LA Times Hollywood Backlot: New Moon

"Oh, the squeals of delight are in the air again. "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" will be released on November 20, and tickets are selling quickly ... way in advance! Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner return to the supernatural world of vampires and werewolves in this sequel to the uber popular "Twilight." David Strick was on the set about 15-20 minutes outside of Vancouver as director Chris Weitz and the cast and crew shot scenes late at night, in a very chilly Capilano Park Forest, until at least 4 a.m."

Full size:



dina said...

Mercyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! Wow wow wow I cannot even text.

MeilleurCafe said...

Those eyelashes should be against the law.

Anonymous said...

I'm speechless . . . Absolutely Gorgeous!!! And those eyelashes are unbelievable. Those pics of him on the bed . . . I'm done.

Pet73 said...

OMR, girls, thank you soooo much! You are doing such a good job here to make us all happy!

These pics are great - I know what I will be doing over the next hours - starring at Robs beautiful face.

sassy28 said...

i will spontaneously combust the way things are going before new moon comes out, robward is looking stunning

Marna said...

I was looking at these pics this morning. even in chalk white makeup he's gorgeous. I don't think it's fair that Kristin always gets to be in bed with him, when is it MY turn? :-)

Pet73 said...

Should the pics enlarge when clicking? Doesn't work for me. Help please.

maha said...

wow wonderful , amazing photos I love them all.

Thank you thank you so much.

Dani said...

Hummina Hummina I KNOW! Dina mercy came to mind as well. Holy moly these are fantastic.

I remember with Twilight LA Times went behind the scenes and came out with some gorgeous shots as well but these trump those BIG TIME.

peeling a fig said...

Can't WAIT to see this dream sequence -- gah.

Love to see him working, so focused.

RPLover said...


as I said in the other thread, he's not even posing. might not have even been aware that these pictures were being taken. he is just knock-me-on-my-ass-stunning.

and.......rightclicksave ;)

Pet73 said...

Love the pics of Rob and Chris working together.

Especially love the pic of Rob pulling his eyebrows down.

Oh, and I love Chris :p !

jmm4832 said...

Is this the part in NM where she wakes up the day after they get back from Italy?

Marna said...

@Pet73, if you go to the source, there's something on the right you can click to get the pictures big.

Haystackhair said...

Robward climbing over Kristen, on bed.......





AnnaD said...

They've put these up on facebook, too, and there's a 13 year old girl who comments on every picture he's in with "man, I wish I were that guy standing so close to Rob" or my favorite by far "man, I wish I were that wolf standing so close to Rob."

These are beautiful. He makes my heart skip a beat. It never fails.

Mars said...

Pictures 5 and 6 = SEX!

I know it's been said, but HE's gorgeous! Those lashes! Those lips! THAT JAW!


Babs said...

Omg he looks so hot!
Love the picture of him on his knees on Bella's bed. His pants are so tight :)

Pet73 said...

Marna- Thank you so much :)!

skorpia said...

Thank God the makeup artist did a better job with his eyebrows-they look more natural instead of drawn in. (remember the meadow scene??) I noticed immediatly Robs face is changing..They got to pump out these movies quick. Other than that-THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MAN ON EARTH!! THANK YOU GOD!

RPLover said...

testing out my new avi! mmmmmmmm.....

Anonymous said...

These are amazing! Between Rob's hotness and my excitement for New Moon to come out, it was REALLY hard to stop myself from hyperventilating so no one would notice at work.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

My first question is:

Why is her bed/bedroom in the woods?

And how can I get the job that puts makeup/lipstick on this beautiful creature?

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

Sweet Jesus!! Those Lips......Kissable

Marna said...

When I looked at these this morning there were 39 pictures, but now there are 41. I'm not sure which 2 are the new ones.

I know this is a Rob board, but there are a couple of pictures of Taylor that are jaw dropping. Why didn't they look like that when I was 17?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Hey girls!


Anonymous said...

Howly Jaw Porn, Batman!



rpattz-turn-me-on said...

justin timberlake was right when he said god loved Rob more, Rob is a sight to behold,mother nature at its best and Damn fucking Sexy......

Anna said...

Doux JĂ©sus... Le THUD.

T said...

Oh My My My!!! New Moon Edward takes my breath away. If only I could have that show up in my bedroom.

Suz said...

Dear God,

Thank you.

Dear Goz,

Thank you

Edward Cullen is resplendent. The End.


Pet73 said...

May I say that Taylor is one hot guy,too? I'm team Robward all the way, but Taylor definitely has a lot to offer for the girls with this sexy body! (Is it awful to think such things when he almost could be my son?)

Marna- When I was 17, the boys definitely did not look like that - I would remember :p !

