Robert Pattinson-"You Make Me Smile"

Perfect song choice for this video. Made by the lovely Jules.


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Dahlia said...

Love that song! And every word rings true.

Rob has the most amazing smile I have ever seen, and I'm sure he managed to slip that impregnating look into that video a couple of times too!

Awesome video :) It's really cheered me up when I most needed it! Thank you!

Sara... ʚϊɞ said...

what song is it? what author? I love it <3

Anonymous said...

Yes, Rob's better than the best.

I always ask: Why Rob? What is it? Of course, I know the answers to the questions.

The real question is--what happened to our American male? Where are our American Robs? Are they still out there?
They don't have to be as handsome as Rob; we don't really clamor the buff (well, I don't), but we want IT that seem to have been lost.
Then what is it?

Once again, let's review amongst ourselves the "13 Reasons Why Smart Girls [And Women] Love Robert Pattinson".

Anonymous said...

Sorry, 'gotta add that again.

I'm just shaking my head and asking "what's the magnet that's been pulling me towards this man.. what's gotten into my head..?"

Anonymous said...

That smile is like a ray of hot and steamy sunshine!! I love the shy smiles, the sexy smiles, the eye wrinking smiles. Rob definitely makes ME smile!! :))

T said...

That song is so true. I smile every time I see him.

Sara... ʚϊɞ said...

Sorry ... but what is the title of the song and what is the author of this song?

Kate said...

Song is "Smile" by Uncle Kracker!

Anonymous said...

The song is made by Uncle Cracker. Not sure who wrote it but he sings it. I like when Rob smiles as well. He seems to smile most honestly when he's with Kristen so I just wish you would all not bash her because it's disrespecting Rob and this is supposedly a Rob fansite right. His choice, respect it please.

Sara... ʚϊɞ said...

Thanks <3

Anonymous said...

I can already see the

Jewels64 said...

@han-x-walker You are so welcome Sunshine!

I was feeling down too and I heard that song....I just had to make a Rob video!

Glad you enjoyed it!!!

RPnKSaddict said...

Truer words. I always find myself smiling when it has anything to do with Rob.

@jersygirl- there are many of us that post on this site that love Kristen too. I promise.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

God he totally makes me forget to breath...

Great video, great song, AWESOME MAN.

Kelly said...


the Song is by Uncle Kracker and it's called
"You make me smile"

Kelly said...

By the way.. the reason I know this is I made a video a few weeks ago to it ... I love this song and it made me think of him immediately! I guess great minde think alike..right Jewels!

Loved your vid jewels!.. but anything that contains pics of this beautiful man I love!

here is a link to mine if interested :)

Jewels64 said...



Girl...if I had known that you had used the same song I wouldn't have done this!!!!!

Your video is so freaking much better than mine!!!!

Love you!!! **yeah...great minds!**

Tenneil said...

Kudos Jules...Love his smile indeed:)

Kelly... hope he brings a smile to your soul... thinking of you:)

He does make us Smile:)

Emily said...

I love both of them, Jules & Kelly! Seriously, the more the better. It's interesting to see what pictures you both chose. I could never narrow it down. His smile is to die for! What a sexy man.

I'm such a computer lame-o, I'm glad there are such talented people like you guys and everyone else who makes videos. Thank you!

Tenneil said...

Hi are you doing this fine robevening:)

Emily said...

Hey Ten! I'm great. How are things?
By the way, your avi is *sigh*

I've gotta run for just a bit. Bedtime for the little one. Be back later hopefully.

Tenneil said...

Em... things are good... Missing seeing Rob around...And thanks I love my avi very much too:)

Sleep tight little one..

Georgie said...

Top marks to both Jewels and Kelly for your great creativity in capturing the essence of Rob's smile and sharing with us all for our enjoyment!

Kelly said...

Jewels.. Totes NOT A PROBLEM!!! I love that you found the song too! I geard it the first time in a restaurant ad made the waitor run to the source and find out the song.. it was too funny.. because I heard it and he immediately popped into my mind!

I love your video as well... love the pics you used.

