Details of Robert Pattinson's Night Out on Saturday

I don't know when/how it happened but I find myself agreeing with LAiMEy more and more these days. it might be the crazy letters she receives that make me sympathize. It's very unsettling...

From Lainey Gossip:

Jackson Rathbone and band 100 Monkeys hosted a private party on Saturday night in Vancouver at the Players Chophouse.

Here is an exclusive copy of the invitation. The date stamp KILLS me.

You will note…

The open bar.

All class.

One of my pet peeves in life: Cash Bar At A Wedding.

Chill the f-ck out, bitches. I’m not talking the kind of wedding where the modest couple invites close family and friends for an intimate celebration. I’m talking the kind of wedding where the bride keeps yapping about her Vera Wang and they book out a swank hotel or a golf course and register for ten thousand gravy boats and you get there and everyone gets 2 tickets for their first 2 drinks and the rest is on you.

Sorry to digress.

When Jackson Rathbone gets married, it won’t be a cash bar.

Anyway, the host wore a “Zorro” hat and 100 Monkeys were the last to perform. I’m told that the band’s tradition is to ask the audience for a word and use that word to make up a song…? Anyway, the word on Saturday was “polygamy”. So the ensuing chorus was:

I get what I need from you and you and you.


It was a well guarded event, not too many leaks, and no paps. Other Twilight cast members present included Kellan Lutz, Julia Jones, Ashley Greene, Chaske Spencer, Elizabeth Reaser, Xavier Samuel, and oh yeah, those other two, the only two most people care about – Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson – were spotted smoking on the patio. Twi-Hards will take this to mean they that they were out there alone, slow dancing under the twinkling stars, talking about the magic-ness of their love.

Sane folks will understand that smoking patios are usually crowded and the best they could hope for is a hand job behind the umbrella stand.

This is Pattinson alone at the end of the night. Note the buttons. And you’ll love this email from Debbie sent to me yesterday with a copy of one of these images:

Lainey, check out this pic of RPATTZ coming home with his shirt buttons messed up. Kristen was ripping it off in the cab so F-CK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ROBSTEN LOVE 4EVAHZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Source: Lainey
Picture source: and Photo Credit: INF Daily Website:


Maryann said...

Lainey was spot on in this article. Some of the emails she get, no wonder she hates Twi-hards. Crazy ppl

Love her comment about Rob and Kristen out on the patio smoking lol. Too funny for words!

Unknown said...

she's generally a very funny lady! she messes up on occasion but hey, it's a gossip blog...HER gossip blog so whatever :)

wideyes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wideyes said...

Looks like our Rob spilt a little Narcotic on his leg there. LMAO! Love him.

Anonymous said...

She's right though about what the Twi-hards will say about them having a smoke out on the patio. People read so much into a simple smoke break out on a crowded patio.

Mechevpao said...

Back during NM shooting she gave some hard comments specially about Rob, but since Cannes and her experience of seeing him up close, she changed her tunes; and I have to say her sarcastic comments are spot on most of the time, and the fans letters she receives makes me feel second hands embarrass that I’m a fan of Rob or anything Twi related... Hahaha

lostinphilly57 said...

I also find myself agreeing with Lainey lately,and I understand why she doesn't like the Twi-hards,you gotta admit they are annoying sometimes.But that's probably because most of them are tweens/teenyboppers, or TwiMoms.

Poor Robbie,you can see how he hates these paps always in his face,but it is endearing to see his sexy,hobolicious, misbuttoned self,isn't it? Its good to know that he's able to get out and party for awhile, since he's working so hard at all kinds of hours on Eclipse. We love you, Rob, and appreciate all your hard work for us.

TanjaB. said...

Ohhh... chest hair... hoodie...


Yummy! :)

Jae Lu said...

dunno why the mis-matched buttons are such a big deal ... RP only seems to match his buttons for press-will-absolutely-be-gnashing-their-teeth-over-details events (VMAs, Oscars, etc :)

Emily said...

LOL at the date stamp! It's like they printed all the invites and were like, "Sh*t! We forgot to put the date on there! Oh well, grab me that stamp...I'm sure it will look okay."

I adore Jackson.

Debbie, Debbie, Debbie.... stop shouting and take the crazy down a notch.

Tesha Alise Cullen said...

sorry guys, that's not "narcotics" on the pants. i used to smoke. that is ashes!! hopefully not any "little ashes"!!!

