Robert Pattinson at Marcus Foster Concert 08/08/2009

Robert Pattinson at the (outside the) Marcus Foster gig yesterday afternoon(08/08/2009)

08/06/2009 They were spotted first at the Bobby Long concert ...
08/06-07/2009 They went to Chateau Marmont and spent the night there...
08/07/2009 Marcus had a gig at the Hotel Cafe and Rob was in attendance.
08/08/2009 They were spotted having lunch
08/08/2009 Rob was spotted at Marcus' gig AGAIN at the Hotel Cafe

I just don't know what to think anymore...

Is he cheating on TomStu? Do we have a Robcus now? Or Marbert?
And do the 2 names make the WORST combination nickname? YES.

No Kristen this time. At one point crowd was excited because a crazy rumor started that Rob would sing, of course he didn't. Bummer :)

source for the pictures


Anonymous said...

You know I love you right Gozde!

Ash7586 said...

Oh Robcus!!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder who he was talking on the phone? Oh well. Rob looks beautiful as ever. :P

Maryann said...

"Marbert" roflmao! OMG this kills me LOL!

Love ya Gozde! Also hope things are getting better?

Deftonesgirl said...

Sorry have to do it..he is wearing the shirt Kris wore to lunch today..hehe and and I also think that is Andrew Garfield with him in that bottom pic

Gozde said...

Yes, things are much better thank you :) We'll be discharged from the hospital tomorrow (hopefully, we heard THAT before ;))

phosphorus said...

Marbert is a cosmetics company, there's even a product line called "Marbert Man". :-)

Kate said...

OMG cheating on Tom :-0 that's just not on!!!! LOL

Kate said...

Hey Goz xx thinking of u!!

Em Sao said...
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adii said...

i saw him there and just basically froze.....he is so cuteeeee

Em Sao said...
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Em Sao said...
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Em Sao said...
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Pet73 said...

Good morning girls!

Anvant- I hear you, still can't believe that he's driving this Porsche, even after watching that stupid papz vid.

Maybe it's all part of the "fake" or we simply have to accept, that we don't know Rob as good as we snoothily were thinking :(.

Anna said...

um, RobStu, Robsten, say what? All I can see is the sex jeans. God I love those jeans. (on Rob :)

Anna said...

morning Pet! I am also totally with you on the car. I'm flabbergasted. How wrong is it that I'm feeling somewhat betrayed because he's not driving a crappy car anymore?!

oh well, at least he still has the hobo clothes :)

Maryann said...

LittleBear I *heart you* for that comment lol. LOVE those jeans on him myself hehe!

mya bluesky said...

Gozde, u're the best... Marbert ??? LOL

i just wonder when we can hear Rob record his new song or doing his own mic again??? ***sigh

btw i was looking around and found full version of "let me sign", actually rob sing it live so i have to more pay attention for the song..
u can hear it here, a little bit longer from twilight version

Unknown said...

stu for the win, although marcus is a cutie too. pretty boys run in packs. and kristen's probably getting her beauty sleep tonight to sock it to all the bitter bitches who keep calling her ugly. 20 bucks she's showing off the gams in power pumps and a fme smirk.

Pet73 said...

Stupidly, I'm somehow seeing him in a car with an own "personality", like an old VW beatle or something like that.

After the last two days my head is spinning and I don't know anymore, what to think.

Pet73 said...

"beetle" of course :).

Steph is Legit said...

Gozde i know i don't know you but i hope all is well with your family=)

Karina said...

re: the car. He has a history of just taking whatever car is given to him at the time. The author of the GQ article mentioned how the car he was driving didn't fit him, and robert was like "oh, it's like my agent's car" and the reference was his agent basically leased it for him while he was in town. No doubt, the porsche is simply a car that he's using for now too, not something he hand picked. The one he hand picked was old and horrible. ha.

phosphorus said...

I still wonder why they didn't choose another time to be seen together that often. Five times in two days (after months under the radar). Why the hurry? Why didn't they do it in a more nonchalant way? Why NOW? With that award show coming up.

Both know everybody will watch their every single move at this show. The thought alone gives you the creeps, making you want to stay in bed.

Some cup to drain because they won't be spared. So why are they doing it to themselves? It's the timing that puzzles me.

Pet73 said...

Hi Phos! Maybe the award show is the reason?

phosphorus said...

@ Karina: Suppose he couldn't afford a better BMW back then.

Sports cars are alright, he's young, he's hot, he looks good in it now, why should he wait until he's old and fat or at least having a midlife crisis? ;-)

Pet73 said...

