14 Seconds of New Moon Trailer

Video removed due to Summit Entertainment's claim of Copyright Infringement.


Tyler said...

We are! We are! :) Would love it more with a little bit more of Rob but hey, I'll take it.

Haystackhair said...

SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE! OMG I sooo cannot wait. MORE MORE!! especially more ROBWARD!!!

Anna said...

Seriously lacking in Robward goodness. Pff.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

damnnn cant see it

is it the same clip from comic con?

Ana73 said...

just loved it, cant wait for new moon.

i bet the next clip to be released will have "edward & bella". summit is really going to play up the triangle but of course cuz that is what the movie is about.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i know its new moon and edward is missing but i would like summit to stop pushing taylor(jacob) on us

rob is the star so summit wasting their time

Sharperoni said...
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Sharperoni said...

Somehow I never liked the Jacob/werewolf line of the story in the Saga. It's too contrived. From a psycological point of view, if Bella is so much in love with Edward, she would not have such a strong feeling for another person. It is kind of silly and I don't buy it.

I think Stephenie Meyer originally did NOT have the werewolf story line in mind, just the plot of the first and fourth books. Then she wondered what would happen during the one-year period between the two books? Hence New Moon and Eclipse.

Little Red said...

100 days to go! Excited doesn't cover it!!! OMFG - its going to be amazing.

MBMOM said...

14 seconds is not enough!!! ;)
I know this is the "ROBsessed" page and "Edward" was not in the clip but it was still enough to "tingle".
No Jacob bashing please...I think the triangle angle actually works. If not, it would just be a tormented love story that could be told in one movie. This way...more to love and more to see of Rob!

Kate said...

The full length trailer will be released on Firday and I'm sure it will have more Robward in it but I just thought I'd put up the teaser for ye!! ;-)

Lina said...

Where is Rooooooooob?!!!!!!!

Golnaz said...

Thanks for posting! I really really hope there is way more Rob in the BandSlam reveal trailer. Crossing fingers.

But i can already tell, KStew is going to make me cry big time for Bella's pain. I got a little teary eyed watching the tease. The only thing missing was Rob. And dang,Kristen is just beautiful

Anonymous said...

do you think that they will have the new one out on the internet after it is shown at Bandslam??

WinWin said...

I want more Rob. Hope they will post on website soon after opening weekend for Bandslam.

Ana73 said...

MBMOM - completely agree with you!!!

Keri - I hope so, if not released by summit, someone will record it and put in on you tube.

Krissy said...

This wasn't the Toe Curling experience I was looking SO very forward to...

I appreciate having it available to see here in the wonderful Land of ROBsessed & I Thank You Gozde.

Just didn't crisp my bacon.

OTOH, the way I'm watching what I eat...I shouldn't consume too much bacon on a regular basis.

monika said...
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monika said...

ex-boyfriend,well of course he is duh lol


Suz said...


Thanks Kate, you are "filling in" perfectly.

Love u and NEW MOON~

rpattzdude said...

hahaha loool I thought like WTF? first time i saw it the second time i saw it i shouted fucking teaser third time i said hell with it no Robward and now before forth time i wanna screw it :P

Unknown said...

Jesus Christ, Taylor is an animal!!! O.o

RPnKSaddict said...

I'm so excited! Kristen looks beautiful,and heartbroken,(sniffle). I'm impressed with Taylor so far, think I'm going to love Jacob.!
Yes Yes no Rob but it was only 14 seconds. He'll probably in the long version of the trailer.

I must stress I am unconditionally and irrevicalbly in love with Edward.Just wanted to make that clear.

Rob love you man!! Your the best.

AnnaD said...

Isn't BandSlam a Summit movie??? I would think it would be awhile before Summit puts the trailer on the internet. That's how they're promoting BandSlam..."come see it and you get to see New Moon!!"

Summit's a tricky machine.

Kathy#1 said...

Ok, my heart is all about Rob...but I must say that Taylor is looking damn good as Jacob..and will do a great job I'm sure. Love the clip although a little too short. :-(

Ana73 said...

monika - how do you find these?... but i agree with you...duh!!!

