Robert Pattinson walks and talks with a gal pal as they leave their Beverly Hills hotel on Sunday afternoon.
The 22-year-old British actor is in town to test screen for his upcoming flick, Remember Me.
The 22-year-old British actor is in town to test screen for his upcoming flick, Remember Me.

Dani's Note: Looking back at pictures from Katy Perry's birthday dinner which Rob attended. The girl in the pics looks to be actress Shannon Woodward you can see a pic of Shannon HERE. Mystery solved perhaps?
Mwahs n thanks to Eliz for the link to the pics.
I read that she is his actor BUDDY (yes I wrote that in caps cos well you know what happens when Rob is seen with some random woman, OMG rumors lol!!) Shannon Woodward. Not sure who she is but I checked her IMDB page and I have seen her in something lol.
luucy girl
It isn't Emma Rossum, I googled her and she looks very different.
Uhh, this is too much for one day. *dies
Someone on Rob's IMDb board said that she is dating his friend and fellow Brit actor Andrew Garfeild. Just tryin to slay the rumors before they start, Shannon n Rob have been friends for a while now they were pictured out n about last year quite a bit.
She is often the one dancing about in papz pictures quirky dresser she is and adorable if I do say so myself she is a cutie.
wow if that's Woodward,cause she's 24 and here she looks like a teen.
check it out guys.
its like a rob confessional, LOL.
I was just gonna say Dani that she looks really cute !!
She looks tiny beside Rob LOL
notice how it's 'gal pal' rather than 'mysterious date'...
Yeah, I was surprised too!
She is a cutie, atleast in the pics I have seen and hey he's chillin with friends. I think that is cool. The guy got too much on his plate lately and he's only turning 23! I so don't envy his fame. Not one bit.
For the love of all that is holy! Someone get that boy a new pair of pants!!! This is day 3 peeps!! LOL
Oh, but, Rob, this is why I puffy heart you so....
Anyhoo, Rob looks all kinds of HAWT as per usual. The chick is a cutie fo' sho'...just hope peeps don't talk to much shit about her.
Thanks for posting, Dani! :P
oh he's so cute! thank you so much for sharing! He looks happy :-) and relaxed
emma rossum acted in The Phantom of the Opera ;)
but I don`t know if that is her :/
she is Shannon Marie Woodward like danni said.
it doesn't matter - gal pal or a date or anything ... just great he doesn't freak out to be seen with a woman
Yeah, they are just friends and have been for a long time. I had thought that was Tom's sister, Iguess not, none the less. Just friends. I'm glad he can walk around talking to his friends.
she is so tiny and she looks 15,next to him lol
thanks for the pics!!
He is looking great!! This is a good day today, a lot of pics to watch ;)
OT: I´m not generally at IMDB board but there are some cool reviews of LA, I find it interesting, that some reviews made by fans are more intelligent that some of the pseudo-critics review, and we ca apreciate it by the interesting narrative they use to review. Check out what someone said ( cinnamon_toast_crunch )
"As I walked into the first showing in San Francisco, I was surrounded by thirty viewers from a demographic age pool of mostly couples in their 40's-60's; in a neighborhood consisting of those who supported museums, the opera, theater, et al.
At one point in the movie where Dali stood alone before a committee of professors giving them a perverse oral presentation rather than the expected exposition on the artist Raphael, I realized that I was no longer watching a movie but a tour de force by a chameleon character actor, Mr. Pattinson.
With alacrity, creativity, and emotional intelligence, the actor deftly transported the viewer through a roller coaster ride of physiological and psychological changes as he metamorphosized Salvador, the genius man-child into Dali, the performance artist extraordinaire cloaked in calculated eccentricity.
Cinematically, the movie itself was beautifully shot, costumes worthy of a Merchant-Ivory budget. The bravado and machismo of McNulty's Bunuel contrasted effectively to the gentility of Dali and Lorca. Alas, if the Spanish cast wasn't phonetically regurgitating a sometimes thin script in a second language, their performances would have felt less stilted and yet even under those circumstances, Marina Gatell lit up the screen along with Beltran's subdued dignity, charm and elegance.