I did another one I'm kinda proud of.. since I'm sharing videos... here's the you tube link to it

I made it just before.. wellmy life got crazy and I was kinda missing seeing his face.. you know what I mean :)

Kelly said...

geard = heard

finger slipped (That's what he said!)LOL

maha said...

He has one of the most beautiful smile I have ever seen , Pure smile.

I love this video.

Thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

Jewels64 & Kelly ~ Both of your vids are great!! Thank you both because Rob makes me smile!!! :)

orion said...

Hi Linda!

Anonymous said...

Hi orion!!

Temptation said...

Thanks Jules - perfection plus....just what I needed to help my hangover.....

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

You're quiet video is beautiful!!!!

orion said...

How are you? I got your messages. Last night Jandr sent me another pic...

orion said...

Hi Tempt!! how are you? How was last night?

Anonymous said...

orion ~ I'm okay. And you? I'm just doing my nightly Robsessing! LOL!! Is the new pic on FB?

Kelly said...

Thanks RPG!! Glad you enjoyed it... it was simple.. but I think it said a lot.. at least for me :) I love the song too!

Temptation said...

ORION I am sooooo the way I had a fantastic time......

After the game we had a marquee and Hunters and Collectors, Paul Kelly and then the master himself JIMMY BARNES sang the whole night.

I felt like I was 17 again we had so much fun......and I consumed large amounts of eyes are spinning around, the computer is not good for them at the moment...

orion said...

Jimmy Barnes! that's great Tempt! Maybe with the hangover your eagles eyes won't see bulges today

orion said...

Linda I'll post it on FB in a few minutes

Anonymous said...

Oh no Temp & orion, we need those eagle eyes to spot the bulges!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks orion!

orion said...

Tempt: further investigation on the matter, Jandr send me another pic..

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Wow-look at these 2 videos made based on Midnight Sun-very very good.

Temptation said...

Hey look I am the only one committed enough to ask DH about the position of the Bulge and if you alternate depending on your moods. Try explaining to your husband why you need to know these things ????

JIMMY was the best and to top it off if you are familiar with Jimmy Barnes you will know he screams and doesnt always sing. I was screaming along with him and knew all the words to every song........

By the way I have no voice either.......

orion said...

Ok girls, check it out on FB, you'll be surprise

orion said...

Tempt you'll be able to see it even with the hangover

Temptation said...

He is definately a righty........we need more pics in jeans don't we.....

Anonymous said...

Handporn and bulge . . . I'm . . . THUD!

Anonymous said...

Hi Temp ~ yes, he definitely looks like a righty. Now I know where to grab him. LOL!!! As if!

Temptation said...

HI LR - some clarification would be nice should we put together a fan letter and request a confirmation, perhaps a groin pic with a signiture would be nice. Doesn't have to be nude perhaps tighty wighty's.....

Bye the way girls if you think I am sick on a normal day you wait until you see me with a hangover.....

orion said...

That's what a call big bulge...nice pic, we have to find more pictures of him seating on the same position, don't you think

Temptation said...

HA - DH was at a wedding on Friday in Sydney and one of the guest was telling him she is addicted to Zac Efron, he said that's OK my wife and some other freaks get online and talk about that Vampire guy........she said OH GOD my mum loves him too, her mum is 70 years Old ....lolololol.

Poor Rob......

Kelly said...

Hey RPG thanks for the vid link.. very very cool!

Temptation said...

Orion good thinking, aim for the seated position, legs spread and perhaps relaxed ... the day needs to be warm.....I don't think we are going to get much bulge happening in Vancouver..........

orion said...

Tempt, Linda: did you see my video on FB?

Temptation said...

Not yet, is it a new one ??? I am trying to avoid things that move at the moment........

orion said...

yeap, new one...

Temptation said...

LR - will you introduce yourself before you grab or will you go for the grab first.....just curious......

Temptation said...

Orion you should start your own production company.........maybe I will do one focusing on groin pics, what do you think.........

Cindeeloo said...

Ladies Please share the love. I'm single and lemon deprived LOL.

@ RPG....WOW!!! those videos were hot!!! Thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

orion ~ yes I saw your vid. Nice!!

Temp ~ Hmm, good question. I could always introduce myself first, that is the polite thing to do. Or do it simultaneously! LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindeeloo! I hear ya, single here too!

orion said...

