Was Robert Pattinson's "White Stain" from a Cupcake?

Vancouver local Deliciously Yours Cakes catered the party Jackson Rathbone threw last saturday night. Their cupcakes look delicious and they got to meet Robert Pattinson. Here is a part of their story:

Now I'm sure everyone's wondering, did Robert Pattinson get to enjoy your cupcakes, did you get to meet him? The answer to that one is a definite yes! Sara and I mustered up the courage to talk to him and I even brought a hamburger cupcake for him to sample and he enjoyed it very much! We had a nice chat with him along with Kellan Lutz, who made it very clear to us that he had taken a business card and wished we were international so he could get mini cupcakes from us in LA!

We were on cloud 9 by this point and the whole experience couldn't have been any better than what it was. The 100 Monkeys played an excellently long set and everyone grooved to their tunes the whole night. Jackson is really one of the nicest and down to earth celebrities we've ever met. Out of respect for all the wonderful people there, we didn't take photos with the actors as this really was a night for everyone to unwind from all the hustle bustle of the movie world, but we did get a photo with the 100 Monkeys, after all they were the reason we were there in the first place!

ps. That night at about 2:30am Sara got a mysterious call from an unknown number which turned out to be Robert Pattinson himself, telling us how "beautiful" our cupcakes were! What a sweet guy! Totally the icing on the cake!!

Gozde: I posted all the parts with Rob, you can read all about their night HERE. When I look at the pictures of the "cake girls" I am thinking Rob might not have just called the "cupcakes" beautiful ;)

Thanks to everyone that sent this in :)) We appreciate the tips!


Gozde said...

I'm anxiously waiting for that one commenter that will say "OME, leave Rob alone! what if he had a stain!"

If you are that commenter move along :)

España said...

oh yes

you are beatiful, and sweet ROBSESSED

A notice

Kate said...

LOL Goz I think you could be right about that phone call!
Sara is gorgeous what a fab story.

España said...


España said...


Robert Pattinson e l’attesa per “New Moon” in copertina su “Girlfriend”

Unknown said...

Yes, I read they gave him a cupcake made to look like a hamburger - because they read he likes the 'In-N-Out' hamburgers in L.A. I do too.. So why does he look so tired and sad? Maybe was hoping there'll be no paps at that hour?

Unknown said...

P.S. Yeah... A 2 30am call DOES sound like a 'wish I could come over' call... Maybe he was lonely...

España said...

Robert Pattinson: oui à Bel Ami, non à Dune OTHERS PROYECTS............

ROBERT IS CONCERNED WHEN THE EVIL Buttons shirts, is a ritual?

Will the superstitious?

Anonymous said...

That did cross my mind too about the 2.30am phone call when I saw the girls' photo LOL

Suz said...



; )

Haystackhair said...

LOL, 2:30 am is a booty call time! Go Rob!

Unknown said...

well stain+cupcakes don't quite match unless those specific cupcakes had powder sugar somewhere I didn't see... :/
anyway, I'm not making a big deal out if it...

and for the ones that will cling to the "omg he called the shmexy girl at 2:30 AM" and make it sound like some sort of twisted sex call, sure thing that's quite interesting...but just to clarify, Sara is the one on the left, the center(gorgeous one by the way, I'd call her if I was a guy...) is Jzabela... see their company profile here :)http://www.deliciouslyyourscakes.com/new_page_5.htm

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

So now she has his phone number in her caller id right ?

Rob is sweet and I'd love to be his cupcake!

JandR said...

2.30AM booty call from Rpattz - hell yeah...bring it on! LOL

JandR said...

okay so I don't really think Rob would do that - he was being his usual gracious self and that's why I love him to bits!!

noisefaidaus said...

Gozde: Those are very classy ladies!!! So glad that they enjoyed themselves and had the compassion to keep the memory of the event in their hearts, and not in their camera.

This is really a very good story!!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

It's very classy of these gals, to have respected the privacy of the actors there. Very classy!

And I already told them that, in a comment on their own blog.

'Alice's Aunt Amelia'

Tess said...


What a great story..

Anonymous said...

Wow - I can't blame Rob if it was indeed he who called Sara, she is very pretty. (bitch....OOps sorry, the green eyed monster reared it ugly head....)

I kind of feel sorry for Rob - he can't shag anyone without fear of the story being leaked to the media. Poor guy is probably starving for sex....(sigh - I'd love to sign a confidentiality agreement and be the one to help him with this particular problem..)

JandR said...

LJ it is very sad to think of that gorgeous sexy man going to waste...hope in my heart that is not what's happening but agree that the intense media strutiny on him would make things extremely difficult... but where there's a will there's a way lol ;-)

Anonymous said...

omg rob was smoooooth! i really would love to see him go out on date :)

womadsart said...

CIGARETTE ASHES!!!! Rob smokes.... who cares.. He's beautiful, hot, nice, sexy and talented!!
Love the story though

Anonymous said...