After a second viewing later that evening in the company of friends I'd brought along, the aforementioned weaknesses in the film dissipated as white noise into the background as the budding relationship between Dali and Lorca emerged to the foreground; with clarity, the two artists's voices became a musical form of "call and response" as Dali and Lorca alternately posed a question while the other responded not only within the realm of the bright light of their artistic genius but as well in their most basic communication of love. "
same mamber latter posted:
"It's been an hour since I saw the movie and I had to jot this down now as I was suddenly moved to tears by a recall of one of Dali's scenes.
PS. As the credits rolled, the audience clapped and one man in his 50's roared "Wow!" as in bravo!
I've seen a lot of indie films and I can't remember the last time I heard the aforementioned. "
It really moved me when I read a 50 years old man, roared WOW.. that should go to all the critics calling that Rob fallowing is only for teens.
Yep...that's her!
I love how she is keeping her hands inside her hoody and they are each keeping a respectable distance from each other...
Summit must have really put the kibosh on Rob or even he doesn't want the lurid speculation that he's a player...
Teddy C, Life & Style, and all the other bitches (yeah, that's you Laimey...) are prolly thanking the Hollywood gods for more fucking fodder for their columns...
fucking bottom feeders....
@jewels64,woah calm down lol a lil bit of gossip has never killed anyone or anything. all this speculation is mostly for fun.
I don't see many gossipers creating rumours out of it,well maybe lainey and Life&Style might,but deffo not Ted(I'm sure of that.)
Thanks for sharing Mechevpao and
YAY CINNAMON! We love her, she often supplies us with LA info and is a really wonderful fan and Rob supporter.
MWAHS! To her...and to all the wonderful Robsessors. I gotta go do more Mother's Day stuff my kiddo is wakin from his nap so no more bloggin til later this eve.
Monika you must be reading a different Ted to the rest of us because he fuels the rumours as much as the rest of them!!!
Mel LOL it's only day 3 on the pants I'm sure he'll get another fews days out of them yet!!!
Mel, Jules {{waves}}
Well, she's cute. He's cuter, though. ;)
Hi Dani, Long time no see {{waves}}
Hope you're getting spoilt today for mothers Day!!
They're friends -- there are old pics of them out there from last summer too. It's definitely Shannon. She was in The Haunting of Molly Hartley ...
Rob looks great, even with the wrinkles;)
i love the hoodie...he's looking good :) like always. vancouver just isn't the same without him here hahahahaha ;)
Monika..I appreciate that you seem to think that I am unloading about the gossip mongers...
But seriously girl...there are some posters on this blog that get waaaaay to carried away about all the Rob speculation as to whether he has a girlfriend or not.
And a lot of these posters on this blog were not here when all the orginal photos of Shannon and Rob were posted.
They are friends. Plain and simple. I just don't want any kind of out of control speculating going on from people who don't have the backstory to their friendship...
Hey Jewels64, when's the next chapter of Two Stepping? No pressure or anything heh heh...I realise you're doing this in spare time which is sparse.
Okay really I am off to do motherly things now with my kiddo.
Can I say thank you to the bloggers for having an arguement successfully without acting like the IMDb board and ripping everyone to shreds.
I can certainly appreciate differing opinions and I thank you for not letting things get out of hand.
Opinions are like assholes everyone's got one.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the people on our site. You girls how about a jello pit some bikinis and Rob can referee?
Georgie...sent the latest chappie off to my Beta....
Hopefully I will be posting soon. Along with an update chappie to Utter Darkness as well...
Thanks for asking BB! Just a teaser...Emmett finally shows up!!!
Does anyone think those pants might end up in the Smithsonian one day? :D
Glad Rob got out of Vancouver for a bit! He's got to be getting excited for New Moon to wrap so that he can start filming his first movie since the Twilight machine got going. Plus, he's going to be in NYC for 3 months, and I'm hoping that in a city that big, he'll be able to find a place to do some open mics.
He's got a weird "smile" on him in these pics. Like it's not really a smile? I dunno...
all in black.. so damn hot! great pics for goodnight sleep :P
i hope those two arent dating
Is the girl trying to be incognito or is that just what the LA style these days? Wouldn't be surprised if she was doing it on purpose, given the company she keeps! Pity anyone who has an association with him in a way, with all the media madness. Shame, really, for both him and anybody that he wants to have in his life. Such an invasion.
She played the daughter of Minnie Driver and Eddie Izzard on the wonderful TV show, "The Riches." Her character is in high school in that show, so it isn't surprising how young she looks.