I'm glad you like it. I will think about it, LOL....
I have it for a while but I couldn't find the right song...I think I choose wisely..hehehe

Anonymous said...

Okay, so whose up for the challenge of making a bulge video?

orion said...

I will, but I need more pics!!

orion said...

Linda, already I thought about it...

Temptation said...

Cindeloo - sorry it's just that for the past 3 days a few of us more twisted and sick (but very loyal) Rob lovers have found pics of Rob displaying his major assets.

So we are now on a mission to gather a collection,

sick yes
twisted yes

Perhaps not a good Sunday discussion although it did start on Friday night......

Temptation said...

No I don't want a video I want a coffee table book now I can whip those up on the mac but I need the pics....also there maybe a copyright problem....

I am planning to go onto twitter and as peterf. if he can as Rob if he is a permanent lefty or righty......I'll just tell him i am knitting him a pair of undies so I need to know.......hhhhhaeeeaa

Temptation said...

Sorry the as is supposed to be ASK my fingers are not functioning well today....

Temptation said...

Hey I just realised I think I am talking to myself ????

orion said...

Ok,so...done! we have to start searching for more pics

TwiHartRK said...

Thanks Jules!! Loved it. I AM smiling, of course ;)

Cindeeloo said...

@ Temp...I think I'll fit right in the sick and twisted club...Since I'm a lil sick and twisted myself.

@ always, always looking for the buldge. *winks*

Temptation said...

Now I am happy to go over and take some on the old digital camera.......but we need to be a little more cunning......

I think people are going to start to think we only love Rob for his looks and assets........

Temptation said...

The secret is to go over all of the old photo's and avoid his dreamy eyes, seductive smile and porn jaw and go straight for the CRUTCH......we now have established from photographic evidence that he is a righty......and from my verbal research apparatley that usually doesnt change on a daily basis....once a righty always a righty.....

Anonymous said...

Temp ~ I'm doing my research right now. What tedious job . . .

orion said...

Righty allright!! always. So, if you have the opportunity of meet him you know where to look, lol

Cindeeloo said...

@ when discovered, where do I send the pics to?

God I hope he doesn't read this blog...LOL!!!!!

orion said...

...and take pictures, of course, we are in need of those

orion said...


Cindeeloo said...

Hi Linda R...(waves)

JandR said...

Hi there - all my favourite ladies in one place!! How are you all???
Tempt - head spinning - that sounds like it was fantastic yesterday at the footy and after - wish i had been there. Watched it on telly on my own...
Haven't been able to watch the vids yet - computer is spazzing today...

orion said...

Cindeeloo: we all hoping that he never step on this blog...for God sake!!

orion said...

Hi Jandr! I show the girls the pic, that you gave me, white shirt, seating position, and a notorious bulge...

JandR said...

Oh and Tempt - I asked DH about positioning too!! LOL He just said most dress to the same side but it does depend on the clothing being worn too...
od any my daughter has been arguing that Chace Crawford is better than Rob cos he is prettier! I said no contest Rob is a complete package!! Beat that! :-))

Kelly said...

Oh I don't know.. I, for one, would love it if he stopped by the blog.. after all.. you should never say something behind someones back you wouldn't want to say to their face right? So as long as we keep that in mind when commenting... I think it's all good... If you don't think he would appreciate what you have said.. might want to consider rewording hmmm :)

orion said...

Complete and big package!!

JandR said...

Hi Orion - yes that photo - that bulge - i looked all night for another one I had seen - full on shot - but yes Rob's got the goods haha

orion said...

So, Jandr..we desire to make a vid with bulge sightings, we need pics...

Temptation said...

Hi Jandi - I am paying for my HUGE drinking session yesterday although searching for pics of Robs Bulge is proving a good distraction.......

Yes Ladies we all do hope that Rob never reads this blog.... if he does I hope he has a good sense of humor......

orion said...

Cindeeloo, you start your research and tell me if you find we can not use 'eagle eye Tempt' because she has a hangover

orion said...

Maybe she can do it in other day

JandR said...

