Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart to Go Public with Their "LOVE"? - Updated

This is from It's not from Harper's Bazaar, it's not from a reliable source....
Sounds like a load of crap. I'll bet money that it IS a load of crap.
Pop Crunch's previous "reports" include Rob and Kristen moving in together, Robert texting Kristen 400 times etc. *eye roll*

Robsten are sharing their love — on and off the set. Twilight stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart will reportedly go public with their clandestine romance in a revealing interview on the pages of the Dec. issue of Harper’s Bazaar Magazine.

The tell-all interview with confirm months of speculaton romantically-linking the young stars of the wildy-successful vampire francise, insiders reveal in the Oct. 5 edition of In Touch Weekly.

“Rob and Kristen were relatively open about their relationship,” says a Harper’s employee who accompanied the couple to an Aug. 20 photoshoot for the magazine.

P.S.: We at Robsessed are not saying they are or aren't an item. We are simply reporting the facts and are trying to follow the motto: "If he is not shagging me I don't care who he shags". Adopt the it, you'll be happier :))

Update from Gossip Cop: Here’s what Gossip Cop can confirm – the stars DID shoot, in Vancouver, a big feature story that as of now is slated for the magazine’s December cover.

But a source close to the production tells Gossip Cop exclusively that Pattinson and Stewart “do NOT” discuss whether or not they’re a couple.


So there you have it. You heard it here first.


Kymz said...

Wow thanks Popcrunch! You've been such a reliable source in the past how could I not believe you.


Rhonda said...

LOL at the pic. Rob is covertly telling PopCrunch they are #1. LOL!

Vaneta Rogers said...

I'm so tired of the lies about these people. It's so sad.

And people believe it. Someone actually said to me the other day, "So what do you think about the engagement?" And they were serious.

I heard last night that Summit and some folks from Twilight had filed a lawsuit against OK Magazine. I don't know if that's true... but if it is, maybe this magazine will be next.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

WOW if it turns out that Rob and Kris are together? Alot of folks are going to have egg on their faces. and do we have access to Rob's phone records?? do we have accurate info on who he text? do we know for sure its not true,or are folks hoping its Not.

i dont know if its true,but what i do know is they did not Confirm or Deny.

Unknown said...

Seriously, rpattz?? **kstew bitchface**

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I love the photo you chose for this post!

Anonymous said...

I say, (and I agree with others) that we should not speculate (about their relationship) based on incidental photos, hearsays, “according to sources”, and circumstances. We just have to wait to hear directly from Rob and Kristen to confirm or deny.

Anonymous said...

Ahahaha! Subliminal message from Rob to....(?)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Anonymous said...

@Rpattz-turn-me - I agree-- the expiration date is Rob’s age. I don’t think he’d pass for 17 at 24-25. He’s just getting too manly everyday. Also, much as he wants to be able to save for his own music recording company in ten years [saw that in one interview last year], I don’t think he’s the greedy type, too, trying to milk a character. (Actually, he had mentioned this in one of his radio interviews. He was even worried about being commercialized, i.e., “turned into calendars”). He said he does not want to be embarrassed…he wants to be taken seriously as an actor. I think even he would not want two movies out of BD. It would be a challenge to have one BD film, but it’d still be possible with an excellent screenwriter/ scriptwriter/ director.

@lissibee – Yesss. It’s time to hear his real British accent (he does have a compelling, mellow, rich and manly voice). I want to see more screen time, in more realistic/adult and intense (and also passionate) roles, in his British accent.

Of course, we can only express our fandom preferences and opinions, but it all boils down to Rob’s decision. Who knows, he might be of a mind to rake in/save up his millions fast. Two BD films would surely help.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

NO ONE can confirm or Deny because none of us have knowledge of exactly what is going on,we just have wait and see what kris and Rob say.....and @jewel Yea seriously *Rob's Fuck face*

Angie said...

Ah, the update...

Gozde, you are my HERO!

I knew a publication like Harper's Bazaar would not spill to In Touch Weekly. They would have wanted the scoop for themselves. They would most likely kill any employee that did spill to In Touch, before they went to print.

Mechevpao said...

Well, I´m glad for Rob snagging another important magazine Cover.

Ps: I want the VF cover now and I really seriously hope the rumor that he did another GQ mag, was true.

Vaneta, I hope it is true, Summit or anyone is demanding OK, that mag deserves it, they are taking the BS too far.

keti said...

I"m so sick too dealth of all the speculating....