Marna said...

Oh God I love the crazy Twihard letters Lainey gets. People are out of their minds (what the hell Debbie, are you just insane?), but one of my absolute favorites was from the very calm lady who chastised Lainey for using THE SWEARS. That made me laugh so hard I couldn't breathe.

The invitation is very nice, but the date could have at least been stamped on straight LOL, why go through all the trouble of getting formal invitations if you're going to randomly stamp the date on?

"Sane folks will understand that smoking patios are usually crowded and the best they could hope for is a hand job behind the umbrella stand."

I should be so lucky :-)

Gozde said...

wideeyes: do you think coke is like flour? 'cause seriously that much "coke" on his pants? Come on!

Haystackhair said...

I'm not sure Rob knows HOW to button a shirt correctly. LOL. He's hot as usual. LMAO at the patio comment.

Maryann said...

Why is narcotics the first thing that comes to mind with those stamps? Seriusly? lol...I saw it and thought it was ashes, Rob smokes and he's not the only one having stains from, my co-worker guys who smokes are just as bad...hehe!

Anonymous said...

one more button theory although it's not nearly as saucey, it was really hot in the club, so he took all his layers off, and was drunk when he put them back on :) so the buttons are screwy

wideyes said...

Goz, It was a joke. Hence the LMAO at the end. Brit dry sence of humor I guess.
It's more likely Rob had french toast and likes lots of powdered sugar on it hehe!

Emily said...

The first thing I thought was that he just dropped a powdered donut on his pants.

Of course, looking at that invitation it seems unlikely that there were pastries provided.

Maryann said...

@ wideyes LOL you got me good on that joke! I thougth you were serious..LMAO. OH you Brits..lmao!

wideyes said...

I just looked at the Socialitelife photos and the paps seem to be homing in on his pants. Hope they don't start another bullsh*t story when its so obvious no one would be stupid enough to leave it on there pants. At least we know Rob likes french toast or donuts now :)

dina said...

I know he is filthy rich now but spoiling coke like this? Naughty boy.

wideyes said...

@ Maryann, OMG Im such a douch! haha! I forget not all people on here are brits. We kinda like to joke about stuff when its obvious its not the case. Like its obvious Rob would never walk down the street covered in narcitics Haha!

wideyes said...

Haha! dina, I think if I was as rich as Rob I would be snorting gold. :D

enjoykim said...


Hmm,picturing heated and drunk Rob in a smoky club taking all his layers off(preferably in slowmotion) is saucy...

Maryann said...

@wideyes I SHOULD be used to your crazy Brits by now..I got enough friends who are Brits..usually I catch it but they still manage to get me off guard lmao! Love it lol

I am from Norway, hehe.

I do agree with you on the me I cannot help but smile over his seemingly inability to well..button up, OR checking his pants for stains..LMAO. He just doesn't give a damnh.."I'm going "home" anyways...can't be arsed" lol

wideyes said...

Maryann, OMG! Thats what I love about Rob. "Please Rob never button your shirt right, always put your foot in your mouth in interviews, and never shave" I love those things about him him.
Seems all use brits put our foot in our mouth. Russell Brand all of us though. eeek!

rpgirl27 said...

Sir? Jackson Rathbone??LOL
an open bar and a song about polygamy...hmmmm...sounds like good times to me!
and then throw in the visual that enjoykim gave us and that makes about the most perfect saturday night I can think of!

enjoykim said...


The most perfect saturday night would be ME taking his layers (and pants) off...;-)

Rossana said...

Robert is a brilliant actor but also follow their dreams is an everyday person who has every right to go out with friends to take some glasses behave as you want. same as everyone else in spite of what you do are common people who want to continue with their lives.

wideyes said...

Girls it doesn't just look like he took layers off. It looks like they where ripped off.
Anyone notice his red t shirt is ripped open?! He only has one red t shirt, so it has to be that one. Now ripped right down the middle, RRRRRAAAAW!

Emily said...

I agree Rossana. I'm glad he still goes out with his friends when he can, even though he probably knows he's going to get photographed doing it.

I think what makes me laugh about his pants is that realistically, that stuff has probably been there for a couple of weeks. That is, if those are even his pants.

noisefaidaus said...

Just a crazy Canadian here, the stuff on his pants a cigarette ashes.