Just read, that Taylor is back in LA for the KCAs. What about the others?

Karina said...

Maybe he does like it. I don't know, iI tend to think though that whoever rented it for him while he's in LA for a couple days, just wanted him to have a nice ride. I just don't know if it's a reflection of him or not, given it's most likely a rental that someone else handled getting for him.

Maryann said...

I only recall that Rob, Kristen and Taylor was confirmed for the TCA? And probably Catherine Hardwicke too...but don't recall hearing if the rest of the cast were confirmed?

phosphorus said...

@ Pet: Why should the show be the reason? Why should they choose the Teens' Choice Award for that? Can't picture them having a conversation like that:

- Rob: We should come out soon.
- Kristen: Yeah, right. Let's do it at the Teens' Choice Award.
- Rob: Good idea.

Would have been much easier and more relaxed to be seen several times together up in Canada. They have paparazzi up there, too, as we all know.

Pet73 said...

Oh, so it's only the 3 of them (+ CH)? Thought, also some of the others were there.

Karina said...

I think kellan and ashley and nikki are confirmed too-marc malkin showed there seating arrangments and they all had cards in place for their seating.

Pet73 said...

Phos- I know, it sounds silly, but as you said, why a few days before the KCAs? Actually there's no necessity at the present, as they anyhow will have "a good reason" to spend a lot of time together during the next few weeks in Vancouver.

Karina said...

here's the link, a bunch of them are going: robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart will be sitting next to each other. Also in their row: Jackson Rathbone, Justin Chon, Ashley Greene, Taylor Lautner, Kellan Lutz and Nikki Reed. Director Catherine Hardwicke is directly behind them.

Pet73 said...

Thank you Karina, I was sure somewhere I read about the sitting order also including others of the cast :p. They said something about the TW cast sitting in front of Hugh Jackman :).

mya bluesky said...

@phos:same questions here Phos..why now??? i tried figure it out and the only answer coming out of my head is maybe becos kristen is the only friend that rob knew well living at LA. Now Rob's bestfriends have concert there, so who else can go with him besides his manager??? apparently kristen the only one who can go with him while other casts have their time in vancouver..

mya bluesky said...

btw sorry for my bad english..actually i have so many things to say but i really dont know how to express it well in english :(

Maryann said...

Karina I missed that, thanks! :-D. Well either they may not come or they are arriving during the day? I dunno *shrugs*

Pet73 said...

I was wondering, why Rob (and Kristen) didn't go to Vancouver (and return for the award show) like the rest of the cast. They could spend time togther there as well. Maybe Rob stayed in LA because he also has some meetings for future projects? We only see him for "meals" and in the evening. We do not know, what he's doing inbetween (thank god). Maybe it's business?

phosphorus said...

@ mya: I don't think this is the reason.

phosphorus said...

@ Pet: Because he wanted to have a few days off of any film set?

anna F said...

Hello Ladies!

I hope that he enjoys himself with the car.
It's true that it doesn't really fit the "image of Rob", but I don't see Rob saying "no, I don't want this car! change it!" after someone goes through the trouble of renting something to drive for him. Same for the hotel...

Besides, while I love his hobo side, I love his tux side too. So while I loved his old BMW story (I prefer it as an amusing story to him still driving it though, it was obviously a dangerous ride!), I'll stick with him through his expensive sport's car time LOL~

More serioulsly: he is a real person, so he is not as "one dimensional" as the image I have of him (hobo with a good heart and a great sense of humour~). I'm sure there will be other times where I'll be surprised.

Pet73 said...

Of course, he also wanted to meet his old friends.

anna F said...

And I am sooo happy about this good news: Rob sticking to his friends for sex. I'm sure Rob and Tom are simply not exclusive, and maybe they organized orgies in their crackden flat in London with Marcus and the gang~

phosphorus said...

@ Pet: Of course he wanted to meet his old friends and see their show. But that's not a reason to hang around at the paparazzi's hunting grounds.

To me it rather looks like they couldn't keep the lid on it any longer - for whatever reason.

Pet73 said...

But Phos, if he wanted some time off, wouldn't it be easier to relax elsewhere than in LA with all this crazy papz only waiting for him? So maybe the concerts actually are the reason?

Pet73 said...

Of course, you are right about the "to be seen" places. Don't know what to think about that.

phosphorus said...

No, Pet, I think you got me slightly wrong here. I think he didn't go to Canada straight from the Remember Me set because he wanted to have some time off. Besides he wanted to meet Bobby and Marcus and see their show. But the morning after at the CM?* The lunch? They could have gone somewhere else, I'm sure they've done it before without getting paparazzed.