Anonymous said...

seriously if they're going to "come out" then they should do it with someone reputable like Oprah or Ellen, and like get the $$$ and give it to charity, like the lemonade stand! PFach would be a truly proud papa if they did that

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@Thansa so true i think this why they are filming the movies so close together,i Think Rob looks young but he is getting manly more muscles.

Anonymous said...

(*Oooops, sorry that long comment was meant for a previous thread.)

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

OMG i would love to see Rob on OPRAH

RPLover said...

@keti-my thoughts exactly!!

Cindeeloo said...

RTOM....Rob on Oprah (sigh) I can picture it now. 1 hour dedicated to our boy with the cast joining him in the end.

Pure Win!!!!

(crossing fingers)

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

anyone looking for a good FF to read try The Red Line its Amazing.....Thanx to @RpattzG who gave me the link YOU ROCK RPG!

Cindeeloo said...


getting a lil dyslectic in my old age...hehe

noisefaidaus said...

Love the picture of Rob, and I could careless if he and Kristen are together or not!
I really don't see why people get so tied up in knots about something that doesn't affect them, and really isn't any of their business.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@Cinde so true the entire cast it would be amazing :-)

Cindeeloo said...

RTMO...I wanna read that one too!!!!

I can't keep up with ALL my Edwards :{

jdelisle said...

can someone just shoot me so i dont hav to listen to this bull shit <3 its so out of control tht robsten crap is getting unbearably annoying

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@Cinde you would enjoy it,the story is out of the box,but if you are willing to leave your comfort zone regarding edward,its a great read,iam to chap 5

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

You're welcome! I am starting it tonight (well, in 5 min) as well.

I agree cindeeloo-Love all my Edwards!

Temptation said...

I am with you girls, sooooo tireeedd of all of this shit........I am so pleased I don't live in the US where I imagine things would be 100 times worse than in Aus.

At least we only have 2 pathetic mags (OK & Famous)and Rob dont you dare go on Oprah and jump on her yellow

Temptation said...

I am getting so many FF Recommendations lately, who has time for Rob.......

Cindeeloo said...


I'm ready, willing and ALWAYS ABLE to leave my comfort zone when it comes to Edward!!!!!!

He can give me safe words, throw me against windows, follow me into dressing rooms @ yes even spank me for all I care!!!!

@ yes, The Red Line is next in line, after The D @ The T

sorry lil carried away :{

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

Rob jumping on O couch Lmao that would be so funny. now Rob Jumping up and down naked that is a better visual.

tnan said...

Another day another BS story. Someone mentioned Rob coming out on Oprah and I got a mental pic of him doing the 'Tom Cruise hop on couch' bit. Thanks for that :-)

Funny isn't it, everything he hoped wouldn't happen has happened: becoming the 'teen idol', appearing in a 'stupid teen movie', the calendars, his face plastered on mugs, hats, toilet paper?? lol. Poor guy. It's out of his hands. They've bastardized his image and he's not even getting a cut of the profits.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@cinde ahhhhhh you Naughty Girl *Wink*

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

oh yea The Training i only saw one chappy but will check later,

I would love to be a Sub for Rob but with no safe words.

Cindeeloo said...

LMAO...@ who's being naughteee now!!!!

*wink wink*

Ummmm Edward!!!!!

Angie said...

So looks like I am going to start The Red Line, too. Are you reading the one by Winndsinger, ladies?

Want to be sure I am in the right place. LOL

noisefaidaus said...

If you like FF with lemons and your looking for a story as well I suggest the following

Karina said...

Well, they've done "don't ask, don't tell" for months now, I don't really see them going public in some grand way.

The silly thing is they are both young kids too, can you imagine being Kristen's age and trying to actually pontificate about whether you may or may no be shagging your costar? That would be mortifying. They don't need to define anything to us.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

whew, I was going to be a bit confused if that report turned out to be true. I LIKE the fact they don't give some public statement one way or the other about where they stand as friends or a couple. Less attention on them as celebrities is always a good thing.

Kathy#1 said...

Goz, you are so funny. I tend to think they are together but, regardless, they are not the type of people to go public with something that private. I am sure they don't care if anyone knows, in fact they are probably perfectly happy keeping it quiet I do hope one day they can have PDA without fangurls going off in a huff or calling Kristen a bitch.

Kathy#1 said...

Hi Mech!!

noisefaidaus said...

@ kathy you are so right!!!!!

MMc said...

I love how Rob is shooting the bird in that pix.

It's sad how they've made a mockery of him in some places. He is overexposed right now.
They need to go "underground" for a while but that's impossible with New Moon coming up soon.

