.. your commentary, and all the pics and info... I just want to state that this tirade is not directed at you in any way shape or form and I appreciate your discretion in what you do post... Love you both! You are my one place to stay in touch with the young Mr. Pattinson. There are others to look at but if I want the real story.. you all are where I turn to : )

Don't you just hate a person with her own soap box : )

- (stepping down from soap box now - possibly in search of coffee perhaps it will improve my mood : ) )

Jala said...

Re photo Monika posted link to:

Rob to Kristen, "So when you want to hide from the paps and stalker fans you just put on a black hoodiewoobie and a pair of shades and, puff, you're invisible."

Lizalou said...

And so the hell that is LA/Hollywood begins again for him. Sure hope he can escape for a few days before filming Remember Me in NYC.

Oh and yoohoo, Rob? *waves* come to Chicago, dear. We don't have paparazzi here. Christian Bale and Heath Ledger walked around for an ENTIRE summer without being accosted.
What time shall I pick you up at the airport? ;p

And good morning, ladies :)

monika said...

when does he start filming Remember Me? anyone knows?

Anonymous said...

monika: I think sometime in June for two months what I've heard. Don't know which date though...

Martina said...

niahid, herpes hilton LOL :D :D :D

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Aw, Kelly:

I love what you said.

*Mrs. R holding Kelly's hand atop soap box*

Mrs. Robinsane said...

And poor sweetie, with the ubiquitous LBHH again!

Kelly said...

Thanks Mrs. R!! : )

I hope more people feel like we do!! I just want him to know.. not that he's here looking.. but if one of his people does look I hope they let him kow that some of us are normal.. I get that it's part of his weird job.. but you know when you are done with your job at the end of the day.. your life should be yours...

I hate getting off of a long flight and trying to look like I haven't just gone through hell.. I couldn't imagine getting off a plane and haing a camera shoved in my face!

so if anyone is reading for him.. *HUGS* Sorry for those who don't know better : )

How are you Mrs R?? I haven't been around in a while.. things going ok?

grerp said...

I'm ready for him to get a new pair of sunglasses. I've never really liked this pair. He could do better.

Jala said...

Kelly - completely behind you there.

Only thing Rob owes us is the best performance he can manage in whatever movie he's working on.

The rest of his life should be his.

Haven't we seen enough airport pics to know what he looks like at an airport?

Kelly said...

It's a new movement Jalarag!! : ) Thanks!!

And I agree,... only thing I'm usually looking for when I get off a plane is the ladies room!

Jala said...

Kelly - the Society for the Prevention of Rob Harrassment.

WinWin said...

Godze, thanks for the updates and kudos to you for the Little Ashes movement.

Good morning everyone.

Kelly I totally agree with you. I support you. I will not bother him if I run into him in NY. I hope he can fade into the crowds here.

Marj said...

GOZ,do you sleep?,ithoght i was a sleepless reck, he will never be let alone,move to nyc,some peace there.

Lizalou said...


Agreed. I think it's a damned shame that he has to feel this way (esp. after that long-haul flight which we all know takes a lot out of you).

My only thoughts on the whole celeb/paparazzi thing, in addition to what you said, are: I feel bad for people like Rob who seem to have just fallen into this without actually seeking it out. I believe he falls into the category of actors who were just truly having a good time, doing something they found interesting and weren't necessarily ever looking for fame and fortune.
Add to that, my suspicion that privacy and anonymity are paramount to Rob (speculation, of course - none of us really know him). It makes me feel genuinely bad for him because I think in the long run, despite all of the doors this has opened for him, he's just going to want some peace and quiet and a normal life.

However, I do NOT feel bad, for even one second, for the Tom Cruises, Brad Pitts, Paris Hiltons and Megan Foxes of the world. These people are famewhores. Their only desire was to be rich and famous. The paparazzi can hang out in the bushes outside of their houses for all I care. I figure that they signed up for this life so they might as well lay in the bed that they made.

Sophia Z.86 said...

Rob in his uniform...

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Hi everyone!

Kelly: I'm fine—hope you are, too!

It's funny when you step back and really think about this whole Rob phenomenon:

The only reason we know about him is through his acting: he has been seen by many, many people, while pretending, onscreen, to be someone else. That's all.

And why is he elevated to a special plane of existence, just because of this? Why is it that people are literally falling all over themselves (and each other) to get photographs of him? Why do fans want him to scribble his name on a piece of paper (and then maybe immortalize it, with a tattoo)? What is the value, really, of a snapshot with him, when he will then walk away, forever?