Anonymous said...

well,i didn't like it, not because it was short, or becasue it didn't have new edward scene, but because of taylor, i don't have anything against him but there is something irritating about the way he says his lines, i don't know .... something is off, and the emphasis on his body is even ridiculous in the trailer, i can't imagine how it would be in the full movie, i mean in the comic con scene where Bella is bleeding , he is not intense ,or worried and the way he took his shirt to stop the blood was just hillarious, like he was in a photo shoot, and in the teaser now the posture he is taking while stopping the blood is even more...... i don't know, yes he has great body, but it's not about showing his body now is it?! i mean in that particular scene the intensity of how edward said " bella .... stop" even as a hallucination was more hotter and more natural than enforced showing of taylor's body, i think it's even unfair to taylor himself,
May be i'm just an Rob ooops Edward's girl
just telling my thoughts no offense to any body ok

Cougar71 said...

Even though the majority of women out there are rooting for Edward, someone said (not sure who...one of the actors, CWeitz, ??) quite a while back that seeing NM will change a lot of girls' minds, as in many on Team Edward will become Team Jacob because of how supportive and great Jake is with Bella. I REALLY DON'T WANT THAT TO HAPPEN, but I guess a more even competition will be good for the movie franchise. I for one know that I will not be jumping ship. Jake was a good guy in NM, but imo he became an overbearing pain in the ass in E and BD. He took far to many liberties with Bella. Regardless, I'm sure Taylor will do a great job. I'll be sticking with Rob though. :o)

Anonymous said...

A bit more of Rob wouldn´t have hurt, but I still liked the little teaser...

Ana73 said...

maya- i understand what you are saying but thru the books he is not dressed that much and bella takes notice of it. when you think about it after they phase back and forth they are actually naked but i dont think they will show that in the movie.

Anonymous said...

i know in the book, he is mostly has not much on even to empahsis on how hot he feels, that is not what's bothering me, i feel they are playing it too much on the body, i mean there is no passion in his eyes, that should be more of focus than just how good his body looks,it should come second to passion, emotion , the torture and the pain in the story, not spin it all around how good he looks shirtless.

maha said...

Oh my GOD Jacob is really looks like a werewolf , he is so huge in this scene 0_o

So So So exciting to see the movie I can't wait more

Thanks so much for the clip.

Sharperoni said...

"Jake was a good guy in NM, but imo he became an overbearing pain in the ass in E and BD. He took far to many liberties with Bella."

I completely agree! I like him in NM, but I just skipped his part in BD. The whole "imprint" thing is also a bit hard to swallow.

I hope the movies would down play Jacob's obnoxious side.

BTW, is it healthy for a 17-year old boy to work up the body like that? Is he fully grown yet? I know some boys are still growing at 17.

Mechevpao said...

MMmmmm I would be exited if it had some new scen of Rob there ;)

mya bluesky said...

take a little break from reading "Wide Awake".
hmm..i would love to see a little more robward at the teaser, but oh No..jacob face keep coming *sigh..
i think i would spent all my night reading "darkward" instead watching this teaser.
by everyone.it's almost 1 am here, but i still can't stop reading...

showme said...

If i buy a damn ticket to Bandslam and get ONLY puppy, i'm going to kill someone LOL

and Bella looks heartbreaking...i've got high hopes for her acting in this

Anonymous said...

This was waaay too cheezy for me. I nearly barfed. I can't stand Taylor and his wig, its just so gay!
I'm not saying that Taylor is actually gay, but he looks way too feminine for my tastes, and perhaps the way he delivers his lines is very corny. He's an annoying puppy dog. Jake isn't that bad in the books.

Oh lord I hope the whole movie isn't that cheezy.
I kinda wish they had re-cast Jacob with someone more masculine.

showme said...

Mya, you are NOT ALONE in that addiction. i could not stop reading WA. stayed up whole nights to finish it.

CullenGal09 said...

14 seconds of AWESOME!!! I so cant wait. Have I said that?!? ;)

Kath-indeed...Taycob is gonna rock. No Tay-bashing here! Kristin looks incredible too. More Robward to come, saving the best for full length trailer I have no doubt! ;)

Sho-Puppy?!? LOL! Great comment, as always. Take care, and talk too you later, i hope-you connesieour of FF!!!! Muuuuaaaahhhh! Loves ya!

monika said...

talk about HAWT stuff lol

Hugh Jackman and Rob at TCAs


Haystackhair said...

totally agree with Cougar71. I thought Jake was sweet in NM, and a pain in the @ss in Eclipse! And it annoys me that they are playing up the "love triangle" when Bella clearly told Jake over and over she only loved Edward in that way, and it would never change. There never was a triangle in Bella's mind.