If Rob DID call her at 2:30 a.m., he's lost a big fan. LOSER! He can't be away from Kristen for a few hours without needing attention? She'd better run while she can. And I was a HUGE Robsten fan :(

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

Rob starving for sex?? ummmmm i dont think so LMAO.......no way some lucky woman not hitting that.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@twilite just because he called her at 2.30am or what ever,
does not mean he is interested in her romantically,
i would hope so because he needs to start acting his age and getting out more,
but to jump to conclusions base on one phone call is premature.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Take your loser comment to another site-you're on the wrong one...

here ya go www.disney.com

WinWin said...

Gozde, thank you so much for the update. This story is adorable. Rob and Kellan must have had a blast that night.

I could just imagine Rob tipsy at 2:30am making the call with Kellan giggling in the background. lol

Lucky girls and their cupcakes look delish!

WinWin said...

Hi rpattzgirl! Are you all packed? I'm squeeing from excitement for you.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Hi WinWin,
Not yet...tonight is laundry, tearing through the garage looking for my suitcase, charging my camera, all that fun stuff!

We leave at 7:00AM on Friday-hope to be there early afternoon.

You know if I see anything (ahem Rob) I'll be on this site & twiiter screaming my head off!

Anonymous said...

@ twilite
Whhaaaattt are you on girl? He probably phoned her to be nice, you know maybe he thought it would be a nice gesture....which it was. But even so....there's still no certainty that he IS with Kristin and it doesn't bother me either way so if he did call for another reason SO WHAT...it's cute. LOL Lucky lucky girl that's all I can say. Perhaps it's just as well you'll jump ship if you feel like this.

Anonymous said...

he should hang out more with kelan. meet girls have fun :)

WinWin said...

Rpattzgirl, I'll be on the lookout for you updates. Have a great time and get you beauty rest. : )

Big Hugs!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Thanks WinWin **hugs back**

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@rpattzG you were right EP is so goooood,
i cant stop reading and
iam so loving edward in this story,
he is AMAZING......this is the edward we all love. :-)

Unknown said...

@twilite relax...if Rob's dating Kristen there's no way he's calling around offering sexing smexing favors to random cupcake bakers from Vancouver...besides...let's be reasonable...Sara's the girl on the left side of the pic...I'd totally be calling Jzbella, the cute stay at home mom in the center of the pic...I'm getting the other girl is Jill? the one that works on Eclipse as something or other thing? :)

And just so you stop chewing on your fingernails, Kristen was at the party...jeez...what's with the "can't be away for a few hours without..."...do we need to chain them together or something? maybe weld them at the hip?...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


I'm glad! I knew you would love it!

I'm on chapter 40, will probably finish tonight-I don't want it to end!

Ana73 said...

cute story, they were lucky enough to be called to cater the party with cupstakes as dessert and they were fans, too cool.

twilite - how old are you??? i think you are the fan that he can do without, your comments are nonsense. and if you were a TRUE fans you wouldn't care who he called.

RPG - EP has me hooked, i was up to 1am reading, sooo tired right now. have your read the chapter "punishment"???

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Yes...it killed me!!! I know, this is one I'm having a hard time putting down. I haven't printed the story because I'm killing so many trees with FF, but will have to print this one-it's a keeper!!!

But I sit in bed @ night reading it on my phone and I'm about to go blind!

Ana73 said...

RPG - "punishment was the hardest chapter to read so far and i cried like seriously cried - i know i am lame. i cant believe you read it on your phone, i would be really going blind. i get a headache after reading too long but yesterday i couldn't stop. i would print out too but i am so freaking lazy that i haven't went and bought new ink.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

LMAO! That's why I haven't printed as well-no ink!

Shani said...

Purple 83- Thank you for researching this. I love it when people get their facts straight.

I just looked myself and Sara IS the one on the left. People go to their website. The one in the MIDDLE (the hot one) is Jzbella. If I was dude I would hit that too.


What time did Rob leave? So that 2:30 am phone call was just that... a courtesy call after the fact. Our boy is such a goddie goodie (But not all the time)*wink*. LOL

Shani said...

I meant "goody"

RPnKSaddict said...

lol oooh cupcake frosting..scandalous..
It was cool that the girls were professional about not taking pictures.

It was also really sweet that Rob called and thanked them.

@twilite his burden would be lighter if he lost fans who judge every thing he does, espesially if he was just being the nice, polite, conciencious, guy we all love here at Robsessed.

Anonymous said...

Wow what an insane experience! Sounds like he's a very down to earth person which is important to be in that kind of business.

Looky Looky said...


Can you tell me which FF EP is? I'm always on the lookout for new ones!


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


It's emancipation proclamation...

It's very, very good!

RPnKSaddict said...

rpatzgirl- so excited for you, I am keeping my fingers crossed that you at least get a sighting.
I'd be busting at the seams if I were you.Have lots of fun!!!

I'm still jumping at the idea of getting to see Sam Bradley in November. My DH is about to have me commited.

AP said...

Okay, I'll fufill expectations. "What if he had a stain?" Now I'll move along. :D

Sweet story. Clever little cakes.

