New Moon Robward Poster For Rome FIlm Festival

Source:Robert Pattinson Source


GiGi said...

Such perfection..... I've never seen such a beautiful face! LOVE our Rob! You go Rob!! :)

womadsart said...

PERFECT CREATURE I agree!! Im so obsessed...have to see his beautiful face 5 times or more everyday!!!!!
Can't wait til 11.20.09

Athena said...

Sometimes it's good to be Italian ;)...

Here's a rough translation of the poster (although it's probably obvious):

"What choice have I? I cannot be without you, but I will not destroy your soul."

Status: Vampire
Date of birth: 20th June 1901
Date of turning: 1918
Special abilities: mind reading, super speed and extraordinary strength.

The movie "Twilight" is based on Stephenie Meyer's best seller by the same title published in Italy by Fazi Editore.

roxiegirl said...

Thanks Athena!! Robward just melts me - but Rob makes my panties go *poof*!!

T said...

Wow!! New Moon Robward takes my breath away.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

ummm iam not liking this poster i have seen Fan made posters that look better,it looks photoshopped but Rob looks Great as always.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Athena! I love vampire in Italian: Vampiro!! :) What a face this man has!!!

Athena said...

You're welcome, all! My pleasure to help! :)

I confess I am partial to Rob over Edward myself ;D. There's no comparison: Rob's rosy cheeks are always a win :D

AP said... there a poster with Bella and Jacob?....hee!

GiGi said...

I must confess, I'm partial to Edward...(I know, I know...) I guess cuz he "looks" older than Rob and I am quite a bit older than Rob. But I do love Rob like a son. Edward...well, he's a different story...hehe!

Hannah said...

My God.. New Moon Robward looks sooo much better than Twilight Robward.

They've done good :)

Anonymous said...

@Hannah - Agree. New Moon Rob looks better than Twilight Rob. I think it would be safe to say that Eclipse Rob will be even more better looking.

Rob's just getting better and better looking as time goes. I think someone said he'll blow our minds off at 30.

Haystackhair said...

He can portray such pain with just his face. This movie will be the death of me. ~sniff sniff~

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