Substitute any "regular," non-famous guy in this equation, and the worshipful, hounding behavior would seem—rightly so—absurd.

So then, why Rob? Why persist here, learning and commenting about him? Why do I feel only mildly ridiculous, maintaining my interest in him?

Is it just that he appears to be so much more of a substantive person, compared to other actors (whose daily activities and personalities interest me not in the least)?

I honestly think that if RP were NOT famous, and I encountered him in an everyday situation (at a mutual workplace, for example), he would catch my fancy just as much—more, even—as he does now, and I would feel completely confident attempting to get to know him better. (In fact, in my oh-so-distant college and twenty-something past, I encountered...and "got to know" ;P...several men just as handsome, though fractionally as winsome, as he doesn't really threaten or intimidate me. ;))

And that is partly why I would never want to meet him in any sort of "fan" situation...because, even though I thoroughly support the work that he does (and it's one of the few professions where you can feel the urge to "support" a stranger—I mean, I don't exactly admire, cheer on, or want to get to know my dentist or mailman, do I?), I wouldn't want him to look upon ME as a mere "fan."

If I am fortunate enough to publish my book, and if he reads and enjoys it, I would love to meet him, and get to know him (if he wishes, of course), under those more neutral circumstances. I guess what I am trying to say is that it would be lovely to meet him when I have some sort of artistic and intellectual "product" of my own to bring to the table, and not just my one-sided admiration of him and his work.

*just a few thoughts*

Stacy said...

He looks great, but I feel bad for both of them. They shouldn't have to put up with this.

monika said...

one of Kristen's fansites reports her bro picked her up from the airport,no sighting of MA,why was he not there to welcome her? one would think he'd be there cause they haven't even seen each other for over a month I think. doesn't he miss his 'girlfriend'?

Jala said...

Mrs. R - I love reading your few thoughts. Very eloquent.

I view the photo taking/autograph hunting as something like hunting sport. You know? Like fox hunting or stag hunting. The photo/autograph is a trophy like the head with the antlers on the wall that you see in all those old stately homes and castles.

There's no real personal connection, so in my opinion there's no real satisfaction there because you don't mean anything more to him than you did before the encounter.

And you just added to the nuisance factor in his life.

Anonymous said...

monika: Maybe they wouldn't cause a bigger scene than it already is with all the paparazzi and stuff, they probably meet up at home. But yeah who knows, they maybe have taken a break or something...

Anonymous said...

Jalarag, that's an interesting analogy. I see it as both some kind of tangible proof of memory, and as a piece of validation. It's not my thing... but it is such a huge part of celebrity for some people.

Lizalou said...

Mrs. R,

I feel the exact same way - only you said it much more articulately than I could have. ;p

I know for certain that the reason why i'm hooked is because he's exactly the sort of guy I'd fall for in real life (even if he's only 1/2 as charming/witty/intellecutal as he seems to be).

I would be absolutely horrified to meet him in a fan type of situation. Not to mention, I'd be mortified if he knew I was one of *them*.
The only way I'd ever want to meet him would be in a neutral setting, where we could have a real conversation as two people getting to know one another do.

Good luck on getting the book published, btw, Mrs. R. How far along in the process are you?

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Hi jalarag:

Hunting trophies/nuisance factor: excellent analysis!

I would love to agitate RP...but by increasing his pulse and his curiosity, not his annoyance!

Anonymous said...

People were asking me last night why I am not going to Universal Studios to see Rob since he is here in the flesh.

I don't want that kind of experience. The hassle of parking, the waiting, the screaming... all to see (perhaps) him walk by as you stand behind a barricade and scream? Maybe he'll walk over and scribble his name on something you shove at him as he moves to sign the next piece of paper or tiny baby.

I don't get it, at all....?? If some people dig that kind of thing, fine. But I don't understand what you get out of it, and how that has any kind of satisfaction for you. I find it really weird, and mystifying... but that's just how I view it.

Lizalou said...


Loved your analogy. At this point in my life, I see no value in autographs, either. But, I will admit that when I was a teen, I thought it was amazing.
I always correlate autographs with celebrity worship. And I think that once you reach a certain level of maturity or once you've been exposed to actual celebrities, you realize they're just people like you and I. In fact, with most of them, I don't think there's even anything extraordinary about them at all (Paris Hilton comes to mind...). They just happen to be more fortunate than most people or were in the right place at the right time.