Asal Djuraeva said...

Check this out:honeydesignsandideas.blogspot.com

rini7 said...

u should make a post about chace crawford making out with ashley greene after the teen choice award before she left for filming... i'm guessing that makes them a couple! i luv both of them!!!

Scandinavian_girl said...

I really, REALLY love Robward Ok! But now I sort of love Taycob a little too

Unknown said...

YEah it was never meant to be a triangle. Bella is drawn to Jacob, but in BD we realize it's not romantic, but because of renessmenemsnemeensmenme,

And Wide Awake is good, but I'm more addicted with Hydraulic Level 5 by Gondolier. That story is amazing. And my new fav darkward fics are Last Rites by halo jones and Blessing and the Curse by crap, I can't remember her name but it's on ff.net. Most fanfic sucks but these three stories along with Wide Awake are so well written and addictive.

showme said...

TY Rosa. i was trying to remember the name of that Hydraulic Level 5 (such a weird name) the other day after someone told me ab it on twitter. gonna read that.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CullenGal09 said...

Sho-WA I have to check out. The red sweater one was pretty good. Let your light shine was incredible! I thought WA was sequel to Let you light shine, so id like to read it too. Ill hope to catch you later and maybe you can share the link. I know itll e good-like i said, youre the expert on FF! Great taste. Loves ya-bye!!!

Anonymous said...

So freaking excited to see the movie but really don't care for the way it's portrayed that there is something going on between Bella and Jacob. AND....doesn't Jacob tell Bella that he won't hurt her in Eclipse, not New Moon?

I think he tells her he won't hurt her like Edward did when he's carrying her through the woods to the clearing to meet Edward at the tent....just sayin....

Unknown said...

sure thing, HL5:

and Last rites:

are my faves right now.

TheCheshireCat said...

I'm excited for it! Although, I agree with the people here saying basically, "What? That was it?". Probably because I'm Team Edward all the way! It was still cool though! Yay!

RobaliciousLover said...


There was like no Robward :( Stupid Summit gettin my hopes up for nothing.

And to be honset here, Taylor's muscles seriously freak me out! He's bot like these huge creepy, hulk-like biceps and then these normal, non-creepy forearms! It's like.... GAG!

Pet73 said...

Taylor's gonna be an awsome Jake! Miss Robward though :(.

RobaliciousLover said...

I totally agree with whoever said they put too much emphasis on Taylor's bod.

It's so unnatural for a 17 year old boy! CWeitz or whoever was giving us a bunch of BS by saing girls will change Teams because of jacob's support for Bella. What he really meant is his body would sway us. NOT THE CASE! I'm staying strong for Team Edward. I already have my Team Edward shirt to wear! (Ok, I lied. I have 2 Team Edward shirts :D But still...)

And in the comic con scene, Taylor just didn't play it right. I don't know. He didn't seem concerned enough to me. Here are my reasons:

a) he gets on the bike. it's not even that fast. what's wrong with running? his legs aint broke.

b) the way he takes off his shirt. you'd think he'd be all frantic. but NOOOOOO he does an imitation of a stripper.... not cool. STUPID!

c) line delivery. it's just not there for me. Rob's line had more emotion. And all he says is "Bella". that gave me more tingles than the whole rest of the scene.

Now, I have devised a plan so that I don't have to watch Bandslam but I will get to see the trailer. haha :) Because if I pay $11 to watch a puppy run around on screen half naked than someone is gonna get shot.

Shani said...

Robalicious Lover- Girl, you said everything I have been thinking about that trailer. I hated it. I was not moved by none of it. But because I love Rob I will see the movie in spite of that mess Taylor call acting.*shakes head*

Emily said...

I don't get it. Why are people mad that the trailer has Jacob in it? Have you not read New Moon? Sorry but that's the story and if you hate it, talk to Stephenie Meyer. They are just following the book.
And as for Taylor's acting, I think for a 17 year old kid who has really only done one big movie, he's doing just fine. Plus, he's supposed to be young and in love for the first time. He's not going to speak like the articulate 108 year old vampire anyway. I think he looks amazing and will be great in this movie. I just hope Kristen can whip up some actual tears in NM, as opposed to Twilight.