Robs really is beautiful! His wonderful face does strange things to me. I somehow feel like Bella when looking at the beauty of Edward. Robs beauty in these pics somehow crushes my heart and makes me want to cry. As exited I am, somehow I'm feeling sad when looking at Robs beautiful features. Sorry, can't express exactly how I feel.

Jeswah said...


Thankyou - They have made my day......Oh Rob! :)

Sadrilil said...

OMG pls someone call 911 my heart stopped and all I can do when I get it going again is look at these pics... *THUD*

Anonymous said...

Astounding! I'm just in a daze.

I will miss his many interviews--the likes of last year's, when he (obliviously) hypnotized us with his looks, voice, mannerisms, thoughts, intellect, talent, wit, humor, antics, etc., without any pretentions, in downplayed manner.

(This specimen of a man is not for SNL and its ilk. He can showcase his comedic talent some other time--in a more legitimate outlet.)

Robaholic said...

OMG is he beautiful! Thank you so much for posting these!!

Emily said...

The golden contacts are stunning. His eyelashes kill me.

I'm trying to decide how I feel about the white shirt. In the 6th one from the bottom it looks so sexy but sometimes when the scarf thing is showing, it reminds me of the puffy pirate shirt from Seinfeld. Maybe it's just not tucked into his pants very well.

Doesn't really matter though, if Rob's wearing it, it's going to look hot.

Pet73 said...

Thank you LA Times for my new Avi :)!

AP said...

Very l'apres midi and lush - only it's night. Luv the bed and mirror shots.

Also like Chris's hat.

Cindeeloo said...

OMG Pet...I have those exact same feelings. Sometimes I'm hesitant to admit such things because I myself think I'm going NUTS. This man somehow brings out the strangest emotions in me????

Pet73 said...

Cindeeloo- So at least there are two of us :)! Better than going nuts all alone!

shirleegirl said...

OME - they are trying to kill me, he is so beautiful ... and the eyelashes ... and the mouth - I want to be the person coloring his lips. What is happening on the bed? Trying to think which scene this could be and can't to wait to see what special stuff they put on the DVD, the Twilight extras were great!

Pet73 said...

And there's definitely no better place for our Rob confessions :p!

Anonymous said...

My God I thought I was the only one who felt like this. He is so beautiful it makes the heart literally ache especially when I know I will never in all likelihood ever meet how must he feel knowing he is so desired.....

...wowie! said...

I love that he's straddling her on the the woods with a whole bunch of people around. hehehe

Robbie's showing his age. He looks like he's in his late 20s. Wait...he's still 10 years younger than me. Dammit. lol

Cindeeloo said...

@ Pet...LOL!!! I think I would have admitted myself months ago if it wern't for this place. Robsessed has become my safe spot:}

@ what is up with the bed in the woods??? Dream sequence maybe???
Whatever it is ME likey!!!!

This man takes my breath away!!!
(damn you Rob...once again)

Angela said...

pet73, cindeloo- I think we all feel it. It's so hard to describe. It's kinda like when you see something in the store you just LOVE and know you can't afford it. It's also that feeling of a very romantic kiss on screen, that you know you'll never get IRL. It's excruciating and unbearable, but yet, I subject myself to it for hours every day.

I think this is a dream sequence. There is a dream like that in the book where she runs to edward from the wolf in the forest.

I also think some of these could be the break up scene.

One of them I can't tell where his hand is. I'll just use my imagination.

monika said...

Ashley Greene has joined twitter, her rep confirmed

ALERT ALERT @GossipCop can confirm that @ashleymgreene is the REAL Ashley Greene, her rep notified @GossipCop.

Anonymous said...

sigh............he looks great as usual, Taylor looks pretty hot too, not that I am switching teams LOL

Anonymous said...

omg save save save.... into my naughty folder.. i mean whaaaat? he's so unbelievably gorgeous...

all i want for christmas is Robert Pattinson

Krissy said...

Me thinks my Beloved Sister is getting her Birthday presents a day early...

This is some SERIOUS Robward Eye Candy.

All my Dearest Sister needs is some frosting...

And for her to be in the location occupied by one LUCKY Bellsten. ;)

Dilia said...

Yeah!! i get to see this on november 18 :)
living in spain is awsome.

lostinphilly said...

I am SO glad to see that many of you are getting in tune with Rob's FSLAE(fucking, sexy,long-ass eyelashes)I've been drooling over them SO much lately,and I love me some RobEyelashPorn!!!!!

These pix are so freakin BEAUTIFUL,Edward looks so much better than in Twilight,and Rob IS looking a little older and he's maturing so nicely!!

OMFG, Rob "mounting" the bed is SO HOT & SEXY (Rob and mounting in the same sentence is just too much)

THANKS SO MUCH, GOZ; again you have made my Monday!!!Love ya.*HUGS*

Suz said...