RPnKSaddict said...

Redline on ff.net is prettygood. Very steamy, but also tugs on your heart strings for Edward.

KatKat said...

mmmm....Rob AND cupcakes...mmmm

Looky Looky said...


Enjoy your trip!

Gozde said...

1. I am guessing Twilite is 12 years old :)

2. All 3 girls are pretty. Who's to say what someone else finds pretty

3. It was a joke.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I am about to burst, and yep I'm excited for Sam too!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Gozde,You crack me up...

jmm4832 said...

I'm not going to make quick assumptions about Rob anymore. Some are speculating that he's lonely, depressed, sex-starved, whatever. How can you tell these things from a picture? He may have been wasted, annoyed with the paparazzi, etc. And seriously, what are the chances that Rob is sex-starved?

Gozde said...


Ana73 said...

RPG - i am not on twitter so make sure you post your events from the weekend on here. Please :))

can you just imagine getting a call from Rob...i would have died. He was calling just to compliment your cupcakes :))

Haystackhair said...

Geeze, I was kidding about the booty call. Lucky girls! And they are all pretty IMO. We all know Rob likes junk food and sweets, so no surprise he called if he really liked the cupcakes. LOL
I am almost done with the Red Line, and just started EP. Sigh. Looks like no sleep for me again....

Looky Looky said...

To quote Samuel L. Jackson, "And everybody knows when you make an assumption, you make an ass out of you and 'umption'."

I feel reasonably safe in making the assumption that he puts his pants on one leg at a time like the rest of us. Mostly because when I tried it differently, I decided it was probably more trouble than the majority of people are willing to go through.

Ok, yes I do need more sleep.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@rpattzG iam to chap 25,
the chap 'punishment' made me cry, iam not liking Dr.carli in this story,
but considering where she came from and what could of happened to her he is not so bad,
a very sad but Good story :-)

Ana73 said...

RPTMO - i cried too on that chapter, like seriously i cried but i was having an emotional day yesterday so i guess that didn't help. i am at the same place you are in the story - so sad but good.

madel - loved your quote, too funny :))

Mars said...

Hahahaha! His stain adds a certain charm to the rest of the outfit. Rob's funny. I'm glad these girls had the chance to meet him and that they only had nice things to say about him :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

rptmo, ana73,

It's gets better and very SEXY!!!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LK said...

I feel so sorry for Rob.There's a bunch of shit out there for him.Every crazy,delusional girl on twitter can claim that he was hitting on her,slept with her,had dinner with her,called her or even had a baby with her.Poor,Rob!I wish this stupidity stop the sooner.The paps are enough for him.He doesn't need twitter,too.

rpgirl27 said...

LoL...this makes me think of Tattward...here kitty kitty....
I read way too much fanfic....

Unknown said...

I highly doubt Rob was calling for a booty call. That just makes him sound ridiculous and a creeper.

Gozde said...

Dude, seriously! Of course it wasn't a booty call :) Chill people. Over analyze much?

marie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hello ladies!! K, I was trying to stay out of this conversation but *shrugs* here goes:

This is why Rob tries to lead a private life because every move of his is either judged, speculated and/or scrutinized. You all don't know what his taste in women are and all of the 3 girls pictured are beautiful. Beauty is not only skin deep people! You know if it was a booty call and I'm not saying it was, then who cares! He is 23 for gods sake! What were you doing at 23? I know what I was doing and if a piece of ass like that called me at 2:30 am I know I'd be jumping in my car in a heartbeat!! LOL And to say that he looks depressed from the papz pics is ridiculous. What he is is probably sick of the papz taking his freakin picture with every move that he makes. How would you feel?

@Ana73, rpattzgirl, & rptmo ~ So EP is another good FF huh?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I love that so many people come to this site (because it's the best) but it feels like it's all a bunch of whiney teenie boopers on here now...

Ugh...I miss the grown ups..

Gozde said...

It IS interesting today, lol :)

It'll pass :)

wintermistake said...

@rpatzzgirl risking sounding like a complete dork, everyone is talking about EP... What are you guys reading? I've reread Twilight and the rest of the books countless times and can't bring myself to start reading anything else. I even started reading Virgil which Rob recommended to Kris when they started filming Twilight, but anything without Edward and Bella just no longer holds my attention. Please share your reading material recommendations :)

rpgirl27 said...

EP is an incredible fanfic...truly epic on the scale of WA...I do love me some MafiaPrinceWard...

marie said...

They're claiming they did'nt take pictures because they respected rob's privacy and comes out and claims Rob called this certain Sarah at @ 2:30 AM????? Please....What respect for his privacy are you girls talking about.

Hello Ladies....you only got an anonymous call who claimed he was Rob.....

Anonymous said...

". . . Over analyze much?"

@Gozde ~ isn't that what 90% of the people here do?

