New Moon Wallpaper - Fan Made

Marissa made this gorgeous New Moon Wallpaper and sent it to us.

It's already my new wallpaper :)

Scroll down for HQ

HQ: lick and save:

P.S.: The "lick and save" was a typo but it's too funny to fix :))


Kate said...

"Lick and save" ok if you insist!!
Are my typos contagious Goz ?? LOL

Cindy said...

LOL ~ Kate, I believe she really, truly meant "Lick and save"!! :)

Jewels64 said...

"Lick and Save"!

Bwahahahahha! Truer words have never been spoken!

Thanks to our Gozdess!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

People got some skills!

Very nice..

I lick mine all the time!

Kate said...

I'm licking but would have been doing it without being told to! The wallpaper is fab!

Diane said...

Typo? What typo. I just admire the way you know your clientele, Goz.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the main photo of Rob -- the best still/ picture hands down.

The picture seals it. Rob blows every good-looking actor away.

It perfectly captures everything that is Rob (okay, also Edward). Well, this is how I perceive RPatz.
I believe he is of the moment and yet "old soul". (Haha, the not-quite sepia color helps.)

RPLover said...


*squirms with impatience for NOVEMBER!*

Anonymous said...

OMG Gozde..U crack me up..."Lick and Save" where do u pull this shit out of?? [laughs] Never mind, w/b TMI! LOL! U should be on a live stage! 2 funny! (((((huggsss))))

LizzyWizzy said...

Totally, "Lick and save"!

LizzyWizzy said...
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