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Hi Lizalou:

I know what you mean about being perceived as one of "them," in RP's eyes. Surely the more mature Robsessors do not belong in this category?

*questioning the wisdom of retaining close-up, personal photo as avatar: RP turn-on or turn-off?*

As for the book I'm writing—I hesitate to say too much more about it, because I fear a collective eye-roll from the assembled ladies. But since you asked: I have completed almost 110 pages, and I hope to finish by the end of the summer, with at least 200 edited pages.

And, believe it or not, these discussions on Robsessed have helped me ponder and write about the romantic relationships within my book (as well as helping me examine my own life...).

Kelly said...

You know what Mrs. R.. I would love to sit and have a conversation with you! Your thoughts and feelings are so similar to mine.. and although I have a few more years on you.. I love to read what you write about your thoughts regarding Rob, and the feeling that I couldn't have said it better myself!

I equate the autograph blip in a life to this quote..

It's not how many breaths we take... it's the moments that take our breath away that really matter...

He has provided many onscreen moments that have taken my breath away.. and also many arranged photoshoot moments that have made my heart stop... but his words.. in interviews.. have.. for whatever reason.. touched me in a way that confuses, excites and intrigues me all at the same time.

And I'm thankful that this obsession has introduced me to so many wonderful intelligent women..

He need do nothing more for me.. the gifts of his talents and the Robsession he has created in bringing friend together, have been abundantly generous and everything else is gravy.

Boy I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy today... XOXO to all!

Jala said...

Lizalou - "I would be absolutely horrified to meet him in a fan type of situation. Not to mention, I'd be mortified if he knew I was one of *them*."

That's EXACTLY how I feel.

Kelly said...

I don't want to be called a *them* : ( But I wouldn't ever do a screaming session in a life at a red carpet.. but I would probably.. given the chance.. attend a Q&A session.. I would prefere it though, if the people in attendance were older.. mature.. and realy interested in learning about his hopes goals and other talents... (like music ladies.. calm down : ) ).. because really.. when you think about it.. this movie thrust him into our line of view.. much like oh say a chance meeting... the difference is now, he has to wonder, always, "what it is this person talking to me wants"... I guess i will remain happy to admire from afar...

Jala said...

I will admit to collecting a few autographs as a teenager. They were all ballet dancers. I even got Rudolph Nureyev's.

But he seemed pretty short tempered and annoyed with the crowd of us he had to sign for. And afterwards I was annoyed with him for signing with a black pen across the black part of his photograph so that I couldn't even see the signature.

So it was a fairly unsatisfying encounter for both of us.

I suppose one grows out of these things as one matures and places more importance on the internals than the externals.

Kelly said...

As for the avi face close up.. frankly.. I like looking at his face better than my own

His = beautiful

Mine = not so much

: )

Mrs. Robinsane said...


I would love to sit and talk with you, as well! It's such a shame that we Robsessors are separated so much, geographically.

It's very difficult for me, in the normal course of my life, to meet anyone with whom I'd even contemplate revealing my genuine thoughts and feelings.

How rewarding, and yet how frustrating, to have met such fascinating friends here!

*Mrs. R casting aside her little white shirt; stepping, bedazzled, into the sunny square*

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lizalou said...


yeah, it actually makes me cringe - the very thought!

I think I have an idea of why we all feel that way, too. It's not that we think we're better than *those other* fans, it's just that we all seem to be mature, realistic, grounded women. We get that he's just a person.
And take a look around at all of us: Mrs. R. is writing a book (good luck!!!!); I think KK has said she's writing one, too; showme owns her own business; many of us have advanced degrees; some have raised families; and collectively, we all have many years of life-earned wisdom under our belts.
So I think the 'cringe-factor' in meeting him in a fan type of situation is that all of us truly do have something to bring to the table and to share with Rob.
And I suspect that if he met any one of us in an ordinary situation, he would recognize this and probably say, "Why on earth are you worshipping me? I'm just a 23 yr old kid. Look at all that you have done."

Anonymous said...

Mrs. R wrote:
"I know what you mean about being perceived as one of "them," in RP's eyes. Surely the more mature Robsessors do not belong in this category?"
When I first got hit by the Robnetic pull, I tentatively looked at news articles, fan sites, and blogs. One of the first things I ever heard about was, to paraphrase a lot of my readings, that Twilight and Rob had crazy fans. There were "TwiMoms" who were supposedly persistent and loony.

