Robert Pattinson Learns to "Back Up"

A BIG thanks Twilight Gossip for sending us these untagged, HQ pictures.
It was very gracious of them and we really appreciate it:)

I didn't realize what they were doing the first time I looked at the pictures but Robert Pattinson is trying to back up the car. He is not being very successful at it though :))
That is not a straight line you are on Rob...

Lady with radio: We have a situation, I don't think Big Bird (The name they use as Rob's cover for security (that I just made up)) knows how to drive very well.

Blond guy with a death wish: Mr. Big Bird you see that button right there? It's used to adjust the mirrors so you can look back while backing up

Kristen: Tetris is such a good game!

Just check out the amused expression on Kristen's face growing into a huge grin and laughter as the "backing up" proceeds.

The radio lady is trying to hide her laugh :)

Is the lady with the radio clapping? I think she is :)) Big Bird made it home!

High Quality and untagged:

Please credit Twilight Gossip if you repost.


Tina Quick said...

Classic, yeah, I'm thinking Kristin is packing a bowl, tehehehe, not that I blame her *smirk*

Temptation said...

OH MY guess what ladies, he is human after all.........

kdc2239 said...

Oh poor Rob

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

is this scene part of the movie? are they filming a scene or what ?and dont they have stunt men for this shit,why does my Rob have to drive?

GiGi said...

Isn't he just adoreable? So cute that he can't drive very well... He is a DOLL! And Kristen thinks its funny...ahhh

Xtyn said...

It is still very odd to see them in that stupid charcoal volvo!!!

Georgie said...

Rob's so adorable...he's laughing with everyone at himself!

Rhonda said...

That is simply adorkable! He is too damn cute trying to maneuver that car. And Kristen is really enjoying it. Good they had a nice laugh on set.

...wowie! said...

This is too funny. I'd be luaghing just like Kristen. I'm so sure she's a better driver than Rob. But who isn't. hahaha Love it.
The guy behind the car is kinda cute.
Chick in the back kinda looks like Jessica Simpson.
Just sayin'.

Unknown said...

OK. Kristen is probably texting and smiling at the answer she has received and Rob is probably supposed to behave in a certain way, while he's backing up... He MAY have asked the guy next to him what was the thing on the right there.... and that's why they're both looking there. Give the boy a break, will you?! ...Kristen is a BRAT, anyway. She's supposed to be the 'star' (was first on the cast's list in Twilight, anyway) and kind of resents ROB being the one everybody is admiring.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Omg like Ellen 'who's taking care of you man
This makes me love him all the more

Marna said...

You know how when toddlers learn how to peddle whatever little bike/toy they have & they drive it into a wall or corner & have to stay there until someone turns them around because they don't know how to go backwards yet? Somebody needs to pick Robbie up & turn him around LOL.

Hannah said...

Back that thang up Rob ;)

Anonymous said...

Can't you just hear Rob saying to Kristen "Shut up" like he did at the ET interview at Comic Con on the couch?! LOL Poor Rob, at least he can laugh at himself.

Morning Georgie!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Morning Temp!

MeilleurCafe said...

I love how the car lights are on in only one of these photos. You KNOW he hit that switch by accident!

Angie said...

At least he seems to have a since of humor about himself.

And Gozde's since of humor as always is spot on!

Gozde said...

Sandy let me introduce you to humor and sarcasm. Girls meet Sandy...

Gozde said...

Oh and Sandy I am surprised to see you visiting our (and I quote you here) "toxic and sick" site.

Divinesally said...

This is fucking hilarious!! baahahahahaaahahaa, Kristen is cracking up at her man's lack of "backing up" skills. Oh Rob. sigh*

I love your comments Goz! They make these pics even better. :)

RPLover said...

OMG that is too cute and funny ;)

Goz, you rock, muah!

Sandy, you suck :P

Hannah and Marna, LMAO!

RPLover said...

oh, and did anyone notice one of the guys behind the car is flipping off the pap? ;} taking his cue from Peter, haha

Gozde said...

LMAO RPlover :))

You guys rock for getting me :P I would be so sad and lonely if noone got my jokes :))

Love y'all!

Anonymous said...

Look at Kristen smiling :).
She's actually knitting, go look at other pics posted. As for Rob that's funny he can't back up.

Ana73 said...

that is hilarious. the way the are directing him back. kristen is looking like she is having a great time in the passenger seat. i love your comments Goz. the lady does look like she is laughing too.

Linda Rose - could totally see him saying "Shut up" like at the comic con interview. LOL :))

sandy - why the harsh comments about Kristen ??

Anonymous said...

Kristen is actually knitting. Here's a fan's blog - scroll down from the set. You can see the knitting needles and thread. She's knitting English/Continental style (not American style)based on which hand she's holding the needles/thread in.
I think it works well based on the fact that Rob's driving a "soccer mom" car.

Diane said...

Rob drives like a dyslexic Spider Monkey and you think it's Kristen who's high? LOL. Summit only sprang for 10 driving lessons. Maybe that didn't include reverse. Now that the budget's bigger, they ought to help out their star.