Karina said...

hahaha, Those cupcake girls are fracking adorable! I want to hear the conversation between Robert, Kellan and the cupcake girls: "So, yeah, your cupcakes are really tasty and fresh(giggle,giggle)..." lol

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

New Moon Rising,

We're talking about Fan Fiction-very talented fans who written their own stories about Edward & Bella...there's tons out there, but a few really stand out that are just amazing.

My favs are:
wide awake
the office
creature of habit
let your light shine
an extrodinary life
emancipation proclamation
red line (although, very hard to read...it hurts)

Some are very emotional and not for everyone...

rpgirl27 said...

www.twilighted.net(all Twilight based stories)
Go to the forums to see the stories that are rec'd...I'd share mine but I'm afraid my freak flag would be waving hard if you saw how long the list was:)
(all kinds of fanfic...but there is a large twi section)
Warning-twi fanfic is addicting, there are many, many good writers out there

Apotamkin said...

concerning rob & kristen's privacy i v posted this to put an end to mobbing and i m starting with myself check:

Gozde said...

LindaRose: It is %90 that and as long as it's fun, I'm all for it :)

Karina said...

ps: honestly, maybe the phone call happened, maybe it didn't. This is one of those stories where it's harmless either way though. My guess? I have a friend whose friend saw Robert at an LA bar, and then proceeded to have him call like four of her friends, making him leave messages. lol She said many people were making him do that throughout the night. Most likely, someone handed him the phone and he just talked into it like he usually does, and this time around remembered the pretty cupcake makers and thanked them for the "pretty" cupcakes. lol

Anonymous said...

he's so damn cute.

i would bake him delicious cupcakes for a phone call.

Loisada said...

RPGirl have a great time, we'll be right there behind you in our dreams!

Yep Gozde, the scenarios are just too good to pass up!

Rob: "Just had to call to say how much I loved your beaUtiful cupcakes! I'm still licking the sugar off my fingers and... ur... pants..."

Sara: Incoherent gurgling. Put out of work for 2 weeks by spontaneous earth-shattering unicorn.

Jzbella: Eventually shakes Sara back into consciousness and turns story into FF that crashes ROA immediately.

Kellan: Starts using "beautiful cupcakes" as his new pickup line.

Peter: tweets sweet nothings to Twifans who send the catering company's business skyrocketing.

Jackson: discretely eats up the rest of the cupcakes as well as the girls. Always the sly one, that monkey.

Karina said...

ps: re: Rob looking sad/depressed.

Honestly, I think this is just part of his gameplan when he's in front of the paps. He's spoken several times now of not wanting to give the paps anything, because their intentions are not in his interest. They want drama from him and he doeesn't want to deliver.

So what does the dude do? Covers the luscious locks, looks down, doeesn't smile, puts his hands in his pockets, and never gives them a money shot.

It's somewhat tactical if you ask me, cause he always looks like he's having a ball inside restaurants and stuff, and then the sad sack face comes on the minute the paps start shooting.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Think I'll bake some cupcakes for my trip


TwiHartRK said...

Goz - You are hilarious woman!!
OMG OMG Rob called a GIRL?? Like, what does this mean?? Please, tell me?!?!? He wants to like, have sex with her??? He's cheating on his girlfriend - you know the one he's never admitted to having??
I know someone has the "inside scoop" from some "inside source" right????
He's not f*cking YOU so STFU!
I mean really I thought mind readers only existed in fiction.

katie said...

aw, see this is why I love Robert. He called the girl on the left, right?

Now notice what she mentioned, they were trying to be professional, and not take pictures with Robert. But please, you know they wanted to.

She called the phonecall mysterious because it's not like he had her number. But I bet someone in jackson's camp was kind enough to get Robert on the phone and thank them because they didn't get any pictures with them.

I think this is a wonderful story, and probably shows how thoughtful Jackson or someone in his camp was about the girls not getting a photo with Robert and making sure they got something out of it. Robert is the sweetest!!!

katie said...

oh, and here's the breakdown for this board.
1/2 overanalyze(I probably fall in there)

1/2 overfantasize

And the two halves are always trying to tell the other that their "way" is better for some reason! lol

Cindeeloo said...

@ Linda R.... I think I heart you!!! "If a piece of ass like that called me at 2:30 am, I know i'd be jumping in my car in a heartbeat" LMFAO!!!!!! Oh, how I miss those 2am phone calls. Now the only action I get at 2:30am is ME and FF!!!! Hahahaha.

@ as far as Rob looking depressed in photos taken by the papz. IMO it's become his signiture look. He's giving them absolutely nothing. No emotion, no smile, no anger, because he for one has always stated "he owes them NOTHING" Our boy is smart he knows what he's doing. IMO :)

Good Morning Ladies

Cindeeloo said...

@ karina...haha I think you and I are on the same page:)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


thanks hon!
Your comments made me snort!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

For the love of all that is Sweet......calm down people,
i cant believe some innocent cupcakes are causing all this fus,
it was jut a gracious call folks not a marriage proposal,
so chill out ,read some FF,Get horny and dream about Rob........forget about all this cupcake Bullshit.

katie said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Cindeeloo!! (waves)

Cindeeloo said...

