Should Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Answer "Robsten" Questions?

I understand why they keep mum about it. Neither answer will satisfy people. People are so passionate about this subject whether they are Robsten, Nonsten or "Who gives a crapsten?". They are smart to not answer. It's nobody's business...

And for the love of GOD stop asking them the question. Especially fans! Would you like someone you didn't know approaching you and asking if you were with Mike/George/Danny?

What do YOU think?

I put only 2 choices. No "other". Comment and please don't fight :))


Anonymous said...

it doesn't really matter. because if they answer and they say no, people wont believe them. and if they say yes people will bother them more. poor kids.

E said...

As much as id love to know! haha
They have every right not to say anything, its their lives not ours.

Mechevpao said...

Did I came into the blog to early? well I saw the lights on and passed by; anyway..

I did not watch Ted C vid, I don´t care for anything that ass is saying, because he is making his living telling his BS to fans too obsessed about Rob´s or Kristen´s privacy.

Seriously!!.. best advice ever: lets give crapsten about all this and let them be what ever they want to be, it is not our busyness and they don´t owe any explanation to the public about anything in their privates life.

Laura said...

Whether they are on or off, I admire their preservation of privacy. No matter how badly any of us would like to know, it's not our business. Good for them for defending their private lives.

TINK said...

i say no. of course personally i'd love to know ;) but let's get real. i certainly wouldn't want a gazillion people bugging me about my love life. love lives are messy, emotional, beautiful, intimate, etc. etc. Celebs can be extraordinary (ie: Rob) but they are human so the same human feelings apply to them. their love lives will have the same emotions as us ole regular folk. if they want to keep it private then they should. if they want to share a part of their private lives then they should. whatever they want or dont want. i support whatever they choose to do because ANYTHING they say in regards to their private lives is a privilege and not an expectation.

Gozde said...

Jesi-noelle, you hit the nail in the head :))

"it doesn't really matter. because if they answer and they say no, people wont believe them. and if they say yes people will bother them more. poor kids."

So true. It's like a new religion :P People "believe" whatever they want to and it's quite scary.

Ted is an ass...

Anonymous said...

The REAL question is : "Do you want to know if Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are dating?"

I think people really need to think hard about this. I don't think any of us "really" want to know.

Either the Robstenites or the Nonstenites.

I firmly believe there are very few Crapstenites...

Unknown said...

I say no because people will believe what they want. If they admit or deny there will always be those who don't believe them or who won't agree with it. It's their private life so I respect their need to want to keep it private.

I won't lie, I would like to know the truth but in the end... does it really matter? Nope, it doesn't. It won't change a thing for me whether they are together or not.

So, yeah, I'm a "don't give a crapsten." ;)

Michal said...

Although I agree that it's none of anybody's business what they do or don't do in their private lives, I think the way the question has been handled up until now isn't doing anybody any good.

If they are actually dating, they should be able to just come forward with it. Of course, some people (I won't call them fans) will be disappointed (read: outraged), but that will probably die down.

Of course, when they say "no, we're not dating," nobody's going to believe them anyway.

Now nobody will be able to let this question go, and the two stars will be continually bothered about it.

I just hope they aren't going to let it bother them too much.

Anonymous said...

ted is the root of all evil i am convinced, well not the root but he is evil. i wish he would get sued.
back to the question plenty of celebs more famous then them get asked personal questions and they usually set the record straight, maybe a nice i am single and happy will suffice. either way if they comment or not they can't win, so who cares
it's not any of our business, they owe us the movies and nothing else.

Dahlia said...

I voted "no" too. Whether they are together or not it is nobody's business but their own, and as said, if they did answer no matter what they said it wouldn't make any difference. they would still get hounded about it and there would always be people who didn't believe them either way. They should be left alone to do or not do whatever they want on this "question"

Anonymous said...

I voted no, because I honestly believe it's none of my business. I pay to watch them in movies, tune in my TV to watch them at awards, buy calenders, posters, DVDs etc. and enjoy them doing what they get paid for. They aren't being paid to put on a reality show for our entertainment, there's enough of that cheap crap around already. Do we really want to see more of Kate and John? Bleh!!!

showme said...

I can't wait to sit back and watch this thread today. I might actually pop popcorn and shit. LOL

Anna said...

They should not answer.

If they say no, no one will believe it, and that madness will continue unchanged.

If they say yes, the press will start making up crap about their relationship ("Kristen in tears over Rob betrayal!" "Kristen pregnant!" "Rob about to propose!")

=> end result is the same whatever they do.

So why play the media game when they have nothing to gain. Better keep their integrity and refuse to discuss their private life, at all.

showme said...

BTW i totally and completely agree with TINK, altho i would def love to know.

Regardless, Rob will totally cave during NM promotion tour so it's a moot point anyway. He and Kris will be absolutely bombarded w relationship questions bc no matter WHAT sumshit and their reps say, they're only gonna get heavy hitter reporters this time around, no Showbiz Shelly's. And Matt Lauer & Dave Letterman and people like that don't give a shit and will ask anything. their careers depend on it.

so either rob's not gonna do any press for NM or he will admit he and kris are together.

I'm profoundly hoping it's the latter part of that bc i swear to God, if they YANK him from promotion, scaling back hardcore for all that stupid bella/jake shit, i will seriously blow a fucking gasket

i want to see Rob interviewd by everyone for NM....fucking eh!

Unknown said...

hey guys,
frankly, i think "robsten" IF,IF, IF there is one (i don't think so), has worn out its welcome. actually, the truth WILL come out eventually.

rob and kristen already answered this question a HUNDERED times and no one believed them. and they are probably tired of answering it. i don't believe anything's changed.

i really don't think that IF MA and kristen broke up that rob swooped in on kristen like a vulture on a dying animal. firstly, i don't think that's rob's style, he strikes me as too shy to do that.

with kristen, i don't think that she's the type to get with somebody just because people are pushing her to. the more you push people one way, the more they run the other way.

Dahlia said...

Little Bear, I wholeheartedly agree with what you said.

But one point I want to raise:
"If they say yes, the press will start making up crap about their relationship ("Kristen in tears over Rob betrayal!" "Kristen pregnant!" "Rob about to propose!")"

The press do this anyway :P Imagine the field day they would have if Rob/Kris said "yes"... the press would actually expect people to believe them then!

Athena said...

"Who gives a crapsten?"

