Robert Pattinson out in Vancouver Saturday 26th Sept

Source and Source and thanks to Laura for the tip


Marilyn said...

What is it with that boy and buttons? Seriously I love the guy... he's hot as can be, but how hard is it to button your shirt correctly. Drive me nuts!!!!!
Makes me want to unbutton that shirt and then take it off of him and then... well anyway.

Unknown said...

he's so pretty

Anonymous said...

he doesn't look too good there, I am thinking he's upset or drunk or both, and he has powdered sugar on his pants, which is fine, he's human, but he does look out of sorts (maybe it's just cause of the paps, can't blame him there)

enjoykim said...

Oh Rob,you´ll never learn to button your shirt correct...LOL

And the white stains?Hm,dirty thoughts come by...

dré said... is good to see that he is well ... smile .... love Rob

Kymz said...

I think he needs some lessons in buttoning up shirts the correct way as it seems hes having trouble doing it himself.

Kortnii said...

He looks totally and thoroughly pissed off. Look how he clenches the paper in his hand, doesnt look at the camera. 'hood up, head down.'

maybe its just me...

Poor Rob. I feel bad just looking at these pictures. Im so ashamed. He needs to be wrapped in a soft blanket, handed a beer, fed a good meal and move to the middle of no where with his guitar.

I just miss happy me try and start the "SAVE RPATTZ" foundation. haha! *sigh*

Anonymous said...

um, is that what the kids are calling it these days "powdered sugar" lol

Marna said...

He does look a bit of a mess, but since I usually look like a bag lady on the weekends, I guess I should keep my mouth shut LOL. Why does he need 2 shirts (misbuttoned) & 2 coats? How cold does it get in Vancover in September? And white powder on his pants? Powdered sugar is NOT the first thing I think of.

Melissa said...

LOL!!! Nice buttons, Rob! LOL

Wow, he looks HOT. Me likey!!


Anonymous said...

shall we start the pray for (don't stalk) Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart movement? Cause I know I am not the only girl who was sitting in church this morning praying about this slightly unhealthy obsession

Unknown said...

Soooo, this is kind of a far-fetched idea, but he does seem to have some white stains on his pants, his shirt looks to be hastily buttoned and...could that be a condom wrapper in his hand?

Just sayin'... ;)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Marna's got my drift.... oh delicious hunk of man...what are you up sure keep us on our toes...lmao...

RPnKSaddict said...

At lest he was out. Not cooped up in his hotel room. Not that it's a bad thing.
I almost spit wine all over my keyboards when I saw how his shirt was buttoned.
Sooo adorkable it's one of his trade marks that I love.

I missed you Rob!!

Lisa said...

Maybe he's coming from Krispy Kreme where he had a yummy powder sugar donut & a steaming cup o' joe...(Mmmm....Krispy Kreme) and the paper he's balled up in his fist there is a napkin? He just doesn't want to litter or toss it in just any random trash can, for fear some overzealous fangirl will abscond with it, using the RPattz dna she contained therein to clone him?

Or he dropped his ashes on his pants and just didn't bother to clean it up?

And I agree with the buttoning. It also drives me crazy when the collars of his shirts are all twisted and tucked and not laying properly. That's actually one of my pet peeves...that and when men's ties are all bunged up...


Yes, I know...I haz issuez....

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

what is with the buttons cute and adorable and HOT

Anonymous said...

Aww Rob. I feel bad looking at these pics because obviously the papz are up his cute little hiney. LOL, my mind went in the gutter with the white stains on his pants leg, but most likely it is cig ashes. As for the buttons, it wouldn't be Rob with out it. He probably starts out with the shirt open and then tries to button his shirt with a cigarette dangling from those luscious lips and a beer in one hand.

dayzdnconfuzd said...

I'm telling you guys - the mismatched buttons are a fashion statement! He does it so often it can't be accidental.

I'm imagining that one of his pals dared him to do something silly, like always button his shirt wrong, and made bets to see how quickly it becomes a trend. LOL Within another couple of months, teen boys all across america will be buttoning their shirts wrong, wearing beanies, and a two jackets (one a hoodie). Mark my words...

dayzdnconfuzd said...

Oh, and the white stuff on his pants? Probably happened weeks ago and he just hasn't had a chance to do laundry yet.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

he always looks unhappy when he is by himself,he needs friends,

maybe i should fly up and help with his shirt, hang out with him stuff like that,he looks so lonely.....

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

he always looks unhappy when he is by himself,he needs friends,

maybe i should fly up and help with his shirt, hang out with him stuff like that,he looks so lonely.....

rpattz-turn-me-on said...
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bonemama said...

he said he would get pissed eventually...Lord its a comin'! Who knows what those paps were saying to him. We love you baby...always will!

Suz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suz said...

mmmmmmmmm, I suddenly have a craving for something... Pretty and SUGARY

Lisa said...