I really don't give a flying f*ck how Rob is dressed. Can't say that I've ever seen him in a bad picture, he looks delicious in everything from hobo to dolce and gabbana.
The man care wear anything and look amazing.
I really like his don't give a f*ck attitude it will serve him well in Vancouver, and hopefully keep him grounded not go crazy hollywood.

rpgirl27 said...

Hmmm...hard to be sure but you might be right about the demise of the red shirt
all I know is that those are def ciggie ashes on his pants...damn black pants, if I'm at a club mine end up the same way

AmariLovely said...

I get the fact that Lainey DOES NOT like Twilight fans. I just get annoyed by how she lumps all the fans together and makes it sound like anyone who is a fan of Rob/Kristen must be a delusional idiot. I am not buying the fact that she gets all of those hate e-mails. Nope. I think she writes half of those herself to prove her lame point that "Twihards" are crazy nutso stalkers. She should go back and read what she was writing about Rob in November. I don't mind a sarcastic/opinionated blogger, I just don't like hypocrisy...

Mars said...

Oh, Rob! You dirty boy, you! Hahaha, how cute is Jackson Rathbone...?! Open bar... No wonder Rob and Kristen were there! haha, jk.

I wish he washed his (?) clothes more often... haha!

rpgirl27 said...

eh...I forgave her for all her Rob-related misdeeds prior to Cannes after she defended him so thoroughly during the whole she-who-will-remain-nameless*cough*slutbag-from-Cannes-incident
But I don't follow her, so I can't really give an opinion on anything after that.
actually, I don't follow any of the "gossip" blogs, so whatev

GiGi said...

I like Lainey. She is usually "spot on". She has met Rob and has seen him in person on some occasions...she knows what's going on with him. She did not like him at first, but after the Cannes "incident", (which she was there), she defended him and reported what really went down. I believe what she says.

Kel said...

Amari, great post. I read a post that Lainey wrote from last year and she was totally gushing about Rob and Kristen's chemistry and making comments about how cute a couple they would be, etc. Here's some of what she said last year during Twilight promotions

"But to all those Twilight superfans who are pining for a real life romance between the actors playing Edward and Bella, it’s probably not a stretch to believe in the possibility. And if I were to indulge in a little squealing myself, they would totally make a great couple."

She also talked about how Kristen behaved around Rob during an interview and said:

"In analysing it afterwards, and watching back the tape, to us it was the textbook behaviour of a girl – to borrow from Stephenie Meyer – in love with a guy trying desperately not to show it. Finally they changed the subject. Of course it was adorable."

She was just as guilty as those she's making fun of now. Total hypocrisy.

I get that there are a lot of crazy fans out there, but not all are that way. Plus, just because people think that Rob and Kristen might be together, it doesn't mean they are delusional, channeling them to be Edward and Bella, or think they are secretly engaged or married.

Emily said...

Hey Marz!

I know, I love Jackson. Oh, I mean "Sir Jackson." Was it him that wore the Zorro hat? lol!

dina said...

Totally agree Kel.

Mechevpao said...

I don´t see where the hypocrisy is? she said in the past she could see them as a couple, she is not saying anything against them now, is just joking at all the stupidity sometimes said by certain people, like the things she receives at her mails, and I agree she was making snarky comments about him, until Cannes when she saw what a nice guy he was against all of the other actors that are douches... and she also likes Kristen, so I think at this point if someone is offended by Lainey is because the person feels being called at the same attitude she is making fun of.

Now, those things at his pants could be so many things… how easily we could entertain for hours just speculating what is on Rob´s pants hahaha

Karina said...

I adore lainey because she's so acidic and hilarious, but please note that when it comes to twilight stuff, she's the opposite side of the same coin as ted casablanca.

Ted has his demographic, and panders to them. Lainey has her demographic and panders to them. Ted has the looney shippers who think Robert and kristen are doing hand commitment ceremonies and got married in Italy last may. lol

Lainey has the antishppers and twilight haters, so she tends to pander to them a lot as well. I agree with a lot of what she says, but she has an agenda just as much as TEd does.

But god bless her, those serial killer letteres she gets make my day!lol

bonemama said...

The fact that anyone would let that man go back to the hotel alone is beyond me.

Karina said...

ps---re: lainey and hypocrisy. Here's my take on lainey. I think initially when she saw Robert and Kristen in person, she thought there was definitely something there, and then did gush about it.