* If you want to sneak out without beeing seen you either look for a discreet place to stay or set an alarm clock to get out at a time noone will see you.

Anonymous said...

The past week or so all I've been reading are articles saying that Kristen dumped him during their Limo drive back to LA after Com-Con. Sighting his supposed affair with Emalie. Perhaps some of these past few days have something to do with those nasty articles? Like at Com-Con her saying she was looking forward to getting pregnant, a little stab at the gossip rags saying she was pregnant. Just thinking...they both act like "Rebels with a Cause" at times. They are very close as we all know. Solidarity, you know? *shrug*..They've both put up with horrendous gossip all summer long, it's got to get to you after awhile.

The Michael sighting is interesting though, almost like he's in on it..I've seen too many whestling shows over the years not to feel a little 'worked' if you know what I mean..??

Pet73 said...

Oh, Phos, how frustrating for me that we cannot clarify this mystery ;). In the end it's all speculations. I'm afraid we will have to wait patiently (at least until the KCAs).

Pet73 said...

Lynda- Interesting point that Michael might "be in" on it. Someone (sorry, can't remember who) on here previously wrote, that Summit probably also arranged the Michael sightings on the NM set. (scary - Summit creating kind of an Orson Welles world - shudders :p.)

Anna said...

anna !!! hi :))

(you're right, but it does break my heart to think RobStu might not be the pure, beautiful romance I thought it was...)

Anonymous said...

All I know is that Vince McMahon would sell his first born for this kind of "Heat"! :)

Lina said...

good morning girls :) (to me it's afternoon)

all we can do, just to speculate here, no-one knows the real situation.
those who would like Robsten be a real thing will not stop claiming that these couple of days was nothing but confirmaion of their romantic relationship and that they wanted to be seen and cought...
the Robsten haters will be sarcastic demanding for more proof.
the car? maybe he rented it just for the time he'll stay in LA. or maybe he bought it.
why does he stay in LA when the rest of the cast is Vancouver? maybe his friends performances are the reason. maybe he wanted to relax and spend some time with someone dear to him after such a long time working marathon and before crazy time comming.
why time with Kristin? maybe she is the only person in LA he knows, and her family too. or maybe they are preparing for engagement party (don't beat me, just kiding :DDD ).
why did they choose such a "public" place to be in? maybe they have nothing to hide.
will the upcomming teen choise awards show us something? just how much comic-con showed? almost nothing. and this "shut up" interwiev...? if they to hide something, they'll do it, remember - they are the actors.
we can dissagree on lots of things here, but the one thing unites us - we do not know the truth, we just speculate and we love our guy ;)).

phosphorus said...

Lynda, can you talk someone into buying it, please? It would be so nice if it would cool down a bit for Rob and Kristen.

Lina said...

and one more thing about public confirmation of their relationship status. I do agree, that they owe us nothing. but if they are together and the public confirmation would be made, maybe this chasing hysteria would stop? now the paps try to get the photos of R and K just to get the proof (kissing or whatever) of their romantic relation. so they are ready for everything - to sit in the garage, on the rooftop to fly in air-balloon - just to get a photo... (ew, what a digusting job).
this picture of Kristin next to elevator and Rob angry in the car - it made me sick and sorry for those two guys.
on the other hand - they are the actors, people well known, being in public... maybe they do realize, that their privat life will not belong to them 100%...

Anonymous said...

phosphorus- My friend Daren is here this weekend with us, and he's the one who's forced me to watch whestling and hockey all these years. He's been dealing with me over this Rob/Kris thingy and making up his own scenerios. He was also a film student and has been busy making up whestling angles to go along with what I've been reading..(everyone wants to be a comedien..ahem) He keeps claiming we're all being 'worked', I won't even repeat some of the angles he and DH made up in the garage last night, suffice to say they almost had me in tears at one point and totally paranoid about that Porcshe/Summit/ James Dean and years of merchandizing...*shiver*...guys are really *sick*!!!

Yes I think I'll send Vince an E-mail..I'm sure he can work something out, then again he's probably watching all of this and taking notes already.

Rhonda said...

Is the blue shirt NEW? Rob, you are looking good!

And Gozde, still praying for your family, love.

JandR said...

Hey Phos - ever think that they might just be living their lives giving everyone a big FU - because the paps are everywhere all the time - so lets just hang out do what we want to and WHY NOT?? All of this should we come out, shouldn't we - I bet they don't even think like that at all. This craziness is all around them but they still have lives to get on with and they are just doing it.

anna F said...