Oh wait a sec...he's in Canada. He wasn't at Krispy Kreme....he was at Tim Horton's! ;)

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i find it ironic that he is lusted after and wanted by millions of women all over the world,but he always looks lonely and what is wrong with this picture??

Khou said...

This is not a "pissed off" look. He just doesn't want to look up for all those papz. I agree the mismatch buttons thing is Rob's fashion statement. Soon, we're going start seeing other guys do it too. I'm thinking Xavier's going to start doing this. Rob--safety in #s. You need to go out with a 20 member entourage. Stop going out by yourself. You're just asking to be mugged either by fans or papz.

Anonymous said...

Rob needs space to walk around. He wants to get out and go for walks and he really can't any more unless it's on the set.

What's on his pants? It's cigarette ashes. Nothing more. He probably had a couple of beers and dropped ashes on his lap. Simple as that.

It's hard to say what's on his mind, he has tried of late to have NO EMOTION on his face when the papz are around. But I think he just wants some space and to be left alone. I feel bad for him. I wish he could have his cake and eat it too, but there's always a price it seems for everything. I hope he can hold on until the TWI series ends. It will calm down after that. HOLD ON ROB!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

he needs an active social life,

he needs to start dating, i know iam going to get in trouble for saying this.....but a guy his age with no social life is very unhealthy.he needs to get his freak on,
there i said it.

keti said...

What's a matter with everyone, what do you want him too do, smile at the Pap camera's and have a full conversation with them. They are in his space of course he doesn't look happy, he actually looks really tired. The poor guy hasn't had a break from all this filming and media commitments. And for his shirt not being buttoned up THIS IS ROB - this is why we love him, his care free nature ....

He doesn't' look depressed to me he just looks tired & always forever delicious. Look at those long fingers. Love the hoddie Rob : )

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh Rob it just wouldn't be you if the buttons weren't fucked up....are you dressing in the dark or in a hurry?

The white stuff? Could be anything and weeks old !

I do see Bulge girls!

Why so sad? Because you have a camera following you all the time?

I love you honey.., keep you head up!

Cindeeloo said...

Linda R...If your still here check your email!!!

Cindeeloo said...

@ RpattzG....LMAO!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just emailed you back Cindeeloo!

Anonymous said...

rpattzgirl ~ Do you want to join us in the sleuthing? LOL The Bulge Brigade!!!

Nikola Six said...

Shit. Shit. Shit.

With the white 'powder' on his pants, the internet chatter is gonna have him on drugs and the tabs will have in rehab. I can see the headlines now.

Did I say shit?

I'm not one to scrutinize photos, but I took a good look at these. It looks to be either powdered sugar from a donut or cigarette ashes. I cannot imagine that as scrutinized as he is in public, that IF he was using, that he'd be stupid enough to venture out with the evidence all over his pants.

I've must admit though, I've worried about this sort of thing where he's concerned. Highly intelligent and artistic people sometimes have a tendancy towards chemical dependancy. Or at the very least...experimentation.

Throw into the mix unimaginable fame and the inherent temptations that come with it's a possibility.

Careful babe. This nightmare is gonna pass.


keti said...

I"ve got a bulge picture to die for - very arousing !!!

Nikola Six said...


Any photos displaying the "V", those long tapered fingers OR his forearms covered in all that delicious hair...those I scrutinize till my eyes fall out.

And his eyelashes.

And the chest hair.

Okay. Shit. I scrutinze photos.

Sue me.


Anonymous said...

I agree with rpattzlover,
he needs a partner, he is always or looks so lonely.

He needs to get his freak on and have a g/f by his side.
I want him happy and smiling.

Anonymous said...

@keti ~ can you post? Is it the own from Cannes with his bodyguard practically carrying him.

@Nikola Six ~ Rob's got a good head on his shoulders. I highly doubt that he is going the way of drugs. I just don't see it from him. Most likely ashes on his pants from his cigs.

Nikola Six said...

I agree Linda Rose, he's got a great head on his shoulders and my instincts tell me he'll run as fast as his feet will take him in the other direction when it comes to the 'hard' stuff.

But, he smokes and drinks (so he's not adverse to putting bad stuff in his body) and I'd bet my life he's had a joint, a bong or a pipe in his hands. Not judging him. I have myself. It's just that sometimes with this kind of pressure, the mind seeks...relief.

I'm not saying he is. I'm's a possibility. That's all.


Khou said...

He just had coffee & donuts. He accidentally dropped the powder donut on his lap. The scrunched up paper in his hand is actually the coffee cup. He's mad at the papz cuz now he can't litter. Fine for littering in Canada is $2k.

Athena said...

He doesn't seem drunk to me. It looks like the "paparazzi treatment" he generally applies to those who flash the cameras in his face: hood up, head down, and frown. Can't blame him one bit.

He *does* look gorgeous, but it breaks my heart seeing him hounded like that.