Hi Linda R (waves right back :)

heather said...

@Loisada you are hysterical! LMAO girl! :D thanks!

Damn I want one of those cupcakes now and its only 10 am. Damn!

Anonymous said...

R u not tweeting today cindeeloo?

Suz said...

Heeeeeeeeeeeere we go!

CupCake Gate.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

hi @lindarose @cinde (Hugs) :-]

Divinesally said...

I concur Karina, you have valid points and the most logical conclusions. Some of you are reading WAY too much into this. None of us were there so we don't know what really went down. I know (or think I know) Rob is a dude with respectful intentions. And that's all I'm gonna say about that.

All I know for sure is that I want some of those creative, yummy cupcakes!!!

Unknown said...

hahaha, cupcakegate!!

What a cute story, I bet that little phonecall made it impossible to go to sleep that night. Pictures with Jackson and calls from Robert, that's what I call a great Saturday night.....

Cindeeloo said...

I will if u will...lol. Funny, today is my day off and I was trying to discipline myself @ stay off this blog @ twitter to get some work done @ I just CAN'T DO IT!!!!! (dammit) LOL.

Anonymous said...

Hi rptmo!! :))

Anonymous said...

Cindeeloo ~ check your twitter I already did! :)

Cindeeloo said...

HUGS right back rtmo :)

wintermistake said...

@Rpattzgirl @Rpgirl 27

You guys ROCK! Thank you so much for the info! I came across the fiction site and was just overwhelmed on how much is out there. TA recommended Lost, so I started reading that. Great beginning, but then it’s just turned ok…
Thank you again for your recommendations! I miss the times when I would stay up all night reading Twilight books!

AP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

LMAO cupcake gate...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

don't drop a bomb & then leave...

What's this about Breaking dawn?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

You're welcome! Have fun-it's addicting (like Rob)

Divinesally said...

rpattzgirl I was wondering about that too...

AP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

damn there are some harsh peeps up in here! i think the girl on the left is quite cute.

maybe she reminds him of beyonce ;)

zomg alie!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ahh, yeah I can see why you didn't want to say that :o)

Of course, I don't see how that's possible with Rob's other commitments...but....I suppose they could shoot around him for a while?

Thanks for coming back!

TwiHartRK said...

What, 30???
Too much? ;)

beyonce said...

I love that people are sticking up for these lovely girls and their pretty looks. They're all very cute. Now if only people could use that same discerning eye when they look at Kristen, the world of womanhood would be sane again...

Divinesally said...

wait, you meant THIS NOV???! i thought you meant Nov '10!

AP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Divinesally said...

I think Kristen is f**khawt, down to earth, funny and intelligent. And best part is she doesn't take s**t from anyone. I completely understand why Rob enjoys her company.

beyonce said...

and the funny reality is this: shippers will make even the slightest gesture(Robert simply staring in kristen's direction) into the hugest deal. And nonshippers will justifably point out the fact they are overreaching.

But it's also funny to notice many nonshippers do the same exact thing in the opposite direction, turning even the slightest gesture of Robert's into the hugest deal.

It works both ways on this board, and both sides cream their pants whenever the slightest, insignificant gesture on Robert seems to weigh in their favor.

No wonder Robert stays in his hotel a lot--he's trying to stay away from all us crazy bitches!

Karina said...

Aw, I think these girls are lovely, and I think Kristen is lovely too. Women are eachother's harshest critics, unfortunately. I don't really get why that is either.

Anonymous said...

@beyonce ~ what the hell is a shipper and a nonshipper? :)

Anonymous said...

Kristen is beautiful. It's all based on jealousy and cattiness to say otherwise. IMO that is.

marie said...

Kellan: I have to get your business card because this are really good cupcakes.

Cupcake girl: Of course. Would like a card too Rob?

Rob: I'll get your Number from Kellan

Rob Arrives in his hotel after the party:

Rob: Kris I really loved those cupcakes that I had a the party. You think It would sound weird if I call one of the cupcake girls now so I could thank her personally?

Kristen: Rob, why can't you just call tomorrow. It's 2:20 AM !! You don't even have their number

Rob: Okay

Kristen and Rob both trying to get some sleep:

Rob : Kris, I really have to call her. This can't wait till tomorrow

Kristen : Seriously rob just try to get some sleep you just have too much sugar from those cupcakes

Rob: I am sorry but I really have to

Calls Kellan:

Kellan: Rob? Is everything okay? What do you mean you want to call the cupcake girls? Calm down Rob it's probably just the sugar but here's the number if you really want to do it.

Rob Calls the number on the card:

Ring ring (2:25 AM):

You have reached cupcakes unlimited. We are open 24 hours a day. Please stay on the line as we are currently busy taking thank you calls from our customers at this time. Your business is very important to us.