I think he should do very little promotion for the movie - just maybe the major talk shows and nothing else. he doesn't like it anyway so - go back to England and take a break.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i think the 'Life Extrai' have the Most lemons of them all. its page after page of total perversion and kinky and God knows what else.if you want to make some serious lemonade that is the best one.

Anonymous said...

I think at this point they are just mocking us, It's so clear, they always know when the cameras are rolling. And we know how Kristen was with the MTV movie awards her and her elaborate almost kiss. I bet they laugh at this. But what they don't get is that it's making the paparazzi worst that could be dangereous not only for themselves but for the public if they are caught in the middle.

Ana73 said...

well at least we know that a NEW magazine is coming out with NEW pics, i am happy about that :)) the speculation will continue...

RPTMO - i liked the red line too. wait til you get deeper in the story, it really takes you into a dark edward but it keeps you reading. i think i read the fastest because i wanted to know what was going to happen next.

Steph is Legit said...

I still believe they are together, but that is my own personal opinion. I do not believe they are engaged or have any intentions of revealing themselves to any magazine. They just don't seem like the type. So I agree with calling it all bullshit

Anonymous said...

Love Rob giving the bird! Yay!

aimary said...

love Rob picture..with THE finger!! priceless!!! LOL

Karina said...

Honestly, I don't think they care enough to mock us. :)
I don't think they are playing games, regardless what they are to eachother. I think for the most part they just try to keep a low profile publicly in EVERY aspect, not just in regards to eachother, because they aren't big media whores.

roxiegirl said...

Ok don't shoot me here, but why is their romance (if indeed it is one and IMHO I think it is) so fricking private?? Look at any of the actors/actresses in Hollywood these days and we know who everyone is dating! So why is it when it's Rob and Kristen it's suddenly so private?? They are movie stars - and a certain loss of privacy comes with the territory...Ok, fire away! but be kind, we are are all Rob lovers here. PEACE.

Kimmie44 said...

Gosh, can't people find something else to talk about. IMO, I really think they are good friends. Why ruin a close friendship with romance? Can't see them doing it. Some people just don't understand they are only Edward and Bella onscreen and not off

Loisada said...

Thanks Wen for the tips.

Love the bird too. Notice how when R does it subtly no one blinks, but when K does an in-your-face flip off to the pappz everyone jumps on her? Lesson to be learned there.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@Ana73 iam loving it, iam to chap 6 and its very sad,the reason i love it is because its realistic,dealing with real problems,it opens edward and you see him not as a prince charming but a real human being.Most FF have this fairy tale aspect to them,this does not.

Ana73 said...

RPTMO - i agree with you, not so fairy tale, that is why i think Wide Awake is so liked too that was realistic too. have you read Best Man? That was a good story, no smut, i read that one after the Red Line, to give my brain a break from sad edward. in the Red Line there are some really funny moments where i really laughed while reading, glad you are enjoying.

katie said...

roxiegirl-I keep mentioning this, but in some ways they aren't that private about being together(I think they are, I realize others don't, and I respect that too).

They're seeing hanging out in the morning of the same hotel balcony, and leaving a hotel at another time in the morning, and they at the very least are close enough to do that and hang out on their off time. They used to deny being together, they don't anymore.

They just don't want to publicly state what they are to people. I've said it before, they've given us all the dots, and yet they aren't forcing us to connect them if we don't want to.

Ana73 said...

i normally dont comment on rob & kristen, because i really dont care if they are or not together, it does not effect me in any way. i am a rob fan, and i like kristen too. but... i do believe that even if they do come out and say that they are together, someone out there will still say that they are lying and it will never end, JMO :)

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@Kimme if they are just friends why dont they come out and say so , why the silence? No one seems to have an answer to this question WHY THE SILENCE????????????????????? why are they allowing you to do the talking for them,you spoke to them right and they gave you the scoop?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ok girls I am starting ch 6 of the red line and this is so fucking good! Gah, these ff Edwards are killing me!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@Ana73 no i did not read the Best Man,not yet thanx for giving me that one, i also Loved Wide Awake,great read.

roxiegirl said...

@rpattz-turns-me-on I agree WHY the silence...we'll hear soon enough I think and I for one hope that Rob has found someone that he can share his crazy life with and be H.A.P.P.Y. 'nuff said

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

OMG @rpattzG i just finish Chap 6 of Red Line so true and soooo Good iam addicted to FF i need help.

Anonymous said...