Goz, you have no idea how much I laugh every time I read that! I wish you had put it as an option as well! Hahahaha!

anna F said...

I answered NO too...

1- it's their personal life, they don't have to tell the fans anything about that
(and I would not either, considering the amazing sense of entitlement some fans seem to display, "give them a hand, they take the entire arm" as we say in french).
I think that fans need to take a step back and realize actors act in movies/plays, their personal life is not a movie/play for us to see though.

2- People will believe whatever they want in the end...
They say yes: the nonsten will simply start the "it won't last long" discussions;
They say no: Evil summit forced them.

Because of endless speculations everywhere, I have become curious, but I keep this at bay because I realize it's none of my business.

Anonymous said...

are you fucking kidding me ??? why on earth should they do this ??? their relationship is NONE OF OUR BUSINESS!!

Gozde said...

wilay-niam, calm down :)

Unknown said...

@showme: I'm at work, so popcorn would be too obvious ;)
I already laugh too much at 'work'-stuff :D People are starting to think I'm totally crazy (and not just my regular crazy)

Unknown said...

@anna F we have that saying in Dutch too... Whatever is given, they'll always want more... Don't give them a finger! Keep that arm!

I'm starting to feel sorry for the whole cast now :( It's like only two people work on the movie!
Rob and Kristen are shy about sticking their heads out of the hotel and the others never get asked about themselves anymore... I for one would like to hear more about the other actors and what they are working on too! I just read that Ana is starring with George Clooney -> must have been awesome!
And yes, I'm aware that this is a Rob-blog... Sorry 'bout the little 'rant' :s

Kate said...

The poll is fairly close and just for the record I voted no!

I don't really care either way if they're together or not, it's none of my business. If they're together then good for them and if not then I feel for them having to put up with all the s**t that they do!

Unknown said...

I think they're puppets in the studio's hands: they do what they're told. They say what they're told. Obviously it wasn't THEIR idea to isolate themselves at the VMA gathering. It was safe there. But Summit is pushing Taylor to the front of the line and does NOT want interference from Rob, who is WAY more popular and WAY more talented. Not to mention gorgeous. Bet Rob and K are friends with benefits and liking it. Commitment (as in marriage) at this stage in their young life and career is not advised, I guess...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

their silence already speak volumes....and are people voting 'No' because they dont want to know,dont care or by voting No somewhere in their sub concious they Dont want it to be true?? folks must realise rather its kris or not he is a red blooded Str8 male and he is going to date,if kristen dont snatch him up someone else will.

kespax said...

Who gives a crapsten allrighty!

And - never, ever answer, cause it's driving the shippers nuts, so smart teasing.

I love how it drives people nuts - and I'm sure the rest of the cast are purposely trying to make quite weird comments to drive shippers loopy. I picture them all laughing their arses off over this crap - together or not.

If your hung up on this shit - something is wrong with ya tis darn creepy.

peeling a fig said...

Results are interesting so far and not as one-sided as I expected. It will be interesting to see if the trend changes when the US fans wake up, or when the younger readers here get back from school and vote.

That is...if there are any younger readers here? Like, teens?

I admit to giving a small crapsten, because I hope Rob is getting some regular, non-skanky lovin' from someone he trusts. She is accessible and is trustworthy, as she has a similar need for privacy. I voted no, though. Their biz, not mine.

anna F said...

rpattz-turns-me-on said...
"and are people voting 'No' because they dont want to know,dont care or by voting No somewhere in their sub concious they Dont want it to be true??"

I believe I'm not the only one to have pointed out that it might make some fans feel legitimate about their amazing sense of entitlement to know everything about their lives if they start answering this question. It's better to draw a line between work and private related questions.
If they answer that by a "yes, we are together", next they will have to answer a lot of other questions ont hat topic (when did it start, was Kris still with Michael, and then about their future together...). And if they don't answer, some fans will demand aswers and complain, same as right now.

Temptation said...

OK Now we knew this topic would raise people's blood pressure a little and it did exactly as predicted.

Now this is my opinion and if you don't like it TOOOO BADDDD it doesn't mean it's right or wrong.

The way I see it is they changed the rules half way through the game. During interviews with ET and Eonline they were happy to answer questions and discussed there "friendship". No one believed them of course so it was a waste of time. Somewhere along the line the rules changed and the "together question" is no longer allowed. So like anyone when someone says no the paps/fans want it even more.

Yes it is so true it is their private lives but it is also effecting all the other cast members and people around them.

I think if there is something there then it will come out anyway when the NM promo starts. I also personaly think if they are going out well it will be a hot topic for a while and then they will move on to something else. I am still not sold on the Robsten theory and agree with some of you other Ladies and think they are having a laugh about the whole thing. Maybe Friends with benefits, we will never know.

Summit are loving every minute of this debate and that really annoys the shit out of me.....

Anonymous said...

First I really don't think it's any of our business because they both seem to be private people and they deserve their privacy regardless what profession that have chosen. But my answer to this is, maybe they don't know themselves? Maybe they are trying to figure it out as well? Either way it doesn't matter to me. But I totally agree with jesi-noelle, no matter their answer it will not satisfy the gossip hounds and some of their more "passionate" fans. I'm with the I don't give a crapsten group. Just let them both be happy!

LK said...

For me it's more than obvious that R/K are together.It's also pretty obvious that they want to share it only with their families and friends.It's no one else's business.So,i wish all the crazy,obsessed shippers and gossip mags,columnists to shut the fuck up and leave them alone.All this craziness must stop.I wonder how they handle it.It's like living in a fish bowl.

Temptation said...

LK see it's not that obvious to me and as for living in a fish bowl unfortunately it comes with the career. It's like sweet comes with being a great ball player I don't think you can have one and not the other. They are young and have many more years in the spotlight so I say suck it up and move on.....

Paula said...

Hi everyone, how are you all doing?

As much as RP and KS are in the public eye, its no one's business, if they are together, good for them, if they are not together, good for them.

I think in the grand scale of things both of them want to maintain some privacy in their lives.


JandR said...

being only a few months into all this Rob-adoration stuff, one of the first things I sw online and in the news was the almost kiss at the MTV awards back at the end of May. So did all this kris/rob are they aren't they stuff just ramp up from then on?? That was one hot little tease they put out there and in my opinion it just seemed to stir things up into a frenzy...not sure...
those of you who have been Robsessing longer than me - what is your take??