On a funnier note: I have come to the conclusion that he does the button thing on purpose, for some unknown reason. I mean, it's happened way too often to be an accident!

I dare not making assumptions on the white stains on his trousers, but I am sure there's a perfectly logical and innocent explanation for them :).

Temptation said...

HEY MY SWEET GIRLS - it is 11.30am so I am allowed to make this comment it's not too early. I believe the white mark to be what is commonly known as a "snail trail". Now perhaps Rob was having a lap dance or two, he looks like he had to get dressed in a hurry so perhaps he got sprung by you know who.

I love broody Rob yumbo nice pics......

Keti get onto that Pic with Rob and the body guard it will make your day go alot easier...

crazylife said...

Yes, now it is getting a wee bit chilly at night in Vancouver. I would imagine that he is also disguising himself from the paps without much luck apparently. Although I know it is part of the fame game, I so wish him peace and happiness.

keti said...

@ LindaR - I had it emailed to me from Loisada (fellow ROBsesser) Thanks again Loisada : )
so I cant post it.
What's your email address ? Its him at the Oscars with his publicist behind him. Bulge to die for yumo !!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


No, I"ll leave the sleuthing up to you gals and then I'll just sit back & reap the rewards! But I'll share for sure if I spot one!

No way it's drugs, and I know Nik was not's food or ashes...

Or dare I say it??? Maybe it's dried, uh, juices??? Maybe he was getting sum and it got messy..

I'll gladly be his buddy when I'm there and keep him company..

keti said...

LindaR can you post the pic your talking about... or email me at
thanks in advance ... : )

Hey Tempt : )

17foreverlisa said...

I could not wait to click on the link and view the new pictures, but my excitement quickly turned into sadness. I'm sure he can't walk with his head up because he would be blinded by all of the camera flashes . . . flashes going off so that the photographers can get pictures for people who are Robsessed like me. I feel like such a paparazzi enabler, but I need my daily fix of Rob, too. Ugh!

jmm4832 said...

Rob always looks like he can't stand it when the paps take his picture. I wouldn't read anything else into it like he's lonely. Maybe he met some people out at a bar and sprinkled too many cigarette ashes on his pants.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Here's an enlarged (no pun intended) photo-it's ashes..

and it's the right side for sure...

Anonymous said...

@Nikola Siz ~ Oh I'm sure he has! Wish I could join him! LOL But I think that's as far as it goes.

Morning Temp! Okay a "snail trail", I believe we just call it a cum stain. LMAO!!! (don't mean to offend anyone)

Lisa said...

Hmm...wasn't Sam Bradley playing in Vancouver this past weekend?

Maybe Rob was hanging out with him?

I need to stop looking at these pics. It's making me want to get in the car and head to the local DD for a cup o' joe and some donuts...cinnamon for me, please :D

jmm4832 said...

sprtzmom1721, I feel guilty enjoying these pictures cause he clearly didn't want them taken. He knew they would be all over the internet.

Nikola Six said...

No, no way was I accusing. I wouldn't do that to him. And maybe I shouldn't have even brought up the possibility. It's just that...

I think these pictures COULD set off some 'buzz' and yeah, I ended up voicing a little worry about it.

Didn't mean to stir anything up.


Candeecarol said...

Socialitelife shows close-ups of the white powder and money in his hand. What are they tryin to say!?

Temptation said...

Linda Rose - I am thinking the female stain from the lap dance and not the male......please, Rob is more social than that I am sure he could control himself......but a girl.......sorry dont mean to offend, it's good to get an understanding of International Dialog.

Hey Keti - we started this conversation on Friday and it is still going......and guess what Orion agreed with us, she detected the bulge in that magnificant photo also - tracksuit bulge YUMMY....

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh wow, need to see this-a book that Rob signed for a fan in NY-

Nikola Six said...

And so the 'chatter' begins.

This is gonna make the tabs. You mark my words. Arguably the most famous man in the world walking around with white powder on his pants?

Oh Rob.

God. I hope I'm wrong.

Lisa said...

Nic, it's ok.

I often have similar thoughts. We all know how the press picks things up and runs with them, true or not.

And, sad but true, I've also worried about him falling into the pitfalls of fame and fortune. Talented men before him have slipped into that abyss (Robert Downey Jr, anyone?)

You just have to have faith, cross a finger and say a little prayer.

TwiHartRK said...

Rob is delicious as always. Not loving the color combo. Is that a "I don't give a fuck" about my buttons, or intentional? Me thinks the former.

Lucerne said...

khou, agree with you, Rob doesn’t want to look up for the paparazzi. IMO, it is his way of coping with the papz. He shuts down, becomes expressionless. Can we really blame him? Everything picture is scrutinized. Just reading the post here proves it, that the best thing he can do is give papz nothing. If he is not smiling or skipping down the street with a grin plastered on his face people think he is drunk or sad or upset or take your pick.