I don't think I have ever seen a "TwiMom" site (is there one?), but I seem to come across postings and comments by people elsewhere (seriously, not here) that I can easily see how they come across as rabid, overzealous, and scary fans.

There's definitely a bad rap out there for some of his older fans. I came here not knowing anyone's age. I just found people to be cool.

Anonymous said...

(Q: does everyone experience HTML weirdness when you post? Like it not recognizing paragraph breaks? This happens a lot to me here.)

Mrs. Robinsane said...


RP: "Oh, Mrs. R, look at all that you have done."

Mrs. R [to self—only to self]: "But, love, I haven't done YOU yet...."

*could not resist*

Lizalou said...

Mrs R. - hahaha love it!!

Shani said...

jalarag- Excellent comparison.

Mrs.R- As usual spot on.

When I was a teen I never idol worshiped any celeb. I never got those teen magazines,posters,or anything. I was just never interested. My dad was a police officer(he's retired now) and did security for a Micheal Jackson concert. He got me an autographed photo. I said my thank you and put it away in a bottom drawer. Years later I found it and put it somewhere. So I'd rather too talk to Rob one-on-one and make that personal connection.

Jala said...

When I first got the Robsession, I used to go all over the net looking for anything I could find about Rob.

Now I practically only come here, firstly because Goz and Dani have everything you need and so nicely and clearly laid out (this is the best looking Rob website, I believe), secondly because of the great company of ladies who, although they go temporarily insane when Rob takes his shirt off, are far more interested in what goes on inside him and how best they can appreciate that with total respect for him.

(That was a ridiculously long sentence).

showme said...

jaw porn...sigh...

that pic of him from bottom up....

eye candy

Kelly said...

Lizalou... well put

(stands and applauds for lizalou in dignified manner befitting an older refined Robsessor) : )

As for Mrs. R's addition to your last comment in the fantasy word of meeting him... RIGHT ON GIRLFRIEND! If you get the chance to say it to him... I promis to applaud you as well : )

A/LA - I hear you too..

You know.. it would be so great if we could plan a weekend away where we all get together and just hang out.. good people... good drinks... good conversation... great laughs... and many many many opportunities to robsess.

It might sound silly to some.. but I for one would love to do it! I think it would be a blast!

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Dear ladies:

Must go make lunch for self and hungry offspring.

*Robmantic spell broken*

I'm having such a nice and enriching time, sharing with all of you...hope to reconnect later!

showme said...

A/LA...mornin'. left u a comment on the new top pics of Rob

hoobiewoobie detracts nothing from these ones...still looking fiiiine

I'll admit i asked A/LA why shouldn't be there, half-jokingly, bc that type of crowd would kill me or i might kill them, but i absolutely WOULD love to see him in person..

i could care less ab an autograph tho. i'd like to just look into his eyes and have him smile it me just once...

is that too much to ask, Lord?

Kelly said...

Have a great afternoon Mrs. R!!

Mrs. Robinsane said...

And Kelly:

A Robsessed convention—yes!!

showme said...

'And I suspect that if he met any one of us in an ordinary situation, he would recognize this and probably say, "Why on earth are you worshipping me? I'm just a 23 yr old kid. Look at all that you have done."'

LOL Liza...i think you have that right on...i think that's EXACTLY how he would feel.

i actually had a dream last nite that all of us were in a room alone with Rob, like we'd paid to do it like the Amfar event or something, and he was just looking at us and one could get out any words, we were all so close to hyperventilating. he laughed shyly and was like trying to get us to talk, but we all just had these ecstatic, barely holding ourselves together expressions.

then i finally said (of course it was me, my ego in my dreams knows no boundaries LOL) and i said, 'we're sorry Rob. We're really usually not this tongue-tied. in fact, most of us are novelists, copwriters and sociologists, not ones to usually be at a loss for words....'

some dream huh? but it's my subconscious worrying he would think i and we are mad for our obsessions...

Jala said...

Bye, Mrs. R.

showme said...

I am SOO down for a Robsessed convention...Godze, Dani???

it should be the NM opening...i mean, really, it should.

Shani said...

jalarag- I was saying last night about how I haven't even went to the NM site other than the time it was posted here.

Shani said...