Sara : (anonymous call, Exciting!!) Hello?
Rob: Is this one of the cupcake girls?
Sara: Yes
Rob: Hi, This is Rob Pattinson, Are you the left , rightl or the the middle cupcake girl?
Sarah: I'm the middle girl
Rob: Listen Middle girl. I really loved your cupcake and can;t sleep right now because i can't get it out of my mind. I was hoping that if i call you even though it's 2:30 AM I'd be able to get some sleep after.

Kristen: I think you really should hang up now Rob.....

Karina said...


TwiHartRK said...

Marie - you should write ff.
I think KStew is beautiful. And if I didn't I just wouldn't say anything at all.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


ROTFLMAO!!! I almost fell out of my chair at work....

the left or middle girl? I'm dying...

Ana73 said...

just checked back seeing that you are on the cupcakes still. that's pretty bad that there are over hundred comments about rob eating cupcakes, i just wish he would eat my cupcakes :))

linda rose - i am loving EP, stayed up til 1am last night reading. what are you reading now??

Tenneil said...

Whoa... best Joey voice...

Ok this totes made of think of tattward..LOL I's make Robbie cupcakes and deliver them in person!! hell I'd use his kitchen if he'd let me...

Hey TS, Alie... *waves frantically*
its heavy in here today...

Anonymous said...

oh no al...never too much when it comes to sarcasm


Ana73 said...

marie - that was really funny :))

Tenneil said...

*claps for Marie* too funny girl thanks for making me smile and it a whole lot lighter in here:)

Divinesally said...

marie, LMFAO I enjoyed that scenario. I think I <3 you.

Anonymous said...

still laughing that even the cupcake thread causes robsten drama!


give it a rest people. seriously.

hey tenneil :)

TwiHartRK said...

Hey T - you wanna use his kitchen huh? Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
30 @least U still think so.

Divinesally said...

All this cupcake talk is giving me a damn cavity.

Tenneil said...

Alie~ i want to play with his kitchen tools...LOL...

TS ~ hey girlie... I think I need a hit of tattward with all this damnn cupcake talk.. you??

Anonymous said...

alie: mhmm my ZOMG was me laughing

i want rob's convo with kristen to be this:

rob: i'm hungry

kristen: eat then

rob: bake me some cupcakes

kristen: nope

rob: fine...i'm calling cupcake girl

kristen: STFU and bake your own cupcakes

rob: can you do that in the microwave?

Tenneil said...


Kelly said...

OK.. Am I bad for thinking that the 2:30 am phone call should have been kept private? I don't know... perhaps I'm over thinking it. I'm not saying you Goz.. I'm saying that the original blog posters should have perhaps kept it to themselves... or at least not divulged WHO called them at 2:30 am to compliment their "cupcakes".

I don't know.. sometimes it just seems like, maybe he is lonely, or looking for a booty call, but whatever.. I just don't think I would post that on a blog... I think if he'd called me, I would have kept it to myself.. Like every time he offers someone a moment... that was a moment by the way... but anytime he offers someone a moment .. they post it on line. That wasn't a public thing, it was private, his phone to yours.... I don't know.. I'm in protective mode I guess.

I'm not judging them.. I just kind of hope he doesn’t see this one, cause I wonder what he would think. The more "moments" posted to blogs the less he will offer.

By the way, these are simply my thoughts and I am not judging anyone… just joining the talk!

As for the pants.. hey "frosting explodes" sometimes ifyaknowhwhatI'msaying :)

Marna said...

I can't believe all the angst over some cupcakes!

I don't think it was a booty call, I think it was a "Rob had a few beers & really liked the cupcakes call". Seriously, why would he call at 2:30 in the morning? I think he had a buzz on (and not from a white powder substance)

I don't know why people are saying it wouldn't be a booty call because it's the woman on the left. I think she's pretty, & we all know Rob has some kind of Beyonce thing. Maybe that's why he called her instead of the other one, not a booty call, just saying (possibly drunken) thanks to the one who caught his eye.

Ana73 said...

kelly - i do agree with you about them posting it online, espeically the phone call, if it even happened at all.

Unknown said...

marie-that was inspired!hahaha

I don't know about you all, but I think he drunk dialed the cupcake girl on the right. No one's giving her love, and I hear she bakes up some hot crossed buns like no other. From Robert himself even......

chicks get catty with cupcake girls and kristen because they want robert to go out with the girl of their choosing in the end. Robert has like fucking 10 million moms in the fandom with oedipal complexes, the poor kid's gonna have to get therapy when this is all done...

Kelly said...

OK so I just read through all the comments after I commented..

Some of us are WAY TO INVOLVED...just saying and I can say because I'm probably one of those "too involved" people by the way :)

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

over 100 comments on Cup Cakes and no one asked the million dollar question......How the F***** Did they taste Rob ?? LMAO
all this cupcake talk turning me off,iam going home to bake Rob some cookies.Yikes!

Unknown said...

oh, and I think he did call them. and the reason they shared it? Cause I think it's sorta obvious someone else set the call up and then handed robert he phone. They sounded like adorable sweethearts who made hot ass cupcakes, and they didn't get a picture with robert. Someone got robert to call them as a result, and come on, of course he's gonna be willing to call the cute ass cupcake girls! lol So I think it did happen, and they shared it with everyone because there was no clandestine implications behind the call, it was a thank you gesture for a job well done.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

So, lets move to the newer thread and blow that one up as well...

sunflower0674 said...