HI LittleBear!

The problem is the distance for Robstu... Either Rob or Tom need to drop their carrier to follow the other like a little wife. Then I'm sure they would fall into the dream romance that they are meant to live.

anna F said...

Since the big talk is about Robsten right now, here is my personal opinion:

I waver between :

- JandR's scenario: "they might just be living their lives giving everyone a big FU - because the paps are everywhere all the time - so lets just hang out do what we want to and WHY NOT??"
So a friends tired of the drama and deciding to do whatever they want, because whatever they do, everyone will interpreate whatever they want out of it.

- Or Phosphorus' scenario: they are indeed together and "it rather looks like they couldn't keep the lid on it any longer - for whatever reason."
So they would be trying to introduce their relashionship to "the world" starting now by being seen often together.
Then again, I find it rather ridiculous that anyone would have expected a press release just after they would have shared their 1st kiss: "We're together now"! It would be logical to wait and see if things have a chance to work out before going public, even for normal people...

Both are believable and logical in a way, depending if they are together or not.
And since nobody knows, we'll see (not that it will change a thing for me).

phosphorus said...

@ JandR: You know I never was one of the Robsten shippers, in fact I was the one annoying Monika because I argued against it and teared some of her "proofs" to pieces (by proofing it was not the same t-shirt etc.). I did so because they deserve privacy and have every right to keep their love lives private.

I am sure both of them know that their current behaviour fuels rumours and gossip, attracting even more attention, making their lives even more difficult. Why should they want that? Doesn't make sense. This is why I don't see a FU attitude here.

And no, there won't be a press release.

phosphorus said...

@ Lynda: How old is Vince McMahon's first born? Is it a nice kid? I might buy it then if he's not asking too much for it. ;-)

monika said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aleksandra said...

nice dark gray t-shirt you've got there Rob,haven't we seen a certain lady in a similar one at the lunch? hehe maybe the same maybe not who knows:)

Unknown said...

The paps aren't everywhere. There are so many places these two could go to get away from media attention - a quick hour drive up north for instance and they could blend in very easily in some of the smaller towns lining the coast. they both dress down and end up looking like a typical college couple. So, I don't buy the idea that they are just accepting the attention and saying FU. They sought it out for some reason this week, something Kristen in particular never does.

phosphorus said...

@ Lynda: I just googled Mr McMahon. Looks like I should rather buy one of his grandchildren - if at all.

Aleksandra said...
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Aleksandra said...

mya bluesky, Ashley and Taylor are both in LA,and have been for the last day/two days

Athena said...

Oh, Marbert!

I don't know why, but that picture of him talking on the phone just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy... there's just something about it! It might be him watching his nails, I don't know... I think I'm just losing my mind...

Gozde: glad to hear things are better :).

Aaaand... I forgot I was steaming my Brussels sprouts! Thank God I don't have a gas stove, or I'd be a spent match, by now! Rob, it's all your fault! ;)

Aleksandra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aleksandra said...

wonder who he's talking to on the phone;p

Aleksandra said...

some footsex under the table? both relaxed, hanging off their seats toward the other one,legs touching, uh oh the body language, however subtle it might be, doesn't lie.

JandR said...

Aleksandra, I was kinda thinking the same thing when I saw those images. Body language - Have to say it - same at Comic con - feet and hips angled towards each other, there is definitely closeness. I have felt that electric jolt you get when near someone who you know has feelings for you but you are both trying to hide from others there - god you get a hot buzz jumping between you without even touching...and then just wait until you do - soooo hot!

malu said...

what are the sex jeans?

Redlulu said...

I got it...Patticus! LMAO

Johanna Hookah said...

OMG Marbert!!! That's like... WOAH! Gozde, I love it, it's so... It must be the ugliest name ever, it's like that dragon baby in Harry Potter!

Oh, and I am "Lovis", but I accidentally deleted my google account a few days ago and don't know how to change the name:)

Johanna Hookah said...


Seriously, I should give you my left arm or something:)

kchambers77 said...

now this i believe! bros before hoes yo!*

(not saying kristen is a hoe, she's rad just wanted it to rhyme)

Gemgirl65 said...

Why stop with Robcus? Let's have Robstucus! Tombertcus? Marbertstu? Three for the price of one. But that leaves Bobby and Sam out in the cold, dayum. All these bromances are making it really difficult to come up with catchy knicknames. :p

LittleBear, I'm with you, just starin' at the Robnananutmuffin jeans! (courtesy JAG for THAT knickname! lol)

Loisada said...