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i think its pretty obvious to everyone now,but some folks are ignoring the obvious and grasping at some hope its not true,this is what scares me the most,the posessive few who in their minds think he belongs to them and dont want to see him with any woman,in my opinion this is bigger than 'Robsten' because it goes into the territory of 'overly posessive' and it could be dangerous not only for him but for the lady involved,who ever she is.

JandR said...

Hi LR and Tempt
Yep I'm a no voter. When your lives are analysed to the extent that theirs are you have to have something that is just yours. Whether they are or they aren't people will continue to speculate and believe whatever the damn they want to anyway!
Rob so doesn't buy into any of this hollywood/movie star BS. He doesn't give a crap how he looks, if his hair is clean, if his clothes have holes, if his shoes are scuffed and dirty or his shirt buttons awry. Why would he give a shit about magazine and pappz hype?
Other than making it a bit harder to get around and flashing cameras when he is located he says he is still the same person and I believe that. This craziness will hopefully pass and Rob will be able to enjoy the things he used to again with a bit more freedom(that's my wish for him anyway!).
So my no vote is because I don't think Rob gives a damn about what anyone else thinks he is just gonna live his own life like he has done previously.

rant over lol

Temptation said...

Hi Jandi, it will be interesting to see how the dynamics change at the Remember Me promo's. We didn't get to see many pics of Rob and Emile together so all this drama about"chemistry" will be challenged.

If the actor is a good cast for the script then I assume he would have "chemistry" with he leading lady.


Temptation said...

See now this is what gives me the shits, I don't think they are an item then I am "ignoring it or grasping at some hope". Well sorry but the way I see it is obviously different than some of you do.......As for grasping at some hope, please...I don't hold out for Rob to rock up on my door with a bunch of flowers if thats what you are thinking........

Karina said...

They should not answer relationship or lack of relationship questions. And they haven't been since May. They've done no comments and have skipped red carpets all summer.

They are not going to deny or confirm "Robsten." As they shouldn't, people are too invested one way or another.

JandR said...

I am really hoping for some good chemistry in RM cos I think Tyler is one hot dude...and we know Rob is hot so there should be some good ansty feelings in there between the leads. I'm with you Tempt I want to believe the actors in their roles and as you say if they are well cast they should bring it!

JandR said...

I tell you what Javier and Rob really brought it in Little Ashes, I completely bought everything they were selling ;-)) and it was hot!

Unknown said...

They are not going answer Robsten questions, and their public behavior will never completely answer the question either.

By not answering, they are allowing everyone to continue to project whatever image they want onto Robert.

By not answering, everyone wins. Those who want them together can see the glass half full. Those who want them not together can see the glass half empty. And Robert and Kristen are more free to do whatever they do or don't do behind closed doors.

Temptation said...

Rob is so Tyler, the script is like it has been written for him.......

You aren't watching the brownlow are you????

I am going to the Grandfinal on Saturday, I have Aclass tickets starts at 10am right through until after dinner. The only reason I am going is because Spiderbait played last years so should be a good band, I cant handle the footy.......

Temptation said...

GOZDE - I love the please don't fight comment, after this weekend some of these ladies needed to relaxxxx a little.....

Unknown said...

And chemistry is not an all or nothing thing. It's simply a recipe between two actors.

There's all kinds of chemistry that can come out between two actors. From what I gather about Robert, he is artistic in the sense he's good at playing off another's performance and tone. Kristen Stewart mentioned that this was his strength in his audition-if she changed her performance slightly, he responded to the change in kind.

So, that sort of sensitivity is a definite plus and I'm sure him and Emilie have great chemistry together. She has a very warm disposition about her that would be interesting to see him play off of.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

stephen moyer and anna (engaged) true blood fans dont give a shit, zac and vaness(banging each other) no one cares, Brad and Angie (making babies) hooked up on set and list goes on and on,its a hollywood tradition,kstew met MA on the set of one of her movies,its a every day thing in hollywood,but the idea of Rob hooking up with Kris is driving some folks why is that??

Temptation said...

It is a logical place for employees to meet.......long hours, spending a lot of time together, things in common....etc....If they were together it would not drive me crazy, I just don't think they are...


peeling a fig said...

JandR and Temptation

Speaking of RM and chemistry, have a look at this darling picspam, some of which could be interpreted as off camera togetherness:

WARNING: some spoiler quotes

Just goes to show that pics can be totally misinterpreted by a shutterspeed's worth of glance or smile. Bring on the Robler, can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Thus should prove to be a nice healthy debate :)

Goz: you're so smart.

Whatever they are will come out eventually. After filming is over, I think things will naturally become more obvious. As for now, they are co-workers first & foremost IMO.

katie said...

JandR--there's always been speculation about Robert and Kristen because frankly Summit set it up that way with the promotions. Robert was often shown as this guy with a crush on his co-star, but she had a bf at the time.

The speculation ran rampant starting up in Vancouver, when they were seen out together without other castmates at his friend's concert. Some other gossip up there made the rounds too.

Then the VMAs happened, and the next morning there were shots and videos of them in the parking lot of a hotel, where he was saying goodbye to her and her mom who arrived in her car. No one can confirm they stayed there together over night, but it was those shots that really ramped up the speculation and kept it going all summer, even if they weren't on the same coast.

Temptation said...


NOW that is chemistry...I think I even spotted some eye porn in there.....

Great pics, some I haven't seen yet what a lovely treat.......

Thank you xxoooo

dayzdnconfuzd said...

I think they should answer. It's not really an invasion of privacy to let people know you have a significant other. How many couples do you know in real life go around trying to hide their relationships for the sake of 'privacy'? Not many, I'd wager. It's not like they are being asked about their sex life, FFS.

And I don't buy the "if they answer yes, people will bother them more". The only reason they are being bothered is because they are being secretive.

I'm sick of the drama. No, they don't us anything, but they are in the business and they KNOW what the papparazzi's job is. If they don't want to come out with a yes or no, fine. But then don't whine about being asked all the time by the papps either because they are just trying to make a living, and by not answering, they are putting a huge dollar sign on the photos that prove it one way or another.

jmm4832 said...

I voted no. Rob and Kris are entitled to their privacy despite the fact they are celebrities and it's none of my business. It doesn't matter who Rob is with. He's never going to be with me, so why should I give a crapsten?