OMG - this site cracks me up - and sometimes scares me. Some people get waaayyy too carried away with this.

Cupcakes on the pants? - IDK but all I know is I would like to be the one to lick it off him.

2:30 am booty call? Well, as much as I wish the call was to me, I hope he is at least getting some.

BTW - is EP Emancipation Proclamation. I just read TO and loved it. I,too, read them on my phone.

Anonymous said...

@Ana73 ~ I'm still on HPA. Did you read the new chap for TT? It was posted yesterday. I forgot if you read TS/TD yet? I may have to start EP because HPA, though it's good, is reminding me of TS/TD at the moment and I'm getting my Edwards and Cullen families confused.

LMAO on your comment, "i just wish he would eat my cupcakes :))" LOL!!!

Kelly said...

@ Rosa
You could have a point... I think I'm with the cookie baker, of course I make this chocolate raspberry fudge.. it totes scores points with the men I know.. hmmmmmm? and no powdery mess :)

Karina said...

LOL, Rosa---I agree, Robert's adult female fans are like moms with oedipal complexes. let's start a fund for Robert's future counseling sessions....

Kelly said...

Uhhh.. his "Fan Mom's" can't have the oedipal complex.. he would be the one to have it.. hmmmm for them... we're goona have to come up with a new name for the neurosis Rob will have if all this ever really get to him.

Karina said...

lol, true, let's call it reverse oedipal complexed....Or maybe Mary Kaye La Tourneau'ed complexed....lol

Karina said...

Oh, god, I have it---Robert's cougar minivan moms are like his Mrs. Roper contingent! Remember that horny old bird on Three's Company who always wanted a piece of the young jack Tripper? Yep, that's what all of us are to poor Robert, his horny old Mrs. Roper contingent.

JLD said...

Next time Rob gets dirty give me a shout and I'll go help him clean up. ;) Mwah!

Anonymous said...

All the booty call talk---Gozde what have you done! Lol!!!

Loisada said...

@TS I'm ROFL wishing I was squishing around in damn cupcakes!

R: Maybe they have cupcake flavored hot pockets?

K: Asshat! Calm down, and I’ll knit you a cupcake shaped beenie tomorrow.

R: I don’t want another beenie, I want a sugar rush!

K:Put down the damn phone down and rush that sweet ass over here, and I’ll give you some sugar.

R:(hugging phone) Maybe the cupcake girl would just read us her recipe? A little late-night phone threesome?!

K: (flips him off) Hope you enjoy sleeping on the couch with your phone!

R: Come on baby, I just really wanted another burger cupcake!

K: And I’d love a hot manwhich, but you don’t hear me whining at 3 am! Now STFU and come to bed!

R: (grumbling as he climbs into bed) I’m such an effin’ "cup cake".....

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RPnKSaddict said...

@ loisada- lmao Kellen AND Rob's new pickup lines. " you have beautiful cupcakes".
I'm dying here!!!

RPnKSaddict said...

OME there are so many FF to read. I can't keep up with them all.
Not to mention keepin up with the comments on this site. I'm addicted to Rob, FF, and all of you wonderful ladies here at Robsessed.

TwiHartRK said...

T - Rob IS a big, hard tewl.
Haha DS - you now a good dentist? I have a little tooth ache too. Or is that a headache?

Athena said...

*thinks of getting into the cupcake business*

And when I thought it couldn't be possible for me to love Rob more, there he goes and sets a new record. What. A. Sweet, sweet, sweet. Man. Ulterior motives or not! :D

I really don't think I could survive an unexpected phone call from Rob, especially if he *did* have ulterior motives! My arteries couldn't bear it!

Unknown said...

Hi all,

Whether you believe me or not, I'm the cupcake girl...the one on the left, lol.

You guys have been my source of entertainment all day. Me and Jzabela want to thank you for checking out the blog and making our cupcakes something to chat about for a day.

Hopefully some of you will give us a call and order some of the infamous cupcakes that RPatz himself enjoyed!


Gozde said...

Hey Sara,

Thanks for the message. I wish I was in Vancouver. Your cupcakes look amazing.

People get CRAZZY here :) I thought your story was cute and respectful that's why I posted it here. Hopefully we got you some more exposure.

And all 3 of you are gorgeous :)


Unknown said...

Well, we've never known Rob to call caterers and such, so maybe he did like one of them. Whatever, I think it's cute, Rob does seem the type to go all the way around to meet girls(eg joining drama school). I still don't buy that R/K are dating, so I'm not too surprised that he may have called a nice girl he met. And sorry, a 2:30am call to tell someone there cupcakes are beautiful is suspicious.lol Too bad he left the party alone, though....call me Rob, anytime, day or night, I'll be there, and I'll bring some cupcakes, too!! :)7

greeneyes said...