He is in a no win situation. He is a private guy thrust into the limelight, and people think he should wear his heart on his sleeve everyday and in every picture.

Anonymous said...

keti ~ it's on it's way!

Thanks rpattzgirl. It's confirmed, he's definitely a righty!!!

Temptation said...

RPGirl - WOW how sweet is makes you sit back and think how lucky we all are....

Anonymous said...

Temp ~ That was what I thought you meant but thought I'd go for the obvious! And I don't think that that is what it was, but I made an obvious comment. LOL

Lisa said... for sharing that. Put's so much into perspective...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Tempt, so true...

Ok, more gossip, IMDB is blowing up about Rob getting re cast for Bel Ami??

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i dont think its any illegal substance,Rob is smart i dont think he would destroy his future,its probly dough nut powder .

keti said...

OMG LindaR that bulge is massive...
Thanks for emailing ....
OH (wiping sweat off forehead ) what a morning of bulges !!
Yes Tempt this conversation is still going ... have you seen the picture I"m talking about
the one of him at the Oscars ?

Temptation said...

Thats the one we were looking at on Friday when you went to the Rugby.........the one where he looks like he had a little to drink ?????? and it looks like he has gone commando......

If this isn't the one then you better get that pic to me asap.....

Temptation said...

HEY GIRLS - this has made me think that perhaps black is not the best color to knit his boxer shorts in....hahahhahhha

keti said...

@ Tempt I think its the same one with his publicist/agent
"whatever " behind him in the blue dress??
commando style lol - is this the one we are referring too...

Athena said...

@Nikola Six:

"Any photos displaying the "V", those long tapered fingers OR his forearms covered in all that delicious hair...those I scrutinize till my eyes fall out.

And his eyelashes.

And the chest hair."

WORD! And I would add those absolutely sinful lips! *sigh*

Re: possible addictions. If (and it's a HUGE "if") I were to worry about Rob using drugs, I'd worry about prescription drugs, in his case. Considering the latest trend in show business and Rob's admitted tendency to paranoia and nervousness, they do scare me more than illegal stuff: they are the wolf dressed up as a lamb and thus far more dangerous, in my opinion.

That said, I do not think Rob is in that kind of danger, so far, or that he will ever be :).

Temptation said...

No the one we are talking about Georgie discovered and he is with his male bald body guard looking very pissed, you will love this one I will have to find the link for you...I know the one you are referring to....nice.....

keti said...

Yeah I'm sweating over it now - LindaRose emailed it too me... I'm having THE OFFICE moment... I'm keep enlarging it ... OMG its delicious ....

Lexi55 said...

temptation, which one is it??? Thanks....

Anonymous said...

rpattzgirl ~ I hope that's not true. It would really suck ass if Rob can't do Bel Ami. Then again, I was afraid that something like this would happen. Damn!!

keti said...

I'm not getting any work done, between his Bulge and FF reading I"m fucked!!

Temptation said...

That pic looks like something is standing to attention doesn't it ??

Combine that pic with FF and you are screwed for the rest of the day.......god we would make a fortune if we could get paid for this.......

Anonymous said...

keti ~ Bulge, FF, and being fucked. Excellent combination!!!! LOL!!

orion said...

Hi girls!! nice pics, I didn't read any of the comments so please can you explain the shirt and the stain in his what conclusion do you end up?

GiGi said...

I honestly think that is ashes on his pants, or he brushed up against something dirty. I wear black pants all the time and am always getting some wierd substance on them (not drugs either). This poor guy looks unhappy with all the attention, and possibly is very lonely. This is a very lonely be a becomes very isolated, and it's so different from what he's used to. He may be handling it at times, and at times he may not be handling it at all. He's 23 years old for crying out loud! I wish he had a girlfriend or someone he could talk to...maybe that would help. My poor Robby.... :(

Temptation said...

Check out Rob's serious Jaw Porn in these pics, I swear that Jaw will be the death of me.............

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

maybe he cant do bel ami because he have to go those two BD movies.

keti said...

it does Tempt! I'm screwed today
4sure!! shit I'm still looking at it for heavens sake ............ lol lol

Athena said...

Bel Ami: WHAAAATTTT?????????????

I truly hope that it's only unfounded rumours! I have been looking forward to that so much!!! >:(

Temptation said...

ORION - the conclusion is Rob shouldn't wear black pants to the nudie bars..........

GiGi said...

Perhaps he does, perhaps it's Kristen. But he does seem lonely to me. Maybe he needs to go back to London for awhile and be with his Mama!

Temptation said...

Changing Topic for 1 minute "The Vampire Diaries" airs here tonight, is it worth watching or is it a Twilight Rip Off......

keti said...

@LindaR - perfect cocktail combination
" FF'RobBulge " - I'm totally Fucked and its only 12:15pm Aus time

**Hey Orion : )))))

Tempt I keep looking at his fingers in these pictures - how long are they OMG I'M FUCKED

keti said...