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

rob and kris put gasoline on the fire by their actions,the charlie hotel,the near kiss at the movie awards,Kol concert,running all over La,the Vma pics and the list goes on,either they dont care anymore or they love stroking the fire,either way they provided the gasoline and the mags,media,gossip sites provided the fire.

katie said...

People do speculate about them anyways, but if they confirm, they paint themselves into a corner. If you confirm a relationship, then you just set yourself up to have to confirm when you break up too. And these two are coworkers who head a franchise that revolves around their onscreen romance. They can't just do things like normal people, there are many things to consider. The more they open themselves up publicly about their private lives, the more people will pry.

dayzdnconfuzd said...

BTW, I know my answer will be an unpopular one. But it is what it is, honest.

Temptation said...

Yes your answer is unpopular and I think you and I are the only ones that are confessing to voting yes....

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

rob and kris put gasoline on the fire by their actions,the charlie hotel,the near kiss at the movie awards,Kol concert,running all over La,the Vma pics and the list goes on,either they dont care anymore or they love stroking the fire,either way they provided the gasoline and the mags,media,gossip sites provided the fire.

katie said...

dayz-no, there will be drama not matter what, because Robert in the middle of manufactured drama is selling magazines like hot cakes right now.

The drama is not coming from them being secretive. The drama is coming from the fans insisting on knowing every little detail about his life, and the media being more than happy to fulfill those demands.

Robert confirming isn't going to change anything. It just gives the media more to work with.

T said...

I voted no. Do I think something is going on between them? Yes. I just don't think the media circus will stop with a confirmation. What they do in their personal life is just that, personal. So, unless he starts shagging a 41 year old librarian from Indiana, I really don't care.

Temptation said...

Library Babe - he did confess to having a passion for books.........some cute glasses, suspenders lace stocking and a loose bun and who knows.....

JandR said...

peeling-a-fig - first of all I just love your name!! lol
second I couldn't open that link - bahwaa - I wanna see that chemistry... I totally buy Rob in every role he's had, maybe just cos I adore the guy, but hey he has some talent...he also seems to have half the world's female population panting after him (prob guys too) I'm thinking maybe the chemical reactions he's sparking off everywhere come from some special essence he gives off... ;-)) if so they should bottle it! LOL Eau de Rob...I'd wear me some of that all over...

T said...

Temptation-There may be hope for me yet :)

Temptation said...

Jandi you have to open those pics all from Remember Me and some new ones...........

This is not going to help your panting.....I am hyperventilating...

Temptation said...

Library Babe - get into some of that Fan Fiction Porn at least you will have some creative fantasies/dreams...

T said...

Temptation- I already have. I just got done reading The Office. Loved it.

Karina said...

With promotional junkets, the studio can definitely stop reporters from asking about their private lives. Folks from various outlets play nice that way, or else they can get snubbed for future junkets. No one is going to ask them about their relationship directly.

What people WILL try to do though is to get them to mess up and maybe give some indication by asking them leading or trick questions. But all three NM kids are going to be well prepped on how to evade those types of questions.

JandR said...

okay got the picspam pics - Rob and Emilie - they are on a winner there LOL
what wouldn't I do to have Rob looking at me like that? just saying....

dayzdnconfuzd said...

I would like to point out that during twilight promotions, rob was asked many times whether or not he was single or had a girlfriend, and nobody complained about that being too personal a question or an invasion of privacy. Nobody. Not rob, who answered the question quite happily, not his fans, nobody.

What makes that question so 'personal' or an invasion of privacy now? It's the same question, more or less. What changed is the answer.

Yes, katie, the drama IS coming from the secrecy. Unfortunately, fans do want to know everything they can about robert, but it's the SECRECY that keeps this drama going.

Karina said...

I saw Emilie on the red carpet for the emmys by the way, she looked gorgeous.

Temptation said...

That was my point exactly in my past ravings they changed the rules half way through the game and now questions that were asked before are no longer allowed..........

Jandi dont they just look so sexy together......I am pretty sure he looks at me like that in the back of the volvo......hhhhhaaaa

JandR said...

the beach shoot pics are some of the first ones I saved, he is smiling and relaxed and I just loved them. I'm hoping they have some hot and heavy action between them hehe

Gemgirl65 said...

Haha, pass the popcorn Show!

I voted no. It's none of my business. My eyes, ears and gut instinct have served me well over the years, so I will continue to trust them as far as R/K are concerned.

Karina said...

dayz--the difference I think is back then, Robert was open to answering those questions. So was Kristen.

They both have since stopped answering questions on their private lives as well as their relationship statuses. They've basically taken that subject off the table.

Reporters have already been told not to ask them about this subject(comicon), and Kristen and Robert, when confronted with the question have both answered with nonanswers. They have also avoided red carpet situations, where questions can't be so easily controlled.

Anonymous said...

*waves to library babe*

from one Hoosier to another

I love how everyone is so protective of him :)

For the record, I don't think it's ridiculous to believe either way. I just think it's a bit odd to try to keep it a secret if they are dating. Neither have done that in past relationships, right? Why not be proud of your significant other? It makes you human to feel connected to someone in an intimate way. I don't think PDA is necessary, but awkward runs to and from the car project the wrong image in my opinion.

One thing is certain, I don't want it to affect Robs career & success.

skorpia said...

If they answer yes-they can stop creepin around. people can shut the hell up and if they dont know already ROb can smugly say"google it"

Temptation said...

Love it Monica "creepin around" and Google it......fantastic.

dayzdnconfuzd said...


That is my point. Those questions were 'allowed' then, and not now. They weren't an 'invasion of privacy' then, and they are now. They (R/K) are creating their own drama and grief. Neither had a problem with the question before (not Kristen when asked about Michael, nor Rob when asked if he had a girlfriend). Now, it's too personal a question. Whatever. I just want them to answer it so people will shut up with the speculation. I think the speculation and avoidance of red carpets and being too demanding in interviews will end up hurting them careerwise in the long run. Just my opinion.

And as someone already mentioned, it affects others in the cast as well when they get asked, constantly, what is going on between them. It's becoming self-indulgent of them to keep this secret going when the rest of the cast is affected.

katie said...

I honestly didn't they were together until all that stuff happened in L.A. in August.

What they are doing isn't secret. They are seen out and about together alone often. They are seen hanging out in the same hotel room and balcony. They are seen looking pretty cozy at concerts, even if they aren't alone.

