New/Old Twilight Stills and Trading Cards

We posted some Twilight Trading Cards HERE and HERE back in December.

Here is some more courtesy of Robert Pattinson Source:

And here are some stills from Twilight Courtesy of EverGlow:

This still needs to come in bigger version:



keely said...

Thanks for posting, Goz. I really like the last one, I think the scene was one of my favourites during the movie. Going to play Iron& Wine...

Tenneil said...

I dont think I would trading any of mine...LOL

AAAAHHHH Edward ...I feel like its been to long... 51 days and counting:)

Tenneil said...

Hi Keely... long time *waves*

keely said...

Hi Tenneil...too long ;-) How are you? *waves back*

Haystackhair said...

Oh Edward! So pretty. I still LOVE the look after he stops the van, like "oh shit, I just outed myself." LOL And her face, like WTF just happened?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Not into trading cards, but these still are to die for...

As much as we pick on the mistakes of Twilight, I still love it to death and still thank CH for having the insight to cast Rob!

Tenneil said...

Keely~ I am good... RL keeping you busy??? Good to see your still around... I am very excited I just got my tix for the midnight showing of NM... Iam pretty sure I let a fan gurl squeeee out one I left the building...LOL

keely said...

Tenneil, LOL, you had every reason to squeal, wish they would sell the tickets here, too, me and my girls would go all fangirlish. We regulary change the Rob posters infront of our desk at work and our male coworkers think we are all nuts. They have no clue who the guy is we all adore ;-)
But you´re right, RL was a bit engaging, I was tiered of Robsten for a while too but kept lurking every now and than ;-) And I guess FF sidetracked me as well :-)

AP said...
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Tenneil said...
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Tenneil said...
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rpattz-turn-me-on said...

why are some folks so 'scared' to discuss the 'Robsten' issue??
what are they really afraid of?
i know they hide behind excuses like....its none of our business or.........its private or........we should not be discussing their private lives oh pleaseeeeeee......are you telling me that i can discuss the private lives of any president of the united states (Bush/clinton/Obama) but Robsten is off limits ROBSTEN what they are really afraid of,
or what the name if proven accurate represents.

Angela said...

you know, as time goes on, I'm really thinking CH has something right with Edward. He gets hotter and hotter, but that might just be the FF too. But at first I thought she had it all wrong, but now I see the magic she created. Don't see ANY magic on the EC set yet at all.

On Rob and Kristen, I have my opinion and I've voiced it before ( I believe there is fire where there is smoke), but I don't feel the need to discuss it over and over.

Anna said...

I dislike discussing "Robsten" because the discussions always turn ugly.

On the other hand, there is nothing ugly at all about Robward... at all... oh my :)

Karina said...

aw, these images make me wistful. They all had no clue what was before them back then and just looked like they were having fun! Robert looks so young in these shots, wow....

Karina said...

oh, and I think people avoid r/k talk since it's so polarizing here. THere's no middle ground. Either people like the thought of them together, or hate it. But everyone can agree on Robert having a great jaw! lol

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I don't like Robsten discussions either because they do tend to bring out the "ugly" in people...having said's some Robsten gossip..from twitter:

Robsten spotted out for an intimate dinner last night, details later.
42 minutes ago from web

Ana73 said...

i agree with alot of you about rob & kristen...all the discussion just get out of hand, if they like kristen or dont like her because it's not about rob it's about her.

RPG - the tweet is blocked from viewing, what did it say?? and who is the person that actually saw them together.

Ana73 said...

oh, just finished FF His Personal Assistant last night, now waiting for the next update. Wow, that one was pretty hot but a good story too. i guess i will go down my list to start on a new one, any suggestions???

Jala said...

Gozde, love, love, love that banner with black & white hot, sultry Rob!

Tenneil said...

Ana... have you read

will not disappoint:)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

That's all it said is that they were spotted for intimate dinner. I can't read it either, I got it from someone else...

I'm reading PA next-almost done with EP, and I'm loving it so much, may have to read it twice..

Tenneil said...

Ana... or

dukeward Rocks!!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i am to chap 37 of the 'Personal Assistant' its very Hot,kinda like TO Similar story and iam loving this posessive edward.
Hot stuff

Suz said...

awwwww Who's a pretty boy?

Why THE PRETTY© of course!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@rpattzG what is EP?

And are you reading PA? :-)

.......oh and i also got an email this morn informing me of the R/K Dinner but i did not believe it ,need more proof ,maybe only a rumor.

Ana73 said...

RPG - what is EP???

Ana73 said...

RPTMO - didn't you just love the cullen family dinner, too funny. i like possessive edward too. i agree kind of like TO but different bella story with school and all that BUT carlisle is an ass in both.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Emancipation Proclamation-it's so good, and EDWARD is so freaking amazing-I compare him to WA Edward.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I will start PA after EP=emancipation proclamation-outstanding!!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@Ana73 the dinner with the cullen family was hilarious, i laugh so hard,i love Emmet and Jasper in this one.

Anonymous said...

aaahhhhh rob's face in some of those shots is priceless!

i gotta say, the gazebo scene still gives me a chill. that was gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

This movie totally SUCKED in comparison with the book. THANK GOD Robert Pattinson was Edward....!!!

All of the vamps are hot but WOW...Rob just totally makes the movie worth watching over and over and over and over.....

Unknown said...

I don't like the Robsten topic as well, though I do admit they look good together, it's all in the cliche, we don't have to discuss their private lives.Everything about Rob is already out there, let's atleast leave one untapped..shall we?

Musk said...

I want those trading cards, wish we could here in!

solas said...

These trading cards remind me of cheat sheets, or cue cards, perhaps that a boyfriend of a twilight fan might keep in his shirt cuff to peak at, to make conversation. :-)

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