I'm watching this tonight Tempt, Lets watch it and review it tomorrow ...

Lisa said...

Ok, because I'm such a dork, I went to check out the enlargements on socialite life...I'm not proud of it, ok??

Anyway, I even put my glasses on...yes...that's how big of a loser I am.

Now, if you look closely, you can see the white 'substance' on his shirt AND on the knit cuff of the leather jacket. You can also see it smeared on his pants. What you actually see on the pants is several 'smears' followed by a larger spot, which, as any donut connoisseur can tell you, is a tell tale sign of powder sugar abuse.

Looks like boyfriend had a donut...Mmm...donuts....


Anonymous said...

Temp ~ IMO it is worth watching Vamp Diaries. The first episode you may role your eyes but it does get better! I've seen 3 episodes already and each one gets better! It's not at all like Twilight, trust me.

Hi orion!!!!! (waves)
The stain on his pants is most likely cigarette ashes.

orion said...

Did you see his shirt? what a hell he was doing inside that bar? was he in a hurry? ,LOL

Temptation said...

Lisa you party pooper - we had great visuals happening of Rob and naked girls.......a donut..mind you the boy could put on some weight......

Keti I am up for anything, what harm can it do, we will watch and review........

Very big hands and lonnnnnggg's amazing what you discover if you stare at something for a longggg time...

Lisa said...

@ Tempt:

For some of us, donuts ARE a party :D

And yes...the fingers...those loooonnng fingers....*sigh*

SluttyPattz said...

the new moon book picture and story were so sweet. Its nice to see that he is truly a gentleman.

orion said...

Linda: Cindeeloo sent me the pics but couldn't open she will resend it...I like the name "bulge brigade", lol

Angie said...

LMAO @ Lisa.

Yes! I so rarely allow myself to have donuts, when I do there is definately dancing going on!

orion said...

Hi Keti! so nice to see you...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

OT, started new FF tonight ... Emancipation proclamation... So far so good...

keti said...

Orion - When are we having our date ??

Treasure_7 said...

Sorry that he has to walk with his head down, but I guess he would have to do that or he never would get anywhere.

keti said...

regarding FF - I"m reading A Life Extraordinary now I"m really enjoying that. I"m making that my new Breaking Dawn

orion said...

Anytime girl! you tell me when you're free and we work it out. how we are going to find each other? with a pic of Rob in our hands?

Anonymous said...

orion ~ Okay, I couldn't open it either but I didn't hear back from her.

Temptation said...

ORION you are reading WA aren't you ?? I cant put it down I am loving it....

orion said...

I didn't like much 'A life extraordinary'...well, except for the sex...I'm reading 'Wide Awake'

keti said...

Orion, we'll meet at stocklands - Gloria Jeans, I'll have that Bulge picture of rob on display lol lol
I'll text you, maybe this saturday if your not busy during the day.. we wont miss each other ...

Temptation said...

ADM I now have a visual of Rob dancing around the room eating a donut, perhaps it's to "All the single ladies"

Great Visual

orion said...

Me too, Tempt...I was reading it all weekend...and has very small print..

Nikola Six said...

As for the talk about Bel Ami...

Wouldn't surprise me at all if he loses it. His first obligation (and with a signed contract) is to Summit and this franchise and until he's finished with Twilight, they've got him by the short hairs. As you may recall, this obligation lost him Parts Ber Billion too (althought I'm still holding out hope for that one. I hear that funding fell through when he had to drop out. Perhaps when he's availabe again and maybe still wants to do it?)

I'm guessing that Unbound Captives will start rolling in January (no way will Jackman be availabe till then as he's on Broadway until early December) and should wrap Aprilish??? And yeah, according to the script, Rob's role is supporting, but with his new found fame, I would'nt be a bit surprised to find his role has been beefed up a bit and therefore, requiring more filming from him. Who knows?

And I'm figuring that once he finishes UC, it will be time to film BD (in order to make it into the theatres by 2011). And they'll film both films at once (most likely taking at least 5 months) which should put him at about Sept./Oct. 2010. And wasn't Bel Ami suppose to shoot in the early part or late spring of the year?

Yup. Unless they're willing to wait for him, he may lose the role.

Well. That's what happens when you get locked into a 4-5 picture franchise that's got to be filmed almost back to back because you're playing a character that doesn't age.

But worry not. If not Bel Ami, there'll be others. I know that some were looking forward to seeing Rob in a sexy role (meaning some serious nekkidness and some serious sex). He's daring. Little Ashes proved that. Over the years were gonna see PLENTY of Rob Pattinson in ACTION.



SluttyPattz said...

I am reading a FF now called the Fallout. Its not a lemony tell put the storyline is awesome. It brings me to tears. there's 20 chapters so far and its about 1/2 way done.

keti said...