I think they basically are not being secretive about it, they just aren't bothering to define it for anyone. Maybe they aren't even sure how to define it right now.

And Kristen running like that may have been because she had people yelling bitch at her just minutes earlier. It's no fun being the girl by Robert's side, yet another reason why defining it may not be in their best interest.

Anonymous said...

whether they are Robsten, Nonsten or "Who gives a crapsten?". lol

skorpia said...

I gotta say I got a bet goin on 50 bucks-Im surprised their isnt a pool at some hick bar with the jackpot up to 5oo dolla bills. Itf its true that Summit has something to do with it-theyre dumba$$e$ because it they broke up-that would be insane free publicity and everyone wants to see if it affected their chemistry. But ROb is the best actor so no problem there-KS would go back to looking like shes about to barf...*sings*

come out come out wherever you are!!

T said...

*waves back to thirtysomething*

It's nice to see a fellow Hoosier on here with the hots for Rob.

beyonce said...

oh is this THE thirtysomething that chicagogirl is always quoting about saying Kristen has wet noodle legs and fat arms? You know she quotes you on that on every thread....

Karina said...

dayz-I don't think it's an invasion at all, they were open to the questions before. But they are also allowed to change the boundaries if they see fit.

I think it's a bit obvious why at this point that the rules changed for them. I can't blame them though for not wanting to answer the question. She's like 19, who says she even knows what the hell they are having,if they are having anything at all? Crap, at that age, I wouldn't have wanted to peg down what some guy meant to me in some official capacity. That's just too serious.

skorpia said...

BWAHAHAHAHA!! noodle legs?? thats rich-couldnt say cross eyes?? nah-I could think of a lot worse but my momma would throw her heel across state lines to hit me in the head. I wear my Beyotch Badge with pride :)

skorpia said...

KS didnt know even KNOW what every remotely intelligent female(including gay men:) knew after a little research on ROb. Hes a fantastic guy. If she didnt "get it" I dont respect her dragging his feelings in the dirt. And that poor ex of hers! I hope he finds happiness.

starfire09 said...

I voted yes and am proud of it. Yes I would love to know. I agree with dayzdnconfuzd, temptation and thirtysomething. There is NO reason for them not to admit they are dating. As pointed out, no one is asking questions about their sex lives.

I truly believe that if either one of them said no, that they were not dating, in a NEW interview, (cuz that has yet to happen) then I for one would believe it, as I would if they said yes.

That's the point though, neither of them have actually said in a NEW interview what their relationship is.
I have a feeling the studio is responsible for this, for them not clarifying things, but then again it's just a feeling. But the truth is, we don't know anything for sure despite how it may look.

katie said...

Wait, Kristen is the one who said "Robert's the one" in auditions, before CH even. i think she got it faster than any of us that Rob is a fantastic guy.

Isa said...

I vote: No.

They have every right not to say anything, its their lives not ours.

katie said...

and it's basic pr 101 to not speak out on your private life. The only people who do that willingly are like Heidi Montag. That's the level of celebrity of people who confirm who they are dating. Robert and Kristen are bigger stars, and A and B list celebrities normally do not comment on their relationship status officially.

Heck, Emmy Rossum just came out publicly that she was getting a divorce--and she had kept her marriage private this whole time! And she's barely famous.

Anonymous said...

"When your lives are analysed to the extent that theirs are you have to have something that is just yours."

Hi J&R! I so totally agree with your whole rant especially the line above!

Anonymous said...

Don't know if anyone has checked on the voting poll yet, but I just voted NO and it's a pretty close race, "NO" being in the lead.

skorpia said...

I voted hell the fk yeah!! I just dont see the point of all the secrecy. Theyre already being accused of kissing and cuddling in public. Lots of photoshops. Come one already-just admit it so people can stop the assumptions.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

rotflmao! Sit back with popcorn to watch this thread!

I try to stay out this debate, but you're right, they did change the rules throuhout the game.
The problem is no matter how many times they say we're just friends, the question gets asked anywAy.. and worse... it's no longer are you dating... It's become are you sleeping with?

SO...of course I vote NO... do I really want to know... Of course I do....

Do I give a crapsten? Not really...

If he's not shaggin me I hope he's shaggin her... Better than a Brittany or a Megan!

katie said...

What is secret really? I've mentioned this already, but it's not exactly a secret what they are doing. They go out in public often now, since August. The only thing they are keeping secret is how they define eachother via a public official statement. They've given us a bunch of dots to connect, but they aren't forcing anyone to connect them if they dont' want to.

RPnKSaddict said...

I have to be honest and say that I would love to know the truth. I'm as curious as anyone else if thwy're together or not.

That being said I voted NO, because they shouldn't have to be foreced into answering what isnt anyone else's business.

I still think that Scummit is holding the ball as to some of their choices of weather to answer these questions or not.Just my opinion.

Love the banner Gozde!!! OMR those lips mmmmmm

skorpia said...

What I dont get is why Tay tay helped her down the stairs and Rob didnt. He went straight to the fans. Thats telling action to me. All the times he didnt let her in the cab first. That sort of thing makes me think theyre not together. WHY fight it?? if its true-treat her like a lady or maybe its just a booty call (like Ive been saying all along)I wish he can just say "we're just shaggin "

Unknown said...

hey temptation, dazednconfused,and thirtysomething.... RIGHT ON!

i'm not gonna say that rob would never be with any of us.. cause how would i know that?? that 's putting us down sayin that we are not good enough. i can't see the future so...

It's not really an invasion of privacy to let people know you have a significant other. How many couples do you know in real life go around trying to hide their relationships for the sake of 'privacy'? HELLO!

hey dazed... you go girl right on

this has turned into an all out war. lol

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

hey guys let's send scummit a nice little email

Anonymous said...

beyonce: uhhh...i guess that's me??? *shrugs*

i ♥ chicago girl :)

AP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sassy28 said...

i personally dont care either way but it makes me laugh that people are so desperate to know one way or another do we all get a prize or something if they do come out and say they are together will it end world hunger start world peace.nope so i say if they are good for them if they arent good for them so long as they are both happy.

auntapey said...

I voted no because I really don't think they should have to answer ANY questions that they don't want to, whether they be about their private lives or in general.

Would I like them to answer it? Hell yes.

I have no problem admitting I'm curious as all hell what's going on between them. Does that make me crazy? I don't think so but if some people do, fine with me.

