Movie Entertainment Magazine

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Big Thank you to Lynda for the scans


Unknown said...
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peeling a fig said...

Mostly a cheap recycle of quotes and photos(not to sound ungrateful for the post, Kate; we count on all things Rob appearing here, whether good, bad or crap). I hadn't heard the last quote, though, about Leicester Square.

Perhaps the marketing flood has finally begun, and you, Dani and Godze won't get much sleep in the next three months...

Unknown said...

Don't you just love those pics of Rob where he looks at you from beneath those wonderful eyelashes! Sigh ...........

Tess said...

PF - I though the same thing when I read this.. I was wondering why they were talking about Twilight now... It would be nice to have something new to chew on.

Kate said...

I know there's so many recycled interviews out there but hopefully now soon there'll be some new stuff although with what happened at the VMA's I'd say it won't be the same as with "Twilight" :-(
And don't worry PF you didn't sound a bit ungrateful I knew exactly what you meant xx

Ally said...

What do you mean with what happenned at the VMA's?

Anonymous said...

Okay, I can't read this clearly because it's kind of small even when I click on the pics but under relationships they have Nina from 2005-2006 (right?), didn't he go out with her for 3 years? And Kristen for 2009, come on, neither one of them has confirmed that yet. I'm not starting another debate here about that subject just sayin that nothing has been confirmed by either one yet. Anyway,maybe I'll be able to read it more clearly when I get to work. Cheers for now ladies I've got to go get ready for work.

Anonymous said...

I sent those scans in, I should have adjusted my Photobucket account for larger, my scans were larger.

Anyhow, explaining the magazine, it's one we get every month from our cable company. They are just advertising that they'll start showing "Twilight" in October. It hasn't been available on cable before this. At least not in Canada. This is for TMN (The Movie Network), which is why nothing is said about New Moon. Perhaps I shouldn't have bothered scanning it, just thought it might be interesting. I didn't even read the article, their articles are usually crap.

peeling a fig said...

I'm glad you scanned it, even if it's old stuff. It's good to keep tabs on what the media is saying about our man, what spin they put on it,etc. Sorry my earlier comment was a bit snippy, Lyndablue!

Kate said...

I loaded them on photobucket for you ladies, they should be a bit bigger now! I was having trouble with it this morning! ;-)
Thanks Lynda for the scans xx

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Same ol' however, any Rob is great Rob..

SluttyPattz said...

I wish some reputable source would actually get an interview with Rob. I am so sick of 50 different magazines taking the same old interviews and "tweaking" them to fit the story they want us to know. Not his story, their story.

I mean no wonder the guy has to hide out in hotels/houses and be a hermit. He can't go outside without paps all over him and then within hours there is some crazy story out about what he was doing. Most of the time completely fabricated. Never the true story. I mean I know the fans are overwhelming but I think the paps and gossip rags are worse. People need to stop buying all of this crap.

For the love of Rob ppl give him a break. I know this is part of being a celebrity, but I just pray that after the twilight stuff is over he is the same Rob we love so dear and that he isn't jaded. I am so looking forward to seeing Rob in Remember Me, Unbound Captives, and Bel Ami. I think the non-Rob fans will be very suprised at how truly talented he is.

I am sorry I am going to get off my soapbox now, I just get really frustrated with this garbage.

SluttyPattz said...

I would love to say to the ladies that keep this site ALIVE that I think you guys do a great job. You let us know what's going on in all media outlets but you are truly respectful of Rob and calling out the recycled interviews and manips that are everywhere. Thanks!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

nice pics,but same old story.

Haystackhair said...

I think I just got impregnated from that stare......THUD

Mars said...

@Linda - I knew this mag looked familiar :P haha!

Despite the recycled interviews, and blah, blah, blah, they chose a great cover! That picture of Rob should be illegal!

roxiegirl said...

I'm calling it ladies- December issue of Vanity Fair(out in early November). Cover photo, serious article. I've got my fingers crossed!! From what I've read VF took new pics in the Hamptons when he was in New York.....