What I think happened SINCE then(I'm a regular reader so I've noticed the change), is two things:

1) Her regard for Kristen Stewart skyrocketed when she did not pander to twilight fans, while her regard for Robert plummeted when he started doing cliches Hollywood clubbing things last Winter. And from then on, it was more like she acted like Kristen was too good for him. lol

2) SHE HATES HOW SHIPPERS OVEROMANTICIZE EVERYTHING R/K DO. And I get her point on this. If you notice, she actually never denies they have something there. It's more that she loves to pour cold water on shippers by making them seem insane--which THEN generates better hatemail--which THEN makes her demographic happy with all the craziness.. :)

Lainey's smart, she knows how to push buttons and piss people off, make her demographic happy, while in the end not really commenting on the nature of robert and kristen's relationship at all other than to comment on the shipper's insanity in how they interpret it.

katie said...

Lainey is so funny. She thinks Robert is kind of sexless, and mocks his "mother hips" all the time and his open mouthed posing. She thinks Kristen can do no wrong though, and often says robert should learn from her how to conduct herself because she's less of a pushover than him.

Lainey refuses to blog about them in terms of possible coupledom because she hates how twihards act abotu them together. But she'll tweet about it, and give links to sources regarding them together that she thinks are reliable.

Mars said...

Hey Emily! Hope you're still on...

I think it was Jackson who wore the hat... I mean, Rob... in a Zorro hat? Let's just picture that for a sec... Hahahah!

Susana said...

I agree with KARINA and KATIE. I read Lainey every day and all what you said is true.
And I sooo embarrased about those hate mails(how do you,people, say, second hand?). It seems as every Rob supporter is a crazy woman, insane and mental.
I hope you understand what I´m trying to say, my English is very poor. I´m from Spain, you know, lol.
BTW, MADRID 2016!!

skorpia said...

I love lainey-she cracks med up. She was lucky enough to meet ROb and get his vibe. Some people are not the same on paper as in person.I gag when twihards want Roband KS to be a couple. Im still rooting that its temporary. Just my opinion.

Suz said...

LAUGHING MY FOOOOOKING AZZ OFF @"hand job behind the brolly stand!"


Don't judge.

katie said...

well, her vibe of rob is not very complimentary if you read what she writes about him. That's why I don'[t really take her view too faithfully. Her husband, who she agreed with, after watching him all night, concluded he acts like a "retard." That he acts slow, and lumbering, and that he acted like someone who just woke up. They both concluded in person he has little charisma, is awkward, and somewhat boring.

Her first impression was better, that he was polite and pleasant and unaffected. But by the time she had the chance to observe him during oscar week, she found him bland and boring and not very interesting.

Unknown said...

Lainey pisses me off. Ya know she once said that he had "mothering hips" !!!

She hates twilight fans and takes it out on Rob. It's like she doesn't understand why so many are into him and has made it her job to prove to all that he's not worthy of the attention.

Anonymous said...

i like lainey she is funny and smart. the hate mails she gets is quite entertaining :)
omg! lov jackson voice yummy!!!

beyonce said...

lol, I'm a little surprised at the lainey love train here. She's quite disparanging of Robert.

Don't think her mocking ends with twihards, she would mock the HELL out of this site if she ever looked it over.

She hates "minivan" robert lovers, as she calls them, just as much as she hates twilight fans.

GiGi said...

Lainey has met Rob...she knows whats going on with him. She knows if he and Kristen are together or not. She knows whats up. She has said nice things about him...that he's humble, polite, etc. But also noted that he's "boring" or whatever. He's not perfect, as are none of us. He has his good points and bad points. I for one like her and trust more what she says than any of the other sites or gossip hounds. I check her site 1st thing every day. (besides this one!)

Unknown said...

Yeah, she goes out of her way to be an ass about Robert Pattinson. Even when there's nothing to say, she'll pull something lame right out of her bum. Her last comment about RP: he doesn't know how to hold a microphone.

Srsly? that's the best snark you could come up with, Lainey?

Jewels64 said...

Laimey is starting to make more sense to me. SCARY!!

Now the fan who sent that letter? EVEN SCARIER!!!

At least my friends who are Robsten fans have class!!!!

beyonce said...

lainey has met him twice where she actually interacted with him. The first time was on the twilight set. The second was at the etalk studios. The second time is when she swore there was something between robert and kristen and she wouldn't be suprised if they got together at some point.