I'm so tired of all the debating between the two groups (three I guess, if you count the crapstens). As someone who thinks they're together, If they out right said, "No, we're not together" I would believe them.

But sadly, like a lot of you have already said, no matter what they say, some people will believe whatever they want. There are people who, if they confirmed they were a couple, would say they're only doing it for publicity. Then there are those who would say they were lying if they said they aren't a couple.

So it's a moot point. It's not going to change anything whether they answer or not.

Karina said...

I think Kristen has great legs, she's still a young girl growing into her body. Not to be gross, but her look is like the ideal look in porn right now, men like 'em young and lean and perky assed. I was looking at some article on her for one of her movies and it mentioned how she was a stripper and the totally perverted comments left by dozens of men(saying things like they'll have to get a pail out for the is totally creepy given her age.Dudes are gross.

showme said...

karina i think you are SO wrong about the reporters asking it.

Big reporters (who rob's gonna get this time around) DO NOT abide by that 'don't ask' rule. Summit needs them more than they need summit. period. Look at Matt Lauer and Tom cruise, Anne and Brad Pitt, Dave Letterman and Joaquin, Jay leno and Hugh Grant & Kayne, Barbara Walters and everyone....

no way they'll go by the 'dont' ask ab romance' summit rule. not a chance in hell.

rob WILL get asked. My money is on him caving.

auntapey said...


Part of me thinks you may be right, which makes me really worried about the amount of press Summit is going to allow Rob to do for New Moon.

showme said...

Exactly autapey!

That's what i said in my top post about this. i'm gonna go complete apeshit if he's not interviewd by EVERYONE! All the talk shows.

Karina said...

show me- here's my take. Robert and Kristen are very young and their only "crime" is that they might be playing footsie. they're like innocent puppies and no one is going to go after them as a result hard. They may ask a question, but they aren't going to be relentless. They'll give them a way out.

Tom/Matt: Matt went after him cause he had been a real ahole to Brooke Shields already, and was beligerent to Matt as well.

Anne/Brad: Brad's older, and the reality is he left America's sweetheart for America's vixen. That leaves him open a bit.

David/Joaquin: David will rip a new one to any guest who doesn't work with him--KS for example last year!lol But he's too grouchy to bother with romance rumors.

Jay/Hugh: That was set up specifically for Hugh to show contrition. Jay's the guy you want to show contrition too, cause he's very generous.

Kanye/Jay: That was set up too for Kanye to air his contrition as well, and Jay actually helped him to show how contrite he was by bringing up mama.

I just think there's a direct correspondance in terms of how dogged an interviewer is with someone and how "open" that interviewee has made themselves, by doing something that is not condoned socially.

Rob and kristen will not be dogged, everyone will give them a way out if they choose not to answer.

Just my guess though! :)

auntapey said...


I think we've already started to see it - only Kristen & Taylor at that Memphis Premiere/Charity showing, canceling the London premiere, not doing red carpets, the Kris & Tay EW cover/article etc. I get the feeling Rob's promotion for New Moon is going to be extremely scaled back from what it was for Twilight.

RPLover said...

I can't read this thread, I'm so tired of this discussion.

I voted no, I'm firmly "don't give a crapsten".

dayzdnconfuzd said...

Thanks apprentice!

I don't buy the argument that 'maybe they don't want to define their relationship because they don't what they are yet'. Get real. If they are dating, and I think they are, it's obviously been going on since May. If they haven't figure it out by now, then they have bigger problems than the media hounding them with 'the question'.

Don't get me wrong - I fully support their right to NOT say whether or not they are dating. They are making that choice. But at the same time, I don't have sympathy for them if they continue to get asked that same question over and over again by press or papz. The easiest way to get someone off your back about a question is simply to answer it. If you don't want to answer it, fine, but it won't stop the press from asking, and it won't stop the papz from trying to find the answer on their own and being an even bigger invasion on their privacy, so quit complaining about it and ACCEPT that refusing to answer just makes the hassling by the press/papz worse.

I seriously think that refusing to answer the question will have a detrimental effect, in time, on Robert's career. He is quite famous, but he's newly famous. He has yet to prove himself to an audience beyond twihards. That is why I'm looking forward to Remember me and Unbound captives. But the more he has to 'avoid' red carpets and avoid interviews to avoid 'the question', and when he does interviews, give special rules to the interviewer about what questions they are allowed to ask, the less seriously I think audiences outside of twi-fans will take him.

jmm4832 said...

I don't understand why Ted C. thinks Rob and Kris should just come out and admit it. To me they're making it way obvious without having to say a word. Like Katie said, some people refuse to connect the dots. If you look at the way he was cuddling her backstage at the VMA's then it's obvious they are more than friends. It's been obvious since that week they spent together in LA. Maybe they feel confirming it isn't in their best interest, I don't know. In the final analysis it isn't anyone else's business but theirs.

sunflower0674 said...

I don't think they should answer the question - if they answer no then ppl will think they are lying. If they answer yes, ppl are going to be mad they hid it or that they are together.

They are not press whores like Lindsey, Brittany, or Paris. The gossip mags know that they are in hot demand right now. So, they need to bring their readers what they want. Since they can't dig up any other dirt on them it becomes the whole they are dating thing.

R they together? My opinion - something is happening. Could be just friends - I had a guy best friend in middle/high school and everyone thought we were dating.

Reality - she is 19, he is 23. They seem like they are both quiet, private, shy ppl. They are both dealing with the crazy obsessed fans, and they need to be close during filming. Obviously, they are going to create a bond going through all this.

If she puts a smile on his face, then let it be. His smile brightens up my day.

Marna said...

I'm going to admit it, I voted yes. I don't actually care if they're dating or not, and I also don't think they owe the fans detaile of their private lives, I'm just sick & tired of all the are they or aren't they arguments.

As has been mentioned already, it's really not fair to the other actors in the Twilight movies. All they ever get asked about is Rob & Kristin, you never see interviews about their part or any other projects they might be involved with, just Rob & Kristin. Even Peter's wife Jennie was asked about them, when she attended an unrelated charity event. It's just gotten too invasive of other people's lives, & it's inconsiderate of Rob & Kristin to continue to let it happen when they could stop it with a few definitive words.

If they are really dating (as opposed to just having sex) then what kind of strain does it put on the relationship when they can't be too close to each other in public, or can't even do something as normal as hold hands. It just seems silly. They wouldn't even have to give an interview saying they're together, they could just hold hands.