Tempt - looking back at your posts - I did a Crotch watch last night! LOL
Especially on Rob Pattinson Source who had over 900 pics from RM shooting on 30th June.
It's those button fly jeans I swear - he should only ever wear those!!!

Temptation said...

OH Please don't give me this you shouldn't say things about people that you wouldn't say to their face lecture.......

If you were to produce Rob in front of any of us I am pretty sure we would be very happy to discuss our current debate with him, perhaps over coffee....

JandR said...

Orion - with the bulge and ass shots you should have enough material for that vid! ;-)) LOL

Temptation said...

The secret Ladies from a Bulge detection expert

Go for HQ pictures......button fly's can be a little deceiving also, perhaps pics of him out on the town having a little too much to that's for the more serious bulge pics.......

Anonymous said...

orion ~ I just emailed you a pic from my preferred email address. The subject line is 'Robs bulge'. LOL

Hi JandR!!!

orion said...

linda I received your pic...Good girl! another one for the collection

Anonymous said...

Oh and when I say preferred, I mean that is my "real" email. The other one is my public one. Oh whatever. LOL

Temptation said...

ORION you are right I am not up to spotting today, everything is fuzzy........but I can offer my words of the way Jandi I don't think Rob has an ass does he ????

orion said...

Oh, yeeess!! we can put ass pics too!! Very good Jandr. But I only have 2 pics of his ass...

Cindeeloo said...

@ Orion...I'm searching :}

Anonymous said...

Kelly ~ I think Rob would be quite happy that we all believe he is well endowed. That is after all what all men want us women to think. He may blush at first but it's all good. In fact give me a couple of shots and I'll go up to him and tell him so!! LOL!!!

JandR said...

Hey when I said Rob was the complete package - y'all know that I meant more than just THAT part of

That man is beautiful inside and out and has the sweetest soul...I think it's because I respond to him on so many levels that this obsession is hard to shake! Not that I want to be rid of him!

Kelly I have now managed to watch your Smile Vid and it is beautiful! Thx!

Temptation said...

I also want NIPPLES there are some great pics going around with ROBS Nipples......

WET NIPPLES preferably.......god this is a great hangover remedy....

orion said...

Tempt: Wisdom is good we need it...It's true that Rob ass it's not his big asset but we can include some pics

Temptation said...

It is so cold in Melbourne today something like this is good for a little "Internal Heating"....

Temptation said...

ORION - OMG why dont you use some lines out of our fav FF - The horny would that will have to ask the author but I am sure she wouldn't mind.......Beautiful Bastard.....

JandR said...

No true Tempt - nothing there to grab onto!! But we still like to see the rear view - or at least I do!! Robward has more of an ass in Edward's trousers... the closer fitting the better I say!
Those baggy cargos in RM were crap!
But the black tee-shirt, button fly jeans day in NY - to die for...mmm... joy!

Temptation said...

Jandi what's not too grab??? if we are talking nipples I was thinking of licking not grabing....heheheheh

JandR said...

Hey good nipple shots in Italy where he had that rip in his shirt...cop an eyeful of that! LOL

Temptation said...

OK guys I need to go and have some cheese and onion chips and coke..........I shall return......

Anonymous said...

There's good nipple shots from the screen grabs of the NM trailer where he tells Felix and Demitri to go to hell.

orion said...

with all that maybe we have enough material, but still we need more bulge pics...Cindeeloo's looking for more right now...and we can continue during the week...Tempt you can work on FF lines, you're good on that..

orion said...

...or your own lines

JandR said...

Hi LR - whatever you sent Orion - can that come my way too? lol
Is it getting late for you over there?
I just got up about an hour ago - sleeping in on Sunday morning, no hubby - he left hours ago for a motorcycle ride, no son - he stayed at a friend's overnight.
Daughter and i on the same wavelength - stay in bed as long as you can... lol I love Sundays - and holidays...
Oh Tempt - sorry to rub it in - it is glorious weather here today - 26 degrees sun shining - well I am looking at it through my window should get out there for a walk. Robsessing with wine and choc has not been good for my waistline haha

orion said...

The weather in Sydney is depressing, it's to windy...

JandR said...

Orion - at least the wind should blow that dust away!! Was it bad where you live??

orion said...

Was bad everywhere, everything red, was awful.