Love this pic of Rob giving the finger oh so nonchalantly. You Go Rob!!! And again with all this crap about their relationship. Who are we to judge? Regardless what they are to each other it is not for us to judge or need to know. Will it never end?

Hmm, did I miss a FF conversation here? LOL I finish TS and now I'm on TD. For some reason the slap didn't bother me only because I know how Edward feels about her and it's the whole dominating thing and Bella is a willing partner. I got over it a 1/3 way through TS. No more eyebrow raising. lol Call me crazy but it's a good story and I love reading EPOV.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@RoxieG so true :-) ........ but let me clarify my logic here,i have never CONFIRMED Rob and kris are together,that would be silly and crazy because iam not privy to any personal info,do i think they are together MAYBE but that is just my gut feeling i have no evidence, but i am not going to Deny it,iam going to wait on the two people involved to do the talking.

Dazzle said...

Hi Girls....I'M BACK........
I took all my meds, checked with my "nurse", climbed out of my shithole, to say: It's ALL about marketing....that's why they're not "coming out". They won't either because they're NOT together. It's all about promoting New Moon. This has all you talking dosent it?? I KNOW these father worked in Hollywood for YEARS...I told you all this...This is the shit they do!!!!! you can go ahead and go apeshit with me now...I'm a big girl and can take it..... ;)

Unknown said...

Dazzle-actually, Robert and Kristen are too big to have to do this for publicity--the stories write themselves without them so much as lifting a finger.
If they wanted publicity like this, they would have promoted the picture the same way LAST year when Twilight was not a sure thing and the free press would have been a great thing.

At this point, Robert can adjust his zipper and he makes headlines. He doesn't have to actively court press at this point, he's a one man promoting machine by just breathing.

There's not just one approach to promote a film. Twilight has specific qualities to it, because of it's very fickle and opinionated and fervent fanbase.

Athena said...

Honestly, these people turn my stomach. Every. Single. Time.

Rob's picture reflects my sentiments exactly!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...


they are going through all this hell, kristen's name is being dragged through the mud,folks are attacking Rob's character ang they are putting themselves through this just to promote a movie Wow

they are stronger than i thought.

katie said...

Um...I DO feel sorry for Robert and Kristen, they've dealt with some VERY nasty rumors about themselves all summer.

But people, it's not like the frenzy is coming out of nowhere.

KRisten shot down rumors without a second thought last year, it was noted by several interviewers and reporters that they seemed like close friends, but publicly Kristen avoided him like the plague, knowing full well people wanted to link them together. Kristen was very proactive in halting rumors about them.

Since this summer though, they really haven't take the same steps to stop the rumormills about themselves. Neither deny it anymore, both have been seen in public in places that could been seen as romantic in nature.

They know how it looks, they know people are just salivating to link them together, but they still did it this summer.

And no, not for publicity. The price is too high for them personally and professionally to allow themselves to be overexposed like this.

Kel said...

Kimmie, I don't need Rob and Kristen to be together. I don't confuse them with Edward and Bella. I'm just an adult who sees two young, unattached people, spending nights together in hotels, going to concerts, shopping together, and basically spending almost all of their free time with one another.

For me, logic dictates that they are together based on all of this info. It's not about having this Edward and Bella fantasy with Rob and Kristen. I really think it's ridiculous to say that people who think they are together based on what we've seen the past several months, are just confusing onscreen/offscreen romance. It may be that way for some, but not for me, and I'm sure many others.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I feel like you come here just to stir shit up
dropping all the " been Hollywood I know things you don't know"
quit playing games
you made some pretty nasty accusations last time not only about Rob but about his friends... And then tried to make us all feel inferior to you...
Knock it off... You don't impress me one bit

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@kel well said @katie you articulated my thoughts exactly. :-)

Ana73 said...

dazzle - completely agree with RPgirl, every time i see you on you are just talking crap, i guess to get a reaction?

Dazzle said...

I'm not trying to stir up shit....sorry for that! And you don't have to believe a word I can I prove it? Give away my father's identity on here? I think not....but whatever. So go on believing as you all do...fine...ok...I'll just read on here and "try" to refrain myself from commenting. I actually do LOVE it dosent matter to me one way or the other what's going on with him. I just get a little "perturbed" at the comments here that are so unrealistic! Really funny. I showed this to my dad....he just about died....he was like "ok...let em talk and do their thing...." whatever. So have fun ladies!! ;)

GiGi said...

Oh that pic of Rob with those long fingers???.....what I'd love to have him do to me with those!!! WOW!

GiGi said...

