Michael Sheen Talks About Rob

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In the "Twilight" universe, there's no shortage of father figures. For tough, fair and loving, you have Bella's dad, Charlie Swan. For a slightly better-looking, cooler paternal icon, there's Dr. Carlisle Cullen. Now, Twilighters have a new one in 40-year-old veteran actor Michael Sheen.
We know that Sheen's Aro isn't technically the "father" of the Volturi clan, but in many ways, the star took his role as elder statesman on both sides of the camera very seriously. Recently, we caught up with the star of "Kingdom of Heaven," "The Queen" and "Blood Diamond" to get his thoughts on the "Twilight" family, a "scary as hell" Dakota Fanning and all that RPattz insanity.

MTV: You've worked with all kinds of actors. But is there anything quite like working with the maelstrom that is Robert Pattinson?
Sheen: [Laughs.] I don't know how he copes with it all. I certainly wouldn't have been able to deal with it when I was his age. He and Kristen are really amazing. They're fully committed to what they're doing, and I wish them all the best.
MTV: What's the one "New Moon" scene you're most excited to see come together?
Sheen: There's a great scene that involves all of them. Robert, Kristen — Ashley is there as well. All the Volturi are there, and we're on this amazing set, and there's a lot of effects and stuff. I think that will be amazing.

For the Full Interview check out MTV.com


Anonymous said...

Rob and Kristen ARE amazing with how they are dealing with all this sudden fame and gossip bullshit!! Love Michael Sheen, he's going to make an awesome Aro!

Haystackhair said...

I soooo cannot wait for this movie!!!! GAH! Is it November yet?

RPLover said...

when Robward struts in with that blue shirt on...I know he's depressed and going to ask them to kill him, but he's got such determination and attitude in that walk-totally gets me everytime!!(and it only lasts for a split-second in the clip-how the hell am I going to stay in my seat for this whole movie?!)

Anonymous said...

I like Michael Sheen. Excellent actor. Very versatile.

Are all the Volturies doing the British accent? I'm trying to recall how much speaking lines each of them has in the book.

@Rlover - I agree. I hope they give Rob a lot more film time. Even just more walking time is fine with me.

Angela said...

He wishes them all the best? That sounds like something you write on a wedding card or something. He wishes them all the best? Odd choice of words.

Once again, don't care about Aro, or who plays him, as long as Edward is in the scene, that's all I care.

Unknown said...

RPlover I agree, I was actually thinking he was more like modelling than walking to ask for his demise.

I wonder if Rob ever became a ramp model because he sure looks like he could do the catwalk!!

AP said...

He means he wishes them all the best for their future careers as actors, as well as people. He has grace, too.

I agree, Thansa, Michael Sheen is very versatile. Don't know if you've read his interview in the Guardian but he 'shares' a kind of crisis with Rob. lol

Unknown said...

so yeah,the franchise so got more street cred with Michael Sheen on board, he's going to be amazing. He can do that foppish air thing really well with an undercurrent of malice.

And aw, that was really sweet how he said how committed both r and k are to the franchise. He's said that in every interview I've seen, that both of them took their roles very seriously, didn't slack in the least. I really appreciate that as a fan.

Unknown said...

and as for his entrance, omg, he makes fun of peter f. for his entrance in Twilight for it being all J.LO like but that was so J.Lo to the tenth power with a dollop of Beyonce on top, the way he's swaggering...lol I can just hear in the background..."all the single ladies...all the single ladies..."

Angie said...


You are cracking me up!

Tess said...

A - which article in the Guardian? Is it possible for you to post a link? Please and Thank you.

AP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tess said...

A - Thanks so much for the link..

*snickers* I always laugh when I think of rob going to Mexico last year without underwear..

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