Fan Made Remember Me Trailer

FakerParis at Thinking of Rob made this video. It's beautiful...

Warning for spoiler freaks like me: The video does not contain major spoilers but it contains quotes from the leaked Remember Me script. Watch at your own risk...

This movie is gonna be hard to watch while I sit at a cinema with my girlfriends on Valentines Day... :))


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...
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rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I love FP videos, they always make me cry!

It has small spoilers, but not the major ones...

I WORSHIP Robler...and can not wait for this movie...

I will need to carried out on a stretcher when it's over...

Jewels64 said...

I'm already stocking up on the Kleenex....

Give our thanks to FP for this one! Sad but poignant....

Marna said...

Wow, I hadn't read the script, but this is going to be sad. I wasn't sure if I was going to see it, but I think I will now.

Patricia said...

I need to know, does it have a sad ending????

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I ADORE the relationship between Tyler & his little sister..god it just kills me how sweet they are together...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


It's a beautiful story and yes it's sad.

Anonymous said...

Wow, nicely done. This is definitely a movie that you'll need a box of tissues with you. That's all I'm saying.

RPLover said...

soooo looking forward to this movie! awesome video, especially with what she had to work with!

I love that song...

Mechevpao said...

I´m actually more anxious to see this movie than NM... what I read was fantastic.

The video was very well done.

Gemgirl65 said...

OK now I'm wanting to read the RM script, which I have been resisting. I already know the synopsis of the original script, but I'm dying to know if it's been altered.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I was lucky enuff 2 to watch the filming 5 times! Watching your video brings me back there w/a smile on my face! Thx for sharing ((((hugs))))

Krissy said...

This was Heartbreakingly beautiful.

Thank You for sharing this, Gozde.

Anonymous said...

Wait, wait, WAIT! What do you all mean, it will be sad?!

I gather that Rob's character is recovering from something sad at the beginning of the movie... but PLEASE tell me it ENDS on a better note. Nobody like, DIES in the end do they?

Cause... I really want to see Rob in this, but I will NOT go see a movie that ends badly... or sadly... or whatever. All's well that ENDS well. Somebody spoil me!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

We can't post spoilers here. It's very sad

Gozde said...

NO SPOILERS! I beg you :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

No worries goz!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I meant the movie is sad not that we can't post spoilers'

Kymz said...

That was beautiful. Im not sure I will be able to cope with it though. May have to go to a cinema nowhere to where I live to make sure.

Anonymous said...

Hi Capt...Hmmmm..don't want to ruin it for others w/a reply...but if u want to read the script I can email it you? Let me know k?

isabel said...

read the script when it was on scriptshadow before the link was taken down..bring a box of kleenex...that video made me cry so the movie is going to kill me

Anonymous said...

Oh, I didn't mean to spoil others... I certainly meant privately! :)

aceybrie, Please email me the you know what... *gulp*

Anonymous said...

Great. I came to this site to read some happy news and comments, I ended up being more sad with that video! I can already see myself going to the theatre with a box of kleenex!

Cali said...

OMG...this video made me tear up...I rarely cry at movies...RM is going to send me under. I'm not taking my daughter will have to fall apart with me on this one. :(

Shani said...

I read the script a few months back
and it's damn good.

The Tyler character is really good and what goes down will be powerful.

Rob made a great choice to do this film. Can't wait to see him on set for UC and Bel Ami. Those films will be even hotter giving us a sexy, manipulative,and rugged Rob. Rated R bb's. YAY!!!

Anonymous said...

Captivated...check you mailbox..script waiting for you and a box of tissues! Enjoy :-)

Haystackhair said...

This movie is going to seriously kill me. Stocking up on kleenex now. Might have just enough by Feb.

AP said...

Can anyone clarify if people are talking about the original script by Will Fetters or the revised version by Jenny Lumet, or both? No spoilers, just which version.

Slightly confused. :~

Anonymous said...

@A ~ most likely both. The script by Will Fetters is the one that leaked and Jenny Lumet made some rewrites to it but from the papz pics we all saw during filming the story doesn't seem to stray much from Will's script.

AP said...

@LindaRose: Ah, so more likely the Fetters' script is the one referred to. Thanks for the reply.

The vid certainly heightens anticipation!

SluttyPattz said...

I cried watching the trailer. WTH, arrgh this movie is going to kill me. I read the script at least three times and I cry and laugh. Its very bizarre how I behave with this story. I think that anyone who is not an RP fan b/c OHHHH he's that Twilight guy will def have a change of heart if this movie was captured on film the way the screenplay intended.

Anonymous said...

Hi A...the one I was referring to was Fetters :-) If anyone would like to have a copy emailed let me know..k :-) I have pics and video from 7/15 as well...its gonna be a great film! Rob is just TOO HOT FOR THE HOT TUB!!

Anonymous said...

Ugg... I read that some Summit rep said this movie could be compared to Love Story... I hated Love Story.
I don't do tragedies anymore.

After reading over the script, (thanks aceybrie!) I realize that there ARE some movies I won't go see, even if Rob is in it. I really, REALLY hate to say that. I didn't want to see him in Little Ashes and I won't be seeing this movie either. Rats.

Cindeeloo said...

OK...I'm dying here!!! If I see the video is it going to spoil the end of the movie?????

I do have the script, but only have read 1/2 of it. I don't want to know how it ends. As we speak the script is screaming my name from it's home in my drawer.

Be Strong!
Be Strong!

To watch or not to watch, that is my question?

help :[

sunflower0674 said...

aceybrie - I would like to have the script emailed to me. I have been dying to read it - and will prob go so the movie regardless.



Anonymous said...

sunflower...check your mailbox! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

so Summit was right?
RM is really similar to "love story"?

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindeeloo! No the vid posted here won't spoil the movie. Watch and enjoy!

Anonymous said...

@captivated2 ~ To each his own, but you're going to miss out on 2 really good movies. LA is really good and Rob is wonderful in it. And RM I'm sure will be the same, in fact I think it will be better.

Cindeeloo said...


Thanks Linda R :) knew I could count on you!!!


kespax said...

Should I just give up trying to avoid spoilers for this movie?
I think I have guessed the ending, bits slip out her and there, I know it's sad, and the title kind of tells you a lot anyway.

I kind of love sad stories.

OMG he's going to be divine on the big screen in all of his natural glory - no weird hair/makeup/glasses; and all of his natural charm, hmmm.

Anonymous said...

After drooling over the photos all summer, I can't believe I'm going to pass...

Honestly, just knowing what happens GUTTED me... I can't imagine actually watching it. I'd probably need sedation and then therapy. I know my limits. :(

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