First off...IF Rob called ( and he probably did)- he probably thought he would be leaving a message on their machine which i am sure he did. They did not say they talked to him directly on the phone. He was being a sweetie and thanking them. Can he be more perfect?

Unknown said...

I don't wanna comment on the controversial "white stain", honestly I don't give a f--- what he wears as long as he has something on when he goes out.

Regarding the other controversial booty call..I'm just glad he was able to go out and meet other people than probably the lizards or ants he has in the four corners of his room(confinement is more like it)..and he got to eat cupcakes!!=)

Shani said...

Sara- Sorry for my harsh comment.


Kelly- I agree with you they should NOT have posted what time he called. That only added fuel to the fire. What should have been said was that "he called later on to say blah blah blah". And of course people minds are going to go there and say it's a booty call. Because what guy in a normal circumstance calls you that late just to say hi without him wanting more. So that 2:30 comment made Rob look bad for NO reason. Like I said earlier he probably left late and then thought later on to call. If y'all would have only thought to leave out that bit it would have stayed a cute story...instead it turned controversial.

Shani said...

Goz- Next time just say who is who. That's all.

Unknown said...

Why do people automatically assume the worst? Why can't someone call and thank someone else? Is it because he is famous? I would think that this is a site dedicated to an individual that people have a fondness for. Obviously he has great qualities otherwise why would all of the people on here waste their time on a 'loserish-guy'.

So I pose the question... Is it really that unthinkable that, (I will use a description that a lot of people here used) a really sweet guy called someone to say thank you?

Who cares what time it was. I know I have called people at that time in the morning after a couple and not had a sexual intent in mind and not even realizing what time it was. Is that super cute Sara really to blame when the jealousy of other women who love RPatz come in to play?

*Sorry, just needed to vent over this. I know that I have a new found healthy respect for RPatz knowing that he could possibly take the time out of his crazy day to acknowledge someone. One day it could be one of you posting something like this and then have everyone do this to you.

If Rob does read this... That was a really sweet thing you did by calling the cupcake girls and saying thank you. I am happy to know that there are still kind celebrities out there that take the time to do things such as that. THUMBS UP! :)

Unknown said...

What does it matter to you what time he called and that the girls mentioned it, or really why he called? Some of you act like he's cheating on YOU or something...get a grip. He can call whoever he wants at any time he wants for whatever reason he wants...he's a big boy. And if he calls me ...EVER...he's gettin' some!! lol

Unknown said...

PS...he didn't say 'thank you'...he said there cupcakes were 'beautiful'... :)

Karina said...

I don't think the time matters honestly. It sounds like towards the end of the party to be honest, someone set up the call and Robert and his sultry cupcaked voice obliged and now three cupcake girls are the envy of all the twilight fandom! They chatted up all the cullen boys and fed them cupcakes. That sounds like some sorta kinky dream I had back a couple months ago....lol

And Sarah is now officially the hottest assed cupcake girl of them all, cause she came to the thread and it's like two degrees away from being touched by Robert's sultry, cupcaked voice!


Karina said...

I'm gonna add something though, just as a commentary at how polarizing threads get when Robert is within 10 feet of persons that happen to have vaginas. lol

Seriously, this site is a little funny that way, there's this weird stake for some people here to either have him free and single and mingling, or else severely committed to Kristen. And people rag on the Kristen side, but the other side is a little wacky too to be honest about him being within grabbing distances of female genitals.

That's why threads like this are hilarious, because the two sides sorta work eachother into a lather. It's all good in the hood, Robert's young and famous and filthy rich and cupcaked up and more happy than any of us bastards! lol

Athena said...

Wait a minute... I didn't read all the comments, but... did people really find reason to argue over this??? Hahahaha! That *is* hilarious! ;D

@ cupcake girl Sara: you are one lucky girl (OK, three lucky girls)! And being a cupcake lover myself (we have some fine cupcake shops here in Sydney), I wish I were in Vancouver to have a taste of yours! :)

xoRobxo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Just because he called a girl at 2:30am doesn't mean he's cheatting on Kristen...oh wait a minute, he can't cheat on someone that as far as we know he's not dating right? LMAO ROTF!

Robsten shippers can't even take a joke, chill pill for everyone. I'm out of here before a 12 year old starts shooting at me.

Unknown said...

I know...everywhere I go people are throwing out reasons why Rob called those girls. Some are desperately trying to protect the R/K relationship that may not even exist...it's hilarious. Like I said..let Rob call who he wants, when he wants, for whatever reason he wants...amen.

Anonymous said...

yey cupcake fight!!!
oh come on he is hot, yummy n all the ladies lusting after him. he can call and have any girl he wants. i wish they would clone him though so everyone can have some rob luvin :)

evita said...

So, these girlssay he called them&you believe it at once, but when all the photos of him&Kristen together come out you guys don't believe they're together?! I just don't understand why...why do you guys try (or wish) to hook 'im up with anyone but Kristen? I'm not hating on you people, I just wonder...

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