I loved Wide Awake my favourite so far... @Orion - you didn't like A Life Ext - I'm onto the 5th chapter only
.. ok I'll have to say I'm enjoying the sex parts for sure ... but haven't read much yet..

dayzdnconfuzd said...

Wow - you guys are really serious about finding out what that white stuff is... I thought y'all were kidding. I stand by my assessment - it's probably something that has been there for weeks, and it could be anything. There is no way that anyone can tell from a picture what it is. So why bother speculating?

Temptation said...

I found that I have to print it off now and read it like a book.........staring at the screen was screwing my eyes well for me...

I didn't like A Life Extraordinary either I liked the first one or is that the first one ???? didn't like the second one...

orion said...

@Keti: no problem, I'm working on the weekend but I'm free about 2.30 or 3.00 pm, is it alright for you?

orion said...

Keti; I like the first part of ALE, I don't remember the name.
Tempt do you remember the name? something about the Light, lol

orion said...

Tempt maybe I would do the same, print it out.

Temptation said...

DAYZD - I don't know about the other ladies but I am just having a laugh........I love your theory about it being there for weeks you are probably right.

Can you imagine the pile of washing Rob will take home to mum when he visits....

Ana73 said...

I highly doubt that it is an illegal substance. i have never known anyone to walk around with it smeared on their pants first of all. i am with cigarette ashes. on twifans site, they said that rob & kristen left together yesterday without any pics and now just rob, i wonder where this was at. and i agree with whoever said that it's pappz pics, why in the world would he be smiling at them.

you ladies are back on the "bulge" again, make sure whoever makes the video to post it so we could all see your beautiful work that you have done :))

keti said...

@Orion , perfect! will you be ok to meet after work?
I'll call you on Saturday too confirm ok?

* I'm printing my FF reads too Tempt, copying and pasting the chapters onto word then enlarging the font.
Reading from the computer kills my eyes
I have the entire WA on paper... How good is that read?? I want too read something like that again ... Sex'tension with a great storyline line

dayzdnconfuzd said...


I've decided it's dandruff on his pants. Remember, he said he has a dandruff problem. He was showing his mates at the bar by leaning over and giving his head a few scratches, and all the flakes landed on his pants.

Case closed. Your welcome.

keti said...

@orion "let your light shine" I enjoyed that too

orion said...

No problem, Keti...

TheQuietOne said...

According to Twitter, Kristen was with Rob, and she ran into the hotel while Rob paid for the cab. Hence, the money in his hand.

I saw a picture of them together in the cab on another board, but I cannot find it right now.

I don't think Rob is sad, just avoiding the papz.

Temptation said...

Ana - we will do that and I must say it is a combined effort and I believe ORION has pictures coming in from all over the world...

The secret is to understand this video will be made out of pure lust and love which I am sure will be obvious when you view the final product.....

maha said...

I feel guilty looking at these pictures.

About the white thing on his pants I really don't care what is it but sure its sugar or ashes.

I miss his pure smile

Be happy Rob and enjoy your life.

orion said...

Thequietone: Yes, I don't think he is sad, always he put his face down and very serious, coz the papz

AP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
orion said...

Tempt you have to come up with some songs suggestions

Temptation said...

KETI - the sextension is starting to kill me, I am not sure If I can make it without skipping to the juicy bits.

Rob has every reason in the world to be happy, I don't think he is too depressed....

Anonymous said...

Temp & orion ~ There should be an option to zoom in on your computers so that the print isn't so small for WA. Loved that story, it kept me up for hours reading it!!!

Ana73 said...

quiet one - thank you for clearing that up about kristen, please if you find that pic, post it :))

well talk to you all later, just checked in right now and saw these pics.

Temptation said...

Orion - I am taking care of the music dont know it has to be female and also it is going to be soul music too, gritty and dirty, how many songs ?? how long do you think it will be...

I think I may have to draw on my Soul Sisters Catalogue.....

Nikola Six said...

Just to clarify...

I too laugh at his sloppiness as it's part of his charm. What has me a little worried is...

What will the rest of the internet and the tabs do with this? They're so starved for pictures or info about him that I'm afraid they're going to take this and run with this. Especially the tabs (which EVERYONE sees). I'm mean, they're making up shit about him in order to sell their rags. But white powder on his pants? What could they do with that?

And I just would hate to see it cause him any grief and then have to explain...'I dropped a donut on my pants. I'm a pig. Whatever...' And some will say...'yeah, right. A donut.'

He just doesn't need anymore shit.
That's all. But...he's a big boy and he's just gonna have to take it.

But I don't have to like it. And I don't.


keti said...

The sex tension in Wide Awake killed me too, its tempting to skip too the good bits I KNOW ! - When is she posting her Epilogue - I cant wait.
Have you seen the Chapter 19 tease on THE OFFICE - she is slow too... I cant wait any longer ...

keti said...

You making a video Tempt ?

Stacy said...