That was her direct impression. Then in winter she countered TEd and said it was a fantasy thinking they were together. Then she retreated, and in May, tweeted about them at the Charlie Hotel and them hanging out at the Chauteau Marmont and acknowledging that they were spending a lot of time together.

So, that's Lainey's take. She just emphasizes the robstenites being weird in her blogs, because that's more fun to read.

Loisada said...

Yep... Lainey is a great lightning rod, love her or hate her. I think her snark is often dead on, and no, she doesn't hesitate to turn it on Rob. She hates the open mouth pout and is turned off by his wide hips (sorry Yves, but they aren't narrow!). But so what? Thank heaven not everyone goes gaga over his body type and language... or we'd have so many ladies on here we wouldn't even be able to log on!

I like the way she brings the fantasizing romance-slingers back down to earth: hand jobs more likely than cheesy hand ceremonies? Me thinks so too!

Karina said...

Lainey is a total smart ass with almost everyone. Except Kristen Stewart, but that's because KS is her girlcrush! lol Robert is not spared by any means.

But I do wonder why she hints there's something going on between R/K for awhile now in her tweets, but not on her blog.

I always found that funny. maybe it goes back to knowing her audience though.

dayzdnconfuzd said...

I've always liked Lainey's site. Nothing she writes about Rob is really over the top. Most of it is pretty accurate, just "Rob was here" or "Rob was there" with no innuendo or plain old made up crap. Sure, she doesn't find him attractive, but so what? Is that really such a crime worthy of some of the batsh!t crazy e-mails she gets? The women that write those e-mails, by the way, really should be ashamed of themselves. And refrain from reproducing.

Unknown said...

IDK, I guess I'm just not into her particular brand of gossip. I don't like people that snark on others for no real reason. And I hate body snark - whether it is directed at a male or female. I think you can be funny without being mean spirited. And all her twi-taunting? She's playing to her audience - just like Ted Casablancas does.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

so i have 3 questions........1.Who the hell is this lainey chick? she close friends with Rob and Kris?

and 3.why should anyone care what the fuck she have to say?
is her word the gospel?
or is it base upon her own observations,
No gossip site dictates my believes,i take all of them with a grain of salt.i think with My own brain,No one influence me.......ok maybe Rob lol

beyonce said...

the only reason she only tweets about r/k together and not on her blog is because she won't admit she was wrong outright.

she swore up and down that the only person in the cast robert was canoodling with was nikki, and that's the reason why she made a big deal about saying that robert and kristen weren't together. And right after making her grand stand,robert and kristen were at sam's concert alone,etc. that made her look out of the loop.

By the time the charlie hotel thing came around, she conceded to them possibly being together, but only by tweet, she wouldn't admit it on her blog because of all her grandstanding.

beyonce said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kel said...

Yves, I completely agree with you. I don't care for her snark, especially her "retard" comments. I hate it when that word is used to describe someone. It is totally rude, disrespectful, and offensive.

You're right about her being another Ted.

keti said...

HOT !!
HOT !!
HOT !!
HOT !!

*** LOVE IT ***
*** LOVE IT ***

Goz you are my STAR !

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

OMG iam loving the new banner,i love it when he put those looooong sexy fingers through that bed head hair .....Hot Damn

keti said...

........... and those L O N G
fingers in his tshirt .... YUM!!

Unknown said...

I'm going through Lainey Gossip's previous articles regarding Rob to see what the fuzz is about, I don't usually go there, I just like how she has those detailed photos of celebrities, specially when it's Rob.

But it would be irritating if she did have those nasty comments on Rob, oh well people are entitled to their opinion, so might as well just ignore it.

Unknown said...

one thing to keep in mind peoples , is that lainey and ted have been having a pissing match over "robsten" since April, calling out one another in their blogs in passive agressive ways.

Both have drawn a line in the sand of where they stand. Ted looked like a complete nutcase back in spring, but lately he's had the upperhand since Robert and kristen seemed to have gotten close in some capacity.

Lainey looked like the voice of reason last spring, but she's lost some ground since summer with r/k's suggestive actions and behavior. Lainey is not going to ever be like "oh, how cute are they?' because that's not where she drew her line in the sand.