Temptation said...

ORION you are right we should not deviate too much from our original mission, which was "The Bulge", with Rob it is so easy to get distracted, I mean I think his Jaw is about the horniest thing on him and I don't need to tell you where I have imagined that in my Robdreams.......heeeehhhheeee......

Kelly said...

Orion- that was not crap.. all I simply meant was... if you don't want someone to read something don't write it.. I write what I think and say what I believe so I have no problem with him showing up here.... not that I believe he would because he's too busy and in his free time I'm sure he has better things to do.

J&R Thanks.. glad you liked it :)

orion said...

Kelly!! I didn't said a word, why are you taking on me?

Temptation said...

KELLY Honey I think it is me that you want to tell off and not ORION although having said that she is a total BITCH and deserves

Please don't be offended we do have a very relaxed attitude and very tacky sarcastic humor, which is not always suited to some people...

Kelly said...

Whoops.. sorry.. my bad... it was temptation... my apologies orion..

Kelly said...

No No I didn't mean to tell anyone off... (starting to sweat now jeesh....) I was just commenting, that's how I thought things went here.. just commenting not telling anyone off...

Jewels? Suz? TS? I miss the robkats.. they got me :/

Sorry for offending anyone.. will keep my comments ot myself

orion said...

It's ok, Kelly. Hey Tempt! it's not ok for you!! you're calling me a bitch?? maybe I'll forgive you because your hangover...

Cindeeloo said...

Orion...not sure if you have these or not.

still searching :}

JandR said...

Kelly - we are great friends here and hang shit on each other - Aussies do that when they like someone - oh and also when they don't haha!!
No honestly - one of the ways we show love for each other is to crap on them...I think Aussies and Americans have very different ideas about what constitutes humour sometimes LOL

Temptation said...

Kelly it would take a lot more than your pussy little comments to offend us so take a chill pill and relax....please don't keep your comments to your self life would be so boring if we all thought the same...

Cindeeloo said...

Did I start something? (shit) :{

Sorry guys, I'll think before I type next time. Sorry Kelly if I offended.

Kelly said...

Nope you didn't do anything Cindiloo.. it was me... no worries

Temptation said...

Cindeeloo - the dumpster diving is a classic I love it, he looks like such a hobbo.....not sure about the bulge it almost looks like he has dust on his pants.......

Jandi well put I couldn't off said it better......ORION grow a pair, see me calling you a bitch was a sign off love and affection........according to Jandi..

Temptation said...



By the way YOU ARE ALL BITCHES .....hheheheheh

orion said...

Cindeeloo: the first pic said File not found and the second, he looks f..... hot, anyway I saved it and I'm going to check it...

Cindeeloo said...

OK, GOOD!!!!! Phewwww @ by the way loved your video's :}

Still searching Orion, did you have the ones I posted yet?

Georgie said...

Hey all my favourite ppl still here? I dropped off to sleep doing research for this bloody govt tender and need to wake up...what better way than Robsessed! I'm catching up on the chat...Tempt's fantastic day and hangover...more crotch pics...a video?? I still have some more comments to catch up on...

orion said...

Georgieeee!! glad to see you!! Listen we're all looking for Bulge pics, to make a video, so you can join us

Temptation said...

Lovely Ladies - due to a total lack of energy from my duet with Jimmy last night I have to now take a nana nap and dribble on my pillow.......

You girls play nice and don't bitch about me when I have gone.......

I may return later.........

orion said...

ok Tempt, have a good nap! means a Robulgenap....see you tonite

JandR said...

Yes Tempt - I remember the first time you called me a dirty bitch - I knew right then and there that you loved me....:-D

orion said...

Linda nice pics!! I'm start thinking now, there are more pics of Rob's bulge, that I thought, lol....keep your good work girls

Anonymous said...

Hi JandR ~ Right now it's 1:22 AM and I'm still up! I slept in this morning so I'm not quite tired yet. So nice to have the house to just you girls huh? Love motorcycles, do you go riding with your hubby? What kind does he have? I just sent you and orion some pics of Rob. Can't seem to find a good nipple shot though. Damn!

Georgie said...