Dear Dani,


Thank you. Love you!


Anonymous said...

Pet & Cindeeloo ~ You are not alone!! I have never been this obsessed with an actor, a 23 year old no less who I will never meet or hang out with or kiss. LOL Everything about him moves me and gives me tingles all over. Thank God for this blog and FF!!!! And to all of you so I can share my obsession and desire for all things Rob.

Athena said...

Call the paramedics, please... *THUD!!!!*

I can't wait for the DVD, so I can watch these (and the extras!!!!) over and over and over and over again... Lordy Lordy... I feel a heart attack coming...

Cindeeloo said...

I don't know WHY I sometimes think I'm alone in all this????

I heart you ALL...Muaaahhhhh!!!!!

Hi Linda R... I was up till 3am this morning reading The Submissive (it's better than originally thought) You know how I love my dark Edward...LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindeeloo ~ I started reading LYLS but you have my curiosity up now. I'm only on the 5th chap, trying to finish other books besides FF. But I love dark Edward too!! Ooh, have you read "A Little Crazy" yet by Christina/tby789 (of The Office fame)? It's only one chap (so far), but Edward is tattooed and pierced. Here's the link:

Rocky B. said...

Dear heaven, the eyelashes...."THUD":-o!

Cindeeloo said...

Hi Linda R....Thanks, just another to add to my LONG list of FF. LOL!! I started reading LYLS as well and only got up to i think the 10th chapter. The submissive just kept grabbing at my curiousity? If you loved TO (@ I know you do!!) then you should love this one as well. I'm not really into all that S/M stuff but I have to admit Edward is pretty hot and very very dominate...(yikes) heres the link:

The Submissive is BPOV/ The Dominate EPOV (i think)

enjoy :P

Anonymous said...

Just a thought:

These are behind-the-scenes stills from Twi NMoon, right? They finished shooting NM in, what, last June? (I think RP started RememMe late July and August?)

Would it be too much to speculate that someone suggested to Summit to start releasing some of these behind-the-scenes stills after reading our RobSessed members' griefs and lamentations over the miniscule Tweet [sorry to bring that up again] and scarce Rob sightings/droughts? :)

Mechevpao said...

All I have to say:

I´m dazzled!!


Georgie said...

After The Sub and The Dom comes The Training - due to be released today! (Caution - not for the faint hearted)

Those NM pics and poses of Rob are simply STUNNING!!

Cindeeloo said...

OMG...Linda, I hope your still here. The Office has been updated!!!!

2 more chapters...WooooHooo!!!!

Cindeeloo said...

Thanks Georgie....I now getting my persription heart medication filled (you know, just in case)

Am I right is The Dominate in EPOV? @ what is The T

spunkinator said...

oh. dear. god.

Krissy said...

@ Cindeeloo

Is your Birthday tomorrow by any chance?!

You remind me of someone I know!

kchambers77 said...


Cindeeloo said...

Hi Krissy....

No it's not MY birthday tomorrow, but it is my daughters!!!!!

Do I have a twin somewhere...LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

@Cindeeloo, Hi!

Just in case you did not get the chance to go back to the previous days' bloggettes (because there were 300+ of them), here's the link you requested:

or google "13 Reasons Why Smart Girls Love Robert Pattinson". :)

Cindeeloo said...

AWWWWW!!! Thansa, Thank You....Officially saved!!!!


@ your absoulutely right..Good reference!!!!

Angie said...


I truely believe the pictures were planned to be released at this time, to promote New Moon.

Bet, they were allowed on set to take pictures with the stipulation that they not be released till a certain date.

Today must be the day.

Angie said...

To all who read Wide Awake, did you see the epilogue teaser?

Anonymous said...


xoRobxo said...

Looks like a dream sequence to me. On ET Rob said something about a dream where he is scary~probably this is it~except I would say SEXY not scary. Hummina-Hummina.

Anonymous said...

Sweet mother of pearl ... these new pics are ... I dunno ... like dying and going to Heaven. Repeatedly. Come one November!!!

Ripley said...

Finally NW pics. Rob is gorgeous of course. In the pic where he's kneeling on Bella's bed and the wolf in the pic-----where is Rob's left hand??? just asking.......

Anonymous said...

Cindeeloo ~ ACK!!! I know what I'll be reading tonight!!! Thanks for letting me know and we'll have to chat tomorrow!!! lol

ADM ~ Thanks for the WA info too!!

keti said...


Unknown said...

all of them are so amazing and lovely thank you....

Anonymous said...

Now we know why Chirs said he couldn't take a bad photo of Rob..

Anonymous said...



xoRobxo said...

@ADA~ I'm reading (cough- obsessing over) Wide Awake. Thanks:)

LizzyWizzy said...