@Dazzle: You know, maybe you do or don't know something...but let the rest of us have our say and talk about how we feel about Rob. Just keep all the shit to yourself! Don't ruin it for everyone! Don't post anymore, don't want to hear it!

Ana73 said...

dazzle - how old are you??? why would you show this blog to your dad, and why would he care what any of us had to think about rob. you have really puzzled me now.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@dazzle you are what 15 ,16 but you seem like a smart kid so iam going to throw one at the court of law the case rest entirely on the prosecution,they have the burden of proof because they are the ones to level the charges, the defence job is to counter,if the evidence is weak the shit falls apart and the defence my question is which one are you? :-)

Ana73 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i think dazzle have a very active imagination, maybe Brad Pitt is her dad.

Treasure_7 said...

I really don't care whether they are together in real life. I just know that they have some awesome on screen chemistry! Can't wait to see New Moon.

Temptation said...

Dazzle - Now I appreciate everyones opinions and to be honest part of what you are saying could be true, it is highly logical. I honestly believe that unless you are familiar with the workings of 'Hollywood Stardom' it is very hard to predict fact or fiction.

Ladies Ladies Ladies I know you are all free loving loyal fans so sometimes it doesn't hurt to listen to a different perspective.

If things get to stressful we can always retreat to our FF Porn World which by the sounds of it we are all slowly getting addicted to......

keti said...

@ Tempt, loving the FF porn. I just finished "Let your light Shine", I started reading Withering The Ferns - not too bad... I'm enjoying it.
I'm going to start reading A life Extr. on the weekend - Any new Recommendations ??
... I just cant keep up, I was up till 1am this morning, My DH thinks I'm crazy lol

Temptation said...

Keti - hello my fellow porn addict, well I am currently reading Wide Awake and it has 52 chapters so I am in it for the long haul. If you go through the last couple of threads there have been a few recommendations here and there.

I am a routine girl so now that Alexander has been put away I have decided to Print of the FF and have it with my morning coffee at Gloria Jeans.


Temptation said...

How did you like the pics Orion sent you ????

She cant locate the bulge so I am guessing you had trouble also.....

I did leave a comment on the "asexual" thread that may explain a little better.....

Or heaven forbid he just doesn't have a large bulge.....

keti said...

I honestly think WA is my favourite. Loved the story line. I"ve printed the whole thing too. Made it into a book lol lol... Reading it from the computer make me blind... How good is this FF reading so bloody addictive!!!

Temptation said...

I swear my eyes were starting to burn and I have like a protective cover over my glasses also, thats why I started printing........dont worry all of you tree huggers I recycle my paper - I shread it and give it to the local pet shop so the puppies can piss on it.......

See the confusing part is having all of these characters in your head, I swear sometimes I feel a little crazy wondering who I am thinking about in what scenario.....

keti said...

Tempt, I got into work so early yesterday, Those pictures of Rob are the BEST I've seen.
***** Fucking delicious *******
The ones of him in the black shirt MY GOD !!!
I cant see the bulge ?? There is one picture that I think might be it (grey trackies) but I cant really see it.
Don't know how many times I looked at them yesterday ... and today...

keti said...

I love THE OFFICE Edward & Wide Awake Edward, WA edward I love this swearing...

Temptation said...

AWESOM PICS I love the black shirt, how hot does he look.....I would have to say for me they are some of the best pics I have seen.....

Those pics and some FF before bed send me into Rob Happy Land...........

Did you check out the bags on Kristen's eyes in the HQ pics in the car, that's what mine look like at the moment. Do you think she's into FF or perhaps the real thing **bitch**......whatever she doesn't scrub up well, refreshing isn't it.....

The bulge is the Grey Tracky full frontal - I didn't say it was a big bulge it is very subtle........NOT SMALL.....

keti said...

Tempt, do you want me too email you the pictures orion sent me and you can send the one of the bulge back too me?? Very Curious !!

keti said...

KS is not looking good at all, must be all there late night FF reading and horniness getting too them ...
Imaging ravaging ROB after reading a couple of chapters of the office lol lol

Temptation said...

As I mentioned it may be my extremely large screen on the iMac but I can see buldge. It is jpg 29-1.

I have them all and Orion sent them to me so yours would be in the same sequence........

keti said...

I"ve just looked through the pictures again. I know the one your referring too. Yep I can see a bulge there...

Temptation said...

Yeah I am even contemplating a visit to LaPerla, just incase I am put in a similar scenario as The Office.

I may have to start wearing the A Teams you never know.......Um I don't think I would need to read FF if I had the original.....