Haha weird sleeping patterns - I just woke up and Tempt is going to have a nap: mid afternoon in the land of OzPattz.

I'll have a hunt on Youtube - I think there might already be a crotch (crutch - Oz) and ass (arse - Oz) vid somewhere out there...

JandR said...

Hi Georgie - sounds like nanna naps are the order of the day! I haven't long been out of bed! haha
shouldn't have had bacon and cheese croissants for brunch though...
need to de-tox my system I think...ugh

Jewels64 said...


I am here for you girlfriend. And I don't care if anyone wants to hide their caustic remarks behind the lame excuse of being "Aussie".

I call fucking bullshit! I am originally from Toowoomba and we may have a few yucks at our friends expense but you don't have to get down right bitchy about it!

You gals need to back away from Kelly! She's an original from back in the day and deserves your respect!

Anonymous said...

ummm kelly. you have been around here waaaay too long to be thinking you have to keep your comments to yourself! speak your mind bb. we ♥ you!

i have no fucking clue wtf has happened around this joint...

Anonymous said...

Hi Georgie!!

orion ~ I'll keep searing as the days go by. Can this be my new job, searing for Rob's bulge?!?!

And all I want to say to all of you is that I love all you Bitches!!!!!! LOL!!!!!

Georgie said...

Hi Kelly & Jewels (waves...from Brisbane)..yes I remember some fun times in the naughty room with the RK's a while ago - Friday night shenanigans...

JandR said...

I'll have to check my email - thx!!
Well where to start with the motorcycles...mmm
Hubby has a twenty by twenty shed and I think - that's right - don't know exactly but I think he has about a dozen motorcycles in there. We met through our fathers who were and still are involved in motorcycling sport. Andrew is out today on his Black Yamaha TRX 850 road bike if you want to google it you can see what it looks like. He loves it! Apart from that he has another older road bike for riding to work - a Suzuki, two competition Vintage Motocross bikes, a few competition Trials bikes (for observed section trials riding - big in Europe) and another couple that are there for re-builds!!!
Bikes are in both families blood - so hard to get away from. I can ride but don't have my road licence...but he keeps saying one day I will have to get it and he is already looking for a road bike for me.
Mmmmm - I have been too busy raising kids, working and studying and following my own interests until now to get in on the bike thing.
He has his own friends he goes out riding with and is off on the adventure of a lifetime shortly riding from Adelaide to Phillip Island in Victoria for the M/C Grand Prix - he can't wait.
OK now that I have bored everyone silly with this stuff...I'd better get back to Robsessing..
sorry LR - you asked - and I'm never one for a short answer LOL

Kelly said...

Is that horses I hear galloping in?.. I believe the cavalry has arrived.... now all we need are the keys to the naughty room, Rob and Tomstu ... my protective eye gear of course ...and life will be perfect :)

Jewels64 said...

Hey Georgie!

Good to see ya Mate!

There will still be good times in the naughty room...we're just waiting for KStew to let him go.... LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

whoa Jewels, I think it was all a misunderstanding. Chill woman!!

Kelly said...

((Hugs)) to Jewels and TS .. I've been away but it's good to be home :)

orion said...

Hey, Jewels! calm down nobody say anything bad, why you don't read all the comments. I see Kelly all the time and I respect her comments like everyone else...and like everyone else, here is free to make comments. Kelly, I didn't say anything bad to you, and I don't think any of us did...

Jewels64 said...

Now know TomStu is mine right? Must I constantly remind you of that?

Jewels64 said...

I did read all the comments and I found them to be rude.

Sorry. Rob fans shouldn't roll like that.

We come here to appreciate the Pretty....not to tear other people down.

Anonymous said...

JandR ~ Very Cool!!!!! I had my motorcycle license for a couple of years but didn't ride much. After having it for a few weeks I kind of fell and got scrapped up a little. Nothing too bad and it wasn't an accident, just a stupid mistake since I'm not used to shifting gears. Anyways, I decided I liked being the passenger instead of the rider. Though I do envy all the women who ride. You should ride. How exhilarating it is! I'm a Harley Davidson gal myself!!

Kelly said...