Okay, rather random - her shoes look like they're too small for her if they're about to burst out of them. :\
This is what I was talking about in an earlier post...
Read the posts before you put your comment in....
Shannon and Rob ARE FRIENDS!!!!!!!
Thanks Dani.
Shannon is adorable!! and seems like a little firecracker.
Rob has had those pants on for what 3 days? Wonder if he's showered or if he's nice and "musty"?
Gah!!! Doesn't anyone read the previous posts before they type their comments...
definitely shannon.
and some more pictures:
So glad to see the clarifications of Shannon just being a friend who dates Rob's friend Andrew Garfield.
Also, going from Venice to Beverly Hills...Rob's geographically even closer to my area...YEAH!
Hey Mechevpao, where are you located anyway?
Hello Jewels :)
Nicky ~That's partially LA style, but it is obvious Shannon is looking for photogs while Rob just ignores. It is really warm today in all of LA so I think the girl beanie is a fashion thing. Coming from where I do (Chicago), I would only wear that beanie if I were around blistering cold and had to! REMEMBER: no gossip...they are just friends!
Hello there KK!
Chicago Girl - How lucky are you that Rob's in your "backyard?"
Just checked out Monica's link to more pics of this outing. Lots more of Rob smiling. I love smiling Rob. Good to see him happy and out 'n' about!
He looks amazing......... who is doing his hair?
WOW... Rob has a friend... big surprise... and its a girl... Oh my word... C'mon... its all good please lets not go there...
Rob seems happy and he looks great even if he is in the same pants from yesterday... LOL Rob you know I love you right...
Hey Jules, Alie, Chicago
Sorry KK didnt see you... Hey girl..
Tenneil - What about me???? :D
Tenneil - beat me to it! Hi!!!
Cute pics Monika.
Thanks for the link!
Love the hoods up LOL
Hello KK... didnt realize you were still around... howyoudoin??
Tenneil - I've been lurking after Mother's Day activities with my mom. Trying to get grades posted for my college students. It's a little difficult cuz I'm distracted by always! :))))))
KK understand.. robsession can make the blues go away.... but not everyone feels the same about that..HAHAHAHA... I am still recovering from driving 3 hours away to see LA and getting home at 5am... this morning and up at 7.30..geez am I crazy or what..
whew, I am just glad it is not nikki Reed.
Tenneil - How'd you like LA?
KK~I DO feel lucky when Rob is near. One of my main docs is in Beverly Hills and I walk a lot around there when I have an appointment. So, I feel comforted knowing Rob and I have walked on the same sidewalks...yes, I'm THAT far gone!
Hello Tenneil!
Also, I must comment on that review and the shock expressed that, HORRORS!, a FIFTY YEAR OLD MAN liked "Little Ashes." Please reel back the age-ism remarks! Most seniors will tell you they are the same person inside no matter what the outside looks like. I hope the reviewer starts to think about these sorts of remarks. I know she was trying to make a point about Rob's fanbase not being just teens but her remark revealed more... As a person over 40, I can tell you we are not decrepit or narrow-minded or unable to discover new things.
I'm writing this, too, because a few posters a couple weeks ago thought Brook Shields should play Rob's mother! WTF? She's forty-three and mom to a three-year-old and a five-year-old. Meryl Streep, OK, but NOT Brooke.
KK~ I enjoyed it...was it my but it was moving.. I would do it again.. Glad I saw it on the big sho...
chicago... walking on the same ground as Rob... not too far gone..LOL makes me jealous really...knowing that he would be that close... I would have a hard time
Glad you liked it, Tenneil! You showed real dedication to Rob. I know he appreciates it!!
DH & I saw it yesterday and we both thought "Little Ashes" is far and away Rob's best work to date.
Glad you understand how I feel about walking on the same ground as Rob...
Chicago - I agree about the Brooke Shields comments being WTF? I'm getting on in my 30s, and I can still go clubbing with my friend until bars close in Chicago at 4 and out for breakfast until dawn!! I am attracted to friends and lovers based on connection not age which is why my best friends are all younger than me (one 10 years younger). People have this idea that late 30s into 40s is getting old. Baloney!! I believe much is tied up in the spirit one has. You can be old at 22 and young at 45.