So, what she does now is like "oh, how pyscho are they?"=--not about r/k, but robsten shippers. And to be quite honest, the shippers write half ot he jokes themselves by their rabid behavior on Ted's blog.

Both Ted and Lainey have painted themselves in a corner, and BOTH have had to tap dance around their lines when they've been wrong or inaccurate.

Loisada said...

Do you really hate Lainey, or the idea that whatever Rob and Nikki shared before their very obvious falling out just might might might have involved some canoodling? Is that idea really that outlandish or repulsive?

Seems like Lainey's decided to let sleeping dogs lie.. not a bad idea. I don't follow her, but her articles don't show up here much anymore so she must not spend too much time on Rob. Most of her Rob reporting seems to be responses to hate mail from Twihards... who should have better ways to wile away their time (Rob ogling, anybody!) than trading insults with a rag hag, who, BTW, when things got down and dirty, put Dutra and EH in their places without mercy. Guess she does not like people who try to piggyback on "friends" or peddle outright lies...

She clearly doesn't get the Rob craze, finds him to be milktoast. Gets snarky about it. But the criticism is usually pretty humdrum, and she tempers with reports of how much her BFF adores him. Each to his/her cup of tea!

DesiEnM said...


1)She is a blogger, she interviews celebritys for etalk and is probably the most biased person on earth..
2)hahaha...ok that cracked me is NOT friends with them lol...she kinda loves K and with Rob she just always has something bad to say about him...nothing too hurtful but totally retarded...and is a total hypocrite when it comes to him..she says she doesn't like him but is always ALWAYS writing about only in his articles but in other's people too...for example today.. ..and this is every fuc-ing day...
3)a lot of people seem to take her seriously she lives in Vancouver and has huge sources *coughSummitNRcough* because rumor has it she works for summit...hence the exclusive pictures that ONLY her papz get and the descripcions of every scene every day...and rumor has it also that her source in the whole Nikki/Robert thing was Nikki sounded wayyy too made up and she lives kissing nikki's ass...oh and also only lainey's papz r the ones that get nikki's pictures...ALL. THE. TIME.

-she has met rob two times when he wasn't so famous and didn't say anything bad about him, i think she actually liked him... ..

-and her take on the whole R/K thing is that they aren't anything...or at least that's what she always writes...she says that they r friends but the fans make everything up..the thing is that she has her tale between her legs cause she always talked about how in love KS and her boyfriend were and how he was so many times in NM set and the dude wasn't even there...she was proved false with evidence so thats why she almost never writes about them now...and the whole thing that she started with NR/RP was also proven false no even ONE single picture of them by themselves or in any compromise situation...again she was proved wrong and now she or doesn't write about them at all or says really sarcastic things and put some twi hatemail out there for distract people...
Sorry if this was too long...i really had to say it...she's really REALLY funny with everything except the twilight cast...well taking out NR because she LURVES her..i would recomend u to read her but take everything as a fanfiction..and the photos are sometimes good...and if you wants to hate her read this...

Unknown said...

and it's not that she doesn't think he's "hot." She does and has said so more than once. The point is that she just gets off on crackin on him. because she thinks it's "cool" or something.

TwiHartRK said...

Laimey brings out the crazies.

Unknown said...

you would think writers would get how "off trend" it is to use the term "retard" as a put-down. :)

TwiHartRK said...

I've never heard her compliment Rob or even insinuate that any appreciation is justified. She might have a little sympathy for him but only because she thinks like ALL his fans are insane, stalkerish, crack whores who can't form a complete sentence. She might be funny but I still can't stomach her condescending banter. She needs to take her 'freebie' w/her beloved Colin Farrell and maybe she won't be so bitchy. Blech.

beyonce said...

loisada-No, I actually think something did happen between nikki and robert. That doesn't bother me at all. I thought it was a cute coupling at the time. I was no "shipper" at the time.

What I don't like is the fact that several outlets called Nikki out for tipping off the paps whenever she was with Robert OR kristen in public during the winter of '08, and Lainey turned around and acted like Nikki was the one being put upon by Robert, basically saying that poor Nikki figured out robert was not the type to settle down with and that she was going to aim higher next time around. Give me a break, Lainey wants her cake and eat it too.

Tess said...

