Chris Weitz Handles "Robsten Conspiracy" Question Like a PRO

After reading his answer to this question I think he should consider running for the office :) THAT is one political answer! Kudos Chris!

From Box Office:

One of my favorite New Moon conspiracy theories is that the producers are ordering Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson to keep their love hidden because it will affect the way people will perceive the story, even though the story is already known even until the next two books.

The fans know what the Volturi look like or what Taylor Lautner as Jacob's amazing bod is going to look like—the producers know these things are big points of curiosity about whether we've been able to be faithful to people's notions. And they want to parse these things out over time. [Laughs] It is a conspiracy, but the conspiracy is called marketing.

American Pie—like Twilight—was one of those films that made stars of everyone in the cast. This time around, do you find yourself wanting to give this new generation career or life advice?

I don't particularly feel qualified because I'm not in their situation. I don't have to deal with that fame; I'm able to turn it on or off—or rather, the publicity department is able to turn it on and off. I don’t walk around and get recognized. I'm recognized in inverse proportion to my nearness to Rob. There's some kind of equation I could work out. Basically if I'm within 50 yards of Rob, I matter. If not, I just don't. I think that they don't really need my advice because they are determined to remain true to their own life, in spite of anything that might turn their heads. That's the only advice I could give them: that they stay the clever and decent people who they already are. And I don't think they're manifesting any problems in that regard.

You can read the rest of the interview over at Box Office. It's a good interview...

(Via Twilight Lexicon ;))


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

"Basically if I'm within 50 yards of Rob, I matter. If not, I just don't."

Awesome! I love Chris!

Ahem, love the backside photo of Robward-you can almost see..

Haystackhair said...

Love him! Love the pic of Robwards buns more!!

Anonymous said...

did he answer the ?

Rhonda said...

No need to apologize or support your reasons for posting Rob's coin slot. And Chris Weitz is a genius, and pretty darn cute himself.

Anonymous said...

Chris Weitz is such a "mench"!!! LOL Really a great guy and humble too!


rpatzz girl love that the robsten comment I didn't understand anything he didn't say anything..chris is so witty
gozde u don't need to apologize for the best photoshop pic of rob ..

Kate said...

I love Chris!!

Gemgirl65 said...

Best non-answer I've heard in a long time! Perhaps there's room for Chris on the Presidential cabinet somewhere?

RPLover said...

CW is just plain awesome :)

RPnKSaddict said...

Ahh comando Robward!!!
He can be my "buttcrack Santa", anyday!!

LOL at the manip, It looks as if Kstew wants a closer view herself.

Angie said...

LOL @ "buttcrack Santa"!

What photoshop? That picture looks like an original to me!

Jewels64 said...

Oh trust me Chris matter. If "New Moon" totally rocks and blows Twilight into the dirt which judging from the will.

You will be known and the fans will be clamboring for you to direct "Breaking Dawn".....

Plus you are good looking, have that geek thing working for you...yeah...I'd follow you anywhere....

LizzyWizzy said...

I love his perspective. Lets all aspire to live clever and decent lives.

Federico Zarco said...

Kristen looks so beautiful

heather said...

Wow that answer didn't make any sense to me, I guess that was the point? Oh but yes, I would jump on the Chris bandwagon also.. he is VERY cool!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

is it just me or is CW Hot? if i had to see him in a bar and he was single and it was dark....i will do him Lol ,but seriously judging by the pics and trailers CW did an amazing job,i cant wait to view the finish product..

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


HA! Butt crack Santa!!

Anonymous said...

I love his answer, because it's so politically correct, he should work for the white house, he's great at non-answers. I hope he does Breaking Dawn.

Steph is Legit said...

in a way he just said the entire ploy is all marketing

Gozde said...

Exactly Steph...

Anonymous said...

he didn't say it was a ploy (they don't control what the twilight actors do on their time off), he just said that there is no conspiracy bullsh!t, that all the company does is *gasp* make movies and market the movies so as to bring profit.

Aitch said...

I am relieved and happy to hear what Mr Weitz says in his answer to the last question. I am worried that H-Wood will spoil Rob!

Karina said...

He's said there is a conspiracy and it's marketing. In other words, Summit as this mustached-tweedling villain, and Robert and Kristen as the damsels in distress tied down on railroad tracks is untrue.

Which makes sense-Robert could ask them to give him a small country like Fiji and they'd hand it to him on a silver platter right now. The days of studios completely running their stars lives is long gone, as are contracts that intefere with private lives.