Jewels.. Of course I know he's yours... come now.. I mean.. I'm all about my robsession... and he's my target.. Tomstu.. you know how he gets.. that's why I wear the pretective eye gear.. I don;t want my eyes scratched out :).. of course if Kristen doesn't let Rob out of the room soon... Tomstu may need to find bobby, sam and marcus... you know to even things out :)

orion said...

I have to go...Girls see you tonite...Linda beauty pic you sent me...bye

JandR said...

is that Jewels of the amazing fanfic???
Hey we weren't dumping on Kelly - we are all old mates here!
We also love when the Robkats are out in full force - you gals are so hilarious when ya get going!
Where has everyone been lately??
Miss ya Suz - please come back...

but one thing - I will never have to 'hide behind' being an Aussie...just saying. no lame excuses here...if you are an Aussie you know all about hanging shit on yer mates...

Anonymous said...

did someone say keys to the naughty room? where's mistress ellie???

(((hugs))) to you too kelly!

i'm in total emobitch mode... so i'm just wondering, who's blog is this???

Anonymous said...

"The pen is mightier than the sword." With that said, not all comments sound the same when written as opposed to when they are spoken.

Jewels64 said...

Hey JandR.... thanks for being so nice. I appreciate it! And yes...I am the same fan fic author.

Linda Rose...too right! Things can get taken out of context in an email, text or whatevs....

Ladies...lets just have a group hug and all agree to lust over Robert Fucking Pattinson...Okay?

orion said...

We didn't Jewels. And I think Kelly knows that... and of course we are here to share something that we love, and to talk about it, to discuss about it, but we respect each other, and specially because we share this love or obsession, what ever you want to call it, for this chill out girl, coz weren't insults or anything just a different view...that's all
and now I have to go...see you tonite

Kelly said...

Agreed Linda Rose....

Kelly said...

Sounds good Jewels

Anonymous said...

Good night orion! Catch you in the AM, my time.

Jewels ~ Hugs all around!

Anonymous said...

Oh hey jewels, so what FF have you written? I'm totally addicted to them.

Anonymous said...

okay......i can't handle this "chill out" business atm.

i'm out.

jules & kelly - ♥ you both


Jewels64 said...

See what Rob can do?

God that man is amazing!!!!

Love you Gals!!!!

Georgie said...

At the end of the day it IS all about The Pretty and our love and respect for him even though His Hotness sometimes claims our raging hormones and makes us a bit crazy...but always our adoration for all things Rob - such is the nature of our collective Robsession.

Kelly said...

TS.... ((HUGS)) <3 you big time!

orion said...

lindarose: You're totally right. Comments sound not the same when written...
Ok girls Love ya...

Georgie said...

Cya Orion...

Jewels64 said...

Linda Rose...

"Two Stepping" is my big one right now!

It was just rec'd out 2 weeks ago on the Fornication Station blogspot as the fan fic pic of the week.

Plus I also have a one shot for the Tattward/Inkella contest that got rec'd out on Perv's Pack Smut Shack blog spot on One shot Wednsday!

I have a dirty mind and I know how to use it! LOL!!!

Jewels64 said...

Ladies...I am fading quickly. I have to teach Sunday School in about 8 hours.... I need some sleep.

"Ain't no rest for the wicked"...but I'm sure as shit gonna try!!! LOL!

Quit laughing ya'll! SRSLY! I really do teach Sunday School!

Muuuah! Hugs! Jules

Georgie said...

Ah yes Two Stepping, the one with the "sassy" Bella that I imagine as Rachel L, that I've mentioned to a few of you before. You've left us with a cliffhanger Jewels!

Kelly said...

I'm heading off as well.. need to check my eyelids for holes..

Rob.. you are worth fighting over.. and for!

Anonymous said...

Jewels ~ I just bookmarked you! I'm reading The Dom and His Personal Assistant right now. The Office is my all time fav. Love the dirty mind!! LOL!!!

Georgie said...

Haha I taught Sunday School for a little while years ago. G'nite Jewels.

JandR speaking of motorcycles, there are a group of mature-age men (late 50's early 60's) that are doing a Road Hogs trip from Brisbane to Albany; I heard an interview on the radio a couple of weeks ago as they were preparing to leave.

Anonymous said...

'Night Jewels!