I think she is secretly admiring him as he is climbing on her! He is too adorably cute!

Unknown said...

Thank you godze for scanning these pics! Rob is just GORGEOUS! He seems to get more and more gorgeous every time I see him...I CANNOT wait for New Moon, well, I've waited so many months..what's a few more weeks! Kristen is ONE LUCKY girl who gets to kiss him over and over again!

Anonymous said...

I think I died and went to heaven.

Anonymous said...

"Edward" looks soooooooo HOT!!!!!!!!!!!

Vicki said...

Rob is just beautiful. They better hurry up an finish the series. It is going to be hard for Rob to pass for 17. You can tell he is looking more his real age. Love ROB!!! You guys do an AWESOME Job.....Love the site.

Lucerne said...

Loving these pictures. Thanks for posting them.

Rob is gorgeous in those pictures. Sigh. I think that they finally got the Edward makeup right. Anxiously awaiting the release of New Moon.

Temptation said...

He is one good looking guy, I swear these pics took my breath away..........

Great way to start my morning.......

orion said...

Thank you Goz!! you're the best girl!! I love Rob's pics. He looks stunning...

Temptation said...

School holidays in Aus I needed something to get my mind of these pain in the but kids........

A special hello to Orion......

J said...

Holy mother of God.


aimary said...

OMG.. OMG.. OMG.. OMG..OMFG!!!! I can't breathe!!!!!! pleaseeeee I can't even texting here!! R.I.P. I'm died... SO FU...ING BEAUTIFUL ROB!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sighs*

JandR said...

Hi ladies!
Robward is gonna be heart-breaking in New Moon if this is anything to go by... he is just too beautiful for words....

Anonymous said...

Oh lord. Good lord. I was not expecting those bed shots...I have to pace myself next time I scroll...

orion said...

Thank you Tempt! Hello! tell me about it, kids are going to be at home and we are going to fight for bloody computer...

RoseArcadia said...

OMG, that boy is Beautiful!!!

Temptation said...

Sounds all too familiar or The Simpson's are ongoing on the TV, it's so painful.....

Divinesally said...

These pics make me ecstatic but make my loins hurt so bad...DAMN YOU ROB!!!

Temptation said...

Going back to these pictures he is just so PRETTY isn't he, how are we ever to get our sanity back when we have this to look at.

NM Box of tissues for sure.....mainly for the drooooling..

orion said...

I'm really like more this Edward than the Twilight one, don't you think?
He's much hotter...

orion said...

I was reading A life extraordinary, My God! I have to stop to much for early afternoon, lol

nzkstewlover said...

I love the way he crouches.
It's so.. sensual

Temptation said...

I cant seem to get into that one I have started on Edward Wallbanger, sounds tacky I know but hey it's school holidays why not try something different.....

RPnKSaddict said...

Just when I think I've seen all of the most beautiful pictures of this man. I click on this thread and BAM!!!
The pics where he's leaning over Kristen on the bed.

orion said...

Why? you can't find it? did you read 'let your light shine' coz 'a life extraordinary' is the 2nd and very long part, but very, very hot

orion said...

I agreed with you Rpaddict, the pic on the bed, make your mind go away....make you GROANNNN!!!

orion said...

check this out girls:

kespax said...

I'm starting to think the devil sent him to torture us and cause the downfall of society as all women eventually fall under his exquisite spelln - we are doomed, but it's so beautiful.

Kat said...

This is like a 2 for 1 on tear duct/jaw line porn. Love it.

NH said...

whyyyyy whyyy wwwwwwwwhhhhhhhyyyyy rob has to be that beautiful????

Anonymous said...

@Cindeeloo - You're welcome :)

@ADM - Yeah, you're right. Movie sets usually have their official stills photographer/and or someone who documents behind-the-scenes stuff. Sometimes the director has his/her own photographer to document -- kind of like keeping a "captain's log/journal".

We'll know for sure if they let outside photographers to be present; we'll see hundreds of different photos from this set. If these are all that we see, then most likely they were taken by Summit's official stills photographer(s).

Krissy said...


A VERY Happy Birthday to your Daughter!

And, BTW, do have a twin here in ROBsessed Land.

My Dearest Sister is responsible for my attendance at this INCREDIBLE place.

It may be her Birthday today, but she's the one who always gives ME the gifts. ☺

:::waving hi to my sissy:::

Back to drooling~~~

wintermistake said...

I’m bilingual (Russian and English) and at a lose for words in either language-Rob looks sooooo amazing! I love the shot with the wolf in it, and my fav, when Rob is leaning over Kris in her bed!!!! Must make myself dream of Rob leaning over my bed :)

Carys said...


shoegal2547 said...

Thanks for enlarging the pics...I always enjoy the beauty that is RPattz!

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