He's not talking about the Robert and Kristen in real life, so much as these gossip and media perceptions regarding "Robsten." And how all the public interest and perceptions only keep New Moon in the news.

Karina said...

And Chris Weitz seems like such a hot nerd. Did anyone see him in Chuck and Buck? WOW, talk about an eye opener--he plays this straight guy who has this childhood friend stalking him basically, swearing they were lovers once. Chris is like whatever weirdo...and then at the end he breaks down and just makes out with him cause the childhood friend was right the whole time. Chris is totally hot in that

SluttyPattz said...

I have said it before and will say it again. I love Chris Weitz. I really really hope he does Breaking Dawn.

katie said...

yes, the conspiracy is marketing-that's the ploy. The conspiracy brought up was the notion that Summit is keeping Robert and Kristen from eachother in some form or another.

But that speaks nothing about Robert or Kristen in real life, both individually or as a unit. Robsten is a media creation, full of fanciful and overwrought notions of two celebrities. Robert and Kristen on the other hand are real people who don't seem very up for putting themselves through the sort of media speculation they've gone through, all in the name of free publicity for their franchise.

Unknown said...

lol, Chris Weitz is the shizz. I think he's saying that they basically throw the fans bones over time. Jacob's bod, the Volturi. Robert and Kristen are obviously a huge selling point, so they are time released into the public as well.

What I like about the answer is he's basically refusing to talk about Robert and Kristen in anyway, rather just speaking to their public personas and how they are used for selling points for the franchise. Love it. Chris is too cool and smart for

Unknown said...

hmmm....I just read the whole thread. Do some people actually think Robert and Kristen are doing certain things publicly simply for marketing's sake, even though that's made their lives almost hellish for about six months now? Now THAT'S a conspiracy

I think Chris was speaking specifically to the question raised, and that question was specifically in regards to robsten conspiracy theories and all the media perceptions that go along with it. I don't think he was speaking in broad terms, and is too classy to speak in terms so broad that it would comment on their actual private lives.

Gozde said...

I agree with both Karina and Katie ;)

Anonymous said...

Rosa, you're spot on. Very smart and perceptive, very interview-savy, his cool factor is way, way up there.

The one info that sold me on ChrisW's personal character is when he tried to shield Rob from prying eyes during the shooting of the shirtless/kissing episode in Italy, knowing that Rob is quite modest and uncomfortable being half naked. No wonder Rob bonded with him very easily.

Anonymous said...

I agree with most all, seeing as how respectful Chris is he doesn't touch on what is the very private lives of it's two cast members, but wisely laughs off crazy conspiracy theories (that evil Summit is keeping Robsten and their wonderful love apart)
It's true love, they are being kept apart,ridiculous.

Stupid69Lamb said...

Ok, maybe it's the fact that English is not my mother tongue, but I'm confused. So please help me out here. :)
I got it that there is no conspirancy (nevr believed in it from the start). What I don't get it what does he mean by saying it is marketing. What is marketing? The conspirancy theory? The fact that they don't pubblicly deny a conspirancy? Is Robsten marketing? If that's what he means, I find it hard to believe that Rob and Kristen would do something like that and lead on fans just to get more money for the producers. That would be so disappointing and out of character. What the heck does he mean? LOL

Athena said...

"they are determined to remain true to their own life"

That's what I like to hear.

And Chris... you *are* a class act.

@Rhonda: "Rob's coin slot" HAHAHAHA!!!! I had never heard it called like that before!!!

AP said...

"Clever and decent." Aptly described. Could say the same of Chris.

monika said...

Of course shoving Taycob down people's throats, all the Tay/KStew crap at CC/TCAs etc, and keeping Rob away from those two is marketing.

monika said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
monika said...

No conspiracy meaning Summit is not cockblocking Robsten, trying to split them up or smth, just promoting the hell out of Jake/Bella while keeping Rob in the background just like Edward is in the book. Simply promoting the movie. Things have changed sometime ago, Summit let Robsten be and it's Robsten who made the decision to stay on the dl.

monika said...

It's funny and cute that Robsessed are still holding onto hope Rob's single and will appear at their own doorstep, uh a girl can dream eh? lol
or maybe it's cause they hate KStew and don't want her with Rob in that way, which is it? probs a bit of both.

Gozde said...


The only person that needs a healthy dose of reality here is you. We hate KStew? what the hell have you been smoking?

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