AnOther Man Magazine Features Robert Pattinson

Updated Post HERE :)


Anonymous said...

Oh my good Lord....I've got to get this. WH Smiths' here I come LOL I take it this is in the 'Men's Section'? I'm going to look like a perv LOL

Krystle said...

Wow - Hot!!!!!! :) Yum. Never heard of this magazine.....why does it only mention when it's going to be available in the UK? Is it no available in the US? :( Thank goodness for scans!

Snarkier Than You said...

Well helllloooooo new wallpaper!!

Thanks for starting my week off right! You always know what a girl needs on a Monday morning...

: )

sunflower0674 said...

HOT!!! Just what I needed to start my morning. Damn he is just too yummy!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

Omg iam loving these pics...........why so sexy Rob

Unknown said...

sounds more like a recycled interview, but heck what do we (fans) care, right?Anything Rob is anything good!!

"I don’t find any particular pleasure in being an attention-seeker."- I'm definitely falling head over heels for this guy(as if I haven't fallen yet)

Agnes said...

Lord have mercy! I can't bear all this beauty...

Dahlia said...

These bring out of all my psycho-stalkerish thoughts... his beauty is so overwhelming it makes my heart ache!

Anonymous said...

omg! how is it possible that he is so sexy :) thanks for posting luv the pics. the 3rd is my new background :)

Unknown said...

Does anyone here live in UK?

I just wanted to know how popular our Rpattz is there...

twilightmami2008 said...

OMG Rob looks soooooo damm hot!!

Hello my new Wallpaper!!;-)

TEAM ROBERT <3<3<3<3<3

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i dont live in England i live in NYC but i have family there and they told me he is not as popular in his home country like he is here in the USA,But they say its catching cousins in manchester loveeee him and they are very proud ,

him being a fellow Brit.

Temptation said...

It interesting isn't it that a number of actors are never as popular in their home town.....Similar to Hughe Jackman, now us Aus girls love have always loved Hughe but he never ever received the popularity he deserved during his earlier years......

Tess said...

Oh hell...

That is all.

Tess said...

Yeah, it's me again.

Just a thought ~ Do you think if you had to look at him every single day, you'd stop noticing how handsome he is? I don't know, maybe you'd eventually start to notice things that really annoy you? *please tell me yes*

Rhonda said...

He is incredibly sexy in these shots. So is this a US publication? If not, I will be asking my UK friend to get me a copy.

Marenostrum said...

These pictures are gorgeous... We should have a warning before those pictures. Some of us can have heart attack..

peeling a fig said...

I live in the UK, and I furtively eye-ball the tabloids while in line to buy groceries. He is rarely on the cover, and if so, it's a little pic in the corner.

I kind of hope it stays that way, so maybe he can come home occasionally and get a break from the spotlight.

I have to say I've never noticed that particular magazine before, but I'm rarely in the magazine aisle.

Might have to break out of the closet momentarily to go buy this one. What WILL the hubby say...

Temptation said...

Peeling - do you have border in the UK ?? just go into Borders and have 6 coffee's while you dribble on the mags..

Unknown said...

I thought so..I have been in a thread where the people (I don't think they deserve to even be called "people") think Rob is a nobody outside of Twilight and that he's not even known in his own country, which is a kind of sad..don't you think?

Anonymous said...

OMG! That one pic looks like he's going in for a nipple rub...WOW!! LOL

Ellie said...

Died, dead. That's me. With a HUGE smile on my face.


Thanks, Goz, for the smiles.xo

Ellie said...

Oh, and Hi, Skittle Lips!!!!!!!!!!

17foreverlisa said...

Monday never looked so good!! There are five other gals that I work with who are Twilight fans, and more specifically Robert Pattinson fans. I have taken it upon myself to email the group a picture of Rob every morning to get our work day started. The third one is definitely going to be labeled 9-28. Thanks!

@Snarkier Than You - I thought of you when I saw the third picture. More fingerporn :) I'm going to include a link to the "snake-eye" vid you posted over the weekend when I email the group this morning, too. Still laughing about that one!


