London "New Moon" Premiere Cancelled - Updated

The update is at the bottom of the post

Swan Cinema here in Ireland were running a competition to send a lucky winner to the "New Moon" Premiere in London in November here is the latest from their webite:

Summit Entertainment have decided to hold the World Premiere of THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON in LA on 16th November therefore plans to hold a London Premiere have been cancelled.

A decision on whether to have any fan screenings prior to the release on 20th November are still being considered. If these screenings go ahead whether or not any of the cast attend is also unsure. Swan Cinema’s competition to send one lucky winner and a guest to the London Premiere has been thrown into disarray as a result of this decision. However should any fan screening be scheduled for London we will still send the lucky winner and a guest to the London screening.

So there you have it we'll keep you updated if we hear anymore about this!


Thanks to Elaine and Jill for the update tip ;)

World Premiere Official Statement:

Hello Twilighters

Here is the official statement regarding this. (we know there is a few rumours online).

Summit Entertainment has announced that the World Premiere of NEW MOON will take place on Monday 16th November in Los Angeles.
Therefore, E1 Entertainment is in the process of organising a NEW MOON UK fan event with the cast on November 11th and will let people know further details as soon as they are confirmed.

We will of course update everyone with any news we hear re any fan events etc.


The Twilight Team


Angela said...

So, does this mean they won't be doing world wide promotion again? It would be nice if Rob didn't have to fly around the world again.

Maryann said...

Bad news for me, I had hoped to go to the UK premiere. I wonder if this is due to filming conflicts for Rob as he's due to start filming UC after Eclipse. Maybe the other castmembers have projects lined up shortly after Eclipse wraps up too....

Mars said...

Sucks for the English fans.

P.S. New banner is HAWT. It's definitely my favourite! Props to Twilusted :)

Anna said...

Oh no!

I was going to take Gozde as my +1 once I won the competition... :(

Maryann said...

I would say it sucks for the European fans cos I think quite a few mainland Europeans had hoped to go to this premeire...

Haystackhair said...

Holy mother of God! That banner is to die for!

sassy28 said...

this is just really bad news so unfair had hoped to go to the prem,never mind worse things can happen

Anonymous said...

Oh no - I don't understand come they had the worldwide premiere in LA last year AND a premiere in London? So what's changed this year. Bugger I was hoping he would at least be back home doing promotional stuff here for a couple of days. Nothing seems to be going according to my plan LOL. 'Struth' I hope he's going to attend the LA premiere at least. What a disappointment.

I suppose it must be someething to do with the amount of work committments he's taken to be.

AP said...
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rpattz-turn-me-on said...

my fav FF so far.....TO,WA,EW,TS,LYLS.....iam waiting on the sequel to TS, i think it starts tomor maybe TT,iam also waiting on new Chaps for TO and EW

Unknown said...

Boo :( They always take away all the fun we have over here.. no fair, after all the reason people love the film is a hansome english lad.. shouldnt that count for something? :D

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i also tried 'Inked' but i did not relate to ed and bell having tats ,i have nothing against Tats but Ed and Bell with Tats did not appeal to

Haystackhair said...

there is a new EW chappy

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

this is a Bummer for the english folks,but with Rob booked for the next two years its got to be hard on him,i also think summit will not be doing as much promotion as before because with the success of twilight its not needed.

Karina said...

That sucks for all the ladies on the other side of the pond.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

yea i read the new Chap of EW, great stuff.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

That sucks big time for a lot of his home fans
it has to be because of his insane schedule

when in the are we going to see a remembere trailer? I'm am so anxious to see something for this movie !

Yvonne said...

Aw, that really sucks....doesn't really seem fair of Summit to that, does it? Hmph.

That banner is WIN! Love it:))

Anonymous said...

awww i was hoping rob could get a little snuggle time with patty...

Anonymous said...

This is what we're all afraid of-- they are not going to be doing as much promotional tours (and interviews) as last year's anymore, probably because
1) practically everyone already knows what-where-when about NM;
2) conflicting schedules of the major players; and
3) hightened security issues.

(Aghh, I'm supposed to be doing some projects and yet here I'm scouring the Internet for the latest news on our man. RobSessed, indeed.)