Vive Patticus! Or better yet, Pattomcus! Even better, Pattomlongcus! Then there's the ultimate: Pattomsamlongcus! (Starting to sound a bit naughty, no!? Brit sandwich anyone?)

noisefaidaus said...

Looks like Rob is wearing the same Tee Shirt that Kristen was wearing earlier in the day.
Might even be a little wrinkled at the bottom form being knotted, but you can't really tell.

Isabel2010 said...

Honestly i think that people shouldnt get their hopes up. I mean i would LOVE for them to be together as a couple but what if this ends up being to much for them? well lets just pray so it wont happen :] and who knows MAYBE they might come out at the TCA's but then again they will probably start again with the 'were just friends' and blahh blahh blahh!!

But it can be true that they are together because remember Brangelina? they were in the same situation! they would keep denying they were together but look what ended up happening!! who knows though, we just have to wait until the truth comes out!!

btw rob looks hot(like always of course) :]

and quick question, am i the only 17 year old that visits this site? just curious. :]

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Lina~Good post!

Again, I'm sooo surprised that everyone here seems to ignore the fact that we don't see Rob and Kristen ever alone on dates, yet that is what is strongly implied.

We see Marcus and another person along on the lunch get-together. We see Rob's friend, Andy. We see Rob's manager, Nick and his wife. We see Stephenie, his agent.

These are all friends hanging out, period. It is amazing to see here all of the rumor and innuendo and speculation.

Lina said...

Chicago girl - Thank you!

I was really wondering how come people invite bunch of friends to their romantic randevouz... :)))

Anonymous said...

I think we'll just have to wait, I know that's hard to do, but one way or another the fact will eventually be known.

I agree, coming out at this stage of their relationship (if there is one) wouldn't really be a good idea, not with at least two more movies to go. Ashley Green made that statment a while back, that she thought it wouldn't be good for them to date until after "Breaking Dawn" You know, just in case it didn't work out and they found it difficult to show chemistry on the screen if it ended badly.

However, I think we've all been in situations like this, where you know what's right and what's wrong, but your feelings and emotions make it difficult for you to put everything on hold. When you think of it, it must be difficult for someone like Rob especially, he's so far from home, doesn't even have an appartment or a place of his own to escape to, his long time friends aren't always around and you've got this girl who've you bonded with, been through so much with and you're also very attracted to. And then Kristen who's always had a relationship since she was in her early teens and not used to being single. Not forgetting she's also very attracted to him. Logically it all points in one direction. Then Hollywood, is anything logical?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Wish he was talking to me!

God, he's beautiful in BLUE

Nai said...

what is going on with his left pants leg? It looks funny. Marbert? That has to be the ugliest name combo ever. But it's still funny. I wonder if he ever goes to their shows if they play somewhere other than LA? Or does he already need to to be in the same town? Just a thought.

Isabel2010 said...

OK, so i dont know anymore! i think im going to give up and just believe that maybe all these crazy rumors are true. Because i went across this website and they had this picture of both Rob and kristen at the Chataeu Marmont(or however you spell it?) and they were both wearing the same clothes that they had in the pics(the ones that were posted)
So i just dont know no more, im just going to give up and wait to see when they come out as a couple :]

Heres the link i was talking about.

Lucerne said...

I am in the they are Rob and Kristine are just living their lives camp. The sighting that took place both Thursday and Friday were photographed by fans, not paparazzi. If this was some big conspiracy, I am sure they could have had dozens of pap out there to take their pictures as they put on a show. Saturday Rob went solo to Marcus’ concert after he and Kristine were hounded by the pap. Why didn’t Kristine go to the Saturday show if this is some big con job or whatever people are now calling this. Sigh. Sometimes 1 plus 1 equals 2. Not everything is a conspiracy. Just my opinion.


well hello to every1. I'm kind of lost i don't understand anything.the last thing i read was the very bad quality pic or rob and KS and now i found all these pics and stories of rob and KS hotels,concerts,lunches??rob driving???? i'm so lost...well
gozde I hope my words don't come out too late but i do wish the best x u..for all the problems u had( i know I'm an unknown visiter but i do wish u the best..)

phosphorus said...

@ Chicago Girl: On the other hand people do take their lovers to meet their friends, don't they?

@ Lynda: Perhaps it's a case of self-fulfilling prophecy?

@ Lucerne: No, I don't think it's a conspiracy (or Summit's work) either.

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