Georgie said...

Hey LindaRose, I found the Dom/Sub CHECKLIST on TaraSue's blog and read it yesterday. Have you seen it?

Georgie said...

G'nite Kelly, sweet Robdreams.

Anonymous said...

No Georgie. I've been on her blog but I'm trying not to read too much because I'm not that far with TD and I don't want to know anything in advance. Even though I know how it ends. What's it about?

Georgie said...

I know what unicorns are now that I've read WA, but olive juice has me stumped.

Georgie said...

Oh yeah, best to wait until you finish reading The Dom and then read the checklist of do's and don'ts, and before you start The Training.

Georgie said...

The checklist is just a questionnaire of what a prospective dom and sub fill out when they "apply" to serve someone - as to what their likes, dislikes and limits are and they can choose from: hard limit, soft limit, willing to try, like it a lot, etc. A bit of an eye-opener, I don't know what some things mean LOL!

Anonymous said...

olive juice? wth?

JandR said...

Hi Georgie - well that was ...interesting...

Sunday school - still laughing...

Not into Harleys sorry girls - hubby doesn't like them although I am intrigued with their cult status in US especially.
They can be really difficult to corner well on and easy to fall off - is that what happened to you LR??

Anyway hubby is into both vintage British bikes (he is English lol) and newer Japanese road bikes. Also has Jap competition m/cycles.

I am not one for sitting on the back either...rather be the one in control of what is happening lol

A friend of mine was learning to ride and bought a bike and was going to get her licence but she broke up with her guy who was into bikes big time and now has a spare motorcycle on her hands and prob no desire to get the licence. Poor love - may have to buy it off her...

JandR said...

olive juice - I love youse

Anonymous said...

*raises eyebrow* Hmm, I'd like to check out that checklist and see how knowledgeable I am! LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it could be a US thing with the Harley's. Personally don't like the Japanese bikes or crotch rockets and they are called but I understand that they are fast. I also love the custom bikes. Discovery channel used to have a show called Biker Build-off which I loved watching. Billy Lane, very hot, based in FL!!

Anonymous said...

oops, meant to say "as they are called"

Georgie said...

LR: the RK's usually wish each other unicorns and olive juice as a goodnight; I should've asked them while they were still on line, haha.

JandR, my "first love" had a Yamaha 650 with my name stencilled on the tank, and my parents forbade me to ride on the back so what did I do - I snuck on of course and he dropped me off round the corner. No I wasn't really a wild child. But I never learnt to ride coz my legs aren't long enough to reach the ground, but the only bike I could barely touch the ground with was a Harley. I haven't been near a bike in years. He eventually died having sustained brain damage from coming off his bike on a road trip nearly 20 years ago - this was only a few years ago so way after I was over him and had lost contact.

Georgie said...

Thanks JandR, actually that's right you did mention that olive juice meaning before:)

JandR said...

funny about old lovers - my hubby had my name on the back window of his canary yellow Escort van - after you laughing yet? - haha
it was in those reflective letters - and he used to get annoyed when people called out my name as they drove past - thinking that I knew them. The letters didn't last long...
oh those were the days.
He also used to work for the railways and scratched my name into a railway footbridge near Fremantle (our port city - love that place)- wonder if it's still there?? LOL

Anonymous said...

Okay, I know what unicorns mean since I read WA, but I'm still stumped on the olive juice though my dirty mind can make my own assumptions!

So sorry to hear about your friend Georgie. My friends husband died in a motorcycle accident about 3 years ago. It was so sad, he was so young.

Anonymous said...

Aww you guys! Love that your BFs and hubby did that. I want one! LOL!!

It's real late here so I'm going to sign off. Until we meet again tomorrow my new mates! Good night and have a wonderful day!!

(hey georgie you like my aussie lingo, I'm learning from JandR. LOL)

JandR said...

g'nite LR - nice chatting - talk to you soon sweetie!!!!

Georgie said...

Yeah we'll have to make you an honorary OzPattz Linda, LOL! G'nite, grab a chapter of FF before you go to sleep - what's left of the night for you - are you the same time as the blog? I always have to add 2 hours and switch the AM/PM to get our Eastern Aussie time.

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