Although I do have an interesting question, when you are reading FF are you visualizing Rob or Edward???

Temptation said...


That means I am not imagining it.......

keti said...

YEP!! that's the one I was referring too!!!! HEY the bulge has emerged LOL

Temptation said...

I cant wait until the High Def photo's come out.........

For all of you Ladies that were thinking I was a FF Porn Freak who was a little crazy.......


nzkstewlover said...

The reason why they're not denying it anymore is probably cause they're fucking over it?
They've been hounded for over a year now about their relationship.
And it's none of our fucking business.
If they're together - great.
If they ain't - thats great too.

I wish everyone would just focus on the beautiful story they're trying to portray on the big screen.

keti said...

*Reading Wide Awake I image Rob,

*Reading The Office I think of Edward - but at times especially at the end (When Edward realises he has feelings for Bella) I was thinking of Rob ...

*Reading Let your light Shine obviously Edward.

how about you?

Temptation said...

I am impressed you like to mix it up a little.......

All Edward......very weird because in pics love Rob.....I know you are all thinking weird it is the same person but in my mind very different people.......hey maybe we shouldn't rule out the crazy theory just yet...

I am so glad you have those pics now because I have to say that they beat the FURRRRR pics hand's down.

This guy just keeps getting better, how long can we keep this up do you think ???

Loisada said...

Keti: is your email on your profile? Have photo to send along, ahum!

keti said...

@loisada no its not
What are you sending me :)))))

Temptation said...

OH NO KETI - don't share the bulge it can be our little secret..........I feel like we are prostituting out our Rob........

Temptation said...

Sorry missunderstood - if it's naked or obscene send it along to me too.....

keti said...

I hope it lasts forever Tempt, He is only going to get more delicious as he gracefully ages.... He's still so young.

Fuck Tempt I love loves those pictures "black shirt Rob" I love his teeth (umm did I just say that) well I do ... and his hairy arms and long fingers ....

In wide awake I think of Rob only because Edward doesn't swear and is so proper ...

keti said...

I hope it lasts forever Tempt, He is only going to get more delicious as he gracefully ages.... He's still so young.

Fuck Tempt I love loves those pictures "black shirt Rob" I love his teeth (umm did I just say that) well I do ... and his hairy arms and long fingers ....

In wide awake I think of Rob only because Edward doesn't swear and is so proper ...

Unknown said...

temptation--It's not really about the inner workings of Hollywood so much as it is about promotion and marketing. Dazzle's points don't speak of inner workings at all. Just the notion that this is all promotion for new Moon.

The reality is that Robert is too "big" to be whoring his private life out for the sole sake of franchise promotion at this point. He has too much power at this point to have to stoop that low.

"Chemistry" will always be used to promote films, Twilight is no exception. But attempting to pull a showmance is often a device used for more fledgling actors and fledgling movies.

Scrutiny on Robert AND kristen at this point is so insane, there is no way in hell they would willingly put up with this, all for the sake of publicity.

Temptation said...

Where did that come from ???? one minute we were talking about bulge's the next we are talking about the workings of hollywood.

My comment was made only to suggest that from an outside perspective we really do not have any clue what is going on. Strategicaly Harpers are releasing there mag in December because of NM - November. Promotion timing is essential in Hollywood.

I have no idea if they are dating and to be honest don't really give a fuck any more.

Orion how do you know he doesn't swear ????

keti said...

Just referring to SM books - Edward doesn't swear!!

Temptation said...

Sorry Keti - I am getting confused now - my question was how do YOU know he doesn't swear ..??

OHHHH - I have to go and get my hair cut, I am going to the Grand Final tomorrow crappppppp oooollllaaaa.

Cant you tell I really want to go...some corporate function......blaaaa....get this it starts at 10.30 and goes all day and night..........for those of you who don't know what the grand final is, it's Aussie Rules Football Final, similar to the Superbowl Function I suppose.....

keti said...

Enjoy Tempt.
I'm going to the NRL game tonight - looking forward too!!

Rob would swear for sure!!!! I hope he has a filthy mouth on him lol lol

Temptation said...

SO True but in SM books he also doesn't rip people's panties off or is as flexible in the bedroom........

I think I am stating to like FF Edward a whole lot better...

Temptation said...

Orion just sent me an email calling me a perve.......fancy that now where would she get that from ?????

She is just upset that she cant see the bulge.......

keti said...

so True Tempt so True !!

*** Panties, riping Love it...

keti said...

I'm a perve too, fucking love it lol lol lol

jmm4832 said...