Oh Goz!! I heart you big time for posting this ~ And I have to say that Lainey has had the good sense to stay out of the cast personal life.. which is more than I can say for TC. He's been making some pretty pointed digs at the two people who've been bringing him hits to his site like he's never seen before - all because they won't play his game.

Unknown said...

well I read the Cannes article but it wasn't Lainey who wrote good things about Rob, but it was Laura, her manager???(sorry I forgot) so I guess she doesn't have anything good to say about Rob, even at the start of the film(twilight) he thinks Rob is anime looking...

I think if people would get flared up by her rude comments and email her the more bad things she'll say because that's how she gets attention..and people should realize that and stop because it's just fueling the already engulfing fire.

Anonymous said...

well...that's quite the enthusiastic fan. and by enthusiastic, i mean batshit crazy.

debbie: words of advice. take a 1/4 of a valium before your next email sweetie.

the rest of it was pretty damn funny :)

Shani said...

That bitch is funny. A lot of the times I will be cracking up. She is pricesless with her fuckery.LOL

But we still keep in the back of our minds her lies and half truths coming from a certain source,any source, or even her own eyes.

It's all fun and games until...

Shani said...
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Shani said...

Tess- No Lainey hasn't. She was the one that started Rob was "fuck buddies" with Nikki. Everybody believed Nikki was her source.

Shani said...

beyounce- You are so right about that whole Nikki and Lainey thing.

GiGi said...

I don't think Nikki and Rob were ever together. I think Lainey and Nikki are good friends, and all that was publicity driven. As for Rob and Kris...idk, sometimes I think they're "together", and sometimes I think they're just friends. I guess we'll never know for sure til all this Twilight mess is over and they all go their seperate ways!

Sassy said...

Ladies, you DO realize that Lainey makes fun of the women obsessed with Rob Pattinson ALL the time. You guys ARE included in the TwiHards she's mocking. You DO realize this, don't you? She's not just making fun of those who think R/Kristen are together. She's also making fun of the Rob mania.

Sassy said...

AmariLovely...Lainey is bitter. She was being fed bad info from Nikki about Rob during NM filming. Since she cannot admit she trusted the wrong person person, she choses to mock twilight fans instead. Although a good number of twilight fans are looking slightly insane, not all of them are like Lainey likes to make them out to be. She probably does right those letters herself.

TwiHartRK said...

Yes, Sassy. Yes we do.

Sassy said...

Kel...exactly. Also, for those of you who think lainey was all about defending Rob after Cannes, you are being too nice and giving her too much credit. She wrote that article so she could bag on Emile Hirsh (who DID NOT set up Rob). She's since posted many degrading and malicious comments about Rob. It wasn't about Rob, it was her chance to bash on someone she dislikes more than Rob.

Karina said...

Make no mistake---TC AND LAINEY ARE ONE AND THE SAME. They have the same job. Just different gossip niches when it comes to Robert.

LAiney, to be honest, has said much more horrible things about Robert in terms of gossip than TC has.

Lainey was one of the biggest perpetuators of the lie that Robert left Natalie Portman hanging at a post-oscar party--in order to receive a blow job from Paris Hilton. There were NUMEROUS sources refuting this rumor, yet Lainey ran with it and would not backtrack. Went as far as to say that Robert should be dead to Robert fans for stiffing Natalie in order to get a blow job from paris hilton.

Before TC became a rabid racoon over all things "Robsten," TC always painted Robert as this guy who was introverted, rebellious in the sense he would not be Summit's monkey, and very modest. And also, argued he was not the whore people were making him out to be. That he was more prone to isolating himself off from others than whoring himself out.

So, yeah. TC is insane with his Robsten gravy train. But Lainey has hardly taken the high road when it comes to Robert smut. Both are gossip mongers, and they peddle just as much as the other.

TwiHartRK said...
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TwiHartRK said...

Well said Karina!
Sass you're right! I think Laimey deserves the hate mail she gets. Unfortunately she can pick and choose what emails she prints. Of course she shares the emails from the crazies to help make her point that "all Rob's fans are nuts."

Sassy said...

Let's give Rob some credit too. I have it from good sources that he and nikki were FWB LONG ago. Like spring of 2008. Nikki just couldn't accept that was it was over, it was over. She wanted to use him for the publicity being with Rob brings. Once Rob realized the kind of person she is (when she started calling the papz everytime they hung out, name dropping, etc.) he distanced himself. The guy is smart. Nikki is trouble. He realized it and got away. You have to admit, if he is dating Kristen, at least she doesn't call the papz every time they are together. She definitely would not use him for publicity or anything else.

