How To Be News and New RobArt Picture

Thanks to Madman and our amazing affiliate Rober Pattinson Australia for this new RobArt picture:

Check out RP Australia for info on How To Be's Australian DVD release :)

Also, as we have announced before How to Be DVD will be released in the US on November 17th. You can pre-order it HERE.

From the How to Be newsletter:

How To Be will also make its debut in Germany on October 15 on both DVD and BluRay. Film companies Eurovideo and Savoy are releasing the film, which will be dubbed into German and also viewable it in the original English-language format. You can pre-order it before October 15 here.

More international distribution news to come soon. In the meantime, if you’re in Italy pick up a copy of the new September issue of PIG Magazine, which features an interview with director Oliver Irving!


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

GAH!!!! Robart!!!!Beautiful...

Haystackhair said...

GAH is right! those beautiful eyes!!! LOVE Robart!

Tenneil said...

I have no words... I love Robart...*Le sigh*

Anonymous said...








Anonymous said...

If Suz reads this, I had to, I'm sorry!

AP said...

Art's 'I'm lost...take me home' look. Need you ask?

RPnKSaddict said...

Sometimes we all need a little Robart!

Hi Suz! I know you'll be here sometime

Anonymous said...

his eyes always look so beautiful.

Mechevpao said...

Damn that is a good pic!!

this character was too cute, one of my favorits

monika said...

Big collection of behind the scenes photos from New Moon

Anonymous said...

His beauty just won't quit. The director said they put him in the most unflattering attire, and yet look at this!

Emmy Awards last night. Nope..didn't watch. I wonder what their rating was. Nothing compared with MTVs, which I never watch either until Rob started attending. (And they also started having the highest rating everrr.)

E! News on Wednesday "Everything You Want To Know About Robert Pattinson". When they want their rating to bump up, they put together something about our man.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


You hit the mother fucking load of all time!! These are so amazing!!! Damn, tried to right click & save...not working..

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh I figured it out how to save!!!!

Anonymous said...

@monika ~ Holy Shit thank you!!!!!!

@rpattzgirl ~ To the right of the pics it says Photo Tools under that clink on the link "View Full Size" and you'll be able to download!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Babs said...

You can download a pdf version of the magazine for free. I'll have a look at the article, I can translate the interesting stuff about Rob for you guys

spunkinator said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Story13 said...
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Story13 said...

Beautiful pictures on facebook from New Moon set :


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Was there an article? I only saw Edward LOL

SluttyPattz said...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

The one of Rob on the bed all crouching******There's my fantasy right there!

Anonymous said...

OMG, those NM pics are just awesome!! Rob is just delicious, I'm speechless. Especially those on the bed!!! And I have to say Taylor's abs are FINE!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

This is also my favorite!!

He is stunning!!

SluttyPattz said...

I FREAKING LOVE CHRIS WEITZ. I mean everything I have seen so far is just breathtaking.

You def know its a dream sequence no way Edward would wear that shirt with Alice around.

SluttyPattz said...

rpattzgirl I agree. He's got a James Dean vibe going for me in that pic.

Babs said...

ok, so here's what the article says about Rob (I tried to make it short).

Q: How did you start working with Pattinson?
A: I've been working with the cast director for over a year and a half trying to find the right actor to play Art. Finally the right person came knocking at our door: Rob. He was everything we needed for that part, he read the script and tried to do his best with the rest of the cast. He also had the right 'star' charm to make people go see this movie at theaters. And he was a musician too (a beginner??)
Q: He's having a great success thanks to Twilight, with hordes of fans ripping their clothes off for him (btw, with this movie I think you helped him get rid of the 'teen idol' label). Was it hard having to deal with his fame?
A: I have to say that it's been hard at times, even if you know the real Rob.
Q: Sorry for asking this but... how much did Rob's fame help the success of the movie?
A: A lot! It worked in our favor and gave us the success we needed.
Q: I watched some of the backstage footage and the atmosphere among the cast members seemed pretty friendly.
A: The cast was made up mainly by friends of mine, people I've known and worked with for years. I wanted to create a fun and laid back atmosphere. That's why Rob had such a great time, even though he was probably used to a different kind of working methodology on set. I tried to make them feel like friends, but also paying them, I could tell them what to do.

Pet73 said...

Gozde, or any of you great girls, can you pleeeaase post here the wonderful NM set shots from the LA Times site?

Haystackhair said...

OMG! Robward is gorgeous in that white shirt? On top of Bellsten in the bed! GAH!! DIED!

Pet73 said...

Some of the Robward pics there are exceptionally beautiful.
I'm still unable to do the link thing right. Thank you so much in advance!

Haystackhair said...

OMG the server is down. LOL. too many looking for the pics!

Pet73 said...

Haystack- Just saw that, too. How horrible. And the pics are not up here yet. Some of them are so sensual.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I can get into the site no problem..

You can also find them on facebook and thinkingofrob...

RPLover said...

God bless you girls for the links to these pics!! if my hubby ever finds my (huge) folder with all my Rob pics in it he's going to have me committed ;)

the thing that kills me is these are pictures he's not even posing for. he's JUST THAT HOT.

ana, a magnĂ­fica said...

you need to see this:

and this:

ana from portugal ;)

Suz said...

Hello Lover. xxx


Suz said...

Linda.. no worries luv. I will NEVER change my Artvatar.

And sometimes we ALL need a little Art ... I share.


AP said...

Thank you, Babs, for translating Oliver's interview. :)

He has a dry sense of humour,too, that I enjoy. I'm sure it has been hard for those to deal with his fame - even more so if they know the real Rob.

TwiHartRK said...

Stunning photo. Rob speaks volume with one look.

Athena said...

I don't know how Oliver Irving could ever even conceive in his mind that it would be possible to "uglify" Rob... I think that was the only "fail" in the movie ;)!

Anonymous said...

Suz ~ your ARTavi is still #1. :)

Tess said...

Rob = Art, Art = Rob, Tess ♥ Rob, So Tess ♥ Art.

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