I really believe that the more the paps push Rob and Kristen to reveal their relationship the less likely they will do so. I feel it's obvious there's more than friendship here but I would never proclaim to know anything for sure. I don't believe for a second that they're going to go public in that magazine. When you think about it, going public would drag Kristen through the mud further and also MA too.

Temptation said...

OK I better go and have something to eat before I go, this Robsessing is making me loose weight....I keep forgeting to eat........trouble is when I loose weight the first place it dissapears from is my can I wear expensive lingerie when I have nothing to put in

keti said...

I love FF Edward better too. Esp in Let your light shine his Pussy talk gets me going ...

Temptation said...

See that's why I need boobs........they are essential in a number of the role playing in FF......

OH YEAH when my Alexander comes along he also is a boob boy.....

keti said...

Have a good night Tempt.

I have a fantasy for men in SWAT uniform - So I'm looking forward too seeing some men in uniform tonight at the game.

jmm4832 said...

So I definitely should read Wide Awake and FF Edward also, lol.

keti said...

Alexander loves the sensitive nipples too...

Oh so we have
1 Rob
2 Edward
3 Alexander

keti said...

I wonder if there is ff reading too The Bronze Horseman ??

Temptation said...

Just one question - Why would there be SWAT at a Rugby game ????

Have Fun..........

keti said...

@ Jmm

FOR SURE - its the bloody best read!!! my favourite

Temptation said...

Keti - the order of the universe

1 - Rob
2 - Edward - ff
3 - Alexander

Perhaps the husband should be there somewhere ?????

keti said...

crowd control !!! They are there all the time... I secertly go for them lol lol

keti said...

1 - Rob
2 - Edward - ff
3 - Alexander
Yes I agree 100%

Perhaps the husband should be there somewhere ????? - Where would we fit them ????

Temptation said...

Keti - you are a very naughty girl.........and by the way perhaps you and I should get together and write a FF version of The Bronze Horsemen.............

God I hope they script it.........if Rob played Alexander that would kill me off........I wouldn't survive......he is hairy would have to be R rated too.....

Gotta Go....

Temptation said...


keti said...

FF read the bronze horseman - I'm in

bye !!

keti said...

Now your talking my language Tempt

what husband!!!! ...
when we think/talk fantasy we don't have one !!! they don't exist lol lol

Jewels64 said...

Wow...speaking as one of the original peeps who helped bring this blog kicking and screaming to life...

MY GOODNESS! Y'all are killing me here. Just relax. Who cares...adopt my good friend Goz's attitude of "If he ain't shagging me...I don't care..."

Trust works.

For those of you who want new my story "Two Stepping" it was singled out as the fan fic pic of the week on the Fornication Station blogspot!

Muuuah! Love you ladies! :))

Loisada said...

Keti: sent the goodies your way. Perhaps you've already seen them, but they always bring a smile to my lips!

keti said...

Thanks Loisda. When did you send it?

keti said...

@jewels64 - thanks for the recommendation . Its on my list too read. I dont have enough hours in the day to read all of my FF reads

Maryann said...

Can I just say I love GossipCop? The gossop circuit NEED this to be kept in check!

keti said...

HOLY FUCKING CHRIST - that's a beautiful picture Loisada - Thanks
Bulge OMG

Anonymous said...

If they have done all that they have done (whatever pics here and there) all in the name of publicity. The question remains why?

the movie would do great regardless of them doing photo ops

they have sacrificied their private lives in the name of $$. Just doesn't make sense.

They enjoy being hounded 24/7 by paparazzi just to help the studio

and lastly they have made a mockery out of their friendship by selling out and faking it?

oh and before I forget, if this is all a farse, their castmates suffer dearly for it, since they (cast)just want to go to clubs and listen to music in private alonee, and if Rob and Kris are doing this a stunt they have basically sacrificed all of the above- for a movie that would sell no matter what.

Just bizarre and it doesn't add up.

Anonymous said...

Love the picture! Fits perfectly!

Temptation said...

LOISADA - OK anything that makes KETI use disgusting language like that must be good, share the goods

Thanks xxooo

Sarah said...

haha, that's one of my fave pics of rob ;)

Temptation said...

LOISADA - Shinny Bulge - I totaly agree with KETI - the look on the mans face could melt Everest ........ who need FF when you have someone looking at you like that.......

Thanks for the pic honey............