Bye Mrs.R!!!

Lizalou said...

Bye Mrs. R!

Shani said...

If we try to have a convention where would we go??? We need a central city/state to meet at.

Lizalou said...


Chicago, of course. Doesn't everyone have to connect at O'Hare anyway? ;p

Shani said...

Lizalou- Yeah your right. I certainly wouldn't mind some deep dish pizza.

Lizalou said...

We had an insane amount of movies that were being filmed here (Chicago) in the past few years. But now that the tax incentives aren't as good, I don't think the film-makers are as compelled to shoot here.
It's too bad - I'd love to have Rob here filming a movie ;p

Jala said...

Me too, Shani. Even then I went and took one quick look and came back here.

Some of the conversations here are turning out to be so satisfying, expressing stuff I feel but have no one to voice it to, that I'm almost afraid to be gone too long in case I miss something momentous.

Shani said...

jalarag- Exactly, you don't want to be gone to long. Truly, you can miss out on a great convo or link.

Jala said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jala said...

Just trying out my new avi, here. Thought it was time for a change.


Lizalou said...

I feel the same way! It's as if we're all on the same wavelength.

If i'm away from my computer for a while and I come back to see multiple new postings by Gozde and Dani, with numerous threads of comments, I start thinking, "OMG, what did I miss?"

And then it takes me forever to catch up on everything!

I think I love this site as much as Rob ;p
It's so nice to have like-minded people who all share the same obsession. If we talked about half of this stuff to our real life friends/family, they'd look at us like we'd grown a third eyeball!

Jala said...

Next week I'm going away for almost six weeks. I'll be traveling with DH and kids in the US and will probably have little or no internet access.

I'm already experiencing withdrawal symptoms. No Rob, no Robsessing ladies. How will I survive?

The fact that I might be in NY for a few days while he's filming RM is of no use to me since, short of bumping into him on a street corner (highly unlikely) I won't see him. It will just make it worse knowing he's so near and yet so far.

It will be interesting to see how I manage, Robdry.

Shani said...

Lizalou- Or put us in the nut house.LOL

Shani said...

jalarag- Six weeks??? Geez, on one hand I feel for you, but in the other you get to travel around our great country. Hell, a lot of us don't get a chance to see most of our country. What city/states are y'all traveling to??

Jala said...

Shani - We start in upstate NY, then NYC. On to West Virginia and then Baltimore. down to Florida for the last 2 1/2 weeks.

We've got family to stay with in NY and friends in all the other places so that cuts our expenses considerably. I actually haven't been to the US since my first was born (12 years now) and have never been to Florida, so I'm looking forward to it.

I'm just worried about what condition I'll be in without my daily Robfix.

Lizalou said...


I was just in europe for three weeks with very limited internet access. I survived, but just barely ;p

Shani said...

jalarag- Sounds like a great a trip.
Wait,no family member with internet access??? If you get desperate enough go to a library. Tell your DH that it will be an educational experience for the kids.LOL

Jala said...

Ok, Lizalou. There is hope for me then.

Shani - I'm sure friends and family have internet. It's whether they have it in a quiet private spot where I can covertly look at this site.

They'd think I was a total nutcase if they knew what I was going online for!

Shani said...

jalarag- GOTCHA!!! Tee Hee

Lizalou said...


just make sure to delete the browsing history!! ;)

Shani said...

I can't wait to see Rob tonight looking sex-a-licious in his new suit.This is now going to be our 4th death.

Lizalou said...

I second that, Shani. And I can't wait to hear him speak and move in real-time - oh, that does me in so much more than just looking at him.

Jala said...

Lizalou - thanks for that tip. I would have forgotten that.

Shani - Rob's really testing our coronary health these days, from Cannes right through to today. Any Robsessors with heart conditions are in serious danger.

Sara said...

Oh god. Rob in hoodie and shades is best kind of Rob.
It's like his birthday all over again.
Why on earth does he have to look so gorgeous in the pictures that are taken by vicious papparrazi?
I so don't want to feel guilty for looking at these pictures and enjoying it...

Jala said...

Right, Lizalou. When I'm really feeling Robbereft, there's nothing quite like an old YouTube interview - seeing him answering questions, the facial expressions, the deep thought, humour, chuckles, self-deprecating replies and so on and so on - to fill you up and make you happy.

I just hope someone posts the MTV stuff on YouTube in double quick time for those of us with no access to MTV.

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