Never did get to hear the rest of the story about how you met your husband. Looking forward to hearing it though when you've got time. :)
Chicago~ DH and I saw it together.. He enjoyed it also... I loved younger Dali..its funny we went to Chicago to see
Westcoastgirl - thanks for posting that blog address, just for the fact it has his ipodlist & comments on music he loves, I have never seen that before, shame the blogger doesn't credit the source.
It's a really interesting list and thoughful comments.
Lovely photos of rob out and about and looking happy nice to see.
Especially love those whistling tapping photos from yesterday, happy rob is so fine:)
Tenneil~Now, I ENVY you! What theater is it at? I used to love the Fine Arts theater at Michigan & Congress before it closed. It is ridiculous how much I miss my hometown. Where are you located, anyway?
KK~Yeah, you know I never say WTF, but that was too much! I have to take it further, though, and say it is mostly about the mindset. DH & I took out my elderly aunt today who is grappling with her daughter and son-in-law moving in with her from another region. She's needs their help but daughter and SIL have become very religiously conservative and she's the open-minded youthful one!
he is doing "screen test" for Remember Me?
Does it mean that he does not get the job yet??
Mino, Rob stated in a few interviews that he wants to audition for parts. Something on the line of wanting to "earn" each role.
I am sure he is locked in..perhaps it was Emmy's "audition"
Chicago - Yes! That's what I mean about having spirit. I wish the best for your elderly aunt. My sister has been a religious conservative for many years (a response to her dangerously rebellious behaviors as a teen/college student). I'm always trying to open her mind. She has always refused to watch/read Harry Potter because it is the "devil's work". Personally, this kind of censoring without knowing what the hell one is talking about drives me beyond crazy. While working on a project last weekend, I popped the first Harry Potter into my laptop and made her watch it. In a week's time, she is already on movie 4 and wants to borrow all the books. Hee hee hee...I also made her watch "Twilight" (with the "satanic vampires" as she called them, and she like that, too.
Life is too damn short to be close-minded, especially if one makes judgments about something they really know nothing about.
And on the Emmy Rossum deal...if she was there for "Remember Me" casting...I bet they are really considering her to have Rob come down to read with her...although now I've read that he may be primarily in L.A. until Italy? Don't know for sure.
Chicago... I am Michigan... we went to the the Century Centre Cinema... N Clark I was in a mall....
"Life is too damn short to be close-minded, especially if one makes judgments about something they really know nothing about."
I just did the one/they grammar switch...please don't tell my students...:D
Hey Suz... girl I been missing you...need to hear about LA??
just got back from my day of motherly fun with my family ,i love the pics,i sure agree with jewels about laimey, she is trash.i was on twitter when she tried to ruin the nm cast party the other night shes physco.
Ten ~ Now and always
You are my life..
I talked a little about L.A. last night....
While I thought Rob's performance was admirable and had many moments of EXCELLENCE.. the movie's flow didn't work for me.
(not our boys fault AT ALL!)
I think Rob displayed astounding potential that belies his experience and his years..
For that he gets..
Four out of four BRAVOS from Suz? It doesn't get any better than that! Go Rob!!! ;)
Lol KK
This is the ONE review he's been waiting for.
How to Be was flawless from beginning titles to ending credits.
Every cast member PERFECT
direction PERFECT
Suz&Art 4 eva
Suz~ I puffy heart you... I concur with you...about the movie.. it didnt flow smooth for me either... but Rob was brilliant...for his years ..
Ah! I love her...she is so adorable. I never knew her name but I have seen her in A LOT of pics with Rob and she is always dancing. LOL! I dubbed her "crazy chicken dance girl". I'm glad to have a name to put with the face now. They have been friends for a LONG time. It's good to see him out and enjoying LA for a little while. I am glad to see chicken dance girl again too. I've missed her!!!
I like her beanie!
I did a double take, at first. A while back, I knew someone who looked exactly like her. Aw.
It's nice for Rob. Kristen was chosen for Twilight, and he had to prove he could create the right chemistry with her. Now he's the chosen one for "RM," and the trick is finding the right actress for him. That's pretty nice progress in one year.
Hey, Chicago girl.. sorry to answer you this late, went out to watch Star Trek..
You asked, where am I?.. I´m from Argentina.. at the south of the world ;) .. may I ask, what was the question for? =D hehe
There's a girl in those pictures? Huh....
Yes, Shannon's boyfriend is one of Rob's best friends from London Andrew Garfield.
dude that totally looks like emmy rossum......she's beautiful.......
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