Unknown said...

hey i think we should all leave dazzle alone and stop telling her she's full of shit. she has a different perspective.

after all kellan DID say while back that they had some tricks for the paps but wouldn't say what they were.

i don't put ANYTHING past rob. i'm not inside his head i don't know how he thinks.

he's old enough to know better and young enough to not give a shit too. sometimes i think we give rob too much credit.

i agree with dazzle, her and her dad know how hollywood works and "we" don't. and for some reason people are accusing her of trying to start trouble on here. i don't think she 's starting anything bad on here. she put it out there and it doesn't agree with the beliefs of some on here.

what else is new??

now summit and hollywood are a different animal.

SOMEBODY leaks rob and kristen's whereabouts, the chateau marmont "affair",the KOL concert "affair" ugh.

rob and kristen's "people' are probably leaking their whereabouts to the paps. the press have to have something "new" to print.

after all, rob and kris are being kept in a protective bubble right now, what makes us think they have ANY idea that their "people" are pulling this? and what makes us think that rob and kris's "people" would tell them the truth anyway?

they don't get paid THOUSANDS of dollars a month to "play nice"

they get PAID to "spin" EVERYTHING
whether it's good or bad nick and stephanie don't care.

haven't we noticed that nick and stephanie are ALWAYS hanging on rob?

nick and stephanie are NOT rob's "friends" they are rob's business aquaintances.

the minute rob stops making them money. they will both drop him like a hot potato

just sayin...

jmm4832 said...
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LK said...

I'm sick of this Robsten crap.I wish R/K say something,so the craziness would go down a bit.I wish!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

It's one thing to have a different perspective, it's another to make accusations about people, and claiming to be "in the know".

The say someone is having a gay affair with another person and claiming to know it is beyond having a different perspective..

before we are judged, learn the facts.

JLD said...

I never pay attention to popcrunch or any of those site anymore. They print such rubbish. Why go there when you can get all the Rob gossip here and secondly, people here seem so much more civil then people on those gossip sites.
Thank the Lord for Gossip cop.

I feel sorry for Rob and Kristen when I look at all the attention they're getting. Let them be so what if their together or not let them get on with it.

Ellie said...

I love Rob's subtle little message to the paps in this pic... LMAO!

And Goz? Your comments make my day. xo

Unknown said...

Rpatz TMO...I don't understand your logic. No, WE don't have access to Rob's phone records, but neither do these gossip mags. And we know they print outright lies time and again, so why should this be any different?

Another thing you posted elsewhere, we shouldn't deny their relationship b/c R/K haven't?? Hello...they haven't confirmed a relationship either. It's still all speculation either way, and there are still some of us who see nothing but 2 friends hanging out. You obviously think they're together, fine...but you could just as easily have egg on your face and be wrong. Maybe they haven't DENIED b/c they don't care. Rob once said he didn't care about the gossip b/c he didn't have someone in his life that it affected negatively, and Kristen doesn't have to worry about Mike anymore. Until I hear it from them or see some romantic PDA b/t them, I'll go with MY instincts, as we all will. You don't have to agree, just don't belittle other people's opinions b/c they don't agree with yours.


People..don't deny what hasn't been confirmed. lol

AP said...

I was not going to comment but my jaw dropped: Dazzle’s Dad is in the industry and is okay with her coming here to say that Tom and Rob are gay and in a relationship, but not with her saying who or what he does? If any of this were true, both of them would know how real innuendo in public, as opposed to the obvious joke, is unwelcome. Not only does it make Dazzle’s assertion seem a double-standard but knowingly malicious as well. Let’s move it all from the realm of tabloid whispers to something more honest. Like bullshit.

There is no ‘one way’ the industry works – particularly in the case of a 3-yr-old studio like Summit that only moved from indie status to mainstream with “Twilight.” Hardly been ‘Hollywood’ for long.

Have people talked with Rob's agent or his manager, and did they know them when Rob first signed on with either? Why am I even asking?
Better to stick my head in the freezer - move over, Art.

I'm with you, Rob - up 'em!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Oh god,
One of our papers that gets their stories elsewhere is posting this story now too...
I was laughing my head off, it's the first time they put something there that wasn't obviously ripped from people :) And that was already refuted at that moment by gossip cop ;)
* shakes head in disbelieve at the getting lousier every day journalism of said paper *

Unknown said...

Hm, just getting through the comments, and I must say, we should start a fanfiction-recommendation-thread :D Because I found the red line (going to read it soon), but I'm always looking for new stories :) I'm suddely stumbling over stories that aren't real enough anymore or not deep enough (yes, I've been spoiled...)
Sorry for the off-topic post...

btw, big thank you to Gozde, Dani, ... for this site :)

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