Anonymous said...

That's too bad, I was hoping he would be able to go home for a little bit.

rpattzgirl ~ I'm with you on the RM trailer. Something would be nice but it may be too soon. I'm so looking forward to that movie!!

Mars said...

Ah, yes. A Remember Me trailer is what we need now in this tough rece... I mean, tough Rob-cession.

I know, lame, but I HAD to write it! haha!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

if they promo its not going to be Rob,its going to be tay and Stew,they are pushing tay to be the front man of the twilight series.

Doreen said...

Rob doesn't want to do all the promo, I'm sure. And even though the fans want him, this one is Taylor's.
BTW, love the banner.

RPnKSaddict said...

I've been dying for a Remember me trailer too.!!!!
Sorry for the gals in London.It's a bummer.
We need to clone Rob so we can have many events.

Anonymous said...

@Marz ~ Rob-cession . . . LOL . . . I love it!!!

Babs said...

I think Rob could have used a couple of days back in London.
They could make Taylor do all the premiere stuff in LA and just send Rob over :)

Blazka Srsen said...

ok WHAT?! does that mean that there will be NO london red carpet premiere?!?! AM I HEARING RIGHT?!
i already bought the plane tickets and booked a hostel in lodnon from 18th to 30th of november- the main reason for this trip was the premiere of course! OMG, i just can't believe it! can some1 please confirm this in case i'm wrong?

Joolia said...

It would have been nice for an explination, thats whats miffing me, like we regret that its conflicting with the casts commitments etc..
I for one hate that Rob (and the others) get paraded around like cattle (i know i know its called promotion) but i think the London premiere would have been a breath of fresh air for Rob.
(Also the fact i have been looking forward to it since december)
But yeah its not about me, its about Britain as a whole, its a huge let down. I know alot of people who had arranged to go and stuff, yet very close to the last minute, this bombshell!

Anyways i would appreciate it if you could have a look and sign this please

thanks ladies (and dudes)

Kymz said...

Okay that is just majorly fucked up!!!

Fair enough they may have a fan event but that will be in London- Its not confirmed but we know it - as usual and the rest of the UK gets shunned - as usual!

Great work.

Tess said...

Wow. This is surprising. He looked so happy at the premiere in London last year. Hopefully something can be worked out and he's able to get back home soon.

Unknown said...

@queenBee Friends of mine and me are going too. The premiere was going to be before we were there (before the 18th)
I think it's strange they are cancelling now, but I never saw an actual confirmation on date or event, so... It's a bit of a doublesided thing :s
Oh well, I'll have fun in London anyway :D

Blazka Srsen said...

@Annelies what do you mean the premiere was going to be before the 18th? where did you hear that? i heard that it will (or would) be on novemeber the 27th, but it wasn't officialy confirmed, but i assumed that it will be somewhere between the 18th and 27th, as the movie premiere is on 20th and LA red carpet is on 16th. let's just hope for the best, summit hasn't confirmed anything yet!

Unknown said...

@queenBee just heard that in general premieres are before the movie is set to play for the big audience. The premieres in different European countries start at the 18th... So, the idea was that a premiere would be before that time... (friends in 'the biz' told me that is the usual policy)
I myself am watching the movie in my country before going into London (and probably watching it again with the girls there :D)

Unknown said...

hm, let me clarify that previous comment:
general red carpet premieres are before the movie is set to play for the big audience. The cinema premieres (playing it for paying audience) in different European countries start at the 18th... So, the idea was that a red carpet premiere would be before that time... (friends in 'the biz' told me that is the usual policy)
I myself am watching the movie in my country before going into London (and probably watching it again with the girls there :D)

Blazka Srsen said...

yea, i get it. but why did the people talk that red cartpet will be on 27th? i mean, it didn't make a point to me either, but there were so many with the same statement and i don't have a clue where have they heard that...
so we f***** it up anyways, even if the red carpet premiere wasn't cancelled, we would come to london too late.. god, i'm so mad with myself.. i mean i know i'll still have a great time, but c'mon, 2 weeks in london isn't so cheap..
thanks for the explanation!

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