We know all the things he does well, but the things he has trouble with make him even more irresistible. He doesn't throw a fit and take it out on the "little people." He laughs at himself and goes on his merry way. I swear to Goz, there is no end to his adorableness.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i loved the Porshe iam not liking this car, he is to HOT for this car.

Shani said...

To think I defended his driving skills earlier. Thanks a lot Rob making me look bad. LOL

Loisada said...

K: Just take it slow, I won’t laugh I promise. I won’t even look up.

R: Look, I’m not a back door kind of guy, can’t we just go forward?!

K: Don’t worry sweetie, nobody ever believed those rumors anyway!

R: Yeah, well, Kellan is gonna give me so much shit about this!

K: Just aim for Jessica Simpson there!

R: Ewwwww, that’s a visual I could do without!

K: OK (cracking up), head for flirty Mr. Brown Shorts there!

R: You’re just trying to make me swerve!!!

K: Look dude, just get to it, or I’ll Email Perez some nice pics right now!

R: (Finally comes to a lopsided stop) Ha ha, put that in your pipe and smoke it, bitch!!!!

Ana73 said...

i dont see her knitting in the pic?! but i also dont think that she is texting. who knows, they both look like they are enjoying themselves :))

by the way Sam Bradley is playing up there tonight, i wonder if they will be going??? maybe some new pics tomorrow morning :))

AnnaD said...

oh man. he's too cute.

but maybe it's a hard car to back up. I know my Mom's car is. You HAVE to use the mirrors, there's no other choice, so if you've been taught to not rely on the mirrors it makes it really difficult to back up. And Blondie With A Death Wish has a Volvo tshirt on.

AP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Athena said...

beep... beep... beep... beep Beep BEEP BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEEEEEP *crash*

Well, now, *there's* something Rob and I have in common: behind the wheel, we both are a danger to the public! But at least I had sense enough *not* to get a driving license! Heeheehee! Still love you, Rob! ;))))

Oh, yeah... and what's with the knitting??? I don't remember that in any of the books... maybe it's just one of Kristen's hobbies?

@Sandy: why so serious? ;)

@Loisada: LMAO!!!

@Gozde: LOL @ "Big Bird" Hahaha!

szania said...

Rob is absolutely adorable! I love that clueless look on his face, I could just eat him up! *starts licking the screen* Stop IT!

GoldieLucks said...

I want to know what he's really supposed to be pulling off here. It can't simply be backing up. Either that, or he's flustered over that blond with the radio ;)

Rayodeluna said...

hahahaha you're cruel! Poor Rob haha He can drive a Porsche but cannot drive a Volvo SUV??? Come onnn! I love him anyway!

Pet73 said...

Goz- You are so funny!

Don't be too harsh with our boy - for an European this is a really big car, and if you don't have that much experience in driving it ....., I'm still smiling though :).

Anonymous said...

Oh, hi, Sandy... (Gozde, it's so nice of you to introduce Sandy to us.)

Sandy, you seem to know a lot about Kristen Stewart. I bet you belong to her inner circle of people to be able to say (definitively and unequivocally) those things about her.

Okay, let's enjoy Gozde's posts of Rob trying to figure out the much-maligned dark-blue Volvo's reverse lever, knobs, and "wipey thingy" and of Kris knitting in the car (and laughing at Rob's driving inexperience).

Anonymous said...

Oh dear poor Rob! LOL It can't be easy trying to reverse park that thing if you're not used to driving and everybody is watching you do it. It IS funny though and Rob himself seems to find it funny too and of course Kristin's expressions are hilarious! The nice thing here is that they both seem happy and relaxed and having a bit of a laugh while they're working. Nothing wrong with that!

Anonymous said...

Kristen is knitting. There are other pictures where you can see that clearly.

Khou said...

This is why he's driving a Volvo. It's the safest car maker out there, right? Stephenie must have forseen Rob was going to be Edward and that's why she went with the Volvo. Even if he crashes, he'll be fine. Those people just need to get out of his way. Papz, you are warned!!! He will take you out! Unintentionally.

Dahlia said...

Aww!! He's just too cute for words! Looks like he's having a laugh though :) I love to see him laugh!

Also couldn't help but have a giggle at the lights being on in one of the pictures... if anyone asks, he did that on purpose.... okay? ;)

Gozde, I'm sure I keep saying this but once again you have it spot on!

And Sandy, chill out!

lostinphilly57 said...

I get such a kick out of Rob and his goofiness. I love how he laughs at himself and its so nice to see that there is fun and humor on the set. This goofiness of his makes him all the more adorkable. Don't worry, some day he'll learn how to drive well. LOL

Renees36 said...

Hey cut him some slack he looks like he is having fun and laughing for the first time in a long time. I have been driving for over 30 yrs and still can't back up so I give him point for trying. Plus he just looks so DAMN GOOD with a smile. : -)

dabby said...

i like the way kristen ignores rob while backing might stress him more knowing someone is a better driver than him.:) though i think something really funny happened that all of them are laughing lol!they are so cute together.

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