I just think they've managed to turn this into a major drama when there really isn't a reason for it.

Anonymous said...

Good question, all throughout the junkets they would be asked about their significant others, and of course Kristen would say Michael and Rob would answer he is single and make jokes and so on, all the way up to April. Then the game changed and they refused to answer.

Mars said...

Whether they are or aren't, I feel horrible for the three parties: Rob, Kristen and Michael Angaro.

Poor Michael Angaro has been portrayed as this schmuck who was dumped for Rob, and that's gotta hurt the ego.

CdL said...

I say NO of course...
none of our business... ;oP

jmm4832 said...

Well in a way I think it's being sensitive to Michael's feelings by R&K not showing off their relaysh, whatever it is.

Loisada said...

@ Tink: we're on exact same wavelength.

So do we try and rise above this, or get down and dirty in the hog pen?! This debate always makes us ask hard questions about ourselves and what we "expect" of Rob. And as obsessed fans, think we have to admit we do have expectations (justified or not!).

I'll own up that I'm of two very conflicting minds. The man is a love/sex god, so yes his romantic life fascinates me. Of course I'd like to think Rob is loved and loving, and hearing that from him would make me happy. But the sex-god artist I worship is a compilation of photos, videos and printed words. The real flesh and blood man is completely separate from that, and he deserves his privacy and owes me nothing (no matter how much we'd love to have him visit our playroom and give freely of himself!).

And I'm not a marketing expert, so it would be presumptuous of me to contend the no comment stance is hurting his career.

Would a yes answer put an end to the questions? Just the opposite I think. It would open Pandora's box: when? how? cheating? stealing? commitment? etc. Their private lives would become fodder for the worst kind of moralizing public debate.

So it boils down to this for me: from one human being to another, do I think Rob is obliged in any way to divulge the details of his romantic life, simply because he's become a public figure. Hell no. Let him hold on to that last little scrap of dignity.... it belongs to him and him alone. If he ever feels like sharing, he'll share... in his own good time. Anticipation and holding out can be a lovely thing ladies, I say let's just enjoy the frustrating but tantalizing buildup in the meantime!

J said...

I voted "No". Because it's none of our business whether they are together or not. If they come out and admit it, then that will just field the next series of questions on how serious it is, how long has it been going on, where they see their future, was Rob responsible for KStew and Michael breaking up, and who knows how many other questions. It will simply be never ending for them.

As long as they aren't answering any questions on whether they are together or not, then they don't get any of those questions.

And if they say they aren't together, no one will believe them anyway.

Don't care if they are together or not. Regardless of what is going on between them, I hope they are both happy either way. As far as I'm concerned, we haven't seen much of Rob smiling lately, and I don't like that.

Unknown said...

Karina said: "...they are also allowed to change the boundaries if they see fit." (so eloquently put, Karina)

THIS. This is why I voted "no." Neither of them has even entertained the question since May. Seems they don't wanna talk about that part of their lives anymore. That is their right, and it doesn’t really matter that the media keeps asking if they’re together or that a handful of fans are uncomfortable or put off by their decision to be more protective of their privacy. Whatever it is that they're doing isn’t hurting anyone. To any "fan" feeling any real psychic pain or distress over meaningless gossip and online chatter about R&K (all of which could So. Very. Easily. Ignored.),PLEASE understand that’s YOUR personal drama (and potential psychosis) to deal with. Don’t project it onto two strangers. Ask yourself why you can’t stop yourself from reading/commenting on/debating “Robsten” gossip when it wearies you so.
R&K clearly share a close friendship. I am inclined to believe they’re relationship might be something more than that. This is pure speculation on my part and I could be dead wrong… but I don't think I am (like, AT ALL). But had I voted yes, it would only be to confirm my intuition/satisfy my curiosity. Whatever they have is theirs alone and i don’t blame them for not sharing.

Unknown said...

The idea that avoiding "Robsten" questions from the media will damage RP's career is absurd -- it's actually a bunch of bullshizz. Does anyone seriously think that Peter Burns or Brett Ratner or any other producer/director eying RP right now gives a damn? Please. RP jumped on the Fame Train a long time ago -- at Cannes, actually. Rob need only (a) perform well in his follow-up films and (b) secure a universal audience (read: male hetero and non-Twi) and he’s set. He’d have to have a meltdown of Lindsay Lohanesque proportions to screw things up at this point (and since he’s a guy, he could prolly even survive THAT).

jmm4832 said...

If R&K were to confirm being together it would definitely be a worse outcome for Kristen who would be under even more scrutiny than she is now. No wonder they don't want to talk.

dayzdnconfuzd said...


how do you expect him to accomplish 'b' when there is all this high school drama of whether they are or aren't dating going on? He can't. he won't be taken seriously by any audience other than the one he already has if he continues avoiding red carpets and interviews because he's afraid of being asked if he's dating Kristen Stewart. Get real, sweetie.

Avoiding interviews and red carpets is fine for the twilight franchise, because at this point, it doesn't need promotion. But directors/producers/etc won't want to hire him for other projects if he's not willing to promote their product, and that means appearances on red carpets and interviews.

Unknown said...

@DayzedandConfused:"how do you expect him to accomplish 'b' when there is all this high school drama of whether they are or aren't dating going on? He can't. he won't be taken seriously by any audience other than the one he already has if he continues avoiding red carpets and interviews because he's afraid of being asked if he's dating Kristen Stewart. Get real, sweetie."
RP is so obviously going to do red carpet and interviews related to his *work* -- it's contractual(that's real-world talk for "a requirement of the job"). He's just unlikely to talk about his personal life. How does keeping the focus of media inquiry ON his WORK and AWAY from his private business undermine his credibility with an audience, exactly? He's doomed to failure because he won't tell us if he's dating K-Stew? Srsly?

You're operating under the false and overwrought assumption that people outside the Robsessor bubble are stressing this shizz. The so-called "High School drama" you mentioned exists almost entirely among his existing fans. Like you. And me. Who endlessly argue back and forth about this crap. Media consensus takes for granted that they're coupling up,at this point -- there's no drama there.

So maybe YOU won't take him seriously , but you're a fan -- or you're at least very interested him --so he's got you and I and a million other fangirls on his jock. He doesn't need us to take him seriously(I'm sure he'd prefer we DIDN'T take him so seriously) we'll watch him in anything he does.

