Robert Pattinson New & Old HQ Twilight Press Conference Pictures

For HQ Robert Pattinson deliciousness click and save the pics below.

Thanks to Twilightxchange for the HQs.


Temptation said...

Love these pics - Thanks Dani....

Don't you just love his HQ I am fairly sure on a couple of those pics I can count the hairs on his chest....yummmyyy

Dani said...

TEMP! LOL! You're welcome.

Seriously sweets I swear on these puppies you can see his pores.

Good stuff though...wowza he is yummy.

marce said...


guys these is serious, please pray for the peace in Honduras!! please pray for the people here.

The latest news said that today in guatemala and el salvador venezuelan planes(from the venezuelan army) wanted to land to invade Honduras!. they didn't let them land.

there are mayor disturbs right now. people burning police patrols, burning things, robbing stores, damaging houses.all of this is happening in the capital.
all this is because they want the ex-president to return to the power. but he can't!! he violated the law!.
our constitution do not allow the presidential re-election and he was reforming the constitution wich icurres on a violation to it.

The international community is supporting the ex-president. they want us to return him to the presidence. WE, THE HONDURANS DO NOT WANT HIM BACK!!!
Our authorities Told the OEA, and the ONU he wanted to change our constitution and they said that was an internal problem and they couldn't take any action in the problem.
But now when we did take actions and kicked him out, turns out that all of them can take actions and force us to return him to the power?? that's not fair!!!!

the irony is that cuba and venezuela(both communist countries) are saying we can't allow a dictatorship from any goverment and that's why Zelaya has to come back!! i'm sorry did i missed something??? BOTH OF THOSE COUNTRIES LIVE IN A DICTATORSHIP, ZELAYA(ex-president) WANTED TO IMPOSSE THE DICTATORSHIP!!! wth are they talking about??
we have the right to fight for our freedom that's why zelaya has to go away!!!

Please keep in mind our country! pray for the peace in here.
thank u so much!!


Anonymous said...

What's this, not a single comment at this hour? (Maybe not by the time I post this.)

I guess, we're just taking a break.

I feel happily full and yet not satiated (looking at his beauty), so I'm going to add another one -- I remember his many interviews (this was one of them), fielding questions; saw how he responded, gleaned his thoughts and views, observed his facial expresions and the way he moved his body ...I felt drawn to him, and I thought WOW, I could not believe we still have this kind of a man.

sunflower0674 said...

OMG I love these pics - yummy. What a hottie. Now that i have my Rob fix I can go 2 bed.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I second that... Thank you, Dani for the postings. (Thanks to Kate and Godze, too, of course.) [I guess Godze's in a fact-finding mission (read vaca)?) The Robsessed triumvirate are the most prolific and the most current of them all!

(That reminds me, time to look at that Blog Voting section again.)

Babs said...

Everything about him screams sexy, but his eyes and mouth just kill me every time.

JandR said...

After looking at these in large format I think I know Rob's face better than my own.. every little freckle, mole and hair - and you are right Dani even his pores - all damn fine!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Re Blog Voting section.
How come the white arrow is "neutral"? ...can't do anything. (Is it not time yet?)

Oh, well...I just left a review. :)

Haystackhair said...

LOL, I can count the hairs in his scruff! Love it! THUD!

Athena said...

Thanks Dani, for these wonderful pictures! I just really love his face! :D

Is there a video of this press conference? I would really like to know what he had to say that goes with some of those facial expressions...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dani for posting these pics. His face is just flawless. I love the red background against him it really makes these pics standout. Not a bad one in the bunch. Well if the HQs are the only way I'll be able to get up close and personal with him so be it!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

these are some of my favorite pictures of him!

thank you dani~

Kate said...

Some of my absolute FAVE pics are here!!! Thanks Dani!

Kate said...

LOL I left the same comment as Amanda and I didn't read hers first! LOL

Anonymous said...

that's some SUPER HQ

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