New Moon still with No Tags

Source Le RPattz Club with thanks to Thinking of Rob


Mrs. Spunk Ransom ;) said...

Ahh, I love Robward in a blazer (:

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I love this photo! thank you Kate!

jc(britlover) said...

Thanks so much. Just makes you want to cry. New Moon is going to be awesome!!! Go Rob!

Dahlia said...

New Moon is going to break all of our hearts... it's going to be gorgeous though! The images and colours are so rich!

RPnKSaddict said...

There's a lot of emotion coming from this photo. I can't wait for the movie. Hurry up November!

Pet73 said...

Oh, how much I love Robward!

I recently started reading the whole saga again and today afternoon I arrived at the break up scene :(. No matter how often I read it (and I did countless times), it is horrible and painful: You read it and you see it coming. With every word it gets closer. And I know almost every word by heart up to now (even in English). And then it hits me as hard as all the privious times.

So I ended up crying - again! I actually had to wipe away the tears to be able to continue reading :(.

Now I need to hurry through the Jacob pages to get my beloved Edward back :p!

Can't wait to see Robert bring NM Edward to life. Thank you, Chris W.

Pet73 said...

Btw, I once again find myself starring at Robs thumb! WTH!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


I know, I cry too everytime I read the break up part, and I rush through the rest to get back to Edward....the movie will put me under for sure...

LMAO-his thumb? I drool over all his parts as well...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ok, red line, ch 28 KILLED me-don't know how much more pain I can take...

Anonymous said...

Yep, emotions oozing from this scene.

... the protector and the protectee..
...the lion (who can feel weak but will send the strongest to hell to protect his)
...the lamb (who has a mind of her own and willing to die to be with him for eternity )...

Cliche, but still jaw-dropping, ey.

SluttyPattz said...

rpattzgirl I am on chapter 8 of redline its a good story.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

It's so awesome-but it's killing me on the emotions...

robrocksmysocks said...

I love your site!!!! This photo is sooo lovely. I just bought my tickets for New Moon today. I cannot wait!!! Its taking to long for Nov 20 to get here...UGHHH!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I know its been talked about...but what is the general consensus on this picture?
Is it "the vote" ? or just before he leaves at the beginning of the book?

Im thinking "the vote",because in the trailer where edward leaves,bella was wearing a yellow raincoat.

I guess we will find out soon enough!!.

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