You guys do realize that by discussing it on here, you're adding to the chatter you're so worried about? This is a huge blog, and the gossip sites patrol it just like they do imdb. And most people seem think it's cigarette ashes.

As for Bel Ami - there's no word on that yet. Some people claiming to be insiders on IMDB are worried about it, but since there's been talk of period films having a hard time getting a budget and Bel Ami is supposed to have its budget, that could be because of Rob.

And UC shouldn't be that long for him. His role isn't that big, and I doubt Madeline Stowe is going to beef it up that much. It could be, but I doubt it. There's a decent chance he could do all of his scenes in a few weeks time. As long as that happens, he should have time for Bel Ami if it shoots Feb-ish, because they're talking late summer for BD, and Rosenberg hasn't even written the script yet.

So, we shall see. He needs Bel Ami, or something else significantly different from the Twilight franchise. I think it will be bad if he doesn't do something else besides UC before he does BD.

Temptation said...

The Office is killing me, I think I am going to have to wait until she finishes the whole thing and the read it again all at once.

VeilsofLight said...

Even sad, tired and pale, he is stunning. Breathtaking.

Looking healthy these days? Not so much. Really hope he's doin ok.

Nikola Six said...


There's no way that UC can begin ANYTIME in October. Rob is filming Eclipse until the 31st (or there abouts) and will spend most of November in promotion for NM. And Hugh Jackman is on Broadway until the December 6th (I think).

And it's highly unlikely that they'll go into production right before the holidays. Bet your morgage payment on a January start date.


Anonymous said...

LMAO about some of these powdered sugar theories (good detective work Lisa)!

Of course canoli's and cream puffs also have a dusting of powdered sugar on them, ya know the convections with the rich and creamy filling.............mmmmmmmmmmmmm

orion said...

@Keti, It's me doing the video, but with the help of a lot of people, lol
Tempt: Cindeeloo has 30 bulge pics to send me, she is working on it...Last night she was looking for it on internet...hahahaha She is great!

Temptation said...

See I think he looks extremely hot in these pics and the older he gets the more defined his features are getting............

keti said...

@ORION, cant wait for that video.

orion said...

@tempt: so you better start working on the song...

Temptation said...

ORION - Cindeeloo was very excited about the project, you are going to have to put a very long credits list on this one.....

Temptation said...

YUM Canoli's and Cream Puffs................Big hands - long fingers......................jaw porn...........

Temptation said...

ORION - where did she find 30 bulge pictures from ??? that is total dedication.....

orion said...

Keti: you can help too...any bulge around...well, sorry no any, only one particular bulge, Rob's bulge, if you can find it...

keti said...

Your making me hungry Tempt, imagine licking the cream off Robs fingers, you'd be there a while. They are long fingers... very very l o n g fingers !!!

orion said...

Tempt. I told you, she is great...she told me some are very good...

orion said...

Like I said long time ago....looks like everything on Rob's long, his fingers, his legs, his feet, his....

Patti said...

I'm agreeing with Marilyn first comment completely...everytime we see him with a shirt it's buttoned crooked....I'm beginning to think he does it on purpose...just for us!

Temptation said...

Keti - I can top it, Imagine him in those grey track dacks lying on that famous fur rug.......licking those long fingers and running your hands towards the RIGHT side of his pants.......


keti said...

Say it Orion - Say it "THE OFFICE" way how would bella say it...

Temptation said...

I am keeping it tame............I could of said something like "I could feel his hard throbbing cock" but I decided against it........

keti said...

TEMPT!!!! I'm at work lol lol
I have too look at my bulge picture again ...

** Bye Tempt **

Temptation said...

BYE CHICKIES - I have to go and meditate.........clarify the mind and all that.....

TheQuietOne said...

Photo of Rob and Kristen in the cab together. It's not real clear of Kristen, but based on Twitter reports, I believe it is. Other opinions may differ.

keti said...

I hate it TAME !!

lol tempt... love it

Nikola Six said...


I forget that others are reading this site. I tend to think it's just 'us', the regular posters.
So...I'm really sorry I mentioned any of this.

As for Twitter...

If I had my way, I'd blow that 'tool of the devil' straight back to hell. I have a question...

Why do we need to be informed about the lives of others ON THIS LEVEL? Just because the technology allows it? God. If we aren't just a bunch of lemmings, blinding jumping off the cliff.

Hope this doesn't get me into too much trouble. But Twitter has rubbed me the wrong way from the very beginning. It's disturbing. And what's really disturbing is that most don't see to see that it's...DISTURBING.

If Rob ever jumps on that bandwagon, I'll still think he hung the goddamn moon, but I'll also think he sold out.

Wouldn't be a crime against humanity I guess.

Again...sorry for my earlier speculation about others supposed...uh...speculations.

Time to sign off.

Night guys.


orion said...

Bye Tempt! see you tonite?

TheQuietOne said...

In case the original link does not work :

SluttyPattz said...