Unknown said...


Umm! If you google pictures of Robert and Nikki, you will see plenty of pictures of just the 2 before and after twilight came out. Hell there is even a picture that looks like Nikki was/is driving Robert beat up BMW. There are also pics where theypicked up boxes and they were moving these boxes to a house. So there are Pics!!!!!

beyonce said...

I think they were hooking up back then, but there are A LOT of pictures because it's been established by several news outlets that Nikki tipped them off all the time whenever she was with Robert or Kristen. The pictures where they are getting boxes are so funny because Robert's looking to the side like "wth, how did you find me" while Nikki is smiling straight at the cameras!lol

There's a reason you don't see anymore pictures with Robert and Nikki anymore...

beyonce said...
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kchambers77 said...

i think he really is batman and was almost caught changing in the car and hence the missed buttons on his shirt.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Lainey, she's hilarious. Everything she says about Twihards/Robsten ahippers is right, they are insane, it's the truth. You just have to come here on a daily basis to know it. That ruins everything for the rest of the fans out there that just love Twilight, Robert, Kristen and the rest of the cast but could care less about a serious relationship between the costars or not. It's really annoying.

Kat said...

Some peeps scare me. That "fan" is one of them.

Loisada said...

Karina, if she really implied that, then she goes on my slap down list (are you reading heavily btwn her lines? Didn't see her Oscars column). Sorry to see another back alley rumor even relaunched on a site as widely read as this... IMO crap is better off left in the crapper.

monika said...

Lainey is very lame, she can't stop taking cheap shots at Rob, even when talking about other celebs(see her post on Brendan Fraser from yesterday). she does that all the time, she's obsessed in a 'bad' way and pathetic.

monika said...

At the very least R and K are FWB, I refuse to believe that since MA is out of the picture and he IS, and those two have been practically inseparable for a few months(bar two when he was filming RM) that they aren't getting it on with each other.
It's not wishful thinking, it's being realistic. R wants her, he's never made it a secret, he can't hide his feelings, he's like an open book, and she would have to be asexual, made of stone or whatever to resist him, seriously lol Being 'just' friends is out of the question at this point, what with the evidence(circumstancial or not) that has been pilling up the past few months, you can make a case with what we already have

Karina said...

Loisada-no, didn't have to read between the lines, because the rumor she went with sided with those details of what down. But you're right, I deleted that post and will just repost the other thoughts minus the detailed rumor:

Make no mistake---TC AND LAINEY ARE ONE AND THE SAME. They have the same job. Just different gossip niches when it comes to Robert.

LAiney, to be honest, has said much more horrible things about Robert in terms of gossip than TC has.

Lainey was one of the biggest perpetuators of the lie that Robert left Natalie Portman hanging at a post-oscar party--and implied very crude things about him regarding Paris Hilton of all people. SEveral trusted and reliable sources completely dissed this rumor and it was clear it was a lie, but Lainey would not backtrack.TC even outright called her out for her bad information on that, sighting why she was wrong.

Before TC became a rabid racoon over all things "Robsten," TC always painted Robert as this guy who was introverted, rebellious in the sense he would not be Summit's monkey, and very modest. And also, argued he was not the whore people were making him out to be. That he was more prone to isolating himself off from others than whoring himself out.

So, yeah. TC is insane with his Robsten gravy train. But Lainey has hardly taken the high road when it comes to Robert smut. Both are gossip mongers, and they peddle just as much as the other.

Karina said...

one more thing loisada-I actually like Lainey a lot purely for her entertainment value, she has a biting humor to her.

But I think to legitimize her more than a Ted Casablanca, just because she says things you like more, is silly. She runs with bad information, and rarely backtracks when she clearly got bad information. Her and Ted are opposite sides of the same coin.

Loisada said...

Thanks Karina for the editing. Out of curiosity, I afterwards googled "Pattinson Hilton 2-letter-act" and it took me right to this site and this thread! The Net can send some wicked things out there permanently. But all things said, you're right, Lainey and TC are both bottom feeders wrapped up in snarky humor.

jmm4832 said...

I don't like this Lainey's brand of humor at all. Not that I'm a Ted C. fan mind you, but Lainey's said more horrible things about Robert.

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