All the worry and the wringing of the hands over his career is pure melodrama, no disrespect intended. You want him to confirm or deny? That's fine, but to say that his entire career hinges on such a thing is utter hyperbole.

Anonymous said...

I think yes, they should answer it. Why? because that's the easiest way to avoid this mess. They should admit it, everyone wants them together and happy so what's the problem? Invasion of privacy? Please! almost 10 years ago there was a power couple called Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears and you know what? They're still alive, not together but they survived. Unless Rob and Kris are not together and they just want to avoid the crazy fans that want them to be an item like Edward and Bella. Either way, the should stop being pussies, avoiding public events, red carpets and come forward, one way or another. And those of you that are so so worried about Rob's life and his privacy, stop being drama queens, the guy is perfectly fine.

Bring on the hate now:)

Unknown said...

"I think yes, they should answer it. Why? because that's the easiest way to avoid this mess. "

Mess. God, what mess? There is no mess. There's just us fans arguing and talking crap about two celebrities and the gossip media types and papparazzi doing what they always do, what they'll continue to do regardless if they confirm or deny. I wish people would stop claiming they voted "yes" out of concern for R or K or their castmates when it all comes down to self. It's ok to be curious. We all are.

And again, I'd love to know, but not if they don't want me to. It's not about me (not all the time, anyway).

dayzdnconfuzd said...


When was the last red carpet that you saw him do? Not since before Robsten. He's skipped out on at least 3 red carpet events since Robsten began, might I add leaving the rest of the cast to be hounded by the question of the status of R/K when THEY walk the red carpet.

And sweetie, reading is a skill. I never said his career hinges on answering the question. What I said was that his avoidance of interviews and red carpets could have a detrimental effect on his career over a period of time. In other words, the longer he keeps it up, the less exposure he will get to promote himself as something other than a teen hearthrob, and the more 'high maintenance' he will seem to the people that could hire him for other roles.

What mess, Yves? Are you freaking kidding me? How about the 'mess' of the papparazzi climbing trees and taking pictures of them on balconies hoping to get a picture that would 'confirm' their relationship since they won't? You don't think that's a mess? I'm sure R/K would disagree with you on that, sweetie.

Unknown said...


dazed DOES have a point, industry poeple look at EVERYTHING a performer does, including their personal life to see if it will interfere with THEIR product. if THEY think it will, then either they won't hire him or they will have a sit down talk with rob and tell him ok you have to do this and this for us to hire you.

examples of this, lindsey lohan, britney spears, melanie griffith, marilyn monroe, michael jackson

when your love life overpowers every job you do, then houston you have a problem.

Unknown said...

and guess what it's scummit's fault because they pushed rob and kris together and now they are trying to push kris and jacob and barely anyone is interested, all they want is rob.

and it's rob's fault for saying that kristen was his celebrity crush.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

"his avoidance of interviews and red carpets could have a detrimental effect on his career over a period of time. In other words, the longer he keeps it up, the less exposure he will get to promote himself as something other than a teen hearthrob, and the more 'high maintenance' he will seem to the people that could hire him for other roles."

work it girl! keep it up! you own this! lol

dayzdnconfuzd said...

Thanks apprentice.

I've found that it's difficult for yves to be anything other than a condescending b!tch when you don't see things 'her way', LOL.

Unknown said...

now dazed ... don't be like that

no one is righteous. no, not one.

no one is perfect.
there may not be anything to "robsten" but just good friends

i think summit's reason for 'no personal questions" and rob and kris's not answering anymore is two completely different reasons

summit's reason "it's good for business"

rob and kris's reason "we've answered it a hundred times" " we're tired of answering it."

Serap said...

oh i just wish they would answer, and just put me (everyone?) out of their misery. I mean i don't care...I just want to know now.

AP said...

Whether Rob walks the red carpet, doesn't walk the carpet, puts gel in his hair, doesn't wash it, fucks the entire cast, doesn't fuck... all irrelevant as to whether he'll get hired for another gig. There are only 3 sins that'll make you unemployable and he's shown no inclination to do any of 'em. Bottom line is bums on seats as far as the money's concerned.

Unknown said...

hey A

oh really, then lindsey lohan should be just rollin in money right now, huh?

AP said...

Don't know much about Lindsay except hearing she's in rehab a lot, and her last two films didn't do so well.

Sorry, but why should she be rolling in money? She's still getting gigs so I guess she's earning a paycheck or two, but don't know how fast she spends it.

AP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AP said...

Reading a little more, since I got ‘hey’d’ and realize now you said most of it, Yves. I didn't intend to retread old ground. Obviously not in tip-top shape myself if I can't read, but I plead short-sight.

Not sure if you’ll be back, Apprentice, but I can blather on quite happily on my tod. lol Just the following point is all: Every person in your list had a problem in common. This problem led to one of the cardinal sins: Not being professional. If you turn up late on a set, keep everyone waiting and cost the producers $10,000 a minute, and do it more than once - you, in turn, will be waiting.

Rob is professional, focused on the job when necessary, does ALL the required media, doesn’t put anything questionable up his nose, and is presently atop one of the biggest franchises in the biz. He is currently making money for the powers that be, not costing them. If he remains professional and reasonably prepared to do PR then he will be ‘in demand.’

Again, only two carpets that matter: his own premieres and the Oscars.

Unknown said...

hey A ,

this bears repeating

when your love life overpowers every job you do, then houston you have a problem.

Unknown said...

and this too

"his avoidance of interviews and red carpets could have a detrimental effect on his career over a period of time.

AP said...

Apprentice: Um...still not sure why? Advertisers for televised events don't care about preshow, unless its Oscar, Globes level. They pay for the event, and he has shown up onstage and dutifully posed for pics every time. I'm saying he IS promoting the product where it counts.

Speculation about his love life will only sell more media and keep his name to the fore, whether he choses to talk about it or not. Again this is not seen as negative unless his activities are illegal.

I'm a little confused as to why a fan would prefer to defend the notion that Rob's career might be at risk, rather than to be reassured that those factors mentioned really aren't issues to those who might employ him?

However, I understand you feel it's important to reiterate them so duly noted and I guess we both have to wait to see whether Rob takes fewer or more meetings in his future. I remain delusionally sure for more. :)

shoegal2547 said...

Beauty needs no explanation so lets enjoy the sunshine people... it doesn't matter if the sun shines today or tomorrow, as long it shines! And, these two truly shine!

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