Twitter Reports and photo manips. Complete and total rubbish.

orion said...

Keti: I just leave it for the imagination, lol

orion said...

UMMM!! is really Kristen? hard to say

Lexi55 said...

Those are old photos earlier this year in the spring of Rob and KS in a cab.

keti said...

Thats what I thought. Old Pictures!!

TheQuietOne said...

Sorry...I had not seen the picture before and didn't realize it was old.

Nikola Six said...

One last thought...

I know. I know. He twittered on Peter's...uh...twitter (what a stupid goddamn name for it), but not the same thing. He ain't on that bandwagon.

And I noticed some were disappointed in what he twittered. I thought it was great. So...Rob.

And if there is a next time Rob, just tell everyone to try reading a book instead of their phones and to fuck off.

In a perfect world.


keti said...

That's ok THEQUIETONE we love the investigation ... : )

SluttyPattz said...

Nikola Six I totally agree.

robskitty said...

anyone think that maybe that things are not rite between him and kris? last 2 wkend pics have him by himself looking seriously depressed. young love is well-known to have its ups and downs. as for the stains and unbuttoned clothes, etc, i think he's just a typical guy--happy 2 have anything 2 wear and not caring what any1 thinks. i'd b glad 2 teach him how to wash clothes (among other things), how to button, etc if he wants me 2--just come on over rob

Anonymous said...

TheQuietOne ~ I'm sorry but that pic just screams Princess Di to me. I don't like it one bit!!!

orion said...

If you check Rob's pics, look at the cab, has a different telephone number than the cab on the Twitter pic

TheQuietOne said...

@orion...I see that now! I'll be more careful next time.

tara said...

poor Rob.

orion said...

See you tonite guys!! Keti, call me!!

keti said...

I will call you orion, 4sure !!

Cindeeloo said...

Linda @ Orion..... if your still here check your emails.

It better have worked or I'm crawling under a rock. lol.

Anonymous said...

Elsewhere they are saying that this is an old pic from the cast's first sushi night. Any thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Said it before, poor guy looks so damn lonely and sad. He needs a girlfriend ASAP.

Maybe he should go back to London and visit his parents as well, and rekindle some old flames perhaps.

So sad :(

Anonymous said...

Maybe he was with Sam Bradley and Kristen on a dinner and Kristen returned home after it. So he could spent some time with Sam alone. He hasn't seen his friend so long. They are really good friends and have to talk a lot. They met the last time in NY.2 months ago.
I mean he ist tired after that long filming and the flashes hurt his eyes which are stressed by contacts. So he looks down. And I think its cig ash on his pants.

marina mia said...

guys for all you reading ff and haven't read this one, i seriously say check this one. It's bliss!

and the sequel

LolaShoes, the author is amazing!

Nora said...

"And if there is a next time Rob, just tell everyone to try reading a book instead of their phones and to fuck off."

Nik... you're the BEST! <3

Anonymous said...

Oh're just a beautiful mess!!! LOL
Joking aside I wonder if things are really OK with him. I know we shouldn't speculate/dissect every picture taken of him in a split second of time and assume the worst but....What is it with Rob and his dress sense at the moment It's like he's just given up...completely and throws on anything and everything. Then there's the shirt not buttoned up properly, the dirty trousers....what's going on? I really hope he's not getting depressed. It just seems to me as if he just doesn't care how much ammunition he gives to the press these days and they will have a field day with these latest pics. Why can't someone take him to one side and help him.

Nikola 6
Brilliant points as usual.

JLD said...

That Rob is a mucky pup! I have to say if he does have a girlfriend she's not doing a very good job if she lets him go out like that. (Shakes head) Robert, what will your mother say?

JLD said...

The main thing that worries me about Rob is the amount of attention the guy is getting. He's very young and young people like that shouldn't be stuck indoors all day because he'll get chased down the street by the paps. It's ridiculous. He should be out enjoying himself.

Anonymous said...

I heard Kristen stayed home that night because she had to wash her hair.

jmm4832 said...

C'mon. It wouldn't be Rob if his shirts didn't have holes in them or his shirts were buttoned correctly. As long as the sexy chest hair is showing then it's all right with me.

Mad4Hugh said...

Gotta give him props: he sure took those "what to do when the paps are around"-lessons to heart...he has TOTALLY perfected the hood-up/head-down! heh, heh

lostinphilly57 said...

I think that its powdered sugar from a donut on his black pants.At first I thought it was cigarette ashes,but the more I look at it(and I've been looking at it alot)it seems to be from a powdered donut. Well boy needs to gain some weight so he should keep eating them donuts. Also I think that may be Canadian Currency in his hand, I mean he has to tip the driver, doesn't he?and its probably his change. But he is gripping it very tightly because of the paps. If he's going back to his hotel, then which is it, is he staying at a hotel or at a house? Ah, more Rob mysteries to solve...

AP said...
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