Can't wait to see the whole trailer on Friday. Thanks for posting this Kate!

Sharperoni said...

I have nothing against Taylor. He is very sweet and gallant the way he stepped forward to stand by Kristen and defend Rob at TCA during the interviews. I really love him for that.

It's just the way they (the Studio etc) thrust a 17 year old to the front...its almost like feed him to the lions...;-)

Sullyann said...

I think They should be saving the best for last because If I'm going to see this guy all over I will definetley be upset I dont like the kid he doesnt even have a style I saw him pulling a Rob sunglasses and Plaid it was so annoying. Can not wait to see Robert or even Carlisle this werewolf thing make me angry my interest here is just Robert and then Edward. And by the way I,m a bit addicted to Wide Awake I have never try fan fics nd I try this and l like it. And dont get mad but my favorite Twilight girl Ashley Greene has a little problem she got naked pictures and she confirm them. She still my favorie She should not let that take her down just keep going strong.

Ana73 said...

this part of the 14 sec is what they showed at comic con, so i am guessing that the trailer at bandslam will be longer with the other part they showed at comic con with the scene from italy.

i am not paying to see bandslam either, TCA was enough for me last night BUT i am going to go see a movie walk in there see the trailer and then leave and see another movie, i hope it works :)

Michelle said...

I kind of want to go see Bandslam just to see how many people walk out after the New Moon trailer.

Haystackhair said...

Ohhh. somebody bring a camera if you sneak in to see the trailer and leave. And LMAO, i want to see how many leave after too!

Cougar71 said...

Certainly the trailer will pop up on the internet somewhere over the weekend. I don't think there's actually any need to go see Bandslam just for that.

I agree with Emily. I don't understand why people are upset or surprised by the lack of Edward. This is basically Jake and Bella's story. Of course the beginning and the end will be the best part of NM haha, but already knowing what NM is supposed to be about, I fully expect to go to the theater in November to watch "the Jake Show". NM has to be done that way in order to establish the character for Eclipse to work.

As for Taylor's acting...Rob and Kristen have been critiqued by people as being wooden or unemotional actors, so I guess now it's Taylor's turn to get bashed. (I don't mean by people here, I just mean in general.)

Kymz said...

Well that just sucks! Nothing new GRRRR Damn Summit. Its not even 14 secs as the icon at the end takes up about 5 secs!

JandR said...

OMG - is Taylor built or what? :-p
Still Team Edward but looking forward to that love triangle...lol

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Got my beautiful calendar today with all those gorgeous photos-can't wait to plaster them all over my, uh ceiling!!!

Trailer is short, with a small new scene...but not enough Robward!!

Lucerne said...

I have nothing against Taylor, and while I am not a Jacob fan, I accept the fact that he is front in center in New Moon. What I have a problem with is these gratuitous shirtless scenes that NM seems to be full of. When Jacob took his shirt off to staunch a small flow of blood on Bella’s temple, I almost fell out of my chair laughing. A few of my friends who watched the Comic Con clip depicting that scene had the same reaction. It was absurd. I could just hear the Summit and Chris saying, oh, let’s insert another shirtless scene to get the fan girls screaming. Doesn’t matter if it looks ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

i just can't wait for the full length one to be on the internet somewhere for us to see it!!!!

you know someone will bring a camera in and film it since they did with the comic-con clips!!!!

the teaser wasn't anything good i don't think. i mean we knew that stuff was going to be said and happen. i want more!!!

i think they are going to keep the volturi out of clips until new moon is released since everyone is searching for those!

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

uuuuhhhh, Jacob is sweet and all, but he gives me the creeps...

i mean i always think of him as sharkboy. and that body looks ridiculous on a 17 year old boy to me.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

oh cougar,

girl i must agree with you about jake, to be honest i skipped past him in the last two books, cause he PISSED ME OFF!!!!!

infact stephanie made me mad by writing so much dribble about the little creep...

okay sorry....

Dani said...

K I just finally got to watch this and yeah I am still excited to see NM but this snip kinda sucked big time.

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