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I hope so!!! We've waited a very long time for that to come out!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

Rob in the Hamptons mmmmm

Ally said...

where did you read about the VF December issue?
Would love to have a serious interview with VF and THAT question answered!! Although VF have too much class I think to go there!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

why is it so hard for me to find this stuff??*sigh* anyone read the sequel to The Sub ? its called 'The Training' i think started today.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the dearth of Rob & Co. sightings is starting to compel the broadcast and print media (and papz connections) to recycle (and rehash) past interviews, quotes, photos, videos, etc.

I don't think Summit will ask Rob to start the interview rounds anytime soon. (Rob may even be the one to opt out of interviews this time.)

So, Summit, please, at least release new NM photos! Thank you.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i think this time around tay and stew are going to be up front for the promo and not Rob,we are Not going to see Rob all over the place like before,if he does any interviews i think summit and Rob will make sure there are No personal questions,same for Stew only Tay would be allowed personal questions.

Federico Zarco said...

wow! what a cover!

Emily said...

Gorgeous picture on the cover. I think this is when he was in Paris, right?

I'm glad the opted for a close up shot of just his face. In the full body shots he looks like Frankenstein because of the suit jacket he was wearing. The sleeves were about 6 inches too short. Gotta love it.

Angie said...


The sequel to The Submissive is The Dominent. You need to read both before reading The Training. She did post the first chapter, today.

You may know this already. Didn't want anyone else to be confused.

Unknown said...
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rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@ADM thanx!

because i am confused,i thought 'The Dominant ' was the SAME story,only difference being it was told from Edward's point of view,a sequel is the continuation of the a story which i thought 'The Training' was, the next level.

SluttyPattz said...

that's true the dom is EPOV of the sub but its a better read than the sub in my opinion. I think you need to read the dom before reading Training in order to be fully aware of what was happening w/ Edward. Some of the characters from the training will be mentioned in EPOV of the Dom.

Ana73 said...

i am also hoping that VF will carry a NEW interview with Rob.

did anyone read the next chapter to FF The Office, it was posted yesterday, it was sooo good.

Angie said...


Teri is right. The Dom is EPOV, however, there is so much info in his POV that it should not be skipped. The authors notes along the way are great.

She has interviews with Edward and Bella. Very funny and informative.

Angie said...


I read it. Here I am again, on pins and needles, waiting for the next update.

keely said...

@Ana73: I´m addicted to that story. Did you see the new teaser she posted today :-)

Ana73 said...

keely - what teaser??? i just read the next chapter, what did you see.

ADM - no kidding, cant wait for the next chapter. addicted too :)

keely said...

LOL Ana73, tby has already post a new teaser on her blog :-)

roxiegirl said...

@ally I don't know for sure about the December issue of VF. It's just wishful thinking and my knowledge of the magazine. I've been a subscriber for 15 years or so and they always seem to be on top of what is HOT in Hollywood (and poltics/society). Any way, when I read of the photoshoot in the Hamptons (and we haven't seen those pics yet ) I just put two and two together.
Let's keep our fingers crossed!

Ana73 said...

keely - i see what you are talking about thank you :))

keely said...

You´re welcome, love :-) I´m really looking forward to the next chapter, can´t wait!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

Thank you very much laies......i read the Sub and The Dom,i also read the first chap of The Training today,it was awesome,and The Office broke my heart last night....Damn iam so addicted to FF

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i meant to type 'Ladies' my bad

Anonymous said...

@Ana73 and keely ~ I read the new chap for TO and the teaser!! I'm heartbroken and was actually shocked with the blonde. But I think I know who she is. Love, love, love this story. Hopefully Christina/tby789 will post the next chap quickly.

Temptation said...

OMG the new chapter is just Heartbreaking, I read it thismorning how awful......

Don't worry ladies I think there are a number of us addicted to FF at the moment.......

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