Suz said...

Lord Have MERCY indeed..

That mag (well that PARTICULAR issue) should be called..


orion said...

He looks gorgeous!! hot, hot, hot..

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@mary :-) yea i have been to a couple of other sites where they bash Rob and Kstew all day,its jealousy they want to fuck him and they get bitter because they cant......when folks are jealous they tend to do two things,
build themselves up either by lying or other ways to reach the level of that person they want to be,or the more popular method is to Tear that person down,

try to bring them down to their level to make themselves feel better,this is what some folks are trying to do to Rob,but they are not going to win.

Gemgirl65 said...

What a way to start a Monday! Hallelujah. Although it's bittersweet to see beautiful pictures from a magazine I'll never get my hands on 'cause it's halfway across the globe. *sigh*

Rob, please stop touching yourself in photos, it's maddening and makes my fingers itch. Wait, what was I saying? Rob, please touch yourself as often as you want to, especially while cameras are pointed at you.

...wowie! said...

Holy Hell. Excuse me while I pick myself off the floor. Damn that chair is slippery.


Krissy said...


Just a thought ~ Do you think if you had to look at him every single day, you'd stop noticing how handsome he is?

Tess, I'd be more than happy to test your theory for you.
I'm that Kind Hearted that I will force myself to check Rob's incredible Handsome level each and every day.

No one will even have to compensate me for doing this monumental task.

Am I a nice Gal or what?! ;)

Anonymous said...

When the day is through...
I will come to you...
And I'll tell you of your many charms

He is so beautiful

Anonymous said...

i love leather jacket rob.

SluttyPattz said...

OK, so the second picture did me in. I think I need to take a personal day.

Haystackhair said...

GAH! it is simply impossible that he gets better with every shot. DIED.
Tess, um, seriously doubt it.
Krissy, LMAO. I'll help!!!

monika said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
monika said...

Twilight stars (and rumored lovers) Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were spotted together at the Players Chophouse in Vancouver, Canada Saturday at a private party that featured up-and-coming bands Bleeding Horse Express, Captain Dust, and 100 Monkeys.

Pattinson and Stewart, onlookers said, arrived at the party together, but left separate. RPattz was snapped leaving a cab with a hoodie covering his famous tussled hair.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Sweet Jesus...

Glad I'm still in bed....



heav85 said...

OME. I Literaly lost my breath. I took a deep breath and made that sound, as you do. And I'm on campus in a public area next to some dude on a computer. Sure he heard me but who cares. OME these are fab pics!

Anna said...

What time does my WS Smith open on Thursday??

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

so let me get this str8,
iam trying to comprehend the logic behind the situation,
so they left the hotel together,attended the party together but left the party separate ummmm and the message behind the strange behaviour is............. these two little brats are being sneaky and l Loveeeee it lol

Go Rob.

Anonymous said...

@ LittleBear
Our WH Smith opens at 8.30am....was going to go into town tomorrow....looks like Thursday instead LOL!

Anonymous said...

This time last year I'd never heard of Rob and it's true ...he still isn't widely known or recognized in this country (UK) although obviously Twilight has brought him a bit more recognition than before.
I think in this country we have a different level of 'fandom' to the USA as well. We're not as 'obvious' in our adulation! He does appear in the 'Teen' mags but I have yet to see him in any serious magazines. I'm hoping that will change later on with the release of Remember Me.
The problem I think with Rob is that he hasn't really had a chance to steadily build up a solid loyal fan-base....I mean 12 months down the line and some of his so called 'fans' will be squealing for another appealing face. That's fine....I know he has loyal fans from his Harry Potter days and I'm hoping he will retain a good percentage of the fans he has now through Twilight but he hasn't really done very much away from these films ...enough to give him that instant recognition in his own country and so I am hoping that he can get his head down, ignore the crap that's being bandied about concerning his private life and get on with choosing good, interesting, challenging roles that will earn him respect not just with the fans but with his peers as well.
Feeling very pessimistic today...don't know why...such lovely pictures to look at as well.

Tinadora said...

*wants XXL posters of these* :)

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